Part Two of Well, why not?

  • Posted on January 13, 2017 at 1:33 pm

By Naughty Mommy

Sex with my sister was totally amazing. Unlike Claudia — who’d been as much a novice as I was — Brooke had years of experience in making women feel good, along with the benefit of who knows how many partners. Very many, I’m sure. In any case, she seemed to sense exactly what I needed at any given moment.

She began that night by kissing me, just kissing, for the longest time. This seemed to go on forever, and I loved every second of it. Eventually she moved to my neck, sucking and licking and kissing, then to my throat, then to my chest, opening my blouse, pushing up my bra, making love with my nipples.

Oh my god, nothing had ever felt so good. What she could do with my breasts! I swear, Brooke almost made me come just by biting and sucking on my nipples.

Soon after that, when she opened my slacks and slid a hand down inside, finding my juicy wetness, I came almost instantly.

That made her laugh. “Well, I guess you really did need it, didn’t you?”

“Yeah… I did…” I panted, trying to catch my breath.

“You can come more than once, I hope?” she asked.

“Uh-huh… yeah, but… I should do you too.”

My sister shook her head. “No, not yet. There’ll be plenty of time for that later. Right now you deserve the full treatment.”

By ‘the full treatment’, she meant oral sex, and can I say it again? Oh my god, what she could do to me! Nothing, and I mean nothing, had ever felt so good. With her lips, her tongue, and her fingers, Brooke made me come over and over again, more times than I could count.

Finally I couldn’t take any more and just had to push her away. My clit was so sensitive by then it was like I had a live wire attached to it, sparking and tingling. Any more contact would be unendurable.

While I took a break, Brooke peeled off her clothes to show me her most recent tattoos. One was right in the center of her chest, between her small breasts: a stylized pink heart, with the words, My heart belongs to her.

“Who’s ‘her’?” I asked.

Brooke grinned. “Anyone. Whoever I’m making love with.”

“Oh, okay.”

The other new tattoo was lower on her body, on the smooth mound just above her shaved pussy. It was a pair of lips, a woman’s puckered red lips, and the caption said, Kiss me.

“You want to?” Brooke said.


“You want to kiss me here?” She rubbed her fingers over the painted lips. Brooke was completely naked now, standing beside the couch. I still wore my blouse and bra, but that was all.

She swung a leg over to kneel above me. I was lying on my back. My sister’s sex was right there, inches away. Her pussy lips were shiny and wet. I could smell her arousal, musky and tempting. She played with herself for a moment, massaging her labia, sliding her fingers inside her slit, coating them with her juices.

“Here, you wanna taste me?”

Brooke held a glistening finger in front of my mouth. I parted my lips and she slipped the finger inside. She tasted wonderful, absolutely delicious.

I sucked and licked the finger, then whispered, “I want more. I want you, Brooke. I want to eat you.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I’m sure, very sure.”

My sister lowered her pussy to my mouth. She was so gooey, so wet, so tasty. It was like eating a yummy sweet dessert. I licked and sucked and swallowed, running my tongue and lips all around, feasting on her.

“Fuck me,” she urged. “Fuck me with your fingers.”

So I did. I slid two fingers deep inside her hot, slippery cunt, fucking her as I sucked on her clit. Within a few seconds she started to come.

* * *

After that first incredible night, I had sex with Brooke only a few more times during the couple of weeks she stayed with us. It would have been more than that, probably much more, if things had been different. I certainly wanted more, but I wasn’t willing to do it when Audrey was at home.

I hadn’t minded having my daughter know about me and Claudia. We’d made no effort to hide that from her. But it was different with Brooke, obviously. She wasn’t simply a close friend — she was my own sister. I could never let Audrey know what was going on between us.

Of course, as you might expect, Audrey was totally fascinated with Brooke, captivated by her. All those gaudy tattoos, her piercings, the wild stories she would tell about her crazy adventures traveling around the country and around the world — Audrey couldn’t get enough. For a curious 11-year-old, this was quite an education.

“I want one like that, Mom,” said Audrey one night after dinner, pointing to a colorful tattoo of a unicorn on Brooke’s left shoulder. “Just like that. It’s so pretty.”

I shook my head firmly. “No, you are not getting a tattoo. Not until you’re at least 16. We can talk about it then, maybe, but I’m not making any promises.”

“Oh, come on, Mom, just one?” Audrey pleaded. “Maybe like right down here, where no one would ever see it? Just a tiny little heart or something?”

She’d tugged her sweat pants and panties down on one side, showing the smooth bare skin next to her crotch. My daughter’s vulva was covered, but just barely. I found myself feeling strangely turned on by this, though not understanding why. Audrey was still a little girl, after all — not to mention my own child — so there was really no excuse for me to have any sexual interest in her. I couldn’t deny what I felt, though, but did my best to shake it off.

“No!” I insisted, perhaps too loudly. “I mean it, no tattoos. I’m not going to change my mind.”

Undaunted, Audrey asked, “Do you have any someplace like this, Aunt Brooke? Where no one can see ‘em?”

“Well, yeah, actually I do. But, um, some of them are kind of, you know, grown up, and your mom might not like me showing them to you.”

“You’re right, I wouldn’t. Not until you’re older, Audrey. I’m sorry, but you’re just too young for that.”

She grumbled and complained and argued, but I wouldn’t give in. Audrey would have to content herself with admiring Brooke’s body art that was not in such private places. And I would have to try to forget that I’d become aroused so inappropriately.

* * *

Far too soon, my sister moved on, traveling away somewhere else. I begged her to stay longer, but I’m sure it was awkward for Brooke, having to pretend, at my insistence, that nothing sexual had happened between us. So she said goodbye, promising to call and email, and got on a Greyhound bus.

For me, it was back once again to the porn and the vibrator. Now, however, that didn’t seem like enough, not nearly enough. I wanted to be with someone, touching them, kissing them. But I wasn’t getting any offers for dates. No men were asking me out — and no women either, for that matter — though I wasn’t making much effort at attracting people of either sex.

I was lonely and depressed. Not long after Brooke departed, Claudia announced that Spencer had been promoted to a management position at his company and was being transferred to another city — and she was going with him. There was even talk of marriage. I was happy for her, of course, and for him too, but I missed her terribly.

The months went by. Nothing but going to work in the morning, coming home at night, fixing dinner, checking Audrey’s homework, then getting into bed alone with my vibe. Blah.

* * *

“Are you okay, Mom?”

Audrey sat down beside me on the couch. It was 9:30 on a Friday night. I was watching TV, mindlessly, not really caring what was on, wearing old slippers and a tattered bathrobe.

My daughter was in her jammies, tight pink terry shorts and a big t-shirt, her usual nightwear. She patted my leg. “Anything I can do for you?”

“No, that’s okay, sweetie, I’m fine. Don’t worry about your old mom.”

“You’re not old.” Audrey put her arms around me, resting her head on my shoulder. We remained quiet a little while, and then she said, “You miss her, don’t you?”

“Who?” I asked. “You mean Claudia?”

“No. Well, her too — but I mean your sister, Aunt Brooke. I think you miss her even more.”

I nodded, “Mm, yeah, you’re right. I do miss her.”

In the year since Brooke had left, we’d heard from her fairly often. She was in Denver now, tending bar at a nightclub, and had a girlfriend of course. They were living together, sharing an apartment. That was typical for her. My sister always seemed to have a girlfriend, if not more than one, wherever she went.

I was glad for her, but also envious. Why was it so much harder for me to meet people? A man, a woman — by then I really didn’t care — just so it was someone, someone to love.

Audrey seemed to read my thoughts. “You have me. I love you.”

“I know you do, honey.” I turned and kissed her cheek.

“And Dad loves you. Even if, you know,” she added with a grin.

“I know he does, and I love him too. Even if, you know.”

We giggled together. My ex was in a committed relationship with another man, a sweet guy named Hector. It reminded me of that old standard, They’re writing songs of love, but not for me…

I sighed, switching the channel to something else I didn’t want to watch. Audrey snuggled closer. We sat together, feeling warm and comfy, letting the banal images and sounds from the TV flow over us.

Finally I turned it off. “It’s crap,” I complained. “It’s all crap.”

Audrey chuckled. She nuzzled my neck with her nose. It tickled, sending a shiver of pleasure through me. For a fleeting moment I wished that I’d put some perfume on — except what the hell was I thinking? Why would I want to smell nice? I loved my daughter very much, but not like that.

On the other hand…

I looked down at her long bare legs, curled up beside mine. Like me, Audrey was tall and slim, with dark hair and brown eyes, but with a much prettier face. She resembled Brooke more than me. Lucky for her, I thought.

At 12 years old, my daughter was beginning to acquire a womanly form, even if her chest was still mostly flat. But her legs were just so lovely, so shapely and appealing, no longer the thin stems of a little girl.

Audrey squirmed, pressing closer to me. I glanced at her face. Her eyes were shut. She was breathing softly. I wondered if she might fall asleep that way.

I allowed my gaze to take her in some more. She was attractive, there was no doubt about that. You could do worse for a lover, a lot worse. If she was someone I’d met, and if she was a little older, maybe 14 or 15 — but come on, that was ridiculous. I could never have sex with someone that age.

Closing my eyes, I laid my head back on the couch, doing my best to relax, to calm down, maybe to doze off.

But it was no use. I couldn’t help myself. The desire was just too powerful.

Slowly I raised my head again, studying her, my eyes running up and down her beautiful body. I licked my lips as I admired her form. If only she wasn’t so young, and if only she wasn’t my daughter… now stop it, I told myself. You shouldn’t even think about things like that. It’s wrong.

And yet, it was so very, very tempting. What would it be like to touch her, to slide my hand along her smooth thigh, to cup her round bottom? All right, so maybe I would never really do anything with her, not with my own child, but there was nothing wrong with engaging in a little fantasy, was there?

As I had that thought, Audrey let out a soft sigh. “I love you, Mom,” she whispered, then tenderly kissed my neck.

I suppressed a gasp. A tingle in my center made me squeeze my legs together, stimulating my clit. My nipples were hard and throbbing. My body certainly seemed to want this, even if my mind wasn’t sure.

Audrey kissed my neck a second time, her lips warm and moist. Another shiver passed through me, this one stronger than before. God, it felt so damn good when she kissed me that way.

I’d been resting my hands in my lap. Now I pressed down with the heel of my left hand, pushing my fist into my crotch, trying to rub myself inconspicuously through my robe. I placed the other hand on Audrey’s thigh, giving a gentle squeeze.

“Mmm,” she breathed, nuzzling my neck.

Slowly, I slid my hand up my daughter’s leg until I reached her tight pink shorts. When she showed no negative reaction — quite the opposite in fact, squirming and sighing, apparently in pleasure — I caressed her bottom, fondling her cheeks, stroking along her crack, and not in a motherly way at all.

Audrey moaned and kissed my neck again, her lips seeming to linger. Did I feel the touch of her tongue? I was pushing hard with my fist into my crotch now, rubbing up and down, no longer attempting to disguise my actions.

I could hardly believe what was happening, but I didn’t stop to think too much about it. I took the next step, reaching above the waistband of her shorts, then slipping my hand inside, touching my daughter’s bare butt.

She shuddered, giving a little squeal of excitement. “I love you, Mom,” she said, kissing and licking my neck.

We were on the brink, and I knew it — right on the brink of incest. There was still time at this point to call a halt. Audrey and I could get up and go to bed in our separate rooms, pretending nothing had ever happened. As the years went by, we might even forget all about it.

But that’s not what I wanted. I wanted to keep going. Should I really do that, though?

I quickly made the decision. Yes, I should.

After all, I’d had sex with another woman, Claudia, thinking at first I might not like that, and totally loved it. I’d had sex with Brooke, my own sister, and that was unbelievably great. I loved Audrey even more than I loved Brooke or Claudia, and I badly needed someone. I was craving sex, and if she wanted it too — well, why not?

First, however, I had to make sure that my daughter really did want it as much as me.

With one hand still inside her shorts, fingers caressing her bare bottom, I used the other hand to undo the sash on my robe, tugging it open. Underneath I wore nothing but a pair of panties, nothing especially sexy, just ordinary satin panties. Spreading my legs, I shoved my hand inside, rubbing myself, masturbating unashamedly.

Audrey’s eyes were open. She’d raised her head from my shoulder and was staring down between my legs.

“I have to,” I told her. “I have to come. I need it, I really do. But, I mean, you don’t have to stay. You can go to bed now if you want.”

“No, I, um…” Audrey began, in a small voice. “I’ll go to bed, Mom, if you want me to. But, I’d rather stay, if that’s all right. And maybe, like, help you if I can.”

I smiled at her, and she smiled back, love and desire in her eyes.

Removing my hand from the back of her shorts, I took her wrist and guided my daughter’s fingers to my crotch, slipping them inside my panties to join my other hand.

“You can help me,” I said. “You can help me feel very good.”


“Do you want me to help you too?”

Her big brown eyes were even bigger now. “You mean…?”

“Uh-huh,” I nodded. “I want to touch you. I want to play with your pussy.”

“Oh my god, Mom, yes!”

Despite all the sexual tension I was feeling, her childish enthusiasm made me laugh out loud. “You want it that much?” I asked. “Have you been thinking about it?”

“Uh-huh,” she nodded eagerly.

“Really? For how long?”

“Um, well, since Aunt Brooke was here last year. Since then.”

“But — did you — did you know?”

“Well, yeah. I mean, I know you guys were trying to hide it and everything, but I could just tell. It was easy. And anyway, that one night when she went in your room, I could hear you.”

I’d been so careful, or so I thought, to keep Audrey from finding out what was happening between me and my sister — but evidently she’d known all along.

“You could hear us?”

“Uh-huh,” she nodded.

On the final night of Brooke’s visit, the evening before she left, she’d come to my room after we were all in bed. Her other nights she’d spent on the living room couch. But that evening she came in and slipped into bed with me, naked. I allowed her to stay, and we made love one last time. I’d tried to be quiet, though obviously hadn’t been quiet enough.

“You knew, and you didn’t mind?” I asked Audrey.

“No, um, in fact, well…”

“What, honey? Tell me.”

“Well, when I was listening to you that night, and um, and before then too, on other nights when I was just thinking about it, I, you know, I played with myself. It made me really really excited.”

“You played with yourself? While you were listening to us that night?”


“And did you… did you come?”

My daughter smiled. “Yeah, I did. It was nice.”

As we were having this intimate conversation, I’d slipped my hand down the front of Audrey’s shorts, inside her panties, and begun caressing her. She was rubbing my clit too.

“I’m glad you told me about that,” I said to her. “And I’m also glad that, well, that the things I did with Brooke didn’t upset you or anything.”

“No, of course not. I thought it was totally cool. It made you happy, I could see that. And then, um, after she left, I started thinking, you know, if you did that stuff with your sister, maybe you’d do it with me too.”

“Mmm, is that what you want?”

“Uh-huh,” she nodded.

“Okay, let’s do it, honey. Let’s make each other feel good.”

* * *

My daughter and I didn’t do a whole lot that evening, at least not at first. We masturbated one another, and that was amazing, incredibly hot. We each reached climax more than once. But after that I think we were both unsure what should happen next, if anything — and so we soon got up and went to bed, separately.

I lay naked in the dark, thinking about everything, worrying, concerned I might have done something very wrong, made a big mistake. I was trying hard to convince myself that perhaps it wouldn’t happen again, that this was only a one-time thing… while at the same time I was also rubbing my pussy as I recalled the wonderful feeling of my little girl’s fingers working between my legs.

I was a mess that night, an aroused, confused mess of contradictions.

Then my bedroom door slowly opened. Audrey stepped inside.

“Mom?” she whispered. “Are you awake?”

As I sat up, the sheets fell away, revealing my bare breasts in the dim light. I didn’t attempt to cover myself, but said, “Yes, I’m awake. What is it, honey? Are you okay?”

My daughter was in a pair of panties, tiny bikini panties, and a little crop top, her breast buds poking through. This was not her usual bedtime attire — but oh my god, did she look sexy!

Leaving the door open, she moved closer to the bed. “Can I talk to you for a minute?”

“Um, sure, of course you can. Do you want to… do you want to get in bed with me?”

“Okay,” she giggled, hopping in to sit beside me.

I thought for a moment about pulling up the sheets to cover my boobs, but decided not to. The truth is I was really hoping my nakedness might arouse her. So much for wishing what we’d done earlier would happen only once. Clearly, I wanted more!

We sat close together, leaning against pillows with the sheets at our waists, our arms and legs touching. Although it was mostly dark in the room, enough light filtered in from the hall that we could see each other fairly easily. I noticed that Audrey’s gaze kept returning to my erect nipples.

“So, what is it, sweetie?” I asked. “Is anything wrong? Are you, maybe, upset or something?”

She shook her head. “No, uh-uh. I just, um, I wanted tell you that I was, you know, I’m really glad you did that with me. I liked it.”

“You did?”


I breathed a sigh of relief. “That’s good. I did too.”

“Do you think, like, we’ll do it again?”

“Do you want to?”

“Yeah, I do. I really really do.”

Licking my lips, I said, “All right, well, I do too.”

As I spoke those words, I felt a sudden surge of excitement. My clit throbbed with arousal. Automatically I squeezed my legs together. There was no doubt — I definitely wanted this. I needed it.

“Um, if I ask you something,” Audrey began, “will you get mad?”

“Well, no, honey, I won’t get mad. You can ask me whatever you want.”

“Okay, so, I mean, um, do you mind if I, like, suck your nipples?”

I was taken aback. “Oh, uh… you really want to?”

“Yeah, I do,” I nodded. “I keep thinking about that. I always think about it when I, you know, when I play with myself in bed at night.”

“You do?”


My daughter’s eyes went to my breasts again, and now they stayed there. She licked her lips.

Before answering, I pushed the sheets down and opened my thighs. I placed a hand between my legs and began rubbing myself.

“All right, sweetheart,” I said, in a husky voice. “If you want to suck my nipples, you can.”

“Goodie!” Audrey giggled. This made me realize me how young she really was, in many ways still a child. But it did not make me want to stop.

With one hand still rubbing my pussy, I used the other to cup a breast and raise it for her. “Suck Mommy’s nipple, little girl.”

My daughter leaned over in front of me, licking her lips hungrily as she sighed, “Mmm…” She took the hard nipple into her mouth, sucking like a baby.

Fuck, it felt so good — in some ways even better than when Brooke had sucked my nipples that first time and nearly made me come. It was better because this was my own little girl doing it. And even though I’d had so many reservations before, thinking that maybe what we’d done was wrong, now all those doubts fled. There was nothing wrong with this, nothing at all. It was natural. We had to do it.

Audrey sucked my nipples, first one, then the other. I rubbed my clit, fucked myself with my fingers, and soon reached climax, moaning and panting.

But once was definitely not enough, not on this special night. I took my daughter’s hand in mine, guiding it to my sex. “Fuck Mommy’s pussy, baby. Fuck my cunt with your fingers and make me come.”

“Oh my god, Mom.”

Her eyes were wide. She’d removed her mouth from my breast for a moment so she could look down and watch as the two middle fingers of her hand slowly but easily slid inside me. I was extremely wet, fully lubricated.

“Oh my god,” she repeated.

Earlier that night when we’d masturbated one another, it had been almost entirely clit action. Neither of us had penetrated the other’s vagina. Now, for the first time, Audrey could really feel what it was like to fuck her mom.

“It’s so nice, so hot inside,” she marveled, “so smooth and soft, and… and everything.”

I groaned, “Yes, baby, that’s right, do it for me.”

She did. She sucked my nipples and fucked my pussy, and within maybe half a minute I was coming again.

This orgasm was much stronger. I held my daughter’s wrist, pushing her fingers up inside my cunt as far as they would go as the spasms surged through me.

“Fuck! Fuck!” I cried, my head thrown back in ecstasy, eyes squeezed tightly shut. “Goddamn fuck!!”

When at last it was over and I came back to my senses, I realized that I was squeezing Audrey’s wrist so tight it must have hurt. I let her go. Gulping air, trying to catch my breath, I raised my head and opened my eyes. They were watering. I had to blink a few times to clear my vision. What an amazing climax that had been, one of the most powerful I’d ever experienced.

“I, I’m sorry…” I panted. “I hope I didn’t… hurt you.”

“No, Mom, I’m fine. But, I mean, are you okay? You were, like, screaming and stuff.”

“I know,” I chuckled. “I couldn’t help it. That was just, awesome.”

“Good. I’m glad you liked it.”

It suddenly occurred to me that Audrey hadn’t taken her fingers out of my pussy yet. What a sight that would be for someone to see — a 12-year-old girl with her fingers pushed deep inside her mother’s vagina. So forbidden, and so hot!

As I thought about that, I decided two things: First, my daughter and I would do much more than we’d done so far. We would do everything together, and I knew we would both love it. Second, I wanted to share this with Brooke, my sister. Not just tell her about it, but bring her in, invite her to make love with both of us at once. That’s assuming Audrey wanted that, of course, and Brooke did too, but I was certain they both would.

All this flashed through my mind in a couple of seconds. Taking a deep breath, I smiled at Audrey. “I love you, honey.”

“I love you too, Mom.”

“Will you kiss me now? Kiss my mouth?”

That was another thing we hadn’t got around to doing earlier that evening. She’d kissed my neck a few times, but we hadn’t yet shared a truly sexual kiss.

Audrey grinned. “Okay.”

With her fingers still inside me, she brought her lips to mine.

We kissed. It was heavenly. And I knew right then that I’d finally found the perfect lover I’d been looking for all my life. It wasn’t a man, and it wasn’t a woman. It was a young girl, my own daughter.

Well, why not?



19 Comments on Part Two of Well, why not?

  1. kim says:

    It suddenly occurred to me that Audrey hadn’t taken her fingers out of my pussy yet. What a sight that would be for someone to see — a 12-year-old girl with her fingers pushed deep inside her mother’s vagina. So forbidden, and so hot!

    yeah that would be so hot, and so would all the other things too, great story, thanks.

  2. Drod says:

    Awww! The end? Please, Mommy, don’t let it be the end. It’s getting really good. 🙁

  3. admatt says:

    Great tag line. Thanks for a very sweet story.

  4. chris says:

    good story very full of love not harsh or crude

  5. PoppaBear says:

    When I thanked you for chapter one, NM, this one wasn’t available, and now I need to thank you again. ‘Tis a great lovely and loving story. Thank you, and now I am off to tell one of my JS friends that this is a story she will love as she has a fantasy just like this.

  6. MarkusWo says:

    Great story, many thanks!
    But it just begs for several more chapters, it just got started… 🙂

  7. Thank you, everyone. I’m very glad you like the story! I have to tell you, though, that there won’t be any more chapters on this one. After spending years (literally) on Serendipity, The Joy of Looking, and Secrets, I’m feeling much more drawn toward creating a shorter form of erotica for the time being. 🙂

  8. Sid says:

    You’ve done it again… bravo!

  9. Wow, that was about the most beautiful love story we’ve read in a long, long time. Yea, there was sex but the love between the 2 women .. then Mother and Sister and finally Mother and Daughter was expressed so beautifully that we could almost visualize it happening ..right in front of us.

    Thank you so much for allowing us to read this special story. We loved it !!!!!!!!

    Donna & Meghan

  10. David says:

    OMG, NM that last chapter was amazing, so erotic, and finally making love to her daughter, this woman has it all. You are an amazing writer NM and I look forward to reading more stories from you. I love all you work. I understand that some of them are disappointed that this one is over, I too wanted more, but I think it is hot leaving it to our imagination of what else happens. Thanks so much!

  11. Amos says:

    Non mi è piaciuto troppo, amo che sia la mamma che si gode il corpicino della figlia, qui invece la mamma spinge la bambinaa fare certi giochetti, iL clou per me è leggere descritto accuratamente di una mamma che si accosta alla fessurina senza peli della sua figliola e nel tepore delle liscie cosciette avvicina la bocca al taglietto socchiudendo gli occhi rapiti dal prezioso scrigno. Con la bocca fa godere la piccina gustandone il nettare proibito, lo assapopra da quella fessurina la quale tante volte lavò nella sua prima infanzia. Mamma cattiva sarà brava ad accontentarmi ? Vedremo !!!

    Google Translate: I did not like it too much, I love that it is the mother who enjoys her daughter’s little body, here instead the mother pushes the child to play certain games, the highlight for me is to read carefully described a mother who approaches the hairless slit of her daughter and in the warmth of the smooth legs she brings her mouth close to the cut, squinting her eyes enraptured by the precious casket. With her mouth she makes the little girl enjoy her by tasting the forbidden nectar, she savors it from that little slit which she so often washed in her early childhood. Will bad mom be good at pleasing me? We’ll see !!!

  12. JetBoy says:

    I read this again for the first time in a long while, and DAMN, did it hit the spot. A precious jewel in story form, one that sparkles like a starry sky on a cloudless night. Loved it. All over again.

  13. admatt says:

    I’ll go along with JB. Like your others, your stories never fail to please. I am grateful to find them here. Thanks.

  14. kinkychic says:

    There’s a whole load of important things in my life.

    Just two of them, are a good story and having a loving sister. When those two things and I come together… sparks can fly.

    Thank you Naughty Mommy for a good story, and thanks to my Mom for a good sister.

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