Caring for Molly, Chapter 2

  • Posted on August 5, 2017 at 5:07 pm

By Girl Lover

Kendra drove straight to Molly’s house from school. She walked up to the front door, then fished through her purse for the keys Ms. Carrington had given her. As she entered, she wondered if Molly was home yet.

“MOLLY?” she called out.

No answer. She went down the hall to Molly’s room, again calling, “Molly?”

Her bedroom door was open. “Molly?”

She poked her head in. Molly was at the computer, playing a game.

Kendra walked in. “Molly, didn’t you hear me calling?”

“Yes,” Molly replied in a flat tone.

“Well, why didn’t you answer?”

“I didn’t want to.”

Kendra was taken aback. It reminded her of bratty little kids she’d babysat before. “Okaaay. So, do you have any homework?”

No answer.

“Do you want a snack?”

No answer.

“Do you want to go swimming?”

No answer.

Kendra sighed in exasperation. At least the girl wasn’t throwing a tantrum. That was something. Well, Ms. Carrington was paying her to help Molly if she needed it, and if she didn’t need anything… there was nothing more she could do.

Shrugging her shoulders, Kendra decided to do her homework. She went back out to the living room and sat down on the couch, opening her backpack and pulling out her algebra book.

An hour and a half later, she’d finished. After stowing her schoolwork in her backpack, she went to Molly’s room to see she was still on the computer.

“Molly, is there anything you’d like to do? Maybe play a game?”

Silence. Kendra went back to the living room and looked around, wondering what she could do until it was time for dinner. She fell on the couch, pulled out her phone, and began surfing YouTube.


Much later, Kendra looked at the time. 7:43. “Ooh, I better fix some dinner,” she said to herself.

Going into the kitchen, she opened the fridge to see what they had to make. Seeing a beef stew meal that looked good, she pulled it out and put it in the microwave. A few minutes later, she had stew for both of them in two bowls.

Going to Molly’s room, she called, “Molly, I got dinner ready. It’s beef stew.”

Molly exited out of the game she was playing and wheeled herself to the dining room without responding.

As they ate, Kendra tried one last time, “What do you do in your classes today?”

Molly was just as silent as ever. Sighing quietly, Kendra ate her dinner.

When they had finished, Kendra took both bowls to the sink and washed them. Then she went to help Molly get in the tub for her bath, but when she got there, she found the bathroom door closed and heard the water running.


She tried opening the door, but the knob wiggled uselessly in her hand. It was locked.

“Molly. I’m supposed to help you get in the tub.” She jiggled the doorknob again.

“I don’t need your help!” Molly’s voice came through the door.

Suddenly, she heard a dull thud and Molly crying out in pain.

“Molly!” Jiggling the doorknob harder than ever, Kendra grew desperate. With Molly’s anguished crying in her ears, she looked at the doorknob, saw a narrow slot and pulled out the keys she’d been given, praying that one would fit.

The knob finally turned. She flung open the door and to her horror found Molly lying naked on the floor, one of her legs hanging limp over the wall of the tub.

As Molly sobbed, Kendra carefully picked the girl up and set her inside the bathtub.

“I’m so sorry! Are you hurt?”

Still crying, Molly touched her head. Kendra carefully parted her hair to see if she was bleeding, but she didn’t seem to be.

Kendra said, “Here, let me rub your head.”

She gently rubbed Molly’s head where she’d bumped it. It was a technique she had used on herself many times whenever she had a painful bump. It distracted from the pain, sorta like acupuncture.

After a minute, Molly’s crying subsided. She sat hunched over in the tub, looking bleak.

“How’s that?” Kendra asked.


Molly paused, then said, “I’m, I’m sorry for ignoring you… and for locking the door. I didn’t want you to see me naked. I-I hate being treated like a baby. I want to be able to do things for myself. I want to…”

A pained expression crossed her face. “I just… wish I was n-normal… like everyone else.”

“I know,” Kendra whispered sadly.

Several seconds later, she said, “I’ll wait outside for you, okay?”


Kendra stood and started for the door.



“I’m really sorry.”

“It’s okay.”

Kendra stepped outside, closing the door behind her. Leaning against the wall, she let out her breath. Before this, she had never really noticed disabled people. She’d seen them once in a while, but never paid much attention. She would see them and then they were quickly forgotten.

For the first time, she could understand how hard it was. Not just physically, but from the treatment and the snide comments people would make, just like Jason this morning. She frowned. She was still upset with him about that.

Later, she picked Molly up, wrapped in a towel, and set her back in her chair. Molly wheeled herself to her room, pulled on a nightgown and got on the bed. Lying down, she waited for Kendra to exercise her legs.

Kendra placed her hand under one knee and slowly pushed Molly’s leg up toward her chest. As she did, the gown was pulled up, revealing the girl’s bare pussy.

At first, Kendra quickly looked away in embarrassment. Then, remembering that Molly couldn’t see, her eyes went back there again.

Though she had seen other girls naked in the shower after PE, she didn’t get anything then like the view she was getting now. She could clearly see the bald outer lips, slightly opened, revealing the soft flesh within.

Though she knew she shouldn’t, Kendra couldn’t help staring. It held her gaze like…


The teen awoke with a start and began moving Molly’s leg again. She continued the exercises, all the while stealing furtive glances at the area that intrigued her so much. After a few minutes, she was finished and told Molly goodnight.

Going into the living room, Kendra turned on the TV and waited for Ms. Carrington to come home.

A little after nine, she heard the car pulling into the driveway. The front door soon opened and Ms. Carrington came in, “Hi. How did everything go?”


“What did ya’ll do?”

“Uh… well, we really didn’t do anything together. She played on her computer, and I hung out here.”

Ms. Carrington frowned, then went into Molly’s room.

Kendra stood up and followed worriedly about halfway down the hall.

A few minutes later, Ms. Carrington came out of Molly’s room, slightly smiling. “I have to apologize. Molly told me that she wasn’t being very nice, and that she locked you out of the bathroom.” She sighed, shaking her head. “That girl is so hard-headed… though I know this is a big change for her.”

The woman smiled at Kendra. “She told me you visited her during lunch today. That was very thoughtful. Thank you.” She looked at the clock. “Well, it’s late. Is this working for you?”

“Yes,” Kendra nodded.

“Good. Have a good night and I’ll see you tomorrow.”


The next day at school, Wednesday, Kendra again spotted Molly slowly wheeling herself down the hall. Turning to Jason beside her, she quickly told him, “I’ll see you later. I’m going to walk with her to her room.”

Before Jason could say anything, she ran over to Molly, saying cheerfully, “Hi, Molly!”

Recognizing her voice, Molly turned to her, speaking quietly in a shy voice, “Oh, hi.”

“Can I walk with you to your classroom?”

“Uh, I guess.”

Walking slowly beside the girl, Kendra asked, “So, what class are you going to now?”

“Math,” Molly replied in her small voice.

“Ooh, I hate math.”

As they arrived at Molly’s room, Kendra told her, “Okay, I’ll come see you at lunch again, all right?”

“All right.”

At lunch, Kendra told her friends she was going to have lunch with someone else, then went to the special ed room. There, Molly was wheeling towards the cupboard. Kendra approached her, “Hi Molly, is it okay for me to eat with you again?”

Unlike the day before, Molly seemed more talkative. She smiled and nodded, “Uh-huh.”

Kendra set her lunch down on the table. “What did you do this morning?”

“I made a turtle in Art. Wanna see it?” Molly asked excitedly.


The girl backed away from the table, turned, and quickly wheeled across the room.

“Molly, slow down! You’re gonna hit somebody!” Ms. Luedtke warned.

Molly approached the window sill adorned with several animals made of clay. Reaching out, her fingers found the wall below the sill and slid across, feeling for her name plate. She touched several name plates, her fingers quickly skimming across the braille on each one until she located her own.

Sliding her fingers up to the window sill, she deftly took the dried clay turtle and showed it to Kendra. “See!”

“Hey! This is really good!”

“D’ya wanna see what else I’ve done? C’mere!”

Molly took off again without waiting for an answer. Over at the computer, she clicked on an icon, and as the program started, Molly explained, “These are my job skills.”

The computer read each one aloud as Molly moved the mouse cursor over it. “See? I want to be a teacher. Like Ms. Luedtke. And I want to help kids who are blind like me, and I’ll show them that just because they’re blind that doesn’t mean that they can’t do things.”

“I think that’s wonderful.”

“Molly, you and Kendra should really finish your lunch,” Ms. Luedtke reminded her.


They went back over to the table and began eating. “D’ya wanna go swimming later when we get home?”

“Sure,” Kendra smiled. “But I’ll have to stop at my house first and get my suit.”

“And then afterwards, we can play Monopoly.”

They continued talking, eating, and making plans for what they would do after school.


“What kind of music do you listen to?”

Kendra had just walked out of the bathroom after changing into her swimsuit when Molly sprang the question on her.

“Oh, um…” Kendra thought for a few seconds. “Colbie Caillat… Bon Jovi… Sia…”

“Have you heard Debbie Gibson?” Molly interrupted excitedly.


“She’s really neat. Mom plays her music a lot. C’mon, I’ll show you! I brought the radio outside so we can listen while we swim!”

Already in her suit with her swim vest attached, she wheeled out to the patio, stopping at the CD player. Feeling for the buttons, she pushed play and “Only in My Dreams” filled the air.

“Isn’t this great!” Molly shouted above the music as she rolled her wheelchair into the water.

Setting the brake, she slipped out of the chair and began paddling through the water. Kendra lifted her shirt over her head and pulled down her shorts. Walking nimbly across the stone patio in her bikini, she waded out to where Molly was paddling. They splashed and frolicked around.

“Hey! Let’s play Marco Polo!” Molly suddenly exclaimed.

“Okay,” Kendra agreed.


“POLO!” Kendra echoed while backing away.

Paddling towards Kendra’s voice, Molly kept baiting her, “MARCO!” while closing in. In her efforts to escape, Kendra unwittingly backed into a corner. Molly was paddling feverishly while reaching out, trying to touch her.

Still answering Molly’s calls of “MARCO!” Kendra saw that she could not escape and so she stood still and waited for Molly.

“HA! Gotcha! …hey, what’s this?”

Molly’s hands had accidentally made contact with Kendra’s B-cup size breasts. Though she was surprised, Kendra didn’t stop the girl as Molly’s fingers fondled her through the swimsuit. It didn’t feel bad or wrong, but instead… kinda nice… in a strange sorta way.

“What is this?” Molly repeated, while still squeezing her breasts, feeling the erect nipples poking through the thin bikini top.

Nervous, Kendra looked all around to see if anyone was watching them, but no one was. “Uh… my boobs.”

“What are boobs?”

Kendra frowned at the girl, and then remembered she was a blind eleven-year-old and so might not ever have noticed boobs before. “You know… your, uh… I mean, um, my breasts and my nipples.”

“But why are they sticking out like this?”

“That’s… just what they do when you grow up.”

“You mean mine are going to do this?”

“Yeah, someday.” Growing increasingly nervous about someone seeing them, Kendra said, “Okay, I’m it now!”

Quickly forgetting about Kendra’s breasts, Molly squealed and began furiously paddling away. After closing her eyes, Kendra moved forward, calling out, “MARCO!”

Molly, in her eagerness to keep from being caught, would reply, “POLO!” if she could tell that Kendra was far enough away — but once Kendra got too close, she wouldn’t answer at all.

Kendra stopped and smiled, knowing the girl was trying to hide from her. “Marco,” she called out teasingly, in a quiet voice. When she heard Molly splashing, she quickly resumed her hunt.

This, of course, got Molly terribly excited as she noisily splashed away. Thwarting her efforts to hide, Kendra finally grabbed the girl, eliciting a high-pitch scream of glee. They continued playing other games, with Debbie Gibson crooning along, until the sun went down.

“Okay, Molly, time to go in.” Kendra guided her towards her chair and after drying off, they went inside.

As she was changing back into her clothes, Molly yelled out, “Kendra, come on!”

“Coming!” On the bed, Molly had all her board games spread out.

“Which one d’ya wanna play first?” Molly asked eagerly.

Looking them over, Kendra replied, “I don’t know… uh… how about this one? Uno. Except I don’t know how to play it.”

“Oh, it’s easy. I’ll show you.”

The hours passed by as Kendra and Molly played one game after another. After having dinner, Molly took her bath, this time letting Kendra help her in and out of the tub.

As Kendra began Molly’s leg exercises, she again noticed the little girl’s exposed pussy before her. Gazing at it in awe, she lifted Molly’s upper leg, bringing it towards Molly’s chest, then lowered again. Moving her legs slowly, back and forth by rote, all her attention was on the hairless young pussy. Without realizing it, Kendra had slid her hand down just a bit each time as she moved the girl’s leg until her fingers were grazing across the surface of her vulva.

She glanced at Molly. She was staring up toward the ceiling, giving no indication that she felt Kendra touching her. Kendra’s fingers continued lightly skimming across her skin. By this time, Kendra had completely forgot about the exercising. The only thing on her mind was a burning curiosity.

What would it feel like to touch her there? Would the inside be warm? Wet? Would Molly notice anything? It was certainly smooth. And soft. Kendra’s index finger skated up one labia, then down the adjacent one. Again and again, then along the middle. Again. A little deeper. Kendra was barely breathing as a heady rush filled her.

She glanced at Molly, and her eyes widened. She knew! Her face was rigid and her breathing labored. ‘Oh shiiittt,’ Kendra thought, ‘Should I stop? Am I… traumatizing her… molesting her?!’ 

As she studied the little girl’s face, Kendra saw that although what she was doing might not be viewed favorably by others, Molly was evidently enjoying it. ‘And she would make me stop if she didn’t like it, wouldn’t she?’ she tried to convince herself.

Kendra didn’t want to stop. The pleasure on the little girl’s face had mesmerized her, and Kendra didn’t want to end this. Her fingers continued their gentle caressing until she happened to think of the time.

Ms. Carrington would be on her way home now. She really had to stop. Lifting her hand from the delicate pussy, she resumed the leg exercises.

“Can you touch my hoo-hoo again?”

Kendra stared at Molly, partly in confusion about the word “hoo-hoo,” and partly at what Molly was asking. Realizing the implications, and deeply regretting what she had done, Kendra’s mind whirled in dealing with this potential catastrophe.

“Molly….” she paused. What could she say?! “I’m… sorry… I shouldn’t have done that.”

“Why not? I liked it. It felt good.”

“Well, yeah, but, I — I’m sorry… for touching you like that. I’m sorry.”

Her voice sounded so regretful that Molly only replied remorsefully, “Oh… okay.”

“Goodnight, Molly. I’ll see you tomorrow.”


Kendra went into the living room and tried to calm her shaking nerves.

What the hell was that?! I’m not a lesbian! I have a boyfriend! Molly’s just a kid! I didn’t even ask her! What would my mom say? What would her mom say?!” But there were no answers to her questions. She sat down and pulled out her phone, surfing YouTube again in an effort to distract her enough to settle down.

When Ms. Carrington walked in, Kendra told her everything went fine and then excused herself, saying she had to leave right away and finish her homework at home. Back at her house, by the time she went to bed, she was still no less uneasy.


The next day, Kendra was worried and distracted in her morning classes. She felt as if she had cheated on Jason, and was worried what Molly thought of her, as well as wondering if she might have told her mother what had happened.

She waited in the hallway with Jason for Molly to show up.

“Come on,” said Jason, “I want to get a quick smoke before the bell rings.”

“You go ahead. I’m gonna wait for Molly,” Kendra replied absentmindedly as she scanned the hallway.

Jason pulled her arm, “What is it with her?! That’s all you talk about! I’m tired of you paying more attention to her than me!”

“Well, I’m the only one who does pay attention to her!” Kendra snapped at his thoughtlessness.

“Yeah, but I need your attention too!” His hand slid down to her butt. “Maybe during lunch, instead of hanging out with the retard, you can—”

Kendra narrowed her eyes. “She’s not retarded!” She spat the words out at him. “I’m having lunch with her! She’s all alone because you and everyone else won’t even talk to her or…”

Spotting Molly wheeling down the hall towards her, she decided to end their conversation with, “You know what?! Forget it!”

Quickly walking toward Molly while trying to calm herself down, she greeted the girl. “Hey Molly.”

“Kendra! Hi!”

Leaning in and lowering her voice almost to a whisper, Kendra said, “Molly, I just wanted to tell you, um… if what I did last night… if you didn’t like it, I’m really sorry. I won’t do it again.”

“But I liked it. Don’t be sorry. It felt really good, like a massage.”

Kendra breathed a sigh of relief, then asked quietly, “Did you… uh… tell your mom about it?”

“No. She asked what we did, and I told her we went swimming and played games and then we had supper and I took a bath and then went to bed.”

Another sigh of relief. “Okay. Thank you for not telling her. I was scared she would be mad at me.”

“But you were just giving me a massage.”

“Well, sometimes… moms don’t like people giving massages to their kids.”

“I don’t know why. And anyhow, I liked it. Can you give me another one after my bath tonight?”

Kendra’s eyes widened in alarm and shock, and for a few seconds, she couldn’t answer. “I… really don’t think that’s such a good idea…”

“How come?”

“I just don’t want to, okay?”

“Okay,” Molly responded disappointedly.

“I’ll see you at lunch.”


Kendra opened the front door, holding her bikini in case Molly wanted to swim again.

“Molly!” she called out, wondering what the girl had planned for the afternoon. She soon had her answer.

Molly rolled up to the TV in the living room. She reached into the shelf underneath and brought out a DVD, quickly running her finger over the surface, then putting it back. After examining and returning several DVDs, she settled on one and felt for the DVD player.

“What are you doing?” Kendra asked curiously.

“I wanna watch ‘Beauty and the Beast’. The first Disney one, not the one that just came out.”

Setting down her backpack, Kendra asked, “But — how can you watch it?”

“I can feel it, and besides…” Molly managed to find the eject button and pushed it, causing the tray to slide out. “Me and Mom have watched it lots of times and she’s told me what’s happening as it plays.” She put the disc in the tray. “This is my favorite.”

Molly wheeled over to the couch after turning on the TV. With a little effort, she crawled out of her chair and onto the couch. Picking up the remote on the table beside the couch, she felt the buttons and pushed Play.

As the Disney logo appeared, she beckoned eagerly, “Come on! It’s starting!”

Kendra smiled at her excitement as she walked over and sat beside the girl.

On the screen, the music played, drawing them into the forest, as the narrator spoke, “Once upon a time in a far away land, a young prince lived in a shining castle. Although he had everything his heart desired, the prince was spoiled, selfish and unkind...”

Molly scooted closer, pressing up against Kendra.

As the narrator’s deep voice continued, his words began having a surreal effect on the teenager, as if the narrator was speaking directly to her about Molly: “But then one winter’s night, an old beggar woman came to the castle…”

‘The way Molly has come into my life’, Kendra couldn’t help thinking.

“…and offered him a single rose in return for shelter from the bitter cold…”

Molly’s hand slowly curled into Kendra’s. Another epiphany, ‘She has nothing to offer.’

“…Repulsed by her haggard appearance, the prince sneered at the gift and turned the old woman away…” 

‘Everyone else has turned her away.’

“…but she warned him not to be deceived by appearances, for beauty is found within…” 

Kendra smiled down at Molly, wrapping her arm around her, and inwardly agreed, ‘It is indeed.’

While the movie played, Kendra observed Molly’s reactions in fascination — the slight movements, quiet gasps, and pressing close for comfort during the scary parts. She really was experiencing the movie just as much as a sighted person could.

Later in the movie, as Belle and the Beast were walking into the ballroom to dance, Molly whispered to Kendra, “This is where they fall in love. Can you feel it?”

Kendra, swept away by the music and the ambiance, replied, “Yes. I can feel it.”


The jarring sound wretched Kendra out of the wonderful cocoon she was in. She pulled out her phone and scowled at the screen.

Jason! Why did he have to call now?!

“Molly, I’m just going to take this call and then I’ll be right back.” Sighing in frustration, she walked out to the backyard, answering in an annoyed voice, “Yes?”

“Hey, d’ya wanna get something to eat?”

“I’m with Molly.’

“Come on. We haven’t gone out all week. I was thinking we could go look at some dresses for the dance this Saturday.”

“I… don’t… think I’m going to go to the dance.”

“What?! Why not?!” Obviously not the answer he was looking for.

“Molly’s mom asked me to watch her on Saturday night.”

Kendra bit her lip. It was a lie, but after what had been going on between them, a white lie. She was in no mood to go with Jason to the dance.

“You’re saying you would rather spend the night with that cripple instead of me?!”


Suddenly infuriated, Kendra ended the call. She closed her eyes. How could he be so insensitive?! Yeah, there was no way she was going out with him. Maybe she could go to the dance with her friends… except they were all going with their boyfriends. Maybe she should do something with Molly instead. She didn’t know what Molly’s plans were, but she could ask Ms. Carrington when she got home.

Kendra stepped back inside. Molly had paused the movie and was looking over at her. “Who was that?”

“Oh… just my boyfriend,” Kendra replied dejectedly.

Molly’s face lit up. “Wow — you have a boyfriend?”

“Yeah,” Kendra replied nonchalantly, almost regretfully.

Molly whispered excitedly, “D’ya wanna know a secret?”


“I sometimes pretend I have a boyfriend… and Saturday, he’s gonna come over here and take me to the school dance and we’re going… to…” A sad look came over Molly’s face as the sentence trailed off and she became silent.

After several seconds, her small voice spoke sadly, “I know it’s a stupid thing to believe in… because I can’t…”

Going back to the couch and sitting beside the girl, Kendra assured her, “It’s never stupid to have dreams.”

“That’s what Mom always tells me. I just wish… Kendra?”


“What’s it like? To have a boyfriend, I mean.”

“It’s nice,” she replied, quickly adding, “as long as he’s a good person.”

Molly was quiet for a few seconds, then asked, “Can we get pizza for dinner?”

“What kind?”

“Little Caesar’s with no sauce.”

“No sauce?”

“It tastes better without it.”

Kendra ordered the pizza, then they continued watching the movie.

At the end, as the Beast was turning back into a man, Molly sighed happily, “Now they’re gonna get married and be together forever.”

With the credits starting to roll, Molly reached for her wheelchair, while asking, “What d’ya wanna do now? We can play a game or go swimming or…” She scooted herself into her chair as Kendra stood by nervously, ready to catch her. “Or… you… could massage my hoo-hoo again.”

“Molly, no…”

“Why not?”

“Because that’s… only for grownups.”

“Why is it only for grownups?!” Molly challenged her.

Kendra grimaced, “Because… I was, um… touching your privates… and I shouldn’t have done that.”

“Well, they’re my privates and I want you to touch them.”

Kendra sighed in exasperation. She couldn’t believe this — but it wasn’t as if she wanted to take advantage of Molly. Quite the opposite.

Finally she said, “Tell you what. Let’s play some games, maybe go swimming, and then when I’m exercising your legs, I could, I guess… give you a massage.”

Molly seemed to accept that.

Later on in the evening, after her bath, Kendra was pulling Molly’s leg back and forth, exercising it as usual. When Kendra moved down to her feet, Molly spoke up, “What about my massage?”

Kendra frowned. She was hoping Molly might have forgotten about that. What would Ms. Carrington think of this? She’d been hired to help the child and keep her company, not to molest her. Still, if Molly really wanted it…

Praying this would stay a secret, Kendra slid her hand very slowly up the girl’s slender leg, on the inside of her thigh, until she was touching her soft, smooth vulva. For a second or two, Kendra felt torn about what she should do, but then her index finger began moving in a circle, feeling the tender skin. Just grazing the surface, her finger skimmed along each labia, pressing in every now and then, loving the softness.

With her lust starting to build, Kendra’s concerns about what Ms. Carrington would think soon faded away. She continued sliding her finger along the girl’s slit, slowly and gently at first, then a little faster and with more pressure as Molly began to moan and squirm. Kendra didn’t really mean to do that. It was simply a reaction to Molly’s response.

As her finger skimmed along the middle, it sank a little deeper each time, sliding between the puffy labia. Her mind awhirl as to what she was doing, everything around Kendra seemed to disappear until there was nothing but her and this beautiful eleven-year-old girl she was masturbating. It surprised Kendra how much she enjoyed doing this. In fact, she was enjoying it a little too much.

Was she a lesbian now? A pedophile? Kendra didn’t know. What she did know was that she definitely loved playing with Molly’s little pussy… and she loved how much Molly was enjoying it too.

Kendra felt something touching her crotch. Looking down, she discovered her own hand slowly rubbing herself through her shorts. As her left hand rubbed Molly, her right hand unbuttoned her own shorts and pulled the zipper down. With her fingers snaking down inside her panties, she was quickly becoming as breathless as Molly.

“Mmm, yeah,” she moaned softly as the weight of her unfettered shorts caused them to slide down her legs.

Then she heard it.

Kendra gasped, holding her breath as her head whipped around toward the sound of the front door closing. Oh geez!! Ms. Carrington was home!

“Molly!” she hissed. “Your mom’s home!”

She bent down, quickly jerking up her shorts and buttoning them as Molly pulled her nightgown down, covering herself. Kendra stood, frozen with fear, her heart pounding in her chest, wondering what she should do.

“Molly…?” Ms. Carrington poked her head in. “Are you still awake?”

“Mom, we watched ‘Beauty and the Beast’!” Molly blurted out. “And we ate pizza!”

“Did you? Well, it sounds like you had a good time. Okay, it’s late and you need your sleep. Kendra, do you want to take any of that pizza home with you?”

“No, thank you,” Kendra managed to get out.

“Okay, I’m going to change my clothes. Thanks for everything you’ve done.” Ms. Carrington left, walking to her bedroom.

“Whew,” Molly grinned, whispering, “that was close.”

“Yeah, too close,” Kendra agreed faintly, her pulse racing. She felt sick.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, Molly,” she said quietly.

She let herself out and drove home. The drive gave her time to think. Almost being caught like that…

If Ms. Carrington had caught her, she couldn’t imagine what she would do. She could be arrested. Everyone at school would find out. Being branded a lesbian was nothing compared to being accused of molesting a blind disabled girl. And her parents… Kendra wiped her eyes. She would never be able to face them again. Her life would be over. Everything would be gone.

“I can’t do this anymore,” she told herself. If Molly asked for another massage, she would have to tell her no. The consequences were too great.

Continue on to Chapter 3


10 Comments on Caring for Molly, Chapter 2

  1. Barbara says:

    I love this story. so unique and i love how Kendra is falling for Molly. I can see some angst coming. please don’t make Molly get too hurt. You are talking some issues that need to be brought to the light.

  2. eloquent delinquent says:

    This story is really growing on me. I didn’t like how passive Kendra’s character was in the first chapter (when she was being introduced to Molly’s life, at times she seemed to be physically absent), but now she’s much more dynamic and assertive. I feel like I have a better view of her thoughts and feelings. And Molly’s character is very well-drawn – flawed, sympathetic, and believable. Thanks to the gentle pacing, their growing emotional bond feels very natural.

    I’m surprised more people aren’t commenting. The subject here is pretty novel, and it’s unfolding in a lovely way. Having Molly’s handicaps provide Kendra with a window to discover and explore her desires is a nice touch. I’m excited to watch their feelings develop. Great work! Thanks for posting.

    • Jozef says:

      > subject here is pretty novel agreed. I think it’s beautiful. love it.

    • Girl Lover says:

      Thank you for your comments. When I decided to write this story, I knew that some people would not prefer it because it is not about a hot girl. I wanted to write about a very fragile and weak girl who has nothing to offer but somehow finds love. I also wanted to write about a type of girl that you do not normaly see in these erotic stories.

  3. Joe says:

    I am loving this story. I think Jason is a jerk and should be dumped.
    Molly is an amazing character and Kendra sound like her world is opening to so many new ideas and possibilities.

  4. David says:

    Great chapter, I loved how Kendra was drawn to Molly’s pussy while exercising her legs. Her feelings of guilt and excitement. Knowing it was wrong but also very alluring. I see great things for both of them coming! Or should I say cumming!

  5. Erin says:

    The love and caring Kendra is showing Molly is overshadowed by her new understanding of this precious waifs needs, just like any other human being. So well written and showing so much tenderness to this beautiful special child.

  6. Jay Denton says:

    It’s unfolding beautifully. I do hope it ends well for both of them

  7. Chris says:

    Like how Kendra , Is becoming aware of her empathy and caring about Molly and slowly realizing she is starting have feelings that are becoming love for Molly,even though what she is starting to think about what she doing is not exactly right taking advantage of what is happening between them ,yet at the same time feeling the attraction that is happening between them ,that is more then just very good friends,and a growing caring love,flowering into a closeness that will blossom into a close friendship and love for each other.

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