Loving Lisa, Chapter 11

  • Posted on March 31, 2017 at 11:56 am

By JetBoy

I’d just made love to my daughter, gently fucking her to a shuddering orgasm. Out of breath, our bodies damp from exertion, we lay side by side, holding hands. Lisa knelt next to us, an even bigger bundle of restless energy than usual.

“Okayyyyy…” she demanded, her bouncy demeanor making the bed shake, “it’s time to do me now!”

Vanessa rolled her eyes. “Damn — cool your jets, will ya? Me an’ Mom are kinda wiped out here! Give us a couple minutes to rest, then we’ll make you feel awesome.” Her voice dwindled to a mumble. “I promise…”

Lisa had that impish grin on her lips again. “Fine, fine, fine, fine… you lazy-butts take it easy. Me, I’m gonna get some of this!”

And just like that, she bent down to lick at the glistening cock that was still fastened around my waist, then took it into her mouth, purring happily as she tasted my daughter.

“Yum yum yum!” she declared after a moment, raising her face, licking her lips. “Look at me… I’m eatin’ a Nessa Pop!”

“God, you are such a dingbat,” Vanessa groaned, but with a smile for her friend.

“Mmm, Nessa… definitely one of my favorite flavors,” I chuckled. My heart was still thumping from our workout, but Lisa’s lewd antics were definitely rousing the lesbian animal in me.

Two dingbats!” my daughter said with a snort. “Geez, I’m surrounded by craaaazy people!”

I caught Lisa with a lust-filled gaze. “Okay, little girl,” I said, propping myself up on both elbows. “Ready for your first fuck?”

“Yeah,” she cooed, nodding vigorously. “Boy oh boy, am I ever ready!” Reaching over, she gave Nessa a poke in the side. “Hey, farthead — scooch over some!”

“Hey! Hands off, bee-otch!” my daughter laughingly protested.

She shifted herself to the side, and Lisa plunked her naked self where Vanessa had been. “Okay, let’s do this,” she said, spreading herself wide open, both hands on her inner thighs.

I was about to reach for the Astroglide again, but got a better idea. “Say, Nessa — want to help me get Lisa ready? Why don’t you make her all nice and wet down there.”

My daughter furrowed her brow for an instant, then broke into a huge grin as my words hit home. “You bet!” she cried, and turned to Lisa. “Hey, cutie,” she said, then kissed her.

They briefly swapped tongues, then Vanessa began to nuzzle her way down Lisa’s body. “Oooohhhh,” Lisa sighed contentedly. “Mmmm, I love that…”

Nessa paused to lick at each of her friend’s nipples in turn, then resumed her downward trek. Burying her face in Lisa’s tummy, she extended her tongue to delve into the girl’s belly button.

“Hey, that tickles!” Lisa squealed, her body jerking — but Vanessa had already moved on, her mouth trailing a path to her little lover’s sex.

Staring in awe at Lisa’s slightly open cunt, Nessa moistened her lips. “You got such a pretty pussy,” she breathed, then her lips parted to claim the pink-hued slit in an open-mouthed kiss.

With that first touch of my daughter’s mouth, Lisa seemed to melt into a puddle of liquid girlhood. “Oh, my gaaawwwd,” she moaned. “Holy shit, girl… oooohhh you got so gooood at doin’ this…!”

Vanessa’s face popped up. “Mom’s been givin’ me tons of practice!” Then she dove back into Lisa’s pussy, resuming her lustful feast.

Still kneeling above the girls, I savored my view of the underage sex show, fighting off a growing need to masturbate. Nessa was a sight to behold, going down on Lisa as messily as possible. I made a mental note to kiss her before our second round of fucking got underway, and get myself a taste of that luscious nymphet.

Then I noticed Lisa’s breath growing ragged, her hands balled into fists, the clenched knuckles whitening.

“Honey — honey,” I said, tapping Nessa’s shoulder. “Don’t finish her off, okay?”

Vanessa halted herself in mid-lick, then raised a sheepish face from between Lisa’s quivering thighs. “Oops! Uh, sorry, Mom. Got kinda carried away.”

Clutching her arm, I growled, “C’mere, you,” pulling Nessa to me, crushing my mouth to hers. We shared a long French kiss that tasted every bit as heavenly as I’d hoped. Breaking away from my dreamy-eyed daughter, I added, “You’re forgiven.”

Then I turned to Lisa, pausing to take in the amazingly erotic sight of her — sprawled out, knees wide apart, face flushed, her eyes wild with arousal. She was moving a hand to and fro on her chest, stimulating those tiny nipples to stiffness. Then there was the sweet cleft of her sex, dripping with nectar like a spring flower. Oh, she was ready and then some!

I drew closer, grasping the cock by its base, ready to penetrate my little lover, but Nessa stopped me with a hand on my shoulder. “Mom? I got a cool idea!”

Intrigued, I murmured, “What’s that, hon?”

“Why don’t you fuck her from behind? That way, I can get under Lisa, then me and her can make out while you guys do it!” She hugged herself gleefully. “Pretty hot, huh?”

My Nessa. What a dirty, lovely imagination she has!

“Yeah — let’s do that!” squealed Lisa, beside herself with delight.

I nodded my approval. “Okay then, you girls get ready…”

“Whoo-hoo!” cheered Nessa, thrusting a fist skyward. “C’mon, Lise!”

She slid in next to her friend, and the girls quickly squirmed into position, Lisa atop Vanessa.

My daughter grinned at me, her chin on Lisa’s shoulder. “We’re rea-dy, Mom,” she sang. Lisa gave her hips a little wriggle, as if to agree.

I stared, enthralled by their bare pink slits, stacked one on the other in a sort of fleshy figure-eight, then the darker, rose-hued cleft of Lisa’s anus. Shaking my head in awe, I wondered how it could have taken me so long to experience the pleasure of sex with young girls… and to know the joy of being my daughter’s lover.

The girls had fallen silent, gazing into each other’s eyes. Then Nessa’s mouth found Lisa’s, and my two naked angels gently kissed… then deeply, as their passion visibly mounted.

Lisa’s legs drifted a bit further apart, spurring me to action. Reaching out, I placed the tip of my index finger against the opening to her cunt, then pressed it into her with a single fluid motion.

Breaking their kiss, Lisa gasped, throwing her head back. Twisting around to peer at me, she haltingly said, “Oh… oh, YEAH, Ms. Johnson. That feels really g-great!”

“Hold still, babe,” I murmured, patting her ass with my free hand, then reaching for that sticky cock resting between my thighs, “I’m gonna fuck you now.”

Lisa said, “Yeah. Bring it on!” giving that perky butt a playful come-hither twitch. My wicked little lover…

Moving between the girls’ spread legs, I placed the tip of my strap-on against the opening of Lisa’s sweet slit, then slooooowly eased an inch of it inside her. She moaned softly, her head resting on my daughter’s shoulder. Vanessa was stroking Lisa’s face, nuzzling her hair.

I began to move the tip in and out of her pussy, slipping in a little deeper at each stroke. God, Lisa was so incredibly wet — and the smell of her was making my head swim.

With one last careful motion, I was buried up to the hilt inside in Lisa. She was trembling all over, her breath coming in quick gasps.

I leaned forward and whispered, “Do you like it, sweetheart…?” I knew it did, but wanted to hear my little lover say the words.

“Oooooohhhh yes!” she suddenly cried, her voice shattering the room’s quietness. “It feels g-good. Oh! Ohhhh!”

I began to move back and forth, fucking my adorable Lisa in slow, short thrusts that grew longer, deeper as she opened up to me. Her breath hissed through her teeth as the toy slipped in and out, in and out…

Vanessa was fondling Lisa’s breasts, eyes shining with excitement as she watched the whole lewd scene. Her eyes met mine, and I told her, “Touch Lisa’s pussy, hon… let’s make her feel really nice.”

Nessa giggled, biting her lip — and her hand stole its way between Lisa’s legs.

She must have known exactly where to touch, because Lisa suddenly went into hyperdrive. Her thin frame began to shake, her head jerking with each penetration as she panted, “Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! OH! OHHHH!”

Still plunging in and out of her wet, squishy pussy, I placed the tip of my index finger on the cute pink hole nestled between her frantically flexing buttocks. Her breath rasped even louder as I wriggled the tip of that finger into her moistened anus — then, without a pause, I slid it into her rectum, right up to the third knuckle.

Lisa shrieked, her thin frame convulsing in an orgasm so violent it rattled the bed frame.

Her helpless spasms of rapture continued for several relentless minutes while my daughter and I continued to pleasure her. Vanessa was kissing her face, neck, shoulders, anywhere her lips could touch Lisa’s skin, fingers still busy between the girl’s thighs.

Finally Lisa froze stock-still for a brief eternity, cried out once more and slowly sank into Nessa — sweaty, glowing and utterly exhausted.

My daughter carefully extracted her wet hand from her friend’s crotch, then took Lisa’s face in both hands and kissed her lovingly. “Now you’re a woman, too,” she said.

“Aw, that’s so sweet,” Lisa sighed, then turned to give me a dreamy smile, a tear rolling down her cheek. “Thank you so much, Ms. Johnson,” she whispered. “Love you…”

Lovely, wonderful girl… the sight of her had me glowing inside. “I love you too, Lisa,” I said, then shifted my gaze to my beautiful child. “You too, sweet one.” Vanessa didn’t speak, but the gleam in her eyes said everything.

Lisa swung her face down to Vanessa’s, nuzzled her softly and breathed, “An’ I love you, Nessa.” My daughter answered by drawing Lisa into a kiss.

I eased the toy out of Lisa’s vagina, then unstrapped it from around my waist. Mmmmm… it smelled divine. I brought the gleaming cock to my mouth and tasted my little angel’s essence. Ambrosia!

Lisa rolled off Vanessa and onto her back, exhaling noisily as she hit the bed. “Good golly, Miss Molly… I don’t think I can even walk now!”

“Miss Molly? Who’s that?” asked a puzzled Nessa.

“I dunno,” Lisa said, pausing to yawn and stretch. “It’s somethin’ my dad says all the time.”

Nessa rolled her eyes. “Whatever, goofball,” poking Lisa with her foot. She turned to me. “What about you, Mom? It’s your turn to… get to come!” She reached out to place a hand on my thigh, then suddenly sat up, pointing excitedly at the strap-on in my hands. “Hey, wait! Will that thing fit on me?”

I looked down at the harness, then shook my head. “No, hon… you’re too slender. It wouldn’t fasten.”

“Crap,” she pouted, crestfallen. “I wanted to use it on you.”

I patted her arm. “Tell you what, Nessie… I’ll shop around online and see if I can find a strap-on that’s more your size, okay?”

“I guess,” she shrugged. “But how are me an’ Lisa gonna make love to you right now?”

“Oh, I’ll leave that up to you, little lady,” I said, stretching out along the foot of the bed. “Do with me as you will… for the rest of the afternoon, my body is your property.” Glancing at an amused Lisa, I added, “And yours.”

“Too cool,” sighed Lisa. Reaching for Nessa’s foot, she gave it a tug. “C’mon, buttbrain! We gotta think up somethin’ hot n’ sexy to do to your mom!”

“Calm down, goofus,” Nessa fired back, studying me. Shifting over to where Lisa sat, she gave me a stern look over her shoulder. “No listenin’ in!”

“Scout’s honor,” I replied, trying not to laugh.

The girls fell into a brief whispered conversation, then turned back to me. “We’re ready, Mom,” Vanessa said, and I sat up, prepared for anything. “Now, we need you to get on your hands and knees, facin’ this way!” She pointed toward the door.

“Leave the rest to us!” Lisa chimed in.

How could I quibble with that? Without a word, I assumed the position they wanted.

“Close your eyes,” Nessa said, a gentleness in her voice that made me tingle. I obeyed, my anticipation steadily rising.

Soft hands began to tenderly stroke my body — nothing explicitly sexual, not yet, but it was more than enough to stoke the arousal I felt.

I inhaled sharply when the tip of a tongue traced the edge of my left ear, then a voice spoke: Vanessa.

She murmured, “You’re the best mommy in the whole world… and I’m so much in love with you, it makes me feel all — all hot and drippy inside! You’re sweet an’ sexy an’ give me the best feelings, Mom. I hope we can be lovers for ever and ever.” Her tongue emerged again, this time licking a path down to my neck. I couldn’t help but moan.

Before I could pledge eternal devotion to my daughter, Lisa’s lips caressed my right ear.

“I think Nessa is so lucky, havin’ you as her mom.” A pause. “When we met that first time, I knew I liked you, Ms. Johnson, really liked you… but then, when I saw you in that teeny-tiny bathing suit, I wanted you to — to be my girlfriend!” I could hear a tremor of emotion in her voice. “Now that you are my girlfriend, and so’s Nessa… wow, it’s like my dream come true!” Her hand cupped my breast. “I… I love you, Ms. Johnson.”

Oh, my precious girls. I was pursing my lips, trying not to cry.

“So do I, Mom,” Nessa’s voice chimed in, “and now, we’re gonna make love to you.”

I felt them shifting around on the bed. The temptation was strong to open my eyes, to find out what these little vixens had in store for me. Somehow, I managed to resist.

A pair of hands gently spread my knees a few inches further apart — then soft hair brushed along my inner thighs as a girl’s head slid between them, I knew not whose. But I damn sure knew what it was there for…

I slowly lowered my hips to the unseen face below, offering my cunt to her. As I got closer, I heard a happy sigh: Lisa. I bit my lip as she nuzzled my pussy, then moaned soft and low as she began to lick me.

So that left my darling Nessa behind me, probably straddling her friend. She was more or less making love to my bottom — showering my cheeks with open-mouthed kisses, fondling them with both hands. Then I felt her slowly pry my buttocks apart, and a delicious tremor raced through me as my daughter’s warm, wet tongue trailed through the crack of my ass.

Vanessa had surprised me many times over, in her transition from animated little girl to passionate lesbian lover — but nothing, I think, astonished me more than her love of rimming. You’d expect an eleven-year-old to be utterly grossed out by the very idea, but not my Nessa. “I love ladies’ butts,” she’d told me. “They’re the beautifullest thing ever!” Well, she was certainly showering my ass with affection.

Down below, Lisa’s tongue rolled around in my vagina, her mouth occasionally making slurping sounds as she greedily drank of my womanly essence. Her hands rested on my hips as she ate me, but then she slid a hand over the top of my thigh and down, her fingers finding their way into my matted pubes.

Oh GOD, is she going to–?

She was. She did.

Now Lisa was lightly scissoring my clit between two fingers while she fucked me with her mouth, Nessa was pressing the tip of her tongue against my anus, seeking entry — and my heart was throbbing like an electric bass cranked up to eleven.

I began to tremble helplessly, breathing in frantic gasps as the pleasure mounted higher, higher, ohmyfuckinggodinheaven higher!

Then, as if she knew just when to, Lisa gave my clit a tiny pinch — and then I screamed as the sky caved in.

My body rocked and bucked crazily, battered by the most soul-wrenching orgasm imaginable. It seemed as if I climaxed for at least five minutes straight… until I simply gave out, flopping over in a near faint.

I lay in a daze for I know not how long, my darling girls nestled close to me. We slept — damp, exhausted, and completely at peace.


Ten years have passed since then. Vanessa is now studying pre-med at our local university — with excellent grades, I might add — and Lisa is the co-director and lead performer in an acclaimed modern dance company. They live together as married lovers, having tied the knot as soon as they were legally able.

In public, my daughter is very much the serious student, while Lisa is the elegant bohemian in black tights and colorful scarves. But behind closed doors, they are their playful girlish selves again, still tweaking each other with mischievous insults like “lamebrain,” and “goofus,” getting into tickle fights, and playing children’s board games.

Me, I finally embraced my identity as a lesbian and came out of the closet to my friends and family. It went down so smoothly that I kicked myself for not having done it ages ago. I have no plans to settle down with any one woman, though, preferring to play the field… at least for now.

That’s because of my secret love life, the one no one knows about except the parties involved. It’s what happens when Nessa and Lisa’s drop by for an evening visit. Which they do, regularly.

The three of us enjoy a superb meal, cooked by Lisa — did I forget to mention that in addition to being an incredible dancer, she’s also quite the artist in the kitchen? — and a drink or two. Then as I relax with the girls on the sofa, always seated between them, the looks we exchange take on a certain… warmth. Our casual touches linger, the conversation dwindles to a mellow silence.

Perhaps my Nessa will make the first move, leaning in to place a soft kiss on my neck. Or Lisa might rest a hand on my thigh, her fingers inching beneath my skirt, slowly making their wicked way to my uncovered pussy. I never wear panties when the girls pay me a visit.

Without a word, we rise and drift into the bedroom, where we slowly undress one another. Or perhaps we tear off our things in a lustful frenzy and fuck right there on the living room floor. Sometimes we adjourn to the hot tub I had installed a few years ago, letting our passions run wild in the bubbling water.

However it happens, we three will come together once more, renewing the hidden romance that the girls and I have shared for over a decade. Nothing is forbidden to us, no hunger is denied. We have sampled and enjoyed virtually every pleasure lesbians can experience, and our appetite has yet to diminish.

My beloved daughter and her beautiful wife complete me — and my love for them knows no bounds.

The End


22 Comments on Loving Lisa, Chapter 11

  1. Jennifer says:

    How wonderful this story is, i love it and it’s ending is managed perfectly, very well done, JetBoy! *kiss*

  2. Matthew says:

    What a great ending!

    In the first scene, the last scene when the girls are underage, it was so hot that the only cleaning the strap-on got was from dirty little Lisa’s tongue.

    I also liked the mixture of dirty and sweet from those girls’ lips when they were worshiping mommy/Ms. Johnson.

    There were a few endings that would have been satisfying, which is one mark of a good story. You could have had Roxanne living with the girls, whether the girls were married or not, just have them all three in a full, committed relationship.

    But, I think this was perfect. I liked that Roxanne embraced her sexuality and came out. I loved that she still did have a loving sexual relationship with the girls, even though the girls were the ones in a true, committed relationship.

    Finally, I thought it was a nice touch that Lisa and Nessa truly fell in love and got married. All through the first part of this chapter, when you referred to them as friends, I was thinking they were way beyond that. But, I liked the delicate balance you struck, since this was, for most of it, a love story between Ms. Johnson and Lisa, which evolved to include Nessa and then Nessa and Lisa.

    Long comment… bottom line, very creative, well-written, fresh, sexy, hot fun.

  3. sue says:

    I didn’t expect another chapter so soon. And the end besides, : (

    I Liked the ending very much. Great story Jetboy.

  4. Misty Meadow says:

    Very nice story. I like the way we were immediately immersed in a sex scene without having to read an elaborate set up first. A little scene setting is fine, but many stories take far too long to warm up. Yours started hot and got hotter. Mum, daughter and friend; what a lovely fantasy. Keep ’em cumming.

    • Matthew says:

      Absolutely agree with this assessment.

      • Marika says:

        Matthew, allow me to disagree. I’m generally with the poster ‘Topkea’ that rewriting ‘Loli’ was unnecessary (if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it), especially because it’s not clear that Louisa May gave her consent. You need to understand that there are different ways of approaching storytelling. Jetboy is usually OK, because he always has a set-up of sorts, but you can’t impose your own views of what an erotic story should be as though it were authoritative.

  5. revelnit says:

    Good story, good buildup, good romance and a good end. Thanks.

  6. JetBoy says:

    I think a reply is necessary to those readers, like Topkea and Marika, who object to my adaptation of Louisa May’s story “Loli”.

    As I’ve explained before, Louisa May had no problem whatsoever with my rewrites of her material when I asked her about it years ago in an email. She was extremely kind about the whole thing… and goodness knows, I went all out to acknowledge her influence and how much her writing meant to me.

    I should also point out that A) I kept only about half of the basic plot from the original story and rewrote nearly all of the text, and B) I added a substantial amount of new material, written from scratch. In the end, I honestly believe this story can stand on its own.

    My overall objective here was to take an existing story and tell it in a different way — much as, for example, Talking Heads took the Al Green song “Take Me to the River,” and performed it in a style very unlike Al’s original recording… or as director Robert Siodmak expanded the Hemingway short story “The Killers,” into a magnificent Burt Lancaster film. In both cases, the original was hardly “broken,” nor were the newer versions an attempt to “fix” anything. Adaptation is a crucial part of culture, both old and new. Ask Andy Warhol, who made eye-riveting art from photographs taken by others — or for that matter, any hip-hop DJ who utilizes beats, samples and loops taken from old records.

    (Let me hasten to add here that I’m not literally comparing myself to any of these great artists.)

    Finally, this: if “Loving Lisa,” turned out as I hoped, you get two good stories to read instead of one. That’s all I was going for, really.

  7. Sam says:


  8. JetBoy says:

    I got distracted writing in my own defense, and clean forgot to thank all the good people who left kind words for my humble tale… so let me take care of that now. Fervent thanks to you all.

  9. PoppaBear says:

    This is a great story, JB, and, like lots of others, I really enjoyed it, but in your enthusiasm to end the story you have overlooked a small error.

    As Roxanne brings us up to date, she tells as that her daughter, Vanessa, is studying medicine, and that Nessa, also her daughter, is the co-director and lead performer in a dance company. It should be Lisa who is named as the dancer.

  10. Kenzie Bauer says:

    The sex in this story was sooooo hot, but the true turn on for us was the forbidden love AND sex between a mother and daughter. A love so deep and profound it could only be expressed as a desire to be married to each other to consumate their incestuous love. So beautiful. Thank you.

  11. Terry says:

    I think it should be made in to a film , best one yet

  12. Captain Midnight says:

    I like Roxanne “slipping up” and referring to Lisa as her daughter. After all, Lisa IS Roxanne’s daughter-in-law.

    I guess Roxanne couldn’t marry Lisa–too many eyebrows would be raised. I was quite expecting her to. But Vanessa and Lisa are dear friends anyway, and it would be easy for them to fall in love. I WAS a little sorry that Roxanne wound up single. I thought she might have found someone to love among the women who were mentioned in passing.

    This is my favorite JetBoy story to date. I greatly enjoy the detail given to the budding relationship between Roxanne and Lisa, and then how Roxanne and Vanessa become great friends. Vanessa was growing up. I even liked how Roxanne’s ex was mentioned as still being her friend and a good dad to Vanessa.

    I was a bit surprised at Vanessa and Lisa going straight into mutual oral sec when evidently Vanessa had never done it before or even considered it. Likewise the fisting and the strap-on.

    JetBoy, an outstanding story that stands on its own.

  13. David says:

    I have been coming here, or should I say cumming here for a long time and have always loved JetBoy’s work and this one is no different. I loved it and sorry I had to end, but all good things do end. I am not sure how I missed this story before but I read the whole thing in sort of a marathon. I am glad I found it, it was well written and detailed and the sex scenes were amazing. Thanks JetBoy, I love your work. Going to go back in your archives and see if I have missed anything else! 🙂

  14. Leigh says:

    without getting to indepth I’ll just say I loved the whole story. Thank you

  15. mollymom says:

    i loved it — and i have to thank JetBoy for turning me on to Louisa May — i just discovered this site a month or so ago, and i’ve been totally addicted and loving it ever since. and Terry’s suggestion for making the story into an actual movie — omg … works for me!

  16. Bryan says:

    This is 1 of the hottest stories I’ve read on here

  17. Mike says:

    Absolutely incredible story such fabulous & believable characters, shame it had to end though.

  18. 3FingersNeat says:

    I love re-visiting the classics and this is one. Excellent work, JB.


  19. JetBoy says:

    Thanks for all the kind words and lovely comments. This story has enormous sentimental value to me, so your praise means a lot. Blessings on you all.

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