Talking to My Daughter

  • Posted on June 26, 2017 at 3:20 pm

By Misty Meadow

Yes, darling, I’m here in my bedroom. Come on up; put your backpack in your room and take your shoes off. Leave your socks on and come in here. I want to talk to you.

How was school today? Good. Listen, I just got an email from your Aunt Jane. No, I’m sorry, hon, she isn’t coming to visit us; she’s very busy and can’t afford the airfare all the way from America. But she asked me to send her some pictures of you. How’s that sound? I thought we could take our time and shoot a whole lot of them, like a series… you know, the ones where you’re lifting your dress, letting us see underneath.

…Yes, hon, just like that — but don’t raise your skirt just yet. We all know what you look like with it lifted up under your chin and, yes, it is exciting… but I was thinking of something much more ambitious, starting with you fully dressed in your school uniform.

Speaking of which, I’m gonna have to buy new uniforms for you next term. You’re growing fast and that skirt is dangerously short — not that I mind! As far as I’m concerned, the shorter the better, but the school’s already sent me a letter saying that it’s inappropriate and shouldn’t be more than than six inches above the knee.

Here, darling — bend down, turn your back to the mirror and look between your legs. See how your knickers are showing? No, don’t move, I wanna get a picture of that. There. Oh, that’s a sexy look, come and see. My sister will like that, but we can do lots more.

Hmm? Oh, I was thinking of having you doing a striptease for the camera — a couple of dozen pictures of my sexy little girl undressing down to her knickers, then you finally take them off to show yourself in all your naked glory.

No, my darling, you’re not just a skinny kid. I admit that you look a lot younger than eleven and your boobs haven’t started to grow just yet, but to me you’re petite and slender and look deliciously innocent… even though we both know that you aren’t innocent in the least, are you?

Anyhow, you shouldn’t worry about being thin. I bet that when you do grow up, you’ll have one of those supermodel figures and be able to eat anything without putting on an ounce. You don’t need big drooping tits to be sexy. Sexiness is mostly attitude, darling. That’s the truth of it.

D’you know what made you so exciting in those pictures we took last month — the ones with you spread out on the kitchen table? It was the way you were displaying yourself so openly, with that inviting smile I love so much. It was as though you were saying, ‘Look at me, I’m sexy.’ And you were, too!

Anyway, I think Aunt Jane would really enjoy a few naughty snaps of you. My sister loves the sight of little girls with no clothes on, just as much as I do.

Wait, you already knew that? Oh, really — and how did you find that out, little lady? Did Jane sneak a peek at you the last time she visited? Hold on, don’t tell me, I’ll bet I know. She came into the bathroom while you were in the tub, didn’t she? Well, you see, that’s what she used to do to me when we were young. It bothered me at first, but then I began to like letting my big sister see me naked.

Did she take a picture of you in the bath? You never told me about that! Oh, of course I wouldn’t have been angry, darling. You know I like to show you off to my lesbian friends. Jane’s gay herself, after all… oh, you knew that too? Not much gets past you, does it? Little minx. Give Mommy a kiss.

Oooohh, baby girl, I love your kisses. Your mouth is so soft and sweet.

Yes, we’ll kiss some more, but first I want you to take a shower, darling, then dress in clean knickers and a blouse and clean socks. Put the same skirt back on, though.

Want Mommy to shower with you? In that case, let me get out of this dress. There. You like my knickers? Think they’re sexy? Yes, darling, I’ll buy you some naughty lingerie, but for the moment, you look perfectly adorable in your white cotton ones, like all the other little girls wear. There’s nothing lovelier than a pretty little girl, you know.

No, don’t take your knickers off yet, I’ve something special in mind. Let’s go into the bathroom.

Do you need to pee? Perfect, I was hoping you did. Here’s what I want you to do. No, not in the toilet, in the shower — and don’t take your knickers off. Yes, pee right through them, like that time last summer when we were walking across that meadow where the cows were, and you just lifted up your dress and peed right through your knickers. You looked so fucking sexy! You did, darling, honestly. Shit, I left the camera in the bedroom. Be right back.

There we are. Okay, into the shower with you. No, no, don’t undress, just take your socks off and step into the stall and hold the front of your skirt up like you did before. I’m gonna crouch down, so I can get a shot of you from a low angle. Ready to pee now? Okay, darling, just smile and let it go.

Ooh, perfect. I got half a dozen awesome shots of your pee streaming down between your thighs. Here, let me feel how wet you are between your legs. Squish, squish! Oh, I love the feel of wet knickers. Cotton is especially absorbent, so it holds a lot of pee, not like my nylon ones.

Now it’s all over my hand. Hmmm? No, it doesn’t smell bad. Actually, fresh pee smells very good… and it has a nice earthy flavor, too. Well, maybe not at first. I guess it’s what they call an acquired taste.

Okay, now you can get undressed. Just throw everything on the floor. Wait, leave your knickers on. We’ll start the shower, and you can rinse them while you’re still wearing them. Careful, not too hot. All right, now that they’re wet, pull the waist up at the front to… yes, a camel toe. Here, let me get a shot of that.

God, that’s such a naughty sight. I can see your tinkle through them! Well, what do you call it? Oh, my… Goodness, darling, where did you learn that word? Cunt. Did you pick that up at school? No, I don’t mind, in fact I like it when little girls use that kind of language. Okay, since you call it that, so will I.

Anyhow, like I was saying, your cunt is perfectly visible through the wet cotton. Lift one leg and put your foot on the edge of the tub, and I’ll take some more pics. Oh, very nice. That looks deliciously depraved!

What? “Depraved,” that’s what I said. It’s another way of calling something dirty. Not unclean dirty, sexy dirty.

Do you? Fair enough, then. I’ll pee through my knickers if you like. Move over. Actually, why don’t you take pictures of me while I do? Wait, darling — dry your hand before you touch the camera. There you go.

Ready? Oh, this is lovely, peeing through my knickers. Makes me feel like a naughty little girl again. Yes, I did pee my pants when I was a kid, anytime I could get away with it. I’d do it with my friends, out in the fields and woods where no one could see us. Oh, we pretended it was a joke, but I’m sure they were every bit as thrilled as I was. Now look, darling — my knickers are transparent like yours. You can see my cunt!

Here, give me your hand. Feel how wet I am? Hmm, I need a shave, don’t I? Here, I’ll take my knickers off and you can feel how stubbly I am. See, it feels rough, doesn’t it?

Will you shave me later, sweetheart? I like being shaved by you. Your touch is so gentle.

Come back into the shower with me, we’ll get clean together. You can soap my back and I’ll soap yours, we’ll take turns.

Oh, darling, you have such a lovely little body. I know I’m always saying it, but it’s true, especially your tight little bum. Let me lather it… now I’ll run my hand down between your cheeks to make sure you’re nice and clean. If you relax your bum hole, I’ll push my soapy finger in and you’ll be so clean that you’ll never get skid marks on your knickers. How does that feel? Oh, you like it, huh? Do it to me, push your finger all the way in and pump it in and out. Mmm, you’re making me tingle all over!

Now I’m gonna wash your front, your cute little titties. I know, they haven’t grown in yet, but let me show you something. I wanna tweak your nipples to see if they react. Ooh, look, they’re getting hard! Tiny, yes, but so incredibly sexy. Honestly, I think that a little girl’s nipples are more thrilling than a woman’s breasts could ever be.

Now I’ll do your tummy and yes, darling, your cunt. You don’t think I’d ever pass up a chance to touch my precious child there, do you? I’m gonna take my sweet time doing it, too. Doesn’t that feel lovely?

Why don’t you wash mine, too? See how many fingers you can get inside me. Yes, I’m wet and that’s not just water, by the way — your mommy is very excited, and it’s you that made me that way. Ooh, yes, three fingers; now try four, okay? Later, you can try to get your thumb in there too, but not just yet. Tell you what — we’ll save that for later, putting your whole hand inside Mommy’s vagina. No, no, it won’t hurt… but even if it does, it’ll be worth it. Sometimes things are good because they hurt a little bit, darling.

That was nice. Let’s get dry now. Here — you dry me, then I’ll dry you. Leave your knickers there on the shower floor, I’ll take care of them later. Yes, rub me with the towel all over, especially between my legs.

Goodness, you’ve never kissed my nipples before! That feels amazing. Bite it for me. Harder. Go on, you can bite harder than that! Ooooohh, yes! Mmmm, that’s nice. Now, do that to the other one. Ah! Okay, now suck on them, just like you did when you were a darling little baby. I love you so much, my sweet.

Now, I’ll dry you. Spread your legs and let me get… yes, just like that. Oh, my, if your Aunt Jane could see us now, she’d come in her knickers. She says they’re called panties in the States, but I prefer the word ‘knickers’, don’t you? Has a nice naughty ring to it.

Okay, bring the camera along. We’ll go into your bedroom and get you some clean knickers and stuff for you to pose in. You’ll only be in them for a minute, then I’ll have you strip again, all right?

Watching you dress is almost as exciting as when you undress, darling. Socks first — no, not the knee socks, the ankle socks. Now, while you get dressed, I’m gonna sit on the floor at the foot of the bed and take pictures. That’s nice, with your legs up like that.

Now put your blouse on and then your knickers. Yeah, pull them up to your knees and stand up. I wanna get a picture of with them at half mast. That looks so fucking sexy. Push your hips out for me, and spread the blouse wide open. Oh, perfect! Okay, pull ’em up now, button your blouse and put your skirt on. There you go.

Now, baby girl, it’s time for you to take everything off again. Wait, first let’s go into the living room and do the whole thing with the floor-to-ceiling curtains as the background. That dark blue will contrast nicely with your skin.

Sit on the chair and lift one leg at a time to take your socks off so I can get a good upskirt… nice. Now the other sock. Skirt next, I think… yeah, stand up and just let it fall. Kick it aside, then slowly unbutton your blouse. Let it fall from your shoulders.

Now for the most exciting bit… you know what I mean, sweetheart.

Slow down, slow down! It’s so much better if you take your time. Slide them down inch by inch, then I can get half a dozen good shots before we see your cunt. I want to build the tension. Keep smiling, darling — your smile is the most important thing. I know you love doing this, but your face has to show it. Now, pull your knickers down just one more inch and we can see… mmm, there it is, your sweet little cunt, like a sideways smile. Spread your feet some, so your knickers stretch from thigh to thigh. Jane is gonna love this! Okay, let them fall. That was awesome.

Sit down again, then put your heels on the edge of the chair and spread your… oh, you’re ahead of me. I’m gonna come in for a close up.

Now I have your cunt filling the whole screen! I could get a print of this and blow it up until it makes a huge picture, and hang it on the wall. That’d be awesome, wouldn’t it? Visitors would ask, ‘What’s that?’ and I’d tell ‘em, “Oh, it’s my daughter’s cunt. She’s let you see the real thing if you want.”

Oh, sweetheart, you look so lovely when you laugh!

Okay, push the chair aside and get down on all fours, facing away. Lower your upper body. Oh, my God, what a lovely sight — both your holes, your sweet little rosebud and your cunt, glistening with moisture. Keep still, I’m getting several shots from different angles.

Actually, hold that pose for a second, I’m just gonna put the camera down and… Mmwa! D’you like being kissed on the cunt? Want another? Okay… Mwwwwa! This is fun. Sure, you can kiss mine later, but now I want you lying on your back with your legs spread as wide as they’ll go. Hold your arms out, like you’re inviting a lover to come lie on top of you. Wow, that’s utterly fucking lewd. Now sit up and spread your cunt open with your fingers. Look down at it…. now look up and smile at the camera. Perfect!

Pictures of me? Sure, I don’t see why not. Yes, Jane will like them. So… I’ve never I told you that she and I used to fool around and do naughty things when we were your age, did I? Oh yes, we did indeed! First, Jane taught me how to masturbate, then she showed me how to kiss… and hers was the first cunt I ever licked.

I think we’d be better off in my bedroom, on my bed, if we’re going to take more pictures. C’mon, let’s go. Oh, you know what? We’ll use the camcorder on its tripod and make a video for Jane. Give me a moment to get it set up.

While I’m doing that, why don’t you get into a sexy pose? Here’s an idea — lie back on the bed, bring your knees up, let them fall outwards and press the soles of your feet together. Oh, sweetie, that looks perfectly pornographic.

Okay, I’ve got the camcorder on and recording. Hold that position for just a bit — I’ve got to get that on the video. There. Now Mommy’s going to play, too.

Want a back rub? Lie face down. What would you prefer… a massage, or soft caresses? Fine. Now relax, let me make you feel good, darling. I love doing this, running my fingertips up and down your body. Your skin is so perfect. Spread your legs a little, so that when I touch the insides of your thighs, my hand can stray between them and I can stroke your little rosebud with my finger.

Hmmm? Oh, I like having mine touched. Jane used to do that to me, you know. Even better, she liked to lick it, push her tongue up my bum as far as it could go. Really? Lick you there? No, I don’t mind, I was hoping you’d ask. Mmmmm…

…How was that? Lovely, wasn’t it? I know, it was ‘dirty’, but in a exciting way, like when we were peeing in the shower. ‘Intimate’ is a better word.

Would you like to lick my bum later, sweetheart? No problem, my pleasure.

Now roll over and I’ll do your front. My, my… I never get tired of looking at your naked body. Oh, look, your nipples are erect again! I think they need to be kissed. Mmmm, I think they like that.

Now, I’m gonna gently stroke your body, from your shoulders down to your knees… and you’ll forgive me if my fingers linger at your sweet, darling little cunt that I’m so in love with, right? Ah, well, I love it because it’s yours, sweetheart, and also because you like showing it off to me.

Do you, then? So who else do you allow to see your cunt? Your classmates? Teachers? What about the school nurse, when you fell and twisted your knee that time? Wait, wait — you’re telling me that she took off your knickers to examine your knee? That dirty old dyke! I supposed she touched you, too — how could she resist? No, it’s fine, sweetheart, you can let any girl touch you anywhere you like, but don’t ever let a boy anywhere near you. All they wanna do is fuck, then tell everyone about it. Girls are way more exciting, anyway. I’ve had both… and believe me, there’s no comparison.

Oh, you’re so wet… and you smell incredible! I love the scent of hot young cunt — God, how it turns me on.

Now I wanna do something that will make your Aunty Jane come in her knickers. I’ll kneel between your legs, lean in and kiss your gorgeous, sexy little cunt… but first, I need to move the camcorder to one side so my head doesn’t get in the way of the shot. There, that should do it.

Okay, ready? Just a little lick at first, a sweet tickle to get you started, though you seem to be well on the way already. Reach down and hold my hair to one side so the camera… that’s right. Mmmmmm, oh, you sweet, darling cunt, I love you so much. Mmmmm… oh, you’re trembling! Your face and chest are flushed. No, that’s fine, darling. It only makes you look more beautiful.

Now I want to do something that should have you climbing the walls. I’m gonna put two fingers deep inside you and touch your G spot. Try to relax for me, okay? Easy… easy… there, I think I hit it. Doesn’t that feel amazing?

Again? You love this, don’t you? All right, then.

Yeah, that’s it! Come for me, darling, come for your mum. Oh, look at your face, all twisted up in ecstasy! That’s going to look incredible on the video.

Wow, I sent you over the top and then some, didn’t I? Here, I’ll pull out and let you rest for a bit. Mmmm, now I get to lick my fingers and taste you on them. Delicious!

What’s that? Oh, sweetie. You don’t have to ask permission for that — you can do anything you like to me, anything at all. Go ahead, get down between my legs and lick my pussy. Fuck me with your fingers and tongue.

Goodness — you’re an eager one, aren’t you? I’ve had my pussy licked by lots of women, but I’ve never seen anyone want it as much as you do…

Oh, my darling little girl, that feels exquisite! You’re driving me crazy! Mmm, that’s it, suck on my clit. Oh yes, yes. Suck it in and out of your mouth, really fast!

Wait — don’t make me come just yet. I want you to go into me, sweetheart.

Hold on. Let Mommy catch her breath… okay. First, put your fingers in me — three to start with. Now twist them round, back and forth. Ooooohhh! My God, that feels lovely. All right, now put another finger in, make it four. There’s plenty of room. After all, that’s where you came from when you were a baby.

No, it doesn’t hurt, sweetheart. In fact, You’ve got me so excited that my cunt has totally relaxed and yes, I’m dripping wet. That means I’m ready for more, for you to take me all the way. Okay, now fold your thumb into your palm and push your whole hand into me. Don’t be afraid, I can take it. Push harder! OHHHH! Oh, gracious, it’s gone right inside me. You did a good job, baby girl. A good job.

Make your hand into a fist now, and push it in further, until I tell you to stop. More… a little more, that’s it. Oh, my God. Oh. Look, darling, you’re inside my cunt halfway up your arm! Honestly, it really doesn’t hurt, though that beautiful hand of yours is making me shiver all over. Ohhhhh…

Now fuck me. Pump it in and out. Oh, sweet Jesus, this is indescribable! My own little girl is fucking her mommy’s cunt. Oooh, fuck me, fuck me! None of my other lovers can make me feel like you do!

Oh, yes. Ahhhh! Oh, my darling daughter, you’re making me come! I think — I think I’m g-gonna explode! Aaaagh! OHHHHH!

Stop, sweetie. That’s enough. Whooo! Jesus, that was awesome! I haven’t come like that since… never mind. It’s been a mighty long time, I’ll tell you that. Pull your hand out and see —  slowly, though, Mommy’s tender down there. Look at that, it’s dripping wet. Ha, I just knew you were gonna lick it. Good, huh?

So how was that, Jane? (I’m talking to the camera, sweetie.) Is my daughter sexy or what? You’ve gotta come and visit us and do what you did to me when we were kids… only this time, you’ll do it to my little girl, too. Goodbye, sis, hope you enjoyed the show.

Turn the camera off, sweetheart. Thanks.

You’re right, I can’t send the video to her as an email. Know why? It’s pure kiddie porn. If either your aunt or me got caught with this, they’d lock us under the jail. Instead, I’ll download it onto a thumb drive and put it in the mail, no return address. So if the authorities intercept it, they can’t trace it back to us.

Yes, it was fun, wasn’t it? Know what we should do next? We’ll go downstairs and drink a couple of large glasses of cranberry juice. Why? Because its acid will neutralise the alkalinity of our pee and make it taste better. I wanna drink straight from your cunt, my darling.

You too? But you’ve never drunk pee before! Well, if you feel sure you’re gonna like it, how can I say no?

But first, let’s just lie here in each other’s arms and love each other. I so enjoyed teaching you all those naughty things we just did, but I’m sure you’d have discovered it all for yourself before long. Just imagine, in a few days, your Aunty Jane will be watching us cunt licking and everything, plus she’ll see those sexy pictures I took.

What? Honestly, you hope she shows them to her friends? Oh, you fucking darling little slut!

No, darling, there’s nothing wrong with that. Know why? Because you’re my slut…

The End


15 Comments on Talking to My Daughter

  1. Sammy says:

    Another sexy story, and very well-executed!

    • Misty Meadow says:

      Thanks, Sammy. I know that it’s written in an unusual way, as a monologue, but it was fun to write. It hasn’t generated much response so I suppose that style is not to everyone’s taste, requiring a more vigourous exercise of ones imagination. Thanks for your comment

      • Sammy says:

        Second-person narration often has that effect, unfortunately. It awakens some people from the “dream” of reading.

  2. kraM says:

    Yes unusual but I liked it for the most part.

  3. Cherryco says:

    REALLY nice! Thanks for sharing with us, Misty!

  4. Mukhtar says:

    Thank you, Misty Meadow!
    You made this a sensual, wonderfully kinky read.

  5. kikoo says:

    Very hot story Misty. Even though I love dialogues I enjoyed this monologue. Unusual and creative. Very well done!

  6. Gray says:

    Love the first person fantasy of this mommy. It is beautifully depraved in so many lovely ways. So kinky and romantic.

  7. Alana says:

    I love your stories, Misty. Especially when it includes photographing young girls and posing them nude and in lesbian poses. Not a fan of mother-daughter sex, but pretty much any other young-mature stories are hot. And any photoshoot or video where women are photographing young girls, the girls are coached to take off their clothes and pose together … mmmmmmm!!!

    Please write more like that! ???

  8. Bryan says:

    That was an interesting way to write a story i love Misty’s stories by the way as she always includes WS which I love

  9. Anjelique says:

    Delicious Misty! I love reading your stories, both here and on 😉

    You are a wonderful author with exquisite taste.

    • kinkys_sis says:

      Unfortunately, Misty seems to have disappeared. Must be nearly two years since anyone has heard from her.

      • Mystery Mouse says:

        The downside of the shadowy world we live in. None of us use our real name (I might be using mine, you never know) so, if somebody stops talking, we have no way of finding out if they’re okay or not.

        Hopefully it’s the former in Misty’s case.

        • JetBoy says:

          Misty stopped writing for Juicy Secrets because I couldn’t get her stories edited fast enough. Basically, she wrote them faster than I could accomplish the task. It was an amicable parting, though. She went on to pen a few for Nifty, then disappeared.

          • Mystery Mouse says:

            Ah well. It’s a more positive end to the story than I was dreading, so that’s nice.

            And your editing efforts are very much appreciated. I can only imagine the sheer volume of work you have to get through for this place but the fact these stories actually are edited is one of the reasons I keep coming back here.

            So thank you.

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