No Longer Alone

  • Posted on January 15, 2017 at 1:59 pm

Lizzie says…

I live in New Hampshire and I’m 18. I have always known that my interests are different than the norm. Starting around age 12, I found that I was into looking at younger girls, and that it excited me. I experimented whenever I could with my friends my age, and when I was 14 came out to my family as a lesbian — but did not come out about my real interests.

Obviously I never felt I could be open about my desires and have always searched for an appropriate outlet. I haven’t been truly happy in a relationship because I haven’t been able to express those desires. I’ll get a crush on the cute little girls I see, and I’ve always enjoyed watching my mom in situations when she didn’t know I was watching.

The whole thing has been so confusing and depressing for me until I found this site a few days ago. Now all I do is read the stories and cum over and over again. Finally I feel like I’m not alone anymore.

Does anyone else have similar experiences or feelings?

PS – If you’d like to talk privately with me about this, you can find my contact info on the “Staying in Touch” post. Thanks!


71 Comments on No Longer Alone

  1. sue says:

    hi, yes I and my partner Kim have both gone thru what you describe. thankfully we had each other, but I very much agree that finding this site is a huge help.

    • Jacob says:

      One thing I’ll add to this is that women sure do get away with all sorts of things that men just can’t sexually. Alot of the things I read here if it was a man kissing a younger girl or whatever we’d be in jail. They actually care and pay attention to what we do. It’s kinda frustrating like men aren’t allowed to be who they are especially sexually. That’s my opinion. Seems women are admitting things that we as men cannot even ever admit. Why are women given so much more sexual freedom?

      • Martin says:

        Totally agree with you .

        • BlueJean says:

          Might want to brush up on your history, chaps. Women have always been condemned for expressing themselves sexually. As far as the more extreme sexual predilections are concerned, I don’t think women are any more likely to shout about it from the rooftops than men are. What exactly is it you think women are ‘getting away with’?

  2. Debbie says:

    I think a lot of us have experienced similar feelings Lizzie

  3. Alison says:

    I think a lot of us went through the same feelings. I’m 19, bisexual and with a growing fondness for younger girls, but my parents don’t know that I even like girls my own age. It’s been impossible to find someone to talk to about it, until I found JS. Since then, I’ve had strong feelings of guilt, but more often, wonderful surges of pleasure and happiness.
    You’re not alone, we love you and we want to help you and enjoy our feelings together. Welcome, and it’s so wonderful you chose to open up with us.

    • Fertile Girl says:

      Yes, you have nothing to be ashamed of. Normal feelings and JS is here to support with wonderful, loving art and fiction.

  4. JetBoy says:

    Lizzie, I can safely speak for Naughty Mommy, Cheryl and myself in telling you this: one of our main objectives in starting up Juicy Secrets (other than the desire to compile some really hot stories!) was to provide an online home away from home for people like you, somewhere where you feel free to write about urges and desires that you’d ordinarily have to conceal from the world.

    If we’ve contributed at all to your feeling a little less lonely, or helped you make a friend, then our work was worth it and then some. Thanks for sharing. We love you!

  5. Lizzie says:

    Thanks everyone. I’ve gotten to talk to a few people. Some unfortunately were guys pretending to be women, and the rest were guys that were honest and have been great. I’d love a chance to talk to some women in here though. Haha

    • JetBoy says:

      How completely bizarre… men attempting to pass themselves off as women in order to hobnob with lesbians? What on earth are they hoping to achieve? Pull off a covert gay-to-het conversion?

      When first beginning to write lesbian erotica, I toyed with the notion of assuming the identity of a female, figuring that readers would then be more inclined to investigate (and enjoy) my stories. But after a minute or less of deliberation, I decided that keeping up the facade would be much too much work. Besides, there’s a certain distinction in being a guy who can turn out a half-decent ode to Sappho.

      • Jennifer says:

        And you’re awfully good at that, JetBoy *hugsandkisses*

      • Fertile Girl says:

        I think as a writer you must be good to be able to command a female voice and to have your insight into our perverted minds. Thank you and please continue.

      • kinkychic and kinkys_sis says:

        On SS we always had loads of guys pretending to be women.

        In fact, I estimate that at least three quarters at any one time of those members registered as female were male. It doesn’t take too long to sus them out. We got very good at it.

        Mostly, they didn’t do any harm. But… a few did! They would develop relationships, and therefore – sexy chat that they wouldn’t have otherwise got. And worse, even fake lesbian romance.

        In our early days there we both got taken in by these guys, but we subsequently exposed them for what they were.

        It’s also why we took our names off the contact list here, although, to be honest, it was nowhere near as bad.

        • Colin P. says:

          I wouldn’t pretend to be a woman – I’m more than happy to say as a hetero man that the thought of an adult woman having secret (even shameful) desires for a pretty girl is the most erotic thing imaginable. The fact there is an outlet for such fantasies indicates it’s not uncommon. Please embrace those desires if you have them, and don’t be ashamed 🙂

    • Dirtygirl says:

      If you are still wanting to talk to a real woman then I would love to chat.
      I am now 50 but when I was very young I had this desire and would get aroused around much younger than I. When I was babysitting from 16 I really found my desires strong

  6. Ashley says:

    Lizzie I too been through the rough journey with my secrets and feeling alone. When finding Juicy Secrets though I to felt liberated and happy with my secrets.
    It is a great gift to have this site and people that don’t judge and are open as well as ready to chat.

  7. babykeiko says:

    hi lizzie… same story… same feelings… but i want to be the little one… with someone older/experienced/loving/mature/nurturing… i have found some wonderful friends here… and write very occasionally (you can find my stories on leslita:

    My best work is also here on JS: a short story that Jetboy morphed into an epic long version which he did 80% of the work for and I contributed, guided and edited for the remaining 20%…

    hope you enjoy your time here as much as i do!!!

  8. annon says:

    lizzie you a beautiful young lady with that sweet Innocent look. it too bad you dont swing both ways as guys can be fun sometimes as well

  9. AlyssasMom says:

    I too have experienced great frustration, but in a deeper way. While I do appreciate the struggle anyone with ‘abnormal attractions’ must face, my fate seems even worse. Like many who frequent sites like this one, I lived the majority of my life trying to conform to the norms we all get exposed to, and I never really felt like I ‘belonged’ in any of my intimate relationships. I didn’t identify with any sexual identity, but I was definately aware that some kind of need inside of me was going unfulfilled… that is until I had my daughter. I don’t judge anyone for how they came to be who they are, or by the reasons they have behind any pursuits, but I know I’m quite different from most of you in the sense that my ‘attractions’ or preferences don’t stem from the erotic side of things. I do enjoy reading many stories here and elsewhere, and I’m thankful that places exist where I can safely experience other’s perspectives, but sadly, I still feel truly alone. You see, I’ve fallen in love with a child the same way many of you have loved your adult partners. I don’t come here for the purpose of ‘getting off’, (though I’d be lying if I said it’s never happened) because my attraction isn’t based on the physical or sensual, as it is with so many of you. I’ve been contacted by many people here who never fail to ask that we exchange fantasies, but I don’t have a fantasy. I don’t have a need to titillate people, or be titillated by them. I guess that’s why I feel like I don’t really fit in, at least socially. A great paranoia exists for me because I have so much to lose; she’s not just my child, but the love of my life. I’ve come so close, so many times, to crossing the line and I guess you could say I come here in an attempt to prevent that from happening. It is my purpose for coming here that alienates me from the people here. For many of you this is a place of great pleasure and satisfaction, but for me it’s a necessity, and a sad reminder that I am alone in the midst of you.

    • 14u2h82 says:

      I just wanted to say that you are not alone. I have known from a young age that I am attracted to younger females. I wasn’t worried about it after the birth of my daughter. I figured I would never be sexually atracted to her. Until one day, suddenly, I was. I was horrified at myself. Eventually, I actually left home so that she would never be molested like I was. Sadly, me leaving home also messed her up. It was a no win situation.
      I am fully ok with my attraction these days, but it seems so futile at times. I really only enjoy sex when I’m in a serious commited relationship. However, no young girl could really fulfill me emotionally and intellectually like someone with life experience. Furthermore, even though I am a male, the mother daughter sex stories are what really turn me on. I ALMOST wish I could be a woman.
      Finally, I don’t think I’ll ever meet a woman who would tolerate my fantasies, so I don’t think I’ll ever be in a relationship again. I am 42 and facing self exile because I will not be with a woman who can’t share my attraction to younger girls. We don’t have to ever act on them, it’d just be great if we could talk about it. I don’t think she’s out there. So, you see, you’re not alone as you think.
      I appologize for any grammar or spelling errors, I did this whole thing on a phone since I visit this site on a burner phone.

  10. snowy says:

    I concur with lizzie, afternoon delight is a wonderful tale. Babykeiko- your tales are sensual and clever, I hope you find time to write more: the lactation essay, the girl on the train (with its delightful unexpected ending) among others are great pieces.

  11. babykeiko says:

    Thank you Debbie and Snowy for your kind words… in order to write i need to be in a “special place” in my head… i have at least one story kind of all worked out in my head… but finding the time to write is hard (i have a day job! and it is taking me places and has me working at odd hours…).

    anyway, thanks again and i promise i will write… at some point!

    Feel free to connect with me via email – my details can be found in the post with the email contact details!

  12. sue says:

    I love all of you and your comments, and sorry AlyssasMom is in such a sad place.
    I very much enjoy Babykeiko stories, and loved Jetboy’s “Afternoon Delight.” Along those lines I really loved “Nanna Comes to Help” another great series of 3 generations enjoying each other.

  13. Linda says:

    Yes lots of males on here, got duped a few times. I think it’s prob 98% male on here

    • kraM says:

      I’m all for “outing” the fakers. I wish there were some sort of test to prove your gender. Maybe if women cared to be known as real they could send a private message to a moderator with their screen name in a photo of whatever feminine feature they wanted to show. They could still stay anonymous and no one else would see. But maybe that’s a crazy idea.

      • To me, it really doesn’t matter. As long as no one is being significantly harmed by the deception, I’d say just let people do what they want to do. Of course, I almost never chat with anyone, so perhaps my opinion should not count for much. 😉

      • Jennifer says:

        As for my person, I would do that without hesitation. 😉 I see no point why I will not show my face to one of the three founders except their fun not to know with whom they are dealing 😀

  14. ken says:

    I don’t get why so many guys pretend to be females on here. I’m a guy and have never felt the need to lie about my gender here.

  15. Ashley says:

    I am a frequent reader of all the sex stories on here.. They get me very turned on and hot.. but I do feel guilty at times reading them.. For they are forbidden stories.. I am Ashley I’m 28 and a mom of a daughter.. I would like to find other women that like the same fanasties.. just to chat with.. I have Kik ashleylez69682 or you can email me on my email.. hope you ladies have good day

    • Cheryl says:

      Ashley, accept who you are. I tried to deny this aspect of myself and was miserable. But don’t break the law. These stories are fantasy, and no government can legislate your thoughts, so while not appreciated by everyone, these stories are legal.

      Take care!

    • Sarah says:

      I know how you feel. I’m an older mom. Yes I’ve thought about this for years and fought who I was. It’s not easy. You are not alone.

  16. Andrea says:

    Lizzie please check your twitter page, Im trying so bad to get in touch with you. 19 yo lesbian I feel exactly what you describe. WE NEED TO BE FRIENDS GIRL <3

  17. Louisa says:

    You are not alone. I actually want to take the next step.

  18. Stewart says:

    I am a 59year old physically fit man that adores lesbian lolita love. I have a real story I would like to share, however if there is no interest I will not bother. I would love to communicate with any women that share these fantasies or actual scenerios that involve lesbian preteen love and sex.

  19. Julie18 says:

    I love reading all of the comments here and feeling less and less alone. I am curious though, are there others here more like me who are the younger one attracted to older? All of the comments seem to revolve around ones attraction to young which is hard to relate to being the young one interested in the older.

    • PoppaBear says:

      Hi, Julie, I’ve been visiting sites like this one for many years and have met a few younger women, ‘daughters’ if you will, but the majority of women who contribute to comment pages and chat forums are older, and able to talk about their attraction to young girls They are more confident in their interests and able to communicate more easily.
      If there are more younger girls here they may only want to read and enjoy the stories and stay in the backgroun, and they may lack the ability to communicate easily.
      Keep talking, commenting on the stories you like, and on the experiences people share. I am sure you will encourage other young women like you to join in and then you’ll have a group you can share with.

    • Sarah says:

      I can relate to you because I was just like you when I was your age. Only I didn’t have a place like this read and ask questions. When I was in high school, I was very attracted to several women I knew, one of them family, and I had no idea how to even talk to someone about that. I did have one experience with an older woman then…. just to admit it. So while I’m not your age now, I really do know what you are going through. It’s not easy sometimes.
      I think there are more girls than you think that are attracted to older women and I’m glad you are posting. I’m glad u like being here.

    • Julie18 says:

      Thanks PoppaBear and Sarah,
      A small part of me felt out of place because I am not attracted to younger girls and didn’t fit in.
      Sarah, it is nice to not feel so alone. I can’t even imagine having these feelings and not having a place like this to at least come to and read stories from like minded people let alone talk with them. That must have been pretty tough 🙁

  20. Zeke says:

    I don’t understand why guys hide who they are on here either. Just be you and move on. It’s not like people are going to shame you for having fantasies – everything is legal there – and we can enjoy a forum that’s open for discussion of those feelings.

    I have had an intense amount of fantasy about young girls and them playing with each other or a family member. I don’t get why it’s such an arousiing things to have in my subconcious as I have no desire or excitement of it in real life. It honestly feels creepy to me. It’s just something that’s always been there. As a long-term lurker of this site and frequent reader of the stories here, I’ve found they ca help me reach what is exciting. It seems to me that the ilicit nature and the “naughtiness” to it all is what the driving force is. Innoncence, new experiences, naivete run amuck…it’s free and fun. I have been fomulating a story for years here and while I live very vicariously through these stories, I don’t think I can find a true satisfaction for what I yearn in my mind. I have written many, many adult fiction stories in my life (50+ I’m guessing) and they’ve done well overall when published to free sites. I can’t figure out why it’s been so hard with 2 solid years of background for a leslita story to come together for me. I’m hoping that at some point I’ll get the nerve to write it, have someone peruse for critique and then convince myself to submit it. The rest of all of it would be based on the readers, my fingers crossed the entire time. I’m hoping that if I ever get to that point that it’ll be well received and can possibly open up other possibilities for other stories.

  21. briana says:

    hi all, 18 y/o bi curious girl here. if any older women would like to chat on the phone or via skype with me, feel free to email me at [email protected]

  22. Victoria says:

    Lovely Lizzie, you are certainly not alone. Your story is so alike my own and, if we only could know, thousands of women surely dream of little girls too. Many times I have wondered about women I know who have sooo delicious little daughters… Don’t they ever have fantasies about them? I am sure many do. Juicy Secrets, and Lesbian Lolita, are wonderful outlets for our hidden desires and I do bless the Internet. I don’t know how women with such secret passions could cope in olden times! Have a great time with your dreams sweet girl, I wish we could get in touch and share our visions and desires and more… I melt just thinking on it. Love, Vicky

  23. GoldButterfly says:

    Yes, I do understand those feelings. I have them too, so I am glad to have found this place. So many cute and yummy young girls out there. I am 29 and have a daughter of my own.


    If anyone would like to contact me, feel free:

    Email: [email protected]
    Wickr: blondone89

  24. Becky B says:

    I just want to echo everyone else here- you’re defi not alone! It took me a while to come to grips with a lot of things about my sexuality and I simply cannot say enough how much I appreciate everyone here. I’d also been very out as bisexual for several years, but completely pushed aside the arousal that I felt about leslita stories/fantasies. Sometimes my fantasies would drift to girls as young as 11-12 and I felt like there must be something very wrong with me. The stories and discussion have really helped me feel more comfortable with myself and more excited to read and participate here!

  25. pattybigirl says:

    Love this site!

    Had crushes on older women since I was 11 or 12.. mostly moms gfs.. even made out with one when I was 13!

    • Rita says:

      I also began ‘noticing’ some of the older girls and then older women when I was young, probably 9 or 10 Became more aware of feelings. And getting that ‘tingling’ below when I’d look
      Besides some fooling around with gf when younger, when I was almost 15, I kissed my aunt. Well, a bit more than a familial kiss.

  26. Larry1863 says:

    Hey. I’m a guy but I’m here for you. I’ve got the same desires and only two other people know.

  27. 3FingersNeat says:

    After reading these comments I am left with the realization that the desires we have for content like this are complex. They are hard to describe and, as some of you have expressed, can fill you with shame and incredible joy, sometimes concurrently. I have never been able to put my finger on why this type of content excites me, but it does. It always has. My writing, “A Mother’s Plea”, is my attempt to put down on paper a Mother/Daughter relationship that is sensual vs erotic, plausible and is a compelling story. My realization is I am not equipped to write a story respectful of my vision for one simple reason, I am a guy. I know, Jetboy does it but he’s a one-off. The vast majority of guys can’t write a lesbian scene that is believable. Though I continue to try, I am unable to capture the tenderness and depth of feeling that I want to portray in my story. In my mind, I can see the story unfold almost in slow motion but when I try to put pen on paper (what’s the electronic equivalent for that?) I flounder putting it into words.

    All that to say that I believe this type of content can really only be understood by women and girls. Men can see the scene and play it out in their minds erotically but most, if not all, can’t grasp the emotions of fear, relief, longing and many others that females feel when they encounter this content. These stories fill many women’s souls in a way a man simply can’t grasp.

    It is nice to know my desires for stories like these are shared by many and that I am, in this community, accepted for having them. Thank you for that.

    • Sapphmore says:

      You hit the nail squarely on the head! I know exactly what you mean. I also see the scenes as though watching a video and like to think I’ve done a pretty good job most of the time, but there’s always that nagging question of whether I’ve used the dialogue or even description that women and girls would use, and now and again (as is/was currently the case on the latest and apologetically tardy Ripples chapter that Jetboy is performing surgery on), it just doesn’t feel right. I think I said when I first posted Ripples that I’d have loved to have been a woman just so I could be a lesbian (as opposed to having a different kind of surgery). But I’ve accepted that I have to work with what I’ve got and hope I did a decent job.

      • 3FingersNeat says:

        I think you’ve done a great job on your stories, far better than just decent. I thoroughly enjoy them. It is heartening to read that you have the same struggles as I. That gives me hope. I want women to read my stories and relate to them on a personal level and not just because they’re titillating.

  28. Salmario says:


    I’m a guy in my early sixties, having longings for young girls for so many years.
    Reading these stories and comments is a real turn-on, especially about how young some of you were when you started masturbating, and your desires for young girls.

    Would really love to communicate with any lady that wishes to share her thoughts, feelings or fantasies with me. Talking to other men can just be boring, they often just reel off a list of “I’d do x,y,z to her”. I’m interested in the emotional attachment that can be made with a young child, actually making love with a youngster. Have you ever fallen in love with a little girl, and did she become your lover?

    • kinkychic says:

      Maybe you are forgetting that the featured stories are all fantasy. You appear to be suggesting more.

      JS, I would suggest, does not in any way encourage what you are asking.

  29. FinalFantasy7Fan says:

    Thank you so much for this forum. I have struggled far too long with my attraction to young girls since I was a 13 yo girl. Who else could I turn to but you wonderful open minded folk of JS! My IRL support is zero. How I long to share with a friend or partner when a beautiful prepubescent girl walks by? Who else can I admire a young girl’s flat features and bald bodies with? Admire how the sweat drips off them during girls soccer practice? I’m sick of the loneliness that comes with our “unusual attraction”. Thank you for giving me a safe outlet to explore with y’all’s amazing stories! Feel free to chat! My info is in the stay in touch forum. Thank you writers for your hard work!

  30. Raleigh says:

    Wow, this site is so amazing! I resonate so much with what everyone else here has wrote. I would have hoped and imagined a site like this existed- and come to find out it does! I have been a long time Nifty reader, but I googled “Cheryl Taggert” to see if there were more stories from here. I am happy to have found the site, sad to hear she died. I am a nonbinary person who just really resonates with everything here- I am going to make an account if I can. Thank you all for being brave and vulnerable to share!!

  31. Andrea says:

    I have only just been introduced to this site by someone I was/am(?) dating. Desires were shared with me and I soon was capable of admitting things to out loud and slowly to this site. I like very much experiencing this with someone as we both can never truly have what we desire. Although I’m still trying to understand what exactly “WHAT” it is. Not exactly afforded the luxury of experiencing.
    This site has given me a little pep in my step with all expressing freely.
    Plus, I get the rush of reading the stories without feeling guilty for the first time in my life.

    • Nessa says:

      I wish there was no guilt, I feel stronger in my passion daily and so increases the guilt that comes with it, especially as a mum

  32. Mystery Mouse says:

    Personally I’ve always had a thing for young girls ever since I was a kid myself.

    It’s not an easy attraction to have. I’ve been lucky enough to meet a lady in the past who shared my interest but, for the most part, it’s something I’ve had to keep secret out of fear.

    That’s one of the reasons I come here. This is one of the few places on the internet with genuinely good people who actually get it.

  33. Nessa says:

    This is me exactly, except I have the topent of two gorgeous daughters that make me melt. They have since they were born. Would love to hear from anyone in the same situation.

  34. PRE-vert says:

    I don’t know if anybody ever visited the story site MrDouble’s, particularly around the turn of the century, but it was a site for both men and women, and a majority of the stories were about adults having relationships with minors.

    I was actually a fairly popular author there, for a time, with over 50 stories on my page. My stories were typically about men with little girls, as that reflects me and my sexual/erotic fantisies. I can’t access them right now, but I have a full repository on my old (dead) laptop. I’m not sure how many stories there are, but it’s easily in the thousands – probably in the tens of thousands. The repository is out there somewhere, just search for it if you’re interested.

    I just found the site about an hour ago, and read this thread. I would be very interested in communicating with any ladies with these fantasies. Oh, and I’m an old grandfatherly man, nowadays, with a long white beard and a cane – not much for any ladies that don’t have grandfather fantasies, but I’m far more single than I’d like to be. Right now, I would love to chat with any ladies into young girls, as lonliness is an epidemic, and I might consider writing a story or three for the site. I am a bit rusty.

    • Kim & Sue says:

      When we looked up mrDouble we found a string of articles that were all similar to this..

      A Texas man was sentenced today in the Western District of Texas to 40 years in prison for multiple obscenity crimes involving children. Thomas Alan Arthur, 65, of Terlingua, was convicted by a federal jury on Jan. 21, 2021, of three counts of trafficking in obscene visual representations of the sexual

      Maybe you are or aren’t that man but just the same, I’d urge all readers here not to communicate with you.

  35. AB says:

    I found this site about a year or more ago, and it really has changed my world, just to know there are like minded people out there. Like so many have echoed in this thread, our desires are complex. I like how author Susie Bright puts it, in her book “Full Exposure.” She writes “Erotic experience is a wake-up call; It’s the sign that you’re not only alive, you’re bursting.” This really reflects how I feel- how I have always felt, in a way. As a little child, I showed my stuffed animals this kind of love- which has an erotic tenderness to it. Our culture pathologizes all things sexual and erotic- sex itself. But what is physical love if not erotic connection? This is where it’s been hard for me to grow to understand my own feelings and desires. Children are my very favorite people in the world- I feel full of life when I spend time with them, and I am good at taking care of them, at connecting with them. They are all truly the love of my life- I started figuring this out very young. And I am especially drawn to spend my time with the youngest children, babies, toddlers, preschoolers. The most enchanting, happy, peaceful, wonderful humans in the world.

    I figured this out pretty much as soon as I grew out of childhood myself. But then I noticed that my newfound sense of sexuality was somehow tied up in it. I would sense a reaction in between my legs when holding a baby, as a teen…not sure if it was sexual, or not, or somewhere in between, or just anxiety making itself known. And my fantasies have always been hot. I love reading stories like the ones on this site. Not just any erotica, but well written and loving, love-filled, tender stories. There is no greater satisfaction or joy to me than to take care of my children- to hold them in my lap, to comfort them when sad, to heal their ouchies, to care for them when sick. There is probably no greater feeling for me than getting lost in their big beautiful eyes, to feel that connection, or to softly kiss their cheeks (I am talking about little babies and toddlers here, children might grow out of being so physically close by the time they are 5, 6, 7. And society doesn’t bat an eye if you kiss a baby, but if you cuddle a ten year old in your lap, even if it just love, it will definitely raise some eyebrows, depending on your own age, gender, and relationship to that child, whether you are family or a parent or not). People sometimes ask if I have children. What does this mean to me? They are all mine. I love them all as if I was a mama bear, a parent. Sure, some are blood family, legal family, and others are not. What’s the difference? To me, very little (in feeling).

    In these loving moments, I feel so full, and I see the reflection of my love and care in their eyes. “Sex” fades away. I no longer have that need, the incredible need that surfaces late at night, my hand on my button, my eyes glued to the stories on my screen. But maybe just because it is seen as so naughty, the sexual fantasies are hot as hades, in the privacy of my own mind. In fact sex itself was naughty and forbidden to me as a child (to all of us, right?). I wasn’t allowed to see other children nude, or to play sexually with them. So this has always been a tasty, forbidden fruit- just getting to see people nude, and especially children. And the idea of seeing a little girl with her legs spread wide, showing that beautiful flower inside- or to see a little boy with a nice stiff peepee. whether these are “sexual” situations or not – are so sexually satisfying to that part inside of me, the part that was always told “NO.”

    I am a highly sexual person, I can feel sexually aroused and even come just from touch, from cuddling, from deep kisses. This is true for me with adult lovers, and I know I could come just from staring into the eyes of one of my babies, or holding their hands- or kissing their hair- if I allowed myself (but don’t worry, I don’t let myself get carried away- I respect the rules and norms or our society at this time). But I know that I could- is that unique to me? Do others feel this way? Its confusing, too. On one of my first dates in college, I felt so nervous, and loving, and aroused- but not “horny.” It was almost a non sexual- sexuality- and I think I came a little in my pants, just from holding hands. Do others get like this? Do others feel a constant buzz of life in their undies?

    And by the way, many children can make themselves come just fine- what they need most of all is for adults to stay out of their way. If we give them time and space to explore, alone (and maybe with each other?) from a young age- their own sexual needs will be satisfied independently. And this is something I believe is different between fantasy and reality. Sometimes, in the stories on this site, children help to satisfy adult’s sexual needs- and the stories are so hot! But in real life, in a perfect world, I am not sure this would be healthy or ever make sense. It is kind of a paradox- I am happiest when I give away love and caring for children, and even with sexuality or sensuality- its making sure THEY feel good that counts the most towards my own pleasure. So its not just saying that what I read in fantasy “wouldn’t be ok” in real life- it might not even work at all, literally. Then again, who really ever knows? My love and focus is on the youngest of the young, while I know many of you fantasize about and are more lit up by older children. Maybe things would be different with an 8, 10, or 12 year old, sexually (in a perfect world of course).

    We live in such a sexually restrictive world. For now, I am happy and blessed beyond belief when I get to love children, to care for them, and to make sure they have everything they need. And yes, I will then go home and read stories, and look at art (classic photographers and such- I only go for what is legal), and come come COME. So thank you to everyone on this site who forms such a community, and who contributes their wonderful stories. I have some ideas for my own stories, but realistically I am never going to have time to type them out with the high degree of quality required for this site. Thanks!

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