By Amanda Lynn
Lisa and Charlie spent the rest of the morning going from store to store in town looking at all the clothes. Lisa ending up buying at least three items from each of the dozen stores they browsed through. But she didn’t mind. She absolutely loved it and wondered if she would have done the same thing if she had had a daughter.
They picked out shirts and blouses, pants, shorts, skirts and all the necessary undergarments. They bought some new shoes and sneakers and a couple of jackets. It occurred to Lisa that she would need to purchase a set of luggage for Charlie to put it all in when she finally left. She tried to push that thought out of her mind, though. Lisa didn’t want to think about the inevitable. She didn’t want to lose Charlie.
Charlie was beside herself with excitement. In every store they visited she would pick out several items and then dash off to the changing room to try each one of them on. Once dressed in a new outfit, she would parade up and down the aisle as if she was a fashion model on the runways of Paris or Milan. Charlie would giggle as Lisa applauded her performance. The outfit that received the loudest ovation went in the shopping cart.
As noon rolled around, they were both getting tired and hungry. Putting the last of their bounty in the trunk of the car, they headed off to McAlister’s for their lunch date with Sheryl.
McAlister’s wasn’t a large restaurant. It had only about a dozen booths and a few tables, but enjoyed a warm, cozy feel along with a splendid view of the waterfront. They picked a booth by the window. Charlie slid in first, and Lisa sat beside her. A waitress soon arrived with menus and utensils.
“Hello. Can I get you ladies anything to drink?” she asked as she handed them a large laminated menu.
“We’re a bit early,” Lisa began as the waitress placed the napkin-wrapped utensils on the table. “There will be one more person joining us. But I’ll have a coffee while we wait, please.”
“Sure. How about you, hon?” the woman asked, looking at Charlie.
“Just water for me, please.”
The waitress smiled and walked away only to return a few minutes later with their drinks and a third set of utensils. As she finished setting everything on the table, Lisa saw Sheryl enter the restaurant and approach their booth.
In typical Sheryl style, her Saturday clothing choices would not have instilled the image of a successful corporate lawyer in the minds of anyone who didn’t know her. She wore a black fleece-lined leather vest festooned with little pins from the many places she and her Harley-Davidson had visited. That garment was over a gray zip-up hoodie with a logo of her favorite team, the Vancouver Canucks, emblazoned on the front. Her legs were covered by a matching pair of sweatpants with the same logo on the right hip.
Despite her not so fashionable attire, Sheryl was still an attractive woman. Her 5-foot-9-inch body was a temple, and she kept it lean and fit. Lisa loved running her fingers over Sheryl’s belly, tracing the sculpted definition of her abs. Sheryl refrained from things such as tattoos and piercings, except for a single hole in each earlobe that held a gold stud. In contrast, however, she often would dye her very short hair in a fluorescent shade of any of the primary colors. Today it was blue.
“I’ll have a coffee, please,” Sheryl said to the waitress upon reaching the table. The woman nodded and walked off.
Lisa stood and greeted her friend with a big hug and a kiss — a kiss that Charlie thought was a bit too friendly.
As they took their seats in the booth, Lisa noticed Sheryl looking at Charlie with a puzzled expression.
“Charlie,” said Lisa, “this is my dear friend Sheryl. Sheryl, this is my new friend Charlie.”
“Hello, Charlie,” Sheryl nodded, still confused.
“Hi,” Charlie replied shyly.
Sheryl studied them both for a few moments without speaking. She was about to say something when the waitress placed the cup of coffee down in front of her.
“Do you need a few more minutes? Or do you know what you want?”
“I want fish’n’chips!” Charlie announced too loudly, then quickly covered her mouth when she realized what she’d done. “Sorry,” the girl squeaked, blushing with embarrassment.
All three women laughed at the outburst.
“How many pieces, honey?” asked the waitress.
“Um, just one,” Charlie answered, more quietly this time.
“A club on whole wheat for me,” said Lisa. “Hold the fries.”
“I’m going to have… a garden salad with vinaigrette dressing,” said Sheryl.
The waitress put her order pad back into her apron, then collected the menus and left. Sheryl said to Lisa, “You look sort of… different. More, I don’t know, radiant. Like you just got—”
Sheryl suddenly stopped speaking. She peered into Lisa’s eyes, then over at Charlie, who was busy looking out the window at the boats in the harbor, then turned back to Lisa. Sheryl’s eyes opened wide as if she’d realized something shocking. She slid out of the booth, motioning toward Lisa to follow her.
“What’s going on?” Charlie asked, when Lisa started getting up.
Lisa could see the concern on the girl’s face. “It’s okay, sweetie,” she said with a reassuring smile. “You just wait here while I talk to Sheryl for a sec.”
“All right.”
As Lisa neared Sheryl, who was standing a short distance away, the woman glanced furtively around ensuring they could talk without being overheard. Then she leaned close, “Lisa — please tell me you didn’t!”
“Didn’t what?” Lisa snapped, pulling back.
“Kidnap her,” Sheryl said, indicating Charlie with a sidelong glance. Lisa looked toward the booth, and saw that Charlie was watching them intently.
Feeling insulted by her friend’s accusation, she turned back to Sheryl and retorted, “What kind of person do you think I am?!”
Sheryl shot back in a hushed voice, “I think you’re a horny lesbian with a fetish for little girls.”
“I was drunk when I told you that — and it’s not a fetish, it’s a fantasy!” Lisa fumed, then turned on her heel and returned to the booth with Sheryl right behind.
The two women sat in silence for a few moments, while Charlie fidgeted in her seat looking back and forth between them.
“Is everything okay?” Charlie asked meekly.
“Everything is fine, sweetie,” Lisa answered, pinching her cheek. Charlie smiled, then turned to look out the window again, kneeling on the bench.
“Sweetie?” Sheryl repeated, an eyebrow raised.
“Why do you have to be so damned judgmental all the time?”
“I’m a lawyer. That’s what I do,” Sheryl responded, a smile creeping across her face. “Now, what was it you needed me for?”
“I want you to help me find someone. Her aunt.”
“Do I look like Colombo?” Sheryl asked sarcastically.
“Sheryl, please, this is important!”
Lisa recounted the events of the past 24 hours, sans sex scenes, offering a brief account of Charlie’s miserable life after her mother died. When she finished speaking, she sat quietly, looking into her friend’s eyes.
Charlie was still staring out the window but wasn’t watching the boats anymore. She was listening intently to the conversation going on behind her.
“Okay,” Sheryl nodded. “I have a few colleagues who owe me favors. I’ll see what I can do.”
“Thank you,” said Lisa, as she took a folded piece of paper out of her jacket pocket and slid it across the table. “This is all the info I have on her aunt.”
Sheryl placed her hand on top of Lisa’s and held it. She studied her friend’s face some more. “You’re really hoping that I can’t find her… aren’t you?”
Lisa held Sheryl’s gaze. “You know me too well.”
That was all she had to say. Sheryl instantly knew the truth.
Charlie was still looking out the window. Her unseen tears had stopped now, and a smile danced across her face. Lisa wants me to stay! she thought happily.
It wasn’t long before their lunch arrived, and the three filled the time with friendly chit-chat while they enjoyed the food. When Sheryl finished her salad, she patted her mouth with the napkin.
“Well, guys, I need to get going,” she said, sliding out of the booth. “I’ll let you know as soon as I find out anything.” She zipped up her hoodie.
“Okay. Thanks again, and I’ve got lunch,” Lisa said as Sheryl leaned in and kissed her on the mouth.
“Damn straight,” Sheryl grinned, then waved to the girl. “Bye, Charlie. It was nice meeting you.”
“Bye!” said Charlie.
“Oh! By the way,” Sheryl announced as she reached the door, “I’m still going to charge you triple.” She gave a wink. Then she was gone.
Lisa sat back in the booth and sipped her second cup of coffee. She looked over at Charlie who was finishing off the last of her french fries.
“Room for dessert?” Lisa asked.
Charlie shook her head. “No, thanks.”
“Me neither,” said Lisa. She fished her credit card out of her wallet and handed it to the waitress just as she arrived at the table.
“I guess that means you’re all done then,” said the woman, taking the card. “How was everything?”
“Great, as usual,” Lisa answered, as she punched her pin into the portable debit machine and waited for the receipt. Once the transaction was complete, Lisa and Charlie headed out to the car.
“Would you like to go see a movie?” Lisa asked, unlocking the doors.
“Sure!” Charlie replied with a smile as she climbed inside and fastened her seatbelt.
They arrived at the theater just in time to catch the start of the newest Disney flick. As they walk into the dimly lit auditorium, they could see that it was mostly empty. A dozen or so people sat in the center rows. Charlie picked a row closer to the back and moved to a seat near the middle. They sat down as the last preview trailer finished and the main feature began.
The movie was a little more than half over when Lisa felt Charlie put a hand on her knee. Thinking the girl wanted to hold her hand, Lisa tried to take it in hers. She was surprised when Charlie pushed her hand away, then placed her own back on her knee.
Puzzled, Lisa looked over at Charlie. Her gaze was fixed intently on the screen. With a shrug, Lisa turned her attention back to the feature.
Soon after, she felt Charlie’s hand sliding slowly up her leg, stroking and caressing her thigh through her jeans while gradually moving closer to her pussy. Lisa felt herself becoming excited as she wondered just how far the girl would dare to go.
Her question was quickly answered. Charlie’s hand moved directly onto her crotch and began to rub her there. Lisa opened her legs a bit. Charlie applied more pressure as she continued rubbing. Lisa was getting quite warm, starting to sweat, and her breath quickened when Charlie fumbled with the button at the top of her jeans.
“Undo your pants,” Charlie whispered, while keeping her eyes on the movie screen.
Lisa’s heart was racing. She looked around the theater. No one was seated near them, and they almost certainly wouldn’t be seen. But still, she was nervous. The thought of doing something so risqué made Lisa’s pulse quicken and her pussy beg for attention.
Making a decision, she undid the button on her jeans and pulled down the zipper. Charlie pushed her hand inside, caressing Lisa’s pussy through her satin panties. Lisa moaned quietly. Charlie continued massaging until she could feel the woman’s juices begin to dampen the material, and her fingers.
Lisa couldn’t concentrate on the movie at all anymore. Instead, she closed her eyes and just enjoyed the sensation of Charlie’s touch. Little bolts of lightning fired in her center. Lisa tried to spread her legs a little more when she felt Charlie attempting to put her hand down the front of her panties. The waistband, however, restricted her access.
“Pull them down,” Charlie commanded.
“No, I can’t do that,” Lisa protested. “What if someone comes by?”
Charlie stilled her hand. Lisa was insane with desire. She was so turned on by Charlie’s advances, especially in this public place. This was an entirely new experience for her. Her mind was reeling, and she wanted to scream.
Her lust finally got the better of her. Lisa hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her panties. Lifting her bum, she pushed both jeans and panties down to her knees, then scooted down in the seat, spreading her legs open as far as she could. She waited for Charlie to take the next step.
The girl didn’t respond for what seemed like an agonizingly long time. Finally her hand moved to Lisa’s soaked pussy. Charlie played her fingers around Lisa’s labia, teasing and exploring. Lisa’s hips bucked in return as little shockwaves flooded her senses.
Charlie slid a finger into Lisa’s core. Pulling out, she brought the finger to her own mouth and slowly licked the juices off. Lisa wasn’t sure whether Charlie knew the effect this would have on her, but it drove her crazy with lust. She placed a hand on the girl’s thigh.
“Don’t touch!” Charlie said, pushing her hand away. Then she eased the finger back inside her vagina. Lisa whimpered as she felt the digit probing deep inside.
Once again Charlie pulled her finger out, but this time offering it to Lisa, taking her eyes off the screen just long enough to make sure she’d reached her lips. Lisa took the girl’s finger into her mouth, tasting her own juice. After a moment, Charlie put her hand back on Lisa’s pussy.
She slowly stroked, moving her fingers back and forth through Lisa’s slippery folds, dipping into her core with each pass. Lisa had moved her hands back to the armrest and now held on tightly, white-knuckled, as Charlie turned her attention to her throbbing clit.
Lisa could barely keep from crying out. She panted and squirmed in her seat, her body aflame, every nerve ending firing at once. Charlie’s hand was a blur as it flew from side to side over her clit.
Then Lisa felt it coming. A sensation she’d experienced only once before in her life. She clamped a hand over Charlie’s, pushing it down to her entrance, and squeezed her legs tightly shut. She grunted and her body convulsed — as she squirted into Charlie’s hand.
Lisa’s senses were overloaded. A brilliant white light filled her vision. She shuddered in the chair, and knew her juices were spilling onto the carpeted floor below. Finally it was over. But she didn’t move, she couldn’t move, not just yet.
At last she was able to relax, releasing the muscle tension in her legs. “Oh, Charlie, the things you do to me,” she sighed, then turned to the young girl, who was staring at her. “Give me a minute, sweetie,” Lisa smiled, letting go of Charlie’s hand. She leaned her head back and closed her eyes again.
After a couple of minutes, Lisa had regained her composure. She took a deep breath and sat up straight in the chair. Then she whispered, “Charlie, move over a seat, mine’s all wet.”
“Did I make you squirt?” the child asked, sounding proud of herself.
“You most certainly did, my love,” Lisa nodded as she stood up just enough to clear the armrest and moved a step to the side, jeans and panties still around her knees. Half squatting in front of the seat, Lisa pulled up her things before sitting down again and buttoning her jeans.
She smiled to herself, shaking her head. The only other time Lisa had ever squirted was when she was 16 years old. It was at a drive-in theater, in the back seat of her father’s Buick with a special girlfriend. The two of them never saw much of the movie that night.
“Thank you for that,” Lisa murmured to Charlie, giving her a soft kiss. They held hands, snuggling close, and watched the final few minutes of the Disney movie. When it was over, they made their way out to the parking lot.
Back in the car, Lisa asked, “What made you decide to do that?” She wasn’t angry about it. To the contrary, she was ecstatic. It was one of the most erotic experiences she’d ever had.
Charlie looked at her, grinning sheepishly. “Well, um, Karen’s dad had these dirty magazines hidden in the garage. Sometimes we would sneak one inside and look at it together at night when everyone was asleep. I remember we read this story about a lady and a girl in a theater, and the girl made the lady squirt during the movie. It was really cool, and I wondered what it would be like to do that.”
“Well, you found out. Was it as awesome for you as it was for me?”
“Yeah, for sure. Next time you’ll have to do it to me,” the girl answered, a mischievous smile crossing her face.
Lisa laughed, “You can count on that, sweetheart.” She leaned over and gave Charlie one more kiss, then started the car and headed for home.
Continue on to Chapter 6
What a great chapter, so warm and loving and super sexy!
It’s kind of interesting that this is at least the third Juicy Secrets story I can think of that shows kinky lesbian sex taking place inside a movie theater. In addition to this one, there’s “Matinee” by Cheryl Taggert, and my own “Secrets.”
It makes me wonder if such a thing ever actually happens much in real life… I know I’ve never done anything like that. Well, that’s not entirely true. I did masturbate to orgasm in a public theater one time, but I was there by myself with no one else seated anywhere close by. (The movie I was watching that day, in case you’re interested, was The Exterminating Angels.)
The Buñuel film!? A genuine classic, but it would never have occurred to me to rub one out to it. So… was it the movie that inspired you, or did you just experience a sudden unexpected need to give yourself the five-knuckle shuffle?
No, no, no, totally different movie — click the link!
Oh. Guess the shock of seeing that title blinded me to the link. And of course, the Buñuel film is called The Exterminating Angel, not Angels. Clap the dunce’s cap on my head and call me Doofus.
I watched this last night online and I understand. Though I pictured you as a teenager in that theater, guess I was wrong.
Oh boy, I for one know it does. My ex gf and also one other that I shouldn’t mention in public.
great chapter so so hot. We checked the movie link and loved the key plot words
Plot Keywords: scantily clad female | female pubic hair | female masturbation in public | women having sex with preteen girls| cunnilingus
don’t get excited we just threw that second last one in there ourselves to see if anyone was looking. Thank you Amanda Lynn for this story we love it.
Thanks, NM and Kim. I am glad you are enjoying the story.
I’m all caught up with Lisa and Charlie now, and I am adoring this story, and how its sexual heat is combined with an emotional warmth. Your ability to capture specific details, in the setting as well as in the erotic scenes, has really grown since your last effort.
I’m hoping to learn more about Charlie (her interests and hopes, as well as where she became so sexually expert), and very excited to see where the characters go.
It’s a darling story, and wonderfully arousing… Good stuff! Thanks!
I am loving this story. The passion and the love is so amazing.
I look forward to many many more chapters.
Another great chapter … thanks
Hmmm, another wonderful chapter.
Wonder where it’s going next!
And I loved the movie scene, one of my own fantasies……
But beautifully described
It gets to be better and better, thank you.
Wow super sexy & steamy such an incredibly fabulous story
Very Hot chapter, I. Loved it that Charlie made Lisa squirt, that was fabulously written. Seem like every lady could do with a girl like Charlie in their lives.