Loving Lisa, Chapter 10

  • Posted on March 24, 2017 at 6:43 pm

By JetBoy

The doorbell chimed. 3:32 in the afternoon.

Now who on earth could that be…? I wondered, peering up from the kitchen counter in irritation.

I’d broken this exquisite piece of costume jewelry — a glass brooch of a tropical fish I’d found years ago in a secondhand store — and was about to put the three fragments back together with Krazy Glue. Not a good time to be interrupted.

Nessa was upstairs, music turned up loud… no sense in calling her down to answer the door. Leaving my work on a paper towel, I made my way to the foyer, prepared to rebuff unwanted visitors. The Jehovah’s Witnesses had been working our neighborhood, I’d been told.

Half expecting to find a smiling matron bearing copies of The Watchtower, I opened the door to discover a far more welcome guest on the top step — Lisa!

A leap across the threshold, and she was in my arms. Dazed and delighted, I spun the two of us around and around, her legs wrapped around me. Somehow, on one of our revolutions, I managed to shut the door with a nudge of the foot.

The sweet scent of her hair tickled my nose. “Mmmmmmm… oh, Lisa, I’ve missed you!”

Holding me tightly, her face buried in my neck, she whispered, “I missed you too, Ms. Johnson.”

I clucked my tongue. “It’s Roxanne, Lisa. Remember?”

She frowned, wrinkling her nose. “Y’know… I don’t really like callin’ you that. Can I still say ‘Ms. Johnson?’ It’s what I always say in my head when I think about you. That’s okay, huh?”

I had to laugh. “Of course, angel. Whatever makes you happy.” I paused to kiss the tip of that nose. “When did you get back?”

“Just,” Lisa murmured against my chin, making me throb down below. Then she raised her head, her big green eyes peering into mine. “Let’s… play!”

A whoop of delight from the top of the stairs, then… “LISA!” My daughter’s feet came thundering down to where we stood.

“NESSA!” shrieked my bundle of joy, nearly deafening me in one ear. “Sorry,” she added when I grimaced.

Vanessa darted behind her friend and hugged her tightly, making a yummy Lisa sandwich between the two of us. Suddenly she grinned and hunkered down. I couldn’t see — what was Nessa doing?

“Hey, what’re you — Owww!” Lisa twisted around to glare at my daughter. “You bit me!”

And there Vanessa was, grinning behind Lisa. “Gotcha ba-ack!”

Lisa rolled her eyes heavenward. “God, are you still freakin’ out about that? Anyhow, you already got me back, ‘member?” Lisa reached around to explore her backside as I set her down. “Jeez Louise… right on my butthole, too.”

Now, that gave me a very interesting idea. “Oh, dear,” I said, trying to look concerned. “How about we go up to my bedroom and… examine the damage? Make sure everything’s okay.”

The girls actually jumped up and down, blurting exclamations like “Yeah!” “Whoo!” and “Cool!” Then up the stairs they flew as if they’d been launched from twin cannons. Me, I took up the rear, ascending at a much more ladylike pace.

When I entered my room, Lisa and Nessa were bouncing excitedly on my bed, huge grins on their faces. I used to chide my daughter when she used my mattress as a trampoline, but right then, I felt giddy enough to jump right along with them. Instead, I stepped out of my shoes.

“Hey, no room for me?” I laughingly protested, unbuttoning my pants.

The bouncing came to a standstill as the girls watched me starting to undress. Then with a gleeful squeal, my Nessa began to shimmy out of her top.

I stepped out of my jeans and panties, then tugged off the old flannel shirt I liked to wear around the house. Vanessa wasn’t wearing much to start with, so she got naked right away — but why was Lisa just watching us undress?

Taking notice of her still-clothed friend, Nessa frowned. “What’cha just standin’ there for? C’mon, girl, get naked!” She giggled. “We gotta ex-amine your butthole!”

Lisa gave us a bashful smile. “I wanna do a show for you guys, where I take off all my clothes and dance sexy!” She blushed a bit. “Um… it’s just an idea I had…”

“You mean a striptease?” I said, shrugging out of my bra. Now I was nude, too.

She nodded gratefully, stepping down from the bed. “Yeah! That.”

“Cool!” exclaimed Vanessa approvingly. She seated herself at the foot of the bed, gazing expectantly at her friend. “Okay — show us what’cha got, honeybuns!”

Lisa smirked at my daughter. “Doofus.”

“Want some music?” I asked, padding over to my dresser, where I kept a boombox.

“Yeah,” said Lisa. “Somethin’ hot!”

“Leave it to me.” Rifling through the stack of CDs, I took out my James Brown best-of disc and slipped it in the player, pausing it at the start of the track I wanted. “Here, do it in front of the mirror.”

Lisa cheerfully padded over to the spot I indicated. “Okay,” she nodded, limbering up her arms and legs.

“And heeeeere we go…” I placed my finger on the PLAY button, then pushed it.

A tough funk groove kicked off the song, driven along by a choppy guitar lick and punctuated by horns. Lisa listened, moving very slightly, letting her body find the beat before she began to move. She was good, too — maybe not Soul Train material, but bold and enthusiastic, unconcerned about looking silly.

“Whoo!” cheered Vanessa. “You go, girl!”

James Brown’s voice elbowed its way in, tightly backed by another voice in a tough call-and-response:

Know we need it — SOUL POWER!
We got to have it — SOUL POWER!
Know we want it — SOUL POWER!
Huh! Got-ta have it — SOUL POWER!

Great merciful heavens, what a sight she was. Believe me, Lisa’s promise to “dance sexy,” had not been made idly. She was strutting her stuff with a vengeance, working that cute little butt.

She kicked off her sandals — firing one to the left, the other to the right — then got back into her dance.

I want to get under your skin
If I get there, I got to win
You need some soul, c’mon and get some
And then you’ll know, where I’m comin’ from

Now and then, her eyes met mine — and each time it sent a surge of white-hot lust through my very core. A glance at my daughter made it clear that Lisa’s movements were affecting her in the same way. Nessa was staring slack-mouthed at her friend, occasionally moistening her lips. I noticed that her nipples were visibly erect.

I couldn’t look away from Lisa for more than an instant, though, not while she continued to move. James Brown continued to narrate the action:

I may lay in the cut and go along
I’m still on the case, and my rap is strong
Go jump on my train, when I’m outta sight
Just check yourself, huh! and say, yeah you’re right

Lisa’s elbows swung forward and back in time as she began to unfasten the buttons of the pale orange shirt she wore. One at a time, she undid them, then slowly slid the shirt down to expose her shoulders, carefully giving us quick glimpses of her bare chest.

Suddenly Lisa all but tore the top off, like a magician sweeping away his cape. Now nude from the waist up, she threw herself back into the dance.

Lisa barely had anything in the way of breasts, but they still managed to jiggle ever so slightly. And her nipples were definitely stiff, all but begging to be sucked.

Love me tender, and love me slow
If that don’t get it, jump back for more
Love me tender, love me slow
If that don’t get it, jump back for more

Reaching down to the front of her cut-off denim shorts, she popped the top button open with the flick of a thumb, then tugged the zipper down far enough to us to see the color of her panties — buttery yellow.

Spinning around to face the mirror, her bottom thrust toward Nessa and me, Lisa shifted her hips from side to side as she shimmied out of the tight shorts, working them down to her ankles. Those yellow underpants were so tautly stretched across her bottom that I could see nearly everything she had through them.

She stepped out of her cut-offs with her right foot, then cast them aside with a flick of the left. Now down to panties, Lisa’s movements grew more explicitly sexual. This was a dance of seduction, and all three of us knew it.

We gotta get in the bracket
You know I like it!

To my left, I heard Nessa gasp. I turned to look, gasping myself when I saw my daughter lying back, legs spread wide, masturbating at the sight of her dancing friend. Hmmm… now there’s a good idea.

Back to Lisa. She was staring lustfully at Vanessa, touching her body all over, still moving in time to the Godfather’s funky beat. Then her eyes burned into mine, and it felt like someone had set off a flare in my cunt, starting a blaze that simply had to be dealt with.

Slipping a hand between my thighs, I curled two fingers inside myself, thrusting them hard and deep.

Don’t fall on the ground!
You got to get down, down, down, down, down
Don’t fall on the ground!
You got to get down, down, down, down, down

Lisa was sliding out of her panties, turning around as she did, giving us the full-on view of her nakedness. Then she was completely bare, those butter-hued underpants clutched in one hand. She tossed them to me, and I immediately pressed them to my face, breathing deeply, drinking in the heady aroma of my underage lover.

I passed them over to Nessa — and she plastered the sodden material to her nose and mouth, purring with pleasure as she sampled Lisa’s scent.

Huh! Good God!
I’ve gotta ask you, what we NEED! — SOUL POWER!
What we want — SOUL POWER!

Excited as I already was, I nearly swooned when Lisa presented her bottom, hips still churning to the hard beat. She dipped down to peer at us between spread legs, pulling her buttocks apart to display her holes to us. Her slit was glistening with wetness. Oh, God, I wanted to throw myself on my knees behind the child and bury my face in her rosy flesh.

Seconds later, Lisa was up and dancing again. Damn it, she was driving me crazy!

But before I knew it, the song was fading. Lisa’s motions slowed, then halted.

She took a deep bow while her dazed audience cheered and clapped — with very moist fingers, needless to say. Then she jumped in between my daughter and me on the bed, exhaling noisily as she lay back.

“Wow,” said Vanessa, “that was… wicked good!”

The little imp was grinning hugely, feeling quite proud of herself. “Ya think so?”

“Oh, yes,” I said. “That might have been the single sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.”

“Cooooool,” Lisa sighed, gazing at me, then Vanessa. “So… what do we do now?”

“Well, I don’t know about you young ladies,” I murmured, “but I’m in the mood for some kissing.”

“Yeah!” Lisa cheered, and Nessa eagerly nodded her assent.

“Me first,” I announced, then drew close to Lisa. “Here’s your reward for that wonderful dance,” and I took her mouth in a tender kiss that grew hot and hungry in something like two seconds. We swapped tongues for a long, delicious while, then I turned to Vanessa. “And this is your reward for being the best daughter in the whole world.” I kissed my child with every ounce of passion I had in me, feasting on her sweet mouth, finally breaking away. “And now, I want to see you two kiss!”

Eyes shining, Lisa reached up to touch my daughter’s face. “I love you, Nessa,” she whispered.

“Aw… I love you, Lisa,” Vanessa responded, and the girls came together in a ardent embrace, their mouths crushed together, tongues flashing to and fro. Then they turned back to me, both smiling.

We shared kisses and caresses for a long while, taking our time, keeping the lovemaking going at a slow, languid pace, allowing the sexual fire to mount gradually — until we seemed to move, all three of us, to the tempo of a single racing pulse. Never before had I been so perfectly in tune with a lover.

Eventually, of course, our need for release grew too intense to bear, so we made each other come with our fingers. I masturbated my daughter while Nessa rubbed Lisa, who tweaked my clit until I saw stars.

Afterwards, we lay together in a tangle of heated flesh, occasionally exchanging deep French kisses — at least until Lisa raised her head, looking from me to Nessa. “We’re not done yet, are we?” she demanded.

I nearly rolled my eyes. Kids. Don’t they ever get enough of a good thing? Then I felt my daughter’s fingers lightly teasing my slit, and thought, Hmmm… guess I’m not quite done yet.

“Mom…?” said Vanessa, her head resting on my shoulder.

“What, hon?”

“Can you, um, put on the thing now? Pleeease?”

Lisa furrowed her brow. “The thing?”

I looked at Vanessa, arching an eyebrow. “The thing…?”

Vanessa blushed. “You know…”

I just looked at her blankly, wanting her to say the word.

Lisa looked from Vanessa to me and back, frowning. “What are you guys talkin’ about?!”

Vanessa, her cheeks flushed pink, mumbled, “The… the cock,” then put both hands over her face. Which caused her to poke Lisa with an extremely pointy elbow.

Lisa’s scowl deepened. “Hey, watch your arms, dingus!” Then to me, still puzzled, “The cock?”

“I think there’s an echo in here,” I chuckled, tousling her hair. “Hold on, Lisa — I’ll show you.” Getting to my feet, pausing for a moment for the wooziness to disperse, I padded into the closet, plucking my sex toy from a nearby shelf, still fitted with the smallest attachment. I figured it would be at least a year or two before either of the girls would be ready for the eight-incher.

As I strapped the latex prick on and fastened it about my waist, the room was eerily silent. No giggles or whispers, no creaking from the bed. I gave my borrowed appendage a tug to make certain it was secure, then emerged.

Lisa’s eyes grew wide as she saw the toy jutting from my groin. “Holy cow!” she gasped, cupping her face in both hands like a cartoon character.

Vanessa smiled gleefully, amused by her friend’s astonishment. “It’s kinda like a real man’s thing… right, Mom? Works the exact same way!”

I nodded. “More or less.”

Lisa gaped at Vanessa. “Whoa, whoa, whoa! You mean — you already used it?”

Shyly nibbling her lower lip, Vanessa murmured, “Well, yeah.” She was blushing again.

“Oh, yes, Vanessa took the whole thing inside her…” I winked at my little girl, and she giggled, suddenly unable to meet my gaze.

Lisa’s mouth was open. “You really… really did it…” She looked down at Nessa’s pussy — which, I noticed, still showed a slightly irritated pinkness around the edges of her slit.

Her face alight with wonder, Lisa reached out, extending a finger to lightly touch my daughter’s sex. “Wow,” she breathed, then looked up at Vanessa. “So, how did you…?”

“Mom, put some, um, slippery stuff on it first, to help it go inside… and she went really slow, so it wouldn’t hurt a lot.”

Did it hurt?” Lisa asked, tilting her head slightly.

“Just a little,” Nessa replied. “But it felt really great, too!” She took Lisa’s hand, gave it a squeeze. “I asked her to, Lise. It was important to me. I wanted Mom to be the one to do it.”

Lisa slowly lit up like a Christmas tree, a gleam of excitement appearing in her eyes. “Me too!” Turning to me, she clasped her hands together in supplication, begging, “I want you to be the one to… do that to me!” She jumped up from the bed and raced over to where I stood, clutching at my arm. “Please, Ms. Johnson?” She nuzzled her face into my breasts. “Pretty please?”

I glanced at Nessa, who smiled and nodded. “Yeah. Fuck her, Mom!”

Enveloping Lisa in my arms, I whispered into her hair, “Okay, sweetie.”

She hugged me hard, blurted, “Thank you!” then broke away. “But first, I wanna watch you guys doin’ it. So I get to see, y’know, what it’s like. Okay?”

Nessa grinned. “Oh, I’m good with that!” She immediately lay down on the bed and raised her legs up and out. Grabbing her ankles, she spread herself, opening her sweet cunt for me. “C’mon, Mom — I’m so ready!”

My brave little soldier. I reached for the lubricant, still resting on the nightstand where I’d left it, then knelt on the bed before Nessa, pausing to admire the loveliness of her bare slit… pink, glistening with wetness and ready to be loved.

I smeared a dollop of Astroglide on the end of the shaft, then leaned in to transfer a dab of the slippery stuff onto Nessa’s waiting slit. She spread her legs even wider, if that was possible.

Climbing onto the bed, Lisa approached me from behind and pressed herself against my back, resting her chin on my shoulder to get a good view of the proceedings. I felt her swollen nipples brushing against my skin as she nuzzled my neck.

It was arousing, but something of a distraction. “That feels good, Lisa… but you’ve got to move back just a little. I need room to do this.”

“Oops. Sorry ‘bout that.”

As Lisa dutifully stationed herself a bit further away, I glanced back at her, a knowing smile on my lips. “You want to see it… going in, huh?”

Her eyes were dancing. “Yeah,” she sighed happily.

“Sit right here, Lisa!” Vanessa said, patting the bed next to her. “You can watch Mom put her thing in… and while she fucks me, we can make out!”

“Great idea,” Lisa giggles as she parks her cute little bottom at Nessa’s side. She bends down, peering between my daughter’s spread thighs. “Wow, Nessa, I can see all of you!”

“Mmmmm, yeah, I guess so.” Nessa’s eyes widened as I gently stroked her opening with the tip of the dildo, occasionally brushing her clit.

“You ready, hon?”

Nessa nodded. “Fuck me now, Mom.”

I moved slowly, carefully, watching the head slip about two inches deep into my daughter’s pussy.

“Ow. Ow. Ooohh… ouch!” winced Vanessa. Lisa winced right along with her.

I halted myself. “You sure you want to do this, hon?”

“Yeah, I… do, I want to. Just… I’m still kinda sore.”

“Okay. I’ll stay still for right now. You tell me when you’re ready.”

Lisa took my daughter’s hand, pressed it to her lips, then cradled it in her lap. “You look so pretty like that, Nessa.”

Vanessa gave her friend a shaky smile. “Thanks.” Drawing in, then releasing a deep breath, she looked up at me. “Okay, you c-can go in a little more now.”

I eased the cock a bit deeper, a quarter-inch at a time.

“Oooh… oh, oh, geez, Mom!”

Pausing again, “Does it still hurt?”

“A little… but, but not that much… oh, man, I’m feelin’ so full.” She lifted her hips a bit, taking me in even more. “Mmmm yeah! It’s gettin’ better, Mom, just like last time.”

“Good job, sweetie.” By then, the shaft was almost completely inside my precious child.

“Ohhhh, yeah, that’s it, oh yeah…!”

Lisa stared at my daughter in awe. “You’re really doin’ it, Nessa! You really are!”

My daughter turned to her friend, tugging at her arm. “Kiss me, Lisa…”

And Lisa fell into Vanessa’s embrace — their mouths meeting, tongues emerging to dance. Lisa’s hand was on my little girl’s chest, gliding over her nipples.

Now I was fucking her for real — pulling out, pushing back, my movements smooth and steady. Nessa was humming as she and Lisa kissed, a tuneless moan to accompany her rising pleasure.

Vanessa broke away from Lisa to whisper something in her ear — and Lisa peered up at me, a positively devilish expression on her face. She got to her feet, then disappeared. What is that girl up to now?

Then I felt her behind me — her hands, her breath, then her soft lips caressing my ass.

Down below, my daughter was speedily approaching meltdown. She clutched at fistfuls of the blanket, her head twisting from side to side, eyes squeezed tightly shut. At one point, Nessa reached down to touch the slippery latex cock, perhaps marveling at how wonderful it made her feel. All the while, she exhorted me on. “Ohhhhh Mom, s-so good, mmm yes, ohhh, don’t stop, keep fuckin’ me, oooooohhh yeah, f-feels so… so…”

Lisa was feasting on my backside. I felt her lips, her tongue, her eager mouth on my bottom, my anus, my cunt. She licked me, adorned me with kisses and nibbled my clit as Nessa writhed beneath me, lost in her mounting rapture.

I wanted to lie skin to skin with my little girl, so I carefully lowered myself onto her. She seized me in her arms, hugging me tightly, burying her face in my shoulder, her voice reduced to ragged whimpers and the occasional gasp of, “Ohhhhh, Mom!”

I continued to fuck her — in the meantime, Lisa was probing my vagina with what felt like all four fingers. I longed for her to get her thumb into the act and work her entire hand inside me, but my hips were probably moving too briskly for that.

Suddenly my daughter threw her head back against the pillow, a joyful cry of ecstasy breaking free as she began to come. Her nails bit painfully into my back — but I kept going, carrying Vanessa through the crazy carnival ride of her orgasm, her cries and moans music to my soul.

Seconds later, Lisa’s fingers touched something inside me, and I froze in mid-stroke as my own climax hit like a thunderclap. I was rocked to my foundation, quivering all over and trying not to jerk around while still inside Nessa.

Finally, we both lay spent, my sweaty frame atop hers. Somehow I managed to heave myself up and draw my slippery cock out of her body, sitting back on my heels in a post-orgasmic daze.

Kneeling once more beside her friend, Lisa shook her head, open-mouthed. “Nessa, gosh… that was so awesome!” she breathed. She tenderly brushed Nessa’s damp bangs to one side. “You are like… I can’t believe it. You’re like… a woman, and everything!”

Smiling weakly, Nessa patted Lisa’s hand, then gazed up at me. “Love you, Mom,” she mumbled. Her legs lay open, her pussy oozing warm honey into the sheets.

I murmured, “I love you too, angel,” and laid down next to her. Nessa turned her face to mine, and our lips met in a tender kiss.

Continue on to Chapter 11


11 Comments on Loving Lisa, Chapter 10

  1. Purple Les says:

    great chapter, and I loved the sexy strip tease with Lisa, and Mom and Nessa masturbating.With music from the great JB

    • JetBoy says:

      I’m a huge James Brown devotee, with enough of his music in my collection to play nonstop for three days or thereabouts, and the decision of which of his funky classics to use for this chapter was not made lightly.

      In the end, “Soul Power” seemed the best track for Lisa to strip naked to, though I would have liked to have a suitably youthful dancing model to act out the number first — just so I’d know for certain that my choice was the right one, you understand…

  2. Matthew says:

    I hope Lisa feels Nessa’s juices on that.

  3. sue says:

    this is all I needed to put me at the edge:

    The bouncing came to a standstill as the girls watched me starting to undress. Then with a gleeful squeal, my Nessa began to shimmy out of her top.

    I stepped out of my jeans and panties, then tugged off the old flannel shirt I liked to wear around the house. Vanessa wasn’t wearing much to start with, so she got naked right away — but why was Lisa just watching us undress?

    Taking notice of her still-clothed friend, Nessa frowned. “What’cha just standin’ there for? C’mon, girl, get naked!” She giggled. “We gotta ex-amine your butthole!”

    Lisa gave us a bashful smile. “I wanna do a show for you guys, where I take off all my clothes and dance sexy!” She blushed a bit. “Um… it’s just an idea I had…”

    “You mean a striptease?” I said, shrugging out of my bra. Now I was nude, too.

    She nodded gratefully, stepping down from the bed. “Yeah! That.”

    “Cool!” exclaimed Vanessa approvingly. She seated herself at the foot of the bed, gazing expectantly at her friend. “Okay — show us what’cha got, honeybuns!”

    and this getting real close:

    To my left, I heard Nessa gasp. I turned to look, gasping myself when I saw my daughter lying back, legs spread wide, masturbating at the sight of her dancing friend. Hmmm… now there’s a good idea.

    came here:

    “Well, I don’t know about you young ladies,” I murmured, “but I’m in the mood for some kissing.”

    “Yeah!” Lisa cheered, and Nessa eagerly nodded her assent.

    “Me first,” I announced, then drew close to Lisa. “Here’s your reward for that wonderful dance,” and I took her mouth in a tender kiss that grew hot and hungry in something like two seconds. We swapped tongues for a long, delicious while, then I turned to Vanessa. “And this is your reward for being the best daughter in the whole world.” I kissed my child with every ounce of passion I had in me, feasting on her sweet mouth, finally breaking away. “And now, I want to see you two kiss!”

    Eyes shining, Lisa reached up to touch my daughter’s face. “I love you, Nessa,” she whispered.

    “Aw… I love you, Lisa,” Vanessa responded, and the girls came together in a ardent embrace, their mouths crushed together, tongues flashing to and fro. Then they turned back to me, both smiling.

    We shared kisses and caresses for a long while, taking our time, keeping the lovemaking going at a slow, languid pace, allowing the sexual fire to mount gradually — until we seemed to move, all three of us, to the tempo of a single racing pulse. Never before had I been so perfectly in tune with a lover.

    Eventually, of course, our need for release grew too intense to bear, so we made each other come with our fingers. I masturbated my daughter while Nessa rubbed Lisa, who tweaked my clit until I saw stars.

    Afterwards, we lay together in a tangle of heated flesh, occasionally exchanging deep French kisses…

    you take as long as you want between chapters Jetboy, worth the wait.

  4. JetBoy says:

    As always, fervent thanks to them as leaves me comments. Your kindness will long abide with me.

  5. Leigh says:

    so cool, Thank you

  6. Bryan says:

    Who the hell rated this awful?

    • JetBoy says:

      A few years back, someone was hitting us with rock-bottom ratings for nearly everything we posted. I assumed it was some Bible-thumping God-botherer who was too lazy to leave comments like YOUR ALL FILTHY PREVERTS AND JESUS HATES YOU. HAVE A GOOD TIME BURNING IN HELL FIRE FOR ALL ETERNATY. Hey, at least it keeps them too busy to smack their kids around.

      Note: the above is NOT intended as a blanket denunciation of Christians, many of whom are fine people and excellent drinking companions.

  7. tropical angels says:

    This is the BEST gender-feminine incestuous / pedophilic (one has to be SO inclusive these days..) love story I have read ! (since 2008).
    Well written, tenses correct, spelling and punctuation immaculate!! WOW!
    And the characters . so real I could taste them ..if that was their wont, that is.
    Unfortunately, I was born in the times when men were men and woman not more so. My age and maleness most likely preclude my participation in such labial lusciousness! P.S. I always thought I was oxymoronically, born a male lesbian, as I totally identify with the gentle, ooze, that fierce, dewy gush so essentially female that cannot be “identified” with, rather only experienced in real time . One Love.
    YTo the author goes kudos galore… and the chant of “more, more!”

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