I Was the Daughter of a Porn Star, Chapter 58

  • Posted on November 14, 2016 at 5:32 pm

Nocturnal Wanderings: Farewells and Love

By Cheryl Taggert 

If you need help keeping up with the characters, you may go here.

Cindy was feeling anxious, and why not? She was scheduled to die on Monday, and now it was Friday evening. She and Carlo had managed to contact Gwen, the private investigator who was assisting them in getting her and the twins out of there, and she knew that Gwen and Kayleigh were planning to arrive in Colombia in a hired plane tomorrow. She didn’t know all the details, but she knew her part.

The two women from California had also promised to bring clothing for them to wear once they were on the plane. Cindy felt she was probably close enough to the same size as before, and she guessed at the twins’ sizes, including shoes.

The danger inherent in executing this escape was not lost on her. She knew she could be hastening her death, not prolonging it. Still, that only meant hastening it by two days. The plan seemed simple enough, but they were depending on a lot of luck.

Pablo was a careful man. He didn’t survive this long without being cunning while accurately predicting the moves of others. If he suspected she might be trying to flee, he would take steps to ensure that didn’t happen, up to and including her immediate beheading instead of waiting until Independence Day.

Carlo had driven Pablo into Bogota for a meeting, and they wouldn’t be returning until sometime after midnight at the earliest, meaning her lover would be staying the night at the compound. She wondered if he would chance coming into her room but felt he probably wouldn’t.

They had wondered if their feelings for each other had triggered Pablo’s decision to have her beheaded. The thought that Carlo may be next had not escaped them as well. She had begged him to join them in their escape to California, but he had refused, worrying that if he left his mother and sister behind, they would bear Pablo’s wrath instead of him.

“At least if I come back, I can plead ignorance of your plan to escape with the twins,” he had said, and while she hated that he would not come with her, she understood.

Now, she lay alone in her dark room once again. She glanced at the clock and saw it was still only a little after ten. As she had the evening before, she heard her bedroom door opening in the stillness.

“Rosalita?” she whispered into the dark.

“Sí,” Rosalita answered, then continued in Spanish. “We have come again, but this time we have friends with us.”

Then Cindy saw the twins, naked and smiling as they approached her bed from across the wide room. Rosalita and Gabriela were behind them, equally naked.

“My! What a surprise this is!” Cindy said, happy she had company that could take her mind off her worries.

“I thought the two of us could watch the children,” Rosalita said, meaning something entirely different from babysitting. “Then we could join in.”

Suddenly, Cindy felt free. For the first time in over half a decade, free. She was aware of being held captive and could die in her escape attempt, but her frame of mind was different now. She welcomed this visit because it may be the last time she was able to make love with anyone, male or female, child or adult. She could die tomorrow. It occurred to her that this was also the reason she had so readily had sex after hearing of the plan to execute her.

Now, though, she was feeling alive and extremely horny. “That’s what I love about you, Rosalita. You’re as perverted as I am,” she said, surprised at her own words and feelings. She could not recall how long it had been since she’d spoken so boldly about enjoying sex.

Rosalita giggled and joined Cindy on the bed, snuggling up to her and putting her hand on the woman’s upper thigh to caress the softness there. Cindy spread her legs a bit to allow access to her pussy, causing Rosalita to move her hand up to the moist slit and Cindy’s swelling labia and clit. Cindy gasped gently at the contact.

Gabriela spread a soft blanket on the floor, and she and the twins lay on it. Rosalita turned on a bedside lamp so they could see what the girls were doing.

Cindy rubbed her eyes from the sudden onslaught of light. “You should not turn that on,” she protested. “If Pablo comes in early, he’ll see the light on and come here.”

Rosalita smiled at her. “Carlo told me that if they were returning before one o’clock, he would call the house phone and let it ring once. We will hear it ring on the extension in the next room.”

She was still nervous but decided she would stop worrying. Whatever happens, happens, she thought to herself and started watching the show on the floor nearby, figuring that if Pablo did come in early and catch this show, he would probably join them to enjoy it. That would be the end of the fun for them, but at least they wouldn’t have to endure his anger.

Sophia and Sonia watched Gabriela as she performed the trick of eating her own pussy. They marveled at the girl’s ability, and of course they had to attempt it before being forced to abandon the task.

The twins lay on their tummies and watched as Gabriela licked her own pussy. Then they glanced at each other and moved together to where they could join their tongues with Gabriela’s.

Now, three tongues were dancing all around the nine-year-old’s wet pussy. The women heard the older girl’s breath quicken.

Rosalita’s fingers were massaging Cindy’s labia, coating everything with the slick honey that was oozing from her vagina.

Cindy reached over and started doing the same for Rosalita. She loved the soft feel of the woman’s outer labia. Cindy had learned the woman shaved her pussy daily and used creams to keep it soft like a little girl’s. She felt her mouth begin to water with the anticipation of licking this childlike pussy on a grown woman’s body.

Meanwhile, Gabriela lay back and allowed the twins to lick her for a moment before disengaging her body from the mouths of the two little girls and getting them all into a daisy chain. Gabi began to kiss and lick Sonia, who was now licking her sister Sophia’s pussy. Sophia was devouring Gabriela’s bald slit.

The women continued to watch and rub each other, but Cindy wouldn’t be able to keep this up for long. She needed more. Rosalita’s fingers felt heavenly, but she wanted to feel the housekeeper’s mouth on her pussy while using her own tongue on the bald pussy to bring the young woman to a climax.

She was suddenly struck with how much she loved sex with people like Rosalita, Carlo, and the girls while loathing the same contact with Pablo and his cohorts. When she’d been an expensive call girl, she would have sex with many different people, some she liked well, some she just tolerated for her job. This was more like the sex she’d had with her daughter, Jenna. This sex involved emotion, feeling, love. It was more than lust, it was mutual caring.

Cindy moved to where she could lick Rosalita, spreading her own legs to invite the young woman to feast on the offered slit. Soon, they were locked in an intense sixty-nine. Cindy was situated so she could look between Rosalita’s spread thighs and see the girls on the blanket on the floor, eagerly licking each other to orgasm. She heard the sounds of sucking mouths and felt her clit throb.

Gabriela begin to squeal as the approaching orgasm took control of the child. Cindy well knew these moaning squeals were involuntary, caused by the intensity of the feelings that spread throughout the body as the climax approached, and reaching its peak as the enormity of the orgasm filled the girl’s beautiful body.

She listened as Sophia sucked and licked Gabi until the girl shivered with the orgasm that took her. There was a sort of vibrato to the girl’s moans that seemed to coincide with the waves that tumbled through the nine-year-old girl who enjoyed sex as much as a grown woman did.

Then Rosalita was coming. It happened quickly, probably urged on by the sound of the woman’s daughter coming.

Suddenly, Rosalita was up and arranging Cindy onto her back. “Come,” she said to the girls.

The twins moved faster than Gabi, since the older girl had just finished her orgasm and was recovering, and soon Rosalita had them lying on their tummies and licking Cindy.

“This is supposed to be an orgy in your honor,” Rosalita said. “Lie back and relax. We will bring you to orgasm.”

Soon, Gabi was licking Cindy too, and Rosalita was moving from one girl to the next to lick the tender, young pussies and clean buttholes from behind.

“I want Gabi to sit on my face,” Cindy said, interrupting the girls for a moment. The child grinned and immediately positioned herself above Cindy’s mouth, lowering herself to Cindy’s greedy lips and tongue.

Now the twins were licking Cindy, Rosalita was licking the twins, and Cindy was licking Gabriela. The only thing lacking that would have made this perfect was Jenna — and freedom.

Cindy could feel the pleasure rising, steaming up toward a climax that the woman knew would be amazing. She had once visited Yellowstone National Park as a child and remembered it now. The approaching climax was like the geysers there. The water would steam and boil until release was imminent before gushing above the surface to touch the world outside the volcanic activity beneath the surface. She thought of that now as the orgasm built like a geyser. Soon the climax would rumble to the surface and present the awesome spectacle of the woman coming as she may never have before. That was the way with the best orgasms. Each seemed different and more intense than the last.

Suddenly the climax rocked her. She moaned and grunted, grinding her pussy on the twins’ mouths while plunging her own tongue into Gabi’s bald pussy. The young girl sitting on her face had come very recently and wasn’t there yet, but she in turn pressed her slit against Cindy’s mouth and nose, humping the woman’s face while the woman’s orgasm pulsed, tingling Cindy’s nipples into stiffness.

Meanwhile, Rosalita was working to bring the eight-year-0ld twins to their own climax. She would rub one slit while licking the other, then switch. She could tell the girls were getting closer by the second.

The housekeeper loved the feel of the girls’ small pussies against her mouth. The tender flesh tasted so fresh and clean, and the small folds of skin inside them felt wonderful against her tongue and lips. At age eight, the girls didn’t produce much in the way of wetness, but there was enough. The clean taste of the fluids the girls did produce was like the finest wine in the world to her. Besides, Rosalita’s saliva made their pussies as slippery as their juices would have.

Then Sophia was coming. Her tiny body jerked and twitched from the onslaught of pleasure. Rosalita kept her hand on Sonia’s pussy while Sophia came. When the child had finished with her climax, Rosalita moved to lick Sonia, wanting to make her come as quickly as she could.

Gabriela continued to ride Cindy’s mouth, feeling the woman’s tongue sliding along her slit as she felt her second orgasm of the night approaching. It would actually be her fourth climax that day since she had managed to masturbate herself to a pair of orgasms that morning. She felt a swift stab of pleasure each time Cindy’s tongue made wet contact with her clit. Her entire body was practically throbbing with the need to come again. She hitched her hips back and forth in a dance as old as time, pressing her cunt into the pretty face and feeling her clit sliding on the lips and bumping into Cindy’s nose. The intensity of the pleasure jolts increased and then she was there, screaming out the orgasm.

Cindy was amazed at how strong the nine-year-old Gabriela’s orgasms were. She could not remember how strong Jenna’s had been when she was seven, but she was certain they weren’t this mature, despite her having started so early. Gabi, too, had been lucky enough to get an early start with her sex life. Cindy wondered for a moment how powerful her daughter’s orgasms were now.

She realized she would find out soon if all went well.


Kayleigh lay awake the night before their trip, finding sleep more than elusive. It seemed impossible. Her mind raced with the quickly orchestrated details. She felt a strong fear about this, mostly because the plan had been so hastily assembled. The thought they were missing something important nagged at her like a loose thread, though try as she might, she could think of nothing.

Please let this work, she thought to herself.

She could feel Gwen in the bed beside her. Everyone else had moved to their own bedrooms at least two hours ago. The soft breathing indicated the detective had managed to fall asleep. Glancing at her bedside clock, she wondered if she were the only one awake at 2:47 a.m.

As she lay there staring at nothing, she noticed the various pairs of panties on the floor. She could pick out Cheryl’s, even in the dimness of the moonlight streaming through the sliding glass doors that led to the pool. They were her daughter’s favorite pair — red nylon, sporting tiny black bows along the waistband.

Suddenly, Kayleigh wanted to hold her daughter. No, it was more than simple want, it was need. She rose quietly from her bed and stepped through the quiet house to Cheryl and Jenna’s bedroom door.


Holding Jenna, I lay awake until well into the night. She fell asleep before I did, and I managed to nod off sometime later. I hadn’t slept long, though, when I heard the bedroom door opening, which caused me to wake up. I went from marginally asleep to wide awake in two seconds.

It was my mom and she was naked, of course, as were Jenna and I. She pulled the covers back and slipped in beside me.

“You awake?” she asked, as she pulled the covers up to cover her lower half.

“Yeah,” I said.

We were barely mumbling to each other, but Jenna stirred anyway. Rubbing her eyes, she saw Mom and me together.

“Hey,” she muttered. “Something wrong?”

“No,” Mom said. “I just wanted to be with my girls.”

Jenna leaned over and turned on her bedside lamp. When she turned back to us, I could see her lips turned up slightly, a small smile at my mom’s answer. I knew she loved my mom completely. I also knew she wanted her mother back, but she wasn’t looking forward to moving out of this house, which had been her home for nearly half her life now. She had looked at my mother and me as her family since her arrival.

As I watched Jenna, her lip began to tremble as tears spilled over her eyelids. Then she was crying. Sobs racked her. We both reached out and held her, and she squirmed to be between us.

“I love you both so much,” she squealed through her sobs.

“I know,” Mom said, kissing Jenna on the forehead. “We love you too.”

“I know,” Jenna cried, echoing Mom’s reply to her. “I’m just going to miss you both so much. I don’t want to leave here. This is my home. You’re my family.”

I had started crying myself, feeling the loss of my sister deep inside the tightness of my chest. Mom said, “Oh, baby, you don’t have to leave.”

I looked at Mom. Huh? Where did this come from?

“I spoke to Randi, and she’s fine with your mom moving in with me. She doesn’t stay here most nights anyway. We’re not exactly a committed couple. Just good friends. Your mom will sleep in my bed with me and you’re staying here in Cheryl’s room.”

“Why didn’t you say something about this?” I asked through my tears.

“I didn’t?” Mom answered, truly thinking she had. Life in this house had been so chaotic that she didn’t realize she had said nothing of the plans for Cindy to move in with us.

Jenna squealed, but this time with joy. Turning to me, she hugged me, kissing me on the cheek and holding me so tightly I could barely breath. Then she was hugging Mom.

“Uugh!” Mom gasped as Jenna squeezed her rib cage.

Then we were all laughing, and the tears were sparked by laughter and utter happiness, not misery.

“What about the twin girls who are coming with Cindy?” I asked once we had gained self-control.

“They will sleep here in this room with the two of you. Aunt Emmy is going to have a new bed delivered tomorrow.”

Wow. Pretty eight-year-old twin girls sleeping in here? I wondered if I’d died and gone to heaven!

Then Jenna was, well, raping Mom. There was no other way to put it, except it wasn’t really rape since that only occurred when the person being attacked was unwilling.

Jenna pushed Mom onto her back and began sucking one nipple while pinching the other one. Mom was instantly turned on, or maybe she had been the entire time. But I could see the rising intensity of lust in her eyes.

As Jenna suckled the woman she’d thought of as her mother for the past five years, I leaned in and began kissing Mom, our tongues exploring each other’s mouth as if they had not been there thousands of times before. I felt her reaction to Jenna’s fingers entering her pussy. She was already close, and it took no more than a minute for her to reach her first orgasm with us as Jenna finger-fucked her, the staccato sound of her palm slapping the wet flesh accompanying each stroke.

Somewhere in the middle of our threesome, I suddenly realized something. Mom had come into our room to be with us because she was not totally certain she would return from Bogota. Soon after I reached my second orgasm of our mini-orgy, this occurred to me and I started crying. Suffocating fear welled inside me. It ended the lovemaking for me, though I continued making sure my mother and sister enjoyed their final orgasms. Mom noticed the tears and sadness painting my face, but she must have already known why because she said nothing.

The plans everyone had made were fine if everything worked out, but if something went wrong, just one little thing….

It was too frightening to even consider.

Continue on to Chapter 59


16 Comments on I Was the Daughter of a Porn Star, Chapter 58

  1. sue says:

    I love the sex but the tension is killing me.

  2. Cheryl says:

    Not to worry, Sue. The next chapter is the first of two chapters that cover the rescue attempt.

  3. Drod says:

    Oh, Cheryl. Please don’t let this end in heartbreak. I’m really fond of these characters, and want nothing but happiness for them. 😉

  4. Cheryl says:

    No comment… 😉

  5. Jen L. Lee says:

    A quality tale takes time to unfold. Be patient, y’all.

  6. Cheryl says:

    Thank you, Jen! Quality tale?? I’m so happy you think so! :*

  7. Evan says:

    Cheryl… hurry up! The suspense is outweighing the incredible sex. Love it 🙂 I agree with Drod about no heartbreak.

  8. Cheryl says:

    Evan, I’ve done my part, but other stories are being posted, including a new story by JetBoy, “The Hooker,” which is amazing. I have actually written drafts through chapter 63.

    Anyway, the first part of the rescue attempt should post in the next few days, and the next chapter, which will end this part of the novel, will post about a week after that.

    Then we get into a LOT of sex — along with a new character — for a few chapters.

    I am near ecstasy that everyone is enjoying this so much!!!

  9. Bryan says:

    Fuck you’re KILLING ME

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