The Holly and the Ivy, Chapter 1

  • Posted on March 27, 2017 at 11:47 am

Marcy sat in the chair, hunched forward with her head down staring at the tiled floor. Her forearms rested on her knees as she slowly wrung her hands together.

She couldn’t remember the number of times she’d sat here this way. Waiting, hoping, and even praying for some good news. But it never seemed to come.

“I’m sorry, Marcy,” was all the woman had said. It was all she had to say.

Marcy sighed. ‘I’m sorry’, she thought to herself. After three years of trying it ends with ‘I’m sorry’.

Her husband Jack, who was sitting beside her, reached over and softly placed a hand on her arm.

“We’ll find another way, honey.” Trying to sound empathetic, but knowing full well there wasn’t anything else they could do. Well, at least nothing they could really afford to do.

Marcy raised her head, shaking it slowly from side to side. She looked across the oak desk at the woman sitting behind it, then at her husband, then back at the woman. Marcy could see in the woman’s eyes that she truly felt bad for her.

“Thank you, Doctor Sheppard,” she said, trying to put on a brave face.

“No, Jack!” she started, turning toward her husband. “There is no other way. I can’t do this anymore. I’m drained! Our savings are all but gone!”

Marcy leaned forward again and buried her face in her hands. She would have cried, she wanted to, but the tears wouldn’t come anymore.

After a few moments of silence, Marcy sat up. “I’m just not meant to have children… We,” she paused, “are not meant to have children.”

She stood. Taking a second to regain her composure, Marcy fussed with her hair before offering an outstretched hand to her doctor.

“Thank you again for all your efforts,” she said with sincerity.

Doctor Jennal Sheppard, a handsome woman in her late fifties, had been Marcy’s family doctor since the day she was born, and had been her parents’ doctor for a good ten years before that. She felt more like a family friend than just her doctor.

Jennal got up from her seat and made her way around the desk. Ignoring Marcy’s gesture, she took the young woman into her arms and held her close.

“I’m truly sorry, sweetie,” Jennal whispered, hoping to give some level of comfort.

“Thanks,” Marcy said as the embrace ended. She smiled again, then turned and left the office. Jack thanked the doctor and followed his wife out.

The car ride home was quiet. Marcy didn’t feel much like talking. She leaned against the side window, absently watching life on the city streets go by.

It isn’t fair, she thought to herself.

Marcy had known since she was a little girl that she wanted a child, a daughter in particular. She wanted a daughter she could love the way her own mother had loved her. And more recently she wanted a daughter she could teach about the joys of being with another woman. Just as her mother had taught her. And just maybe, a daughter, who, if she was willing, would become her lover. The way her mother had been for Marcy shortly before she had been taken away.

She looked at Jack and felt a twinge of guilt. Not because she couldn’t give him a child, but because she had been deceiving him for the last four years. Marcy liked Jack very much. He was a kind and caring man, one who would give you the shirt off his back if you asked for it. Marcy believed Jack would have been a great father. If only she loved him.

She first met Jack through her best friend Zoey when she was around six years old. Zoey’s mom and Jack’s mom were best friends, and had been for years. Jack, being four years older than the girls, really didn’t pay much attention to them. Not until they were in their late teens anyway.

By that time Marcy and Zoey had been lovers for many years, and Marcy’s sexual relationship with her mother was just starting to blossom. Zoey had moved away the summer before her last year of high school when her mother landed a really good job in another town. Sadly, it was only a short time after that that Marcy’s mother had passed.

Marcy missed being with girls, especially younger girls. She hadn’t been with one since she was twelve, a cute eight-year-old named Crystal that she and Zoey had babysat at different times. Marcy had all but forgotten the pleasures she and Zoey had shared with that little girl…


She’d been reminded of Crystal one afternoon recently when she was at the mall. Marcy had been shopping for new clothes and had stopped at the food court for a quick bite. As she sat in a booth eating her burger, she couldn’t help notice a group of three women and three young girls at a table not far from her. Marcy was transfixed by one girl who appeared to be the youngest among them. This child, maybe ten or eleven years old, wore a pair of very tight shorts that only served to display her sexy camel toe. Marcy studied the girl discreetly, and noticed the longer she watched the more she was getting turned on. She wanted to turn away from the sight but couldn’t bring herself to do it.

Looking around to make sure no one was watching, Marcy placed a hand between her legs, and was a bit surprised to find that the crotch of her sweatpants was damp. That familiar feeling had come back and Marcy’s pussy was crying out for attention. After another quick glance around, her hand somehow seemed to find its own way down inside the front of her sweats and to her wet pussy. Marcy continued to follow the young girl with her eyes as her hand gently played with her clit.

The girl went up to the Subway counter with one of the women whom Marcy guessed was most likely her mother. While the teenage server was preparing their order, she eyed the little girl numerous times. When the two left the counter with their order, it was apparent to Marcy that the server was checking out the child’s bum.

Shortly after that, the teenager that had served the pair went toward the restrooms on the other side of the food court passing close by the group of girls and women. The young girl, seeing this, got up and followed her into the ladies room. Several minutes later, the two girls came out again at the same time, both appearing flushed. They smiled at one another and then parted ways.

Did what I think happened really happen? Marcy asked herself, only adding fuel to the fire that was burning in her crotch.

She tried her best to act normal, holding her burger in one hand while the other was in her pants bringing herself to orgasm. Marcy bit her lip as her body shook in silent ecstasy. As she calmed down, she looked around to see if anyone had noticed.

Sitting in the food court, Marcy laughed to herself after considering what she had just done. She had masturbated in public while lusting over a preteen girl. Feeling safe, she eased her way out of the booth, took another look at the young nymph, and then left the mall.

During her last years of college, Marcy had hooked up with a few girls her own age. But it just wasn’t the same. Marcy decided at that point that it was the time she had a daughter of her own to love. It was then that she looked toward Jack to be the man to give her one…


Construction slowed the traffic, and Marcy turned her attention to what was going on outside her window. It was a brisk February day. The cloudy sky made the world seem drab and dreary. Car exhaust hung in the air like an early morning fog. Passersby were rushing to get to their destinations and out of the cold.

Standing in the doorway of a building directly across from her, Marcy saw two young girls in a loving embrace. The girls appeared to be no more than twelve or thirteen and close enough in appearance that they could be sisters, possibly even twins. They had a similar build and stood about the same height. One, however, had long blonde hair that reached below her shoulder blades. The other, short raven black hair. They were dressed in waist-length dark winter coats, blue jeans, and calf-high black boots trimmed with fur.

Much to Marcy’s delight, the girls started to kiss. The blonde reached down, placing a hand on the raven-haired girl’s ass and gently squeezing it. Their kiss was deep and passionate. Tongues danced together between their mouths. Hands explored forbidden places as best they could. Their hot breath rose in billowing clouds around their faces in the cold February air. Surprisingly, though, not a single passerby seemed to notice the two girls holed up in the doorway. Marcy was starting to feel that familiar warmth between her legs as she squeezed her thighs together out of instinct. Her gaze was fixed on the young lovers in the doorway and she silently hoped the traffic wouldn’t start moving again too soon.

Marcy could feel herself getting wet. Watching these girls brought back fond memories of hot summer nights making love to Zoey when they were the same age. Sleepovers were not uncommon for them, and they usually unfolded the same way. The girls would more or less behave themselves while the adults in the house were still awake. They would do the things most preteen girls do when they’re together. However, this didn’t stop them from making out or petting each other every now and then.

Once they were sure it was safe, the clothes would go away. The two would fall onto the bed and hold each other and begin to kiss as if they had been apart for months.

Zoey would always be the first to start to explore with her hand. First, she would caress Marcy’s arm, then her thighs, then back up to squeeze the small mounds on her chest, pinching at the nipples. Zoey would move her hand down over Marcy’s flat belly, dipping a finger into her bellybutton, and on to her sparse patch of pubic hair. After a couple of moments of playing there, Zoey would put two fingers on Marcy’s clit and slowly rub in a circular motion before moving down through her wet valley and into her moistening pussy, only to remove the fingers and place them back on her clit to start the cycle over again. This would drive Marcy wild, drawing out little whimpers and moans. Her body would twitch as bolts of electricity raced through her preteen body each time her clit was rubbed.

Taking one of Marcy’s small, yet very sensitive nipples into her mouth, Zoey would play her tongue around the nipple and gently suck on it. Simultaneously, she would rub her young friend’s clit harder and faster. Marcy would moan and claw at the sheets. It was hard not to make too much noise, but getting caught by Zoey’s mom was a real possibility which only served to add more excitement to their lovemaking.

By the time Zoey moved down to her throbbing pussy, Marcy had already had one small orgasm. Zoey savored the taste of Marcy’s juices with a long lick of her pussy before taking her clit into her mouth. She inserted two fingers into her vagina and with slightly curved fingers soon found Marcy’s special spot.

The horny Zoey fingered Marcy rapidly while her tongue rolled around her clit, and the twelve-year-old came hard. Marcy’s body went stiff as she pushed her hips up. Grabbing the pillow beside her, she held it over her face to muffle the scream that escaped her lungs. Zoey kept her mouth clamped on her young friend’s pussy and drank up all the juices that freely flowed from her. Once Marcy had come down off her high, she knew it would be her turn to make love to her dearest friend…


“Finally!” Jack exclaimed, bringing Marcy out of her daydream. As she looked back at the two lovers once more, the pair stopped kissing and simultaneously turned to look directly at Marcy. Their eyes locked with hers, and the two young girls smiled as if to say, We know you were watching us, and what you were thinking.

“At last the traffic is moving,” Jack continued, his wife’s lustful voyeurism going unnoticed.

Marcy glanced forward at the traffic for only a split second. But when she looked back at the doorway again it was empty. Marcy looked up and down the sidewalk as best she could from the car, but didn’t see a trace of the two girls.

* * *

Later that night as Marcy lay in bed, she found it difficult to keep her mind on the book she was reading. With the sad realization that she couldn’t have a child, and the incident with those two young girls on the street, her thoughts were scattered.

She closed her book and set it on the nightstand. Marcy was about to the turn off the light when there was a soft knock at the door.

“It’s open,” she said, knowing who was there. The door opened and Jack stepped in. He crossed the room and sat on the foot of her bed.

“How are you feeling?” he asked.

“I’ll be all right.”

“I had a thought. It might do us both some good to get away from here for a while,” he said, taking her hand in his.

She looked up at him, one eyebrow raised.

“What did you have in mind?”

“Next month I have that seminar in Florida to go to. I was thinking I could take some extra time off and we could both go down a few days prior. Gary from work went last year and he said the resort it’s held at is a small, out of the way place, and very nice. It has a pool and its own beach,” Jack explained.

Marcy was intrigued. “A beach, eh? It would be nice to get away from this miserable weather. When would we go?”

“The week after spring break. So no wild university parties going on,” Jack replied with a chuckle.

Marcy laughed and smiled. That was something she had not done a lot of lately. Maybe a getaway would do her some good. She looked back at Jack and grinned.

“Okay,” she said. “Sounds like fun.”

Continue on to Chapter 2


17 Comments on The Holly and the Ivy, Chapter 1

  1. Wow, such great writing — so descriptive, and creative, and erotic! Fantastic job, Amanda Lynn.

    It’s wonderful that we’ve been able to attract so many fine new authors who want to publish their stories at Juicy Secrets. Hurray for us! 😀

  2. JetBoy says:

    I’ll second that emotion! A great new story from a writer who shows enormous potential for more erotic delights. Welcome to the roster, Amanda Lynn!

    Readers — much as Naughty Mommy, Cheryl and I plead for your feedback in Comments, it’s even more crucial that you let our guest writers know when their work finds favor with you… because we want them to keep writing, adding more great stories to the Juicy Secrets library. Your praise makes that possible.

  3. Matthew says:

    Good start. Hopefully, some heat is coming. Glad to see a hint of it already.

  4. Marika says:

    Great start! I hope to read more soon. I especially like the vignettes, where much is left to the reader’s imagination. Very subtle and erotic.

  5. Jennifer says:

    A lovely start to a very hot story as i bet, looking forward to the next chapter! *h&k*

  6. Kylie says:

    Nice shoutout to SSPCC.

    * Editor’s note: This stands for the Secret Society of the PussyCats Club

  7. Sam says:

    Great story so far keep going love it.

  8. Cheryl says:

    Loving this story! (It definitely gets HOT from here….)

  9. Amanda Lynn says:

    Thank you all for your kind words.

    Kylie: Glad you caught the reference, a shout out to Cheryl’s wonderful story. I just loved little Tina.

    Naughty Mommy, Cheryl, and Jetboy: Your praise means a lot. *bows in reverence.

  10. Cheryl says:

    Amanda Lynn, allow me to thank you publicly for your referencing my story. I am honored that you like it enough to include a reference to what is one of my favorite chapters. THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!! :*

    And your chapter is amazingly hot! Love it!!

  11. PoppaBear says:

    I like this story, and, I got the reference. (It’s also one of my favourites.)

    Thank you, Amanda.

  12. kraM says:

    I’d rather not have been told in passing that Marcy had a sexual relationship with her mom. Why is the reader just expected to accept that as too normal for elaboration? If the story established that it’s a normal part of society then I can get on board. Without that I’m looking for realism, believability. I’ll give chapter 2 a try though. I’m intrigued that the story hasn’t gone with the overly cliched; husband-is-a-dirt-bag motivation yet.

  13. Tim says:

    Read this story a while ago Amanda, but I decided to give it another read after gorging on the joys of Cheryl and Naught Mommy’s wonderful stories, and wow, this is even better second time round

    Great build up and the scene is set perfectly….And erotically, if there is such a word.

    Can’t wait for chapter 2 now!!

  14. j14 says:

    Do you still write here or somewhere else Amanda?

    Love your writing, especially as a young reader

  15. Mike says:

    Love this story, Marcy really loves to masturbate in public, just hope she doesn’t get caught as that could take some explaining.

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