Three Little Girls in a Tree

  • Posted on July 17, 2017 at 12:13 pm

By Misty Meadow

Looking back over my life, some days are more memorable than others: my first kiss, for example, or the day I nearly drowned in the surf on holiday in Scarborough, or the time I got falling-down-drunk on a stolen bottle of wine and threw up into the cat’s litter box, or the evening that my partner asked me to marry her.

But the day that remains most vivid in my mind was the first day of my last year at primary school. I was almost eleven and in retrospect, naive, innocent and vulnerable. No, this wasn’t the day of my first kiss, that had happened months previously when Jenny Archer, the most popular girl in my form, cornered me in the school bathroom, took me in her arms and kissed me hard, her tongue probing between my lips.

I fell instantly in love, but my crush was short lived when I discovered that she’d kissed at least a dozen other kids in my form and never started a relationship with any of them. She was, in short, a slut, though later in life I came to like sluts, if that’s what is meant by a girl who likes a lot of sex. In that case, I’m something of a slut myself. But I digress.


I was walking home, my backpack slung over one shoulder. It was one of those unique English summer days when it’s unusually hot, when the air is still and the smells of the countryside, flowers, farmyards and fresh cut hay overwhelm the senses. I walked through the village and turned into the lane between the pub and the church. The houses petered out and then the trees arched overhead to form a kind of green tunnel. The temperature dropped to a pleasant thirty or so degrees.

I came to the public footpath that wound through Blackthorn Wood and connected with my own lane on the other side of the trees. I climbed over the stile and started along the path. One might be forgiven for thinking at an eleven-year-old girl should never walk alone on a seldom used path through a wood, but for as long as anyone in the village could remember, no little girl or boy had ever been endangered in any way so it was deemed safe.

I’d walked a few yards into the wood, listening to the unbelievably loud calls of a song thrush, resounding over the hum of insects, when I heard my name called.

“Misty!” I looked around. “Misty! Over here!”

I stepped off the path into the undergrowth and pushed between the dense bushes in the direction of the voice and soon through the trees I could just discern a splash of pale blue, the colour of our school’s summer uniform dress. I pressed on until I came to a small clearing with a large tree dead in the centre. This was no ordinary tree. Whatever species it was, its branches sprang out from quite close to its base, lots of them, at all angles, making it eminently climbable.

Standing on separate branches three or four feet above the ground and holding on to the trunk were Kit and Sky, two girls who were a year above me and now in the senior school.

I grinned at them. They’d been the “bad girls” of the junior school — always in trouble, ever defiant, independent, contemptuous of authority and enormous fun to be around.

“What’s up?” I asked, stepping up close and dropping my backpack near to where theirs lay at the foot of the tree. To my astonishment, I noticed two pairs of white knickers had been carelessly tossed on the ground next to their backpacks. I looked up at the girls. As always, they had mischievous grins on their faces.

“We wanna show you something, Misty,” said Kit.

“Yeah,” said Sky.

“Let me guess,” I said. “You’re not wearing knickers.”

“Exactly,” said Kit. “It’s been so hot today that just before last period, we went into the bathroom and took ’em off. We sat all through history class, hoping that Miss Baker would see, but she never even looked our way, so we pretty much wasted our time.”

Miss Baker is a very good looking teacher in her twenties who is probably on the receiving end of more crushes than she can count. The rumour is that she’s a lesbian, but there’s no actual evidence.

“Actually, our time’s not totally wasted,” said Sky. “‘cos you’re here, Misty. You’re pretty, though maybe not as gorgeous as Miss Baker, so we’re gonna let you look up our dresses.”

“Yeah,” said Kit, “and let you see our cunts.”

I was a bit shocked by her use of the forbidden word, but then these two little she-devils did all sorts of forbidden stuff. I’d always called my vagina my “muffin,” but then and there I made a quick resolution to use the “C” word from now on.

“Wanna see?” asked Sky.

Although I was working hard to appear nonchalant, my insides were churning with excitement. I was about to get involved with something totally wicked with these girl rebels. The only cunt I’d ever seen, apart from my own, was my mother’s — hidden under a mat of crinkly hair, barely visible as she stepped out of the shower back when I was little.

I frequently inspected my own muffin in front of the mirror in my bedroom, spreading it wide with my fingertips and admiring the pinkness inside. And in bed, in the secret cave of my blankets, I’d touch it, pushing a finger inside, then sniffing and tasting it (like all girls of that age do, I later discovered). I’d found that sensitive spot, up at the top, that likes to be touched. Yes, I’d started masturbating, though I’d yet to have an orgasm.

I shrugged. “Why not?” My pulse was racing.

“Me first,” said Kit, lifting the hem of her dress up under her chin with one hand while she held on to the tree trunk with the other.

My heart skipped a beat when I looked at her treasure, so willingly revealed especially for me. If I’d just sneaked a quick look up her dress, it wouldn’t have been the same as this deliberate display. Her cunt was like mine, just a vertical slit with no trace of pubic hair. I stepped in for a close up look.

“It’s pretty,” I said, smiling up a her.

“It’s fuckin’ gorgeous!” said Sky from the other side of the tree. “I love her cunt, and she loves mine.”

“Go on, Sky, now you show her. Let darling little Misty see your cunt, too!”

She’d called me “darling.” Wow! I stepped to the other side of the tree.

“Ta-dahh!” Sky sang, raising her own dress. Her cunt was different, more developed than Kit’s, with a little arch at the top barely concealing that tiny bump that I now know is the centre of all pleasure. She had a few wisps of blond pubic hair. “Look at this puppy. Isn’t it cute?”

“Beautiful!” I murmured. “It’s so different from mine.”

“That’s ‘cos I’m a little older,” Sky said. “I’m gonna get my first period any day now. Look at my tits.” She tugged her dress up higher, just enough for me to see her budding breasts — barely perceptible swellings, though her nipples were a lot bigger than mine. “Kit’s got no tits yet, but I still think she’s sexy.”

Both girls stood there, dresses hoisted, allowing me to stare at them for as long as I liked. I glanced back at Kit, who was now crouched down in a squat, still holding on to the tree trunk. I stepped over and stood close, my face just a foot or so from her cunt.

“Go ahead, kiss it!” she commanded. I heard Sky chuckle.

“No way!” I protested, faking disgust. “That’s gross!”

“Oh, Misty, you have so much to learn,” Sky said, shaking her head. “Kissing cunts is the best fun ever.”

“But it must taste awful. That’s where you pee from!” I was familiar with the taste of pee — having, at one time, put my finger in my stream and then sucked it.

“Speaking of which,” said Sky. “Watch this!” Still hoisting her dress up she thrust her hips forward and let a stream of pee arc out and fall to the ground. When she finished, she dropped her dress, then used the hem to wipe herself. “Gotta get myself nice and clean so it tastes good when you kiss it, Misty.”

“I’m not gonna…” Before I could finish my protest, Kit followed Sky’s lead, sending her own jet of pee out so that I had to quickly step aside to avoid getting drenched.

“Sorry, Misty, I shoulda warned you.” Like her friend, she used her dress to wipe herself. Perhaps I ought to have been offended, but it seemed more like a shared intimacy than anything aggressive.

“Like I was saying,” I continued, maintaining my veneer of respectability, “I’m not gonna be kissing any cunts today.”

“That’s because you have no idea how much pleasure you can give to a girl when you kiss her cunt,” Sky retorted. “I bet you never had yours kissed.”

“That’s right,” I firmly replied.

“Oh, we gotta fix that!” said Kit.

“Where?” asked Sky. “Not my place. Mum’s home.”

“And not mine. It’s too far… and anyhow, I can’t wait to kiss Misty’s cunt. I wanna do it right now!”

Oh, my God! Both these wicked girls wanted me to take part in their naughty shenanigans, their forbidden games, their lewd activities. In truth, I felt enormously flattered. Being allowed to look at their cunts was exciting enough, but now that I thought about it, I felt that a faint taste of pee was a small price to pay for the intimacies that were now being proposed.

“Take your knickers off,” said Kit.

“No!” Sky interrupted, jumping to the ground. “I’m gonna take them off her. Lift your dress, Misty.”

My heart was pounding as I raised my dress up. Sky knelt in front of me and slowly tugged my white cotton knickers down my thighs, staring intently as my cunt came into view. “Oh!” she breathed, “it’s adorable!”

Stepping out of my knickers, I spread my feet far apart, allowing her to see everything.

Kit jumped down from her perch and knelt beside her, gazing at my treasure.

“Very kissable,” she commented, then looked up into my face. “Are you okay with this, Misty? Are you gonna let us kiss your cunt?”

I was touched by her concern. It was good to know that they weren’t going to pressure me into doing something I was reluctant to do. In any case, I was more than willing, I was eager.

“Lay down,” said Sky, tossing my knickers to join theirs. “On your back, with your legs spread.”

I looked at the ground. It was covered in leaf litter, bits of twig and who knew what else. I was gonna get my dress dirty and my bum scratched, and Mum would be furious.

They saw the look on my face. “Better idea,” said Kit. “Get up in the tree, like we were. We can lick you from down here.”

She helped me climb onto the lowest branch, pushing my bare bum with the palms of her hands. I stood there, balanced precariously, holding the trunk with one hand. I felt that I’d be more secure holding on with both hands, so I used my free hand to unbutton my dress all the way from bottom to top and let it fall open. Now, not having to hold it up, I could get a firm grip on the tree.

The caress of the fresh air on my body was nothing compared to the feeling of their gaze as they stared at my nakedness. I felt a warm glow spreading from my loins and all through my body.

I smiled down at them. “Do you think I’m pretty?” I asked.

“Utterly fuckin’ stunning!” said Sky.

“Absolutely totally sexy!” said Kit.

“Who goes first, then?” I asked.

“Me!” they chorused, shoving each other. “Me! Me!”

I had to giggle. “Calm down, girls, you’ll both get a chance. Alphabetical order.”

“Yippee!” Kit called, stepping up close to me. She took my dress and spread it wide open, studying my bare body, excitement written on her face. I moved my feet as far apart as I comfortably could.

“Oh, Misty!” she breathed. “Every time I saw you at school, showing off your knickers by hanging upside down from the monkey bars or doing cartwheels, I wanted this. I’ve had a secret thing about you… and now, you’re all ours. Just relax, and let it happen.”

She leaned close, cupped my bum with both hands and pressed her lips to my cunt in a lingering kiss. Then I felt her tongue press into me — not as far as my finger could go, but thrilling nevertheless. It pushed in and out, then withdrew to lick up and down the length of my slit, finally finishing up at the top where all the good feelings are. Her hair prevented me from seeing exactly what her tongue was doing, but I’d never felt anything like it before. Chills ran all through my body, and not just from the afternoon breeze.

“She likes it, she likes it!” Sky called. “I can see it on her face. Oh, she fuckin’ loves it! My turn now, Kit. Move over.”

Sky’s tongue seemed longer than Kit’s as she probed and licked me, driving me to new heights of delight. Her big eyes looked up at me adoringly.

“What do I taste like?” I asked — though I had a pretty good idea, because I’d sometimes taste my finger after pleasuring myself in bed at night.

“Delicious!” she answered. “Nothing like pee, just pure cunt.” She went back to licking me.

“Sky likes the taste of pee,” Kit said. “Give her a squirt, Misty.”

“No way!” I said, pretending to be horrified, but the idea was strangely thrilling.

“Another time,” Sky said, coming up for air, “in the bathroom at home, maybe.”

“Fuckin’ dirty slut,” Kit murmured. I knew she was referring to Sky. That was when I decided that “slut,” was a compliment I wanted to earn.

“How does it feel, Misty?” Kit asked. “Is she driving you crazy, like she does me?”

I had no words for how I felt, so I just moaned and thrust my hips forward. Sky’s tongue worked even harder. “It’s… awesome!” I finally managed to croak.

Sky surfaced. “Now that you know how much pleasure you can give a girl, how do you feel about licking us?” She stepped back and I jumped down.

“Get up in the tree!” I demanded. “I’m gonna kiss your cunts and lick you until — until you both fall in love with me!”

“Won’t take much licking for me,” murmured Kit. “I’m gonna take my dress all the way off, so I don’t have to hold it up.”

I glanced about a bit nervously, but we were too far from the path for anyone to see us. Kit unbuttoned her dress and shrugged it from her shoulders, then bunched it up and tossed it over to where the knickers lay.

Tall for her age, she was slender to a fault. I could almost count her ribs, and the nipples on her flat chest were no bigger than mine. Compared to Sky, she was a late developer, physically at least. I couldn’t take my eyes off her.

“You’re beautiful,” I murmured.

“She’s fuckin’ sexy!” said Sky. “Kit loves being naked and never misses a chance to take her clothes off, ‘specially if she can show it to a cute girl. I’m the same, come to think of it.”

She started unbuttoning her dress from bottom to top, then spread it wide, standing in front of me with her feet parted. Now I had a perfectly clear view of her tits, capped by visibly swollen nipples. I ached to take them in my mouth.

“You’re sexy, too, Sky,” I said. “Both of you are gorgeous!”

Feeling especially bold, I let my own dress slip from my shoulders and to the ground. There I was, deep in a secluded wood with two precocious, wicked girls, all of us naked except for our white ankle socks and sneakers. By then, the very remote possibility that someone might stumble upon us actually added to the thrill.

They climbed back up the tree, resumed their former positions and stood silently, waiting for me.

Which of them should I kiss first? Sky’s cunt, being more developed, was more interesting to me… but though Kit’s was pretty much just like mine, I decided that as she’d dropped a hint about falling in love with me, she should be the first beneficiary of my kiss.

I drew close, but the branch she stood on was higher than the one I’d used and her cunt was too high for me to reach. Holding on to the trunk, she bent her legs until she was in a squat, knees splayed as wide as they’d go. Her face was alight with excitement.

I leaned in and tenderly kissed her cunt, then gazed up at her. “I think you love me,” she said.

I nodded. At that moment, I was in love with both of them.

“Give her a good licking, Misty,” Sky called from her branch. “See if you can make her come.”

Extending my tongue, I did my best to copy what these two naughty girls had done to my cunt — probing, licking, running my tongue up and down Kit’s juicy sex. The taste was unusual, but really nice. I quickly realized that I loved it.

Placing one hand on the back of my head, Kit pressed me into her. “Oh, fuck, this is fuckin’ marvelous!” she gasped.

From the corner of my eye I could see Sky leaning out, peering around the tree trunk to get a better view of what I was doing. “You gonna come, Kit?” she asked.

“I don’t think so,” she said. “She’s really good at this, but if I come I’m gonna fall out of this tree and hurt myself.”

I promptly came up for air, peering up at her flushed face. “Oh, look at you, Misty,” she gushed. “Your big beautiful eyes are all lovey-dovey, and your mouth is wet from my cunt.”

“My turn! My turn!” Sky called.

I stepped across to her side of the tree. Sky’s branch was lower and her cunt was level with my face. Then, just as I leaned in, she lifted one leg up to her chest and propped her foot on my shoulder. “That’s better. Now I don’t have to hold on.”

With both hands, she drew my head in between her thighs. My lips met hers in a lingering kiss, then I began to explore her with my tongue.

Her cunt was somewhat larger than Kit’s, with her lips more developed and her clit quite accessible. I put my lips round it and sucked. I heard her gasp. I did it again, harder this time, then began to suck it in and out rhythmically.

“Oh, fuck me, Misty, where’d you learn to do that?” she groaned. “You’re driving me crazy!”

“Make her come, kiddo!” Kit called.

Sky’s whole body was trembling with excitement. My hands were resting on her bum cheeks with one of my middle fingers touching her brown rosebud. Looking up at her, I could see that her face was contorted with ecstasy.

Suddenly seizing hold of the tree trunk with both hands, Sky let out a loud cry. Her foot slipped from my shoulder and I held her tightly, still licking. Her knees buckled as she gripped the trunk firmly, panting like a dog. Then she gasped, “S-stop, Misty! That’s enough…”

Kit was giddy with delight. “She came! She came! You made her come, Misty, you foxy little slut. Wow! I’ve never seen it happen quite that fast. Now, how about finishing me off?”

Kit sat on her branch and turned to rest her back against the trunk, one heel up by her bum for support. I positioned myself between her thighs and started to lick her again. My tongue was searching for her clit, but I couldn’t find it. Nevertheless, she groaned and twitched and gave every sign of sexual arousal as I worked to bring her to a climax.

Very soon, Kit let out a cry. “Yes! Yes! D-don’t stop!” I didn’t, either — not until she squeezed my shoulder and said, “I came, Misty! You made me come, too.”

Stepping back, I saw that Sky had descended from her perch and was watching us, one hand between her legs, her fingers working.

“Fuck me, I almost came a second time just from watching you! She’s good, isn’t she, Kit? Good enough to be our friend.”

“Absolutely!” said Kit. “Would your mum let you come to a sleepover at my place, with me and Sky? It’s this Friday night.”

My heart surged. “Uh, sure! I bet she would.”

“Cool! My mum lets us sleep in her big bed and she stays in the guest room, so there’s plenty of space for three.”

“And, um, I can lick your cunts again…?”

“Yeah, and we’ll make you come like a rocket,” said Sky. “Where’d we put our knickers?” She went over to the pile of clothing, selected a pair and pulled them on. They were too tight.

“I think those are mine,” I said.

She laughed. “Yeah, I know. I like wearing another girl’s knickers.”

“Here, I’ll wear Sky’s… and you can wear mine!” said Kit.

I’d never done anything like that before, and the idea was strangely thrilling. Kit found hers, then came up to me and pressed them against my face.

“Give ’em a good sniff,” said Sky. “I love sniffing knickers. I’m gonna smell yours when Sky’s finished with them.”

I inhaled deeply, getting that same smell of my finger at night. It wasn’t exactly French perfume, but it had an aroma that I’d already come to love. I put them on, pulling them over my sneakers and up my legs as the girls watched. Then I found my dress and donned that, carefully fastening the buttons.

“A striptease in reverse,” said Sky. “Girl, you’re fuckin’ awesome!”

I watched as Kit put Sky’s knickers on and then, all too soon, we three were fully dressed.

“You come home this way every day, don’t you?” Kit said.

“Yes,” I replied.

“Yeah, we kinda knew,” Sky said, “so we waited here for you, and when we heard your footsteps on the path, we called you.”

“Wait, you mean you planned all this?”

They both grinned sheepishly. “Yeah,” said Kit, “since before the holidays. We’ve been waiting for school to start so we could…”

“…climb a tree with no knickers on…”

“And show you our cunts.” said Sky.

“And lick yours, if you’d let us,” said Kit. “I’d say it worked — didn’t it, Sky?”

“Same time tomorrow, then?” said Sky. I nodded, speechless with joy. “Get your mum to ring Kit’s mum about the sleepover, okay? Friday night, remember!”

They picked up their backpacks and started back towards the path. Sky looked over her shoulder, grinned at me and flicked the back of her dress up, showing off her bum, covered by my knickers.

“Bye, Misty,” she called, and then they were gone.


Back then, there were no iPhones, no digital cameras and thus, no pictures to capture the moment, but now, many years later, the memory of that afternoon is still vivid. Since then, I’ve eaten a lot of pussies and offered my own cunt to many little girls and mature women, usually in places much more comfortable than in the woods.

But nothing has ever set my heart racing, my skin tingling and my head spinning like that amazing experience — being one of three little girls in a tree.

The End


12 Comments on Three Little Girls in a Tree

  1. sue says:

    very hot, very real sounding story. Just great.

  2. Drod says:

    I’d love to read more about this trio’s escapades. 😉

    • Ethan says:

      On a biological note – the vagina is a sheath, well hidden within the vulva. The vagina is internal, the vulva is external. The “cunt” is the vulva, not the vagina.

      • Amanda Lynn says:

        The “Vagina” is a stretchy canal that leads from the Vulva (external) to the Uterus. (internal). The “Vaginal Entrance” is part of the Vulva.

        The “Vulva” consists of (but not limited to):
        Mons Pubis,
        Labia Minora,
        Labia Mijora,
        Urethra, and
        Vaginal Entrance or Opening.

        Though not technically correct, “Vagina” is commonly used to indicate the entirety of the Vulva.

        In this context, “Cunt” is a vulgar and commonly used term that can refer to all or part of the external areas of the female reproductive organs (Vulva).

        • kinkychic says:

          Well put. It takes a woman to get it right – most of the time anyway.

          • Clit Licker says:


            Given that the cunt is a wonderful, functional and beautiful part of the female anatomy, why is the word also used as a term of abuse?

        • Ethan says:

          Your anatomical list is, of course, quite correct. And, as you say, “vagina” has recently started being used to mean “vulva”. I know that language has to develop and evolve, and meanings will change over time. But if we start using “vagina” to mean “vulva”, then what should we call the sheath that was originally called “vagina”, to avoid confusion?

  3. Sparty says:

    Great story! I too would love to hear more about these 3 adventurous young ladies…

  4. GirlsLoveGirls says:

    You are one of my favourite authors!

  5. Mo says:

    A great sex story from Misty. Love her style & thrust into the action.

  6. Mystery Mouse says:

    So this is what happens when I try to pick a story at random? Huh. Well, I’m not complaining!

    What I love about this story, apart from all the delectable naughtiness, is how evocative it is. It’s so easy to picture the setting and that feeling of a hot summer afternoon. Heck, I can all but smell the grass!

    A thoroughly delightful story all round. I think this is the first Misty Meadow story I’ve read – I’ll definitely have to check out the rest.

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