My China Doll

  • Posted on August 4, 2017 at 8:01 pm

By Misty Meadow

I’m lying in bed all snug and toasty beneath a warm blanket, snuggled up with my lover Lian, my breasts pressing against her bare back. We’ve just made love, and she is dozing peacefully, but I’m still awake, sampling the flavour of her on my lips, basking in memories of us and how we first came to be intimate. Would it shock you to know that our first time together happened when we were just twelve? Instead of sleeping, I want to remember that lovely day and how it began — and share that story with you.


I step out of the tub, pull my shower cap off and shake out my long hair. Looking at myself in the mirror, I see a perfectly ordinary twelve-year-old girl. People tell me I’m pretty, but I think they’re trying to be nice; I’m just average, a bit young looking, perhaps, ‘cos I haven’t had my first period yet, but my nipples are growing and I think I can detect slight swellings where my tits will develop, any day now.

Down below there was a little wisp of pubic hair, but as soon as it appeared, Mum got me to shave it off. She says pubic hair is ugly, and shaves her own every day — or, to be more accurate, allows me to shave her. She’s perfectly capable of doing that herself, but wants me to do it ‘cos it’s an excuse for me to touch her pussy, which she likes a lot.

Duh! Of course she likes it. Who wouldn’t like to have another girl touch their pussy? Far as I’m concerned, practically any girl can put her hand between my legs whenever she wants. I know I sound like a bit of a slut, but Mum’s brought me up to be unashamed of my body, to be proud to show it off and to enjoy the awesome sensations I get when girls fool around with me.

This year at school, we had a lecture about “inappropriate” touching, and I had to laugh. It was all total bullshit! The only inappropriate touching is when you don’t want it to happen; then it’s a no-no. Otherwise, what’s wrong with it? Making a girl you like feel good, or letting her make you feel good in return — why on earth would that be a bad thing?

Okay, I’ll admit that I wouldn’t want a boy putting his hand up my skirt, that would be gross. But having a girl’s hand on the inside of my thigh, sliding higher and higher until it reaches heaven between my legs… well, that’s awesome. To me it’s not merely appropriate, in some cases I’d do anything to make it happen.

The school I go to, Montford Grammar, will eventually offer me what they call Sex Ed, a short course in “human reproduction,” but not for another year. For me it’ll be not only useless, but taught far too late. My mum has taken care of my sex education. She started when I was little more than a toddler, answering all my questions and showing me that sex is much more than just reproduction, it’s the most fantastic thing that a girl can… well, I’m getting ahead of myself here.

I look in my underwear drawer, riffling through the big pile of knickers that Mum buys for me on a regular basis, ‘cos she loves to look at me in my undies. Pretty much every time we go into town to shop, she buys me sexy underwear. She likes see-through things, lacy boy shorts, thongs — even bought me a pair of crotchless panties one time, which I found highly amusing and quite thrilling to wear to school the next day. When I got home from school that afternoon, Mum wanted to know whom I’d flashed my treasure to, but I just gave her a smile, stayed silent and let her imagination fill in the blanks.

Mum appears in the doorway. I never lock or even close my bedroom door. She can barge in any time she likes. I don’t care, I’ve nothing to hide from her. I don’t even mind if she catches me fingering myself. Who do you think taught me to masturbate?

For as long as I can remember, Mum took her sweet time washing my vagina in the shower. She’d soap me all over and gently slide her middle finger up inside me.

“We have to get your treasure nice and clean,” she’d say. “Now do it to me, love. Get your hand nice and soapy, then see how many fingers you can get inside me.” I must’ve been about five or six and my hand was tiny, so I could fit the whole thing inside her hot, wet pussy. It was such fun — the best game I’d ever played!

One day, just before my eighth birthday, I was lying naked on my back on my bed after our shower and she was admiring my pussy, stroking it gently with her fingertips, telling me how pretty it was.

Suddenly, I had an idea. “Why don’t you kiss it?” I asked, surprised at my own boldness.

And she did. Oh, she kissed it, all right. She kissed and licked and sucked and probed inside me with her tongue and… well, you know what I’m talking about. To me, it was the most beautiful thing ever. Naturally, when Mum came up for air, I demanded that she let me do that to her. She wasn’t sure at first, but then lay back and spread her legs wide apart, letting me see every bit of her pussy. Grinning like a fool, I got down on my belly and began to kiss her there, then I started to lick. She went kind of crazy really fast, acting just the same way I did. I just kept going until she made me stop. My face was soaked!

After it was over she explained to me what an orgasm is, and how it felt so good that you had to make lots of noise and yell dirty words. She thanked me over and over and told me that one day soon, I’d be having orgasms of my own. I couldn’t wait!

Now, Mum steps into the room, dressed in a sheer camisole and tap pants to match. I can see her dark nipples and her shaved vagina through them. She isn’t even thirty years old and looks even younger. No doubt about it, I have the hottest mum of all the kids in my school. Small and slender like me, she doesn’t have an ounce of fat on her body. It’s no wonder she has lots of girlfriends, by which I mean lesbian lovers. Yes, my mother never made any secret of the fact that she isn’t into men. So how did I happen? I was adopted as a newborn baby. I’m glad it was Mum who selected me, too. I love her so much.

“I can’t decide which knickers to wear, Mum,” I tell her.

“Wear your invisible ones,” she suggests. See, we have this running joke where I pretend to put on a pair of invisible knickers, and she pretends to admire them.

“Sure.” I’m happy to be naked under my clothes; it’s even better than wearing sexy see-through undies. Best of all is to go completely nude, which is what I usually do around the house.

Mum smiles, giving me that special look that means she’s in the mood to play. “Come downstairs, Misty. There’s something I want you to see.”

I follow her down to the living room, where she seats herself on the couch. “Come sit on my lap.” Already getting excited, I straddle her thighs. “Now, take the laptop and lean back against me.”

“Okay.” I rest the laptop on my bare legs and open it, eager to see what Mum has found for us to watch.

“Click on the Pictures file,” she says. I can’t see her smile, but I hear it in her voice.

I gasp as I see her latest download. Two naked girls, both about my age, sit on the floor in front of a huge armchair. Their knees are raised and spread about as wide as they can go, putting their smooth vaginas on display to the camera. Their faces are filled with joy, and I can see how much they love having the chance to show off their private parts. Mum is peering over my shoulder. “Aren’t they adorable?”

Adorable wouldn’t be my first choice of words. Naughty doesn’t quite describe it, nor does sexy. Delicious might be the best. I’ll bet that describes how those sweet little pussies taste. It’s one of the hottest things I’ve ever seen — like the pictures Mum takes of me when I’m naked or in my undies, but better, ‘cos I already know what I look like with no clothes on.

“Wow!” I breathe. “So pretty! Where’d you find this?”

“Oh, one of my lovers emailed it to me. She knows I’m into little girls. But I had to email her back and stop her from sending any more, because this is absolute child porn. After all, we don’t know who’s reading our email. I’ll try to get more of these the next time I see her.”

As I gaze at the screen, Mum’s hand sneaks round my waist, briefly brushes my nipples, then slides down between my legs, her fingers probing gently into my pink grotto. I lean back, feeling her breasts pressing against my shoulder blades, the nipples hard under the sheer silky material of her camisole.

“You’re wet,” she whispers. “In just a few seconds you’ve become soaking wet.” She brings those fingers to her lips and sucks on them. I twist around, slide one of Mum’s shoulder straps off to expose her breast, then bend down to take the tip of it into my mouth, sucking hard on her nipple and biting it gently now and then. She gasps. I bite harder, knowing that she likes the pain.

Her hand slips between my legs again. “Oh, my darling Misty,” she groans, “I love you so much! I can’t get enough of you… my good little lover.”

I lift my head, looking up at her. “What would you like to do to me, Mummy?” I’m using my little-girl voice, ‘cos I know how hot that makes her.

“I want to eat your cunt,” Mum says, crudely. I love it when she talks dirty!

Without a word I climb from her lap and stand up on the couch to face Mum, my feet on either side of her hips. I push my hips forward so that my vagina, my treasure, my cunt is about an inch away from her face. She presses her mouth into me and her tongue goes to work, quickly and expertly bringing me to a crashing orgasm.

Oh, yes, I have orgasms. I’ve been having them for years now. Mum’s not the only one who writhes and groans and yells dirty words.


I’m standing outside the school gates, talking to my friend Becky. We used to touch each other you-know-where in a bathroom stall in the upstairs toilet. One day, though, she fell for another girl, so now we’re just friends.

“Look,” she says, “here comes Lian.”

I like to think of Lian as my little China doll. People who don’t know better think that Asians have yellow skin and slitted eyes, which is absolute nonsense.

Lian’s skin is just like mine would be if I had a light all-over tan, and her dark eyes are huge, surrounded by long lashes. Her nose is tiny and cute, her full lips are always smiling, and she has black hair that falls all the way down to her bum. Lian’s name in Chinese means, “graceful willow,” but calling her graceful doesn’t do her justice. I also like words like stunning, exquisite, or angelic, ‘cos to me she’s all those things. Her parents arrived in the UK just days before Hong Kong was taken over by the Chinese. Years later, they had a baby girl who is now eleven — and I’m crazy in love with her.

Lian joined the first form of our school in West London at the start of the autumn term. She’s one year behind me. The girls in her form teased her, calling her “Chink,” but I told her right away that they were all jealous of how beautiful she was, and we created an instant bond.

“I hear she has a crush on you,” Becky says.

“Who told you that?”

“It’s all over the school. Isn’t she gorgeous?”

“Hands off, Becky, she’s mine,” I scowl.

Becky grins at me. “Fuckin’ slut,” she says.

“Nothing wrong with sluts,” I call as Becky walks away. “I love sluts. Sluts are awesome!” I don’t think she hears me.

I turn around to catch Lian before she passes by. “Hey, Lian,” I call, waving to her.

Her eyes light up, and she comes over to where I’m standing. ‘Hi, Misty!”

“Say, wanna walk home with me?”

She looks puzzled. “You mean… to your house?”

“Sure. We can hang out together. My mum’s not home until later. I can help you with your homework.”

I don’t know why I said that — Lian’s one of the best students in the whole school! Still, it’s not as if I can tell her, Come over to my place! I’ll take your knickers off and lick your pussy.

Dumb as it is, my suggestion seems to work, because Lian nods and grins, taking out her cell phone. “I’ll just call my mum and tell her I’m gonna be late.”

I look Lian up and down while she rings her mother. She looks so adorable in her school uniform — those lovely thin legs growing out of her white ankle socks and under her tartan skirt, all the way up to paradise. Her body is still that of a little girl, with a chest even flatter than my own, and skin smooth as silk.

“It’s fine,” she says, putting her phone away. I hook my arm through hers, and we set off.


“Oh, my God, you’re gorgeous!” Mum gushes when I introduce Lian. “Come inside, both of you, and I’ll fix you some ice cream.” Clearly, she thinks Lian is every bit as beautiful as I do. She fusses about the room, hardly able to take her eyes off my new friend.

“Hey, how would you like to sleep over, Lian?” I ask, going for broke.

“Oh, yes,” Mum jumps in. “That’s a wonderful idea. Call your parents and ask if it’s all right with them!”

Lian phones home and talks for a while, then hands the phone to Mum who reassures Lian’s mum that everything will be fine — homework will be done, bedtimes honoured and we’d both be dispatched off to school the next day at the proper time. “It’s all arranged,” Mum says, hanging up. “Why don’t you both go upstairs and hang out for awhile? I’ll call you when dinner’s ready.”

How about that, Mum forgot about the ice cream. No problem — I can’t wait to get Lian alone. She’s the only sweet treat I’m thinking about!


Our homework’s done, dinner’s been eaten and now I’m seated in front of my dressing table, painting my toenails, dressed in nothing more than my old cotton nightie. Mum bought it for me back when I was much younger and shorter, and now it’s way too small for me and barely covers my bum. I’ve loaned Lian one of my T shirts to use as a nightie. She looks so nice in it, too, with just a pair of white knickers underneath. She’s looking at me — staring, in fact — her gaze focused on my treasure, my most private part, my vagina. See, my nightie is far too short to conceal it, and my lifted leg gives her a perfect view.

I concentrate on doing a perfect job of lacquering my toenails, letting her look at my muffin — which is what I used to call it when I was little, before Mum taught me the word cunt. Lately, though, I’ve come to really like saying “muffin,” again, so I use that more now.

Lian’s gaze is like a physical touch, and I can feel a warm tingle building up in my tummy. In a mood to be especially naughty, I swivel round in my chair to give her an even better view. I don’t want her to stop looking, so I pretend to botch the nail job, wipe the nail varnish off with a cotton ball and start over again.

Not that there’s anything special about my muffin. It’s just like that of any other twelve-year-old, a vertical slit without a trace of hair. Lots of other girls and some women have seen it before, but I don’t think there’s anyone who’s looked at it quite like Lian is at this moment. I look up, smile and try to make eye contact with her, but she can’t stop staring at my muffin. I finish my left toes, lower my leg and lift the other.

“Pass me the cotton balls,” I say, positioning my heel firmly on the edge of the chair. She hands me the package, and I slip four of them between my toes and start painting again. Her eyes stay locked on me until I finish. “There!” I say, extending my leg for her appraisal. “How does that look?”

“Perfect,” she says, still stealing glances at my treasure.

“I meant my toes, not my muffin,” I say, grinning. “You haven’t stopped looking at it since I started.”

Lian’s cheeks turn a bright pink. “I’m sorry, Misty,” she says. “I didn’t mean to…”

I quiet her with a shake of the head. “Oh, I don’t mind. I like having my muffin looked at. Hey, wanna see my tits?” I pull my nightie high up on my chest to expose my erect nipples. I’m proud of them, though the slight swelling of my breasts is a lot harder to notice. Lian’s eyes grow bigger and her face flushes even brighter. I don’t quite know why I’m so excited, but this is really fun, much more fun than the computer games we’ve been playing. My little China Doll seems to be hypnotized, unable to stop staring at my naked body. I lift both legs in the air, waving them about to dry the nail varnish, with my bum right on the edge of the chair. Now she can probably see my little brown rosebud, too. That’s fine with me — the more she sees, the better.

“Your turn now,” I say, lowering my legs.

“To paint my toenails?”

“Well, okay, sure — but I meant that it was your turn to take your knickers off so I can see your muffin. I showed you mine, so you have to show me yours, okay? It’s a rule.”

“Um, I guess,” she said, a bit nervously, then began to hoist her nightie.

“Wait!” I stopped her. “Let me do it for you.”

Her eyes, already large, get even bigger. “Really?”

I nod eagerly. “Yeah! Just lie back, put your hands behind your head, and I’ll take them off.”

Lian meekly does as I say, holding her head up with laced fingers — so she can watch, I reckon. I slide off my chair and kneel in front of her. The thought flickers through my mind that kneeling is the position used by worshipers, and at this moment, that’s utterly perfect. I’m about to worship another girl’s vagina, not my mum’s, but the cunt of a beautiful girl of my own age.

I hook my fingers into the waist of Lian’s knickers and slowly, slowly tug them down. She helpfully raises her hips for me — and it’s that little gesture of willingness and submission that makes my heart flutter. Her muffin comes into view, almost identical to my own. It’s even baby-smooth like mine, although I’m sure it’s not because Lian shaves. She hasn’t reached puberty yet, but I don’t care. I love her exactly the way she is, a stunningly beautiful little Chinese girl with a smile that melts my heart. Taking hold of her ankles, I remove her knickers, push her legs up to bend her knees, then place her feet on the edge of the bed. Now I can get as close as I like to Lian’s muffin! I lean in until my nose is about six inches from it. I breathe in, drawing in the lovely scent of her.

“Oh, Lian,” I sigh, “it’s adorable!”

“I… I’ve never let anyone look at me like this before.”

I give her a radiant smile. “Now we have no secrets from each other. We can hang out together without any clothes on at all and look at each other’s beautiful bodies as much as we want.” I decide to be totally honest with her. “I’m gonna let you into a secret… if you promise never to tell anyone.”

Lian looks at me intently. “I promise. What is it?”

“My mum looks at my muffin, too — and she lets me look at hers. Not only that, I get to shave her pubic hair off every week.”

“You actually touch her down there?” she gasps, surprised.

“Yes, she loves it, and I let her touch mine.”

Lian’s mouth is hanging open in astonishment. “That… that’s so naughty.”

“Very naughty. Mum and I do lots of naughty things. We always have — ever since I learned how to walk, I think. Nothing’s off limits when it comes to our bodies. We do whatever makes us happy. Now c’mon, Lian, lift your t-shirt and show me your tits.”

“I don’t have any yet,” she says, pulling it up.

“You have nipples. Everyone has nipples.” I study the pretty swollen buds, licking my lips. “Oh, they’re so cute! Just you wait, Lian — soon they’ll start to grow like mine.” My nightie is still hoisted up to my chest. I decide it’s only going to get in the way, so I pull it over my head and toss it aside. Now I’m utterly naked with my new best friend and she can look at me all she likes, the more the better.

“Okay, I’ll do your nails.” I load up her toes with cotton balls and start the paint job — applying it carefully, taking my sweet time. All the while, I can look right at Lian’s muffin as much as I like. I try to make the job last as long as possible, but all too soon I’m finished. “There, all done.” I lift her feet so she can see my handiwork, holding her legs high in the air to expose her sweet little bum hole, puckered as though offering a kiss. Then I let her legs go, sit down beside her and lie back. Rolling onto one hip, I drink in the sight of her young body.

“Lian,” I murmur tentatively, “I could really fall in love with you. You’re so beautiful… you take my breath away. This is a moment I’ll treasure forever, just the two of us alone, looking at each other with no clothes on. You know, when I was painting my nails, I was feeling all excited ‘cos of the way you were looking at my pussy.”

Sitting up, Lian runs her gaze up and down my bare body. “I think you’re lots more beautiful than me,” she says, frowning. “Your boobs are more like a woman’s than mine. Me, I’m still just like a boy.” She pulls her t-shirt over her head and drops it to the floor, shaking her long, black hair free.

I lift both arms up above my head and stretch my body like a cat waking up. Again, I can feel the warmth of her stare, making me tingle all over. “We sound like a couple of lesbians, huh?” I laugh. “Wonder if we’ll grow up to be gay.” (Actually, I’m not wondering any such thing. I know for a fact that I’m already just as queer as Mum.)

“I definitely wanna be gay,” Lian affirms, to my delight. “Boys suck. Girls are so much nicer.”

And sexier. Can you imagine if a boy pulled his pants down and showed off his cock?”

Lian makes a face. “Ugh! Gross!”

My mind is racing, wicked thoughts swirling round my brain. I want to caress Lian’s gorgeous body all over. I wonder how she’d react if I actually touched her muffin. If she touched mine I’d be in heaven. By now, I’m sure we both want the same thing, but suppose we’re both afraid of being rejected. I have to break the ice somehow. Now, suddenly, I have an idea.

“Hey, let’s play lesbians!” Her face lights up, so I continue. “We can pretend to be gay and do gay stuff, just to be naughty. Sounds like fun, huh?”

“Oh, yes! But, um, what do lesbians do?” Lian eagerly asks.

“Well, first…” I murmur, moving closer, “they kiss.”

From the moment I first laid eyes on Lian walking shyly down the school corridor, I’ve wanted to kiss those sweet red lips, always bright as though she were wearing lipstick, though she never does.

I reach up and pull her down to me and our mouths come together. My heart skips a beat. I put my arms round her neck and hug her tightly. To my surprise, I feel Lian’s tongue probe between my lips, sending a special thrill through my body. She’s entering me in a totally intimate way and I welcome it. I open my lips wider and suck on her tongue. I can hear the hiss of breath through our noses as we continue to kiss. I extend my own tongue and she accepts it, drawing it into her mouth and caressing it with her own. Her body rolls onto mine and I part my legs to let her thigh slip between them. It rubs up against my muffin, sending electric shocks through me.

We come up for air and she lies back. I lift my head and look at her flushed, but radiant face. “That was awesome!” I breathe.

“I think I’m falling in love with you, Misty,” she whispers.

I can’t stop grinning. “Me too, Lian, ever since I first saw you. Just now, when I put my tongue into your mouth, d’you know what I was thinking?”


“I was thinking it would be more exciting if I did that to your muffin.” There, I’ve said it, said what’s been occupying my thoughts all evening.

“Oh, my God! You mean, lick me down there? When you were painting your toenails, I was looking at yours and fantasising about kissing it, but I thought it was kinda like, weird, you know?”

“No, no! It’s not weird at all. In fact, it’s what lesbians do. Haven’t you seen pictures of girls having sex with other girls on the internet, then?”

Lian makes a face, then shrugs. “My computer has parental controls. I can’t surf for porn.”

“Really? Then later, we’ll look at mine. There’s oceans of stuff, full of lesbians doing all sorts of amazing things. Licking each other down there seems to be what they like best, though.” I reach out to touch her leg. “Can I look at yours again?”

I sit up next to Lian as she spreads her legs. Her mound is prominent, bigger than mine, bisected by her little-girl slit. It’s not a remarkable sight in itself, but the fact that she’s not just willing, but eager for me to look at it is what makes my pulse race. There she lies, flat on her back, legs spread wide for me, and best of all, a huge smile on her lovely face. I kneel between her feet, then fall forward onto my elbows. Once again, my face is just inches away from heaven. I can detect a faint but rich aroma, that same exciting fragrance that lingers on my fingertips after I pleasure myself late at night.

I gaze at Lian’s treasure, my excitement building. With one hand, I reach out, letting my fingertips caress her moist cleft — gently probing, searching for entry. My middle finger finds the way into her vagina, and she gasps.

I glance up at her. “Am I hurting you?”

“No, p-push it in all the way!” she hisses. “My fingers go all the way in — so can yours.”

I move deep into her, turn my hand palm up and curl my finger. She gasps again, and I know I’ve hit that spot, the one that feels so good when I do this to myself.

“Yes, yes!” she cries. “Oh, this is so good!”

I push my finger in and out a dozen or so times, fucking her nice and steady — then withdraw it, slip the wet finger into my mouth to suck.

Lian props herself up on both elbows, her mouth set in a pout. “Why’d you stop!?”

I just smile. “Cos this is what I’ve been wanting to do.” I move in, pressing my lips firmly against her and pushing my tongue inside. Her hips lift up to meet me, and I can feel her fingernails digging into my scalp. I thrust my tongue in and out until it begins to ache, then I drag it up through her slit until the tip reaches that sweet spot, that little nub that can give a girl so much pleasure.

Lian moans. I have to breathe through my nose while I lick her, and each time I inhale, the sharp scent of her sex only adds to my excitement. She opens her legs further, as if inviting me to lick even deeper. As I go down on my new lover, I reach up to caress her flat chest. My fingers find her nipples, then gently squeeze and pinch them. Small as they are, Lian’s nipples are surprisingly stiff.

My tongue flicks and teases her tiny clit and she croaks, “Misty, oh Misty, I love you so much!” her voice hoarse with lust.

I lift my head and gaze at her — moved by the sight of those enormous eyes, now filled with happy tears. “I love you too, Lian,” I say, heart swelling in my chest. I give her muffin a soft, lingering kiss, then ask, “Would you like to lick mine?”

“Oh, yes, yes!” she says, quickly sitting up.

I climb onto the bed and lie back, my legs spread for her. My tummy quivers with excitement as Lian’s face, wearing an expression of adoration, draws nearer and nearer to my muffin. When her lips meet my cunt, a wave of pure lust washes through my body. I stroke her hair, then curl my fingers into those jet black tresses, holding her face against my treasure. I can hear Lian breathing hard through her nose as she licks me. Just as I did to her, she reaches up to caress my chest and finger my nipples — which, by now, are so hard they ache.

“Oh, Lian, you’re driving me crazy! Nothing’s ever f-felt so good! Don’t stop. Oh my sweet Jesus, I’m so in love with you. I’m on fire!” Okay, I’m not really in flames, but it sure feels like it. The blaze starts down where her tongue is bringing me to heights of ecstasy, spreading through my tummy and suddenly exploding through every atom of my body. My fingers grip her hair and my toes curl. For long seconds, the world disappears, leaving me in heaven, awash in love and lust.

Finally, I slowly come down to earth, panting for breath. “I came! You made me come, Lian! It was unbelievable!”

She lifts her head and stares at me, her flushed face wet, eyes alight. “What did it feel like?”

“I… bloody hell, there aren’t any words to describe it. I want you to experience it for yourself.”

I drag Lian up over my body by her elbows, give her a brief but very heated kiss, then roll her off me and onto her back. She lies before me, legs spread, her feet on the floor — and in less than a heartbeat I’m kneeling between my China doll’s thighs, gazing at what is now the centre of my universe.

She’s so aroused that I don’t think this will take very long… but I’ll lick her for as long as I need to! Lian shivers with delight as my lips touch hers, and something about that sets me off, so suddenly I’m going wild on her pussy, doing everything I know how to drive my lover crazy. Her little-girl body writhes and twists, hips thrusting up to meet me as my tongue goes to work. I use all the oral techniques that Mum has taught me, everything I know about how to please a girl with my mouth. I guess I learned those lessons well because, in less than a minute, Lian lets out a loud cry, clamps her thighs round my head and gasps for air, shaking hard for at least a minute, then going limp like a puppet whose strings just got cut.

I’ve made her come! I lift my head and look up at Lian’s beautiful Asian face, gazing into those big eyes, just loving, loving, loving her.

There’s a knock at the door. Mum’s voice calls, “Is everything okay in there?”

I get to my feet and open the door. I hear Lian give a squeak of alarm, and from the corner of my eye I see her roll onto her tummy and hide her head under a pillow.

Mom glances into the room. “I heard someone yell.” Her expression is serious, but I can read the delight in her eyes.

“Come in, Mum, everything’s fine. We just got carried away, that’s all.” She’s wearing a short robe, loosely belted. That’s all she’s wearing, I bet!

“Well, what’ve we got here?” Mum says, “I can see the sweet bum of a little Chinese girl. It looks almost as delicious as my own daughter’s bum, and that’s the sexiest one in the world.” She turns to me. “Will we be seeing any more of her, then?”

“It’s okay, Lian,” I say, “you don’t have to hide. I told you, Mum and I, we hang out naked all the time, so there’s no reason to be embarrassed.”

Lian lifts the pillow from her head and looks at Mum, unsure of what to say. “Uh…”

“If it’ll make you feel any better, I can get naked too,” Mum says. “Misty and I are proud of our bodies, aren’t we, love?”

“Proud and willing to show them off,” I reply, backing Mum up.

As Lian slowly rolls onto her back, I reach out to give the belt of Mum’s robe a sharp tug. It falls open to reveal her small, firm tits and her shaved muffin. She shrugs it off, puts her hands on her bum and pushes her hips forward. “See?” Mum says, “you can look all you like. The more you look, the more excited I get.”

“And I get excited, too,” I say, “just from looking at her. Isn’t she gorgeous? I have the sexiest mum in the whole world!”

Lian lies there, face still flushed from her orgasm, letting Mum gaze down at her.

“Look, Misty, her pussy’s just like yours was a year ago!” She sits down on the bed next to my China doll. “I just love little girls’ pussies, especially when they show them off to me like you are, Lian. To me, you’re just like my daughter, always eager to show off your nakedness, knowing how excited your audience will be. I’m utterly thrilled. I could fall head over heels in love with you.”

Lian smiles, her embarrassment quickly evaporating as Mum’s words reassure her. “Misty licked me,” she smugly announces. “She made me come. It was my first orgasm!”

Mum coos with delight. “Oh, Misty, I’m so proud of you.”

And I’m just as proud of my naked mother as she shows herself off, the sexiest mum in the world! I’m also filled with gratitude for the way she’s raised me, to delight in my own body and to love girls every bit as much as she does.

Not for the first time, I wonder how I can repay her. At that same instant, I remember that it’s her birthday tomorrow, and get an idea. A wonderful, loving, very naughty idea!

“Mum,” I say, suddenly serious. “I want to give you your birthday present a day early.” She frowns at me, slightly irked that I’ve changed the subject, interrupted the flow of her little chat about sex. “I want Lian to sleep in your bed tonight. I’m giving her to you. Is that okay, Lian?”

The little girl’s eyes are wide in amazement as she takes in what I’m saying… then she slowly nods. “Um, yes.” She grins. “Yes, that sounds lovely!”

There’s a short pause, then Mum leans in, takes Lian’s lovely face between her hands and kisses her, a long, lingering, passionate kiss. She comes up for air, leaving Lian gasping.

“Why don’t you both sleep with me?” Mum suggests. “It’s a nice big bed, plenty of room for three.” Lian’s smile gets even bigger, and I know that she’s going to go along with it. “Misty,” Mum turns to me, “this is the most perfect birthday present I’ve ever been given. Thank you so much, my darling.”

She stands and offers a hand to Lian, helping her up and onto her feet. They exit my bedroom and I follow them into Mum’s room, pausing to close the door behind me.

The End


No comments on My China Doll

  1. Swan says:

    Great story, loved it. I also enjoyed your three girls in a tree. Keep up the great writing. I’ll go read the rest of your stories.

  2. Sam says:

    Hmmm. Nice

  3. Myka says:

    Another lovely story … would like to know what they did with Mum though … please keep writing.

    • Misty Meadow says:

      So, what did they do with Mum? Whatever you want them to. That’s what fantasy is all about. There are more stories in the pipeline. Stay tuned.

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