My Family, Friends, and Sex – Chapter 2

  • Posted on March 22, 2017 at 7:20 am

By Purple Les

After I had showered and dressed, me and Sammie hung out in the living room playing a game I got for Christmas. I was glad the grownups had left me and Sammie alone. I liked just staying home with her.

We took a break from the game to go outside and work on my snowman, and we had a snowball fight. I hit her right in the butt with a couple, but she nailed me right in the head with one, and we called a truce.

When we came back in we had hot chocolate and drank it while we played the game some more. I was thinking about how I could ask her if she played with herself. I thought if she said yes I could tell her I did too, but I didn’t know what I would do if she lied to me and said she didn’t do it , when I knew she did.

I thanked her for not laughing at my chest like my Aunt Sue and Aunt Billie, and Sammie said, “That’s okay. I think I may have seen something they didn’t. Katy, why don’t you take your shirts off and let me have a closer look.”

“Um, right here in the living room?”

“Sure, no one’s going to see.”

“I don’t know, Sammie, it feels naughty, like Mom would be mad at me.”

“Katy, what’s the last thing your mom said before she left?”

“That she loved me.”


“That I should be good and do whatever you said.”

“That’s right, now take off your shirts for me.”

Well, this was a weird surprise for me, but I pulled my arms out of the sleeves of my shirt and undershirt. Sammie was looking at me like, well I guess like I look at her a lot of times, like kind of horny.

I pulled the shirts off over my head and there I was half naked and she moved her face closer to my chest and said, “Yeah, I think you are just starting maybe.”

Then she touched my tits. Rubbed her fingers on them real lightly and they got hard. I know they are small but they still got hard.

“Is that okay, Katy? Do you like the way it feels?”

“YEAH” I said, way too loud and excited, but my brain didn’t seem to be working right anymore.

“Katy, I was wondering how’d you feel about sitting on my lap, and if you wanted we could kiss and play with each other’s nipples. Would you like to?”

Well, I told her that would be like the coolest thing ever and asked if it would be our secret, ’cause I wouldn’t want any grownups to find out and stop us from doing sexy stuff. Then I told her I didn’t know a lot about kissing.

Sammie assured me it would be our secret and that she’d teach me all about it.

So I got on her lap and got ready to kiss her, and she laughed and said, “Don’t make a face like you just sucked a lemon, just relax.”

Then she pressed her lips against mine. We were kissing right on the mouth like in the movies.

She pulled her face away looked at my tits and touched them some more then kissed me some more. Each kiss was longer than the last, and she rubbed my tits while we kissed. I started to feel her chest too, and then she put her tongue in my mouth. She told me later it’s french kissing and if you never tried it you should, it’s real hot.

After a while I told her it wasn’t fair ’cause she was feeling my tits but I was only touching hers through her shirt. So she started to unbutton her shirt, and then she took off her bra, and it was so cool. Her boobies looked like two big scoops of vanilla ice cream with a big strawberry on each one, and when I touched them, they got hard like mine. We kissed some more and kept feeling each other’s tits.

I felt really sexy, and then without even thinking about it, I asked her if she played with herself.

“Yes, I love to masturbate. Do you do that, Katy? I mean you’re just a kid.”

I told her I had been doing it forever and even told her about that time with the 6th grade girls. She seemed to really like that part.

“Katy, how would you feel about, um, well, if we got naked and masturbated together? Would you like to?”

My answer was to kiss her some more and tell her I would like that more than anything ever.

She stood up and undid her belt and jeans and pulled down her pants and panties. She kicked them off and there she was, bare naked right in front of me, right there in the living room. Her hair down there was as red as the hair on her head, and her skin was white, and not all freckles like it is in the summer time.

She didn’t have hair around her slit, just on top,  and her pussy lips were opening up right in front of my eyes, like a flower, it was so cool.

Sammie walked across the room to make sure the front door was locked, and I wanted to jump up and kiss her behind ’cause it looked so good, but I couldn’t move, my knees felt like rubber or something.

“You’re so beautiful, Sammie!”

It was the only thing I could say as she came back to the couch. She leaned over and kissed me and said she thought I was too.

“You won’t believe this, Katy, but I have wanted to see you naked for a couple years now. That’s how hot I think you are. Now it’s your turn.”

Sammie got on her knees in front of me and undid my pants and then she helped me stand up and yanked down my jeans and long johns and panties all at the same time. She pushed me back down on the couch and pulled all my clothes, including my socks, right off and dropped them on the floor. Then put her hands on my thighs, spread my legs, and looked at my pussy.

As Sammie looked at my pussy, she looked like she was thinking a lot of things. I loved the way she was looking at me there. Then she told me to get up and pick up our clothes. I just gathered them all up in my arms in a big bundle, and Sammie told me to carry them up to my room. She said we were going to get under the covers of my bed together.

I walked up the stairs, but not very fast ’cause it was hard to see the stairs holding all the clothes, and Sammie was behind me, and when I got to the top I stopped and looked over my shoulder and she was staring at my bare ass. She smiled at me and then she gave me these little bites right on my ass, and it felt so neat I just dropped all the clothes on the floor and jumped into bed with Sammie right behind me. The sheets were cold but we got warm fast wiggling around under the covers, ending up with Sammie on her back and me on top of her, and we started kissing again.

Our tongues were going back and forth in each other’s mouths, and I was touching her tits while she was running her fingers all up and down my back and over my ass and down my legs and then back again. That felt so good!

When she ran her fingers up and down my butt crack, I moaned in her mouth. She broke the kiss and said not to pull her tits so hard ’cause they were very sensitive, and I told her I was sorry and kissed them better for her. We both liked that, or at least I know I did, and she sure seemed to.

She had me lie on my back next to her, though I was sort of lying on her too ’cause there wasn’t much room in the bed. She lifted the covers up some so we could see each other. She started to play with her pussy and told me to play with mine too. That was so cool, we were really rubbing off together.

Then she took my hand and put it on her pussy with her hand over it, and she started to move my hand on her. Then she put her other hand on my pussy and started playing with it.

Hers was so wet that my fingers just slid inside her like they knew where to go or something. Sammie put my fingers and hand where she wanted them, and got me moving my hand the way she wanted and said, “Good, yeah, keep doing that.”

Her fingers on my pussy felt so neat. No one else had ever touched me there, and it was like a million times better than touching myself.

I tried to keep my hand moving like she wanted on her pussy, but with the way she was touching me I couldn’t focus. Then I grabbed her arm and my knees came up and I said, “I love you Sammie!” and then I came so hard I couldn’t lay still. My toes went numb, and my legs stuck straight out and I turned over against her and had her hand locked between my legs. I felt like I had died and gone to heaven.

The next thing I knew I was lying there touching her tits and telling her how much I loved her, but I was all out of breath. She was feeling my ass and telling me how much she loved me too.

After I had sort of come back to my senses, I told her I wanted to try something I’d read about, and would she please let me. She was like, I guess so, and I told her if she didn’t like it I would stop.

Well, I got under the covers, and she held them up a little so she could see me. I was laying on my tummy between her legs, looking at and sort of touching her pussy. Just doing that made me have to rub myself against the bed some.

I had been reading a lot of stories about licking pussy, and I had even been exchanging e-mails with a couple grown up women. One of them had told me how to lick pussy. So I really wanted to try it so bad, and I really wanted to try and make Sammie come real good like I had.

I started by touching her pussy a little. Then I kissed her thighs back and forth going higher up with each kiss. Finally, I licked around her pussy lips some. There was this white stuff on them and I kept trying to lick it off but it kept coming back.

Then I found her clit and I kissed it real soft. The woman who e-mailed me how to lick pussy told me to try the ABC’s, and what that meant was to lick the clit by doing the letters of the alphabet with your tongue on it, all in capitals. So I started with ‘A’. I did each letter a few times.

Sammie said I didn’t have to do what I was doing, that I could stop if I didn’t want to keep doing it, but I told her I didn’t want to stop, that I really wanted to do this. I went back to it and was up to ‘D’ when she said, “Okay, if you really want to.” I knew then that she was really liking it.

When I got to ‘G’ she put her knees up in the air and spread her legs wider and put her hands on the back of my head.

While I was doing this I was still rubbing my pussy against the bed and Sammie said, “I love your ass, Katy. I love seeing it wiggle around.”

At ‘L’ she said, “Oh fuck! Don’t stop, don’t stop!”

At ‘P’ I stuck a finger inside her pussy, and her pussy kind of grabbed my finger as I moved it in and out, and when I got to ‘Q’ she came. She had it real hard and I was so happy I made her come.

I started on ‘R’ but she pushed my head back and told me to stop, saying it was so good she couldn’t take anymore. She had me move back up and lie on her and she kissed me more, even though she had just come on my face. She had her hands all over my ass, too. Then she calmed down and we just lay there together, saying stuff that was so silly I won’t make you sick by telling you, but it was very lovey-dovey and mushy, and even though it was so stupid we meant every word of it.

We was just lying in bed together, sort of dozing, when the phone rang. Sammie jumped out of bed and ran downstairs bare naked to answer it.

It was my mom, and Sammie yelled up the stairs, “Katy, your mom is picking up Chinese food to bring home later. She wants to know it you want your usual or something else.”

I yelled back I wanted the usual. My friend, Mary’s parents run the Chinese restaurant, even though her parents are from Vietnam, not China. Anyway, they always give Mom extra food cause me and Mary are best friends.

Sammie came back up. Getting back in bed, she said, “The grownups will be home in a couple hours so we can still rest.”

I told her I couldn’t believe she went running around the house bare naked. I said, “What if  it wasn’t my mom on the phone and she had walked in and found you naked?”

Well, I couldn’t believe what Sammie said. “So what if she had, Katy? I bet she wouldn’t mind seeing me naked. I mean she must see you naked all the time, right?”

“Well, no, we never see each other naked. I haven’t been naked in front of Mom since I was little.”

“That’s too bad ’cause you look great naked, and your mom is good looking too. I wouldn’t mind seeing her naked. Don’t you think your mom is pretty, Katy?”

“Well, yeah, but I can’t just walk up and say, ‘hey, Mom, let me see you naked,’ can I?”

“Whenever my dad is away on business we all go naked around the house,” Sammie said.

Well that bit of information just blew me away. I didn’t know if Sammie was telling me the truth or just being dirty for fun, so I asked her if that was for real.

“Katy, ever since a few years ago, when Dad isn’t home — ’cause he doesn’t like it, so it’s our secret from him — me and Mom and Penny all go around naked. It’s fun.”

“Golly, Sammie, that’s… I don’t know… so cool! I can’t believe it. I could never do that.”

“Why not?”

“Well, because if I ever saw your mom and Penny and you bare naked, I’d… well I’d have to play with myself.”

Sammie smiled at me. She put her hand over my pussy and said, “That’s okay, we do too.”

“Um, you’re just making this up to get me all horny again, aren’t you?”

Sammie just kissed me instead of saying anything, so I really wondered about it. But either way we got real horny and played with each other’s pussies till we both came again.

Then we cleaned up and got dressed ’cause the grownups would be home soon with the food.

Continue on to Chapter 3


26 Comments on My Family, Friends, and Sex – Chapter 2

  1. This is a really good story so far. The author perfectly captures the sense of being a young girl discovering and exploring new things. I sure wish I’d had that kind of fun when I was her age! 😛

  2. JetBoy says:

    Excellent stuff. I really like where this is going. Cheers to ya, Purple Les!

  3. admatt says:

    Lovely narrative. Continue, please.

  4. Cheryl says:

    Don’t worry, admatt. She has already sent me the next chapter for editing. And yes, it’s HOT! Being Purple Les’s editor for this work is rather, um, stimulating. I often decide to just sit on a towel when she sends her latest since I would end up having to change my panties after reading her next chapter anyway. 😉

    And I love the “voice” of the narrator as well. She sounds SO much like a real girl that age. And, Naughty Mommy, I couldn’t agree more about wishing I’d had these experiences!

  5. Matthew says:

    Nicely done. You’re really good at capturing the sexiness in the voice of a nine-year-old girl. Can’t wait for more! Good character writing and sexiness all at once.

  6. Purple Les says:

    Thank you all very much for the wonderful compliments. Especially my three favorite writers here.

    A very special thanks to my editor Cheryl.

    • Cheryl says:

      You’re welcome, and it’s my pleasure. After all, I get to see it before anyone else does! I’m already looking forward to hearing what people say about the next chapter!

  7. Marika says:

    Really great stuff. It’s rare to see such plausibility in the narrator’s voice. Hope we hear more about little Mary!

  8. Jennifer says:

    Nice Piece of work, i like the way it goes, please carry on like this, Purple Les! 🙂

  9. PoppaBear says:

    I’ve discovered your story, Les, a little later than the others as I’ve been busy doing other stuff, but I really like the way you’ve captured the voice and thinking of a young girl.
    The possibilities that present themselves in this second chapter are really intriguing and I will not be the only one who is hoping that you will develop all of those possibilities for us before the inevitable ending.
    Great story. Well done.

    • Cheryl says:

      Just so you know (though you probably do already), but Les is definitely for lesbian, not Lester or Leslie. I don’t know if the author will reveal her true identity (she’s a visitor here who has commented a few times at least), so I won’t do so. That is her choice. I just wanted to make sure everyone understands her pen name. 🙂

      • Maybe she should change that to Lez to make it more clear. 😉

        • Cheryl says:

          I emailed her and asked. I will make that change if she wants me to do that.

        • Purple Les says:

          I like it, Lez, but I am just going to leave it alone. That would have been my 1st choice if I had thought of it, and I wish I had, but since I have already hit the road with Les, I am just going to stick with it since now everyone understands it’s for lesbian.

          (tiny whisper) …your stories make me cum.

          you too, Cheryl, Jetboy

    • Purple Les says:

      Thank you so much for the kind words PoppaBear. I hope I keep the stories enjoyable in the future.

    • PoppaBear says:

      I thought of using the author’s full name, but I wouldn’t have used ‘Purple”, though it is a favourite colour,
      so I addressed my comments to ‘Les’, which could have been Lesley, or even Leslie, possibly Lesbian, but, I didn’t care!
      The girl, the author is quintessentially a girl, had written ‘Purple Les’, so her name, as an author, is definitely ‘Les’.
      All this is so much fluff, Les.
      You are an excellent author and I hope you are with us for many weeks, if we are lucky, many months.

  10. sue says:

    Very good. I liked that it went where I hoped but didn’t get there the way I thought it would. I am a sucker for kissing cousins. good job Purple Les. purples my favorite color, and lesbians my favorite people. : )

  11. David says:

    Mmmmmm Purple I loved it so much, so erotic and love the details. On to the next Chapter

  12. C says:

    I agree about wishing I had had those experiences at that age. I love the story so far Purple Les. I can’t wait to see what happens next.

  13. Birdie says:

    Great start! I’m getting to this one kind of late. So glad someone mentioned it in comments recently. It’s fun to hear the story from young Katy’s point of view. Looking forward to reading more.

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