Moonlight Desires, Part One

  • Posted on August 22, 2017 at 1:29 pm

By Amanda Lynn

Ever since I was a little girl, I had been fascinated with the moon and the pale light it cast upon the landscape. On those magical nights when the moon’s position in the night sky would bring it into view from my bed, I would force myself to stay awake and watch it slowly arc from one side of my window to the other. I marveled at how its light would fill my room, chasing all but the most stubborn of shadows away, if only for a few fleeting minutes.

There was something mystical about it, as if it were alive, tangible. I would push my covers aside and let the moon’s glow wash over me. Sometimes I would get out of bed and go to the window, and on tiptoes would look out at my backyard. The pale light gave an eerie illumination to everything below me. I missed it when it wasn’t there, when it was waning toward the new moon, or if the clouds were too thick to allow its light through.

But when the moon was waxing I could almost sense it. I didn’t know how or why, but I would get more and more excited, anxiously waiting for the sun to set on the nights leading up to the full moon. My mom would laugh and tease me, saying I must be part werewolf.

Because of my fascination with the moon, for my tenth birthday my parents bought me a telescope, along with a big book that covered everything lunar, be it scientific or mythical. In addition to these, I received a large glow-in-the-dark poster of the moon that I pinned to the ceiling above my bed. With these new tools I studied the moon, and every chance I got, regardless of the season, I would be out on our deck with my telescope staring at the shiny globe as it traveled across the heavens. My mother would sometimes have to pry me away when bedtime rolled around.

It wasn’t long after my eleventh birthday that the first indications of puberty began to show. My breasts were budding and sensitive to the touch, fuzz began to grow on my pubic mound, and the desire to touch myself in the most private of places became necessary. Up until then, I had never masturbated, though I knew what it was from schoolyard talk and the like. It was around then that my love affair with the moon changed from mere childish fascination to something more intimate.

I first touched myself with purpose while reading a book I had borrowed from the library. I don’t recall the title, but I do remember the very steamy love scene between two young women that been extremely erotic and descriptive without being lewd or vulgar. Looking back on it now, I don’t think I’d even realized I was touching myself until a very intense wave of pleasure shook my young body.

It scared me at first, but my inquisitive mind prevailed and, tentatively exploring at first, I brought myself to another strong climax. It then became a nightly routine, and it didn’t take me long to realize that each night as the full moon approached, my orgasms were becoming more intense.

On the evening of the full moon, I would lie naked on top of my covers, the moonlight washing over me as if a thousand fingers were caressing my body from head to toe. I spread my legs and slowly rub my exposed pussy. My young clit was alive and begged to be touched. As the moon came into view through the window, my fingering became more vigorous, more aggressive, as if somehow the moon itself was controlling my hand.

As I stared at the silvery-white disk that hung outside my window, a powerful force washed over me. I shook and moaned. One hand grasping at the sheets while the other was trapped against my throbbing pussy in the vice-like grip of my thighs. It took everything I had to keep from screaming as my orgasm took me to the moon and back. I had become a slave to the moon, much like the ebb and flow of the ocean tides. The strength and number of orgasms I seemed to have or maybe even craved were dependent on the cycles of the moon.


* * *


“Please, Daddy,” I begged.

My fingers laced together, hands at my chest, I looked across the dinner table at him. Pushing my bottom lip out in a pout, I batted my eyelashes at him. He never could resist when I gave him a show of big brown puppy dog eyes.

“Don’t!” he said, pointing a finger in my direction as if chastising me. The corners of his mouth twitched upward, however, betraying his attempt to maintain a facade of the stern parent.

“Don’t what, Daddy?” I asked, in my most innocent little girl voice.

“This is all your fault, you know,” he complained to my mother who was smiling broadly, apparently taking great pleasure at my father’s plight.

“What!? How is it my fault?” she said, shooting him a dirty look.

“She’s only fourteen and already she knows how to use her feminine charms.” He used air quotes with the word ‘feminine’.

“And?” Mom asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Well, she learned them all from you. And it’s not fair.” He shoveled another forkful of mashed potatoes into his mouth.

“You poor baby. Now, is there any legitimate reason she can’t sleep in the tent tomorrow night?”

Dad looked up from his plate. First at me, still pleading with my eyes, then over to my mother who looked at him with raised eyebrows, apparently waiting for a response.

“I had planned on taking the tent down tomorrow,” he said defiantly, knowing full well that he’d already lost the battle.

“You can take it down Saturday,” Mom said matter-of-factly, not really giving him a choice. Turning to me, she asked, “Would that work for you, Amanda?”

Nodding, I jumped up from my chair and wrapped my arms around my father. “Thank you, thank you, thank you. I love you, Daddy,” I chirped as I gave him a big kiss on the cheek.

He slowly shook his head as stared at his plate, using his fork to play with his food.

“My life is over,” he said, with an intentionally dramatic loud sigh.

My mother chuckled and said in a sultry voice, “You know, if you’re a good boy, maybe later I’ll show you some of my own feminine charms.”

Dad looked up, a smile immediately spreading across his face, and my stomach turned.

“Gross,” I muttered.

“Now, sweetie, we’re people too,” Dad said with a laugh.

“No, you’re not. You’re my parents, and I shouldn’t be subjected to that sort of talk. I’m sure displays of affection in front of your children is some kind of child abuse or something,” I joked as I got up and started clearing the table.

They laughed and Mom got up to help me with the dishes. Dad, however, took a beer from the fridge before making his way to the living room to watch the news.


* * *


Dressed in my robe, hair wrapped in a towel, I closed my bedroom door and walked over to the lunar calendar that hung on the wall, verifying the information I knew all too well.

I really didn’t need to look at the calendar, because I could feel the pull of the approaching full moon. My clit was throbbing, as it had been all day. My pussy was wet, it was always wet, though over the last couple of years I had taught myself how to suppress my desires, how to push that to the back of my mind. I had become Vulcan, a teenage girl version of Mr. Spock — as far as my sexual urges were concerned, anyway. But now that the sun had disappeared below the horizon, and I was in the privacy of my own room, I could relax the control over my needs.

I dropped my robe and gazed at the reflection of my slender naked form in the full-length mirror which hung on my wardrobe door. I moaned softly as I pushed a finger through my slick folds, gathering the creamy juices that coated them. I brought the slippery finger to my engorged clit, rubbing it as I looked at the clock on the wall.

Very soon the moon would be in position. I stepped to my bed and flopped down on my back. I toyed with my clit as the moonlight slowly moved across me. Groaning, I pushed a finger into my core. As it had done so many times before, the moon came into view.

“Yes,” I sighed.

I felt the full effect of the pastel light as it touched me like a long-absent lover. It covered me in a blanket of its silver glow, caressing me with an imagined warmth. My hips pushed up against my hand as I drove my finger as deep as I could into my vagina. The pressure inside was quickly building.

“Fuck yes!” I moaned.

I fought to keep my voice to a whisper as I groaned with each bolt of lightning that shot from my core to the rest of my body. My room was quickly becoming full of the heady smell of my sex. The moonlight played on my skin, pulling at me as if beckoning me to reach climax. Its power over me was so strong, I couldn’t explain it if I wanted to.

My finger moved with rapid, steady thrusts inside my sopping pussy. My other hand flitted across my clit just as rapidly. It wouldn’t be long now, each nerve ending was firing in rapid succession.

I squirmed and twitched, and just as the moon passed from view, a high-pitched whine escaped from my lips and a torrent of intense pleasure slammed into me. My body stiffened and shook, and it felt like I was floating above the bed as wave after wave of heavenly ecstasy overloaded my senses.

When I finally came to, it was still night and the moonlight was all but gone. Physically exhausted, I crawled under the blankets and drifted off into a dreamless sleep.


* * *


I woke early the next morning because it was a school day, but also because of the excitement of tonight’s full moon. I washed and dressed, but before making my way downstairs for breakfast, I paused in front of my mirror and took several slow deep breaths, calming the desire that was slowly building in my core. My previous night’s orgasm had helped take the edge off, but I knew that wouldn’t last for long.

“Morning, Mom,” I said as I entered the kitchen and grabbed the box of Corn Flakes from the cupboard.

“Morning, honey,” she replied. She was sitting at the table sipping her coffee.

Sitting down at my usual spot, I poured the cereal into the bowl that Mom had already set out for me. Adding some milk, I began to eat.

“Looking forward to sleeping outside tonight?” Mom asked, just as I shoved the spoon in my mouth.

I just nodded my response.

“Full moon tonight?” Mom asked.

She was aware of my love of the moon. I wondered what she would think if she knew of how it molested me, how it gave me such pleasure, and brought me to such incredible climaxes.

“Yeah. And a super moon too,” I replied with a grin.

Mom stood and moved quickly to the counter as if she had suddenly remembered something important. Picking up a twenty-dollar bill, she returned to her chair.

“Dad said you’d need to put new batteries in the camping lantern if you want to use it tonight.” She handed me the cash. “Stop off at the mall on your way home and pick some up.”

“Okay,” I said, pushing the money into my pocket.

Once I was finished eating, I brushed my teeth, then set out for school.

The morning seemed to drag on and I found it hard to focus in class. Most of my concentration was aimed at suppressing the need to touch myself. Even though moonrise was still many hours away, its effect on me was strong. All morning I squirmed in my seat and squeezed my thighs together trying to find just an iota of relief.

“Are you okay?” I heard a whispered voice from my right. It was my friend Nikki.

I looked over at her and faked a smile. “Need to pee,” I lied.

She looked at me quizzically. “Are you sure that’s all you need?” she winked. She was such a flirt.

Before I could reply, a loud buzzer signaled the end of the last class of the morning. I stood, grabbed my backpack, and headed for the door, calling over my shoulder to Nikki, “I’ll catch up with you in the cafeteria.”

I walked quickly down the hall, and when I was sure I wouldn’t be noticed I ducked into the gym and made my way to the girls’ locker room. I knew it would be deserted this time of day, but I cautiously looked around anyway before entering a small area off the locker room where the toilet stalls were.

Quickly, I stepped into the nearest stall. I closed the door and dropped my backpack. I hurriedly undid my jeans and pushed both them and my panties down to my ankles before sitting on the toilet and spreading my thighs as far as I could. Biting my lower lip, I pushed two fingers into my wet folds. I had been oozing arousal all morning, soaking my panties. I touched the pads of two lubed fingers to my swollen clit.

Moaning at the sensation, I vigorously rubbed my sensitive bud. All I wanted to do was come, to soothe the ache between my legs, to give myself a little bit of a reprieve from the powerful grip of the approaching moonrise. It didn’t take long for my first pulsing orgasm to rip through me.

During the fifteen minutes I sat on the toilet, I brought myself to three powerful climaxes. Had anyone walked in the bathroom, I probably wouldn’t have noticed, nor would I have been able to stop myself even if I tried. Though not completely sated, it would have to be enough to get me through the rest of the day. I calmed myself with a deep breath, then freshened up at the sink before making my way to the cafeteria.


* * *


At 3:00 PM, I got off the number 23 bus when it stopped in front of the mall. Entering, I headed for the shops at the far end, turning right into the bargain store. Finding the batteries I needed, I paid for them and exited.

That was when I noticed a new store across the way that I figured must have just opened, as I couldn’t remember seeing it before. A large black sign above the entrance was decorated with stars and crescent moons and read “Selene’s” in silver letters. From where I stood, I could see racks with jewelry, scarves, and other small items lining glass shelves.

I decided to take a look and headed toward the shop. A strange shiver ran through me as I entered, and I paused to take in my surroundings. Somewhere inside, incense was burning and the pleasant sounds of instrumental music filled the air. Browsing the wares, I discovered many different types of rings made of gold and silver and other materials I couldn’t identify. Some were inlaid with stones or jewels. There were necklaces and bracelets, tee shirts and scarves.

Along the side wall were various wall hangings and decorations. On shelves were statuettes of Isis, Ra, Osiris, and Bast. Many other Egyptian-like trinkets also adorned the shelves. In the back of the shop I stopped when I saw an 18-inch glazed white ceramic statue of a beautiful woman. She sat on the lower curve of a crescent moon, draped in a revealing garment.

I felt drawn toward her, and my skin prickled as I approached the statue. I sighed in disappointment, however, when I saw the three-hundred-dollar price tag. But it was so beautiful that I just stood and admired it.

“Do you know who she is?” a soft female voice asked from somewhere behind me.

Startled, I spun to see who had spoken. My breath caught and I think my heart may have stopped beating for a moment.

She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Probably in her mid-thirties, she was tall and curvy. The black dress she wore hugged her frame, revealing the smooth slope of her cleavage and showing off her narrow waist and slightly broader hips. Glossy black hair hung past her shoulders, and her big brown eyes sparkled. Her smile showcased perfect white teeth that stood in sharp contrast against the olive skin of her oval face.

“I am sorry. I did not mean to frighten you,” she said.

Even her accent was sexy. Mediterranean, I guessed. I could feel my arousal grow. Was it the moon, or her?

“Luna,” I said.

“I beg your pardon?” A look of confusion crossed her face.

“The statue. It’s Luna, Roman goddess of the moon.”

Her smile widened. “You are correct. How did you know?”

“The moon fascinates me. It has as long as I can remember,” I replied.

“I see. That is interesting. My name is Selene,” she said as she offered me her hand.

“Amanda,” I said, taking her hand.

At the moment we touched, I was overwhelmed by an intense surge of pleasure. My vision blurred and my knees buckled as I lapsed into unconsciousness.


* * *


When I came to, I found myself sitting on the floor, propped up against a display case. I was confused and disoriented, but what was even more bizarre was that I felt sexually satisfied.

I looked at the woman who was squatting beside me, a glass of water in her hand.

“Wha… what happened?” I asked.

“You seem to have fainted,” she said softly, handing me the glass. “Here, drink some water. It will make you feel better.”

I took the glass and emptied its contents. Handing it back to her, I tried to stand up.

When I wobbled a bit, Selene instinctively reached out and took my arm as she stood with me. Nothing strange happened this time. Maybe I had simply fainted. But that wouldn’t explain the mind-blowing orgasm I’d had. Or at least I thought I’d had. I waited a few moments until my head cleared and I got my sea legs back.

Selene looked at me with concern on her face. “Are you sure you are all right? Maybe you should call someone to come get you.”

She gently rubbed my shoulder. The touch of her hand was soothing and also strangely familiar, as if I had felt it somewhere before.

I looked into her eyes and felt myself being drawn to her. I wanted to wrap my arms around this woman and hold her. I leaned forward, my lips parting. I needed to kiss those perfect full lips. The heat between my legs grew and radiated outward. Selene was turning me on from just a simple touch.

Selene let go of me, and the trance was broken. Quickly I pulled back and looked down at the floor. The heat in my face surpassed that of my pussy.

“No, that’s okay,” I said, still avoiding eye contact. “I’m fine. But I really need to get going. Thank you for helping me.”

“Not a problem. I am glad I could help,” she said with a smile. “But before you go, may I ask you a question?”

“Uh, okay, I guess,” I said, looking up at her shyly.

“Do you feel it?”

“Feel what?” I asked. Not really wanting to know.

Her eyes became dark as they fixed on mine. “The moon. Do you feel it? Does it call to you?” she said in a serious tone. Her gaze narrowed as if she was trying to peer into my very soul.

I felt fear. Uncertainty. Desire? I quickly looked around, finding the exit. Panic gripped me and my stomach twisted as if my deepest darkest secret had just been revealed to the world.

“I… um… I need to go. Thanks again,” I said shakily. Grabbing my backpack, I bolted from the shop.

How could she know about that? Who was she? I moved quickly through the mall, almost running, and didn’t look back until I was out the main entrance. Panting, I stood at the side of the road, glancing back at the doors for any sign of Selene. Thankfully, I had to wait only a minute before my bus arrived.

During the ride home, my thoughts were filled with the beautiful woman in the store. Just thinking of her caused delicious little fingers of pleasure to flash across my sex. Who was she? And what was it that had happened when we touched hands? And how the fuck did she know about my connection to the moon?

I tried my best to push the woman and the events in her shop from my mind. I wasn’t going to let that experience ruin my plans for the evening.

It was the perfect night. The forecast called for clear skies and nothing more than a light breeze. The overnight temperature would be in the low 70s, quite warm for the first week of September. I had dreamt about doing something like this for a very long time, and tonight I was finally going to be able to do it.

When I got home, the house was empty as Mom and Dad were still at work. I went to my room and began preparing for my night outside. I picked out the pajamas I was going to wear and laid them on the bed for later. I then grabbed my pillow and got a couple of light blankets from the linen closet before heading for the tent. I noticed the windows had been unzipped and the queen size air mattress was inflated and waiting for me inside. I smiled, knowing my father had done this for me on his lunch hour.

I unfolded one blanket and laid it on the mattress. The other I tossed at the foot, while the pillow went to the head, which was closest to the front of the tent. Back in the house I found the camping lantern and changed the batteries. I gathered up a few other items I figured I might need and put them in my backpack after I emptied it of school stuff. Passing near my dresser, I spied my hairbrush — the one whose smooth handle with the bulbous end got far more use than its bristles. I giggled at my naughty thought and tossed it into my bag.


* * *


After I finished helping Mom with the supper dishes, I went to my room and changed into my PJs, then put on a light robe and slippers. While I still had some daylight left, I made my way outside to get myself setup in the tent. Once done, I popped back inside the house long enough to say good night to my folks.

“Goodnight, sweetie,” my mother said as she kissed my cheek. “Have fun and try not to stay up all night looking at the moon.”


“And no boys sneaking over in the middle of the night!” I heard my dad call from the living room.

He was joking, of course. But my mother and I looked at each other with sly grins and giggled at our shared secret. She knew that if I were going to sneak anyone over for some late-night naughtiness, it would be Nikki.

“G’night, Mom.” I said, kissing her cheek. “And don’t worry, no one’s coming over.” I smiled and headed out the patio door.

I crawled into the tent and discarded my robe and kicked off my slippers. Getting comfortable on the mattress, I dug the radio out of my backpack and turned it on. Once I tuned in my favorite station, I set it aside, then pulled out a novel and began to read as I waited for moonrise.

When the sun dipped below the horizon I turned on the camping lantern. I put the book down as I was finding it harder to concentrate on what I was reading. I lay on my back and stared out the window of the tent and watched the slowly darkening sky.

The occasional gust of warm air rustled leaves of the trees lining our property, and the crickets were beginning to play their nightly song. I undid the first couple of buttons on my pajama top and let my hand go to my small breast. Moaning softly, I circled a finger around my pebbled nipple.

It was probably going to be a couple of hours before I could be entirely sure my parents were asleep and I could venture outside to bring my fantasy to fruition. I closed my eyes and listened to the soft music and pushed my hand into my pajama bottoms and found my sensitive clit. I slowly massaged the tiny bundle of nerves, not allowing myself to get too over-stimulated.

I played with myself for quite a while, coming close to the edge several times, only to pull back at the last moment. After what seemed like an eternity of teasing self-torture, I pulled my hand from the soaked pussy and held my wrist under the light of the camping lantern to look at my watch.

It was time.

Continue on to Part Two


9 Comments on Moonlight Desires, Part One

  1. sue says:

    Great story, looking forward to next chapter.

  2. Quinlan says:

    A very mystical start. I love it.

  3. revelnit says:

    an interesting and unique set up. I’m looking forward to where this goes.

  4. BermudaSun says:

    Very relevant, given the recent lunar eclipse of the sun. I love the building tension of a young girls sexual discovery.

  5. PoppaBear says:

    I agree with everyone above. The premise, the storytelling, language is all really good. Like my friends Sue and Kim I am looking forward to the next chapter – don’t keep us waiting too long!

  6. Amanda Lynn says:

    Thank you all for the comments.

  7. Sam says:

    This was great. looking forward to the moon rise, Selene will pay a visit soon i’m sure. Selene was an archaic lunar deity and the daughter of the Titans Hyperion and Theia. Her equivalent in ancient Roman religion and myth is Luna, Latin for “moon”. The etymology of Selene is uncertain, but if the word is of Greek origin, it is likely connected to the word selas (σέλας), meaning “brightness”. Im sure you know this.

  8. David says:

    Wow Amanda, not sure how I missed this before but glad I found it! What a great story and I love the build up and can’t wait to read on. Well written and detailed and loved the back story of her from when she was 10 and up. The scene at Selene’s was very hot and made my imagination take of as to what might of went on when she was passed out. Heading on to the next chapter now with a big smile and more! lol

  9. kinkychic says:

    If asked, I would have told you that I had read this long ago. But when I decided to have a refresher … I find that I haven’t read it after all.
    So, I get a treat. A lovely story. Thank you.

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