Island of Joys, Chapter 4

  • Posted on June 2, 2017 at 3:17 pm

By Cheryl Taggert 

Beverly had no idea what time it was when she awoke in the middle of the night to find someone’s lips on her cunt. They had all decided that morning to open themselves up to the possibilities that stood before them. To allow for any and all expressions of sexual desire, wherever or whenever they might occur. The only rule was that if a job had to be done, the job came first. Playtime would have to wait until later.

Apparently, one of the girls had taken this to heart. She wasn’t upset that she had basically been molested in her sleep. Had it been a stranger doing the molesting she would have felt different. This, apparently, was simply the result of one of the girls getting horny in the night and taking advantage of the opportunity.

Beverly could tell that it wasn’t Sharon between her legs. First, the mouth just seemed too small, but second, and most important, she could see the dim outline of Sharon sleeping a few feet away, her breast shining in the moonlight.

So she knew that either her own daughter or Sharon’s daughter was now feasting on her mound, licking the juices from her slit, which was now flooded with her vaginal excretions and the saliva of the girl eating her cunt. The girl was consuming the fluids like a starving child.

And providing Beverly with an orgasm that had yet to come but was already beginning to signal its imminent arrival.

She wondered if she should let the child know she was awake, but decided against it for the time being. Whichever girl was doing this apparently enjoyed the sneakiness of what she was doing. They could talk later about respecting someone while she slept, but the sensations that were flooding her brain made Beverly much more accepting of the intrusion.

Beverly did her best to look around the ground beneath the lean-to in order to discover which of the children had decided to molest her in the night. On the one hand, she should be angry, but on the other, she recognized this as a natural extension of the conversation from earlier that day. These were, after all, children, and it was well-known that children loved to see if they could do something without being discovered.

She recalled when she was little and she and Barbara, her best friend, had played “nobody sees us,” a game in which they would sneak through rooms with adults in them in an effort to make it to the next room without being seen. This game being played between her legs was of a similar nature, except that it involved sexual contact. It was still a game of “can I do it without being caught?” Furthermore, the playing of this game had rewards beyond the sneakiness. From the feelings coursing through Beverly’s body, she reckoned the reward this time would be big indeed.

As she lay there doing her best to remain still — not an easy task — she realized that whoever the child was lying between her legs was humping her own hand as she lay there performing cunnilingus.

Apparently, the girls were fast learners as well. She and Sharon had pointed out their clits, explaining the importance of the small nubbin of nerve-packed flesh. The child was spending most of her time working her lips and tongue on Beverly’s clit, which was making motionless silence more difficult with each passing second.

Small moans and deep breaths signaled the child was about to reach her climax. It was obvious the girl was doing her best to hide what she was doing, so Beverly remained as still as possible, but she could feel her orgasm rushing up on her, and she wondered how long this charade could continue.

As the child began her orgasm, Beverly’s launched itself as well. The two middle-of-the-night lovers climaxed simultaneously. Beverly managed to keep her hips from bucking wildly about, more to keep Sharon and whichever girl was still sleeping from waking than any effort to prevent the child licking her cunt from knowing the woman she licked was coming. That fact could never be hidden.

When the orgasm ended, the child moved stealthily away from Beverly’s muff. It then occurred to the woman that the child thought she was still sleeping, having reached her peak without waking. She decided to continue the pretense, allowing the child to think she managed to do all of this without waking her ‘victim’ from her slumber.

Beverly managed to glimpse the silhouette of the child as she lay back down on her sleeping mat.


She had suspected it might be Sharon’s daughter, and she was right. It just seemed like the kind of thing an older child would consider doing.

Newly satisfied, Beverly began to drift off to sleep once again. She was almost there when movement woke her. Stealthy movement. Beverly decided to turn onto her side in order to better see the girls. She felt rather than saw Susan freeze in her movement, but once Beverly had settled again, she watched and saw that Susan was playing with Karen’s bald little slit, rubbing it gently. Was she going to play her little game again, this time on Karen? She felt her clit twinge at the thought of what she might see.

Beverly’s eyes had adjusted to the darkness well enough that she could plainly see the bodies of the two children. Susan’s fingers were playing in her friend’s cunt, coaxing the child’s clit to stiffen in response.

She heard a giggle and knew that Karen had awakened.

“Shh,” Susan shushed her friend.

“You’re playing with my pussy,” Karen said, stifling more giggles.

“I just licked your mom’s and she reached her peak. She slept through it,” Susan offered.

“Really?” Karen asked.

“Yeah. Older women taste different, though. You really don’t have much taste, or at least you taste kinda sweeter or something, but your mom’s cunt has a musky taste to it, kind of sharp but really tasty,” Susan whispered, doing her best to sound extremely knowledgeable on the topic.

“Really? I wanna taste it,” Karen said and began to sit up.

“No, don’t lick her right now. She just turned over and she might wake up.” Susan thought for a second. “I know. You can kiss me. There’s still plenty of your mother’s stuff on my lips.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah. Here.”

Beverly heard the girls kissing. She could see their faces pressed together in the dark.

“Lick my lips,” Susan offered. The woman watched, getting excited once again as she witnessed her daughter feasting on the fluids that had dried on Susan’s lips.

“What’d’ya think?” Susan asked.

“I like it. You’re right. She tastes different than you do.”

“Why don’t you lick my mom, and I can lick you? She’s hard to wake up, so she should stay asleep. Just take it slow.”

“My mom didn’t wake up when you licked her?” Karen whispered.


“Wow. She’s usually easy to wake up. You musta been real careful.”

“I was. If she did wake up, she never let me know it. So, you gonna lick my mother?”

“Are you gonna lick me?” Karen asked.

“Yeah. I was going to anyway, but you woke up.”

It occurred to Beverly that Susan was quite a sexpot. She evidently had taken to sex like a duck to water. Months later, she would think of this moment of clarity about the child and realize just how right she was. Susan would have numerous orgasms every day, either playing with herself, with Karen, or with one of both or the women.

And of course there were the times they all enjoyed each other in a small orgy.

Beverly watched as her daughter crawled over to Sharon, lying between the woman’s spread legs. Leaning forward, Karen extended her tongue and began to softly lick Sharon’s slit.

This progressed until the child covered Sharon’s cunt with her mouth. She could no longer see her daughter’s tongue, but it was obvious what she was doing. Susan, meanwhile, was licking Karen’s mound, once again looking like a starving child. She obviously loved this activity above any other.

Soon, Beverly could hear the obvious sounds of the woman approaching an orgasm. She wasn’t sure if Sharon had awakened, but if not, her dreams must have been very erotic.

Karen had lifted her butt a little to give Susan easier access to her mound. At the same time, she kept her own mouth glued to Sharon’s cunt.

Sharon began her climax, waking up at the same moment it started.

“Huh? What? What are you–? Oh! Aaaahh!” the woman gasped and moaned as her orgasm took her.

Karen had not climaxed yet, so after she finished bringing Sharon through hers, she turned onto her back and spread her legs wide, accidentally kicking Beverly’s leg in the process. She was beyond caring if her mother woke. The nine-year-old needed her orgasm, and it seemed that nothing would stop her from getting it.

All pretense for sleep was abandoned. Beverly got up and almost fell onto Susan, wanting to return the favor she had provided her. Beverly’s mouth locked onto the girl’s little puss, edging her hand and fingers that had been rubbing her slit out of the way.

Within seconds, both the young girls were in the middle of powerful climaxes, at least powerful for girls their age. Susan bucked her hips against the older woman’s mouth, moaning and grunting loudly.

Sharon, meanwhile, sat up and watched as the two little girls peaked. Sharon’s grogginess from being awakened in the night quickly evaporated.

When the girls were finished, Sharon said, “What is going on?”

Susan laughed. “We were licking you and Beverly while you slept!”

“Girls, that’s not very nice. I don’t know about Beverly, but I need my beauty sleep.” Sharon was perturbed, but not angry. She had, after all, just enjoyed a marvelous orgasm.

“You don’t need beauty sleep,” Karen said. “You’re plenty beautiful.”

“Aww, thank you, dear. But really, molesting someone in the middle of the night is wrong.”

“Why is it wrong?” Karen asked. “Did you not like it?” The girl appeared hurt that her attempts to pleasure Sharon had not worked well.

“Well, no, of course I liked it.”

“Then why was it wrong?” the girl repeated.

“Well, because, um –” Sharon looked at Beverly for help.

“Don’t look at me. I for one enjoyed it.”

“Well, I did, too,” Sharon said, “but don’t you think we should prevent them from molesting someone in their sleep?”

“Whom would they molest?” Beverly asked. “There’s only the four of us on the island. And while I wouldn’t want to be awakened every night, or even most nights, I see this as a children’s game of sorts.”

“Beverly, there isn’t much that’s childish about this sort of activity.”

“Well, of course there isn’t,” Beverly said. “But it’s like a game I played as a child.” Beverly went on to explain about “Nobody Sees Us.” She finished with, “They’re just children wanting to see if they can get away with it. You know, lick our clits without us being aware.”

Sharon looked at the girls. “Well, don’t be doing that too often, especially to me. I like my sleep.”

Beverly chuckled. “Yes, and I could see you liked your orgasm, too.” The girls laughed at this.

“I thought you wouldn’t wake up,” Susan said. “Beverly didn’t. She even slept through her peak.”

Sharon looked at Beverly, obviously doubting that she’d slept through the entire thing. Beverly just winked surreptitiously, hoping Sharon wouldn’t spoil Susan’s excitement over having brought the woman to a climax without being caught.

The next morning, to no one’s surprise, they slept until the sun was well up in the sky. A beautiful blue spread from horizon to horizon over the ocean, and a gentle breeze massaged the island, bringing sounds from the fronds of the trees and bushes that sounded like sighs of delight.

After their day before — and night — the women thought that sex would not be a part of the day for any of them.

That was the first time that Beverly noticed how powerful Susan’s libido was. She talked Karen into a sixty-nine before the noon meal, and masturbated herself another two times before going to bed. The eleven-year-old came twice on the last masturbation session, and both women noticed her experimenting with putting a finger up her butthole while playing with her hairless puss.

After the girls had gone to bed, Sharon asked Beverly to sit up and chat for a while.

“Susan’s quite the sexual thing,” Sharon began. “I’m a bit worried, actually.”

“Worried about what?” Beverly asked.

“That she may become over-sexed. She’s like a man, really. She can’t seem to keep her hands off herself — or others.”

“Who and what could it possibly hurt?” Beverly asked. “Like I said before, there isn’t anyone else here but us. If the girl wants to get herself off, why stop her?” Smiling, she added, “Besides, I kind of like the show.”

“But we haven’t even been allowing them to do this in the open for two full days yet, and she must have already had eight or nine orgasms.”

“What? Is there some limit to the number of orgasms a girl can have in a lifetime? If so, I may be nearing my own limit.”

“Don’t be flippant. Of course not. But still, she just seems a lot more interested in having them than I thought she would.”



“When you were a child, did you have a favorite candy?”

“Peppermint, why?”

“Would your parents let you have all the peppermint you wanted, whenever or wherever you wanted it?”

“Of course not. I’d have grown as fat as a cow with rotten teeth with all that sugar.”

“But if you had been given that opportunity, would you have eaten more of it? As much of it as you wanted? After all, as a child, you wouldn’t understand any bad effects from eating all the peppermint you wanted.”

“Okay, probably, but what’s your point? That we’ve allowed the girls to have as many orgasms as they want, so they’re indulging a bit?”

“That’s exactly my point. Orgasms are Susan’s peppermint. They won’t make her fat. They won’t make her teeth rot. They won’t do anything bad to her at all. They are just enjoyable. She can’t even get with a boy when she starts her cycles and get pregnant because there aren’t any boys here.”

Sharon considered that, her face a mask of deep thought.

Beverly continued. “I imagine that it won’t be long before orgasms are Karen’s peppermint, too. She’s just nine and isn’t as constantly on edge sexually as Susan is because she’s older and entering puberty. In essence, we’ve given our daughters permission to eat as much peppermint as they wish, without repercussions from us, each other, or society. For Susan, it’s like a favorite toy or food. She’s indulging herself. Don’t worry. I won’t say she’ll grow out of it because she won’t. She will, in all likelihood, eventually slow it down some.”

“Well, I see your point, I suppose,” Sharon said. “But what if we are rescued from here one day? She’ll want to be at it every day.”

“She’ll adjust to society’s expectations. I wouldn’t worry. She won’t stand in the middle of a city street and masturbate in broad daylight. She’ll just do it when alone, or find a partner who enjoys it as much, and there are plenty of them around, male and female.”

“I suppose you’re right,” Sharon said, resigned to her daughter’s delight in her own mound.

“Of course I am,” Beverly answered. “Look at it this way. If you’d discovered orgasms at age eleven and your parents said, ‘That’s fine, dear, you can do it whenever and wherever you like, with whomever you like, even go naked all day and night to ease access to your mound,’ what would you have done?”

Sharon grinned sheepishly. “I suppose I would have worn it out. Or at least tried to.”

“Okay, then. Anyway, that wearing it out thing works. I suppose she’ll start getting a bit sore in a few days and back off some.”

Sharon giggled like a school girl. “Have you ever done that? Worn it out?”

Beverly looked at her and grinned as if they were sharing a wonderful secret. “Why should I tell you?”

“Because, there’s nobody else on the island but us. You said so yourself.” Sharon was still giggling.

“Okay. A few times maybe. What about you?”

Sharon’s mood changed in a blink. She said seriously, “More than a few, I’m afraid. I used to do it just to make sure I wasn’t on edge because I didn’t want my husband to be able to seduce me into sex.”

“My God. He was a terrible man, wasn’t he?”

“Awful.” Sharon took a deep breath, cleansing her mind of the bad memories. “But I don’t want to talk about it now.”

Sharon stood and went to the lean-to. Lying down, she tried to sleep. Beverly joined her a few minutes later. Everyone was well asleep by the time Sharon finally nodded off.

Her dreams were frightening ones, but when she awakened the next morning, all she felt was a sense of disquiet, the details of the dreams themselves lost in the strange alleys of sleep.

And though Susan more than made up for it, engaging Beverly in lovemaking that allowed the older woman to teach her some new things, as well as masturbating at least once that her mother saw, Sharon did not desire sex the entire day.

Continue on to Chapter 5


16 Comments on Island of Joys, Chapter 4

  1. Quinlan says:

    Hmmm, that ending is full of ill portent.

  2. Jennifer says:

    I love that lil’ Sexpot, can I adopt her? 😀

  3. kim says:

    we loved this chapter. So hot. Great sex right from the get go. And a very nice discussion about childhood libido, and how much it should be discouraged or left to nature, and society’s expectations about children and sex.

  4. eloquent delinquent says:

    Another marvelous chapter – I enjoyed the sneaky sexiness as much as I did the thoughtful passage about pubescent horniness! Susan’s age and lack of inhibitions are going to make her explosive in this setting.

    Foreboding ending is foreboding – I’m anxious to discover what it’s about…

  5. Cheryl says:

    Nobody needs to worry. Sharon isn’t going to suddenly turn her back on sex. She’s just struggling with some things right now. These will come out in the next chapter, which reminds me, I better get moving on another one. I’m only into writing chapter 6 right now, and it’s not even finished. I think I may have gotten spoiled getting so far ahead with “Daughter of a Porn Star.” But I wish to plead being allowed to write all I wanted to, anywhere and anytime I wished, for getting so far ahead. 🙂

  6. Dom Inus says:

    So glad to see you’re making this into a story about people and not just about fucking. Excellent chapter, thank you

  7. Harry Frotter says:

    I have to say: you’re an extremely talented writer, Ms. Taggert. I forgot where I was and that I had arrived here seeking jollies, only to become invested in these people’s – sorry characters’ – lives! 😮

  8. Imperial Mint says:

    What a great story. Such freedom.

  9. Lisa Taggert says:

    To Dom Inus, Harry Frotter, and Imperial Mint: Sorry, but I realize that I have to answer these for Cheryl. I am her widow. She passed away from cancer in March 2021. There will be no further chapters of any of her works. I’m sure she would have loved your comments, though.

  10. Captain Midnight says:

    Lisa, did you ever see any of Cheryl’s JS work before she posted it?

    Letoria’s wife Krissy had pushed Lee into writing, and thoroughly we
    over all of Lee’s work before it went on her site. I wondered if you had been able to do the same for Cheryl?

    Do you ever want to write stories yourself? And does Suzanne?

    I had read that Cheryl had written at least one mainstream novel after she eased out of writing erotica. Did she ever publish? A0

    • Lisa Taggert says:

      Hi, Captain Midnight. First, yes, I saw Cheryl’s work before it was posted, but other than telling her how hot it was, I didn’t really help her as far as making it better. I’m not a writer. Suzanne wants to write. She might try submitting a story to Juicysecrets, but I don’t know. She’s got a cold and went to bed early, or I would ask her for more details about that.

      Cheryl wrote two books, and both were accepted for publication, but she passed before finishing the work on the rewrite of the second book with her editor at the publisher. So the second book was never actually published. The first one was and it did good enough that the publisher wanted a second book. It wasn’t anything like a NY Times bestseller or anything. It just did well. Of course, it was published under her real name, which is why she never told anyone on Juicysecrets the title. She made me swear to never tell anyone there the name of the book, and I won’t break that promise. If ya’ll knew her real name, it could cause problems for me. Let’s just say not everyone who read and loved her work stayed friends with her.

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