Loving Lisa, Chapter 9

  • Posted on March 1, 2017 at 2:07 pm

By JetBoy

Next morning. The birds were out in force, their cheerful melodies heralding the start of another perfect day. I stood silently at the foot of Vanessa’s bed and watched her sleep. So beautiful. And the hint of pinkness that bloomed in my daughter’s cheeks — a reminder of the loving we two had enjoyed just hours before — only enhanced that beauty.

I shook my head, lost in wonder at how my life had been utterly transformed in the space of a few weeks… really, just in this one wild hurricane of a weekend. First, I’d finally made love to Lisa, the preteen imp I’d been lusting after since the start of the summer. Then, that same blessed evening, I’d made the sexual acquaintance of my eleven-year-old daughter Vanessa.

And last night, Nessa and I had taken this crazy, forbidden passion to a whole new realm. We’d shared our bodies, our hearts, our souls. Now, my own child and I were in love.

Her words still echoed in my head: I wish you and me could get married, Mom. If you wanted, I’d totally be your wife.

God, it tied me in knots, imagining the two of us, side by side in gossamer bridal gowns, being joined as girl and woman, wife and wife. I saw us running from the chapel, giggling with glee as we raced to an idling car, waiting to take us to our new life together.

Lost in my fantasy, I carry Nessa across the threshold of our home and to the haven of our wedding bed, where I undress my lady love, piece by silken piece. Then she lies naked before me, watching with eager eyes as I disrobe before her, then crawl into her outstretched arms…

Crazy dream, I told myself with a smile. Meanwhile, here she is, larger than life and very much in love with me. Her mom. Crazy dream, indeed.

I smelled my fingers, savoring the hint of last night’s pleasures that lingered on them… ohhh, how the scent of Nessa’s pussy roused me! Gazing down at her, I cupped the rise of my vulva, tracing the opening with a languid finger. My eyes slowly drifted shut.

Then came a small, sleepy voice from the bed. “Mom?”

I looked, only to see my sleepy-faced angel smiling at me. The sheet had slipped down just far enough to expose her rosy nipples, and I found myself longing to lick them.

Seating myself next to her, I smoothed her golden hair. “Oh, honey, I’m sorry I woke you up. Go back to sleep, it’s still early.”

She lifted her head, eyes glowing with mischief. “Don’t wanna sleep anymore, Mom. Take off your robe and come play with me.”

So I let my robe drop to the floor, lifted the sheet and slipped into bed, reaching for my equally unclothed daughter. “Ohhh, Mom…” she whispered, wrapping her arms around me. Then I felt her hand find mine and drag it down, tucking it between her legs.

I felt warmth, wetness. “Nice,” I said.

“Thanks, Mom,” Vanessa murmured. “Thank you for — for being with me like this. Makin’ love to me.” Her lips brushed my neck, soft as a butterfly’s wings, then she added, “I been wanting you to, Mom — really, I have!”

That got me thinking, made me curious. “When did you start thinking about me that way, hon?”

She settled into my arms. “Oh… first, I kinda figured out how I, um, liked girls more than boys. I guess it was about a year ago. Uh, I sorta got a crush on one of my teachers. Ms. Sutter, ‘member her? Teaches history.”

I did remember Veronica Sutter — met her during Open House Night at the middle school, where I’d felt a definite prickle of attraction of my own for the shapely brunette. “You liked her, eh?” I teasingly said. “Gotta give you credit, kiddo — you’ve got great taste in women for an eleven-year-old.”

She snickered. “Course I have good taste! I love you, don’t I?”

“Flattery will get you everywhere, daughter mine… so, did you ever give her an idea of how you felt?”

“No!” Nessa exclaimed. “I woulda been way too scared to do anything like that. Anyway, I was startin’ to notice other sexy ladies who I wanted to kiss. Like, um…” She hesitated, then came out with it. “Well, one of ‘em was Aunt Erica.”

Oh, my God! Erica wasn’t really a relative — just one of my best friends, close enough to our family that Vanessa always referred to her as “Aunt Erica.” She was a voluptuous bottle-blonde with a sunny smile, a Florida drawl and a generous rack that had men bumping into walls. And my little girl had lusted after her!

Oblivious of my surprise, Nessa continued. “And there’s Mrs. Howland down the street… she looks really hot when she goes jogging in shorts. Oh, and the lady who was in that English Patient movie, um, Julia Binotch…?”

“Juliette Binoche,” I told her. “You liked her, too?” Very impressive, I thought.

“Yeah!” she exclaimed, nodding eagerly. “She was, umm… well, she was the first person I ever thought about when I touched myself, y’know, down there…”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “It’s okay to say ‘masturbated’, hon.” Blushing hotly, Nessa buried her face in my breasts. “You aren’t attracted to girls your own age, then?”

“Oh, they’re okay, I guess… but not nearly as much as, uh, more grown-up ladies. That’s who I like!”

I pressed a kiss into the fragrant softness of my daughter’s hair. “Okay, but… when did you start feeling that way about me?”

Nessa’s little hand, resting idly on my ribcage, moved up to cup my breast. I felt the nipple stiffen against her palm. “You know when it was? That first time Lisa came over. When you wore that new bathing suit.”

My heart seemed to skip a beat. “So… you saw me in that suit and it — it turned you on?”

“Yeah, Mom,” Vanessa softly said, the warmth of her words caressing my skin. “It sure did.”

I mused on the irony of it all. That incredibly sexy bikini, the one “Aunt” Erica bought for me to attract a new boyfriend, not knowing that I’d more or less given up on men. The bathing suit I’d finally put on for the first time to impress Lisa, just before I’d come to understand my true feelings for her. That very same suit had caused my own daughter to feel sexual desire for me.

Such a tangled web we weave, I marveled.

Nessa continued. “Seeing you, it was like, wow, my mom is way sexy! And then, I dunno, I just thought about you the same as I did those other ladies I wanted to do stuff with.” Nessa paused, mulled her words. “I knew it was weird to feel that way, but I still did.” She lifted her head, looking at me. “Y’know how I went inside not much long after that, so it was just you and Lisa still in the pool…?”


“Well, I went up to my room, lay down and… I played with my p-pussy, thinkin’ about you.”

It was an image that seared itself into my consciousness. Imagine — just minutes before I spied on Lisa as she fondled herself in front of my mirror, Vanessa had been doing the same thing, lost all the while in fantasies of me.

By then, I was caressing my daughter all over, touching as much of her body as I could reach.

“After that… well, I was kinda in love with you, Mom. I couldn’t stop wanting us to — to be girlfriends!”

“I — I felt the same way, Nessa,” I confessed.

“You did, huh?” she sighed blissfully, rolling my nipple between her fingers.

“Yeah. It took me awhile to figure that out, though. That was a real struggle for me — moms aren’t supposed to feel that way about their daughters, after all.”

I felt her shrug against me. “Guess not… but I sure don’t think it’s bad, us bein’ in love.”

“Me neither, hon… but at the time, it was a lot for me to handle. Plus, I was dealing with… well, crushing on Lisa. I really wanted her, quite a lot. But then I started noticing you, and it got me mixed up inside.”

Nessa lifted her head to look at me, her eyes dancing with excitement. “Now it’s your turn, Mom. Tell me ‘bout you and Lisa — everything! How’d you know you liked her? When did you guys kiss first? Did she–”

“Slow down, girl!” I said, raising a hand in mock protest. “I’ll tell you all of it, promise.”

“Good,” she murmured. “I been wondering what happened with you and her.” With that, Vanessa rested her cheek on my breast, settling in for what promised to be a good story.

Oh, my, was it ever.

I left nothing out, starting with that first visit from Lisa… and the fascination that she awakened in me, the interest that quickly built into full-blown arousal, then from there into raw lust.

I described how I’d spied on Lisa as she masturbated in my room, then that beautiful Fourth of July when I fondled her to orgasm, accompanied by the soundtrack of exploding fireworks. That brought me to just two days before, where Lisa had exposed herself to me at the barbecue… and I’d flashed her myself later that night while Nessa was in the next room.

My daughter’s eyes widened in amazement as I described what had been going on under her nose at their sleepover, like the way I’d fingered Lisa’s pussy beneath the blanket while Vanessa had been tickling her feet. “I thought she was acting way too crazy. Nobody’s that ticklish!” Nessa declared triumphantly.

I even told her about how I’d licked Lisa’s anus while Vanessa was out of the room, off getting the lotion for me after I’d spanked her little friend. She shook her head in disbelief, mumbling, “That’s so awesome.”

Finally, there was the lovemaking that Lisa and I had enjoyed when she crept into my bed later that night. I regaled Nessa with every detail. By then, she and I were getting restless, our bodies pulsing with arousal.

Once my story had arrived to the point where my daughter came to my room, looking for a missing Lisa, Nessa raised herself into a sitting position, straddling my pelvis, her sex wet and hot against my skin.

“Let’s m-make love, Mom,” she said. “I need it so bad — oooohh, my pussy’s on fire!”

Lowering herself on top of me, she crushed her mouth to mine in an ardent kiss that made me dizzy with lust. I twined both arms around my daughter, hugging her tightly, then reached down to cup that pert little ass. Our tongues mingled deliciously, darting from mouth to mouth.

Nessa’s hands found my breasts, then she began to feel me up like the horny preteen she was. As for me, I slipped a finger between her buttocks and teased my child’s rosebud, then delved down deeper, seeking the treasure of her bare slit. I stroked the moist opening a time or two, then hooked my index finger inside her in a single smooth thrust.

“Oh!” she gasped. “Oh, Mom…”

“You like that, hon?”

“Mmmmm yeah, totally.”

I worked my finger around a bit, massaging the walls of my daughter’s vagina. She was making these cute little contented sounds as I explored the inner world of Vanessa, thinking about how I wanted to make her come this time. But before I got very far, she raised her head. “Mom?”

My probing finger paused in mid-twirl.


“Is this what it feels like when a man’s… um, thing is inside you?”

“His cock, honey. You can say it.”

“His… cock. Does it feel like this?” She gave my submerged finger a squeeze.

I patted her back. “Mmm, not exactly. Cocks are wider than a finger, and they go in deeper. It’s a… fuller feeling, I guess I’d say. Also, your bodies are lined up differently when you fuck.”

”I guess… does it feel good?”

“It feels wonderful, sweetie. Just… I don’t know, it’s like I’m just taking the whole of my lover inside me, if that makes sense.”

“But you don’t do sex with men anymore. Right?”

I pondered the notion, then shook my head. “Not really, hon. The cocks are okay — it’s the rest of men that I don’t have much use for these days. I like them fine as friends, just not as lovers. Besides,” I gave her butt a playful squeeze with my free hand, “what on earth do I need a boyfriend for when I have you — and Lisa?” My lips grazed Vanessa’s ear as I whispered, “You’re a better lover than any man I’ve ever had.”

With that, Nessa hugged me tightly, so hard it almost hurt. She whispered fiercely, “Ohhh, Mom…” and kissed my bare breast. Then she looked up at me. There were tears in her eyes.

“What?” I took her face in my hands and leaned in to kiss her pouting mouth. “What’s the matter?”

She shook her head. “Nothing, Mom. I’m just…” she kissed my hand, and leaned her cheek into it, “I just love you so so much, I want to…” she looked at me again, then down. “Ohh, never mind, it’s silly.”

“Oh hon, I’m sure–”

“Really. It’s way dumb.”

“Vanessa.” Placing two fingers beneath her chin, I tilted my daughter’s face up so I could meet her eyes. “Whatever’s on your mind, hon — if it means something to you, it can’t be silly. Tell me.”

She made a face. “Well… I just wish that I could feel you inside me like that, and, and… I’d love for you to fill me up, and make me be all yours for ever an’ ever…”

I felt myself borne up on a warm wave of purest love. Had any mother ever known devotion like this from her child? After all the lovemaking Nessa and I had shared, she longed to give me even more of herself.

I had to at least give my daughter a chance at the experience she craved.

Enfolding her in my arms, I gave my dear daughter a brief but passionate kiss. “Wait here, my love. I’ve got something to show you.” Gently extricating myself from her embrace, I rose from our bed and padded to the walk-in closet, where I knelt before a small wicker chest next to my shoe rack and dug around inside, soon finding what I wanted.

When I emerged, I switched on the light so Vanessa could see what I had. I placed the object on the bed before her, smiling as she studied it in wide-eyed wonder: my strap-on cock, a toy I sometimes used with my female lovers.

It came with attachments of various sizes… in this case, I’d fitted it with the smallest one, a thin six-inch beauty that was mainly intended for anal penetration. In my case, however, it ought to do very nicely for a young girl’s first fuck.

As she handled the sex toy, Vanessa’s face lit up with a delightful mixture of joy and resolve as its purpose became clearer. “So, Mom, you… you wear this? And you use it to…”

“That’s right, hon. It’s a cock that women can use on another woman… or a girl,” I added with the arch of an eyebrow. “So… what do you say? Is this what you had in mind? Do you want me to fuck you, sweetie?”

My daughter slowly nodded. “Geez, I was just kinda… y’know, thinkin’ about how I wanted to be with you like that, but — wow!” I could see my aroused little girl come to understand exactly what I was offering her. She nodded again, more vigorously this time. “Yeah…” she looked up at me, her face flushed. “Yeah, Mom, I do. I wanna do it.”

Transfixing her with a look, I said, “What do you want to do, Nessa? You have to say it.”

She moistened her lips, then whispered, “I want you to… f-fuck me.”

I knelt before her, placed a hand on her shoulder. “Are you sure about this, honey? I promise to be gentle, but you might still be pretty sore afterwards.”

“Don’t care,” my daughter replied, a determined set to her jaw that I knew all too well. “I want you to, Mom. Really and truly.”

“Okay, then.” I bent to kiss that precious little mouth, then picked up the strap-on and began to buckle it around my waist.

“Wait, wait,” Nessa protested. I paused, looked at her. She grinned at me, her eyes bright. “I wanna make you feel good first!”

I gave her my most coquettish look. “And what, pray tell, did you have in mind, sweet one?”

She blushed so delightfully then! “I want to… to lick you,” she said, then giggled, covering her face.

Mmmm, yes. “Oh, I think I can allow that,” I replied, lying down on the bed and parting my legs. As Nessa knelt between them, I grabbed the backs of my thighs and pulled them up to my chest, leaving myself as open as I could be for my sweet daughter.

I watched, enthralled, at the sight of Vanessa lowering her face to my throbbing cunt, then moaned as she began teasing me with her mouth, barely brushing my pussy with tender kisses. Her loving attentions were divine, yet utterly maddening at the same time. Could she have already learned how to tease a lover?

Then I felt the very tip of her tongue flicking at my labia… God almighty, I was dripping! Nessa kept up this heavenly torture until I thought I might scream — then she plunged her face into my bush and began licking me with everything she had.

I cried out loud, gripping my legs harder as my darling child loved me with her mouth. Jolts of pleasure spat and sizzled through my body, a fire that couldn’t be contained. I quivered helplessly as my much-needed release approached.

But Nessa must have sensed that I was just about to come, because she abruptly stopped licking me. I groaned — so close, so fucking close! — and stared at her piteously. She flashed me an angelic smile, her hands on my buttocks, then spread them apart, dipping down to lick at the crack of my ass.

Oh, my, how I love having my asshole licked — and Vanessa was doing a marvelous job of it. Then I felt her fingers touching my clit. Oh God oh God OH GOD…

The room spun as I screamed out loud, flashes of ecstasy exploding through me like roman candles gone insane. My head was pounding, my fingernails digging into the backs of my thighs, every breath I drew a tongue of fire.

Nessa didn’t let up for a second, either — licking my rosebud, her fingers toying with my clit until I let go of my legs and pushed her away, crying, “No — n-no more… please!”

I lay there trembling for a long moment, Vanessa’s face resting on my thigh. I gave her a clumsy pat on the shoulder, and she seized my hand, bringing it to her lips to kiss.

Once I’d caught my breath, I reached down for her, pulling that wicked imp up and into my arms. I kissed her, savoring the taste of my pussy and ass on my daughter’s lips. We lay together quietly for a bit.

Then Nessa’s nose was touching mine, and she demanded, “So — ya wanna fuck me now, Mom…?”

“Of course, hon.” I sat up, shaking my head to clear the fog away, then shakily got to my feet, pausing to pick up the strap-on cock from the carpet where it had fallen. Stepping into the harness, I quickly fastened the straps, then studied myself in the mirror. Pretty fucking hot, I decided.

Opening the nightstand drawer, I fished out my trusty tube of Astroglide, squirted some into my palm and lubricated the cock from stem to stern. “What’s that for, Mom?” asked Nessa.

I turned towards the bed. “Making this slippery, so it goes in nice and smooth. You aren’t an adult yet, so you’re still pretty tight down there.” Wiping both hands on my thighs, I knelt on the bed. “Get ready, lover.”

Giggling with delight, Nessa lay back and opened her legs. Her pussy glistened like a freshly-cut peach. Not a whole lot of foreplay needed here, it seemed. Still, I bent down and licked her slit one time, just for fun — and to fill my mouth with the tart, luscious taste of her.

I gazed lovingly at my open, submissive daughter, ready and eager for her first fuck. “I’m going to go into you now. You’re sure you want this, right?”

She smiled. “Yeah, I do. Put it all the way in, Mom.”

Something about the way she said that made me tingle all over… okay, I was definitely ready for this.

I brushed the tip of the cock against my daughter’s moist opening, gradually working an inch or two of it into her. Then I went a little deeper.

“OhhhHHH…!” she moaned, as if the wind had been forced out of her.

“Hon? Are you okay?”

“Wait just… a second.” she panted, bracing herself, hands balled into fists. Finally she nodded. “Okay. K-keep going!”

I pushed again, going so, so slowly, gradually sliding the length of the thing into Vanessa’s vagina. And then I was all the way in, up to the hilt. Her eyes were like saucers, her breath escaping in tiny gasps as she stared at the ceiling. “OooohhhhYEAH,” she groaned. “Feel sssso full, j-just like you said…”

Nessa’s voice rose into a choked cry as I shifted into reverse, withdrawing from her cunt until only the tip remained inside. Then I placed my hands on her hips and carefully eased myself back into her.

“Oh!” she cried, wincing as our bellies touched again. “Oh, oh God, Mom!”

I stopped, uncertain of whether to continue. “Does it hurt, baby?”

“Uhhhh… a little, b-but it feels good, too. Don’t — don’t stop, just keep goin’ real slow!”

Back and forth I moved, sliding the latex prick into and out of my daughter’s juicy channel at a positively glacial tempo, feeling her gradually open up to me.

“Yeah,” she breathed, “oh wow, Mom, it’s g-getting even better — yeah, it totally is. I… I think you maybe c-can go a little faster…?”

I began to pick up the pace — going in and out a little more briskly, pushing myself a little deeper. By this time, Vanessa’s body was starting to pump along with mine.

Soon we were fucking for real, my daughter and me, moving together in a mutual rhythm as if we’d planned it that way. Mind you, I was still exercising caution, working hard to keep my strokes steady and even. The last thing I wanted was to hurt my little girl in the act of making love.

Nessa was anything but hurting right then. In fact, she was delirious with pleasure, words spilling from her mouth with each pump of our bodies. “Mmm, ohhHHhh, Mom, you, you’re in me so deep, oh, I f-feel sooo full up, mmmm yeah fuck me s-so nice, so good Mom, I love you, oohHHHHHhhh…!”

Then Vanessa began to come.

She was a sight, too — her face a variety show of expressions shifting from hunger, to joy, to befuddlement, to unalloyed rapture. I moved in as she shuddered and shook against me, and claimed her open mouth in a deep probing kiss as I probed her juicy depths. She responded with a passion that rocked me to the core, sucking almost desperately at my tongue. Nessa’s legs were wrapped around my waist, her hips tilted back to take me inside, her little hands clutching my back.

Finally, finally… my daughter and I lie together, bathed in sweat, the room filled with the heat and aroma of our love.

After a long, contented silence, Vanessa cupped my face in her hands and solemnly said, “I wanna be with you like this for always, Mom. Always.” And she kissed me.

Continue on to Chapter 10


14 Comments on Loving Lisa, Chapter 9

  1. Matthew says:

    I hope Lisa’s in it the last chapter of Loving Lisa.

  2. sue says:

    very good JetBoy, very good, sorry to hear it will end. I loved this part the most:

    Nessa continued. “Seeing you, it was like, wow, my mom is way sexy! And then, I dunno, I just thought about you the same as I did those other ladies I wanted to do stuff with.” Nessa paused, mulled her words. “I knew it was weird to feel that way, but I still did.” She lifted her head, looking at me. “Y’know how I went inside not much long after that, so it was just you and Lisa still in the pool…?”


    “Well, I went up to my room, lay down and… I played with my p-pussy, thinkin’ about you.”

    Then I felt the very tip of her tongue flicking at my labia… God almighty, I was dripping! Nessa kept up this heavenly torture until I thought I might scream — then she plunged her face into my bush and began licking me with everything she had.

    I cried out loud, gripping my legs harder as my darling child loved me with her mouth. Jolts of pleasure spat and sizzled through my body, a fire that couldn’t be contained. I quivered helplessly as my much-needed release approached.

    But Nessa must have sensed that I was just about to come, because she abruptly stopped licking me. I groaned — so close, so fucking close! — and stared at her piteously. She flashed me an angelic smile, her hands on my buttocks, then spread them apart, dipping down to lick at the crack of my ass.

    Oh, my, how I love having my asshole licked — and Vanessa was doing a marvelous job of it. Then I felt her fingers touching my clit. Oh God oh God OH GOD…

    and Mom telling daughter what had happened with Lisa, I loved that the best.

  3. PoppaBear says:

    Sue, my lovely sexy friend, I just love the way you need to share your enjoyment of these stories with us. You are so good to us. Thank you.

  4. revelnit says:

    Mother daughter strap-on sex is one of my favorite scenarios in all of erotic fiction. There really should be more of it. This chapter was a pleasant surprise, well done.

  5. Drod says:

    Good chapter. But, for my own personal taste, I could have gone without the strap-on nonsense. That’s just me, though.

    • JetBoy says:

      Well, as the comment above yours makes abundantly clear, one reader’s “nonsense” is another reader’s wall-shaking orgasm. Personal taste is such a… personal thing.

      • Drod says:

        Hmm? No need to take offence, old bean. Just my own prejudices. 😉

        • JetBoy says:

          Oh, none taken, mon ami. After all, if I made cuts in my stories based on “someone might be turned off by this,” I’d never get a single one finished… and if we all had the same taste in porn, the entirety of erotica would be bland as a tofu sandwich on Wonder Bread. Like Sly Stone said, y’all: Different strokes for different folks.

  6. Jennifer says:

    JetBoy, i love how you are so capable of fiddling on a woman´s string like you are a woman yourself, i never would´ve guessed a man is able to do that! <3

    • JetBoy says:

      Many thanks, dearest Jennifer! Of the compliments I get for my erotic fiction, none warm my heart more than those from readers who find it hard to believe I’m a guy. And yours is one of the nicest ever. “Capable of fiddling on a woman’s string like you are a woman yourself.” If I had a resume as an author, those words would be emblazoned on it.

      • Jennifer says:

        Awwww Thank you, JetBoy! It was not my intention to stand out, I’m just being honest. I honestly write what I think and try to transport it, sorry if it sounds kind of slick. 🙂

  7. Leigh says:

    well that’s pretty cool, mom is having sex with her own daughter. I’d love to watch but all I can do is read and imagine. Wow pretty cool for a guy to write these chapters, good work. Thank you

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