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Playing with Barbie

  • Posted on January 31, 2017 at 2:18 pm






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I Was the Daughter of a Porn Star, Chapter 71

  • Posted on January 30, 2017 at 2:37 pm

Getting to Know Each Other, Part One

By Cheryl Taggert 

If you need help keeping up with the characters, you may go here.

I got to Lisa’s and rang the doorbell after parking at the curb. Waiting for someone to answer the door, I looked around, taking in the view from their front stoop. The big tree where I hid to listen to Brenda and Lisa was across the street in their neighbor’s yard. For the first time, I wondered what the neighbor heard and saw that night.

There was a large plate glass window to the right of Lisa’s front door as I faced the street, and I wondered what Lisa’s family heard or saw that night as well.

The door opened, and Rachel stood there, grinning at me.

“C’mon in,” she said. “Checking out the scene of the crime?”

At first I didn’t follow what she meant, but she indicated the area across the street with a nod of her head. Did she know I had been there? Who else knew? Stepping into the entryway of the house, I again wondered what Lisa and her mother had talked about in the conversation Lisa referred to on the phone earlier.

I looked at Rachel again, feigning ignorance.

“You know,” she said. “The night Lisa dumped that bitch Brenda?”

I continued to look confused, hoping my acting skills were adequate.

She gave me a crooked grin. “My sister tells me everything.”

Okay, so I couldn’t try to deny it. And her emphasis of that last word had me wondering what ‘everything’ might entail. Did she go so far as to describe our lovemaking? I was again reminded how often sisters, especially those close in age, fool around with each other growing up. Did Lisa tell her about stuff like that to turn her sister on?

“Okay, guilty as charged,” I said. Glancing farther into the home, I added, “Does everyone know?”

“Yeah, but don’t let it get your panties in a wad or anything. We know your motives were pure, and that’s what matters most.”

I was embarrassed but tried to handle the situation as best I could. “Well, yeah. I was just — remembering — you know?”

Then something else she said occurred to me. She had referred to Brenda as ‘that bitch.’ I asked, “I take it you didn’t like Brenda?”

“None of us did,” Rachel said. “Mom never trusted her, and she and Lis would argue about it.”

I glanced into the main living area of the house again, making sure nobody was coming. “Can I ask you something?”


“What do you know about the relationship between your sister and me?”

“You mean, do I know you’re lovers?”

I felt myself blush and nodded.

“Well, my question sort of answered yours, didn’t it?”

“I guess it did. Do your parents know too?”

Rachel got this ‘aha!’ look and asked, “Do you think my mom didn’t like Brenda because she and Lis were lovers?”

“It crossed my mind.”

Rachel laughed at that. “We don’t care that my sister’s a lesbian, if that’s what you mean. It’s been an open topic since Lis was about twelve.”

I liked how Rachel called her sister by the shortened version of her name. It spoke of closeness and acceptance.

“Lisa’s known she’s a lesbian since then?”

“Well, that’s when Mom caught her with her girlfriend. They thought it was a phase for a while until my sister didn’t want to date guys once she got to high school. Then they just, you know, accepted it. We can’t help who we love.”

I smiled at her. I could tell I was going to like Rachel. She had a good head on her shoulders, as my mom would say, and she was open and easy to talk to.

I looked again into the rest of the house, and Rachel put my mind at ease. “Don’t worry. Mom’s too busy with dinner and Dad’s in his office grading papers. They won’t barge in. Mom told me to ‘entertain’ you while Lisa finished her business.”

I wondered what she meant by ‘finished her business’ until I heard a toilet flush in the bathroom just down the short hall to our right.

Rachel noticed my recognition, laughed, and said, “Yeah, the whole world knows when you take a shit here.”

I couldn’t help myself, I said, “Do you know I’m falling in love with your sister?”

Rachel grinned. “Well, I know she’s falling in love with you, which means you better be or I’m gonna have to kick your ass.”

We laughed at that and Lisa came into the room. “What’re you guys laughing at?”

“Nothing much,” I said. “I just really like your sister.” I grinned at Rachel, who grinned back at me. I could tell she liked me too. How they knew I was nothing like Brenda I couldn’t tell, but I was glad they did.

“Well, you won’t mind if I say I hope you don’t like her too much,” Lisa said, glancing back and forth between us.

I looked at her with sudden understanding. “Oh! No! Not like that!”

Rachel pretended to be insulted. “What’s wrong with me? I’m not pretty enough?”

I giggled at her antics and said, “Well, yeah, you are, but, well, you’re straight.”

Lisa and Rachel exchanged a look and burst out laughing. I realized that maybe she was a lesbian too.

“Shall we tell her?” Rachel said.

Lisa looked at me and said, “Well, you’re half right. Let’s just say if she’d been at that party last night, she would have been wearing a star and a diamond.”

I looked at Rachel, my mouth gaping. “Oh! You’re bi!”

Rachel looked at her sister and said, “Smart girl. I definitely approve.”

“Do your parents know about that too? About you being bi?” I asked Rachel.

“Weeellll… yeeaaah,” she said, cutting her eyes at Lisa. How she answered suggested that maybe their parents weren’t so thrilled about that, yet they were fine with the fact that Lisa was a lesbian. It didn’t add up.

“Long story. Maybe I’ll tell you about it sometime,” Lisa said, ending that part of the conversation.

Looking at Lisa, I decided to go for broke on our budding romance. “Rachel tells me you’re falling in love with me.”

It was Lisa’s turn to look at someone, in this case Rachel, with her mouth gaping open in surprise. “Rach, don’t you think that’s something I should tell her?”

“Sorry, but only a fool wouldn’t recognize it. The two of you are all moony-eyed around each other. I’m pretty certain she knew before I said anything.”

“Actually,” I said, “I didn’t fully know.” I looked at Lisa. “I suspected, but I didn’t know for sure.”

Rachel looked at me funny and said, “Why is it everyone in the world can tell if someone loves another person except the person being loved?”

Lisa remained silent, so I answered her. “Fear of being wrong.”

Rachel lightened the mood some by saying, “Oooo-kaaaay. I feel a group hug or something coming on, so I think I’ll see if Mom needs help in the kitchen.”

Lisa and I both laughed and looked at Rachel.

Rachel didn’t move to leave the room, and Lisa said, “Will you go? I want to be alone with Cheryl for a minute!”

Rachel walked up to me before leaving the room and hugged me. “All kidding aside, we’re glad you’re here. And I really like you, too. Besides, Lis says your pussy tastes delicious.”

When she broke the hug, Lisa was staring at her. “Okay,” Rachel said. “I’m going. I just wanted to welcome Cheryl to the family.”

When we were alone, Lisa said, “Do you have the hots for my little sister?”

I couldn’t exactly deny that I thought she was attractive, and in any other circumstances, I would definitely try to seduce her.

But my life was different now. I was falling in love for the first time in my life. The real stuff. I was shocked how quickly things had gone from attraction to love, and it made me re-think my philosophy about love at first sight. Maybe there was such a thing, and people misunderstood it as lust. I was aware that certain people had what is called chemistry for want of a better term.

Lisa and I were bathing in chemistry. Wallowing in it, in fact.

“If you’re asking me if I’m going to try to get her into bed, the answer’s no. That would hurt you, and I never want to do that again. If you want to know if I think your sister is sexy, all I can say is I can’t imagine anyone with an ounce of libido thinking otherwise.”

“She told me after we broke up that Brenda tried to get her into bed. I asked her why she never said anything, and she told me something that forced me to learn some bad things about myself. She said I wouldn’t have believed her. The worst part was she was right. I would have called her a liar. It would have possibly damaged our relationship enough to make it something different.”

“I would never do that,” I said. I never meant anything more in my life. “I love your relationship with her. The way you guys shorten your names to Lis and Rach. It shows how close you two are. I’d rather die than destroy or even damage that.”

Lisa smiled at me and stepped up in front of me. We kissed. It wasn’t a horny kiss, it was a lover’s kiss. One that said I love you more than it said I want you.

We were still kissing when we heard Lisa’s mom clear her throat.

Startled, we broke the kiss and looked at her.

Lisa’s mother, Donna, is a lovely woman. She was anywhere from her late thirties to very early forties, but she looked younger, maybe thirty-five at most. She kept herself in good shape, and I couldn’t help but think how lucky Lisa’s dad was to have someone that sexy at her age. I knew of a lot of women who just gave up once they reached their mid-thirties, especially if they were married or in a committed relationship. Donna looked as if she were still searching for the person to spend her life with and wanted to make sure he didn’t get turned off by so much as an ounce of fat. I later found out she played tennis nearly every day and would swim laps in the Olympic size pool at the university. She worked for UCLA as an athletic trainer for the swim and lacrosse teams.

In other words she was gorgeous, like her two daughters.

“Sorry to interrupt, but I was wondering if Cheryl would like to come join me for a glass of wine.”

Lisa looked at her mom. “Just Cheryl?”

“For now,” her mom said.

Obviously, she wanted some time alone with me. That could only mean one thing. She wanted to get to know me without any interference from Lisa. Or from Rachel for that matter since she shooed her younger daughter out of the kitchen when we came in to sit at the small breakfast table there. Lisa’s mom and I were now alone.

“Do you like red or white?” she asked.

“White,” I said.

“Is chardonnay okay with you?”

“That’s fine,” I said, and waited for the interrogation, grateful that I would at least have some alcohol to help make me less nervous. It wasn’t until later that I found out this was her intention for bringing out the wine in the first place, to help put me at ease. I also discovered later that she usually did not allow any alcohol to be consumed at her house until six o’clock in the evening, unless there was some kind of early party or celebration going on.

When she’d poured the glasses, she sat back and said, “Well, I figured dinner’s in the oven, so it would be a good time for the two of us to have a chat.”

“Yes, ma’am,” I said, taking a large gulp of my wine and struggling not to choke on it as too large of a swallow burned its way down to my twisting stomach. I would say it was good wine, but other than the burning, I couldn’t taste it at all. My taste buds seemed dead.

“I can see you are extremely fond of Lisa,” she said.

“Yes, ma’am,” I said, feeling stupid that I could think of nothing else to answer her.

“And you’ve obviously been raised to be polite and respectful with adults. So few people your age use ma’am and sir.”

“Thank you. My mom insists on it. If she found out I ever answered an adult with ‘yeah,’ she’d be very upset.”

I picked up that Ms. Brown was searching for a way to broach an uncomfortable subject.

“Ms. Brown?” I said.


“I can tell you have something to either ask or say that’s difficult to bring up. I’ve been asked many weird questions, and I’ve been told a lot of odd things by a lot of people. So whatever it is, why don’t you just say it?”

My heart was pounding in my chest, and I recalled the strange images I had of Lisa and her mom talking, and her mom bringing up how to break up with me. I was scared to death she would tell me I should not see her daughter again. I suddenly pictured that she and her husband weren’t nearly so accepting of Lisa’s lesbianism as they appeared to be. That in private they hated it, and I was just perpetuating their daughter’s journey through what they saw as a wicked, evil lifestyle that they thought was pure choice instead of hardwired in the brain.

“You’re very mature for your age. I like that,” she began.

Oh, pleasepleasePLEASE like more than that, I thought to myself, but said, “Thank you.”

“Well,” she said, taking a deep breath while I did the same to steel myself for the bad news. “It’s about… umm… your film career.”

Oh, fuck fuck fuck! How did she know? Had someone told her about it? Brenda, maybe? I could feel myself turning sixteen shades of red.

“Did someone… tell you… I was in a… movie?”

“Mmmm… not exactly,” she said.

Oh, God. She hadn’t heard about it. She’d seen it. My mother’s warning, once considered silly, slammed me with all its meaning. She’d said I would regret having people see me in a movie like that, but I hadn’t believed her. Now, I understood what she meant.

“How… uh…” I cleared my throat. “How did you know to look for me online, though?”

“This is the embarrassing part, for me and my husband anyway. We are… well… we are fans of your mom. Have been for years.”

“Oh?” I couldn’t think of anything else to say, which was worse than just saying yes ma’am to everything she said.

“We’d heard she was in a short scene with her own daughter, and this afternoon, I checked it out, not even realizing you were her daughter. Greg gets so busy with classes this time of year, I can find myself, uh, alone and needing, well, some relief.” Now she was blushing as she stammered through her confession of masturbating to my mom’s movies.

“Anyway, I can’t tell you how shocked I was to see your face on that video. Dear, you’re eighteen and can make these decisions for yourself, but I just want to make sure Lisa doesn’t get another broken heart when she finds out your naked body is out there for the world to see, not to mention having sex with another girl.”

Relief like I’d not known since my mother got home safely from rescuing Cindy flooded over me. She was worried about Lisa being hurt when she found out. Of course, what she didn’t know was that the movie was a big catalyst for our first interaction at registration day. Lisa was fully aware of the movies I’d made. Had enjoyed them numerous times, in fact.

“Is that what’s bothering you? That Lisa might find out about what I’d done and be hurt?”

“Well, that, and a desire to know if you plan on continuing your career as a porn actress.”

I didn’t want to tell on Lisa and her internet habits, but I also needed to put Ms. Brown’s mind at ease. I finished my wine in one swallow and looked at the mother of the girl I adored.

“Ms. Brown, if I tell you something, do you promise not to get upset?”

“Well, I can promise not to fly off the handle, but being upset is really not under a person’s control.”

“Okay. Just don’t fly off the handle.”

“I promise.”

“Lisa’s already seen my movies online. She’d seen them before we ever laid eyes on each other.”

Her back straightened up just slightly as a sudden understanding dawned on her. Her eyebrows arched just a bit and she said, “Oh.”

I wondered if she felt as stupid as I’d felt a moment ago when I could think of nothing better than that to say.

“I never even considered that she watched porn on the computer,” she said. “How silly of me. We didn’t have computer porn when I was her age, but we had other things. Things I was always dying to get my hands on. I guess I should have known. She’s not exactly inexperienced, sexually. I feel stupid for not realizing it before.”

“Don’t feel stupid. You just never put two and two together before. Obviously, you had to know your daughters masturbate regularly.”

“How did you know Rachel does?” she asked, looking at me with a slight bit of concern.

“Oh, I’ve never, like, seen her do it or anything,” I said. “I just, well, I remember sixteen.”

“Yes,” she agreed. “I could have avoided this entire thing if I’d stopped to remember sixteen and added the availability of porn online to the equation.”

She thought for a moment. “Do you think Rachel looks at internet porn?”

“I don’t know one way or the other for sure, but if I were to bet on it, I’d say easy money was on ‘yes’ on that question.”

Ms. Brown smiled at me and shook her head. “I believe you’re probably right. Do you think I should do anything about it? She’s underage, after all.”

“About the only thing you could do is remove all the computers from the house and hire someone to watch her 24/7 to make sure she never gets on another computer with internet.”

She laughed again. “I guess you’re right.” Then she paused again for thought and said, “You’re familiar with that industry. Do you think it’s bad for girls Rachel’s age to be exposed to that? Does it raise false expectations regarding sex?”

“As long as the person watching knows it’s just a movie and not depicting anything closely resembling what is real, there are no serious effects,” I said. “I’m proof of that. My mom, who should know, tells me I have the healthiest attitudes about sex she’s ever seen.”

“So you were watching porn when you were sixteen?” she asked.

I held out my hand and pointed down.


I nodded.

“How young?”

“I’d really rather not say. You’d think I was a freak or something. I’ll just say with my mom in the business, I was exposed to the industry and the sex at a young age.”

“Oh, my God,” Ms. Brown said. “Before puberty?”

“I’d rather not say,” I replied, but I could tell she had her answer to the question nonetheless.

“Does Lisa know about this part of your life?”

“I don’t think so. I can’t imagine that she does.”

“Well, honey,” she said, looking down at her empty wineglass and barely nodding her head. She looked up into my eyes. “You probably should tell her before this relationship gets another day older.”

“Well, I was going to tell her everything about me that involved that kind of thing. I just hadn’t planned on telling her today.”

“Why not?”

“Because I’m scared to. What if it hurts her? What if it hurts her to the point she leaves me the way she left Brenda?”

“Do you think waiting will make it hurt less?”

Damn it! She had a point. “No.”

“Don’t you think if you wait and she falls more deeply in love with you that it would hurt more?”

That was true, of course. The longer I put this off, the more difficult it would be for both Lisa and me. But then, Ms. Brown still didn’t know everything that I intended to tell Lisa, and never would. She was not aware at all that I would also be telling her I have sex with my mom, my aunt, my adopted sisters — ages eleven to fifteen — and all the other females in my home. She did not know that I’d managed to have some great sex with girls as young as six before and that I planned to tell Lisa about that as well. Yes, I wanted my lover to know everything about me when it came to sex so she would be aware of the full extent of my experiences and the raging libido that could control my life.

I just didn’t want to do that right now.

Of course, I could have just told her some of it, but like Lisa’s mom, I knew that if I left anything out and told her later, she would be hurt I hadn’t told her in the original talk.

“Tell me something else,” Ms. Brown said. I looked at her expectantly. “What do you feel the biggest effect on your life of being exposed to things like that has been?”

“You mean, how has it affected me the most?”


“Besides being very open and accepting of people’s sexual lives, it has given me a very strong libido.”

Her eyebrow twitched at that. “You mean you get horny a lot?”

I blushed. “Yeah.”

“I’m not sure Lisa can keep up.”

My blush deepened. “Oh, yes,” I said, smiling. “She can.”

“Okay. I’ll take your word for it,” she said, blushing deeply herself. “But I insist you take her to her room and tell her everything about your past, at least as it regards sex or anything else that may be a problem if she found out later. She deserves to know.”

Taking a deep breath, I stood up. As I left the room, Ms. Brown stopped me. “Oh, Cheryl.” I turned to face her. “No sex. If your videos are any indication, you would get way too loud.”

I laughed at that and nodded. “Thanks, Ms. Brown.”

“No, please. Call me Donna.”

“Okay,” I said. “Thanks, Donna.”

I left her sitting there and went to talk to the woman I loved about serious matters.

Continue on to Chapter 72


Remnants, Part Two

  • Posted on January 29, 2017 at 3:02 pm

By No One

Consciousness slowly returned, and with it, pain throughout Rain’s whole body. She groaned as she tried to settle her jumbled thoughts and remember what had happened. “Not my day,” she finally whispered as she recalled the series of unpleasant falls.

Slowly and carefully, she tried to move each of her limbs and found that though they were very sore, there was no sharp new pain and miraculously nothing appeared to be broken.

Next, she attempted opening her eyes. The room was dark, the indistinct rubble around her swam before her eyes, and flickering stars danced across her vision. She squeezed her eyes shut then opened them again, blinking a few times, and things started to stabilize. The stars remained, though they had stopped moving around. She frowned at them, then after a moment realized they were not a side-effect of her dizziness: there were actually a few blinking lights on a wall close to her. Electric lights, she recognized wonderingly.

This place has juice, the thought came to her. How?

Carried by her sudden curiosity, she managed to sit up, and immediately pain lanced through her skull. “Ouch!” she whined at the worst headache she had ever had. Feeling around her head with one hand, she found a wet spot at the back, and her fingers came away red.

“Well, shit,” she muttered, staring at her bloodied hand. There was no way to really know how bad it was, and she couldn’t do anything about it either way. At least it didn’t feel like a large cut. Trying to ignore the pain, she pushed herself to her feet and took a tentative step forward.

Suddenly, pale light appeared in a thin band along the bottom of the walls, softly illuminating the room. Rain froze for a moment, eyes wide and alert, but nothing else happened. Maybe it was simply the lighting system, somehow triggered by her movements?

Taking a look at her surroundings, she found herself in a small room with three doors leading out of it, though one of them was obstructed by heavy-looking debris. She winced as she looked up at the hole in the ceiling where she had fallen from. It didn’t look like she would be able to climb back up that way, so she certainly hoped that one of the other two doors led back to the upper floors somehow.

The blinking lights she had seen before came from a panel set in one the walls, which also featured a few buttons. She examined it for a moment but, not being able to discern its purpose, decided to leave it alone. There was no sense tempting fate further, as she definitely didn’t seem to have Lady Luck’s favor today. What if the Ancients had emergency poison gas panels lying around?

She walked towards the doors instead. Each had a small electronic device set in the wall next to it. In fact, everything down here seemed more advanced and high-tech. Perhaps her bad luck had at least led her into some secret cutting-edge section of the facility.

Her misfortune seemed to persevere, though, as the first door refused to budge. That device next to it had to have something to do with the door, but it didn’t have any buttons, and no amount of prodding seemed to produce any result.

Rain sighed and moved on to the last door. This one had a small window set into it, but the other side was dark and she couldn’t really distinguish any details. She muttered “come on, come on, come on,” took a deep breath, then pulled on the door handle and was almost shocked when it actually swung open.

She took a few careful steps into the dark room and, as before, light suddenly appeared along the bottom of the walls all around the area. It faintly illuminated a large room filled with all sorts of devices. There were large, boxy machines along some of the walls, and long tables cluttered with all kinds of materials and equipment. It all looked very sophisticated.

The first thing Rain noted was that there was no trace of any looters having been down here before. All this Ancient tech just for her! She grinned at the thought.

The second thing she noticed, far less pleasant, was that there were no other exits in the room. All the treasure in the world wouldn’t do her much good if she couldn’t find a way out of this basement.

Her curiosity got the better of her for the moment, though, so she put the dark thought out of her mind and roamed around the room, examining the various gizmos and devices. The purpose of a lot of the equipment eluded her, but she also found plenty that she knew she could sell: a few coils of copper wire, tools like pliers and cutters, glassware of various sizes, bits and pieces of metal. She wondered if it was a place where the Ancients actually built the tech.

Reaching one end of the room, she found a large metal container in one corner. It looked like some sort of high-tech trunk, waist-high and big enough that Rain could probably fit inside it. Curious about what it might contain, she took a closer look. The top of it had a panel displaying some readings she couldn’t decipher. There were no handles or obvious ways to open it physically, but that big green button with two triangles on it sure looked like an “open” button to her.

She hesitated briefly, but decided that a storage device was unlikely to be dangerous. She tapped the button and watched as the lid lifted with a hiss and split into four sections that retracted to the sides.

Rain gasped and took a step back when she realized what the box actually contained: a human body. Could it be some kind of coffin? What was it doing in a place like this? It made no sense, yet there it was before her eyes: the body of a young girl, seemingly perfectly preserved for who knew how many years.

Warily, Rain stepped up again to the coffin’s side. The girl, about 12 or 13, lying on her back and entirely nude, looked for all the world like she was just sleeping, except that her chest did not rise and fall with her breath. She was beautiful, with silvery pale hair framing an angelic face, the small but perfectly shaped breasts of a girl entering womanhood, a flat belly and a hairless—

Rain shook her head to clear her mind. Really? Checking out the dead girl? she admonished herself. You definitely need to get laid.

Still, it was hard to look away, the girl looked very much alive. Though she had light skin, it wasn’t the pallor of death. Rain had a doubt. Could she be…? It seemed ridiculous, but then again, so did preserving a body so perfectly.

Very slowly, Rain brought her hand close to the girl’s nose, unsure if she was hoping or dreading to feel her breath.

It was at that moment that the young lady opened her eyes.

“Ah!” Rain shouted out in shock. She jumped back in surprise, got caught in her cloak and fell down on her ass, some knickknacks tumbling next to her as she bumped into a table. She hardly felt any of it, still staring in disbelief at the child, who was now sitting up.

The girl looked around her with some confusion, then peered at Rain curiously. “Who…? Oh, could you be… my new owner?” she asked, her voice inflected with a strange accent.

“O-owner?” Rain repeated, alarmed. Could she have been mistaken about everything? Was this place actually in use, by slavers of all things? Cold dread gripped her heart. Slavery was outlawed in Dead End, but some settlements were not so high-minded. There was always a risk for wanderers out in the Waste — and in the less savory towns — to be attacked and grabbed by lowlifes who were not above selling people for a profit.

This girl did not seem distressed at all, though. In fact, she shook her head and continued, “No, that’s a silly conclusion. We wouldn’t meet in the lab, and my memory would have been wiped.”

“Your… memory?” Rain was utterly confused, but in absence of understanding, she figured she could at least stop sitting on the floor like an idiot. As she was about to push herself up, she noticed one of the objects that had fallen to the floor earlier. She recoiled at first, thinking it was a skeletal hand, but realized it was actually not made of bone, but rather a mix of electronics and some sort of plastic.

She stared at it for a moment, a series of thoughts occurring in chain reaction in her mind, then raised her eyes to look at the girl wonderingly. There, in her hair, some kind of cable that seemed to be connected… to the back of her neck.

“Holy shit!” Rain exclaimed as the realization slammed home. “N-no way, you’re… are you… a machine?” She decided to stay on the floor after all, in case she felt like falling down in shock again.

The girl, who had seemed lost in thought, started at the sound of Rain’s exclamation. “Oh! My apologies, I have been rude.” She jumped out of the box and onto her feet, unplugging the cord in her neck like it was nothing. “I am a prototype unit for the upcoming L7 series android by Nakamura Industries. It is very nice to meet you.” Her introduction delivered, she held her arms straight down along her legs, bent at the waist at a 90-degree angle for a few seconds, then rose back up.

Rain wasn’t sure how to interpret any of that, but it did sound like the “girl” was confirming she was some kind of machine — an android, she had said?

“I, err, yeah… um, likewise,” she stammered, completely at a loss for words. “Uh, I’m Rain.”

“Rain,” the machine-girl repeated, nodding to herself with a smile.

“You, uh…” Rain trailed off, so many questions jumbled in her mind. She had seen the remains of machine-people before, but they had been crude metal things that were vaguely human-shaped at best. They could never have passed for a real person. This girl was so far beyond that, she could walk down a busy street and no one would bat an eye.

If she wore clothes, that is. As she was now, she definitely attracted attention from the eyes of Rain, who couldn’t keep them from wandering over this enigmatic girl’s captivating body. Her slender legs, the smooth treasure between them, her nascent breasts in just the shape that Rain found most appealing, it was difficult to look away from any of it.

Feeling a little ashamed of herself, Rain finally got up to her feet, shrugged out of her cloak, and held it towards the machine-girl. “Hey, um, do you want to wear something, maybe?” This distracting nakedness was certainly not helping her organize her confused thoughts.

The strange girl looked down at herself and seemed to realize that she was nude for the first time. “Oh! I’m sorry!” She quickly grabbed the offered garment and wrapped it around herself. It was much too large for her and a good length of it pooled around her feet, but it would do for now. “Usually, it is not an issue around the lab, but I was not aware we would have a visitor today,” she explained.

Rain thought the girl was even blushing a little, and was again amazed at how lifelike this machine could be. “So… how long have you been in that box? Do you know?” she asked, beginning to suspect that the girl didn’t grasp the situation at all.

“Since my last activation? It has been…” she began cheerfully, then paused and frowned. “It has been… two hundred and thirty-seven years…?” she continued slowly. “That cannot be accurate, I think something is wrong with my internal clock.” She took on a look of concentration for a moment. “I cannot sync with the Grid. I… cannot access the Grid at all. Something is definitely wrong. Where is Doctor Nakamura?”

She was growing increasingly agitated, looking around her as if someone was just going to come in and make everything make sense again. Being a machine, maybe that’s exactly what she was expecting.

Rain didn’t understand most of what she said, but could sympathize with the girl’s confusion. It couldn’t be an easy thing to wake up one day and find that your whole civilization is gone. She was a little worried about how a machine might react to the news, though, but in the end, the little android looked so lost that she had to at least try to explain.

“Hey, it’s okay. Calm down, alright? Look, uh… this is probably gonna be tough to hear but… it’s not a mistake: you’ve probably been ‘asleep’ or whatever for that long. There’s been, um… well, we call it the Calamity, these days. There was a war, a big war, and they’ve… basically destroyed the world over it, and we’ve been living in the ruins ever since. Nobody really knows the details anymore. I just found you by chance while exploring down here, this whole place is actually under a whole lot of sand right now.” Rain shrugged helplessly. That probably wasn’t the most delicate way to put things, but she had never been that great with words.

The machine-girl stared at her for a moment. “You are not… making fun of me, are you? Sometimes the lab assistants tease me by inventing stories to see if I will believe them.” She looked around the room listlessly, slowly walked up to a table, and ran one finger through the thick layer of dust. “No, I suppose  not.”

“I’m sorry,” Rain said sadly, wondering if an android would appreciate a hug. “If you depend on some… outside tech or something, sorry to say, that’s all gone to shit now. Err, I mean, you know, it’s… not working anymore.”

The girl turned her big, expressive blue eyes, filled with very human-seeming sadness, towards Rain. “The Grid does not… exist anymore? But how will I know anything? My default knowledge base is very limited, I am supposed to fetch any missing data from the Grid.” Somehow, that seemed to be the thing that hit her the hardest.

“I guess you’ll have to do like us mere humans and learn stuff the hard way, huh?” Rain offered cheerfully, trying to put some levity into the situation.

The machine-girl looked dubious. “That does not seem very… efficient.”

Rain had to laugh. “Yeah well, that’s all there is. Nobody really knows that much anymore anyway, so you’ll be just like the rest of us.”

“Just like a human,” the girl repeated. She didn’t sound entirely displeased by the notion anymore.

They were silent for a moment, each lost in their own thoughts. Rain was still awestruck that a machine so advanced existed, and wondered what to do with her. She supposed she should offer to bring the girl back to civilization — or what was left of it. It certainly beat staying alone down here, to her mind. It occurred to her that there was an obvious question that, perhaps rudely, she had not thought to ask. “So, um, do you have a name?”

“Oh, well, my serial number is Z14KB435-3F. I do not have a human-like name yet, my owner is supposed to give me one… though I suppose I will never be bought now. What am I supposed to do?” she said piteously. It was strange to hear someone complain about not being sold to someone else. Her look turned hopeful as an idea seemed to occur to her. “Oh! Rain, will you… will you be my owner?”

“Err,” Rain began, surprised at the request. She wasn’t sure she was comfortable with that notion at all. It was difficult to think of the android girl as an object or property, rather than a person. She didn’t really know what an “owner” was supposed to do exactly, but it didn’t seem right to make some sort of servant out of what appeared to be a sentient being. “How about if… I was your friend instead?” Sappy, she thought, but she wanted to do right by this machine-girl lost out of her own time, who she was quickly growing fond of, somehow.

“My friend,” the android repeated slowly, as if tasting the words. “I think I would like that.”

Rain flashed a smile. “Good, it’s settled then. Look, I don’t know why the Ancients built you, exactly but… you seem just like a real person to me. You don’t need an owner. You should… you know, live your own life.”

“Live… my own life?” the girl again repeated, then shook her head. “No, my purpose is to serve my owner’s needs.”

“Well, not anymore! The world’s changed, you can change too. You can be your own owner. There, now you serve your own needs.”

The girl blinked at Rain for a moment, her machine mind apparently having trouble grasping the concept. “I… do not know. I will need to ponder this further,” she finally said.

“You’ll see, it’s easy. These days, everyone is a selfish bastard who thinks only of themselves anyway.”

“That… does not sound like a good thing,” the android said uncertainly, perhaps unsure whether Rain was joking or not. She seemed to have cheered up a little bit, at least.

Rain winked as her only response to that; the fact was that it wasn’t far from the truth. “Anyway, you’re still gonna need a name. Zee-one-four… something… doesn’t really roll off the tongue. How about… err… just ‘Zee,’ maybe?” Admittedly, her head was still hurting and she wasn’t feeling particularly imaginative at that moment.

The girl looked inordinately pleased with the suggestion. “My name is Zee. It is nice to meet you,” she tested the new appellation. “I like it.” She grinned.

Rain had to wonder if the machine-girl would have been just as satisfied with any other name, but it was nice to see her happy. She had a beautiful smile. “Nice to meet you too, Zee,” she replied, chuckling. “Wanna get out of here now?”

“To go… outside?” Zee asked, wide-eyed.

“Don’t tell me you’ve never been outside before.”

The little android shook her head.

“Wow. Well, now seems like a good time for your first step into the world, yeah?”

Zee hesitated a moment, looking nervous, but eventually nodded. “Y-yes.”

Now, Rain only had to find a way out. She took a few steps forward but suddenly felt light-headed and had to lean against a table for a moment.

“Oh, you’re hurt! Your head!” Zee exclaimed, alarmed.

“Yeah, might have had a little fall or two earlier…” Rain muttered. “Give me a minute, I should be fine.” She hoped that was true.

“Wait, I know what to do.”

“Huh?” Rain watched as the girl hurried towards another corner of the room, where she grabbed a box hanging from the wall and brought it back.

Zee laid the box down on a table, opened it, and took something inside that looked suspiciously like a small pistol. She examined the device, frowning, then shook it vigorously for a moment. “Oh, good. It still works,” she said enthusiastically after another look at it. Without warning, she pressed the object against the side of Rain’s neck.

“Ow!” Rain cried out at the sudden pain as something punctured her skin. “What the hell?”

“It will help you heal faster,” Zee explained timidly.

“Really?” Rain grumbled dubiously, rubbing at her neck. “Well, a little warning next time before you jab something into someone’s neck, alright? How is that thing supposed to help anyway?”

“I’m sorry,” Zee lamented. “It uses nanomachines charged by agitation that will help repair a human’s body by… um…” she hesitated, her eyes unfocusing for an instant. “I do not know the details,” she admitted sadly.

“That’s okay. I probably wouldn’t understand any of it anyway.” Rain only hoped that the injection would work as advertised, or at the very least that it wouldn’t have any adverse effects. She did realize that the pain in her neck had vanished very quickly. “Say, do you know how come this place still has power after all this time?” she asked as the thought came to her.

“Oh! I know that!” the android said excitedly, evidently very happy to be useful. “The generator is over there,” she began, walking towards a big machine on the other side of the room. “It charges up its power cells when electricity is available, then it can power the facility in case of an emergency.”

“Huh. So it all runs on some kind of fancy battery? For two hundred years?”

“Well, at full operation, it would be drained much faster than that, but it appears that the facility is now running in a power-saving mode in which only the essential systems are sustained. As such, it would be able to last for a very long time.” Zee crouched next to the generator and opened a door in its base. “Ah, yes, see? Most of its power cells are depleted now. The one it is currently running on nearly is as well. Only this last cell here is still fully charged,” she explained, pointing at a row of cube-shaped devices.

Rain took an interested look. She doubted anything back home was made to run on a “power cell” like this, and she couldn’t possibly bring back the large generator itself, but maybe one of the tech-heads could figure something out to use the juice its batteries contained. And if so, that would be very, very valuable. “That could be useful. Can I take it out?” she asked, elated at the thought.

“Yes. Just lift the latch next to it.”

Rain did as instructed, then grabbed the foot-wide device with both hands, and tried to pull it out of the generator. She grunted with sudden effort as she lifted it a short distance with great difficulty, then finally had to put it down on the floor before she dropped it. “Shit, that thing’s heavy!” she gasped, stepping back and frowning at the contraption. There was no way she’d be able to carry it very far.

Zee stepped up, bent down and grasped the power cell, then lifted it up without showing any sign of exertion at all. She looked at Rain expectantly, a small smile on her lips.

Rain blinked at the skinny girl holding the excessively heavy device like it was nothing at all. If she still had any doubts that Zee was not human, they were now gone. “Okay, fine, you carry it then.”

She picked up a few more random knick-knacks that looked like they might be worth something to fill out her pack, then they walked out of the room. At this point, she really just wanted to get home and sleep for a long time.

“What are you going to do with all those things?” Zee asked curiously.

“Sell ‘em. Stuff like this is hard to come by these days. We lost the tech to make most of ‘em, or at least not in big quantities. So that’s my job, finding old junk that folks will pay for.”

“Oh, I see.”

“Now, here’s the problem,” Rain said, waving a hand around the room with the hole in the ceiling. “I, uh, made my entrance from up there — a bit unwillingly, mind — but now it’s out of reach. This door’s blocked, and this one’s locked. Do you… know how to get out of here, by any chance? Oh! Maybe you can clear out that rubble with your crazy strength, huh?”

Zee peered at the door blocked by debris. A huge piece of the floor above had fallen right in front of it. “Um, I think that’s too big even for me. But…” She walked to the locked door instead and waved one hand next to the small panel next to it. There was a beep, then a clicking sound, and the door swung open effortlessly when Zee pulled on its handle.

“What? How’d you do that?” Rain exclaimed. “I poked at that thing for a while and it wouldn’t do shit for me.”

“It’s coded to unlock only for certain radio-frequency identification microchips, from Nakamura Industries employees who are allowed at this level. It’s not surprising that it did not recognize your chip. Um, though I suppose you might not have a chip at all.”

“Radio what…?”

“Oh, it works by… um…” Again, Zee’s eyes unfocused for a short instant, which Rain was guessing happened when the android tried to get information from her “Grid,” whatever that was. The girl sighed, clearly frustrated by the situation. It couldn’t be easy to have suddenly lost the ability to apparently know everything.

“It’s okay, don’t worry about it. You got it open, that’s what matters. Good job,” Rain tried to comfort her, and was rewarded with a big smile.

Conveniently, the door led to a staircase and, after climbing up a few flights of stairs and going through another radio-thingamajig door, they found themselves back in the lobby area. Zee looked around, wide-eyed.

“I guess the place changed a bit since your time, huh?”

The android nodded wordlessly, staring at the piles of sand here and there, the rubble strewn around, the big hole in the floor.

Rain glanced around and spotted stairs going up. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”

They climbed up to the second floor and, after a few wrong turns, Rain managed to find her way back to the room from which she had entered the facility.

“Careful, don’t touch that wire,” she warned, pointing out the trap across the door’s threshold.

Zee cautiously stepped over it with an almost comical level of wariness, holding her cloak up to her knees and slowly lifting one foot, then the other.

Rain noticed with relief that the dust storm had passed. It had blown in a considerable amount of sand, filling up a good portion of the room. Conveniently, the heap of sand also formed a ramp that they could crawl up to reach the hole in the ceiling.

She hoisted herself onto the roof of the submerged building and took a deep breath. It was nice to take in dust-free air again. Turning around, she watched as Zee lifted up the hefty power cell and put it down on the roof, then she gave the girl a hand in getting up herself, though it took some effort, the petite-looking android being rather heavier than she appears.

Zee slowly spun around, taking in the desolation surrounding them. “There used to be a city here,” she said softly.

Rain didn’t know what to say to someone who had just lost her whole world, so she just gave the girl’s shoulder a hopefully reassuring squeeze.

Looking up at the sky, she estimated it was early morning. She had been unconscious down below for quite a while, it seemed. Thinking of that made her realize that she actually felt much better than she had a short while ago. Maybe Zee’s surprise injection was doing some good after all.

She walked off in the direction where she had left her bike. There was only sand there now. Sighing, she started digging around, pushing off the sand with her hands until she found a piece of the tarp she had laid over her vehicle, then worked to uncover the whole thing. Finally, once she could remove the covering, she examined the sand bike thoroughly and found it didn’t seem to have sustained any serious damage.

Parched with exertion, she took a long drink from her flask, then her stomach growled loudly, so she unwrapped some pieces of dried meat she had brought with her. As she chewed on her provisions, she watched Zee, who was now slowly wandering around aimlessly, looking deep in thought.

She noticed that the girl’s hair, that she had at first taken for silvery blond in the dimness of the ruins, actually seemed to be a pale shade of blue in the daylight, which accentuated her ethereal beauty. The wind danced in her hair and sometimes caught in her cloak, revealing rather indecent glimpses of her nude body underneath. The garment’s erratic movements kept exposing her fine legs, and sometimes even her shapely butt on a strong gust.

She really was a gorgeous young woman, Rain thought — a little embarrassed but not enough to make her stop looking. Then again, if you were going to create a person from scratch, she supposed there was no sense in making her ugly.

After some time, the android girl stopped roaming around and walked up to where Rain was resting, sitting with her back against her bike.

“You okay?” Rain asked.

Zee nodded. “Yes. I think so. It is… quite the shock. The whole of civilization, gone. But I have been thinking about what you said. I think I would like to try… living my own life, like a human does.”

Rain smiled. “Great, that’s the spirit.”

“Will you help me?”


“Will you teach me everything there is to know about how humans live?”

Rain chuckled. “Well, sure, what I know anyway. I’m not really, uh, ‘all-knowing’ like you were. But nobody is, I guess, we just kinda figure it out as best we can and make do. You’ll be fine.”

“Thank you.” Zee suddenly bent down and gave Rain a hug, surprising her — and causing a little embarrassment as she remembered how she had been admiring the girl’s figure just a few minutes ago.

“No problem. That’s what friends are for, right?” she said awkwardly. So corny, did you really just say that? she thought, but Zee only nodded and smiled.

Rain got to her feet and started putting away the rest of her food when a thought came to her. “Oh, uh, do you need to… eat? Or what do you for… Shit, I didn’t think of that before, are you gonna be okay away from your… box thing? How do you get, you know, powered?”

Zee smiled and shook her head at Rain’s worries. “I will be fine. My synthetic skin is made to absorb energy from sunlight, which should be sufficient to keep me functional under normal circumstances. I can also eat and combust organic materials for extra energy if need be, though that is usually not required.”

“Energy from sunlight… That’s… Yeah, okay, you’re pretty impressive. That’s what you want me to say?”

The girl grinned while Rain shook her head in wonder.

“Alright then. Ready to go home?” Rain asked as she sat on her sand bike and indicated a spot behind her.

Zee nodded happily and climbed up, while Rain turned on the ignition. There was a plaintive whine from the motor as it sputtered for a moment then went silent.

“Err, yeah, sometimes it takes a few tries…”

Luckily, the second attempt fared better. The vehicle came to life and they finally set off.

Continue on to Part Three

Loving Lisa, Chapter 6

  • Posted on January 28, 2017 at 2:43 pm

By JetBoy

Night. The house was silent. I’d tucked the girls in and kissed them chastely, instructing them not to stay up all night talking. Going back downstairs, I made a half-hearted attempt to straighten up the family room, but quickly chose to leave nearly all of it for the next day.

After that I washed my face, brushed my teeth and went to bed, carefully leaving the door ajar.

I laid there in wishful anticipation, naked except for skimpy silk panties, the smooth sheets cool against my swollen nipples. No touching. Only waiting. In vain, probably, but just in case…

The whole time I’d been hanging out with the girls, I’d toyed with the notion of getting Lisa alone and inviting her to sneak out of Vanessa’s room to pay me a little after-hours visit once my daughter had dozed off — but in the end, I couldn’t. Ever since this dance of seduction had begun between the two of us, I’d been following Lisa’s lead, letting her set the pace of our relationship. That made it more comfortable for me, somehow.

Anyhow, I don’t want her to come to me because I asked her to, I told myself.

Somehow, in spite of everything, I fell asleep.

Wrenched into sudden wakefulness, I squinted at the clock. 1:22 AM. Had there just been a sound, coming from the hall?

I lay there, heart pounding crazily — then a delicious rush of warmth flowed through me from head to toe as Lisa padded into the room, wearing only her panties. She stood there for a moment, illuminated by the moonlight that spilled through my window.

“Hi there,” she said.

I grinned like a perfect fool, brimming with love for this enchanting creature. “Hi, sweetie.”

“Any room in there for me?” she murmured shyly, hands clasped demurely before her, swiveling back and forth with barely contained excitement. Believe me, I knew how she felt.

I sat up, the sheet slipping down to reveal my naked upper half. “I sure do, honey,” I sighed happily, pushing the sheet to one side, “C’mon in!”

Lisa scrambled onto the bed with me and snuggled close, propping herself up on one elbow to take a good look at my near-nakedness. “Wow,” she murmured, “your boobs… they’re be-YOO-tiful!” She laid her face against them. “So — so soft. An’ warm!”

Every atom of me was pulsing with raw, uninhibited excitement. This sweet cherub, for weeks the object of my affection and lust, was half-naked, in my bed and in my arms. And we had hours of privacy to explore pleasures innumerable…

“Thank you,” I purred. I reached for her hand, placing it on my breast. Her eyes grew wide as my nipple grew firm in the palm of her hand.

“Wow,” she said again. “That feels… so cool!” She began caressing my breasts, utterly enthralled, a child with a wonderful new toy.

As for me, I was a woman on fire, positively aching with the need to make love to this sweet girl — then that ache grew even more acute when she bent down to kiss my throbbing nipple.

I moaned, “Oh, Lisa!”

She raised her face, alarmed. “Was… was that okay?”

I was trembling inside, trying not to let it show. “Yes, Lisa…” I sighed. “It felt wonderful…”

Lisa grinned, then took my other nipple into her warm mouth, sucking it gently.

Slowly I lay back, Lisa nestled in my arms. Had I ever known such happiness? Hard to imagine. For there was my treasure, one bare leg draped over my tummy, sucking at my right breast. The glow in me was so bright, all I could do was lie there and bask in its warmth. Mmmmmmm.

In the moonlight that spilled in through my window, Lisa was a thing of magic — a nymph, a pixie, a water sprite. I began to stroke her lustrous hair, then allowed my hand to explore, sliding down her soft, elegant neck, pausing to caress a shoulder, tracing the ridge of her spine, finally reaching the elastic waistband of her panties.

Lisa slid her right leg further upward, opening herself wide for me. I spread my fingers to cup the incredible softness of her bottom, gliding from cheek to cheek. It moved against my hand; I felt it rise, then contract to my touch. Growing bolder still, I ran a finger down her pantied crack, seeking the soft heat between her legs, then applied gentle pressure to Lisa’s mound until dampness began to seep through the thin material. There came a tiny mewling from the mouth at my breast, and a shiver ran through her slender frame.

Suddenly Lisa raised her face, whispered, “Wait a minute!” Pushing herself back into a sitting position, she clumsily tugged her panties down until they dangled from a foot, then flicked them away.

That taken care of, Lisa climbed on top of me again, now blessedly naked. Sighing blissfully, she gazed up at me with adoring eyes. “I love you, Mrs. Johnson.”

I hugged her to me. “I love you too, sweetie,” I whispered, “and you don’t have to call me ‘Mrs. Johnson,’ when we’re together like this. You can call me Roxanne.”

Lisa’s mouth popped open. “Really? Can I?”

“Of course,” I said softly, my arms twining around her. “Lovers always call each other by their first names.” I stroked her cheek with the tip of a finger. “And we, Lisa, are lovers.”

Her eyes grew wide. “Oh, yeah… we are, huh? Aw, that’s like, the best thing ever!” She was nodding her head with such vigor that it made the bed shake.

“I take it, then, that you like the idea?” I teased.

“Oh, totally! Mega-totally!” Then she went quiet, almost shy. “Um, Roxanne? Can I please play with your boobs some more…?”

I lay back, offering myself up. “Be my guest.”

With a grin and an enthused, “Yeah!” Lisa began to kiss and lick my nipples again, using her hand to fondle whichever breast happened to be unoccupied. She hummed her enjoyment all the while. Oh my, it felt sooo good…

Wanting to do my share in this game of love, I slipped a hand between Lisa’s thighs. She spread her legs wide, her dancer’s frame allowing the child to bend both knees and press herself flat onto me, the heat of her sex brushing against my tummy.

Slowly, carefully, I worked a finger into Lisa’s moist pussy — and felt her go “mmmMMMMMmmm!” around my nipple, which felt absolutely divine.

For the third time since we’d met, I was masturbating Lisa — only this time, there was no need for us to pretend we were doing something else.

Lisa had to come up for air, gaping at me, her expression almost feral in its animal passion — then a shiver ran through her body, and she buried her face in my breasts.

Feeling her orgasm approach, I decided to up the ante, and began to gently stroke her clit with the ball of my thumb. That’s when she really lost it. She bit down on my nipple, then released it, throwing her head back and panting in a frenzy. Her body was bucking and rocking atop mine, eyes squeezed shut, teeth bared and clenched until, finally, she sighed oh, so softly and slowly went limp.

Now she lay quietly, a cheek resting against my breast, her breath warming my nipple. I drank in her sweet aroma: shampoo, light sweat, the earthy scent of her sex.

My hand was caught between her soft thighs. Pulling it free, I traced her tender little slit with a finger, then brought it to my face. I smelled my finger. Licked it. Mmmm, delicious.

“I love how you taste,” I murmured.

She stirred, then her head came up surprisingly quickly. “You do?”

I smiled and nodded. “You have a yummy pussy.” I slowwwwwly licked a finger, making the gesture as sexy as I could.

Her mouth opened, eyes went wide. “Ooooh, that’s a bad word. You’re not s’posed to say it!” Then she giggled. So adorable.

I smiled at her elfin face, just inches away from my own. “No.” And I stroked her cheek. “I’m probably not supposed to be playing in bed with you like this, either.”

She grinned. “But we are, huh?”

“We sure are.”

She snuggled onto my breast again, kissed the nipple once, then lay back down. I felt her hand moving on my stomach. I barely heard Lisa’s little voice on my chest. “I don’t care if it’s a bad thing to do or not. I love playin’ in bed with you.”

Her fingers were tracing lazy circles on my belly. I stroked her hair. If this wasn’t heaven, it would certainly do for the moment.

The feathery touch of Lisa’s fingertips gradually moved wider, then lower, until they were inching along the edge of my panties. I leaned in, kissed the top of her head. “Touch me, Lisa,” I whispered. “Touch me all over, anywhere at all. I want you to.”

Her hand paused briefly, then slid down further, moving hesitantly over my panty-covered mons. I felt the quick thrum thrum thrum of Lisa’s heart as she felt my sex for the first time, knowing how new it was to her — the spongy tuft of pubic curls, the fatness of my ripe cunt. She lightly caressed me. I raised my hips to meet her fingers, the very breath in me trembling as it left my mouth.

Her head lifted, and she peeked at me. An awkward smile. “Um… I don’t know what to do next…”

“Oh, honey…” I opened my arms, “come here.” And she shimmied her naked body up to bury her face in my neck. I hugged her tightly, kissing her hair, her ear, her brow.

She popped her head up to whisper into my ear. “I’m sorry…” Then just as quickly, ducked back down.

“Oh, hush, pretty butt,” I cooed, and gave her a playful pat on her bottom. She clenched those pert little cheeks with a titter, then nuzzled my neck. “It’s okay, Lisa. With making love, you learn by doing.”

“Well, yeah… but you been doin’ it way longer than me,” she protested. “I never made love to anyone ever!”

“Want me to help you, then?” I said, and felt her nod into my neck. “Okay. First, I’m gonna teach you how to kiss.”

“I already know that, silly!” Lisa giggled. “I give my mom an’ dad kisses all the time.”

“No, not that kind of kissing… I mean, the way real lovers do it.”

She came up quickly again, her adorable face inches away, gazing deep into my eyes. “Sexy kissing, you mean?”

“Yup. Now give me one, and I’ll show you how it’s done.”

Her head tilted like a puppy’s, and she leaned in to gently touch her lips to mine, then pulled back a bit to make eye contact with me again. We smiled lovingly at one another. “That’s very nice,” I said. “Another, please.”

Lisa leaned in once more. Our lips touched, and when I moved my mouth against hers, she pressed in too. My tongue slid along her loosening lips, and I felt Lisa’s mouth open, inviting me in.

I flirted with her tongue, and it slowly came to life, bashfully toying with mine. With a little encouragement, our kiss grew increasingly passionate. Without words, I taught Lisa the hot, steamy games that the mouths of lovers can play… and she, bless her, was a most eager student. It felt so good that I think we might have spent the next twenty minutes just making out, holding each other close, kissing again and again.

Finally I pulled back and whispered, “Want to make love to me now?”

She nodded, dazed and happy.

“I was going to take off my panties,” I said, brushing Lisa’s mouth with my fingertips, “but I bet you’d like to do that for me, huh?”

Again, Lisa nodded, grinning excitedly. She scrambled down to kneel between my legs, then looked at me expectantly, as if waiting for my signal. “Hold on a second.” I leaned over and switched on the lamp on my nightstand. “So you can see what you’re doing. Go ahead, honey. Just slip them off…”

Taking hold of the waistband, Lisa pulled my panties down. As they slid past my thighs, my pubes were revealed. She paused, gaped at the sight. “Whoa!”

I smiled. “Big bush, huh?”

She giggled. “Yeah! Big bush!” She touched it lightly. “Mmmm, it’s so soft, too… like a teddy bear!”

I laughed. “A teddy bear… hmmm, I kinda like that. Go ahead — finish taking them off.”

“Oh! Um, yeah.” Lisa worked my panties down to my ankles. then carefully tugged them away from my feet. Then she just stared as I spread myself open, letting my young lover see everything.

Still holding my now forgotten undies in both hands, she breathed, “You’re so… so beautiful.”

I smiled, loving the feeling of being so exposed to this eleven-year-old girl. “It’s all for you, Lisa.” I opened my legs even further. “All yours.”

She blushed so charmingly then. “Oh, Ms. Johnson… thank you. Thank you.”

Me, I was trembling inside with the fierce need I felt for her, on the verge of bursting into tears if she didn’t fuck me right then.

“Touch me,” I said, my voice unsteady. “Please touch me, Lisa.”

Lisa, biting her lower lip, slowly extended her hand. I took it in mine and guided it to my warm, moist pussy, pressing her fingers against the juicy flesh. Oh my, that’s absolutely divine.

Her face was filled with wonder as she touched me, looking more like a child of five than the preteen she was. “Gosh… you feel so hot…”

“I’m hot for you, m-my love.” I placed my hand on hers, moving it around a bit. She got the idea, and began to feel her way around my pussy when I took my hand away, growing more confident as she went. “That’s good, Lisa, mmmm…” I loved watching her touch my cunt, her brow furrowed in concentration like she was working on a finger painting.

Oh, God. I needed to come, and soon. Lisa’s fingers felt great, but it was time to get her focused on the grand prize.

“Oh, honey, you’re doing a wonderful job,” I said.

She beamed, radiant with pride as she fondled me. “Pretty good, huh?”

“Mmmmm, very good, honey. OOOhhhh, so good…” I drew my knees up, opening myself even more. “Okay, are you ready to try something else?”

She nodded eagerly. “Yeah!”

“That’s my girl. Now take two of your fingers, and see if you can push them inside me.”

Lisa bent closer, her lower lip jutting out… and I nearly cried out loud as her lovely, magical fingers slid slowly into my vagina. My head was reeling. “Oh, Lisa!” I gasped. “That’s it! Just like that, ohhhhh…”

She wore such a wicked smile, the little imp. “What now, Mrs. John — um, Roxanne?”

Now… now start moving  — oooh! — in and out of me.” I was shaking like a leaf. “Please, honey — fuck me with your fingers, hard as you can!”

Lisa, clearly thrilled that I would use that word to describe what I wanted her to do, began to piston those wonderful digits in and out, in and out. Her hand was making these slapping sounds as it smacked against me, and that turned me on like you can’t imagine.

Within moments, I exploded in a wrenching climax, my breath leaving me in ragged bursts. Lisa froze up at first, unsure what to do… and I rasped, “Oh God, Lisa — d-DON’T STOP!!”

Her fingers immediately began to pump again, and I shuddered and shook as those sweet, amazing shocks of ecstasy pounded through me. Conscious that my daughter was still in the house, I was covering my mouth, trying to make as little noise as possible.

Finally, my head fell back, and I placed my hand atop Lisa’s, stopping her. “N-no more, honey.”

She flopped down next to me, breathing heavily like I was. I drew Lisa into my arms, enfolding her naked body in a loving embrace.

“Huh… that sounded pretty good!” she giggled. “Did you like it okay?”

“Oh, Lisa,” I whispered, losing myself in her shining eyes, “That was — that was as wonderful as anything I’ve ever felt.” I kissed her gently. “You make me so very happy, my sweet one.”

Her lips sought out mine, and before I knew it, Lisa and I were French kissing again. God, even after that incredible climax, I was still eager for more. I knew what I wanted to do next, though. It was what I’d been dreaming of for weeks — to taste her.

I gently broke our kiss. “Honey,” I said, “I want you to get up on all fours, facing the door.”

She smiled. “Whatcha gonna do…?”

I gave her a mock-stern look. “That’s for me to know and you to find out, young lady!” I said, smacking her butt playfully.

Lisa got onto her knees, then placed her hands on the bed, raising that oh-so-enticing bottom of hers and thrusting it towards me. “Like this?”

“Perfect.” I ran my fingers along the curve of Lisa’s ass, and she sighed happily. It was genuinely thrilling to see goosebumps rise on her thighs in response to my touch.

I knelt on the bed behind Lisa. She craned back to see what I intended to do, then gasped as my mouth gently grazed the back of her thigh. So soft, so sweet.

I fondled Lisa’s legs, stroking them lightly, placing kisses here and there against her pale skin. I heard her purr with delight as I kissed and caressed that adorable butt of hers. The smell and taste of my little lover’s skin had me giddy with desire as my mouth and fingers made love to her, savored her like a good wine.

By now Lisa was quivering with anticipation and need, as the slow, teasing pace of my lovemaking was driving her, well, kind of crazy. She was breathing hard and deep, her body taut in anticipation. The scent of my angel’s arousal was thickening in the air, and it had me higher than a kite.

Unable to wait a moment longer, I burrowed between Lisa’s thighs to kiss her there for the first time, my lips parting to claim her.

It was marvelous. The smell, the taste, the feel of her flower in my mouth was everything I’d dreamed of and more. My heart was swelling with love for this divine girl as I feasted on her luscious pussy.

She was trembling like a leaf as I licked and kissed her, and I knew she would explode in a few seconds. But I wasn’t ready for that — no, not yet…

Lisa moaned in frustration as I withdrew my mouth from her cunt and started to playfully kiss her ass — pausing to nip her soft skin, just hard enough to make her squeal. Then I pulled her sweet cheeks apart, leaning in close to run my tongue up her butt crack.

She gasped, “Oh!” as I began licking her anus with long, luxurious strokes. Meanwhile, my naughty fingers began to toy with the wetness between her legs, then I suddenly slid my index finger deep into Lisa with a single smooth stroke.

That did it. Lisa was panting furiously, quaking from head to toe, then cried out as she went rigid from the intensity of her climax. I redoubled my efforts, licking her asshole as my finger plunged in and out of her pussy. I felt her pelvis jerk against my face, her body bucking as she shuddered with pleasure, panting for air like a marathon runner.

Finally, she collapsed into the sheets, utterly exhausted. I carefully removed my finger from her and sucked her essence from it. Mmmm, ambrosia.

I crawled over to Lisa and placed a gentle kiss upon her flushed cheek. Her eyes slowly opened and she gave me a sweet, sleepy smile, opening her arms to me. I slid into her embrace — and we lay entwined, utterly relaxed and at peace.

But not for long. Lisa began to caress me, her hands traveling hither and yon over my body. She kissed my ear and whispered, “I want to play with you some more,” as her fingers found my pussy.

Goodness… where do young people get their energy? I was pretty tired myself, but I also knew that it might be a long, long while before we could have another night like this.

I lay back and spread my thighs for Lisa as her lips met mine — and suddenly we were once again kissing passionately, and my lust was awakened, raging hot and fierce. God, what this sexy creature did to me!

Her fingers were playing with my wet cunt, her tongue probing my mouth, and I was blissfully happy. Then a really wild idea hit me.

I broke our kiss, took her face in my hands and whispered, “Dear Lisa… would you do something special for me…?”

“Oh, yeah,” she sighed, “I’d try anything for you.” She suddenly began showering my face with quick little kisses, “I love you so much, Mrs. Johnson!”

“It’s Roxanne, remember,” I smiled. “And I love you too.” I took Lisa’s hand and placed it on my throbbing mound.

“Here’s what I want you to do, baby,” I murmured. “I want you to take that cute little hand of yours… and push it all the way into my pussy.”

She looked up, startled. “Inside? My whole hand?”

I nodded. “Uh-huh. All of it.”

She was looking doubtful. “I don’t wanna hurt — ”

“You won’t, sweetie, I promise. After all, you have to remember that Vanessa came out of there, right? And she’s lots bigger than your hand is.” Her hand was also bigger than any cock I’d ever had, but not by much.

At that point, though, I didn’t give a damn if it hurt or not — I had to have Lisa’s fist inside me!

She still seemed a little reluctant, but willing to indulge my screwy idea. “Well, if you say so.”

“It’s easy,” I said, taking her hand and guiding it where it needed to be. “Just start with two fingers, then add one more at a time. Once you’ve got your fingers and thumb inside me, just keep them tight together, and wiggle and push hard until your whole hand is in.” I settled in, bracing myself.

Lisa slipped her index and middle fingers into my pussy, sliding them in and out like before.

I shakily continued, “Once y-you’ve done that, make your hand into a fist and just, just start fucking me with it! Ohhhhh yes, Lisa…” Her fingers felt absolutely magical — but I longed to be completely filled. Then again, maybe the pure lewdness of getting fisted by a girl of eleven was what I wanted.

Her face taking on that look of determination again, Lisa got to work. It felt amazing, and looked amazing, too. Here was my underage lover girl, concentrating on working her hand into my pussy!

And with one last push, she did it. Oh, my stars. My head spun as if I’d just drained a tumbler of whiskey in a single gulp.

“Wow…” she whispered, “It’s — it’s in there.” She was fascinated, staring in awe at the sight of her whole hand, buried up to the wrist inside my body.

“Oh m-my gosh, Lisa, yes it is. You did it. Now, just… mmmmm… just start moving slowly in and out.” I could hear her hand and my cunt making sticky slurping sounds as she began to pump her arm. It was slow at first, but as her confidence grew, so did her tempo.

“Faster, honey,” I gasped.

And she did, oh mercy she was thrusting faster, then faster still, the tip of her tongue between her teeth as she watched me go completely wild, because I was really losing it now, she’d never seen that, and I was so hot, so in need of letting go, of casting aside any restraint, of becoming a fucking crazed sex animal for my young lover…

I was moaning, my body was trembling as if it was about to come apart at the seams, and then I fumbled a hand between my legs to stroke my clit, the other shaking hand reaching out to caress that industrious arm that was fucking me so hard, so deep, so good!

Oh yes, my wonderful Lisa was really giving it to me, better than any man ever had, my little lesbian angel breaking me in half with that beautiful fist, knowing somehow that the faster she went, the crazier I got.

When it hit, I saw big, bright cartoon stars. It was just… blinding, I came so hard. Then a velvety darkness came swooping down, and I blacked out.

When I came to, Lisa was nestled in my arms, her hand lightly resting on my still-tingling sex. And without meaning to, I fell asleep.

Continue on to Chapter 7


Guest Authors

  • Posted on January 28, 2017 at 10:53 am

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Stories sorted By Title
Click to sort By Author

Adventure in the Bush, by kinkychic and kinky’s_sis – 6 chapters (see Chapter Links for descriptions)
Twenty-year-old Maddie decides to visit her birthplace in South Africa, accompanied by her younger sister (and secret lover) Lucy. It turns out to be quite the adventure.

Adventure of the Amazing Invisible Girl: A Bedtime Story, by Purple Les – 2 parts
When little Alice convinces herself that she can vanish at will, it leads to the kind of naughty fun that few girls of six ever get to enjoy.

Alice in Wonderland, by Girl Lover – 4 chapters so far
Is the old house haunted? Or full of stranger spirits?

Alison’s Adventures – The Beach, by Kinkys_sis
A middle-aged woman is rescued from a frustrating day when she meets and gets to know a gorgeous and very bold girl of thirteen.

Arizona Nights, by Pretty Pink Taco – 2 chapters so far
Ten-year-old Isabel is confused: Why does her big sister Adriana seem to hate her as a younger sibling, yet also want her as a lover?

The Art of Love, The Love of Art, Part One: Only One Wish, by Karin Halle
When a terminally ill girl of fourteen announces that she wants to experience sex before she dies, her mother struggles with the idea… then a solution unexpectedly presents itself.

The Art of Love, The Love of Art, Part Two: By Invitation Only, by Karin Halle – 2 chapters
After the loss of her daughter Larissa, Karin moves to a different town. There she makes a new friend: a single mother who gives the grieving Karin the chance to experience love again.

The Art of Love, The Love of Art, Part Three: Louise’s Portfolio, by Karin Halle
Karin and her artistic young lover Louise encounter an even younger girl named Chantel at a gallery opening, where they school her in art… and more.

Ashley’s Love, Book One, by Rosey M – 7 chapters (see Chapter Links for descriptions)
Sisters Ashley and Rhonda have a long, complicated history as sisters… sometimes, more than sisters. Can they overcome a troublesome home life to find shared happiness? This is their story.

Au Pair, by Misty Meadow – 6 chapters  (see Chapter Links for descriptions)
Desperate to find somewhere she can afford to live in London, a young lesbian accepts a live-in job looking after a preteen girl — and her life soon gets complicated in a big way.

Bad Girls Club: The Beginning, by Mystery Mouse – 1 chapter so far  (see Chapter Links for descriptions)
Sixteen-year-old Katherine has the chance to start all over again at a new school after being harassed and teased mercilessly at her previous one. Here, she falls in with a quartet of very different girls who share something quite intriguing in common. Katherine likes them, and they like her — but will she ever really be part of the group?

Bad Like Me, by eloquent delinquent – 8 chapters so far  (see Chapter Links for descriptions)
Shy, repressed Charlotte secretly explores the pleasures and perils of her budding sexuality, with help from a surprisingly free-spirited new partner.

Beautiful Evelyn, Beautiful Bee, by Kinkys_sis – 3 parts
A teenage girl finds herself attracted to a painfully shy girl of eleven and decides to do something about it.

The Beekeeper’s Daughters, by BlueJean – 10 chapters (see Chapter Links for descriptions)
A mysterious forest spirit and an awakening interest in their bodies will unite two little girls with their mother in a beautiful, magical way.

Bella Donna, The Little Witch, by Kinkys_sis
After she falls down a steep hill while jogging, Liz is taken in, cared for and more by a gypsy family with a very special little girl.

Birds in Flight, by Girl Lover – 10 chapters  (see Chapter Links for descriptions)
When a popular cheerleader takes a bullied ten-year-old girl under her wing, it sets off a chain of events that will affect their lives in a big way.

Blessed Sacrament, by Jacqueline Jillinghoff – 3 parts
Seventh-grader Barbara is experiencing strange, confusing feelings for her teacher, Sister Katherine… feelings that she is suddenly given the opportunity to explore.

Bo and Me, by Unfastened Belts – 8 chapters so far (see Chapter Links for descriptions), more coming soon!
The story of a teenage girl who falls in love with her little sister.

A Bordello in New Orleans, by Kinkychic – 7 chapters (see Chapter Links for descriptions),
Frances is an eleven-year-old girl of mixed race who lives in New Orleans with her mother at the end of the 1700s, a time of considerable political turmoil. She is about to embark on a personal journey of a lifetime, one that will involve war, commerce, pleasure, and, ultimately, true love.

The Bus, by Karen Cypher
A young woman enjoys an erotic encounter with a stranger.

Captain Bren and the Royal Siren, by Kinkychic and Kinky’s_sis  – 9 chapters (see Chapter Links for descriptions)
The saga of female pirate Captain Bren, her lover Marianna, and her band of pirates resumes.

Caring for Molly, by Girl Lover – 4 chapters
Looking to earn some money, a teenager agrees to work after school, taking care of a disabled girl.

Connecting Flight, by Karin Halle –
When stewardess Adeline meets an unhappy thirteen-year-old named Carolanne who has been left to fly on her own, she takes the girl under her wing. Later, she finds that Carolanne has a lovely way of expressing her gratitude.

The Corruption of Amy, by BabyKeiko
A young mother explores dark, forbidden pleasures with Amy, her lover of fourteen.

Creative Writing, by Sammy
As a home-school assignment, a teenage girl writes a “personal essay” about her very special intimate relationship with her teacher, who also happens to be her mother.

Dana’s Crush, by Lily
Fifteen-year-old Dana has been secretly in love with the single mother next door for years… and on one magical night, she gets the opportunity to make her fantasy real.

Dancing for Miss Darling, by Misty Meadow
Desperately in love with her gym teacher, twelve-year-old Misty decides to seduce her with an erotic dance.

Daria’s Dreams, by Jojo Starr – 5 chapters
Daria has a repetitive dream which is exciting, intriguing and then frightening.

Darkness Falls, by Girl Lover – 4 chapters
A lonely young woman meets an equally lonely young girl, except… who and what is this girl, really?

The Dream Book, by KaiaKitty
While writing in her diary, a girl experiences a magical encounter with a woman from another world — where things are very different from ours.

Encounter on the Beach, by kinkychic
After overindulging during a pub crawl, Carole steps out for a breath of air and collapses on a nearby beach, where she is found by two underage girls who are in the mood for a little wicked fun.

Esther and the Enchanted Egg, by Jacqueline Jillinghoff
A young girl named Esther prefers to live her life completely naked. One day, she lends a helping hand to a mysterious old woman, and is rewarded with the gift of an object that possesses some very magical powers.

Evelyn the Mermaid, by Shy Mom
A mermaid shares love with a little girl.

Falling for Fiona, by cs.unwin – 2 parts
A 12-year-old girl caught in the rain accepts a ride from the new neighbor, a woman from the big city with some very interesting ideas.

Floor Show, by Jacqueline Jillinghoff – 2 parts
Vickie is fascinated by her ten-year-old daughter’s new friend Kimberly, especially when she discovers that the girls are more than just friends.

A Girl in the Night, by kinkys_sis
Sonya, a teenage girl, encounters a homeless fourteen-year-old Ukrainian refugee named Erica in a local park. Moved by Erica’s story, she takes the girl home, where Sonya’s mom insists she stay rather than return to the street. Soon, Sonya and Erica will become friends… then more.

A Girl Named Charlie, by Amanda Lynn – 9 chapters  (see Chapter Links for descriptions)
Unexpected discoveries, unexpected encounters, and unexpected love between girls and women.

Grace of the Lady Elgin, by Karin Halle – 3 parts.
When fourteen-year-old Susannah Croft discovers a naked, unconscious young girl washed up on a beach, she brings her home, not knowing how this castaway will change everything — for herself, and her mother.

The Grafton Lodge Girls, by Joe Dornish – 5 chapters. (see Chapter Links for descriptions)
A weekend get-together for four former college mates, now mothers, along with their underage daughters. Much fun is to be had, though not the innocent kind.

Greenfield Tales, by JB West – 12 chapters  (see Chapter Links for descriptions)
Six-year-old Katie gets a scare when her mother Kim falls and injures her head. A police officer named Deena responds to the emergency call and gives Katie a ride to the hospital. There, Deena meets Kim’s sister Rachel and her eight-year-old daughter Emily and quickly realizes that she feels a very intense attraction to the two little girls.

Happenstance, by No One – 6 chapters
After being prompted by a stranger online, two young girls try kissing each other.

Her Sister, Her Mentor, by Tommy X – 4 chapters so far.
A tale of sisters at school, learning things outside the standard curriculum.

Her True Self Discovery, by BabyKeiko – 2 parts.
Darlene, a lesbian single mother struggling with a hidden obsession with young girls, accepts a dinner invitation from her friend Chrissy, who has a preteen daughter of her own. This evening will change Darlene’s life in a big way.

The Holly and the Ivy, by Amanda Lynn – 5 chapters
Dealing with bitter disappointment, a young woman finds that fate has some lovely surprises in store for her.

How My Niece Juli Came To Be My Vixen, by Openmindedwoman – 12 chapters so far (see Chapter Links for descriptions)
Casual, intimate nudity leads to more… much more.

Ice and Fire, by No One – 3 parts
Nerdy teen Riley is nonplussed to discover that the hottest girl in school is attracted to her, especially since she isn’t gay… still, why not accept a date with her and see how things go?

Idol, by No One – 3 parts
Nine-year-old Zoe is obsessed with pop star Shana Belle. When she wins a contest to spend a day with her idol, Zoe will discover that Shana has a very special, very exciting secret.

Idol II, by No One – 4 parts
A year after her first sexual fling with 10-year-old Zoe, teen pop star Shana Belle is on tour again, and performing a gig very near Zoe’s town. They make plans to get together again — only this time, Zoe has a special treat in store for her older lover.

Impossible Moments, by Karen Cypher – 2 parts
Crossing boundaries, breaking taboos, to satisfy a mutual desire and share a deep love.

In My Room, by KaiaKitty
A little girl dreams about her fairy mother.
       Read the companion piece to this story — In Her Room

Innocence and Nature, by Alison Wheatcroft – 2 parts so far
A teenage girl and an 8-year-old girl learn from each other about life, friendship, and sex.

Jeannie and the Bottle, by Amanda Lynn – 5 chapters
Women enjoying each other’s bodies, fulfilling their hottest fantasies… some of this happened in real life, but how much?

Jewels of Africa, by kinkys_sis – 4 chapters (see Chapter Links for descriptions)
A young lesbian of thirteen named Holly sets off on a sea cruise with her mother. Along the way, Holly will encounter danger, action, adventure… and a lot of hot sex with women and girls.

Just This Once, by eloquent delinquent
When Sharon’s masturbation session during bath time gets interrupted by her eight-year-old daughter Hayley, she hesitantly allows the child to join her in the tub. Things happen.

Knuckle Ridge, by Purple Les – 9 chapters (see Chapter Links for descriptions)
Returning from her travels (as described in “Tears of the Sun”) The Tequila Kid stumbles into a whole new adventure — one filled with danger, seduction, and sex.

The Latchmore Fairies, by C. Cat – 11 chapters
Single mother Amanda and her eleven-year-old daughter Katie find new love when a beloved garden estate offers Katie the opportunity to become one of their fairies, whose duty and privilege it is to shower affection on other little girls who visit… as well as a few lucky grown women.

Lessons Learned, by Amanda Lynn – 4 chapters
Is Jessica’s beautiful blonde high school history teacher really flirting with her, or is she only imagining that?

Like a Ghost in the Night, by kinkychic & kinkys_sis
In which a college-age lesbian discovers that the ten-year-old daughter of her older lover has a very strange, very exciting fetish that she needs help to explore.

The Little Prisoner, by Jacqueline Jillinghoff
In which a college-age lesbian discovers that the ten-year-old daughter of her older lover has a very strange, very exciting fetish that she needs help to explore.

The Loves and Labours of Doris Sloane, by JetBoy & BlueJean — 15 chapters (see Chapter Links for descriptions)
The tale of Doris, a sixteen-year-old girl who, in pre-Second World War England, takes a position as a nanny with a well-to-do mother and her three daughters, and her subsequent adventures.

Married With Children, by Girl Lover – 4 chapters
A chance meeting at the local pool and a single mother is fascinated by her daughter’s young friend’s beautiful eyes.

Merging, by J.R. Hartley – 7 chapters so far
Clair’s visit to her new friend Leia’s home leads to a confession and a great deal more!

Mommy’s Lip Gloss, by Kelly Ann
Kelly’s mom wears a lip gloss that has a very distinctive taste.

Moonlight Desires, by Amanda Lynn – 2 parts
A teenage girl has an unusual fascination with the moon, a sexual obsession.

Mortification of the Flesh, by Jacqueline Jillinghoff
When a young girl in a Catholic school violates an important rule, Sister Lucretia is there to impose her very severe, very delicious form of discipline.

Mother-Daughter Bond, by Karin Halle
When fourteen-year-old Katie is dealing with painful periods, her family doctor advises her to masturbate for relief, recommending sex toys for especially strong orgasms. Katie’s mum Deb is shocked at first, but finally agrees to assist her daughter in purchasing the toys she needs… then helps Katie use her new toys. Things get complicated.

A Mother/Daughter Journey, by Mommy Janice – 4 chapters so far
A story about the growing intimacy between single mom Janice and her little girl, Angie.

A Mother’s Plea, by 3 Fingers Neat – 5 chapters (see Chapter Links for descriptions)
Kim is a closeted fifth-grade teacher with a hopeless attraction to one of her students, an eleven-year-old named Chelsea. She assumes that nothing will ever come of her secret longing, so it’s something of a shock when the girl’s mother comes to her one day with a very unorthodox request…

The Museum, by kinkys_sis
A young woman’s fascination with the painting of an ancient Egyptian princess takes her on an unexpected journey through time, where she will discover her true self… and true love.

My Amazing Mum, by Misty Meadow – 6 parts
I love my mum in ways a daughter isn’t really supposed to. Now, finally, Mum might be ready to love me the same way… and I can be a lesbian for real!

My China Doll, by Misty Meadow
A young girl presents a beautiful gift to her mother.

My Daughter’s Secrets, by Misty Meadow – 3 parts
When a lesbian mother accidentally finds her preteen daughter’s diary, she is unable to resist the urge to peek inside — and what she finds there will change their relationship in some very startling ways.

My Family, Friends, and Sex, by Purple Les – 33 chapters  (see Chapter Links for descriptions)
The exciting sexual adventures of a young curious girl.

My Granddaughter, Jasmine, by kinky_sis
A lonely widow, still struggling to cope with the loss of her husband, gets a new lease on life and love when her granddaughter pays a visit.

My Sister’s Trap, by kinky_sis & kinkychic
After Becky enjoys an afternoon of illicit pleasure with her seductive twelve-year-old niece Jess, her younger sister Lucy finds out — and uses this information to blackmail Becky into giving her some of what Jess got.

My Weekend Awakening (And What it Led to), by kinkychic – 5 parts
The story of a teenage girl with a love for motorcycles: how she discovers her sexuality, explores her newfound knowledge, has some very wild times and eventually finds true love… in a place she’d never thought of looking.

The New Girl, by No One – 2 parts
When obliged to invite a new student from school to her sleepover, thirteen-year-old River worries that the presence of Alyssa, a girl she barely knows, will put a damper on an evening of sexy fun with her best girlfriends. However, there’s much more to this new girl than meets the eye…

A New Hope, by No One – 2 parts
Emilia is a lesbian of sixteen who has yet to do more than kiss a girl. But when she babysits eleven-year-old Stella, Emilia is startled to learn that the adorable young girl is experienced in some very intriguing ways — and eager to share what she knows.

Not Like Other Girls, by Karin Halle – 3 parts
When fifteen-year-old Melody learns that her private parts have never fully developed and that her sex life may never be a normal one, she is devastated at first — then learns how much family and friends can help in times of personal crisis.

The Nude Bug, by Jacqueline Jillinghoff
Miko’s best friend Leah comes home from summer vacation brimming with enthusiasm for her new, nudist lifestyle. Little Miko is shocked, but it’s only a matter of time before she, too, is bitten by the nude bug.

Only One Wish, by Karin Halle
When a terminally-ill girl of fourteen announces that she wants to experience sex before she dies, her mother struggles with the idea… then a solution unexpectedly presents itself.

Pages from a Diary, by Rachael Yukey – 30 chapters  (see Chapter Links for descriptions)
Mallory, a bright but lonely Christian girl of eleven, gets to know a girl named Julie. Their friendship will turn Mallory’s life upside down in unexpected and very exciting ways. 

A Pair of Blue Panties, by kinkys_sis
Thirteen-year-old Bee is enthralled by a younger girl named Rose after getting a glimpse under her skirt.

Paula, by Jacqueline Jillinghoff
A haunting tale of love lost and redeemed at a girls’ boarding school.

Piper’s Mom, by Amanda Lynn – 14 chapters  (see Chapter Links for descriptions)
Stephanie has a little girl called Piper, and Piper has a teenage babysitter named Amber. Soon the fun will begin.

Pixie in Pink, by Sammy – 4 chapters
Memories of child-raising, laundry sniffing, lesbian lust and mother-daughter love.

Point of View, by Misty Meadow – 2 parts
A lesbian exhibitionist discovers that the little girl just across the way from her flat has tastes very similar to her own.

Queen of the Pirates, by Kinkys_sis & Kinkychic – 7 chapters (see Chapter Links for descriptions)
The sea saga of a young girl named Bren and her life on a pirate ship, loving beautiful girls and women along the way.

Redesign for Living, by Sammy – 3 parts
It’s not easy for a mom to raise a young daughter who’s a movie star — and the object of her sexual fantasies!

Remnants, by No One – 3 parts
Many years in the future, scavenger Rain finds an artifact, one with the potential to give her limitless pleasure.

Revolutionettes, by Amanda – 18 chapters  (see Chapter Links for descriptions)
In a time of historic political revolution, a sexual revolution also was occurring, the liberation of lesbian desires.

Ripe for the Picking, by Kinkychic
A young girl on a berry-picking expedition makes a new friend — and finds herself hoping their friendship might become something more.

Ripples, by Sapphmore and JetBoy – 42 chapters so far  (see Chapter Links for descriptions)
Single mother Jessica has all but given up on her love life since her husband walked out, but her good friend Rachel hopes to do something about that. Meanwhile, Jessica’s twelve-year-old daughter Alice has developed a habit of spying on her mom during especially intimate moments.

Scouting for Girls, by eloquent delinquent – 8 chapters so far  (see Chapter Links for descriptions)
The story of ten-year-old Nicole and her adventures with the Forest Girl Explorer Scouts, where she learns about much more than selling cookies.

Season of Goodwill, by Karin Halle
Feeling sorry for her newly-divorced neighbor Anita, fourteen-year-old Josie gets permission to bring a Christmas feast over to her house. That day, Anita’s loneliness will become a thing of the past — and Josie will experience love for the first time.

The Secret Passage, by kinkychic
Upon moving to a new home in the country, thirteen-year-old Bee stumbles upon a mysterious magic that lurks there, intent upon showing the young girl the pleasures just waiting to be discovered in her ripening body.

Selkie Days, by BlueJean – 5 chapters  (see Chapter Links for descriptions)
Eleven-year-old Hailey is sent to stay with her aunt and uncle for a few weeks in their seaside town. There, she will embark on an incredible personal adventure involving folklore, magic and her ripening sexuality.

Sexy Stepsister Spy, by eloquent delinquent – 2 parts
Mina and Kristin’s new life as stepsisters leads to closeness, frustration, crushing, peeping, and forbidden delights.

Sheltering, by Shy Mom – 8 chapters so far  (see Chapter Links for descriptions)
When a single mother of two little girls gets interrupted by the youngest while masturbating, she decides to turn an awkward moment into a learning experience… one that leads to Mommy learning a few new things herself.

Short Ride, by Karen Cypher
Samantha takes a ride on the train, only to discover her secret wish.

Sisters Do What Sisters Do, by Allison Collier
If you heard the little knock on your door and she asked you, what would you do? You know. You’d do what sisters do.

A Space Nymphet, by kinkys_sis – 4 chapters (see Chapter Links for descriptions)
When her spaceship is badly damaged in outer space, twelve-year-old Zelda manages to escape in a shuttle. This is the story of her adventures on an unfamiliar planet, and the new experiences she has along the way.

Spa Day, by Sunnybunny – 2 parts
A woman visits a very special spa with her wealthy female boss. Will the visit change her life?

Strange Brew, by Rachael Yukey – 23 chapters (see Chapter Links for descriptions)
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A young lesbian mother and her lover are caught in the act by her very curious seven-year-old daughter.

Tears of the Sun, by Purple Les – 13 chapters. (see Chapter Links for descriptions)
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An Unlikely Romance, by Girl Lover – 5 chapters
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A Young Desert Rose, by Sunnybunny – 17 chapters (see Chapter Links for descriptions)
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The End of August, Part One

  • Posted on January 27, 2017 at 1:54 pm

By Jane Doe

{ This story was originally posted at the Nifty Archive }

The end of August has come and with it the end of freedom. The heat is nigh unbearable, the sun beating down on our heads as Dad lugs the last of the suitcases up to the curb in front of the dorm. Dad and I have already dragged most of Sara and I’s things up to our little room, so I take a moment to wipe the sweat from my brow and contemplate my miserable situation. Eighteen years old, my senior year, and I’m back in this hell-hole.

Back to Mark, and all my supposed friends. Mom couldn’t stop chattering about how much I must be looking forward to seeing all my friends. They’re just comrades in misery. People I would never talk to if we weren’t all stuck in this prison together. And why? So our parents can be unshackled from the inconveniences of children for three quarters of the year.

And this year, joy of joys, Sara is joining me. It’s like they read my mind and found the one thing that would make time here even less bearable. Babysitting the miscreant and keeping her out of trouble. If she hadn’t managed to get kicked out of nearly every other boarding school on the continent they probably wouldn’t have resorted to this. I don’t even want to know what she did this time.

I glance back at her, leaning in the shade of the entrance’s archway. Even in this heat she seems totally unflappable, as though something like ambient temperature is too far beneath her to bother noticing. She knows I’m glaring at her as I pick up my last duffel, swinging it back over my shoulder, but she keeps gazing out past the parking lot at the wall and the trees beyond, a light breeze just barely enough to cause a sway in her long, dark hair.

We head past her, back up into the stuffy dormitory and she gives Dad a faint smile as he passes, carrying one of her bags in each hand. To most it would be a shy, thankful smile. I know better though. I can see the cool disdain behind her eyes when she looks at him. I can see her contempt for Mom as well. These are the only things that unite us, a mutual hatred for our parents. It’s sad really. But I doubt she sees it that way.

As soon as everything is vaguely in place and it’s hugs and kisses, love you but we have to go, we’ll send a Christmas card and all that, we can’t miss our plane. The hustle and bustle of other families moving their unfortunates in is muted to almost nil when Sara shuts the door, and we’re alone. Just the two of us, staring across our small room at one another as though sizing up a competitor before a prize fight.

“Well… it’s just the two of us then.”

Her voice is cool as ever, her face impassive as a small drop of sweat creeps its way down the contours of her neck to the hollow of her throat. I give her a half smile, I’m sure she can pick up how happy I am to have her at the same school, much less sharing a room with me.

“Yeah, us girls left with no one but each other. Just keep your nose clean, I don’t want to have to explain to Mom and Dad why you got kicked out, despite my `supervision’.”

She smiles her own little smile, a gleam showing in her eyes that I definitely don’t like.

“That’s what it all comes down to really, isn’t it? You don’t want to get yelled at by Mommy and Daddy because you couldn’t control me? Don’t worry your pretty little head sis. I only get caught when I want to. Keep me amused and you won’t have to worry about me wanting to leave.”

She smirks and turns, beginning to unpack. God why can’t they get the air conditioning to work? I set in to my suitcases as well, a nervous feeling settling in my stomach and refusing to be quelled.


The first couple of weeks pass quickly, getting reacquainted with the girls, settling in, starting class. Honestly it’s not as bad as I expected. Sara spends a good amount of time out, usually in the library, and I get left to do as I like. The heat, however, has not let up one bit. Every day it climbs over 100 degrees and we’re lucky if it gets into the high 80s at night. And that’s outside. We lay in our little beds, Sara on the bunk above me, wearing as little as possible and sweating until our sheets are damp. It must be hell up on the fourth floor. Thank god for small favors I guess.

There’s also getting to know Mark once again. I have to say he’s still pretty much the same guy, still the good boy trying to seem bad, trying to be so cool… but it’s cute. Walking together, talking together… the heat makes the physical side a bit sticky, but in a way it’s almost kind of sexy. Now I just have to make sure I keep him away from Sara. She’d probably steal him out of spite. Not that I doubt how he feels about me but I know how a pretty face can drive boys wild. And not that I’m not pretty… but I know she’s prettier than me. She’s drop dead gorgeous.

Then it happens. It’s Thursday and class lets out. I join the mob of girls trudging down the corridors in the stifling heat and head for the courtyard. I step out into the glaring sun and make my way towards the gate. There, leaning against the brick archway leading into the schools property is Sara. And in front of her, far too close for my tastes, is Mark. His tie is off and his short sleeved uniform shirt is open, showing his slightly damp undershirt. And damn he looks good. That bitch.

The heat is almost forgotten as anything other than further fuel for my anger as I stalk across the courtyard, it provides me with new energy to fuel my fast pace. She spots me as I approach; predictably enough the only acknowledgment of my presence is brief eye contact before she rolls her eyes. I manage to catch Mark unawares, however, and he starts briefly as I take his arm and give him a tight smile.

“Aw, hey babe. How’s it going? Enjoying the lovely weather?” He smiles casually down at me, his posture relaxing back from his previous lean towards my sister.

“Oh yeah,” I respond with a wry smile. “I’ve always wanted to go on a spa vacation, but that doesn’t mean I want to be in a sauna 24/7 for a month.”

Sara just lets out a soft sigh, looking out beyond the gate into the distance.

“Your roommate doesn’t seem to be too happy with it either.” Mark says with a grin, eyeing Sara once again.

“Yeah, she doesn’t like anything that messes with her complexion too much.” I give her a little smirk as her eyes drift momentarily over me, impassive as ever.

“I don’t tan, I burn and peel away paler than before.” Her voice is as disinterested as her face, now that her majesty has deigned me worthy to hear her speak. I doubt she was so blase before I showed up. “Regardless, I’ll catch you lovebirds later. I’m going to be late for my study group.”

She turns and starts off towards the library. Good riddance. I give Mark’s arm a little squeeze and then pull him down into a chaste kiss, in case any of the teachers or nuns are watching. Time to remind him who his girl is. I give his arm a little tug and he breaks out into another wide grin as I pull him off to one of the many shaded nooks around the buildings, both to get out of the heat of the sun and create a little of our own.


His hands slide over me a little more roughly than I like, gripping my flesh where I prefer to be caressed. I admonish him with a light bite on his lower lip, then tip my head back, allowing his lips to vainly attempt to devour my neck. I can feel him pressed up against me, the firmness of his body, the rock hard bulge of his cock pressing against my pelvis, his slippery palms sliding over the skin of my back underneath my shirt, occasionally ranging down to knead or squeeze my ass. My mouth meets his once again and I can feel the passion and hunger in him.

That’s the best part. I can feel how much he wants me. He wants me and only me. I am his world right now, his idol, his goddess. It’s in his kisses, the way his mouth and hands travel over me, the way he presses me back against the cool brick wall, and the throbbing of his stiffness straining to escape from his shorts. All for me.

Which leads me back to Sara. Another reason to hate her. Whenever she’s around it’s like I cease to be an independent entity. I stop being a single person; I become half of a unit, inseparable in so many people’s minds. And not even equal halves. So often it seems I end up considered the lesser. Her needs always come first. It’s always what will make her behave, what will appease her. Never what makes me happy. My twin, my bane, my albatross. Shit. She can totally ruin my mood, just by being in the same state.


When I get back to the room my mood hasn’t brightened any. She’s laying on her bed, flipping through a magazine. She hardly even glances up at me. I stare at her for a moment, her long, smooth legs, her flat belly, lightly beaded with sweat, the swell of her breasts held in place by a lacy white bra, her delicate wrists leading up into her long, graceful hands. Her skin, usually white as cream, is flushed pink in our stuffy little room, her dark hair spread over her pillows. Polar opposites, and yet we’re twins.

I shoot a glare in her direction, not caring whether she sees it or not, and head to my computer, shedding clothes as I go.

“I saw what you were doing earlier.” I say, sending another dark look her way.

“Mmmm… and what was that?” she asks, not even looking up, still idly paging through her issue of… whatever it is.

“You know.” I’m not in the mood for her games. Playing innocent and then sniping as soon as an opening appears.

“Oh, you mean getting talked at by your boy toy?”

“He’s my boyfriend. And I saw how close you were getting.” God she makes me furious. I’m sure the wavering tone in my voice shows it, but I’m not sure I care.

“You mean how close he was getting to me. You really could do better.” Calm, steady, detached. Infuriating.

“So you were just standing there, innocently minding your own business and he randomly started talking to you?” I ask incredulously, ignoring the snipe at my taste in men.

“Essentially, whether you want to believe it or not. Though he did seem to realize we’re sharing a room.”

“Right. Why do you always do this?” I turn and stare daggers at her, wishing looks could kill. She lets out a soft, long suffering sigh and puts down her magazine, rolling onto her side to look at me.

“I’m not doing anything.” How can she be so calm?

“You’re after Mark!” I nearly scream at her, anger bubbling and rising in my belly every moment she remains so damn calm.

“Abby, honestly, I’m more likely to be interested in you than in him.”

What the hell is that supposed to mean? I can’t stand hearing her say my name like that. So condescending and almost irritated, as if she were explaining addition to a retarded 20 year old for the fourth time in a row. I’m getting irrational and pissed off and I’m sure it’s showing like nothing else, I can feel the blood rushing to my face and my clenched fists are trembling.

“What? So he’s not good enough for you!?” It’s the first thing that springs to mind and I can’t help but spit it out at her. She sighs again, laying back on the bed and picking up her magazine once again.

“You’re missing my point.” Ignoring me like I’m a spoiled child. She’s the one that’s always causing trouble and I’m the one that’s childish?

“Am I? What the hell is your point then?”

“Forget it. I don’t want your boyfriend.” She speaks with a tone that tells me she’s said all she’s going to. I could rant and rail all night and she wouldn’t open her mouth again.

I pick up my trig book and slam it down on my desk, giving her one last murderous glare before sitting down and flinging it open, then plopping down in my chair to make a vain attempt at studying.


Flip… flip… flip

The sound of the pages of her magazine turning echoes in my head.

Flip… flip… flip

Ah god… how long am I going to have to put up with this? I close my textbook with a bang and look at the clock. Forty-five minutes of incessant crinkling and flipping as she pages through various inane rags. Where does she get all these? I turn and glare at her once again. Her eyes are on me, an eyebrow slightly raised as she flips another page, not even looking at the damn thing. My lips tighten and my eyes narrow, frustration building.

She sighs, oh the poor thing, all she has to suffer. I’d love to gouge her eyes out about now. Of course apparently that wouldn’t stop her from flipping through those things. She sets it down and sits up, lightly hopping down off her bunk and grabbing a dress shirt, pulling it over her shoulders as she walks out the door. Good. Maybe I can study now.

I go back to my book and continue with my homework, sine, cosine, tangent, triangles galore. Soon I’m almost missing the distraction of having her pissing me off. I guess misery really does love company. It’s been nearly half an hour. Where could she have gone? Not like she could’ve gone far wearing that little. And I am supposed to be making sure she stays out of trouble. Dammit Mom and Dad. Why did you have to send her here?

I get up, pulling on not only a tank top but also a pair of my gym shorts. I won’t be seen wandering around in a bra and panties through the halls, even if this is a girl’s school. I scour our floor, checking the lounge and any of the rooms with open doors, and finally I walk into the bathroom.

She’s sitting on the sink nearest the small window, a cigarette burning between her fingers as she gazes out.

“What the hell are you doing?” I ask, honestly surprised. I never knew she smoked! And in the bathroom of all places? Is she trying to get caught? She lets out a long sigh, yet again. Apparently that’s her thing today.

“Giving both of us a bit of quiet. At least until you decided to join me.” She takes a drag on the cigarette and blows it slowly out the window.

“Do you have any idea how stupid this is? Smoking in the bathroom? Are you trying to get kicked out?”

“Nope. But I get the idea you might be happier if I did.” She smiles at me, syrupy sweet.

“Shut up. You get kicked out, I get in trouble.”

She rolls her eyes. “Oh no, mommy and daddy might make you babysit me for the summer! Or worse! They could cancel your credit cards! Or… or…. What if they didn’t let you have your shiny little piece of crap convertible to pick up all the boys in!? Whatever would you do!?” Her exaggeratedly desperate look and wild, sorrowful eyes mock me.

I glare at her once again. “Why should I bother picking up guys? So you can steal them?” I shoot back at her. For once she looks a bit pissed off. It’s wonderfully gratifying to get her a bit flustered, to see her cheeks redden and the anger in her eyes.

“I’m not interested in your damn boyfriend. Why can’t you get that through your head? Blonde syndrome?” it’s my turn to suffer her calmly, smiling confidently.

“Liar.” I smirk at her and I can see her seething, this is great!

“Liar? You think I’m lying? Fuck you. I don’t want your idiot boy toy.” She glares at me and hops off the sink, flicking the butt of her cigarette out the open window and stalking back out of the bathroom and towards our room. I’m not going to let her get off so easily.

“Oh really? What? You only like the dark meat? Or maybe Hispanic guys? C’mon sis, what is it you like?” I’m almost giggling with glee as we get into the room and I close the door behind us, I love seeing her out of sorts! I have no idea why this is pissing her off so much, but I’m riding high on the wave.

“Oh, you want to know what I like? You want to know what turns me on, Abby dearest? Tsk tsk, you don’t even know your own twin. Shall I show you?” She spits, whirling to face me, eyes blazing, hair falling loose and wild around her shoulders, open shirt exposing the bare stretch of her belly and neck, as well as her virgin white bra and panties. I almost snicker as I think of her wearing `virgin’ white. Looking her in the eyes, I do giggle lightly.

“Sure sis, show me. You have pictures around here somewhere? I wouldn’t put taking pictures of your fun with an ex past you. Ooooh, or maybe video! You’re resourcef-…”

Suddenly I’m pressed back against the door and she’s so tight against me it’s hard to breathe, I can smell the smoke in her hair and taste it as her tongue probes my mouth. I try to push her back, but I have no leverage and I’m just not strong enough. Her lips are melded to mine, so aggressive yet so soft, her hands sliding over my hips and sides, so light yet so urgent…

I can feel almost every curve of her flesh pressed against me, the fullness of her breasts, always bigger than mine, pressed against my chest, her hips pressing into my stomach, just a bit higher, the two inches she has on me making just the difference. I can feel her stomach and chest heave as she breathes… what the fuck is going on? Damn she’s a good kisser though…

I’m confused as all hell as she gathers my hands above my head, pinning them up there with one of hers, holding my wrists tightly. I feel a jolt as I realize not only did she shift my hands, she pressed one of her thighs between mine, and as I squirm against her, the sensations between my legs tells me I’m… well… squirming against her. Her mouth moves off mine, down over my chin and onto my neck, leaving a moist trail as she covers my skin with kisses, sucks, nibbles and bites. It’s total sensory overload. I revel in the helplessness, it’s weird and it’s messed up, some part of my brain says, but I’m past caring. All I can think of is the feel of her lips on me, her saliva leaving a cool trail on my burning skin, and I begin to grind desperately against the hip and thigh she’s afforded me.

She leans her upper body back as her mouth continues downwards, using the space created, she pulls up my tank top roughly. I let out a tiny groan of protest when she stops sucking and biting my collarbone, but then I feel her soft lips on my exposed left nipple, sucking it into her mouth and gently biting down, ravaging the soft flesh of my breast with her mouth. The groan turns to a gasping cry and I barely notice as she begins tugging my shorts and underwear down. She even manages without too much of an interruption to my grinding, but when I feel her bare thigh against my exposed wetness, it’s all I can do to avoid screaming.

She lets go of my hands and her mouth moves off my nipple, sliding over to the right one before nipping and kissing her way farther down my stomach… dear god is she going to..? I can’t even think of it, my heart is pounding in my chest and in my ears, it’s like every last nerve ending in my body has suddenly come alive, registering pleasure everywhere any part of her has touched me, plus the area surrounding, just by proximity. Her hair brushes over my abdomen and legs as she slowly goes to her knees in front of me. I don’t think I’ve ever been so turned on in my entire life. To have her kneeling… wanting me… touching me, taking possession of every bit of me… I can feel it, as sure as anything else I’ve ever felt. She wants me. This is her time to worship, to desire, to give me everything she has and more. And I’m more than willing to accept it.

She nudges her way under one of my legs, so it’s over her shoulder and around her back. I allow her total access, completely willingly. She slides her arm around my uplifted leg to rest her hand on my mound, delicately spreading the lips beneath, and there’s a terrible moment of anticipation… what will it be like? I’ve never let anyone… much less a girl… even less my pain of a sister… and then it happens. I feel the first moment of contact like a religious experience, it’s like seeing god. I don’t just feel it, I see it, hear it, smell it, it reverberates through my entire being… the heat and wetness of her mouth melds with my own, her tongue caressing my deepest folds, suckling on my clit as she did on my nipples, working the fingers of her other hand gently at the entrance to my holy of holies, lightly penetrating, never invasive, exploring and working my entire body into a frenzy of pleasure through that one small area.

I bury my hands in her hair, feeling the silky soft strands of liquid jet flow between my fingers, caressing her face and neck as she pushes me ever farther. The first orgasm hits me from out of left field. It’s like the world is spinning and breaking apart, swirling into the darkness behind my closed eyelids. I don’t think I could even whimper, my breath swept out of me, glorious explosions of hormones going off in my brain.

Many follow that first, but I’d be lying if I said I remember them all clearly. We make it to my bed eventually, where we finally collapse, exhausted, both physically and emotionally, and drift off into a deep, dreamless sleep, curled around one another. Somehow, the heat just isn’t as much of a bother anymore…

Continue on to Part Two


How My Niece Juli Came To Be My Vixen, Chapter 1

  • Posted on January 26, 2017 at 4:02 pm

By Openmindedwoman

Note from Juicy Secrets:  This fine story, as you will soon discover, is something of a departure from the usual fare at our site. That’s because it includes a fairly generous amount of hetero sex. We have no plans to post more items with this sort of content, but the story below is so well-written and so compelling that we just couldn’t turn it down. We hope you’ll enjoy it as much as we did. 


If my sister wasn’t such a flake, it might never have happened this way.

But she is, and I couldn’t be happier.

I’m Leslie, 36 now, and sort of separated from a husband who drifts in and out of my life. Actually, he’s so much into his own startup business and chasing sports events around the country that he’s often gone for weeks at a time. So we aren’t divorced, formally, but it leaves me pretty lonely, and it leaves me with opportunity.

Fortunately the finances are pretty well taken care of, and I can do my job as a substitute high school and junior high teacher pretty much on a schedule of my own choosing. I’m 5’6″, with dark wavy hair usually about shoulder length, and a body that is a little softer and rounder than I’d like. Still, I can smile at myself in the mirror most of the time, and I can turn a head at the grocery, especially if I let my full, heavy C cup tits sway without a bra under a light top, or a halfway unbuttoned one.

I like doing that, just to keep myself on edge.

I guess I’ve always liked that, especially because when I do it, my nipples slide against the fabric and they say “Yes, ma’am! We’ll be coming right up… Atten-tion!” Oh my god, they are sooo sensitive. And it seems to make my pussy so warm and moist when I notice younger people’s eyes lock onto them.

My sister is three years older, and she was a good big sister when we were teens. She even let me touch her well-developed breasts once when I was first seeing my little swollen bumps start to blossom. But then, some months later, she was very clear that it wasn’t ‘right’ and we shouldn’t do that anymore.

Melissa really never could make up her mind about things… whether it was that, or which dress to wear, or where she left her schoolwork or car keys, or whether to follow Mom’s and Dad’s instructions to the letter. She ended up more like them, pretty conservative, but with some exasperation in her disorganized manner of life. She also ended up with a deadbeat of a husband who left when her daughter Julianne and her son Justin were 4 and 3, respectively.

He still pays some child support, but it isn’t enough. It works for them, though, as she manages to hold down a reasonable job. But she has always needed help with my darling niece and nephew, so I’ve been a pretty constant part of their lives, either staying with them at their house, or having them at mine.

My own erotic journey involved a constant itch, it seems, to satisfy the wilder side.  I’m much more the family rebel than my sister, testing the stern rules that Mom and Dad laid down about what I could wear and not wear, and when I could start dating, and with lots of warnings about being a ‘good girl’.

By the time I was 13, in 7th grade, the boys at school thought I was a pretty good girl, and I loved the attention. Ha! Boys are so easy. Letting them have a little feel was lots of fun, and it didn’t take much time to learn that I could make them erect so fast. That was a rush, and pretty intriguing for a girl whose friends, most of them anyway, only talked about what boys’ ‘stiffies’ must be like.

Ahhh, teen hormones… mine included. That was when my tits popped to A cups, and I realized that my nipples were longer than ANY of my friends’ nipples. And I also noticed that other girls seemed to notice them, and silently, I know there was a lot of visual comparing going on.

Then, in 9th grade, when I was 15, finally with just enough curly brown pubic hair to not be embarrassed in phys ed, I began to get tingly feelings about some of those other girls. Lots of exciting conversations during sleepovers led to sorting out those who also felt like experimenting, and I soon learned the delights of orgasms under the fingers and tongues of other girls, and how intimate and soft and incredibly arousing it is to return all those exploring touches.

I got especially turned on by the flirty mom of one of my first girlfriends. She was divorced, and I later found out she was seeing other women. She knew about us, about her daughter and me, and two other girls, and was open with her daughter about her own relationships. She never exactly hit on me, totally, but she was a huggy, touchy type of an ‘older close friend’. Sometimes, when I got a greeting hug, she would pull me close and linger, my head between her full womanly breasts, and she would let her hands slide over my back, sometimes down to cup my tight teen bottom, and when I masturbated by myself, somehow my thoughts often turned to the really naughty, sort of taboo element in across-generations sex.

My journey continued right through college, and then, after working on my own for a number of years, I met a guy who had incredible drive and personality and convinced me to get married. Possibly a big mistake, but now, as things are working out, I can see that opportunity comes in strange ways and you just have to recognize it. I recognized it by the playful way that I got along with my sister’s kids, Juli and Justin, and the large amount of time and influence I seemed to have with them.

They were vibrant and active kids, and liked running around naked after bath time. It got so they would splash and play when I was giving them a bath when they were 6 and 5, and I began doing it naked myself, just to stay dry on the outside edge of the tub. After a bit of that, I recognized that what I really wanted was simply for them to grow up being unashamed of their naked bodies and to be accustomed to their Aunt Leslie being naked around them.

With that in mind, I just stayed naked after slippery soaping and rinsing their bodies and drying them off from head to toe. There was nothing overtly sexual about any of that touch when they were so young, but touch is intimate and familiar when it is on naked bodies, and I wanted that to feel like a natural and warm and welcoming thing, not a forced or uncomfortable thing. So in the early days I avoided lingering too long on any body parts, or making any suggestive comments, even if there were a few butterflies in my stomach when I did it.

But I stayed naked. And my sister never knew.

Naked when we went to the kitchen for a snack, and naked when we went to the living room couch to read a story or watch a show on TV. They loved running around naked anyway, like any number of kids I’ve known in other families.

By the time Juli was 8 years old and Justin was 7, their mom announced that they were too old to be nude together any more, and made them get dressed around the house.

But on days or evenings when Aunt Leslie was their nanny we did it just like always… bare skin and giggles.

Of course, they had to agree that it was our own thing to do and not to ever tell their mom, because she would have put an end to it. And so we continued… bath time, drying off, having a snack, and sitting on the couch together. Bare naked skin, smooth young skin, hip to hip with me.

They were warm and snuggly, and if I was reading a story they would lean against my arms, one on each side, to see the pages and practice reading some of the words. If we were watching TV I would wrap one arm around each and they would snuggle under my armpit, their heads against the sides of my C cup breasts. They loved being ‘in the nest’ that way and would often lift my arm to wrap it around them if I didn’t do it first.

I loved that, because that way my touches included the fronts of their arms, the outsides of their necks and cheeks and ears, and when draping casually around their bodies, my hands would end up on their chests, moving lightly as we watched the TV. It was easy to let my fingers drift across their nipples, then back to the center, then back to the nipples, just ever so lightly across them. It was all about intimate touch amid conversation and the dialog of the show. But I could feel their nipples pucker, as stimulated nipples do, and occasionally I could feel a little squirm.

I could also tell they liked it. The way we were sitting naturally left their inside arms either in their own laps, or more often, resting on my thigh. I sat with my legs slightly open, knees spread, not hiding myself, just being, well, open, a little exposed. Justin’s cheek would press a little more firmly into my right breast, and without saying anything, Juli would sometimes take my hand and move it over her nipple when it was resting in between them or on her arm. It made me remember how much I loved touching my own nipples when I was her age, watching them pucker, feeling the warmth spread into my tummy and not really knowing what it was all about. Moving fingers, absentmindedly caressing warm accessible skin was common, and I could feel theirs moving over my thighs as well as we watched TV and talked about whatever.

It drove me crazy, and my tummy churned, and my pussy clenched inside.

Juli had had a tongue sucking habit all her life, and when she was in a relaxed zone or even asleep, she would slightly part her lips, the tip of her tongue sticking out and then pulling back quickly, over and over as she made little suckling noises. It may have been a leftover of being nursed by my sister, or just something that was comforting, but it happened a lot when we were quiet like that, snuggling. It made me feel there were possibilities there, and I could tell by her body language that Juli was receptive to whatever was happening, even without words.

Justin, on the other hand, was a little squirmier when his nipples were being caressed, and sometime in those years he began to get erections when I did it. Sometimes he would move his right hand to his young hard cock and just hold it, or cup his balls, squeezing lightly while we watched. Sometimes he would turn his head a little and nuzzle my tit with his nose, and let his fingers slide back and forth on the inside warm smooth skin of my thigh.

I was thrilled that our casual way of being together included the lovely, warm, safe way of being naked, combined with a growing awareness of their body sensations, and a total comfort level with both their nakedness and mine.

Continue on to Chapter 2



  • Posted on January 25, 2017 at 1:17 pm

By Naughty Mommy

This short story came to me in a dream. I woke up very early, around 5:30 AM, and just had to get out of bed and write it all down. Hope you find it tasty! – N.M.

I love children. I always wanted to be a mom, but never found the right man and so I never married. I’m still a single girl (if I can call myself a girl at age 38).

Anyway, it’s almost 3:30 now, time for them to start arriving. I have everything ready, cupcakes freshly made, juice ready to pour. Just because I’m not a mother, that doesn’t mean I can’t spend many happy hours around the ones I love: those adorable children, my precious little girls.

The doorbell rings. The first to appear, as usual, is Jenny. Seven years old and as cute as she can be. I open the door and let her in. Jenny reaches up and wraps her arms around my neck, giving me a big hug. I return the hug and kiss her pretty mouth. Dressed today in a dark red pinafore over a long-sleeved white shirt, she is just adorable, her cheeks rosy from the cold air outside.

I take Jenny’s coat and give her another kiss, then lead her into the playroom. The small table, child-size, is all set. As she sits down, the doorbell rings again.

Twenty minutes later, everyone is here. My usual group, five girls between ages six and ten. I do their mothers a favor by watching these children for a couple of hours every day after school. I don’t charge anything for this service. It’s my pleasure.

The girls enjoy their cupcakes and juice. I love watching them eat, sitting around the low table in their miniature chairs, giggling and licking their fingers, their darling lips and chins gooey with frosting. I sit with them and sip my scotch, waiting for them to finish.

When the last crumbs have been consumed, it’s time for me to perform. The kids turn to me expectant, faces glowing with anticipation, eyes bright with excitement. They’ve had their sugar rush, and now they’re ready for another kind of thrill.

The oldest, Monica, nods slowly to me, her dark eyes hooded. She’s the only one, so far, who has followed my example. I expect the others will in time. I certainly hope so.

I put down my empty glass and spread my legs. My skirt rides up. I’m not wearing any panties. The children ooh and ahh. My pussy is very wet. I open my blouse, revealing my braless breasts. I take them in my hands, squeezing them, pinching the erect nipples as I gaze into the eyes of the girls. More sighs and murmurs of approval. Monica has a hand between her legs now, rubbing herself.

My breasts are rather large, pendulous enough that I can suck my own nipples. My young guests love to watch me do this, and I love watching them watch me. It makes my pussy even wetter to see their eager faces. My clit throbs as I lick and suck the stiff brown nipples. I spread my legs very wide, leaning back in the chair. The scent of my lust fills the room. The children are enthralled by what they’re viewing and by what they smell.

I finish with my breasts, then lower both hands to my crotch. I massage the swollen labia, fingers growing slippery with lubrication. A groan escapes me, unbidden. This is what I live for, to give my special girls a very special show each day.

My mouth is watering. I swallow and lick my lips, breath coming fast, chest heaving. I’m already close to a climax, though I haven’t yet touched my clit. All day long, as I bake and prepare and look forward to what the children and I will do later, after school, my arousal steadily builds until it becomes nearly unbearable — but I never allow myself to relieve the pressure. I hold it all in, preserving it for my little friends, my audience.

Monica’s hand is inside her panties, rubbing. At ten years old, she is more than capable of giving herself an orgasm, even if she is still hairless and almost completely flat-chested. The delight of sexual pleasure is something that comes early for girls, a gift we can enjoy from a very young age.

I’ve been masturbating for as long as I can remember, always loving the feel of my fingers working between my legs. At around six or seven, I can’t remember for certain, I had my first orgasm and was hooked for life. I’ve never stopped playing with myself, though now I restrict my climaxes to a certain time each afternoon. That makes them all the more powerful.

A drip of gooey moisture oozes out of my cunt, sliding down to my anus. I finger myself there, watching the eyes of the kids grow wide as I diddle my asshole. Then I lift my feet to the table, scooting lower in my chair, opening myself all the way to them, fully exposing my sex. They are captivated by the sight.

Slowly, hungrily, I spread my pussy lips with my hands. I’m trembling so hard now, and nearly gasping for air, that I couldn’t speak if I wanted to. And anyway, there are no words that can convey what I’m demonstrating with my actions. That says it all.

As I place a fingertip at the opening of my vagina and begin to push it in, I notice that Olivia, one of my two eight-year-olds, has pulled up her little dress and is rubbing herself, massaging her crotch through her panties. This is the first time I’ve seen her do that. I’m very pleased.

I fuck my cunt, first with one finger, then with two. Sometimes after pressing my fingers very deep inside, I’ll draw them out and hold my hand up for the kids, letting them see the gleaming, slippery wetness. I do that now, and every one of the girls licks her lips. I smile at them, then fuck myself some more.

But god, I really can’t wait much longer. My pussy aches with need. Juices are streaming out of me, dripping down between my legs. It’s almost time.

I show them my clit, pulling the skin back. I have a very big clitoris, larger than most, I think. Erect, as it is now, it sticks up proudly, half an inch at least, pink and fat and glistening. The children shift closer in their chairs, eyes very wide, wanting to see.

The tension is thick. I’m right there, on the edge. The slightest touch on my clit will send me shooting over the top. I can see that the little girls are aroused too, their faces flushed. Monica is panting, huffing and puffing as she plays with herself. She’s ready.

Gritting my teeth — hoping that for once I can keep my eyes open when I come so I can observe their reactions — I push my hands together, squeezing my clit between my lips and doing a quick scissoring motion with my fingers. It takes only a moment, and then I explode into orgasm, grunting and groaning loudly. The sensations are too intense and my eyes slam shut, my body writhing as wave after wave of climactic pleasure crashes over me. I feel the gush of juices flowing from my vagina, dripping onto the chair. Somehow, somewhere, I can hear Monica coming too, making her high-pitched squeal.

I don’t stop with one. So much pent-up desire has accumulated inside me throughout the day that I can easily come again, numerous times. I ride the wave, squeezing and releasing, squeezing and releasing, jiggling my hands, drawing the pleasure out, extending my rapture for as long as I possibly can. Along the way, I sometimes catch little sounds of approval from the girls, exclamations of excitement, even clapping.

When I finally finish, several minutes later, I’m totally exhausted, spent, worn out. My head lolls back as my chest heaves. My hands fall away, dropping to the floor. I know my legs are still spread wide, my sodden pussy in full view. What a sight this must make: five little girls seated around a doll table, staring at a woman’s juicy cunt.

I often wonder if one of my guests will ever try anything else, if they might want to touch me or even lick me at this point. So far, no one has. But maybe someday.

The doorbell rings.

I gather myself together as best I can, smiling to the kids while rising unsteadily to my feet. I walk to the door, licking my fingers, not bothering to button my blouse.

Emma’s mother is here. She gives me a wink, kisses my cheek, then helps Emma on with her coat. They leave. Shortly after, Monica’s mother arrives, and then Cindy’s. They greet me cheerfully, thanking me, taking their girls and departing.

By 5:30, the house is empty again, except for me. I wipe off the messy chair, clean up the few dishes, and think about what treat I might bake for the girls tomorrow.


I Was the Daughter of a Porn Star, Chapter 70

  • Posted on January 24, 2017 at 10:36 am

Genie in a Bottle

By Cheryl Taggert 

If you need help keeping up with the characters, you may go here.

That afternoon when Jenna got home from soccer practice, she came into the bedroom and roused me from my nap. I turned over and grinned at her. She picked up that I was easily in the best mood I’d been in for a long time, at least since my first day of classes at UCLA, which hadn’t gone well.

She was peeling off her practice jersey when she stopped and said, “Holy fuck! You’re happy!” She said it as if it were a miracle, which maybe it seemed to be to her. She’d slept with me every night, and she more than anyone else knew how miserable I’d been for weeks.

“Yep,” I said. “As a clam in mud.” Then I giggled. “Or a tongue in a pussy.”

She finished getting undressed and joined me on the bed. “So give. What happened to cause you to be so happy?”

I smiled at her. “I think I’m in love. Or at least falling in love.”

Her jaw dropped. “With who?”

“Lisa,” I said.

Her eyes opened wide, joining her dropped jaw in amazement. “You mean that Lisa?”

“Yes, that Lisa.”

“Holy shit! That’s who you hooked up with last night?” Jenna was still in shock it seemed. She just sat there staring numbly.

“In a major way,” I said. “I just hope she feels the same.”

“What did you two do? Where did you go? It certainly wasn’t here.”

“Well, first we went to the ladies’ bathroom,” I said with a mischievous smile.

“Oh my God!” Jenna said, inadvertently sounding like the girl who walked into the bathroom last night and said the same thing. “You mean you two did it in the bathroom?”

“Yeah. We even had an audience of sorts.”

Her brow furrowed. “An audience? In the bathroom? How big was it?”

“It was like a public bathroom, only it was for the girls in the sorority where the party was held. There were five stalls, and, well, Lisa and I shared one. The door was closed, but everyone could hear us. When we finished, we walked out into the bathroom naked to cheers and leers from the girls in there.”

“How many were there?” Jenna was nearly drooling.

“At least a dozen by the time we finished.”

“And they were all horny from listening to you guys?”

“Oh yeah. I saw one girl in the back touching herself through her thin cotton costume when we came out.”

“What kind of costume was she wearing?”

“Some kind of Indian squaw thing. A short skirt and a decorated leather bandanna. She was cute.”

“And horny,” Jenna added.

“And horny,” I verified.

“I wish I could have been there,” Jenna said, a faraway look in her eyes. I figured she was imagining the girl who was rubbing herself through her costume and imagining helping her out.

“I wish you could have been, too. But you’re still just fifteen, and you have to be eighteen to get into those parties.”

Cindy stuck her head in the bedroom and said to Jenna, “You’re not in the shower yet? Get a move on, girl!” Then she looked at me and said, “Hey, Cheryl. Did you have fun last night?”

Jenna answered for me. “Boy did she ever. She was just telling me about doing it in the bathroom with a girl she’s wanted to get with for a while now,” she said, picking up her dirty practice uniform to put in the hamper.

“In the bathroom?” Cindy asked, her eyebrows arched sharply.

“Well, that’s where it all started, but we ended up in much more luxurious surroundings. I took her to the Beverly Hills Hilton after that. It was magnificent,” I said, remembering our time together there. “We ordered breakfast through room service.”

“What did you have?” Jenna asked.

“Shower!” Cindy said to Jenna, who reluctantly left the room

“Don’t say anything about last night!” Jenna said. “Not until I get back.”

I smiled at my adopted sister. She was horny, yes, but she was also so happy for me. It showed in her face. It even showed in her posture.

Jenna now gone, Cindy, her mother, turned to me and continued the conversation where it had left off. “So, what did you have for breakfast?”

“Besides the most delicious pussy in California?” I said, grinning.

“Well, that’s too subjective,” Cindy said, chuckling.

“We had eggs Benedict, bacon, wheat toast, a fruit compote, and coffee.”

“Sounds delicious,” Cindy said.

I smiled at her. “Not as delicious as Lisa’s pussy.”

“So when do we get to meet the famous Lisa?”

At that moment, my mom entered the room.

“Lisa?” she asked. “Is that the same Lisa you were so upset about a few weeks ago?”

“One and the same,” I said, smiling.

“That must be who called for you about an hour ago,” Mom said.

“I had a call?! From Lisa?! Why didn’t you wake me up?”

“Calm down, Cheryl,” Mom said. “She asked if you were here and I said yes but you were sleeping. She chuckled but didn’t explain why she found that amusing. I asked her if I could take a message, and she said no, that she’d call back later.”

“How much later?” I asked, already impatient to talk to her. I wanted to make sure she enjoyed herself last night as much as I did. I knew I was falling for her and feared she might not feel the same way.

“Relax,” Mom said. “Don’t have a cow. She said she’ll call back. Why didn’t you give her your cell number?”

“I did,” I said, scrambling for my phone to see if I’d missed any calls. I had. From Lisa about an hour ago. I’d also given her my home land line number, so she had tried it after trying to get ahold of me on my cell. I realized after checking my phone that I had silenced it when we got to the hotel and had forgotten to turn the ringer back up. I wanted to kick myself.

“Did she try to call you first?” Cindy asked.

“Yeah.” I said, turning my phone back up. I sat there and thought for a moment, aware my mom and Cindy were watching me. My brow was furrowed in serious concentration.

I looked at them. “Do you think I should call her? Or would that be too forward or seem desperate?”

“First, I’d suggest you stop acting like a thirteen-year-old,” Mom said. “If you’re falling in love here, I doubt she will want to fall in love with the thirteen-year-old version of you.”

I grinned. “Is it that obvious?”

“Obvious?” Cindy said. “You might as well wear an entire billboard proclaiming your love. It’s kind of sickening, to be honest.”

“What’s sickening?” Jenna asked, entering the bedroom naked after her quick shower.

“Funny,” I said. “I thought you’d take longer than that in the shower after our talk.”

“Hey, you got me close, so it was easy. Two minutes and I was shivering like a naked Eskimo, just not from the cold,” she said. “Now, what’s sickening?”

“Your sister’s return to puberty,” Mom said. “She’s acting like a young girl in love.”

“She is a young girl in love,” Jenna said, trying to defend me.

“She’s acting a lot younger than she is,” Mom offered, “like twelve.”

“A minute ago it was thirteen,” I protested.

“I’m still trying to nail it down,” Mom said, smiling. Underneath, she was happy for me.

I was still trying to figure out if I should call her back when my phone rang, the tune of Christina Aguilera’s “Genie in a Bottle” filling the room. How appropriate, I thought, thinking of the lyrics. “You gotta rub me the right way.” Boy, had she!

I pressed the button to answer my phone, and said hello while waving everyone out of the room. “Hang on a sec,” I said to Lisa. Jenna looked at me with her hands stretched out as if to say, ‘Hey, look at me! I just got out of the shower.’

I nodded at her, but stared down Cindy and Mom until they left the room. I didn’t need them there making me feel self-conscious about whether I was acting my age. I pressed a finger to my lips to let Jenna know to be totally quiet and said to Lisa, “Hey! How you feelin’?”

“Fine,” she said. “I called earlier but you didn’t pick up, so I called your house in case your phone was dead.”

“Yeah, my mom told me. My phone was still silenced from last night.”

There was a brief pause before she said, “Sounds like something I would do.”

“So what’s shakin’?” I asked, trying my best to be nonchalant and not overly eager… like a thirteen-year-old.

“Not much. What’s shakin’ with you?”

“I just woke up a little while ago. My sister barged in and woke me.” Jenna stared at me, the obvious ‘what the fuck?!’ in her expression. I just shook my head for her to ignore it. “But I needed to get up anyway,” I said.

“Yeah. I hate it when I take a nap and can’t get to sleep that night.”

“Yeah,” I agreed.

Then silence.

I nearly panicked. We barely knew each other and already we were running out of things to say. Not a good sign.

“Um,” she began, then stopped.

“Um, what?” I asked, praying she wouldn’t answer, ‘um, I’ve been thinking and last night was a lot of fun, but….’

“Well, I was talking to my mom and she asked if you wanted to come over for dinner this evening.”

“Dinner?” I asked, not knowing what to say. Mostly I was wondering what she and her mom talked about regarding us.

“Yeah,” she said. “It’s this meal some people eat around six or seven in the evening. I’m sure you’ve heard of it.” I could hear the grin in her voice.

“Very funny,” I said. “I know what dinner is.” She laughed at my response to her joke. “Hang on and let me make sure my mom doesn’t have plans.”

I needed a moment to collect my thoughts. I was so curious what she’d said to her mom about me. Had she talked about falling in love? Had she told her about how I had spied on her and Brenda when they broke up? What if she’d said she had enjoyed the evening but needed to find the right way to let me down easy? I pictured her mom saying, ‘I know just the thing. We can invite her over for dinner and you can break up with her across the street in the usual spot.’

All this ran through my mind as I went in search of Mom.

“Mom, Lisa invited me to her house for dinner. Is that okay?”

“Sure. Will you be home tonight?”

I was stumped. I really didn’t know. Did they allow sleepovers like this? It was one thing if we were still thirteen, but we were young women, and they knew we were in a relationship. Would they want to have the two of us bouncing off the walls in Lisa’s bedroom, groaning out our orgasms? My family would be fine with that, but we were rather unique. Hell, they would suggest an orgy in the game room. But I knew not all families were like that, not even most of them, sad to say.

From the lost look on my face, Mom realized she wasn’t going to get an answer. “Just let me know your plans, okay? I’m fine either way.”

I’d left my phone on the bed, so I went back to the room I shared with my adopted sisters to let Lisa know I could be there. I wouldn’t say anything about any plans for later. I figured I could see what developed.

I picked up my phone and said, “Lisa?”

“Uh-huh?” The smile was still in her voice.

“My mom says there’s nothing planned. What time you want me there?”

“What time do I want you here? How about an hour ago?” she said. She had no idea how much that thrilled me to hear her say that.

“I could have asked that differently,” I said, a little smirk curling my lip slightly at the corners. “What if I’d said ‘what time do you want me’ and left it at that?”

She giggled. “Same answer,” she said. I could almost feel her blushing over the phone.

I sat there, waiting for her answer to my real question. She was apparently waiting for me to say something.

“Uh, Lisa?”


“You still haven’t answered my question.”

“Oh,” she paused. “Which one?” Then she burst out laughing.

I grinned, falling in love just a little bit more with her.

“What time should I arrive for that meal some people eat in the early evening?”

“Oh! Sorry!” she said, still laughing. “Um, you can come over any time. We can sit around and watch a movie or something.”

“Or something?” I asked, suggestion in my tone.

“Well, not that something. My family is liberal, but not that liberal.”

“So they’re not as liberal as mine,” I said.

“What?!” she said. “Your mom would be okay with us….” She didn’t finish the sentence, knowing I already knew the rest of it.

“You did say you saw my movies, right?”

“Oh, my God! That’s right. Of course she’d be okay with it. That is so cool, Cheryl!”

“Maybe I’ll fill you in on just how cool it is one day,” I said before we hung up after saying our good-byes.

I looked over at Jenna right before we hung up. She was staring at me with eyes as big as golf balls and shaking her head in disbelief that I’d hinted at my home life so early in our relationship. The truth was, I wanted a less expensive place than the Beverly Hills Hilton to take Lisa when we wanted to make love. I figured the sooner I felt her out on that topic, and the one about my family’s sex life that went along with it, the better it would be for all of us. She already knew my mom and I had made a porn movie together, a movie in which we both caressed each other’s butt in a very sexual way. How far was it, exactly, from that to ‘my mom and I are lovers’?

And what about sisters? Lisa and Rachel were only two years apart. Most of the girls I knew who were that close in age to a sister had at least fooled around some. It was interesting how many freely admitted to doing stuff together when they were young. Had Lisa and Rachel? If so, how far did it go? How old had they been? And was there something still going on between them? I wouldn’t be surprised if there was, and I’d be even less surprised if the two of them had fooled around with each other at some point, probably in their early teens.

I was certain Lisa was aware of sisters who had fooled around and may still do so. Jenna was only three years younger than I was. Would it really surprise Lisa to learn we had fooled around? How shocked would she be to find out we still did it? Lisa was certainly no prude. In fact she was one of the most sexually liberated girls I knew. After all, how many girls would walk naked out of a bathroom stall into a crowded bathroom right after having very loud sex with another girl, who was equally naked? The answer is not many, which is why it was so daring.

I got up and got dressed. Jenna went out to watch some TV. The twins had been at a friend’s down the street, and they came in just before I left for Lisa’s. Jenna filled them in on my love life. Sonia and Sophia were happy for me, wishing me luck as I walked out the door to drive over and visit Lisa and her family.

The visit turned out to be quite revealing for both Lisa and me.

Continue on to Chapter 71


Remnants, Part One

  • Posted on January 22, 2017 at 10:33 pm

By No One


Rain sighed and frowned at the poorly drawn map in her hands, increasingly feeling like she was utterly lost. She had followed the admittedly unclear directions as best she could; those damn ruins had to be around here somewhere. If they exist at all, she reminded herself.

It had seemed like a good idea at the time. A map to some vestiges of the Ancients, recently uncovered by the shifting sands, and possibly full of priceless technological artifacts. What more could a relic hunter want?

A more reliable map, for one thing. Her contact was normally dependable, but this was second- or even third-hand info, and she had not been scrupulous enough in vetting it. She had been too eager to leave town for a while, had paid a stupid sum for the equally stupid map, and now here she was.

It was all Sapphire’s fault.

Rain’s usual relic-hunting partner — and occasional lover — had once again been making questionable and downright boneheaded life decisions, and Rain had taken it upon herself to tell the girl just how irresponsibly she was acting. The thing about Sapphire, though, was that she was about the most stubborn person to live since the Calamity, so that course of action, perhaps predictably, had not gone over very well. There had been a quarrel. Rain had felt the urge to get away for a while and had rashly set out on this adventure on her own. And now she was lost in the middle of nowhere.

Sapphire had always been the one with the good sense of direction, too.

Rain sighed again and shook her head; she didn’t want to think about Sapphire right now. Folding up the map, she put it back in her jacket pocket and decided to drive her sand bike up a nearby dune to get a better look at her surroundings and maybe take a quick break.

A brief ride later, she stood atop the small hill, taking a drink from her water flask and craning her neck around in a circle. She noted that her situation wasn’t much improved from up here. The thing about the Waste was that it looked much the same in any direction: quite a bit of sand, a few rocks, hard arid earth. All that was left of most of the world after the Calamity.

Looking around her, there was nary a point of reference in sight, and certainly no trace of any Ancient ruins. Glancing back the way she had come, she wondered if she had made a turn at the wrong “big rock.” The instructions had not been terribly specific about the size that should be considered “big.”

She had daydreamed that, this time, she would find some rare piece of tech that she could sell to live comfortably for a while. Maybe even a generator. Ironically, the settlement where she lived — charmingly named Dead End — had vast supplies of gas, but few devices to convert it to useful power. The machines the tech-heads managed to cobble together for that purpose were inefficient and tended to spit out disgusting black smoke, so a powerful and portable generator made by the Ancients would fetch a fortune from the right folk. Unfortunately, her hopes of such a discovery were fading fast at the moment.

Suddenly, she frowned at the horizon as she noticed a dark patch obscuring part of the sky, barely perceptible at this distance. The sun was about to set but… no, this didn’t look like the natural dimming of the evening. She stared at the phenomenon for a moment, until she discerned, as she had feared, the mass of shadow moving, swirling. If she knew the Waste — and after exploring it for the better part of a decade, ever since she was barely a teenager, she figured she did — that looked very much like a dust storm coming her way.

She spat. “This day just keeps getting better and better.”

The thing about dust storms out in the Waste was that… you really didn’t want to get caught in one. At best, you would be stumbling around blind, trying not to get buried alive as dust and sand did their utmost to infiltrate every nook and cranny of your clothes, and every orifice in your body. If you weren’t so lucky, well, the worst storms would simply suffocate you where you stand, or even flay the skin off your bones.

None of those options sounded very appealing to Rain. The issue, of course, was that she was about a day’s drive from any settlement that she knew of, and the storm spread right in the middle of her way home. She had to find some kind of shelter and fast. While the disturbance still seemed a long ways off, she knew very well those things could sneak up on you in the blink of an eye. Already, she imagined she could feel the wind picking up a little.

Quickly, she rummaged through the pack attached to her bike, took out her long cloak and fastened it around her shoulders, then pulled up the hood over her head and her scarf over her nose and mouth. It wouldn’t help much in the worst of the storm, but might make things more comfortable until then.

Getting back on the bike, she turned on the ignition, and thanked the gods that the finicky machine started up on the first try, for once. She rode hurriedly down the dune, the direction seeming to matter little as long as it was away from that dust cloud.

She drove past a few more dunes, eyes peeled for anything that might offer protection, though she didn’t have very high hopes of finding a sturdy house in the middle of nowhere. Here was a dried-up, stunted old tree, miraculously still standing on a patch of rocky ground, but she didn’t have time to ponder its mystery. It looked like it could barely shelter a few bugs, let alone do anything for her. She doubted it would survive the storm.

Her own chances were growing slimmer as well. The wind was now definitely much stronger, and a few particles of sand and dust had caught up with her, bouncing harmlessly off her clothes. She knew they wouldn’t remain so innocuous for very long, though.

She felt numb. It would be a really stupid end to die on such a hare-brained adventure. She selfishly wished Sapphire was there with her. Not that the girl could do anything about the storm, of course, but it somehow seemed less miserable to die alongside a friend.

As the morbid thought went through her mind, she noticed a pile of rocks on the side of a dune. She nearly ignored it — the mound seemed hardly big enough to provide much cover — but something about it caught her eye and she turned for a closer inspection. As she got nearer, she noted the rocks in question were, in fact, rectangular and flat, hardly looking natural at all. Bricks? Could this be related to the ruins she had been looking for?

Heart in her throat, she pushed her sand bike as fast as it would go, eyes fixed on the rubble. There, it looked like… yes! The corner of a building jutting out of the sand. She drove up close, got off the bike, then crawled partway up the dune to get a better look. The structure had probably been buried for a century or two, but a random shift of the sands had uncovered a small part of it. She could see a corner of the ancient roof, quite the worse for wear, with a big hole in it opening up a passage to the inside… and to shelter.

This was possibly the place she had been looking for all along, and it seemed she had found it just in the nick of time. She half-ran, half-stumbled back to her bike, grabbed her water flask and the food she had, and threw those in an empty backpack. She pulled out a tarp she kept in another bag and spread it over the bike, fastening it in place. She couldn’t very well take the vehicle with her into the building through the roof, but she could at least protect it as best she could. It wouldn’t do to have its engine full of sand when it was time to leave.

The storm was getting much worse now. Her cloak was whipped this way and that by the wind, and the dust stung her eyes, making it increasingly difficult to see. She made sure to mentally take note of the position of the bike so she could find it again if it was covered in sand, then ran to the buried structure.

The “roof” was only at waist level, so it was no trouble to climb up and stand at the edge of the hole that was to be her entrance into the building. Peeking down, she saw that a big pile of sand had already fallen into the room below, and figured she could probably drop herself onto it harmlessly. After a quick prayer to Lady Luck asking to keep the whole thing from collapsing while she was inside, Rain jumped down.

She landed on the heap of sand, skidded down its slope, and fell on her ass when she reached the bottom.

“Ow,” she muttered as she got back to her feet, though the injury was more to her pride than to her body.

She began dusting herself off, but more dirt and sand was continually falling down through the hole in the ceiling now, making it a pointless endeavor. She fervently hoped this entrance would not get completely filled in, but still decided to quickly move further into the building before the storm managed to bury her even down there.

Her haste nearly proved to be a fatal mistake. As she was about to go through the only door out of the room, she suddenly stopped dead in her tracks, grabbing on to the door frame to halt her momentum, when she noticed at the very last moment a thin wire stretched across the opening at ankle level.

She took a deep, slow breath to try to calm her suddenly hammering heart, very grateful for the instincts she had developed over years of this line of work. The thing about relic hunters was that some of them didn’t take too kindly to competitors. Some will even leave traps behind to prevent others from looting ruins they intend to return to, or possibly just to be dicks.

“Nice try, assholes,” Rain said through gritted teeth as she very carefully lifted one foot, then the other, over the suspicious wire.

On the other side of the door, she saw that the thread was connected to a small box off to one side. She wasn’t entirely sure what it did, but she was reasonably certain that anyone who triggered it would have a very bad day, so she steered clear of the device.

She let out a deep sigh, pulled the scarf off her face and shook the sand off her cloak, then allowed herself a gulp from her water flask.

“Alright. Escaped the storm, avoided the deadly trap. Now… let’s see what treasure we can find around here to make this trip worthwhile.”

She was in a corridor with a few doors leading off to the sides. Picking one at random, she found herself in a large, strange room filled with a maze of thin shoulder-high walls, creating a series of enclosures that each contained a table, a chair, and possibly some shelves or cabinets. Some kind of workplace of the Ancients, maybe? She wondered what they used to do here.

Everything was coated with a thick layer of dust, except for the floor, which had clearly been walked over by a few people more recently. The same jokers who left that little “present” at the entrance, no doubt. Rain would definitely have liked to have a word with them, especially if that word was “stab.”

Wandering around, she realized with disappointment that the assholes in question seemed to have already taken most objects of interest. The thing about Ancient ruins was that they were a lot less valuable if you weren’t the first person to loot them.

She did find a glass vase that had possibly once held some plants, but now only contained dust. Someone back home might be willing to pay for this, so she delicately put it in her pack.

She gave a cursory look through each enclosure. Some of them had those machines that the Ancients really seemed to love, left on the tables. “Computators” or whatever they were called. Even the tech-heads couldn’t figure those out, though, even if they had the juice to power them, so they were essentially worthless.

In one of the cramped pens, she found a small, strange device made of plastic and metal. It had two pieces linked together with a flexible joint. Trying to determine its purpose, she was startled when, pressing on one of the pieces, a tiny U-shaped fragment of metal came flying out of the end. Perplexed, she wondered if it was meant to be a weapon of some sort. It didn’t seem to be very effective at that, surely the little bit of metal couldn’t hurt that much. She shrugged and put the device in her pack anyway, as a curiosity if nothing else.

She did manage to find a few pencils that had been left behind as well, and pocketed those. People always needed pencils. There was a ton of paper all over the place too, though a lot of it fell to pieces when she tried to pick it up. The sheets stored in cabinets seemed to have fared better. They were inscribed with the runes of the Ancients, but many also had a blank side and could probably still be of use.

Rain stared at one piece of paper, trying to divine meaning from it, but she had never learned to decipher the writing of the Ancients. Sapphire knew some of it and had tried to teach her before, but it just didn’t stick in her mind. Giving up, she sighed and stuffed a bunch of sheets in her pack.

If she couldn’t find any real treasure, she at least knew a few tech-heads who would pay for paper to write their notes on. She could probably use some more, in fact, so she went on to investigate the next enclosure. Pulling out the drawer of a small cabinet revealed, as expected, some folders containing more paper. As she added those to her meager findings, her eye was drawn to a yellowed magazine seemingly hidden at the bottom of the drawer.

Curious, she picked it up, and her eyes went wide at the picture of a woman on the cover. A nude woman, with long blonde hair tumbling down to her large, proudly displayed breasts, a hand coyly hiding her sex from view.

Rain swallowed and, though it was silly, instinctively took a look behind her to make sure she was alone. “Well, what do we have here?” she wondered out loud.

Carefully turning the creaking pages, she found the inside of the magazine was just as alluring as the cover. There was a whole series of pictures of beautiful women, mostly naked and posing sexily, not shy at all about exposing every part of their bodies. Leafing through random pages, Rain saw a redhead bending over to take off her panties while smiling at the viewer; a black woman, eyes closed in pleasure, one hand on her breast, the other pressed against her pussy; a pale brunette and an Asian girl, kissing and exploring each other’s body.

Her eyes focused on that last pair for a moment. The girls looked like they had barely reached adulthood — a few years younger than Rain herself, maybe — and both had lean, petite bodies and small breasts. Most definitely to Rain’s taste. The sequence of pictures grew increasingly explicit, with the women exchanging torrid gazes while fingering each other, then taking turns eating each other’s pussy, with titillating close-ups of the action.

Rain bit her bottom lip, now feeling some heat spreading out from her own sex. Now this relic could be worth quite a bit, she estimated, but at that moment she thought she might just keep it for herself. She had not been with anyone for a while, after all. Sapphire had been “busy” with that strange girl, and Rain’s attempted wooing of the cute tomboy apprenticed to the blacksmith had not been very successful up to now, so these pictures were really getting her motor running.

She had half a mind to take a break from looting and explore in more details the secrets of Ancient indecency — maybe while her fingers did some exploring of their own. It seemed like a very poor moment for that sort of thing, though, what with being stuck in uncharted ruins with who-knows-what around, so she reluctantly decided to leave that off until she had at least scouted the whole area. With some great restraint, she sighed and carefully stored the dirty magazine in her pack, meticulously making sure it wouldn’t get damaged.

Still, if the dust storm lasted a while, she definitely had an idea of how to occupy herself.

She left the large room and moved on to a smaller one dominated by a long table, which she recognized as a dining room. Immediately, she went for the cupboards and drawers, looking for any easily carried metal objects, which were always in high demand since they could be melted down to make all sorts of useful things. Dejected, she found that a lonely spoon was all that had been left behind. Grunting in frustration, she still added the utensil to her collection; every little bit counted since it didn’t seem likely she was going to hit paydirt around here.

The sink was still there. A big chunk of metal, but it would be very awkward to carry back, even if she could detach it from the countertop. She ignored the large box that the Ancients used to store food. She knew from experience that either it would contain only dust, or she would be freeing an advanced mold civilization that just might try to take over the world.

As she was about to leave the room, movement at the corner of her eye made her spin around, pulling out her belt knife in the same motion. After an instant, she realized it was only a long horizontal mirror set in the opposite wall, and she chuckled at herself.

She walked up to the mirror for a closer look. It was about a foot in height, and wider than she was tall. A mirror this size would be worth a lot, but it was quite cumbersome. Even if she managed to bring it back to her bike somehow, it would be difficult to ride around with such a large object. She wondered if she could possibly break it two or three parts without shattering the whole thing.

While she pondered her options, she used her sleeve to wipe off the centuries-old grime from one section of the mirror and peered at her reflection. She rarely had the opportunity to look at herself in a good-quality mirror. She turned her head to one side, then the other, taking in her brown skin dirty with dust from the road, dark neck-length hair tied back, piercing blue eyes. Not quite magazine model worthy, she thought, but still not bad at all, in her own estimation.

She blew a kiss at the mirror, chuckling to herself, before turning and walking away. She figured she would return later to decide what to do with the mirror. There was no sense in lugging the big thing around as she explored.

Reaching the end of a corridor, Rain found herself on a second-floor balcony that stretched along three sides of a huge lobby area. Walking up to the railing, she saw that the real entrance to the building was down below, though of course it was now filled with sand. Holes in the ceiling had added more piles of sand here and there, including right next to her on the balcony.

Fissures ran across the marble floor below, possibly damaged by centuries of earthquakes, or even during the Calamity itself. An earthen section of floor might have once been a small indoors garden at some point.

It must have been a beautiful building long ago, and even now it remained rather impressive despite the decay. They didn’t make structures this grand anymore.

A worrisome metallic groan suddenly pierced the silence of the chamber. Rain slowly lowered her gaze to the balcony floor under her feet. Surely the addition of her insignificant weight was not putting excessive stress on the structure? Then again, it was really old, probably rusty to boot, and holding up the weight of an unplanned-for quantity of sand.

Rain took a cautious step back. The balcony didn’t appreciate. It groaned again, shook, and suddenly threatened to topple, the floor pitching forward into a slope and throwing her against the railing. She quickly spun around and tried to lunge for safety as best she could on the unstable platform, but it was at that moment that the whole thing gave out.

Time seemed to slow down, and she could only watch in horror as the balcony detached from the wall and she found herself in free fall. The floor below still came up alarmingly fast, though, and the impact rattled every bone in her body.

“Ouch,” she managed to mumble after a long moment. On the other hand, she supposed that pain was better than not feeling anything at all. Opening her eyes suddenly seemed an arduous task, but she eventually succeeded and stared at the ceiling for a good while. It seemed a lot higher than it had been a few seconds ago.

Groaning, she rolled to her side and was relieved to find that moving did not seem to bring about new pain. She managed to sit up, frowned at the shattered pieces of balcony around her, frowned at the spot up above where the balcony used to be, frowned at her pack fallen next to her. She gave it a nudge and heard the jingle of broken glass. So much for the vase.

There came a deep rumble from beneath her. She watched in renewed alarm as one of the cracks in the floor seemed to grow and widen distressingly. “Don’t you dare!” she shouted at the floor, but it ignored her protest. If anything, it started disintegrating faster.

She tried to scramble to her feet but she was still dizzy from the fall. The ground shook, fractured, then collapsed entirely, once again dropping her into empty space.

“Shiiiiiit!” she screamed as she tumbled down into unknown depths. Her eyes darted around wildly as she fell and latched onto some sort of dangling cable. By pure instinct, her hand lashed out and grabbed hold of it, halting the fall with a jarring wrench of her shoulder. She gripped the cable tightly and hunched her back as crumbling debris fell all around her.

After a moment, when calm seemed to have been restored, she dared to open her eyes and slowly let out the breath she found she had been holding in. She hazarded a look around and noted there seemed to be some sort of basement floor about six feet below her, now strewn with rubble. Roughly the same distance above her head was the jagged hole in the upper floor. The cable didn’t quite extend that high, but it looked like she might be able to reach up and pull herself out.

As she was pondering whether it would be wiser to go up or down, the cable seemed to give way under her weight and suddenly dropped her a foot lower. “Oh, come on!” she railed against the unfairness of life. Before she had time to make any decision, there was a snapping sound above as the cable broke off completely, then once more she was falling.

Her head hit against something on landing and her vision went black.

Continue on to Part Two