By April
{ This story was originally posted at Lesbian Lolita in October 2005 }
Three people gathered in the large comfortable living room to take part in a private ceremony. A girl and a woman stood next to each other while a second woman stood before them. The ceremony’s forbidden nature ensured its secrecy; it was a marriage between mother and daughter.
“I, Cheryl Ward, take you, Kelsey Ward to be my wife, my constant friend, my faithful partner and my love from this day forward. In the presence of God, our family and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live.”
Cheryl smiled with happiness; her eyes glistened with tears of pride as she spoke the words of love and commitment to her nine-year-old daughter. The wonderful creature with the key to her heart flashed back a smile of adoration before turning to face the lady who stood before them, her mother’s best and dearest friend Sarah.
Sarah, an attractive woman of 33, took in the sight of mother and daughter. Cheryl was a tall willowy woman of 32 with long auburn hair that dropped down to the small of her back in rich lustrous waves. Her emerald eyes sparkled with beauty and intelligence and made her want to dive in and love her again. And of course she had, Cheryl and Sarah had been lovers for five years and it had been happy up to a point. Cheryl was bisexual but her predilection for women didn’t match her craving for young girls, and it had come as a shock when Cheryl had opened her heart and told her. Cheryl’s husband had died seven years ago in an accident at work leaving the girl without a father, so Cheryl had been both mother and father to her and eventually more.
Sarah had entertained suspicions ever since Cheryl had made her confession, she had wondered with what might be described as horrified fascination whether mother and daughter might embark on something unspeakable. Now looking back, she realised that’s why Cheryl had told her, she had fed her the hint on purpose to soften the real blow. A softer landing? Some chance! She found the idea disgusting; it was something she could never come to terms with.
They had all lived together quite happily — or so she had thought — at Cheryl’s house; Kelsey had her own room while Sarah and her mother slept together. The very thought of them having sex behind her back whenever she was out made her weep. She’d threatened to walk out, called her a pervert and any number of names, but had stayed. Cheryl had pleaded for forgiveness, and stranger still, she had given it. Oh yes, she had cried and screamed at her but Cheryl had just stood there with a bowed head and eventually she knew it was no good, there was nothing she could do.
In the end, Sarah had forgiven her. An end to their lovemaking was bad enough, she didn’t want to lose her friendship too even though her heart was being torn apart. She left and moved in to the home she’d shared with her husband before she met Cheryl.
There were so many things she would miss. Sex with Cheryl had been something to die for. Her energy in bed had literally taken her breath away, and the music of her cries had filled the room. She wondered if it was the same with Kelsey. She felt her eyes moistening as she realised it would be even more so with her. She tried to imagine what it would be like between them but decided to quit the line of thought; it was far too hurtful, even now.
All that was nearly a year ago, and although it still hurt at times, she had always loved little Kelsey and it gave her pleasure to see the happiness she shared with her mother even if she found it hard to accept the form of love they practiced together. Life had moved on for her too, she had found a good man and was happy with things. They were all friends again — good friends, and that was fine. In fact that’s why Cheryl and Kelsey had asked Sarah to witness their wedding, no one else meant as much to them or could be trusted with the secret of their forbidden bond.
Sarah switched her gaze to Kelsey, a smaller replica of her mother. She wore an elegant satin bodice that hugged her slender frame, while the neckline and waistline were trimmed with pretty pearls. The effect was topped off with an ivory-coloured sash tied into a bow round her back. Sarah didn’t think she had ever seen a prettier little girl. She wore a soulful expression as she listened to her mother speak her vows and it sat well on her heart-shaped face. It made her look solemn yet beautiful. Her hair was different from Cheryl’s, however; it was blonde and straight and swept down her back in a silky wave that made Sarah envious when she compared it with her own curly locks.
She turned her head and her eyes alighted on Cheryl; she sent a silent message of support before moving back to Kelsey with whom she repeated the same. Clearing her throat slightly and while still looking at her, she spoke the words they had previously agreed upon.
“Do you, Kelsey, take Cheryl to be your wedded partner?”
Kelsey gulped a little and took a deep breath as she began speaking the words she had been rehearsing every spare moment of the week.
“I, Kelsey, take you, Cheryl to be my life partner, loving what I know of you, and trusting what I do not yet know. I eagerly anticipate the chance to grow together, getting to know you — the woman — and falling in love a little more every day. I promise to love and cherish you through whatever life may bring us.”
Near to tears herself, Sarah took a tiny gold diamond ring from her skirt pocket and handed it to Cheryl, who held it in her hand with a look of wonder before gently placing it on the wedding finger of her daughter’s hand.
Sarah concluded the ceremony. “Then I now pronounce you a married couple.”
“Oh Mum… we’re married,” declared the awed voice of her daughter.
“Yes, my darling, you’re my wife now, for ever and ever amen.”
They stayed like that for some time, looking into each other’s eyes with more love than you could imagine until Sarah cleared her throat.
“Ahem. You may now kiss the bride.” Then she laughed. “Although of course you are both the bride, technically speaking.”
They both joined in the laughter for a moment until Cheryl bent down and joined her lips to Kelsey’s in an open mouthed kiss that threatened to melt the paste holding up the wallpaper. Cheryl’s larger mouth engulfed the dainty lips of her daughter’s in a wet seeking embrace as she forced her tongue in between and found the back of her mouth. It was a kiss that didn’t seem like ending, at least not in the next few moments, so Sarah smiled and headed for the kitchen to fill her glass with some of the champagne that had been opened especially for the occasion.
As soon as Kelsey heard Sarah leave, she slid a devilish hand under her mother’s dress and pushed the dress up to her waist. Then she slid her hand up her stockings and onto her thighs. The flesh was warm, and the heat increased as she flattened her palm against the thin lace of her panties and squeezed them into the groove of her mother’s sex.
Cheryl moaned in her throat and hunkered down onto her hand, they hadn’t made love for nearly a week, it was, explained Cheryl, a good way of making the honeymoon night something very special, but it took all of her strength to remove her daughter’s hand from between her legs and kneel down next to her.
“Later, honey. We have to wait,” she hissed in her ear. “Sarah’s just in the next room.”
“Oh Mum, I want you though,” Kelsey whimpered reaching between her mother’s legs again. “I want to suck you there.”
“Oh God yes darling, you can, all night if you like, but just wait a little longer until it’s time, and then it’ll be like nothing else you’ve ever had. I promise.”
“Ummm, I suppose you’re right,” she sighed, looking up into those searching green eyes. Then she ran her fingers through her mother’s hair and caught a curl in her hand, then ran it down the length all the way to the small of her back. “Just one thing, though.”
“When we go to bed, can we try some things I saw on the net?” she asked shyly.
Cheryl wondered what that could mean; of course it had implications, but of what kind she wasn’t sure yet. She decided to take things as they came, right now she wanted to speak to Sarah and thank her for being so supportive.
“Umm… sounds interesting, you’ll have to tell me what you saw later,” she answered before licking Kelsey’s ear lobe with the tip of her tongue. “I’m going to have a word with Sarah and thank her for today. Why don’t you go to your room and try out the new game she’s bought you for your wedding present?”
At the mention of the computer game, a look of delight transported Kelsey’s expression into one of childish glee. She looked up and smiled into her mother’s face and Cheryl felt her thighs moisten a little as she took in the lovely visage of her new wife’s golden-skinned features. She adored the way her freckles spread across her cheeks and the bridge of her upturned nose like a shoal of meandering fish, the depth of her deep green eyes and the small heart shaped face. Like an angel, she thought, just how corny is that? But just then a flicker of late afternoon sunlight dipped in from the window and rested on her darling and lit up her golden hair like a halo of burning fire.
Cheryl swallowed as a lump filled her throat and for a moment she was speechless, consumed with love and rising desire until Kelsey reached up and drew her mother down for a kiss before speeding up the stairs to her room.
She poured herself a glass of champagne, headed over to the kitchen and took a seat at the table next to Sarah who was also indulging, and set her glass down next to hers.
“Thank you for your support, Sarah. You were wonderful today. We won’t forget, neither me nor Kelsey,” she said with a nod in the direction of the stairs.
“Hmm,” she breathed with a smile. “That’s okay, I was glad to help.”
“You were marvellous.”
“And you’re a marvelous couple,” she grinned.
“Mmm,” murmured Cheryl as she took a fresh sip from her glass and then changed the subject. “Things still good with you and Frank?”
“Yeah, no complaints. Things are going well since he got the new job and we moved into the other house. He’s a wonderful man Cheryl; he’s so caring with me.” She looked pensively down at the table before picking up her glass again. “Yes, who knows how far things might go?”
Her tone made Cheryl look up and catch her eye. “Do you see it leading to another wedding? Yours, perhaps?” she asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Maybe,” she answered with a shrug. “Neither of us are rushing, but I think it might be on the cards.”
Cheryl reached over and gave her ex-lover’s hand a tight squeeze. “I’m happy for you Sarah, you deserve it after everything I did to — ”
She was silenced with a hand on her lips as Sarah cut her off. “Sshhh. It’s in the past, you’ve apologized enough times already. I’m just glad that you and Kelsey are so wonderful together; I’ve never seen her as contented. There can’t be anything wrong with that, at least not the happiness.”
“Thank you,” she said quietly. “Things are very special between us; you know that, and… and I suppose I needed to solemnize our relationship, kind of make things official between us, so when Kelsey had this crazy idea that maybe we ought to get married, after all she said, ‘we’re living as husband and wife behind these doors,’ so I thought what the hell, why not?”
Why not indeed? thought Sarah. But what happens when Kelsey gets older? She’s only nine now and still a child, but what happens when she becomes a teenager and starts to see others of her age dating? It was something she’d been thinking about a lot recently and she decided to voice her concerns, even though she didn’t know how to put them into words.
“Cheryl, what does… what happens when she’s older, when she sees others of her age going out together? What if she found someone she liked and wanted to be with her — or him? How would you cope, Cheryl? Would you stop her from doing what she wanted?”
Cheryl heaved a sigh and looked down at the table as though thinking but then suddenly brought her face level with Sarah’s. “Of course I couldn’t stop her,” she sniffed. “Try … I’d try like hell, but if she really wanted to then I’d be powerless to stop her. I wouldn’t mind her seeing other boys and girls as long as she came back to my bed. That’s okay. She needs to be allowed some freedom in that respect.
“But if she ever really finds someone she loves enough to want to leave me for and forgets her promises to me, the ones she made today, then there’d be nothing I could fucking do — not a fucking thing!”
She took a hanky from her pocket and dabbed it to her eyes as they began to fill with tears.
Alarmed at her friend’s distress, Sarah slid off the chair and dropped to her knees beside her and wrapped her arms around her shoulders. “I’m so sorry. It was stupid of me to say such a thing today. Please forgive me. I don’t want to spoil your special day.” Cheryl’s reaction had taken her by surprise, and shocked her. She was usually such a strong person. Sarah couldn’t remember seeing her get so easily upset and was ashamed of herself for misjudging her ex-lover’s emotional state.
“No… Sarah, it’s me who should apologize. I’m such a silly old hen,” she said, drying her eyes and stuffing the tissue back in her pocket. She sighed, enjoying the comfort of Sarah’s arms and an old familiar reassurance she remembered so well. There had been such love between them, and in a way it was a shame it had all ended the way it had.
She had always been different; even before she was married she’d been attracted to young girls. It was something to be kept secret in the form of forbidden fantasies when she was by herself. There used to be a little girl who lived next door to them when she and her husband first got married. She was only six or so, but to Cheryl she was so beautiful, so perfect and sexual that she would touch herself whenever she thought of her. Soon she was masturbating regularly, lurid fantasies involving the two of them in her bed and the things they would do.
Of course, nothing actually happened — it was all in her mind, but over the years she found herself attracted to numerous little girls in just the same way. Luckily, unlike many other women who shared the same desires as her but regarded them as a weakness and hated themselves, she accepted it as part of her sexuality and never tried to suppress it.
Like many other women, Cheryl experimented with lesbian love in her teens. She soon realized she preferred women to men and yet at the same time she desperately wanted to have a child, so she married a pleasant-enough man who gave her a daughter. From then on she lost interest in their sex life and they drifted far enough apart for him to find another woman and they divorced.
As Kelsey grew from a baby into a young girl, Cheryl’s feeling towards her became increasingly sexual. As with her earlier attitude towards her sexuality, she never tried to fight her feelings, in fact she had come to believe it was the right of all females to experience love from one another without regard to whatever society regarded as taboo, acceptable or unacceptable. It wasn’t her problem, no bloody hassle. As far as she was concerned, nothing that happened between two people was inappropriate as long as they were comfortable and happy with what they were doing.
Kelsey had always been close to her mother; from the beginning she had been a tactile child. Both mother and daughter delighted in touches and caresses whenever they were near each other. Long hugs were common, the feel of each other’s bodies, the warmth and softness of a loving embrace, face against face, cheek to cheek, lips to cheek and gradually lips brushing lips.
At first the kisses had been brief, but gradually their lips had stayed together longer until they’d parted and become open mouthed, tonguing each other’s mouths and swapping saliva in steamy open-mouthed kisses. Both mother and daughter were indulging in what Kelsey called a long session of ‘snogging.’ Things couldn’t continue as they were without either a progression towards full-blown sex, or a complete end to what they were doing.
The next step felt so natural. It happened one evening as mother and daughter lay on the sofa enjoying a session of kissing and heavy petting. It had been going on for nearly half an hour; their coital-like thrusts and dry humping becoming more frantic and their cries more desperate. Cheryl’s frustrated body was near to breaking point when she suddenly pulled away leaving a long trail of saliva hanging from her lip. Then in a voice shaky with emotion, she asked Kelsey if she would like to go upstairs and continue what they were doing without any clothes on. Kelsey said she did, they did — and the rest, as they say, is history.
It was the first real sex Cheryl had ever experienced that had left her fulfilled as a woman both physically and emotionally. In turn Kelsey had thrived from her mother’s caresses and had moaned and wept from the sensations sweeping through her body as the woman’s mouth and tongue made her world explode. When she surfaced from her first climax, Cheryl raised her head from between her legs and sent a trail of licks and kisses up her body and over her face. Then she’d smiled into her daughter’s wonder-struck eyes and whispered a request that sent Kelsey sliding down her body to place her mouth between her mother’s parting thighs.
The orgasm that followed had been the most intense of Cheryl’s life. During the course of Kelsey’s amateurish but spirited sucking, Cheryl had gone from sighs and whispered urgings to delirious cries and sobs before finally clamping her thighs around her daughter’s ears and spurting into her young mouth.
“I’ve no worries about my little girl,” she said smiling through a final sniff. “We’re both deeply in love, and everything’s going to be fine. You’ll see.”
Sarah held her eyes and smiled back her love.
“I believe you. You and Kelsey are very special to me. You’re an extraordinary couple.”
“We are,” she agreed with a crooked grin.
They chatted for a while longer the way old friends do, until Sarah looked up at the clock. It read a quarter to seven, and she decided it was time to get back to her husband and leave the newlyweds to their own devices.
Once alone, Cheryl headed upstairs to her bedroom and excitedly changed into something she’d bought especially for the occasion. She slid on a pair of sheer nylon stockings, black stay-ups with red embroidered roses stitched onto their bands at the top. Then she changed into a lace half-cup bra showing nearly all of her breasts and panties the same colour as her stockings, then strolled over to the full-length mirror.
Her slender figure reflected back from the glass and caused a small smile to appear on her face. Pleased at what she saw, she ran her hands through her hair and then down to cup her breasts and tweak her nipples. Exercising at the local gym helped to keep her in shape; her body was toned and sleek and looked fabulous in any clothes she chose to wear — and even better without, as Kelsey was so fond of telling her. She was proud of her tilting breasts with their spreading areolas and long nipples. She took them between her thumb and forefinger and massaged them for a moment and then giggled delightedly as they rose up like a pair of jumping sentries caught sleeping on watch.
Moving closer to the mirror, Cheryl refreshed her makeup and applied expensive perfume to a few strategic places about her body. Glancing once more into the mirror, she jumped as she saw Kelsey’s reflection staring back at her in a saucy-faced grin. Kelsey had removed her dress and hung it in the wardrobe. Now she wore a skimpy black tube and tight fitting jeans, transforming her from a dainty little girl into an underage temptress.
“Kelsey,” she exclaimed loudly with a surprised smile. “You made me jump, you little monster.”
Kelsey was playing with her game when she heard her mother treading up the stairs. She expected she was coming to see her, but when she didn’t appear she became inquisitive and crept along the corridor to her bedroom and peered round the door. Kelsey was transported to voyeur’s paradise as she watched her mother undress and cavort naked in front of the mirror. She stood it for as long as she could before she gave in and skipped up to her with twinkling eyes. Throwing both arms around her mother’s hips, the child pressed her face into Cheryl’s buttocks.
“Kelsey?” The girl licked and kissed the panty-clad globes for all she was worth before pressing against — but not into, thanks to the stretchy lace — the divide in between. Cheryl felt a treacly sensation between her legs; she stepped away from her daughter and then turned with a smile.
Overcome by devilment herself, she slid her panties half way down her buttocks and Kelsey, not one to miss an invitation, dived in and smothered the pale rounded globes with kisses before heading for the valley in between, but was stopped short of her goal as her mother pulled them back up.
“Uh-oh,” she grinned. “We can save that till later.”
“Oh, Mum, you meanie! Why can’t I?” she cried with disappointment. “You know you love it when I do you in there.”
“Yes, I do,” she said in the kind of voice that grins, “but we’ve waited all week. We can hang on a smidgen longer, just an hour or so while we toast our wedding properly and get each other in the mood.”
“But Mum, I’m already in the mood,” she insisted.
Cheryl tossed back her head with an earthy chuckle, and her hair flew back in a rippling wave.
“Well, you can have some champagne,” she said. “You’re always saying you want to grow up so you can try grown-up drinks, now here’s your chance.”
“Then can we have our honeymoon?” Kelsey insisted.
“Umm, yes. Give me a kiss, then we’ll go and flop down by the fire,” Cheryl said as she nibbled her daughter’s ear and planted a kiss on her lips.
“Oh, brilliant — I’m having real champagne!” Kelsey exclaimed excitedly.
“Yes, dear, but no more than one glass. I don’t want you falling asleep on me, because then, young lady,” she said tapping her nose playfully, “there won’t be any honeymoon at all. Umm, I want another kiss.”
This time it was a real kiss, the kind that had gold plates on. It was open-mouthed and contained a great deal of tongue, enough to send Kelsey’s toes curling up, especially when she felt her mum’s hands squeezing her bum through her panties.
The little girl sighed happily as they came apart, then Cheryl took her hand and led her downstairs into the living room. She took a seat on the sofa in front of the flickering fire with its deep hearth and wrought-iron grating while Cheryl disappeared into the kitchen and came back with a bottle of champagne and two glasses.
“Here, take a sip… but don’t drink it too fast or it’ll go up your nose,” she warned as she took a seat and handed her a glass full of bubbling champagne. Kelsey reached out and gripped the glass in both hands and then gingerly placed the rim to her lips and drank. She swallowed more than she had intended to, however, and her mother’s warning was true to the word. She let out a loud squeal of surprise and Cheryl was just in time to grab the glass before most of the champagne splashed onto the carpet.
“A little too fast. Here, I have it now. I’m putting it on the coffee table so nothing gets spilt. Take another sip in a minute, but be careful.” She took a deep drink herself and then set it down on the table. It made a small tinkling sound as it touched Kelsey’s glass where it stood on the polished mahogany. Then moving up, she placed an arm around her small shoulders and drew her closer.
“Did you like the way it went? The wedding?” she prompted.
Kelsey nodded.
“The pledges we made to each other are very important, aren’t they? Could you feel that? Do you still truly mean what you said?”
“Yes I do Mum, and when I said what I did I meant every word. I love you, I really do,” Kelsey said with feeling as she gently cupped her mother’s face in her hands. “It was me who said I wanted to marry you, remember? I kept saying so and asking you, but you thought I was just being childish until I made you see that I really meant it.”
Cheryl took her daughter’s hands and kissed each one in turn, then kissed her softly on the lips. “Yes I know. I have no more doubts. Let’s change the subject. Let’s talk about something else,” she said with a gleam in her eyes.
“Umm, sounds good,” murmured Kelsey, who then began kissing her mother’s shoulders with soft brushes of her lips.
“Oh, Kelsey,” she sighed dreamily.
“I’m your wife now, Mummy darling, and I want you so much.”
Cheryl picked up Kelsey’s glass and handed it to her, and then reached for her own.
“And you’re my wife. You’re everything I could wish for.” Then she raised her glass and told Kelsey to do the same. “Here’s to the rest of our time together. Our love that’s so different and yet so thrilling, the kind of love that only we can understand.
“To the wedding.”
The next hour was given up to passionate kisses and breathless whisperings as they exchanged ideas, suggestions and promises about the sort of acts they would perform on each other once they were in bed. Lips apart and mouths wide open, they gave welcome to each other’s tongues and moans of lust, Kelsey’s more of a cry while her mother’s grew from her chest into wanton growls. Cheryl shook and sobbed into her daughter’s mouth as she felt the child’s hand wend it’s way between her thighs and then dip down to caress her sex through the ridiculously thin material of her panties.
Kelsey was experiencing the same treatment from her mother, her hips lurched into her lover’s hand and her muffled whimpers joined the torrid acoustics of the room as they both drew nearer to an abyss of ecstasy. It took all of Cheryl’s self control to pull away and suggest in a shaky voice that they had better continue in the bedroom.
Then she headed for the door, and Kelsey watched her magnificently constructed arse swing out of the room to the swish of her stocking.
“Mummy,” she said as she caught up with her.
“Yes, darling?”
“I want you to come in my mouth,” she exclaimed in a shy little girl’s voice that didn’t match the words she had just used.
Cheryl lips quivered into a smile as an aching hunger writhed within her loins. “So do I. Oh God, so do I!”
The End
Omg. I’m so happy to read this.
I stumbled onto this story while trolling through Leslita and was immediately reminded of how much I’d enjoyed it back in the day… it simply HAD to be posted in our archive. Tender, sexy and very, very beautiful.
After some months without connect is glad to see my recommendation posted.
This is the best relate of all time.
I don’t get tired to read it again and again.
A beautiful story, so tender and sensual.
Today’s random pick brings me here. I’m in the mood for something a little more…nice and sweet rather than hot and kinky. It’s been a long few days so a kind-hearted story would do me well.
And this fits the bill nicely. Oh, there are some bits I raised an eyebrow to. My big thing is feasibility in stories and this came close to shattering the immersion a few times. But it was gentle, tender, and concentrated more on the romance than the sex – just what was needed.