Loving Lisa, Chapter 4

  • Posted on January 8, 2017 at 4:31 pm

By JetBoy

By the time I returned to the living room, Vanessa and Lisa had grown bored with watching TV and were playfully tussling with one another beneath the enormous quilt I kept on the couch. The air was filled with squeals and giggles. Fascinated, I drew closer.

“Whoa, whoa. What’s going on here, ladies?” I said, putting on a mock-stern face as I looked down on the action from behind the couch.

A pause in mid-wrestle, then Lisa panted, “I… I challenged Nessa to a f-foot tickle!”

And they were off again, a frantic melee of arms and bare legs.

I watched the girls struggle, feeling a wicked urge to reach out and tug the quilt away, revealing what, for me, would be a most arousing sight — two beautiful young girls in t-shirts and panties, their bodies tangled together as they feinted and lunged at each other’s feet.

Vanessa caught my eye. “Wait, okay, okay!” she panted, breaking away. “Time out! I gotta… take a break.”

Lisa smirked. “Yeah, ’cause you know you’re losing…” Both girls were flushed.

“Am not!” Nessa scowled. “I just want a drink of water.” She cast aside her half of the quilt, got to her feet and headed for the kitchen. Along the way, she gave me the briefest of head tilts, indicating I should follow. Curious, I did just that.

When we were just out of Lisa’s view, Vanessa opened the sink faucet and turned to me, her eyes flashing with excitement. In a conspiratorial whisper, she said, “Mom, you gotta help me!”

“Help you…?”

“Yeah. I haven’t got to really tickle Lisa, not even once. But if you hold her legs when I say to, I can get a hold of her feet an’ tickle her till she goes nuts!” She was practically bouncing in place, giddy with delight at her little scheme.

Grab Lisa’s legs? The idea sounded enticing, I had to admit. “So, you want me to…”

“All you gotta do it sit by her, an’ I’ll pretend I’m watching TV, then when I say ‘Now!’ you grab her! Will you, Mom? Will you, pretty please?”

Had to admit that I loved Nessa’s scenario, especially since I’d be touching Lisa beneath the quilt — but I couldn’t shake my Responsible Mother role quite that easily. At least, not without a halfhearted attempt at protest. “Um, I don’t know, hon… that seems kind of–”

“Please, Mom? Oh, pleeease!” Vanessa was tugging at my arm. “It’ll be loads of fun, really!”

Pretending reluctance, I slowly nodded. “Fine, fine! But no rough stuff, okay?”

“Just tickles. Promise!” Grinning wickedly, she raced from the kitchen.

I stood there for a moment, pondering what a strange situation I’d walked into: my own daughter, asking me to manhandle the object of my furtive desire. I slipped a hand underneath my shirt to tease a throbbing nipple, already anticipating some delightful fun and games on the couch.

Casually as I was able, I strolled back in to join the girls. Some boy singer they seemed to like was getting all emotional on the TV. Lisa, of course, noticed with an intrigued arch of her eyebrow when I sat down next to her and pulled the quilt over the two of us.

We sat quietly, watching the singer build to his big finish. Not especially interested, I allowed my attention to drift to Nessa, who was lying in front of us on the floor. Her long t-shirt had hiked up somewhat, so I had a great view of her pert little ass, snugly concealed by those lemon-yellow panties.

Meanwhile, I could feel Lisa inching closer to me, sensed her warmth against my leg. Gazing slyly down at her, I gave that bewitching young girl my best seductive smile, one I’d used many’s the time on potential bedmates. It was time to strip away any pretence of flirtation, to let Lisa know how much I wanted her for my lover.

The boy’s song was over and he was extending both arms, basking in applause. Vanessa rose from where she lay and into a sitting position, nonchalantly stretching. Her eyes met mine for an instant, and I readied myself, certain that she was about to make her move.

Sure enough, soon as the commercial break began, Vanessa whirled around and lunged for Lisa, yelling “Now!”

Every atom of me was alive with excitement as I seized Lisa’s leg with the right hand, my left arm snaking around her waist to make her my captive. She shrieked and made to pull her free leg away from Vanessa’s grasp, but was too late — my daughter had her foot in both hands. And now, Lisa’s thighs were spread wide apart…

“Ha-ha-ha-HAHH!” Vanessa cackled, her grin positively demonic. “We’ve got you in our power, little girl…”

“Hey, no fair, no fair!” Lisa protested. You got your mom helping you!” She was struggling — but only enough to seem convincing without breaking loose.

Beneath the quilt, I’d let my thigh-holding hand slide upwards to claim the prize of her sex, warm and damp through the cover of Lisa’s panties. It felt like coming home.

I was quivering inside, astonished at my boldness — and the game had just begun. How much further was I going to go with it?

Vanessa seemed to love being in control. She clutched Lisa’s squirming foot, carefully studying it, like a doctor about to make that first incision. “Hmmm, now how should I do this…?” Raising her face to gaze deep into her friend’s eyes, she carefully, gently touched a finger to Lisa’s instep.

Immediately Lisa squealed, a ribbon of laughter cascading from her lips. She tugged against Nessa’s hold on her and nearly broke free, but my daughter’s grip held fast.

“Oho,” I intoned, attempting a masculine voice, “our prisoner wants to escape! Hang onto her as tightly as you can, sir!” My hand was creeping into Lisa’s panties. I felt her hips lift, welcoming my lustful invasion. She was panting, then gave a tiny moan as I penetrated her. God, her cunt was like a sauna.

“Silly fool!” Vanessa growled, easily falling into character — something pirate-like. “There is no escape for bad girls like you. We have to teach you a lesson!” Raising her hand in a dramatic gesture, she swept her fingertips across Lisa’s toes.

The toes curled, and Lisa jerked, letting out a wail. “NnnooOOHHH!” And I had my finger buried to the hilt in her vagina. She was so warm, so wet…

Nessa giggled, but remained in her role. “So… you won’t stop fightin’ back, huh? We’ll show you!” With that, she leaned in and gave Lisa’s toe a big lick.

Lisa was instantly convulsed with panicked laughter, though I felt certain that at least some of it was only for show. Seizing the moment, I began to slide my finger in and out of her pussy. Vanessa paused to savor the havoc she’d caused, then leaned in again. This time she shocked me, taking Lisa’s toe into her mouth!

Oh my God, this was making me hotter than a furnace! The temptation was there to whip away the quilt, let Nessa get a good look at what I was doing to her friend, then tear off what little I was wearing and start a lesbian orgy on the spot. But I still had just enough self-control to keep me from scaring the life out of my daughter, so instead I found Lisa’s clitoris with my thumb and began to work it in tiny circles. My finger was still busy inside her vagina.

Lisa writhed beneath us, making something akin to wild animal sounds as my daughter and I had our way with her. The girl’s face was red, eyes squeezed tightly shut, her breath hoarse and ragged. She was having a lovely time — maybe a little too much for the present company. Try as she might to hide it, Lisa was clearly on the edge of a massive orgasm, and I didn’t want Vanessa to figure that out.

I told Vanessa, who was now sucking at Lisa’s toes, “Try tickling her and doing that at the same time!”

So she gleefully did exactly that — and Nessa’s timing couldn’t have been better. Seconds later, Lisa came like a wildcat, bucking and howling.

I think Vanessa got a little scared at that, and she eased off, placing Lisa’s bare foot in her lap. But Lisa’s ecstasy had crested by then, and she was drifting back into the here and now.

I carefully eased my hand from Lisa’s panties, making sure that my daughter didn’t notice the wetness on my fingers.

I needn’t have bothered — Nessa’s attention was centered on Lisa. “Boyyyyy…” she murmured, staring at her victim in awe, “you sure went crazy!”

“Well,” Lisa murmured, “my toesies are very sensitive…”

“I guess so…”

“I gotta go to the bathroom.” Lisa surreptitiously stroked my thigh under the quilt, then bounced to her feet.

Vanessa watched as her friend scooted out of the room, shaking her head. “Wow, I’ve never seen anyone be that ticklish…”

“Some people are just like that, sweetie,” I said, pushing the quilt to one side. My heart was still racing from the thrill of what I’d just done. “I’m going to get myself a refill,” I added, reaching for my glass.

“Okay,” Nessa absently replied, still looking at the door through which Lisa had gone.

I made my way into the kitchen, then slipped my index finger into my mouth, purring happily as I got my second-ever sample of Lisa’s honey, already anticipating what it would be like to taste it from the source.

It was going to happen, I was certain of that. Maybe not that evening, maybe not for weeks — but at some point in the future, I was going to be lying between Lisa’s thin thighs, licking her pussy.

I shook my head, marveling at the brazen woman that I’d become. How crazy is that… masturbating an underage girl in front of Vanessa? For that matter, what about indulging in sexual fantasies about my own daughter? No doubt about it, Lisa had put me through some very big changes.

I’d only just refreshed my club soda and returned to the living room when the doorbell rang. Nessa was on her feet immediately, shouting “PIZZA!”

The thumpthumpthump of Lisa’s bare feet grew louder from the hallway as she raced back to join us. Her cheeks were still a very fetching hue of pink. “PIZZA!” she echoed.

“Dinner is served,” I said, quickly slipping into a pair of sweatpants I kept handy before reaching for my purse.

The driver sent off with thanks and a generous tip, we grabbed plates, flipped open the two pizza boxes and tucked in.

After dinner, there were bowls of ice cream, then I asked, “What do you guys want to do now? Something else on TV?”

The girls glanced at one another, shook their heads and bellowed “Noooo!” as if they’d been choreographed. So cute… I couldn’t help but laugh.

“I know — let’s play Twister!” Nessa said, her eyes lighting up.

“Yeah, let’s!” Lisa chimed in.

So Vanessa raced to the closet and burrowed around inside until she emerged, triumphant, with the Twister game. We cleared a sizable space for play, then laid out the plastic sheet.

The girls pleaded with me to join in, but I elected to be the referee and wheel-spinner. Truth be told, I simply didn’t trust my very aroused self to behave in such a physical game.

So I got comfy on the sofa, the wheel in my lap, and we began to play. Needless to say, It was unbearably stimulating to watch those nubile young girls twist, turn, arch and spread themselves.

We were only three spins into the game when Lisa, with barely a glance at me, shucked her t-shirt. “It gets in my face when I bend down!” she complained, carelessly tossing it aside.

Nessa nodded thoughtfully. “Yeah, it’s totally in the way,” she said, then reached down to tug her own top up and off.

And just like that, both girls were adorably topless. Their chests both had a rosy flush, and I saw Vanessa stealing the odd glance at Lisa’s prominently erect nipples. I didn’t blame her — they were fascinating. What excited me even more, though, was seeing Nessa’s smaller, lighter nipples stiffen visibly as she stared at Lisa’s.

Hmm. I was beginning to wonder if Vanessa might have a bit of a crush on her best friend. Like mother, like daughter, I thought, smiling wryly.

As for my own nipples… well, I only had to look down to see them quite clearly outlined through the faded old ZZ Top shirt I wore. My pussy was getting increasingly moist, and I knew that at some point, I’d need to hasten to the bathroom and put my panties back on.

Breathing deeply in a useless attempt to calm my raging arousal, I spun the wheel. “Vanessa… right foot, red!”

A frustrated squeal. “But… that’s all the way over there!”

“Tough,” Lisa said. “If you knock me over, I win.” She was propping herself up by one arm with her left foot extended outward, giving me a lovely view of the crotch of her panties, which were stretched tautly enough to reveal the outline of her slit. Between that and her bare chest, my eyes couldn’t decide where to look.

“Fine, fine,” Nessa grumbled. Cautiously sliding a foot across the plastic sheet, she tried to work herself into what promised to be a very inelegant position. She wobbled a bit, but somehow managed to get onto the red circle without falling.

“Ummmmm… made it!” she crowed. Now Vanessa’s yellow-pantied bottom was just inches from Lisa’s nose.

“Hey! Get your butt outta my face!” Lisa protested.

“That’s your problem, goofball,” Vanessa smugly said. “If you don’t like it, get your face away from my butt!” She looked back over her shoulder. “It’s Lisa’s turn, Mom… make her move now!”

Tearing my eyes away from the delicious sight of my half-naked girls, I bent to give the wheel a spin, but before I could call out the result…

A shriek! Vanessa popped up, then whirled around to face Lisa, both hands on her bottom, her face a mask of outrage. “You… you bit me!”

Still in position, Lisa smiled mischievously. “You had your butt in my face! I couldn’t breathe.”

“I wasn’t even touching you!” Vanessa pouted, rubbed her behind.

Lisa stood. “You almost were.” She took a step towards Vanessa. “I didn’t do it that hard, did I?” She gave me a sheepish glance.

I stood. “Do you want me to look at it, honey?”

Vanessa shook her head, blushing. “No.” She looked back at herself briefly. “It doesn’t hurt that much, I guess.” She glared again at Lisa, who stood with hands clasped in front of her. “It surprised me, though.” She couldn’t help but smile a little. “You bit my butt, you… you cow!”

Lisa grinned, shrugged. “Sorry ‘bout that.” She turned and stuck out her own pretty little butt. “Wanna bite me back?”

Vanessa’s eyes narrowed. “No… but I might smack you!” She darted toward Lisa, but before she could lay a hand on her friend’s rump, the girl shrieked and fled. Vanessa followed in hot pursuit.

God, my pussy was on fire! Well, Lisa or no, I needed to retrieve those discarded panties from the bathroom if I planned to spend any more time with the girls. There was already a hint of dampness on the back of my t-shirt, and I didn’t want it to become a huge wet spot. That would leave me with some explaining to do.

So as the girls took their chase scene thumping up the stairs, I slipped into the bathroom, got my undies from the hamper and slipped them on. Pausing in front of the full-length door mirror, I lifted my t-shirt up to the chin and studied my body, dreaming of Lisa staring at it, finding me sexy. Then I thought of Nessa, looking at me and feeling the same way.

Almost by reflex, I thrust my hips forward and placed a hand between my legs, stroking myself through the thin material.

…Mmmmohhhhyes — damn it, no! Stop this right now or you’re going to be a big, hot sticky mess! I held up my wicked hand and gave it a sharp smack.

But I’m so horny! My libido replied. Why won’t you let me have any fun…?

With a sigh, I let my shirt drop. Turning the faucet, I splashed my face with some icy water, then headed back to the living room. I could hear their voices from there… what were those girls up to now?

Continue on to Chapter 5


9 Comments on Loving Lisa, Chapter 4

  1. Jennifer says:

    This is so freaking hot… woah….

  2. sue says:

    so hot and fun, looking very forward to chapter 5 because I can’t wait to see what those girls are up to, great job Jetboy.

  3. David says:

    Wow! Talk about stimulating, hehe. Love the story so far, can’t wait for next chapter. Great job. 🙂

  4. JetBoy says:

    Infinite thanks to you beautiful people for the praise. Your kind words warm my soul.

  5. snowy says:

    You delivered again. Salacious, delicious desire spun around a web of innocence. Can’t wait for more!

  6. PoppaBear says:

    I hadn’t read any of this story since the first chapter, but just now read all the rest.

    I think I remember the original version in which the 4th July celebrations was the climax. But, that is a good setting for any number of MILF-teen seductions.

    Like Jennifer, Sue, David and Snowy, and all the others out there, I hope the current troubles don’t cause a delay in delivering the next stage in this mother-daughter-BFF liaison.

  7. PoppaBear says:

    I’ve just noticed a wee continuity error in this chapter. It’s not crucial, and I’m sure so many readers have enjoyed its being there.

    During the Twister game Mum comments that her panties are so wet they’re practically squishing, but, her panties were left in the bathroom in Chapter 3, and later, in this chapter Mum also says she needs to retrieve her panties, from the bathroom.

    Oh, it’s lovely discussing with friends the whereabouts of a horny mother’s panties while her daughter and her daughter’s best friend, who is also that Mum’s potential lover, are playing Twister.

  8. Leigh says:

    I’m liking these chapters more and more, cool Lisa bit Vanessa’s bum maybe that’s a start of some more sex berween the kids and mom later. How can a girl of 11 be so sexually active? I have many nieces are or were hey into sex that young, really cant ask them now their adults. Thank you

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