Island of Joys, Chapter 3

  • Posted on May 23, 2017 at 3:00 pm

By Cheryl Taggert 

Sharon blushed and moved to where her daughter sat. “Lie down,” she said.

As Susan did as her mother said, Sharon looked directly into her eyes. She was searching for the answer to a very important question: Do you really want to do this or are you just going along?

Susan was now on her back, her legs splayed open, exposing her immature slit for everyone to see. But what the girl’s pussy lacked in maturity, it made up for with desire. The inner lips were the color of the pinkest coral, and the nub of her clit was protruding slightly from its tiny cavern of flesh. She had also recently started producing quite a lot of fluids when she became aroused, and it was evident now.

Sharon noticed the copious amount of cream that coated her daughter’s inner labia. Then again, what would she expect? They had spent the past ten minutes watching Beverly licking her own nine-year-old daughter’s pussy, and both Sharon and her daughter, Susan, had openly played with themselves while happily observing a brazen sex act that was forbidden everywhere in the world. Or at least everywhere but here.

Sharon had heard of such things happening, of course, and both modern and ancient literature were filled with overt references to lesbianism and all kinds of incest, not to mention bestiality, as in the story of Leda and the Swan, among many others. Therefore, she knew that whatever form of sex could be conceived in the mind had taken place numerous times throughout history.

Still, stumbling upon a literary text as opposed to actually committing lesbian incest with your eleven-year-old daughter was like the difference between reading about climbing a mountain and actually climbing one. She felt many opposing emotions. Fear and courage. Shame and audacity. Excitement and. . . . No, she realized she did not feel the opposite of that. There was only the excitement, blatantly sexual in nature.

Still, she was shocked in a way that this had been the outcome of what she was certain at the beginning of the chat would be a mere talk about the adults’ need for intimacy with each other. Where had the conversation shifted to the inclusion of their two children?

All of these thoughts powered through her mind in a matter of seconds as she stared down at the young mound of Venus she knew she was about to perform oral love upon. Yes, she knew that this intimate act of sexual love was what she would be doing soon, regardless of her thoughts concerning the two sides of the decision. Her mouth watered for the taste of her daughter’s juices, even though she’d only tasted her own, which was a private act she had never dared to share with another living soul. The fact that she loved her own flavor always made her wonder if she were truly a woman who was interested in lesbian sex.

And the oddest thing about the answer was that her first female partner would be her own young daughter, a girl who had been right there since birth.

“Are you okay with this?” she asked Susan. “We can stop right now if you want to.”

“Do you want to?” Susan asked, slight disappointment showing in the way her mouth turned down slightly at the question her mother had asked.

“Only if you do,” Sharon said. “I could always make love with Beverly.”

“Is it okay if I say I want you to do it to me and not Beverly?”

“Sure, honey. I would love to. I never thought about it before, but now it seems… natural,” Sharon said. “But it’s okay if I do it with Beverly later, isn’t it?”

Susan grinned. “Can Karen and I watch?”

Sharon couldn’t believe this conversation was even happening. She wondered if she had fallen asleep and was dreaming this entire episode. She feared she might awaken any moment and find it was actually near midnight, and this had been a fantasy taking over her mind during sleep.

“If you wish, and as long as Beverly doesn’t mind.”

“Beverly doesn’t mind anything, except how long it’s taking the two of you to start,” Beverly said, laughing.

Sharon and Susan laughed with her and Sharon lay on her tummy, her head positioned over the bald mound that she’d wiped and cleaned when Susan was a baby. Once again her mouth watered. She wondered if Susan’s cream would taste different from her own.

Well, there was one way to find out.

Susan watched as her mother lowered her mouth to her mound. She felt the first contact, and pleasure bathed her body the way light bathed a room when someone lit a candle. Soon, she could feel her mother’s tongue prancing along the inside of her slit, dipping into the various small crevices formed by her inner and outer lips and caressing the magic button near the top of the child’s immature ribbons of sensitive flesh.

Susan lay back to enjoy this. She’d never thought about any kind of sex with her mom. She’d thought about sex and wondered what it would be like. She had played with herself down there for quite a while as well. However, she had never considered anyone as a partner before. Now she would have three! She realized she couldn’t wait to try out sex with Beverly and Karen. But she especially wanted to return the pleasure her mother was now giving her.

With her eyes closed, she could concentrate on the feelings. She felt as though her body had awakened from a slumber to find that sensuality had taken over.

The twinges in her little lady were beginning to happen more rapidly than ever before. She had always enjoyed the feel of her hands on her special place, but this was different. This felt like magic, as if she were being put into some type of trance where the entire universe was happy.

Her nipples itched with pleasure as well. This was the first time she had noticed any connection between good feelings below creating good feelings in her nipples. The little caps that rested on her boobs tingled, so she brought her hands up to them and gently pinched the nipples, giving them added pleasure to accompany the wonderful feelings that were coursing throughout her body like a runaway train.

Sharon couldn’t believe her daughter’s taste. She had always loved her own juices that would spill from her when she became excited like this. Her daughter’s, however, tasted fresher, more flavorful. It was like the difference between a good wine and a cheap one. Her fluids — the cheap wine — tasted good enough. Susan’s fluids, by comparison, were like a bottle of the best wine from the Bordeaux region of France.

Sharon suddenly realized she could be happy having no other sexual partners besides the girls and Beverly.

Louder moans and meaningless verbal noise came from Susan while her mother licked her secret place. She could tell something big was about to happen, but she just didn’t know what. Her breathing started hitching in her throat and her mouth dried up from the panting. Her head tossed from side to side as small gasps of delight and what had been unknown depths of desire punctuated her groans and whimpers of joy.

Sharon could feel her daughter tensing up involuntarily for her first orgasm. The child’s body knew what the conscious brain did not. The girl’s pleasure grew on breathless squeals and panting moans.

Susan’s life changed in an instant. One moment she was enjoying the wonderful sensations brought on by her mother’s exploring lips and tongue but still unaware of the intense pleasure that was hers for life now. The next moment she was howling her spasms to the wind.

The young girl was aware of the shivering bolts of pleasure as they zipped from her mound to her scalp, to her fingertips, and to her toes. Ripples of joy and a longing to experience this again shivered through her. Susan was hooked for life now. She hoped to have one of these feelings once a day, if not more often.

Susan was soon lying on her back, the others staring down at her nudity. She grinned and waved her fingers at her mother and their friends.

“Congratulations on your first orgasms, girls,” Beverly said. “What do you think of them?”

“They’re great!” Karen said, grinning.

“I love them,” Susan said before she stretched her body, raising her arms above her head where her hand almost knocked over one of the water jugs.

“Well, I think we should pair up again, but this time the two women will partner and the two girls can do the same. If you don’t want to do anything with each other, that’s fine,” Beverly said. “But I’m dripping, I’m so excited, and I really must reach an orgasm.” She turned to Sharon. “What about you? Do you want to have some fun with me?”

In reply, Sharon just walked up to Beverly and kissed her, the women’s tongues scurrying around inside each other’s mouths.

Susan and Karen watched their mothers kissing. Susan turned to Karen and said, “Let’s watch for a while, okay?” Karen nodded. She was getting tingly again already from just seeing her mother and Sharon kissing.

Beverly cupped Sharon’s breast and flicked the nipple several times with her thumb, causing the flesh to pucker in anticipation. A small moan escaped Sharon as the sensations spread throughout her body. Beverly thought about how at long last she would have a partner to enjoy these times with. Then it occurred to her. She wouldn’t have one partner, but three.

Sharon broke the kiss and trailed a series of small pecks down along the side of Beverly’s throat, moving along the shoulder, and finally coming to rest on the woman’s nipple. She sucked it, teasing it with her teeth, and dancing on it with her tongue.

Beverly could feel her breathing change from slow, deep breaths to nearly panting. She missed having her breasts made love to in this way. She could pinch her own nipples, but that could not compare with having someone worship her breasts with their lips, tongue, and teeth. And although her late husband had spent time making love to her breasts, it was the memory from her puberty, the first time her friend had done this to her newly developing breasts, that sprang to mind while Sharon suckled her.

Beverly shifted her gaze to their daughters. Both Susan and Karen were rapt while watching what their mothers were doing to each other. Small grins spread on their beautiful faces. They were on their tummies, and Beverly looked at their little butts. She wanted to squeeze the firm flesh, but that would wait until later. Beverly noticed that both girls had snaked their hands under their bodies, where she could tell they were each playfully stroking their clits. She could see the lust in their eyes as each soft touch they gave themselves increased their desires.

Now that they had permission to touch themselves openly, Beverly wondered if this would become a nearly daily occurrence, to see them touching themselves, bringing the wonderful explosions with touches that would become more capable with time and practice. She knew that if she had been allowed such liberties, she would have brought herself orgasms every day since discovering them, especially during her puberty.

Sharon’s hand swam down Beverly’s sensitive skin to her mound. Parting the labia and hair, her middle finger traced the furrow between her lips and stroked Beverly’s clit for the first time. This brought a small gasp from Beverly, a gasp that was echoed by their audience of two.

Susan could not believe what was happening. She had watched her mother on more than one occasion, but she had decided maybe she shouldn’t mention that in her confession. Now they would all be able to do whatever they liked whenever they liked. And now that her mound had experienced that mysterious explosion, it seemed much less elusive. Her hand had wandered down to her slit almost immediately after the girls had begun watching their mothers make love, and already she could feel the first hint of another orgasm heading her way.

She had noticed that when she had started touching herself that Karen had copied her actions. Now both of them were masturbating. She wondered if Karen would be able to bring herself an orgasm. Susan decided that if the girl had trouble with achieving one, she would be glad to help.

She pictured herself pressing her mouth to Karen’s mound, and that was when her next orgasm struck. “Ah! Ah! Ah!” she grunted, as the waves crashed over her. She felt rather than saw Karen shift herself to watch her as she peaked.

When Susan once again opened her eyes, she saw near desperation in Karen’s eyes. Her friend had turned over onto her back, and now her hand was flying over her mound, doing its best to bring that wonderful feeling.

Susan leaned over and kissed Karen, copying what she’d seen their mothers doing just minutes ago, and the young girl kissed her back, complete with tongue. Susan reached over Karen, who was now turned to face her, and put her hand on the little girl’s buttocks, squeezing the firm flesh.

The girls scooted closer to each other and were soon wrapped in a lover’s embrace. Now Karen’s hand had been replaced by Susan’s thigh, and the little girls humped each other.

Karen, like Susan, realized that she now recognized the signs of an approaching orgasm. She felt it building inside her and knew she would reach her peak soon.

Beverly and Sharon were now lying down as well, but they had assumed a different position. They were head to cunt, and each was enjoying the taste of the other. They had stopped momentarily when they’d heard Susan reach her orgasm, and now they could hear little Karen as she trembled out her own climax. Each woman glanced at their daughters and saw them humping each other’s thigh, with Karen pressing herself against Susan with all her strength as she peaked. Beverly could see the tight muscles of her daughter’s buttocks clenching rhythmically as the orgasm shook the young girl.

The women returned to each other with renewed lust. Their tongues slashed along each other’s wet vaginal slits, pressing against clits and relishing the taste of the other’s juices.

Beverly reached her climax first, and Sharon was there moments later. Spasms rocked each woman until they lay there beneath the lean-to and regained their breath.

When they looked at their daughters, the girls had managed to copy their mothers. Each girl was now licking the other’s mound, performing oral sex for the first time. And apparently loving it.

After the girls had both reached their peak, they looked at their mothers and blushed.

“It’s okay, girls,” Beverly said.

“Yes, you may do that whenever you wish in your free time,” Sharon added.

“As long as it’s okay for us to join you if we want,” Beverly said with a chuckle.

Continue on to Chapter 4


17 Comments on Island of Joys, Chapter 3

  1. robt66 says:

    Holy fuck, that was hot.

  2. kim says:

    OMG so freaking hot. I need a time machine and a way to find that island. Oh that’s right, I can only find it here. but I wish I was there.

  3. Johanna says:

    Just. . . wonderful! Thank you, Cheryl

  4. angie says:

    Beautiful, erotic, and well written. Anxiously awaiting chapter four

  5. drew says:

    MMMMM! Lovely sexy depraved and hot!!!

  6. Cheryl says:

    First, thank you to everyone for reading and commenting on this chapter. I’m really enjoying writing this. Keep in mind that the comments are the pay we authors receive. (Yes, it’s all about stroking our egos, well, along with a few other things…. 🙂 )

    Also, I realized upon re-reading this that I never went back for a thorough reading of this chapter and found a few mistakes and needed edits. At one point I had committed the fatal error of using the wrong character’s name in an obvious place, something I myself loathe when I see it from others, even while understanding how easy it is to do in the “heat” or writing. I apologize to everyone who was taken out of the story if you noticed it. I’m glad I found it before anyone else commented on it.

    I hope the future chapters of this will get everyone’s fires burning. I have completed chapter five and have been considering a plot twist for chapter six that I hope will make this a better story. In the meantime, ENJOY!!

    And KEEP THE COMMENTS COMING (along with yourselves)!!

    • robt66 says:

      Snickering. I noticed a character mix up yesterday (Sharon or Susan in the wrong setting) but could not find it today. Maybe using characters with different letters as a first initial would make things easier. 😛

      I did get equally aroused 2nd time around. Great chapter.

      • Cheryl says:

        Yes. That is what I fixed. We’re able to edit a story even after it posts, which is a very good thing!

        • kacey says:

          Did notice that too, Cheryl. Still safe to say you’re damn fine author/writer. Keep ’em coming!! (And we will too!!) 😉

  7. Myka says:

    Well, my fires ARE burning hee hee … Please Cheryl keep them going 🙂 xx

  8. eloquent delinquent says:

    Wow! This is such a luscious, well-realized erotic payoff that it fills me with admiration (and a little jealousy) for your creative, erotic mind! I had to take a little break before I was composed enough to write this reply.

    I’m so eager to see how they turn this unbelievably hot, taboo moment into a lifestyle. An isolated, sensual incestuous paradise is such an enticing fantasy! Great work, Cheryl, just wonderful.

  9. Tim says:

    What a lovely picture you paint – the two moms side by side making love while beside them their two daughters are doing the same. Incestuous paradise indeed!!
    How better to occupy themselves marooned on a desert island I ask?

    And like Eloquent Delinquent, I had to delay my comment awhile to compose myself………..and clean up a little………….

    Thanks Cheryl, wonderful.

  10. Tim says:

    On a separate note Cheryl, I am sure that somewhere in one of our comment exchanges I read that a couple of years back you sent me an email and I replied.

    Is this correct? (If you can remember) I am ashamed to admit I can not remember that myself and if in fact it is true I wonder where I got your email address from!

    Maybe it is something I’ve imagined, but occasionally I would love to converse in a different forum to that here, so your help and explanation would be greatly appreciated.

    Love your writing; brightens up these long wet days when Spring should be here but she hasn’t decided to visit us yet!!


  11. Bryan says:

    Wow massive horny attack

  12. Dom Inus says:

    Superb … the comments here say it all – fantastically erotic. Thank you for the explosion you’re about to cause

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