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Lily Robin, Chapter 2

  • Posted on February 14, 2017 at 4:16 pm

By Louisa May

That was four years ago. The most erotic thing that ever happened to me. By far. For a few months afterward, I worried that They Knew: she had told her parents, and it was just a matter of time before I was sent off to some correctional facility and a ruined life. But nothing happened, things seemed to rush by for me, and before I knew it I was living at college in a town far, far away.

I did see Lily a few times in those four years, always with other people around. Communal gatherings like a neighborhood Christmas Eve party, or watching fireworks at 4th of July. She did come to me then, two or three years ago, and raised her arms to be picked up.

I was aware of the Claires (her parents), and my family, and I said, “Pick you up? You’re nine, Lily!”


“Almost nine.” Her mother just rolled her eyes as Lily persisted. So I picked her up. She was still light as a feather.

“Let’s go over there!” She cried, and pointed to a vacant section of seawall. I groaned loudly, “Oh-Kay!” and her parents laughed. Her father called out “Good luck!” to me.

As we walked to the seawall, Lily planted kisses all over my head. “I miss you.” *smooch* “I miss you.” *smooch* – etc.

I murmured, “I miss you too, sweetheart. But I’ve been way too busy.”

“I know. . . .” I enjoyed her breath in my ear. “But how can I know if I’m clean after my bath?” She leaned away to look at me impishly, and actually thrust her hips into my belly.

Wooosh! I felt myself go all soft down there. “Oh my God, you are such a sexy little girl, how can you be so sexy?” I spoke in low tones and glanced around to make sure no one was seeing us.

She made a little innocent moue, and sighed theatrically. “I don’t know, I guess that’s just the kind of little girl I am.” She pressed her nose briefly to mine. “Hold me up underneath so you can squeeze my bottom.”

My arms were wrapped around her back, so I slid my hands down. She wore a little pink pastel summer jumper which hung down long enough to hide my hands as they felt the panties underneath. “Hey,” she whispered, “guess what underpants I have on.”

I felt her soft little butt squirm to my touch, trying to open up to me. The cloth was smooth and worn. “Hmm. . .” My fingers explored her hot crack and mushy middle parts. “Are they. . . purple?”

She nodded against my face and whispered, “feel my bagina and stuff. . .”

But then a neighborhood friend came along, and we had to behave.

And now, almost two years after that little episode, I’d arrived home for my summer break (I was off to Europe in a week), and gotten a call from Lily’s mother. Yes, she said, she realized Lily was twelve, well, twelve next month, and should be fine by herself, but she and her husband were going to be out until the wee hours, and Lois (my mother) had mentioned my being home from college – and well, would I mind babysitting, well not BABYsitting exactly, but just being here, just sitting in, you know – oh, that would be wonderful, thank you so much”. . . et cetera, et cetera.

Was my Lily still the same? Had impending teenage-hood made her more proper, less. . . wild? She was a looker as a child, so she must be a knockout by now; of course she’d have a zillion friends, and the kind of experience I’d had the pleasure to share with her those years ago was just not done in the right slumber party circles!

It made me a little sad, thinking that my lewd little Lily would very likely have grown out of that mad, feral stage of her life. She’d probably want to stay up in her room IM’ing all her friends, maybe watch Dancing with the Stars. . .

I was thinking all this as I dressed to go over there. And I had to admit to myself, with a surprised little giggle – I was actually nervous. Here I was, choosing what I’d wear like I was going on a freaking date! “Oh, come on!” I muttered to my image in the mirror. “She’s eleven, for God’s sake. And she won’t even know you’re there.”

I settled on a purple little Gap t-shirt (I loved its softness) with a low, ruffled neckline. And my old Lucky jeans, (in which my butt looks fabulous, I have to say). And a little surprise – in case she did happen to notice I was there.

I checked myself out. I was pretty, there was no doubt about that. In a dark way. A tad masculine, yes – I was, after all, on a volleyball scholarship – but all-in-all, pretty darn presentable. Sexy, even. And all for a twelve-year-old girl. I shook my head and pointed at myself. “You are bad.” I sighed. And dumb. . . Okay, let’s get this over with. Thick dark hair up in a scrunchie, and I’m out the door.

My doubts gained traction when Lily’s Mom, in curlers and a shiny, kimono-type robe, opened the door and told me her daughter was upstairs on her computer. It’s going to be a long night, I thought.

Mrs. Claire went on, “I’m supposed to meet Jacques at his Club, and obviously I am not ready, I am so sorry.” Jacques was Mr. Claire.

Mrs. Claire seemed pretty frazzled, in her half-made-up state; apologetic and annoyed at the same time. “He was supposed to pick me up here since one half-hour,” she hurried on. Her English faltered some when she was flustered. “But then he must work, so I must drive, and then the telephone rings, and everyone calling just now. Of course! Oh, la. . .”

She tucked a loose strand of dark amber hair behind her ear, and turned to head back to the master bedroom at the back of the spacious first floor. I was admiring her busy backside (was she naked under that robe?), when she turned quickly, surprising me.

“Oh, Lily said to tell you to go up. She’s doing her English homework, you could probably help, I don’t know, but. . .” She waved a hand in the direction of upstairs, smiled briefly, a gorgeous, quick smile, and turned again to get ready.

Well, at least I’d been. . . summoned. I went upstairs to play the tutor.

Her door was open. It had a True Blood poster on it, of a beautiful vampire lady licking her bloody lips. The poster was surrounded by red and purple hearts of all shapes and sizes.

Maybe she hadn’t changed much after all.

Lily herself was lying diagonally on her lushly appointed, queen-sized bed (nice to be the only child), propped on her elbows, reading a book. Her position clockwise on the bed was, say, 10:20, head towards the door. Her hair seemed even more luxurious than when I’d seen her last; a casual half tie-back that allowed the dark, lazy strands in front to caress her thin neck. The peasant blouse was different, but similar, looser at the top. And her shorts. . .

These were all the impressions of a moment, when I first saw her. Then she turned her head and saw me. Her expression barely changed – a slight smile, perhaps. She crooked a tiny finger and motioned me towards her. I complied, then sat on the edge of the bed when she patted it. Her smile widened slightly. Her lips had grown, too – they seemed to quiver with mischief.

She crooked her finger again, so I leaned in to her. She stage-whispered into my ear, “Yay! You’re finally here!” And she grinned.

I smiled at her, so relieved that she was still the Lily I knew, the crazy little randy boozer Lily! In fact, I was surprised at how relieved I felt. It was as if I’d found something I had desperately hoped not to lose. “I’m glad, too,” I murmured.

She took my left hand and held it against her smooth face. My palm cupped her cheek. She used me as a headrest, and I stroked her luscious hair. She hummed with pleasure.

Then, with a familiar suddenness, her head came up. “Mommy’s not ready yet, right?” I shook my head. She fell back into my palm, and mused. “We can’t really play ’til she’s gone,” stealing a peek at me, (I did feel the blood rush to my head), “but we can just, you know, talk and stuff.”

Like a cat, she snuggled against my palm. My right hand still idly stroked her hair. “What do you want to talk about, sweetie?” She smelled of talc, and shampoo, and a very faint hint of her own musk. God, I did remember that smell. . .

“Umm. . .” as she snuggled into my large, capable palm, “we can talk about. . . how much I missed you. . .”

“And I missed you, too. . .”

“And. . . you can give me a backrub. . .” She wiggled her bottom on the bed.

I looked down at those pink and white-striped little polar fleece shorts, and thought, what a wonderful idea! “Okay. . .” My hand stroked long, down her hair, her delicate back, the small of the back, circled, and back up.

Her bottom rose in protest. “Alll my back. . .”

Yep, still my Lily. Listening for any downstairs noise – none – I stroked downwards again, and this time let my hand run over the velvety shorts, lightly circling. I felt Lily squeeze her cheeks together, an affirmation.

“Mmm, like that. . .” She enjoyed my ministrations, and rubbed her nose against my hand. “I really did miss you, you know.” She swiveled her head to look at me. “I mean, really. ‘Cause, I don’t know, I just. . ,” she very lightly bit my hand, “grrr, I just wanted to play, but I couldn’t find anybody to play with. Like that. You know?”

I nodded, and ran my hand down the back of her smooth thigh. With some trepidation (one should be absolutely sure in such matters!), I ran it back up, lightly, slowly. “Like this?”

“More like. . .” and her thighs opened for me. My hand veered slightly, and slid along her inner thigh until my fingers touched her warm, velvet-clad softness. She sighed, “. . .like that, mm-hmm.” Her butt came up and gyrated slowly, and her thighs shifted further apart. I felt her squishy little lips underneath the cloth, and pressed my fingers inwards. She squeezed her cheeks. “Mmmm, I missed you!” she whispered.

“Lily??” Her mother’s voice from downstairs startled us both.

Lily kept her butt cheeks squeezed around my hand like a vice, and gave me a sly look. “Yes, Mama?” she called back.

“I’m going soon, but did you eat already? Or should I have something ready for you now before I go?”

Lily held my other hand and kissed it. “No, it’s OK, Mama, I can get something.”

“You are sure?”

Lily rolled her eyes (very like I remember her mother doing about her at one time!) “Yes, oui, I am sure, go, have a good time, you’re going to be late, Mama!”

“I know, I know, okay, yes. . .” Mrs. Claire’s voice, flustered, faded as she went back to her room, apparently. Every so often we would hear her footsteps below.

My hand lay trapped between Lily’s thighs. I leaned down and kissed the top of her head, ohh, her shampoo! “We should take it easy here, at least –

“I know, I know, just. . .” she released the trapped hand, which stayed where it was, cupping her from behind. “Just stay right there, that’s all. Okay?”

I smiled. “Okay.”

She brought her thighs together to surround my hand comfortably, then wiggled her bottom. “Mmm, exactly where I want you. . .” She smiled impishly. “Now I can tell you a secret. Want to hear my secret?”

“Do I like breathing? Of course I want to hear, silly.”

She kissed my palm again, then let that hand go. “I want you to lie next to me so I can whisper to you, but. . .”

I made a face. “Probably not a good idea. Yet.” Which made her smile.

“Yeah. . .” she sighed. “Well. . . when Mama told me you were home, I was so excited, but I was kind of scared, too, ’cause. . ,” I stroked her hair, “’cause, you know, you were a big college lady now, and I was just this little kid, and – ”

I leaned down and kissed her briefly but fully on the lips. “I was nervous, too, honey. I thought you wouldn’t think it was cool to be with me anymore.”

She stared at me, her beautiful eyes wide; then she started to giggle. She took my hand again and kissed the palm, kiss-kiss-kiss-kiss, then hugged it to her neck. Which brought my face closer to hers. “I always think you’re cool. You’re the coolest I know. By far. Ever.” And she kissed me on the lips, also briefly, clumsily, then leaned back and looked at me with an expression that read: was that OK? We had, thus far, never kissed, until now. I could not wait for Mama to leave.

I kissed her again, a tiny bit less briefly, then kissed her button nose. “And you are the coolest, most beautiful, sexiest girl I have ever known. By far. Ever. Too.” She looked ready to pounce, to go for it, and I had to put on the brakes. Mature restraint! “Not yet!” I laid a hand on her head, a blessing of patience. I fluttered the fingers of my other, enclosed hand.

“Rrrrr!” She squeezed her butt, then let go.

I gently removed my hand from between her cheeks and patted her bottom. “Tell me your secret.”

Immediately she was mollified. “Okay. Mama told me you were coming, that was. . . like, a month ago or something. And it was like a hundred years, to me, I was so excited, I was so excited, and, and I didn’t know what to do, I was just. . .”

“So excited?”

She blushed, and stuck out her tongue. “Yes. So there. But I was. But I couldn’t let anybody know, ’cause I wanted it to be a secret – ”

“How excited you were?”

She nodded vigorously. “Yes! ‘Cause then they would treat me like a stupid little kid, ‘oh how cute that Lily is so excited about Louisa coming home, that’s so cute’ –”

“Well, it is –”

“Tst!” She put a finger to my lips, then kissed me quickly. A quick blush. “And then they would tell you, and you would think ‘oh, that stupid little kid is going to be all over me, what a pain in my butt–”

I squeezed a cheek. “Your pretty little butt. . .”

“Tst!” She put a tiny finger again to her lips. “No, you. Your pretty little butt!”

“Not so little. . . I know, Tst!”

She already had a cute finger up again. “Do you want to hear my secret or not?”

I bit my lip. “I do, I’m sorry. Go on. I’ll be quiet.” And I did the zipper across my lips.

Her lips quivered. “Okay then. You are forgiven.”

“Thank you.”

“Tst!” She grinned. “Now squeeze my bottom, please.” I did so, pushing some of the soft fabric into her crack. “Mm, good. Now, just pet me, and be quiet. Okay?”

I nodded. Didn’t want another Tst.

“Okay. . . so. . . hmm. . . oh, yes, I told you how I was looking and looking for somebody to play with like you, but nobody. . .” Her butt was swaying with my petting. “Pet me in the middle.” Her legs parted again, and I ran the edge of my hand down her crack. “Mm, that’s nice. Keep doing that. .”

“But one night I was so so SO excited, I wanted to play, and I was just, you know, rubbing and rubbing myself in my room, but I still wanted more, I wanted, ohhh. . .” She lifted her butt off the bed as I pressed my hand against her, kneading, rubbing. “You know what I mean, right?”

I nodded. GOD, I knew her need!

“So I got out of bed and I just walked around the house naked, I didn’t know what to do. And my Mommy’s door was open, but the light was off. Daddy was on a business trip, and Mommy was asleep. And I just stood there and looked at her sleeping. It wasn’t really very dark, ’cause Mommy always sleeps with a night light. Like me! And she was snoring, too. Not like Daddy, but like a lady-snore, like, “kh -kh – kh” and she did her mother snoring, a cute little snorer. I was very lightly stroking her from tailbone to labia and back. Very lightly. . .

“And Mommy never wakes up for anything . Once there was a fire in the kitchen and our housekeeper couldn’t wake her up at all, she thought she was dead, but it wasn’t a bad fire, so later–”

“So what did you do?”

“Oh, I was at school, no, the–”

I pressed my hand to her puss, and her mouth opened. “What did you do that night?”

Lily bit her lower lip. “Yeah. . .” she raised her head. “Is Mommy still here?”

I nodded. “She hasn’t gone yet, I still hear her.”

She sighed, and dropped her head back. My other hand stroked her forehead. She looked at me and murmured, “I want to be naked with you now.”

I took a deep breath. “Soon, baby. Just tell me the secret.”

She held my gaze. “Well, I was just standing there looking at my Mommy sleeping, and I was rubbing my. . . my vagina.” She blushed. “And then I just wanted to see my Mommy naked. I had to see her bottom. And I got really excited, ’cause I knew she probly, probly wouldn’t wake up, so I could go into her room and take off her blanket and see her bottom and stuff.”

“Your mother is very pretty.”

Lily nodded. “But she never ever lets anyone see her naked, or even just a little naked. Like she even locks the bathroom door when she takes a bath, and I have to wait til she gets dressed to see her– and she always closes my door when I have to undress – and she even knocks to make sure I finished!”

“Well, she has the most beautiful daughter on earth, so she couldn’t be too bad-looking.” I thought of Mrs. Claire heading to her room in her glossy robe, probably the most unclothed she’s been in front of anyone, of necessity. I thought of those trim hips, that rounded feminine bottom rolling as she walked briskly to her room. . . I quickly leaned over her and nipped Lily’s bottom.


“Sorry, sorry,” I crooned softly. “I couldn’t resist, I’m sorry.” She rubbed the ‘wound’. “Oh stop, I only gummed you, come one.”

She grinned. “Do it again.”

“No, I’m sorry, I should wait, it’s my fault.” I looked at the door, then turned back, and began petting the injured area. “Come on, tell.”

“Well. . . I wanted to see her! So I came into the room, and she was sleeping on her tummy, and her hair was kind of fuzzy around her face, and her arms were up like this,” she put her arms up so that her hands lay above her head on the bed. “And she had a blanket, like, silk, it was really light. And I just . . . took it on the side of it, and I carefully. . . pulled it over her, and pfft, it was off!”

I had to swallow my passion down. I was feeling almost dizzy here – here I was, feeling up the pretty butt of my sexy little eleven-year-old girlfriend while she told me about stripping her pretty, sleeping Mom. A dream? If so, please God let me sleep. . . I cleared my throat. “What was she wearing?”

“Oh, Mommy always has silk everything, silk pajamas, and silk blouses, and definitely kind of silk panty-shorts, ’cause that’s what she was wearing! So. . . I really couldn’t believe I was going to do it! But. . . I got a hold of the top of her shorts. They were so pretty, with kind of little bows on the . . . here,” and she touched the hem of her own shorts, then continued demonstrating on herself.

“So I took hold,” as she held her own waistband, elbows back, “and really really slowly, and quiet. . . I pullllled them down,” which she began to do, the action revealing that she had nothing on under the shorts. Just. . . Lily. Lily’s crack, her pale cheeks. . .

I put a hand on hers. She stopped. We heard high heels on parquet below.

Lily sighed. Her hands dropped to her sides as I pulled the shorts back up to cover her half- bare-assed-ness. She murmured into her covers, “I’m all tingly down there. . .”

“Me too, honey, me too.” I patted her bottom. “Did you take off your Mom’s panties all the way?”

She smiled, and nodded. Then she looked at me and her eyes grew large. “And her bottom was so beautiful! It was big, and so smooth, and each side was like,” and she opened her small hands as if to read a big crystal ball. “Like a beautiful round ball.” She placed the hands on the bed in front of her. “And so warm!” She looked at me with wonder. “I put my hands right on her bottom, and it was so warm, and soft, and smushy.” She squeezed the covers with her splayed hands. “So smushy and nice. . . and when I got in really close to smell, it was like, it smelled like Mommy but like, secret Mommy, that she never let me see.”

I listened, rapt, and continued to fondle her own little bottom. Lily was deep into her memory now.

“And that was so cool, I just wanted to eat her up, I wanted to wake her up and play, like we did.” She kissed my arm. “I wanted to do stuff with her. . . so I smelled and smelled almost so I could get enough of her to always have her smell. . . and then when I squeezed her bottom apart – it was even more smelly, and better, and, and. . . ohhh, just, Mommy.”

She looked at me, a hunger in her eyes. “I want to. . . can you rub me?” I did, my fingers circling her soft, hot pussy over the shorts. Her hips moved. “Mmph. . .” she whined softly.

“Tell me what happened, my darling.” And I kissed her, longer this time, and with languor. I didn’t know how we’d last much longer.

“Keep doing that. . . good. . . ummm, then. . . then, I was smelling Mommy inside her, it felt like, ’cause I opened her bottom up way wide, and her little sideways mustaches on the sides of her hole, and her hole was all kind of pink and crinkly – and then under there, was her vagina, and it was so neat. Kind of puffy, and shiny, and I put my finger in a little and it was so gushy and slimy. And then I had to smell her there too. And then I had to taste her. . . Oooh. . .”

I kissed her again, this time sliding my tongue along her soft, willing lips. My fingers were really digging at her pulsating pussy. And she was wriggling against me.

I breathed into her mouth, “You tasted your Mommy. . .?”

She breathed back, “Mmm-hhmmm. . .” we broke apart, and swallowed. “Yes, I just. . . pushed her legs more apart, and just went in, like you did, with me.” She smiled shyly. “I wanted to taste her, and I wanted to make her feel like I felt, too.” She traced her finger along my arm, sprouting goosebumps on me. “Maybe she did, in her dreams.”

“I’m going, you two!” Wow, talk about a wake-up call.

“Okay, Mama, have a good time!” Lily’s grip on my arm was iron.

Continue on to Chapter 3