After a long, stressful day at work, it’s so nice to come home and have my daughter help me relax…
By JetBoy
Wednesday 9th February, 1966
Mommy is gonna give me a ride to school today. So I have a little time to write before we leave.
I wanted to dress sexy for when Mommy and me to go see Aunt Evie after school. There’s this dress I have that’s really REALLY short that I picked out, but Mommy said its too little for me to wear to school, cause then someone might see my underpants.
But she came up with a good idea! When she comes to pick me up Mommy will bring the dress with her. Then we can stop at a filling station on the way to Aunt Edie’s place and I can change in the rest room.
Wow, I bet I wont be able to pay any atention in school! All I can think about is Mommy and Aunt Edie and me making love. Its hard to me to even sit still, and my
Mommy’s calling me! I have to go.
Oh my goodness, what a AMAZING time we had today! It was even better than I hoped. Mommy gave me permission to stay up for one hour more so I could write about all of it.
Nothing much at all happened at school. Claire didnt even show up today, so I bet her mom and dad got her to stay home for when her grandma gets there. I missed her but I was thinking so much about going over to see Aunt Evie that I couldnt be too upset. Anyhow she will probably be back tomorrow.
The only bad thing to happen was Mrs Vollmann (we call her Mrs Mole Man, cause she’s short and fat and has squinty eyes and looks like she lives under ground), she gave us extra homework cause Jenny Kyser and Gladys Nelson were passing notes while she was talking. NO FAIR! But Mommy helped me some with it later, so that was OK.
Mommy came in the car to pick me up after school so we could go right to Aunt Evie’s place. We stopped at the Esso station, and I took my dress into the rest room and got changed. I made sure to wear my pretty new panties today cause I wanted to let Aunt Evie look up my skirt and see them before I took my clothes off for her. I told Mommy that, cause she gave me the idea when she said my dress was too short to wear to school. She laughed and called me a little minx. I asked her what that means, and she told me to look it up later.
(Mommy always wants me to use the dictionary for words I dont know. I just looked up minx and it says, An alluring, cunning, or boldly flirtatious girl or young woman. THEN I had to look up alluring, cause that always happens when you use the dictionary, darn it. THAT word means, Powerfully and mysteriously attractive or fascinating; seductive. I like that!)
All the way to Aunt Evie’s, I wanted to touch Mommy and kiss her, even if I know we cant do stuff like that when we are out where other people can see. But I still felt the wanting to inside me.
So instead I talked to Mommy and was telling her how much I love it when we make love. I could tell she liked me saying that, so I told her more. I talked about how beautiful she is with all her clothes off, and how good it is when I touch her all over. Her cheeks were getting pink and she was sqeezing her legs together when I said those things, so I knew she was getting super excited!
That made me want to be extra naughty and make Mommy feel really wet and hot in her panties, like I get when I have sexy feelings. So I started saying how much I loved her nipples, the way they get so big in my mouth when I suck them. Then I talked about licking her pussy and how yummy it tastes.
She made me quit then. She said, Baby girl, you will make me crash the car if you dont stop! I got quiet, but Mommy smiled at me and put her hand on my leg and said that I can talk dirty to her some other time cause she really likes it a lot, only not when she is driving.
I asked Mommy, But how come saying things about making love is dirty talk? I thought that was about saying bad words like crap and shit, and mean names like asshole that hurt peoples feelings.
She said I was right, but that talking about sex is dirty too, only not the same way. Its not a bad kind of dirty, cause your not doing it to be mean. She told me sexy talk can be fun to do when you make love. I wanted to know more, but then we were there at Evie’s.
(I have to remember not to write AUNT Evie in here so much, cause she just wants me to call her by her first name and I keep forgetting.)
We got out of the car, and I RAN to her door and pushed the bell.
When Evie came to the door I just stared at her. I know its rude to do that, but she looked so good I just had to! She had on this pretty blue nightgown with orange flowers all over, open enough that I could tell she didnt have anything on under it!
Mom laughed at me, standing there so silly with my mouth open like a fish. She smiled at Evie and said, Hi, baby sister. Dressed for company, I see.
Evie just smiled back at me and said, Special company, anyhow.
The way she said that, her voice made me feel all warm inside. She took my hand and led me in like I was a little kid. But I didnt care. I was busy thinking about her all naked and soft under that blue nightgown.
When we got to the living room, she asked if we wanted some thing to drink. Mommy wanted tea, so Evie put on some water to boil. All I cared about was going to the bedroom and making love right then! But its always important to show good manners, so I asked for a coke.
I had to sit and wait while Mommy and Evie drank their tea and talked about family stuff, like the man who lives next door to Grandma and Grandad being in the hospital cause he fell and broke his hip, and Uncle Woodrow having probelms with his car. I was getting kind of bored, and then I remembered about wanting to let Evie see my panties.
She was sitting across from me in a chair, and I was on the sofa. I had to turn a little bit, then I moved my legs apart, doing it nice and slow. Our health teacher Mrs Parslow always tells up not to slouch when we sit, but I did it now, moving my bottom close to the front of the sofa. I wanted Aunt Evie to get a good look!
When she saw, her eyes went REALLY wide, and she stopped talking right in the middle of what she was saying. Then Aunt Evie looked up at me and smiled, and licked her lips. She turned to Mommy and said, Your little girl is being naughty, Sophie.
Mommy said, Why, what on earth is she doing? But I could tell that Mommy knew!
Evie said, She is acting like a little tramp, showing off her underpants.
Mommy said, Susie! Only bad girls do things like that!
They both were frowning at me like I was in big trouble, but it was all pretend. My heart was beating hard, cause I didnt know for sure what was going to happen. I knew what I WANTED to happen!
Evie stood up and moved over to where I was sitting and said, I think we need to punish Susie for being so bad. Then when she got real close, she all of a sudden bent down and slid her hand up under my skirt!
I guess that it was MY turn to have big wide eyes. Evie had her hand right on my pussy, and I was sure that she could feel how wet my panties were. Her nightgown was all the way open, and I could see all of her. Just like I thought, she was bare naked under it.
Mommy said, Lets take her to your room. We have to show her what happens to naughty girls.
I was so excited! Evie was on one side of me and Mommy on the other side, taking me down the hall to the bedroom. When we got there they brought me to the bed and put me on it, laying in the middle. Mommy took off her shoes and then her dress, so now all she had on was a slip. Then she and Evie layed down on each side of me.
Mommy turned my face to hers and she whispered, Do you know what we do to bad little girls, Susie? All I could do was shake my head, I was shaking too much inside to say even a word. She kissed me hard, and her tongue pushed into my mouth.
Me and Mommy kissed for a long time, then she moved away and I was looking at Evie. She said, Wicked child, and kissed me the same way.
Then they were touching me, all over, and kissing my mouth and face and neck, and taking off my clothes all at the same time, but doing it really slow. I didnt care, cause every bit of it felt so good. My new panties were so wet that I bet you could have ringed them out like a wash cloth.
It was so nice that I thought, If this is what you get for being a bad little girl, then I want to be bad ALL the time. I know you are not sposed to behave like that, but Mommy makes being naughty lots of fun!
I wanted to reach inside Evie’s nightie and touch her, but she stopped me. She said, Just lay there and dont move, little girl. You have to be still and let us have our way with you. I did what she said, but I was thinking how I would be mad if Evie and Mommy didnt let me make love to them too.
It took a little while but they finaly got my dress and underwear off and I was naked. That was when they REALLY started doing sexy things to me!
Mommy and Evie were both touching between my legs. There was a finger inside me and a hand rubbing all over the outside of my pussy, I didnt know who was doing what. But they were using their other hands to touch me too, feeling my titties and my tummy and legs and everywhere! Giving me kisses too, not just on my mouth but all over.
I wanted to come so bad, more than any thing in the whole world! But every time I got close to it, Mommy and Evie would change what they were doing to me so I couldnt come after all. It was like when I was a kid on the playground, and we would try to climb up the slide instead of sliding down on it. You move up some, but then you slip down some too and it takes a lot longer than you think.
I think maybe that they were waiting for me to beg to get to come. I kind of wanted to, but also didnt want to. I felt like asking Pretty Please was what a little girl would do, and I did NOT like that idea, not at all!
Any how I never had to beg, cause just when I was almost so crazy I was about to scream, Evie or maybe Mommy gave my clit a little pull or something. And I came so hard, it was the best EVER. Mommy told me on the way back home that I was shaking all over like I got scared really bad. She said that I yelled a lot too, but I dont remember doing that.
When I was back to being me again, I was embarrased cause I was crying, like a big baby. I didnt know why something that was so good did that to me. Maybe I was too full of big feelings. But Evie and Mommy were giving me hugs and tickly kisses and whispering nice things, so soon I was smiling again.
I was really tired, but I wanted so bad to make love to them that I sat up and said, My turn, my turn!
Mommy and Evie laughed, then Mommy layed back and said, Here I am, sweet Susie. All for you. Evie said, Any thing you want us to do for you, sweety. Just tell us what it is.
That was SO exciting, my mom and my aunt letting me be in charge of us making love!
The first thing was, I told them to kiss each other with tongues while I licked their pussies. I went from one to the other to lick until I got a great idea and started rubbing Evie with my hand while I used my mouth on Mommy. Then after a while I did it the other way and licked Evie.
They both tasted different but really good. And I loved how their tastes came together and made a yummy NEW flavor in my mouth, after I licked them both a couple more times! Their pussys were juicy too. My face was getting so wet that it was dripping from my nose and my chin.
Mommy started moaning and asking me to lick her clit and make her come, so I did. I wanted for Evie to come at the same time so I played with her clit, gentle like Mommy showed me how to. Evie kind of jerked a few times so maybe I touched her too hard, but she didnt say if I did.
It was hard to see very much while I was licking, but I could tell Mommy and Evie were still kissing and feeling each others titties and maybe other parts, too. I liked to hear the wet sounds their lips and tongues made while they kissed.
Then Evie was going, Oh oh oh oh oh! She was coming!
I wanted Mommy to come at the same time so I took her clit in my mouth and sucked it. She must have been close to it, cause she was shaking all over, these loud sounds coming out of her that probably would have scared me silly if I didnt know why.
It felt so wonderful, making Mommy and Evie come together at the same time! I kept licking and touching them till Mommy pushed my face away, saying she couldnt stand any more. So I moved over to Evie fast and started sucking on HER clit, but touching her pussy too. She was being even louder than before, and that was pretty loud! But soon she made me stop too when the good feelings got too big.
My pussy was wet and hot, and I was ready to be made love to some more. I knew Mommy and Evie had to rest though, so I just crawled up the bed and layed down between them.
They took me in their arms and hugged and kissed me. Their bodies were all hot and sweaty and felt really good. After that we did all kinds of sex stuff for a while.
I found out making love with two people is very different from doing it with just one. There are more things going on at the same time and you kind of get all mixed up in your head, about who is doing what to who. I wonder what it would be like to make love with three women, or even four?
The part that was most exciting, was when Mommy was on her hands and knees, and I was fingering her pussy while she was licking Evie. I had three of my fingers inside Mommy, pushing them in and out the way she likes, fast and hard. Then she looked back and said, Put your whole hand in, baby girl.
I told her I was afraid of hurting her, but she said not to worry cause after all I was born from her vagina, and a baby is a lot bigger than my hand. I just needed to go slow at first.
So I put my fingers and thumb together so they were kind of pointy and pushed them into Mommy’s pussy, doing it slow like she said. I was still a bit afraid when she really started to stretch open, but she just said, Keep going, dont stop!
I was pushing so hard that it suprised me when my hand went all the way into Mommy, just like that! She made a loud sound that wasnt like anything I ever heard before, but some how I knew I didnt hurt her.
Evie was watching us and touching her pussy and saying stuff like, Oh God that is amazing, its so hot, so sexy.
I didnt know what to do with my hand, then Mommy told me to make it into a fist and then move it around inside her. Back and forth like a man’s thing.
When I began doing that, Mommy went completeley nuts. She was making those loud sounds again and shoving her bottom back at me, like she wanted my hand to go even deeper.
Then came the biggest suprise of all. Mommy started talking dirty. REALLY dirty.
She was saying, Fuck me Susie. Fuck your Mommy. Fuck my cunt with your hand! Oh baby girl, you feel so good in my cunt. So fucking good!
I never heard Mommy use swears before! And those are some of the worst swears of all, words you arent EVER sposed to use. Even now I feel kinda wierd inside, looking at those words where I just wrote them.
So when she was saying those things I felt my face get really hot. I guess that was dumb of me, but it was a big shock to hear Mommy talk like the really bad kids at school do!
Then I remembered what me and her talked about in the car, all about how good dirty talk can be when you make love. And then I knew Mommy was teaching me more about sex.
I started to give Mommy what she wanted, moving my hand around even more. I was still too embarrased to say those words out loud, but I was thinking, I am fucking Mommy. This is how I fuck Mommys cunt. It made me more excited than I was, which was plenty!
Then Mommy started to come, and it was so big that she was moving the whole bed and making the head board hit the wall. I think she wanted to keep talking dirty but was coming too much to say words. All she did was make noise. It sounded like she was having a good time any how. Not hurting at all.
Then Evie was also coming, she was rubbing like crazy between her legs.
Mommy’s body slowed down and she wasnt pushing back at me any more, but her pussy was squeezing my hand so hard it almost hurt. I didnt take it out though. I wanted to keep making her feel good. I looked down at where my hand was inside her and I saw something I didnt notice before, that her bottom hole was spread wide open, and it gave me a idea.
I bent down and licked Mommy there, inside her bottom. This big SHAKE went through her like she got a electric shock. That made my hand do a big move inside her pussy. And then she was coming again! So I licked her bottom even more, sliding my tongue up and down in between.
It didnt last so long this time, and when Mommy was finished coming she was pretty much wiped out! She sort of fell over on her side really slow and was laying there breathing deep. Her body was all sweaty, and I thought it would be nice to lick it off her.
Before I could do that, Evie sat down by me to give me a big juicy kiss. She showed me her fingers, which were still wet from her pussy. She rubbed them on my mouth like she was putting lipstick on me, and then kissed me again.
I love kissing Aunt Evie, so we did it for a long time. She sucks on my tongue in this way that makes my heart beat really fast. It got me excited and we started making love again.
Mommy was watching us and smiling, when Evie pushed me down on my back and got between my legs to lick my pussy. Then Mommy was kissing me and touching my nipples. Even though I was sure I could not come even one more time, some how they helped me to do it. I think that I fainted, for a little while any how.
After that we all got under the sheets and rested. I love doing sex stuff with my Mom and my Aunt, but maybe the nicest part of it was snuggling with them both all warm and soft and naked, giving soft kisses and saying how much we love each other.
I hope I get to do it with them both again REALLY soon. And next time me and Mommy make love I’m gonna use those dirty words. It makes me all warm inside to think of saying to her, Let me fuck you, Mommy.
Oops, I just looked at the clock, and I used up all of that extra hour Mommy let me stay up, and some more besides that! Time to turn the light out.
Continue on to Chapter 9
Ending something as long and arduous to write as this three-part novel makes one think about beginnings. This story came into being when I saw a video online of a young girl who was entering the adult film industry talking about her mother, who had also been in the business.
This, of course, led to some rather wild imaginings on my part. What would it have been like to be raised by a woman with obviously liberal attitudes about sex, and what if those attitudes were extreme when it came to raising her daughter? I certainly had no idea. My own upbringing was so closed-minded, I’m surprised I am who I am today. In fact, I’m surprised I didn’t commit suicide in my teen years. (Yes, I indeed thought about it, quite seriously in fact.)
However, this speculation and the fantasies that resulted from it led to my deciding to write a story about such a relationship between a sexually precocious daughter and her extremely open-minded mother. Following publication of chapter one on the Lesbian Lolita site on July 8, 2012, the comments I received were overwhelmingly positive. Overwhelmingly as in 100%.
This led to other chapters until I grew bored with the project after sixteen installments, the last of them published at LL on July 21, 2013. That was shortly after I was more or less attacked because I had included some minor bestiality in the story, in which a very young girl has discovered that when her little dog licks her in certain places it felt really good. Such comments, especially from someone who had been enjoying the story, can sour someone on a project, and that’s what happened with me. Not that I’d ever really finished a story before, but that’s how this one ended.
After being invited to join Naughty Mommy and JetBoy to start this wonderful site, I decided at a point that I should finish the stories I had started. Actually, my partners prodded me and prodded me to finish what I’d started. Many readers had asked me when I was going to continue them as well, so continue — and finish them — I did.
This was the last one to need completion. I finished writing the first draft of the last chapter yesterday, March 8, 2017, nearly a year after posting the first “new” chapter, #17, on March 28, 2016. This means that the entire work took two years to write, with a very long break in between. Back when I renewed my writing of this book, I looked forward to it. I had always liked the premise, and I felt that many wonderful adventures could be a part of it. Now that it’s finished, I know I will miss working on it. After all, one doesn’t separate from two years of one’s life easily.
Many of the adventures I included were based either loosely or strongly on real events and situations in my life. My other stories had included such things, such as the rocking horse I really had that I named Shadow (probably with help from my parents), which provided me my first small but pleasurable orgasms, and this tale was no different. The fact that it is so lengthy, however, means that there are even more things that are based on my life. I’m not suggesting, however, that this mirrors my life, and that is what this post is all about. How does a writer incorporate real events without making it an autobiography? First, my autobiography would be rather boring 98% of the time, but second, and most importantly, I did have that 2% that could be turned into something that resembled an interesting tale.
I had chosen to name the title character after myself, since ultimately this began as a fantasy about a fictional mother I never had, a mother who resembled my own about as much as Donald Trump resembles Pope Francis. This led to being able to freely intertwine the two lives of the fictional me with an even more fictional mother in my mind. As I wrote the first sixteen chapters, I wanted to make sure there was hot sex in every chapter. I have to tell you, that is very difficult to do and keep the sex fresh. As I think I’ve said before, just how many ways can one write about a woman having an orgasm? Yes, there are many, as our stories here will prove, but when you get right down to it, an orgasm is basically the same feeling each time we have one. Only the intensity and duration change. (I have also often wondered how different an orgasm feels to a man since his “equipment” is all external. Do they feel them in their toes the way I do?) Ultimately, though, it’s all the same.
This, of course, leads to the idea of multiple partners. When age, personality, likes and dislikes come into play, the dynamic is different. The fact that I’ve had (wait a sec, I’m counting…) eight partners in my life does not qualify me for super-sexual woman of the decade. (Bet you all thought it was more.) But my imagination can think of countless ones, and sometimes I can even include pieces of people I’ve known, in an intimate manner and otherwise, to populate my story.
Deanna has the name of a girl I knew online for several years (she’s disappeared in the past year and I worry), but her personality in many ways is based on a girl I fooled around with when I was fourteen. We were best friends and would often spend the night with each other. We had many wonderful and youthful orgasms together. She had an older sister I had a big crush on, and Deanna’s sister in the story is based on her, though my friend’s sister and I never did anything together. In this way, including the sister became a sort of wish-fulfillment. (A quick note about characters’ names: NONE of the last names are the same as the person on whom they may have been based, including me, with one exception, noted below.)
The character of Marie is based on one of my students from last school year. I suspected she was dealing with questions of her sexuality, though I have no proof that she was. I thought that she had a crush on a girl in class based on her interactions with her and the fact that while this other girl was not a close friend, Marie (her real first name) would always try to be around her. For example, when I announced a project that would be done in pairs, Marie approached this girl immediately. Of course, by then I was watching for the signs, partly because I was anxious to see if after a random weekend the two seemed closer. As far as I know, Marie and her friend never “got together” like that, but it was fun to consider. And it broke my heart that the friend did the project with someone else.
The “licking dog” episode was based on me. Yes, I allowed my dog to lick my pussy when I was thirteen. I remember being thirteen in eighth grade and thinking what would people think if they knew I had allowed my dog to lick me to an orgasm the night before. That didn’t last long, but it did happen. I finally started feeling weird about it, not to mention she would want to lick me no matter where we were, like in the den watching TV. It took a while to break her of trying, but she finally got the idea I didn’t want her doing that anymore. Plus, I started making her sleep outside my bedroom to avoid having her start in on me when I was asleep or something. She never did that, but I imagined she might. When my ultra-suspicious mother asked why I didn’t let the dog sleep with me anymore (not that she was necessarily thinking it was for a sexual reason, but who knows?), I had to make up a lie that she kept waking me up scratching herself. And no, I didn’t count the dog among my eight partners.
The episode with Erin, the girl Cheryl is a “companion” for, is nearly all true, except we never got caught because the mother did indeed call every day before coming home. When I was fifteen a woman down the street who knew my mom asked me if I would be a companion over the summer break for her daughter who had indeed gotten into some trouble shoplifting the previous summer. Emily (Erin’s real name) was one wild girl. She’d been left to her own devices for a long time, being a “latch-key kid” since age seven. Looking back, she was probably looking for attention from her mom. Her dad was not in the picture at all. One thing that was different was I was not happy about this, no matter that I was making good money for a girl my age. I saw this as tying me to a job all summer, one that would last all day, and I had my own social life to work on, but my mother would not let me decline the offer. It also took a little longer to get things rolling as far as sex went. I plied her with internet porn, which she’d not discovered. That made everything else easier. I’m not exactly proud that I seduced an eleven-year-old when I was fifteen, but it was a lot of fun at times, and Emily never once suggested she resented anything we ever did, which was everything two girls could do together.
Chandra, the large African-American woman who does hair and makeup for the production company Kayleigh works for, is entirely based on an African-American woman I knew growing up. Her last name in both the story and real life was Jackson, which appears only in the “Who’s Who” section of the story. She lived not too far from where my house was when I was still living with my parents, and she would listen to my problems in a way my mother never could or would. Chandra, her real name, was also a hairstylist. What is called in writer’s circles her “voice” is exactly as I remember it. No nonsense and wise, a good listener with even better advice. In fact it was Chandra I turned to when I hated myself so much I was considering suicide. I didn’t mention my desire for young girls to her, just my lesbianism, but she understood me and loved me (no, not like that), and I loved her like the mother I never had once I came out to my parents. She may be the reason I am alive now. I miss her terribly. (She died when I was eighteen.) Including her in my story helped me bring her back to life for a while. She doesn’t appear often because memory can be painful at times, but the tribute, even in a story like this one, is sincere.
As far as the situation in the story involving Cindy, it is 100% fabrication. I had decided to try to make the book more than just a sex-act-of-the-week episode. What’s interesting is that while I was intensely interested in that part of the book while I was writing it, the process of writing it was much more difficult. I had to make everything up, no relying on characters based on people I knew once. The plot had to be plausible, and I spent a great deal of time and effort making sure that it was. I didn’t want anyone coming on to tell me I had something wrong. I even checked things like where small airports were near Bogota and picked out an area on a map to choose the location of the compound. I researched things like how far a Learjet could fly on one tank of fuel and how long a runway had to be for take-offs and landings. (I never knew the fuel was stored in the wings!) I was actually very surprised at how long the flight was from Los Angeles, the home of the porn industry in the U.S., to the Santiago Vila airport near Girardot, Colombia, near Bogota. It made me wish I’d made the compound in Mexico instead, but I figured the Mexican people had suffered enough bad press from Trump.
Finally, Lisa is, of course, based on my wife. We married two years ago this June. Our story is involved and there are some real heartbreaks in our relationship. After all, we are a real couple, and real couples often deal with pain that the other one causes, though in reality when a relationship goes through trouble, usually both partners share the fault, and that is true for us.
Lisa and I did meet in college, though not how it’s portrayed in the book. We met at a party that was much like the one where the two get together finally in the book. It was at Halloween, and she was dressed as a prisoner, complete with the stripes. To be honest I had forgotten what costume I was wearing. Lisa reminded me that I was a witch. Very original, I know. I changed it in the chapter about the party because I consider a witch a rather boring choice. I kept Lisa in the prison garb.
We hit it off at this party and ended up spending the night together in my apartment. We exchanged digits, as they say, and we ended up dating for a while before moving in together that January when the new semester started. Lisa was a freshman, and I was a junior. Yes, I am two years older than she is. She was eighteen when we met, and I had just turned twenty a month earlier.
Lisa gave me permission to share the rest of our story with you as well.
Now, things weren’t always “the perfect couple” between us. Lisa was working for Hooters Restaurant as a waitress and later became the manager of a new location. She met another girl while working there who managed to talk her into leaving me a few years after I graduated and was working as a teacher. Yes, Lisa cheated on me. She admits it and regrets it. I debated whether or not to include that in my book. I finally decided to make it where the evil Clare decides to break up the fictional counterparts of Lisa and me for no apparent reason, only that she can. Clare became my Iago.
Now, here’s where life makes its real acquaintance with art. The name of the girl who stole my Lisa from me back then? Clare. Yep, I had a wonderful time making her into the most evil girl I could imagine. I knew when I created the character she would be evil and cause our heroine a lot of grief. Originally, I thought of having Clare steal Lisa from Cheryl, but I realized that would be much too close to reality for my tastes. I was able to make the girl modeled on my nemesis in real life end up paying dearly for her acts of selfishness and hatefulness in the story. It was cathartic.
For those who don’t know about how Lisa and I ended up back together, it goes like this:
A few years back, the autumn before I helped found this site (actually late summer), I was diagnosed with cervical cancer. It was in its earliest stages and was confined only to my cervix. I’d been having some odd periods and my doctor decided to check for any serious problems so she could rule them out. When the pap smear came back positive for cancer cells, I was devastated. I cried for days, thinking this was it. I would die soon from this terrible disease.
My oncologist told me that I should talk to the closest friend I had in an effort to cheer me up. The fact was, though, that I was mostly a loner then. I had people I knew from my job as a teacher, but I tried to keep my private life private because I feared being fired if anyone discovered I am a lesbian. I am not butch by any means, so it isn’t easily apparent from my appearance.
Lisa heard about my situation. She came to see me, and I nearly fainted. I had convinced myself that I was over her. I’d even dated a few women, but nothing serious. The moment I saw her, I knew I’d been kidding myself, and that was a case of kidding myself for several YEARS. I wanted to kiss her the moment I saw her.
We chatted, and the next day she came over again and brought me flowers. She presented me with a bunch of gladioli. I was touched and thanked her. Finally, I started to cry. She held me while I sobbed, and by the time I’d stopped crying, we were making out like a couple of teenagers on a hot date. Then she told me she still loved me and that she’d made a huge mistake by leaving me for Clare. That relationship had ended within a year of moving in with her, but she’d heard I was dating someone else by then and never contacted me until she heard about the cancer and that I was single.
Finally, she asked me if I knew what the gladiolus flower symbolized. I didn’t, and she told me. They symbolize remembrance, infatuation, strength, and faithfulness. Apparently, she had researched flowers to find the perfect one for me at that moment.
It wasn’t long before she moved back in with me, and we’ve been together and happy ever since. She had been a girl of twenty-five when she’d left me. She is turning thirty-three later this year. We are older and more mature. We are now legally married to each other. We are now happy. Please don’t blame her for leaving me. I am no piece of cake to live with. That she continues to live with and love me every day is a blessing and a miracle to me.
I know some may wonder why I skipped over the wedding in the story, choosing not to describe it in any sort of detail. I know my site partners wondered about that. I thought a long time about including details from the wedding and decided against it. Lisa and I did actually get married, though not in Amsterdam (which we did visit on a honeymoon last September), and I realized I didn’t want to write anything about the wedding in this story because our own wedding is such a wonderful memory, and I didn’t want to attempt to fictionalize the actual ceremony. I know, that’s crazy, but I felt I would never be able to do the emotions and everything else justice. I guess it’s just a personal thing. In our real wedding we chose to wear bridesmaids’ dresses we liked instead of wedding gowns because I couldn’t really afford one to match anything Lisa could have afforded. Lisa offered to buy my wedding dress, but I wouldn’t let her. It ended up being something special to us that we were wearing those dresses instead of bridal gowns. I won’t go into that because I’m already tearing up thinking about it, but that’s how I want it to be in the story — that the fictional counterparts get married but the ceremony remains private.
To make clear what everyone knows, I got Lisa’s permission to tell our true story here. I have retold our story in a fictional method in the book, based on our real story at times. I used our shared fantasy life and the attractions we both feel. She discovered my enjoyment of the shared fantasy we all have here when I left my computer open by mistake when we first lived together and she saw a story I was writing. She’d had these fantasies herself, and she admitted it to me as well as the fact that she and her sister, Rachel, had been messing around together since they were little girls, with the form of messing around they did growing more adult as they aged. I told her how jealous of her I am for that.
Now, I use things we have done or talked about to spice up my stories. We have fantasized about going to a nice hotel that caters to their customers by turning their heads from legal but titillating fun and ordering room service, requesting a girl to remain and “serve” us as a waitress while we eat our breakfast in the nude, only to let the girl watch us afterwards. No, we probably will never do that, but our fantasies about it helped me in writing what I consider a very hot scene. We have masturbated in a public place in New Orleans on our honeymoon, and I will include that in a story I began planning just yesterday. The start of her relationship with Rachel is a part of this book, though Lisa’s parents have no clue it has been going on all these years, despite sharing a room (twin beds, though) much of their lives. Paulette was the result of our fantasy about a little girl we saw when out shopping. She didn’t look to be five — she was more like ten — but her beauty was mesmerizing.
So that’s how it works. Take a single little true thing and put it in your stories if you are writing one. Then see what allowing your mind to carry it anywhere brings to your story. Using reality makes writing easier. It’s a lot easier than making up every detail and having to do research on planes, a country, and its airports.
So, to alter a term that was used long before I was born, “WRITE ON!” Even if you write only for yourself, what you write will be yours in a way nothing else can be, like painting a picture. It satisfies a need to create. So try it. You won’t be sorry.
Continue reading I Was the Daughter of a Porn Star: Afterword »
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By Misty Meadow
{ This story was originally posted at Lesbian Lolita in January 2017 }
In January a few years ago, a notice in the Daily Telegraph announced the sale of a small collection of paintings by a minor gallery located off Charing Cross Road in London. The painter wished to remain anonymous, for obvious reasons.
At first glance each painting appeared to be of a prepubescent girl, naked or nearly so, but closer examination revealed that they were all paintings of photographs. The white edge of the photograph was depicted together with the four push pins holding it to a surface and the electronic date/time stamp in the bottom left hand corner could easily be read.
The pictures had been taken at roughly one month intervals over the previous year. The girl was always posed in such a way as to reveal her vagina, though not in a deliberately lewd way. Nevertheless, she managed to radiate both innocence and sexuality.
The earliest picture showed her sitting at the bottom of a flight of stairs dressed in nothing more than a pair of white cotton knickers. She had pulled the waist of the knickers out and was peering down inside, an expression of intense curiosity on her angelic face.
The next was a full frontal nude, hiding nothing and she held a vividly coloured parakeet on her hand. The lighting was all directed at the bird, leaving her body in partial shade and one could argue that it was a picture of a bird, the girl being incidental, allowing one to gaze at her at length, pretending to be a lover of birds rather than little girls.
In a later picture, she was standing knee deep in a lake, again in white knickers which in their wetness clung tightly to her body, revealing the exact shape of her vagina or, one wondered, had they become so translucent that one was actually looking at the real thing?
All the remaining pictures showed her naked, playing a violin or sitting cross legged reading a book, and the last one showed her sitting at a kitchen table, legs carelessly spread, her head turned sideways, her lips open, her hand holding a up banana an inch from her lips, a symbolism lost on few.
All the paintings were signed, “Mummy.”
Word soon spread that it was an exhibition of child pornography. In the UK, the legal definition includes this phrase: “illegal to take, make, distribute, show or possess an indecent photograph or pseudo-photograph of someone under the age of 18.” An argument ensued in the press about what constituted a pseudo-photograph. The usual interpretation was a computer image. Did the law include paintings? Could a painting of a photograph be porn? Would a photo of a painting of a photo be illegal? Apparently not, because the papers were printing them.
The gallery forbade photography, but with iPhones being ubiquitous, most visitors took pictures surreptitiously and soon they were available in all the tabloids.
What did “indecent” actually mean? Was the gallery owner in trouble? The Crown Prosecution Service attempted to extract the name of the artist from him, but all he was able to reveal was the name of the law firm that actually handled the sales, and they weren’t talking.
The terms of sale were unusual. Upon arrival, viewers were given a card with a phone number on it, nothing more. Each painting was priced at five thousand pounds, no haggling, take it or leave it, to be sold on a first come – first served basis. A buyer could call the law firm from right there in the gallery and close the sale immediately.
On the first day, only three were sold, seven the next day, and the remainder went on the third day just minutes after the gallery opened. They would all remain on the gallery walls until the end of the month and buyers could collect them when the exhibition closed.
For the next few weeks, there was a line down the street to get in and see this new sensation. Word had clearly got out. When the exhibition closed, buyers wearing sunglasses and hats pulled low could be seen leaving, carrying their paintings, concealed by bubble wrap, under their arms, smug smiles on their faces.
A large sign in the gallery foyer announced that there would be another exhibition by the same artist at the same time next year. People tried to make reservations but they were told just to come and get in line.
The paintings were titled “Mummy’s Little Girl: No. 1,” “Mummy’s Little Girl: No. 2,” etc., through number 12. Who was she? She certainly looked far from unhappy about being photographed in such revealing poses, indeed, the eager smile on her lovely face indicated she was having a great time.
The little girl was me. I was just ten years old.
My name is Myfanwy, but Mum calls me Muffin. We live in a cottage just outside a small village in Snowdonia in North Wales. The nearest neighbours are a quarter of a mile away, so we have plenty of privacy.
Mum made a nice living that year, sixty grand less commission being much more than she’d ever earned from her art before, even though her technique was excellent. She lit her subjects like Carravagio, painted textures like the Dutch masters, and her flesh tones seemed as if they might feel warm to the touch. The only subject she painted was me.
She was a lesbian paedophile. I knew because she told me. “I’m a lover of little girls,” she said, when I was about six.
“Everyone loves kids,” I pointed out.
“Yes, but I love to hug and kiss and fondle you in a special way. You excite me.”
I didn’t see how hugging her daughter merited a special name like ‘paedophile’. After all, didn’t all mummies hug their kids? Well, most of them do, but I found out later that not all of them take showers with their little girls and wash them all over and pay special attention to their little cunnies, and not all little girls are utterly fascinated by their mum’s pussies, to the extent that they caress them and marvel as they grow moist to the touch.
She’d told me never to tell anyone about the fun stuff we did in the shower, so I thought it was just normal mum/daughter games until much later, in school, when we got the “inappropriate touching” lecture. So Mum was different from other mothers. Was I freaked out? Not a bit. Our fun thing was special and I didn’t want it to stop.
I wasn’t her victim. She didn’t make me do anything that I didn’t want to do, in fact I was usually the one who initiated things. We’d wrestle on the rug and I’d manage to sit on her face, or I’d lie on the couch, my head in her lap, reaching up to caress her small but firm tits, or I’d say, “I want to make love, Mum.” She’d smile and take my hand, and we’d drift into her bedroom and undress each other.
By the age of eight, in the shower, I’d progressed from merely letting her finger my cunt to kneeling before her and exploring her pink cavern with my tongue. I loved it all. The smell and taste of her cunt made my head spin. If it made her happy, I wanted to do it. One time she was lying in the tub when I came into the bathroom and she asked me to step in with my feet either side of her head and feed her my pussy. So I squatted down onto her face and she licked me to a lovely orgasm.
A couple of times a week, usually Saturday mornings when I was not at school, we’d have a photo session. We’d dream up new ideas, new ways for me to display my body erotically while maintaining a veneer of innocence. It was tremendously exciting to undress while she watched me, then pose for her and the camera, knowing that one day, dozens, maybe hundreds of people would look the the resultant painting and be excited by it.
“Men are gonna like you,” Mum said one day. “Most paedophiles are men, although I know of a few women who would give anything just to see you with nothing on, showing off your darling little cunt like this. You may think that a ten-year-old girl can’t be all that sexy, not with your flat chest and narrow hips, but believe me, there is a huge number of people out there who are secretly into little girls, just like me, and I want them to have the exquisite pleasure of gazing on your naked body through the medium of my art.”
She’d look through the camera, framing the shot, and my cunt area would tingle with excitement, with the naughtiness of showing off my private parts. I loved it, the undressing, the posing, the adoring look on Mum’s face as she photographed me.
I was now ten, but as yet there were no signs of approaching puberty. “I don’t want you to grow up, Muffin,” Mum said. “I want you to remain a little girl forever.” So I let her take pictures of me in the most indecent poses I could think of, the more the merrier, so she’d at least have them after I became a grown woman.
We started to assemble a collection for the next sale. The first one showed me wearing a suspender belt, white stockings, a wispy little see-through bra that concealed nothing and, of course, no knickers. I was sitting on a window sill, legs slightly parted, with the light behind me and it came out in soft focus, a new challenge for Mum to reproduce in oils, but she did a superb job. It was possible to see my cunny quite clearly.
“Don’t you think it’s time you started calling your cunny by a more grown up name?” she asked.
“Like what?”
“Pussy? Twat? Minge? Quim? How about ‘cunt’?”
I liked the sound of “cunt”. It had a nice lewd ring to it. I tried it out. “Cunt! Look at my cunt! Do you like my cunt? I know you want to touch my cunt!”
Mum laughed. “Yes, touch it and lick it. Come here, Muffin, and let your mummy make you happy.” Even though I was only ten, her tongue could light up my whole body.
The next picture was intended to be less provocative. It showed me pulling my knickers down. They’d got as far as mid-thigh when the camera flash went off. I was leaning slightly forward, tugging them down, looking straight into the camera lens with a dazzling smile on my face. But somehow, the presence of knickers made the whole scene more erotic than just my naked body.
“I love your knickers, my darling. I don’t know what looks sexier, you in your knickers or just naked.” I put my hand between her legs and fingered her cunt until she was dripping wet, then used my knickers to wipe her, then put them back on again. I had no problem wearing knickers soaked with her cunt juice. If I could happily lick and taste her, a few stains were no problem. It was kinda intimate.
The months rolled by and the collection was coming together nicely. Mum had taken a number of selfies of us, my face buried between her thighs, then hers between mine and I begged her to paint one of them, but she demurred, pointing out that all the other stuff she’d painted was borderline porn that she’d gotten away with, but a painting of me eating her pussy could never be passed off as art.
“We have to keep it classy,” she said. “If we cross a certain line, the authorities could close the gallery down and we’d be fucked. We have to maintain a delicate balance between pornography and art. We want to appeal to paedophiles in a way that’s acceptable to society as a whole. Usually, when people hear the words ‘kiddy porn’ or ‘paedophile’ they become outraged. There’s a side to this whole question that’s perfectly benign, harmless, and in our case, beneficial. I want to acquaint the public with the pure, beautiful aspect of child sexuality, but without running afoul of the law.”
By now, the previous year’s pictures had all been leaked to various sites on the Internet, spreading ever wider until they could be found practically anywhere. I rejoiced in my fame, secure in the knowledge that in this tiny conservative community in the Welsh mountains, it was unlikely than our neighbours would encounter them. If confronted, we could always claim, with suitable outrage, that it wasn’t me, just some other little girl who looked similar. Mum had taken the precaution of painting my eyes slightly bigger, with darker lashes and eyebrows, and a smaller nose.
“I’ll leave your lips just as they are,” she said. “Come and kiss me.” Our tongues met like excited puppies.
January arrived and it was time to open the new exhibition. Still just twelve paintings, they were slightly more lascivious than those of the previous year. One showed me squatting naked with my arms round Bandit, our border collie, as I whispered in his ear. Squats are always good for showing off a cunt, and though the main subject was the dog, one’s eyes were drawn irresistibly to my little girly slit. In another, I played a guitar. You’ll never see a fully dressed person playing a guitar with their knees together, and neither were mine, nor was I in any way dressed.
Such was the crowd outside the gallery in distant London that BBC television was broadcasting the gallery opening live. Some potential buyers had been camped out for days, guarding their places in the line and as the doors opened, a great cheer went up. Three men and a woman were injured in the crush to get in the door and we later learned that all twelve paintings were sold in minutes, as fast as the law firm could process the calls, despite the fact that Mum was now demanding ten thousand pounds for each one.
“You should’ve auctioned them,” I said to her when the broadcast ended.
“No, Muffin. No one would bid openly for them. Who’d wanna be labeled as a collector of child porn? It’s better this way. Those buyers must be dealers who’ll sell them off at a huge profit, but we don’t have to be greedy. We just want to make the world more appreciative of the beauty of a child’s body, to fight back against society’s oppression of benign girl lovers like me.”
Before the end of the day, the pictures started appearing on the Internet, all described as “art,” or at worst, “erotic art.” I felt immensely proud of myself and of my body. I looked at myself in the mirror, closely inspecting my nipples and my cunt, but there was still no sign of development.
The next exhibition, a year later, was different. I was now twelve. My tits, imperceptible in January, had slowly grown over the course of the year until by December, they were distinct little mounds of soft flesh, and my cunt had begun to develop lips. A few wisps of pubic hair appeared, but Mum shaved them off. She was fighting my transformation into a woman as hard as she could. Though I still had the innocent, angelic face of a child, my body was a different story. I was sexy. I mean really fucking sexy. I could see it myself.
This year’s paintings were even more daring and showed me in improbable poses. A few were gymnastic in nature with my cunt always in perfect view as the centrepiece, my contortions serving only to display it more aggressively. The last picture showed me sprawled on a couch, my legs spread wide, one hand covering one tit, the other hiding my cunt — or was I masturbating? It depended on the viewer’s state of mind.
We were now probably over the line into the realm of child pornography.
“I’m hoping the last two years have opened people’s minds somewhat,” Mum said. “We haven’t even been questioned by the authorities, let alone prosecuted. I think we’re gonna get away with it again. At twenty thousand a clip, we’re looking at over two hundred K. And next year, well, we’re gonna be rich!”
How wrong she was. What she hadn’t realised was that you can take pictures of naked kids and call them family photos, but I wasn’t a kid any more. I was a pubescent girl, about to have her first period and I was just too fucking sexy to get away with it and I was still underage by four years.
Once again the BBC was at the gallery to report the opening, but a frighteningly large squad of police officers were first through the doors, which promptly closed behind them.
Two days later, disaster struck.
The barman at the village pub called us to ask if we had called the police. “There were two coppers in here a minute ago, asking directions to your place.”
“FUCK!” called Mum, slamming the phone down. She ran into the den and began yanking all the connections from the back of the computer. She lifted it into my arms then pushed a handful of memory sticks into my pocket. “Go and throw that into the pool below the falls,” she said.
Tires crunched on the gravel as I staggered out of the back door and down to the path by the stream. A hundred yards downstream, a small waterfall fell into a deep pool. I tossed the computer in and followed it with the memory sticks. I got back to the cottage in time to see Mum in cuffs, being pushed into a police car.
“Call my sister,” she had time to yell. “She’ll come and take care of you.”
The nightmare had just begun.
A week later, Mum was home again, out on bail, but she was no longer the anonymous painter that the art world had wondered about for two years. Her name was all over the papers, and they no longer printed the pictures, all of which had been confiscated from their owners by the police, as evidence. How their identities, or Mum’s for that matter, were uncovered wasn’t clear, but it probably involved some computer hacking by the authorities. There were a lot of pissed off art lovers out there, but they quickly formed into a group to support us and help pay our legal fees. All the money we’d made from the paintings was gone to pay the bail.
Months later, Mum went back to London for the trial which took several weeks, closely reported in the press. Our defense team made the case that a painting of a photograph fell outside the definition of child pornography. “If one took a video of a bank robbery, would that be a crime? The robbery, yes, but the video? No!” was the theme our barrister constantly hammered at. “Is a photograph of a counterfeit banknote a forgery? Of course not!”
Towards the end of the trial, I was summoned to testify and travelled down to London. At Euston Station, Mum hugged me so tightly it almost hurt.
“You’re a brave girl,” she said. “It won’t be easy to stand up in court and give evidence.”
“I can do it, Mum.”
On November 2, 1960, a jury delivered a verdict of Not Guilty at the trial of Penguin Books, who’d published Lady Chatterley’s Lover earlier in the year. The jury had been required to read the book from end to end, and their decision that it was a work of art and not an obscenity had kicked off a social revolution that is remembered to this day.
Today in similar fashion, all three dozen of Mum’s paintings were displayed, one by one, for the jury’s consideration. While this was going on, I was sitting outside the courtroom, waiting to be called. A couple of hours went by and I was torn between anxiety about the outcome of the trial and pride that my naked body was once more on display for strangers to admire. They’re looking at me, I thought. They’re looking at my naked cunt. My tummy tingled with excitement.
Then my name was called.
“Were you a willing participant in the creation of your mother’s works of art?” asked our barrister. I must have looked so innocent, wearing a school uniform, the front of my blouse pulled flat, white ankle socks on my feet.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” I replied, giving the jury my most dazzling smile. “My mum’s a brilliant artist and I wanted to give her a suitable subject to paint, a subject close to her heart. She really loves me a lot.”
“Did she ever force you to do anything you were reluctant to do?”
I let out a little derisive snort. “I loved being painted. I’m proud of what I did. I’m not one of those people who are ashamed of their own bodies.” A few of the spectators clapped. Others frowned.
Then I had to wait outside again as the closing arguments were made.
The jury retired. They were out for most of two days. I was in the courtroom for the verdict.
“Not guilty!” the jury foreman said firmly. The court erupted, a mixture of cheers and boos.
Our customers have all had their paintings returned to them. We’ve been inundated with emails, cards and letters of congratulation from the huge number of people who supported us. But the money is gone, spent on legal fees. Just as painful was the loss of the hundreds of photographs that Mum had taken of me down the years. They lay at the bottom of the pool below the waterfall.
All we had were copies of the paintings that we’d downloaded from the Internet.
“Do you want to paint more pictures of me?” I asked Mum when we got back to Wales.
“Let’s get a look at you. Take your clothes off.”
I undressed for her and she looked at me, then sadly shook her head.
I turned and looked at myself in the mirror. A thirteen-year-old girl, who’d had her first period months earlier, looked back at me. She had fully formed breasts, small and firm, and curvy hips, and a little bush of blond hair was visible just above the lips of her vagina. I was now a woman, and I didn’t look at all innocent.
Mum and I looked at each other. We both knew it was hopeless. The little girl had gone. Any painting of me, however daring, would just be another piece of run-of-the-mill erotic art. We didn’t need to say anything.
“We gave them a run for their money, anyway,” Mum said, hugging me.
Had we achieved anything? Had we done anything to erode society’s horror of pictures of naked little girls? Had we opened a crack in society’s intolerance of child lovers? I’d like to think so, but don’t see any signs of it. Our pictures were not Lady Chatterley’s Lover, and there’s no revolution unfolding.
But I do have the satisfaction of knowing that three dozen happy customers are looking at me and, I hope, becoming aroused by my sexuality… and let’s not forget that all the pictures can still be found on the Internet.
And there’s my wonderful mother. Even if I can’t convey the innocence of a child, Mum still finds me desirable, and we are still lovers.
I lie in bed at night, next to my naked mother. We’ve just pleasured one another, and she is asleep. I’m thinking about the hundreds and thousands of men and women out there, their faces lit by the glow of their computer screens, looking at me, perhaps masturbating, and I bask in my own glow in the knowledge that I’ve made a lot of people very happy.
The End
Sisters in Love, Nifty, My Dirty Little Mind, Loli Sapphism…
This page is the index for some of our favorite stories previously published at other sites (with the exception, of course, of Leslita). We plan to continue expanding this collection as time allows. Readers, feel free to nominate good stories from other sites that you think should be included here. And have fun reading!
Stories sorted By Title
Click to sort By Author
Accidental Incest, by Fantac64
Shelly is part of a group of girls who like to take turns putting each other through bound and blindfolded sex play for fun. Things take a twisted turn when Shelly’s mom gets brought into the game.
Amanda and Her Mom, by Chrissy Larkin (originally posted at Nifty)
When Amanda’s ass hurts after a spanking from her father, Mom is there to make everything better.
Ann and Una, by Una (originally posted at Sisters in Love) – 6 chapters
A young girl’s experience in discovering sexuality, with some help from her best friend, and especially from her own big sister.
Another Night Wasted, by Jane Doe (originally posted at Sisters in Love) – 5 chapters
Jen is secretly in love with her big sister Lana, who sees that something is troubling her younger sibling, but doesn’t know what or why. Her discovery of Jen’s passion will shake up their lives in a big way.
Babysitting Kim, by Candy Kane (originally posted at Nifty)
When bi-curious teen Julie gets to look after twelve-year-old Kim for the weekend, she finds herself very much attracted to the younger girl. Little does she know that Kim has similar feelings for her babysitter.
Beneath the Mistletoe, by Author Unknown (from the library of JetBoy)
On one very special Christmas Eve, Diana is surprised to discover a sexual attraction to her mother-in-law Cora… an attraction that she can’t resist exploring.
Big Day for Susie, by Foxi (originally posted at Loliwood)
A young single mother wants naked photos of her eleven-year-old daughter… and she has a lesbian friend who is happy to take them.
Bridgette Learns, by Author Unknown (from the library of JetBoy)
When single mother Julia realizes her seven-year-old daughter Bridgette is learning how to give herself pleasure, she decides to offer the girl a helping hand.
Bus Ride With My Sister, by Author Unknown (from the library of JetBoy)
After living for too long with a helpless crush on her straight sister Shelley, Karma now intends to blackmail her into sex in a very public place. Things get even wilder than she anticipates.
The Camera Loves Her, by Sindy070 (originally posted at Lolliwood Studios in June 2011 under a different title )
Mary secretly lusts after her ten-year-old daughter Pippa… and when the girl gets the opportunity to work as a model, Karen, the photographer, sees and shares her mom’s desire.
Camping in France, by Wickedsmile (original posting site unknown) – three parts
The last thing in the world that Rose feels like doing is taking a camping trip with her mom in a foreign country… but they soon encounter a group of mothers and daughters who will change her mind in a very big way.
Caryn, by Randi Patterson (originally posted at the Nifty Archives) – 2 parts
Fourteen-year-old Kris is involved in a blissfully happy lesbian relationship with Terry, an older woman… but she also longs to explore love with her best friend Caryn. Luckily, Terry is willing to help her little lover realize this fantasy.
Catherine’s Submission, by Shuraz (originally posted at the Nifty Archives)
Catherine’s wild, irresponsible daughter Sandra is driving her to distraction. But on this one special night, Catherine will uncover the girl’s dark secret… and the truth about herself.
Cathy’s Story, by Anne (originally posted at Sisters in Love)
Fourteen-year-old Cathy is shocked when her big sister Kate pops into her bedroom one night, asking for a very unusual favor.
Cheryl and my Mother, by Author Unknown (from the library of JetBoy) – two parts so far.
Linda learns that her mother is the lesbian sex slave of her best friend. Things get interesting from there.
Cindy Takes Over, by Author Unknown (from the library of JetBoy)
Cindy is a girl who loves to be in charge, to tell other women and girls what to do… especially when it comes to Anne, her beautiful, devoted mother.
Closing the Deal, by Author Unknown (from the library of JetBoy)
To help persuade a potential big-deal client who happens to be a lesbian, Cheryl invites her college-age daughter Stacy along to do a little innocent flirting with the woman… but Stacy chooses to take things far beyond flirtation.
Crimson and Ivory, by Author Unknown (from the library of JetBoy)
A fairy tale of sorts, in which two sisters discover a wonderful new kind of love.
The Cuddle, by Chrissy Larkin (originally posted at the Nifty Archives)
While snuggling with her teenage daughter, a mother gets caught up in the beauty of the moment.
Dancing on the Edge, by Jos Mous (originally posted at Sisters in Love) – 4 chapters
Sam’s life becomes complicated when her younger sister Mac shows up on her doorstep, having been kicked out of house and home by their dad… and she won’t tell Sam why.
Daughter’s Best Friend, by Silkstockinglover (originally posted at Literotica)
Newly-divorced mother Lucy is ripe for seduction by her daughter’s best friend Amanda… and there’s an extra-special surprise waiting for Lucy after their first fuck.
Daughter’s Drawings, by Author Unknown (From the library of JetBoy)
When a mother confronts her daughter with the girl’s stash of kinky erotic drawings, it changes the dynamic between parent and child in a very surprising way.
A Daughter’s Gift, by Author Unknown (From the library of JetBoy)
Samantha’s hated husband is gone for good, thanks to her daughter Kelly’s testimony — but Samantha wonders if her child didn’t want Daddy out of the picture for reasons of her own…
Daughter’s Hunger, Mother’s Need, by Author Unknown (From the library of JetBoy)
Home for the holidays, Nikki is startled to discover that her mother Susan has developed a serious interest in mother-daughter lesbian erotica.
A Daughter’s Journey, by Author Unknown (From the library of JetBoy)
The youngest of three daughters, Emily finds herself unwilling to commit to marriage, disappointing her aristocratic father. Emily’s mother, though, has a very different plan for her daughter’s future.
Daughter’s Plea, by Tarkatony (originally posted at Literotica June 2004)
Jessica has been nursing some strange feelings for her mother for years… now, while out shopping with Mom, she decides to reveal her secret.
Dear Mom: I Want You!, by Kinky_Becky – 2 parts (originally posted at Lush Stories)
When Becky snoops through her mother’s private things and discovers that Mom has some very secret, very powerful passions, she decides to make use of this knowledge in an extremely risky way.
The Descent of Venus, by Mr. Toasty (originally posted at Sisters in Love)
When a teenage girl’s beloved cousin and aunt pay a visit for the first time in years, long-hidden passions are finally revealed.
The End of August, by Jane Doe (originally posted at Nifty) – 2 parts
Forced to be roommates at boarding school, twin sisters who do not get along find they have something in common.
The Halloween Party, by Ebo – 2 part.
When she sneaks out to go to a high school Halloween bash, thirteen-year-old Megan gets the opportunity to do something she’s never done before — have sex with another girl.
Eros and Agape, by Sarah (originally posted at Sisters in Love)
When her younger sister Allie pays Sarah a visit, they share a bed on the first night, leading them to discover a beautiful new kind of intimacy.
Family Practice, by DirtyMindedMom (originally posted at My Dirty Little Mind) – 5 chapters
When a girl arrives home for a visit after her first semester at college, she finds that her mother is full of questions for her and makes some kinky confessions.
A Farm Girl Finds Love, by Author Unknown
While her father is away, sixteen-year-old Lori discovers the secret passions of her stepmother Violet… and they excite her more than she could ever imagine.
Fighting Sisters, by LF (originally posted at Sisters in Love)
Two teenage sisters locked in endless conflict learn that hatred sometimes can conceal a very different kind of passion.
The Gift, by Author Unknown
Tanya possesses a mysterious power that allows her to fill the hearts of women and girls with desire… and after too many trials and tribulations to mention, she elects to put that power to use.
Girls Loving Girls, by Shay (originally posted at Nifty Archives)
A pair of lesbian twins, who also happen to be lovers, get the chance to add extra spice to an evening at home when a neighbor asks them to babysit her eleven-year-old daughter.
The Girls on the Train, by Author Unknown (from the library of JetBoy)
A lesbian drives away a man when he attempts to expose himself to two young girls on the tube train… and the girls reward her bravery in a most delightful way.
Good Things Come in Threes, by Shay (originally posted at Sisters in Love)
Recovering from a painful breakup, Raven finds love and comfort in the arms of her mother… and her mother’s wife.
Goodnight, by Jody and Lisa (originally posted at Sisters in Love)
After Jenny is thrown out by her parents for being gay, she crashes at her sister’s apartment — and discovers she isn’t alone in her love for other girls.
Guilty Love, by Xarth (originally posted at Literotica February 2012)
Obsessed with her younger sister Lindsay, Andrea is unable to stop herself from exploring the girl’s body while she sleeps — a dangerous game that quickly leads to complications.
The Gymnast, by Author Unknown
A lesbian gymnastics instructor finds herself smitten by a new student, a lovely girl of fourteen, and determines to do something about it.
A Helping Hand, by Author Unknown (from the library of JetBoy)
When Cassy temporarily loses the use of her arm after a car accident, her mother Kate decides to temporarily help the girl take care of her intimate needs — but quickly realizes that she enjoys pleasuring her daughter much more than she ought to.
Her Last Touch, by Marie Marshall (originally posted at Sisters in Love)
On their final evening together, two estranged sisters temporarily reconcile in a surprisingly passionate way.
Her Mother’s Revelation, by Marie Marshall (From the library of JetBoy)
When Jackie comes out to her teenage daughter Edie, the girl is eager to know more — much more.
Hidden in the Snow, by Funtoppings – 5 chapters (originally posted at Literotica April 2014)
On a ski trip with her mother, aunt, and cousin, Julie makes a very shocking discovery about the women in her family.
Home Alone, by Ebo – 9 chapters so far (February 2015)
Twelve-year-old Riley begins to investigate the subject of sex and is surprised to discover her growing interest in girls.
How it Happened With Mom, by Author Unknown (from the library of JetBoy)
A young woman finds herself feeling a certain attraction to her mother… and when the opportunity arises for her to make a move, she seizes it with both hands.
Intimate Flowers, by Christene (originally posted at Sisters in Love) – 2 parts
While trying to save a foundering relationship with her partner Meredith, Carmen finds a truer, more passionate love… in the last place she expected it to be.
The Joy of Girls, by Author Unknown – 4 chapters so far (from the library of JetBoy)
It is the night of Lea’s initiation ceremony, where she shall learn the sweet, secret delights of love with a certain special woman.
Just Being With You, by Christene (originally posted at Nifty Archive – September 2002)
Sixteen-year-old Alexis has been madly in love with her own mother for over a year, afraid to share her true feelings. This evening, she will somehow summon up the courage she needs.
Just Try It, by Kids Loving Kids
Jen goes down on her four-year-old sister for the amusement — and pleasure — of her friends.
Kate and Lisa, by Haley Statton (originally posted at Nifty Archive – January 2004) – 2 parts
Lisa’s first visit to the gynecologist leaves the girl thinking that she might be a lesbian… which has the cute teen looking at her mother Kate in a whole new light.
Lea and the High Priestess, by Candy Kane (originally posted at Nifty Archive – January 1999)
It is the night of Lea’s initiation ceremony, where she shall learn the sweet, secret delights of love with a certain special woman.
Like a Dream, by Serret (originally posted at Literotica – August 2010)
Ada feels humiliation when her sister Katrina catches her masturbating while they share a bed — then her sibling responds in a way that catches Ada completely by surprise. Is she dreaming… or is Katrina really coming on to her?
Linda, Cathy, and Sandy, by Cathy Uy (originally posted at Sisters in Love)
Things get ugly when Cathy gets caught spying on big sister Sandy’s lesbian activities — then things get very interesting indeed.
Little Flirt, by Author Unknown (from the library of JetBoy)
A mysterious encounter in a restaurant between a woman and a little girl, both strangers, will make their evening particularly enjoyable.
Little Girl Lost, by Author Unknown (from the library of JetBoy)
When sisters are more than just good friends.
Love Letter, by Rachael Ross (original source unknown)
A teenage girl has an unexpected, scary, and extremely thrilling first sexual encounter in a public place.
Lucky Charm, by Shay (originally posted at Sisters in Love)
When sisters are more than just good friends.
Melissa’s Lover, by Author Unknown (from the library of JetBoy)
In which we learn the tantalizing truth about Melissa and her very secret, very forbidden lover.
Midnight Clear, by Mia Ireland (originally posted at Nifty)
Christmas Eve is an especially loving time for little Ammy and her mama.
Mom’s Madness, by Author Unknown (from the library of JetBoy)
When Nora’s mother wants to share a bath with her daughter, the young woman figures that it’s just Mom being especially affectionate. But Nora will soon discover that her mother has much more in mind than simply getting clean.
Mommy Loves to Lick, by Author Unknown (from the library of JetBoy)
When her eleven-year-old daughter Cindy complains of experiencing odd feelings “down there,” her mother Lori is all too eager to teach the child some very interesting things about her body.
Moonlight Dancers, by Ebo (originally posted at Loli Sapphism) – 3 parts
Kelly, a dance teacher, is infatuated with 12-year-old Vicky… and things get complicated when she is asked to babysit the girl.
A Mother’s Touch, by DirtyMindedMom (originally posted at My Dirty Little Mind)
No one else can do it like Mom can do it.
Mother-Daughter Weekend, by Haley Statton – 2 parts
A weekend in a fancy hotel brings Julie and her teenage daughter Stacy closer than ever before.
My Daughter and I Begin, by Author Unknown (From the library of JetBoy)
A single mother loves to take her little girl Jenny’s panties to bed with her… then one night, she gets something even nicer: Jenny herself.
My Daughter Dearest, by Anne240
A divorced mother is horrified at first to learn that her daughter is exploring lesbian sex, but finds herself growing more interested in the idea with the passing of time.
My Daughter the Swan, by Author Unknown
Home from her freshman year of college, 19-year-old Ruby looks better than ever to her mother Simone who, since her divorce, has been mostly enjoying herself with other women. Ruby’s casual nudity isn’t making things easier for Simone, who is starting to have unnerving fantasies about her daughter. Will she give in to temptation?
My Forbidden Fantasy, by Author Unknown (From the library of JetBoy)
A young girl with a secret crush on her mother gets the chance to do something about it at a private modeling session.
My Little Japanese Lover, by Author Unknown (From the library of JetBoy)
While vacationing in a ritzy hotel, a lesbian teacher meets an adorable young Japanese girl who is curious about the ways of love.
My Lonely Mother, by Maverick (From Sex4Stories February 2018) – 2 parts
Hannah’s mother has gone through a painful divorce and has yet to recover. On one special Valentine’s Day, Hannah is determined to show her mom just how special — and how loved — she really is.
My Mother, the Escort, by Author Unknown (From the library of JetBoy)
Upon discovering that her mother is an escort for lesbian women, Kim wants in on the action. She gets her wish… and then some!
My Sister’s Honeymoon, by Ginny Walker (originally posted at Sisters in Love)
When Jeanie’s fiance skips out on her just before the wedding, she invites her big sister Mindy to join her on the already-paid-for honeymoon… a trip that will bring the sisters closer in some very interesting ways.
My Wedding Day, by Stacy Simmons (Originally posted at the Nifty Archive)
When Emily is abandoned at the altar by a fickle boyfriend, her mother Julia is there to teach her the true meaning of love.
My Wild Honey Daughter, by Author Unknown (From the library of JetBoy)
A small-town woman with hidden lesbian desires shares a sweet, sticky afternoon of passion with the last person she could have imagined.
The Notebook, by Ebo – 11 chapters so far
Thirteen-year-old Dana is stunned to discover that her stepmother Penny knows about the erotic fiction she writes for the Lesbian Lolita website… and puzzled that Penny doesn’t seem upset about it.
Nothing To Be Ashamed Of, by Anne (originally posted at Sisters in Love)
A sisterly chat about masturbation gets deliciously out of hand.
One Sister’s Confession, by Anne (originally posted at Sisters in Love)
When sisters share their kinky desires with one another…
Passion Hidden, Passion Realized, by Author Unknown (From the library of JetBoy) 2 parts
Visiting her daughter Ellen after a messy divorce, Julia is unsettled by certain feelings while in Ellen’s presence. As for Ellen, she finds herself appreciating her mum’s mature beauty in a new and unexpected way.
Pictures of Mom, by Author Unknown (From the library of JetBoy)
Marina, a professional photographer who specializes in female nudes, is presented with an unusual subject for an intimate session: her own mother.
Pint-Sized Picasso, by Ebo
Miranda is a lonely teenage girl who lands a job looking after an eleven-year-old named Tanya… a girl who especially likes doing erotic drawings of her new babysitter.
Play Date, by Author Unknown (from the library of JetBoy)
Audrey takes her ten-year-old daughter Kelsey to visit Sarah and her daughter Ashley for a weekend play date, where the attraction the two mothers feel towards one another will lead to unexpected developments.
Posing With My Daughter, by mal (originally posted at Lush Stories)
A woman persuades her teenage daughter to pose with her in an erotic photo session, which adds an intriguing new sensibility to their relationship.
Princess on Holiday, by Author Unknown (from the library of JetBoy)
While vacationing in Italy, Princess Diana gets an opportunity to explore some very secret, very forbidden desires.
Prom Night, by Author Unknown (from the library of JetBoy)
A shy, awkward wallflower is taken to the Junior Prom by her own mother, then to a fancy hotel for a special ending to their evening.
Pursuit of Happiness, by Christene (originally posted at Sisters in Love) – 2 parts
America, circa 1944: Two sisters are separated by war — and by love. Will fate bring them together once more?
Redheads Waiting, by PanWhoWrites (originally posted at Literotica) – 2 parts
Gradually realizing that she feels sexual desire for her twin daughters, Joanna figures out a novel way to get the girls thinking along the same lines.
Secrets Between Sisters, by DirtyMindedMom (originally posted at My Dirty Little Mind) – 3 parts
Vicky and her sister Dana remember old times … and explore new intimacies.
Sena, Elle, and Me, by Author Unknown (from the library of JetBoy)
When a single mother gets involved with a woman after her divorce, she is surprised to discover that her new lover Sena is attracted to her daughter Elle as well.
Sharing With Erin, by Author Unknown (from the library of JetBoy)
In bed with a new lover, Jenny shares the story of how she and her mother first became sexually intimate.
Sharon’s New Lover, by Author Unknown (from the library of JetBoy)
Sharon is a young girl of thirteen who is passionately in love with her own mother, but has no idea what to do about it. Luckily, Mom is willing to give her daughter a guiding hand.
Shooting with Helena, by Cassie (originally posted at Sisters in Love) – 7 chapters
Cassie is persuaded by younger sister Helena to team up with her for an erotic photo session. She is uneasy about the whole idea at first, but it will lead to Cassie making some thrilling discoveries about her sibling — and herself.
Silver Lining, by Cassie (originally posted at Sisters in Love) – 6 chapters
After a painful breakup and a thus-far fruitless search for the birth sister she’d never known she had, Justine goes on holiday — and is surprised to find herself exploring the erotic possibilities of sex with another woman.
The Sister I Never Knew, by Author Unknown
A young lesbian is astonished to discover that she has a half-sister she’d never known existed — a Vietnamese girl, the daughter of her Marine father. She’s also surprised by how lovely and desirable her new sibling happens to be…
Sketching My Sister, by GrandMoff (originally posted at Sisters in Love) – 2 parts
Sixteen-year-old Bara is a fledgling painter whose life as an artist — and as a woman — will change in a big way when older sister Ame becomes her model.
Snooks, by Shay (originally posted at Sisters in Love)
Two sisters, each so different — like night and day, moonlight and sunshine. But on this night they complete each other and the two will become one.
Strip For Me, by Alexander Hall (originally posted at Nifty)
Angelina’s mother works as a very successful stripper. For her eighteenth birthday, the girl only wants one thing: a private performance from Mom.
Sweet Sister, by Alfie Atkins (originally posted at Sisters in Love) – 3 parts
Marisa and her older sister love to snuggle together in the same bed… which, on one very special night, leads to a lot more than just sleeping.
Tabitha’s Initiation, by Amy K (originally posted at Sisters in Love) – 2 parts
When teen cousins Amy and Samantha are caught making love by Sam’s younger sister Tabitha, they decide that it’s always nicer — not to mention safer — to share.
Thinking About My Sister, by Author Unknown (from the library of JetBoy) 2 parts
Two years ago, Leah and her sister Louisa realized that they each felt a sexual attraction for the other… but refused to act on it. Now together for the first time in a long while, are they finally ready to give in to their secret passion?
This is Love, by Jan Vincent (originally posted at Sisters in Love) 2 parts.
Annie is a closeted lesbian who has a secret crush on her older sister Lisa. When she ends up attending the same college as Lisa and even rooming with her, Annie discovers that big sister has a secret of her own.
Three Generations of Lovers, by Author Unknown
When eleven-year-old Misty discovers that her mother and aunt are secret lovers, the only person she can think to tell is her grandmother — and that just makes the situation even more interesting!
Thunder Island, by Wickedsmile (originally posting place unknown) 2 chapters so far.
High-schooler Brooke is thoroughly depressed about her new home on an Alaskan island in the middle of nowhere, but Mom knows a lovely way to make her feel better.
A Thing to Cling To, by GrandMoff (originally posted at Sisters in Love)
One girl’s personal account of some very confusing feelings she has for her sister — and what those feelings led to.
To Banbury Cross, by Author Unknown (from the library of JetBoy)
A young lesbian develops a major crush on her lover’s ten-year-old sister, then gets the opportunity to do something about it.
Triumph of the Muses, by Jan Vincent (originally post at Nifty July 2011)
In ancient Greek mythology, the nine Muses were the inspirational goddesses of literature, science, and the arts. This is their story.
Twin Brides, by Jan Vincent (originally post at Sisters in Love)
Brenda has fantasized for years about, one day, marrying her twin sister Sylvia. A silly dream, perhaps… but sometimes even silly dreams can come true.
Two Sisters, One Second, by Cartman94 (originally posted at Literotica)
Lana finds herself struggling with a secret crush on her big sister Brianna. Some secrets, however, are awfully hard to keep…
Way Better, by Your Ghost (originally posted at The Kristen Archives)
Melissa is puzzled when Mom wants to watch a sexy movie about lesbians with her… but the twelve-year-old girl will soon find out that her mother chose that particular film for a reason.
The Wedding Present, by Right There
Nell is minutes away from marrying a solid, dependable guy… but then her big sister Bobbi shows up unexpectedly with a strap-on cock, intent on reminding Nell who she really belongs to.
A Week in the Life, by Regina A (originally posted at Nifty) 2 parts.
Single mother Carol is having a very interesting day. First, she discovers that her teenage daughter Paula is exploring lesbian sex, then she finds a new female friend for herself on a chat site.
What Do You Want?, by Shay (originally posted at Sisters in Love)
A mysterious coming-of-age ceremony gives Carolyn the opportunity to express the forbidden desire she’s always kept secret — even from herself.
When the Lights Went Out?, by Author Unknown (from the library of JetBoy) 2 parts
A middle-aged single mother finds herself involved in a torrid love affair with her daughter’s best friend. Complications arise.
Sharon blushed and moved to where her daughter sat. “Lie down,” she said.
As Susan did as her mother said, Sharon looked directly into her eyes. She was searching for the answer to a very important question: Do you really want to do this or are you just going along?
Susan was now on her back, her legs splayed open, exposing her immature slit for everyone to see. But what the girl’s pussy lacked in maturity, it made up for with desire. The inner lips were the color of the pinkest coral, and the nub of her clit was protruding slightly from its tiny cavern of flesh. She had also recently started producing quite a lot of fluids when she became aroused, and it was evident now.
Sharon noticed the copious amount of cream that coated her daughter’s inner labia. Then again, what would she expect? They had spent the past ten minutes watching Beverly licking her own nine-year-old daughter’s pussy, and both Sharon and her daughter, Susan, had openly played with themselves while happily observing a brazen sex act that was forbidden everywhere in the world. Or at least everywhere but here.
Sharon had heard of such things happening, of course, and both modern and ancient literature were filled with overt references to lesbianism and all kinds of incest, not to mention bestiality, as in the story of Leda and the Swan, among many others. Therefore, she knew that whatever form of sex could be conceived in the mind had taken place numerous times throughout history.
Still, stumbling upon a literary text as opposed to actually committing lesbian incest with your eleven-year-old daughter was like the difference between reading about climbing a mountain and actually climbing one. She felt many opposing emotions. Fear and courage. Shame and audacity. Excitement and. . . . No, she realized she did not feel the opposite of that. There was only the excitement, blatantly sexual in nature.
Still, she was shocked in a way that this had been the outcome of what she was certain at the beginning of the chat would be a mere talk about the adults’ need for intimacy with each other. Where had the conversation shifted to the inclusion of their two children?
All of these thoughts powered through her mind in a matter of seconds as she stared down at the young mound of Venus she knew she was about to perform oral love upon. Yes, she knew that this intimate act of sexual love was what she would be doing soon, regardless of her thoughts concerning the two sides of the decision. Her mouth watered for the taste of her daughter’s juices, even though she’d only tasted her own, which was a private act she had never dared to share with another living soul. The fact that she loved her own flavor always made her wonder if she were truly a woman who was interested in lesbian sex.
And the oddest thing about the answer was that her first female partner would be her own young daughter, a girl who had been right there since birth.
“Are you okay with this?” she asked Susan. “We can stop right now if you want to.”
“Do you want to?” Susan asked, slight disappointment showing in the way her mouth turned down slightly at the question her mother had asked.
“Only if you do,” Sharon said. “I could always make love with Beverly.”
“Is it okay if I say I want you to do it to me and not Beverly?”
“Sure, honey. I would love to. I never thought about it before, but now it seems… natural,” Sharon said. “But it’s okay if I do it with Beverly later, isn’t it?”
Susan grinned. “Can Karen and I watch?”
Sharon couldn’t believe this conversation was even happening. She wondered if she had fallen asleep and was dreaming this entire episode. She feared she might awaken any moment and find it was actually near midnight, and this had been a fantasy taking over her mind during sleep.
“If you wish, and as long as Beverly doesn’t mind.”
“Beverly doesn’t mind anything, except how long it’s taking the two of you to start,” Beverly said, laughing.
Sharon and Susan laughed with her and Sharon lay on her tummy, her head positioned over the bald mound that she’d wiped and cleaned when Susan was a baby. Once again her mouth watered. She wondered if Susan’s cream would taste different from her own.
Well, there was one way to find out.
Susan watched as her mother lowered her mouth to her mound. She felt the first contact, and pleasure bathed her body the way light bathed a room when someone lit a candle. Soon, she could feel her mother’s tongue prancing along the inside of her slit, dipping into the various small crevices formed by her inner and outer lips and caressing the magic button near the top of the child’s immature ribbons of sensitive flesh.
Susan lay back to enjoy this. She’d never thought about any kind of sex with her mom. She’d thought about sex and wondered what it would be like. She had played with herself down there for quite a while as well. However, she had never considered anyone as a partner before. Now she would have three! She realized she couldn’t wait to try out sex with Beverly and Karen. But she especially wanted to return the pleasure her mother was now giving her.
With her eyes closed, she could concentrate on the feelings. She felt as though her body had awakened from a slumber to find that sensuality had taken over.
The twinges in her little lady were beginning to happen more rapidly than ever before. She had always enjoyed the feel of her hands on her special place, but this was different. This felt like magic, as if she were being put into some type of trance where the entire universe was happy.
Her nipples itched with pleasure as well. This was the first time she had noticed any connection between good feelings below creating good feelings in her nipples. The little caps that rested on her boobs tingled, so she brought her hands up to them and gently pinched the nipples, giving them added pleasure to accompany the wonderful feelings that were coursing throughout her body like a runaway train.
Sharon couldn’t believe her daughter’s taste. She had always loved her own juices that would spill from her when she became excited like this. Her daughter’s, however, tasted fresher, more flavorful. It was like the difference between a good wine and a cheap one. Her fluids — the cheap wine — tasted good enough. Susan’s fluids, by comparison, were like a bottle of the best wine from the Bordeaux region of France.
Sharon suddenly realized she could be happy having no other sexual partners besides the girls and Beverly.
Louder moans and meaningless verbal noise came from Susan while her mother licked her secret place. She could tell something big was about to happen, but she just didn’t know what. Her breathing started hitching in her throat and her mouth dried up from the panting. Her head tossed from side to side as small gasps of delight and what had been unknown depths of desire punctuated her groans and whimpers of joy.
Sharon could feel her daughter tensing up involuntarily for her first orgasm. The child’s body knew what the conscious brain did not. The girl’s pleasure grew on breathless squeals and panting moans.
Susan’s life changed in an instant. One moment she was enjoying the wonderful sensations brought on by her mother’s exploring lips and tongue but still unaware of the intense pleasure that was hers for life now. The next moment she was howling her spasms to the wind.
The young girl was aware of the shivering bolts of pleasure as they zipped from her mound to her scalp, to her fingertips, and to her toes. Ripples of joy and a longing to experience this again shivered through her. Susan was hooked for life now. She hoped to have one of these feelings once a day, if not more often.
Susan was soon lying on her back, the others staring down at her nudity. She grinned and waved her fingers at her mother and their friends.
“Congratulations on your first orgasms, girls,” Beverly said. “What do you think of them?”
“They’re great!” Karen said, grinning.
“I love them,” Susan said before she stretched her body, raising her arms above her head where her hand almost knocked over one of the water jugs.
“Well, I think we should pair up again, but this time the two women will partner and the two girls can do the same. If you don’t want to do anything with each other, that’s fine,” Beverly said. “But I’m dripping, I’m so excited, and I really must reach an orgasm.” She turned to Sharon. “What about you? Do you want to have some fun with me?”
In reply, Sharon just walked up to Beverly and kissed her, the women’s tongues scurrying around inside each other’s mouths.
Susan and Karen watched their mothers kissing. Susan turned to Karen and said, “Let’s watch for a while, okay?” Karen nodded. She was getting tingly again already from just seeing her mother and Sharon kissing.
Beverly cupped Sharon’s breast and flicked the nipple several times with her thumb, causing the flesh to pucker in anticipation. A small moan escaped Sharon as the sensations spread throughout her body. Beverly thought about how at long last she would have a partner to enjoy these times with. Then it occurred to her. She wouldn’t have one partner, but three.
Sharon broke the kiss and trailed a series of small pecks down along the side of Beverly’s throat, moving along the shoulder, and finally coming to rest on the woman’s nipple. She sucked it, teasing it with her teeth, and dancing on it with her tongue.
Beverly could feel her breathing change from slow, deep breaths to nearly panting. She missed having her breasts made love to in this way. She could pinch her own nipples, but that could not compare with having someone worship her breasts with their lips, tongue, and teeth. And although her late husband had spent time making love to her breasts, it was the memory from her puberty, the first time her friend had done this to her newly developing breasts, that sprang to mind while Sharon suckled her.
Beverly shifted her gaze to their daughters. Both Susan and Karen were rapt while watching what their mothers were doing to each other. Small grins spread on their beautiful faces. They were on their tummies, and Beverly looked at their little butts. She wanted to squeeze the firm flesh, but that would wait until later. Beverly noticed that both girls had snaked their hands under their bodies, where she could tell they were each playfully stroking their clits. She could see the lust in their eyes as each soft touch they gave themselves increased their desires.
Now that they had permission to touch themselves openly, Beverly wondered if this would become a nearly daily occurrence, to see them touching themselves, bringing the wonderful explosions with touches that would become more capable with time and practice. She knew that if she had been allowed such liberties, she would have brought herself orgasms every day since discovering them, especially during her puberty.
Sharon’s hand swam down Beverly’s sensitive skin to her mound. Parting the labia and hair, her middle finger traced the furrow between her lips and stroked Beverly’s clit for the first time. This brought a small gasp from Beverly, a gasp that was echoed by their audience of two.
Susan could not believe what was happening. She had watched her mother on more than one occasion, but she had decided maybe she shouldn’t mention that in her confession. Now they would all be able to do whatever they liked whenever they liked. And now that her mound had experienced that mysterious explosion, it seemed much less elusive. Her hand had wandered down to her slit almost immediately after the girls had begun watching their mothers make love, and already she could feel the first hint of another orgasm heading her way.
She had noticed that when she had started touching herself that Karen had copied her actions. Now both of them were masturbating. She wondered if Karen would be able to bring herself an orgasm. Susan decided that if the girl had trouble with achieving one, she would be glad to help.
She pictured herself pressing her mouth to Karen’s mound, and that was when her next orgasm struck. “Ah! Ah! Ah!” she grunted, as the waves crashed over her. She felt rather than saw Karen shift herself to watch her as she peaked.
When Susan once again opened her eyes, she saw near desperation in Karen’s eyes. Her friend had turned over onto her back, and now her hand was flying over her mound, doing its best to bring that wonderful feeling.
Susan leaned over and kissed Karen, copying what she’d seen their mothers doing just minutes ago, and the young girl kissed her back, complete with tongue. Susan reached over Karen, who was now turned to face her, and put her hand on the little girl’s buttocks, squeezing the firm flesh.
The girls scooted closer to each other and were soon wrapped in a lover’s embrace. Now Karen’s hand had been replaced by Susan’s thigh, and the little girls humped each other.
Karen, like Susan, realized that she now recognized the signs of an approaching orgasm. She felt it building inside her and knew she would reach her peak soon.
Beverly and Sharon were now lying down as well, but they had assumed a different position. They were head to cunt, and each was enjoying the taste of the other. They had stopped momentarily when they’d heard Susan reach her orgasm, and now they could hear little Karen as she trembled out her own climax. Each woman glanced at their daughters and saw them humping each other’s thigh, with Karen pressing herself against Susan with all her strength as she peaked. Beverly could see the tight muscles of her daughter’s buttocks clenching rhythmically as the orgasm shook the young girl.
The women returned to each other with renewed lust. Their tongues slashed along each other’s wet vaginal slits, pressing against clits and relishing the taste of the other’s juices.
Beverly reached her climax first, and Sharon was there moments later. Spasms rocked each woman until they lay there beneath the lean-to and regained their breath.
When they looked at their daughters, the girls had managed to copy their mothers. Each girl was now licking the other’s mound, performing oral sex for the first time. And apparently loving it.
After the girls had both reached their peak, they looked at their mothers and blushed.
“It’s okay, girls,” Beverly said.
“Yes, you may do that whenever you wish in your free time,” Sharon added.
“As long as it’s okay for us to join you if we want,” Beverly said with a chuckle.
Continue on to Chapter 4