Sam Was Her Name

  • Posted on August 26, 2017 at 5:01 pm

By Young Flower

{ This story was originally posted at Lesbian Lolita in January 2005 }

The airs of autumn are now dancing from the subtly lit trees. Leaves change to the color of auburn, her color, as they come swift to the ground. I walked to school in a way that most kids never would, and I walked alone.

The trees bent high, shading the grass, and frosting it in the slightest. I had my friends to wait for me at school. They waited and waited, only to fling rocks at me, or shove garbage down my shirt. My friends would then laugh at me, and call me ugly. And then to nail the lid of my coffin shut, they would tell me they weren’t my friends.

I know why they hated me, and I will never forgive them for it. It was my chubby face. It was my bad tennis shoes that I wore all summer. It was the fact that my hair resembled a dead badger. Even though it is wrong of me to blame them, I cannot forgive them for these things.

My mother and father were deeply religious. I envied them for it, and wished that I could see the beauty in God and earth that they did. I did not believe, sadly, and was confused throughout the age of ten. I did not see it the way they did, and for that I felt somehow condemned to a life destined for hell eternal.

Gabriela is my name. I shall sign the devil’s book Gabriela C. Driftwood, and then shall stare envious as my parents relish in the supreme lifestyle of the high and mighty, who will look down with pretentious eyes and pity this soul, who could not understand Leviticus.

I crossed the schoolyard, and was tackled by two boys. One had in his hands a seed pod from a tree, which when broken open would produce the itchiest most painful welts possible. It was shoved down my back and instantly began itching. I started to scream at them, but they laughed and ran off into the building. I dropped my bag and began scratching my back. My eyes were watering from the pain, and when I went to rub them off, had rubbed the seeds into my eyes. I began sneezing, and fell to the ground out of pain. Nobody came for a solid hour.

I simply lay there crying my guts out, when finally the custodian came and rescued me, bless his bald head.

I sat in the nurse’s office, with my shirt off and my small breasts fully exposed to the empty room. The nurse had given me a wet cloth to wipe the seeds off. I felt so embarrassed by my exposure that I had locked the door, against the nurse’s wishes. I was to come out after the wiping was finished and then return to my class, after revealing who my bullies were.

I did not want to tell them. I never did, and was ridiculed even by the teachers that if I did not say, that I would be marked absent from my first class. It was no care for me, because at that moment I had decided to stab myself with the sharp knife in my parents’ kitchen drawer.

I was going to end it all that day, and there was nothing anybody could do about it. My parents would be at work until five. I would write my suicide letter, and leave it on the edge of the bed. I would kneel on the bed with the blade facing into my guts, and I would jab it deeply in. There would be pain for a moment, but then there would be silence, and then… who knows.

I walked into my class and saw someone sitting in my seat. This added to my anger. The teacher noticed this, and told the girl, “No, no, Sam. It’s the seat next to you that’s empty.”

She gasped, and stood up, then moved to the seat next to mine. I sat down with a downhearted look on my face, and paid no attention to the studies, whatever they were. I looked over at my seat partner every once in a while. She was so pretty. Her clothes were mismatched, and her hair was in even worse tatters than mine. But it was the color of her hair that got me. It was a wonderful red, like bright apples, and she had sweet dimples, and even glasses. It was an absolute shock to me when she looked over at me.

I pretended I hadn’t noticed, but inside my heart raced madly. I did not look up again for the next half hour till the recess bell rang. I wandered around the schoolyard, and soon found my hiding spot where nobody could find me. It was perfectly hidden with a thick wall, and here I could think.

It was at this wall where I learned the true art of philosophy. I would begin asking myself questions, but sadly had no one to answer them. The philosophy they teach in college is fake. This I know, because years later I would walk out of such a class. Ah! but you ask, “What of my death that day?”

There would ultimately be no death that day. For at the exact moment my mind was prepared to make it final, Sam burst around the corner, grinning at me through her glasses.

“Hi!” she chirped, “I’m Sam.” She sat down next to me, laying her backpack on its side. “What’s your name?”

“Gabriela,” I choked on the first syllable.

“I saw you walking to school this morning. My dad drove me in his truck,” she said.


“I have to walk home today, though. Dad’s working late again. He has to keep working, he says. Otherwise we lose our home.”

“I’m sorry. Doesn’t your mom work?”

“My mom died when I was little. Actually I don’t remember her. Dad said it was something like cervic cancer or something like that.” She looked at my face. “Hey, you’ve been crying. You okay, Gabriela?”

“Yeah, I’m alright.”

“It wasn’t cause I sat in your seat, was it?” She seemed worried.

“No,” I laughed.

If any irony fits, it would be the delight I had in finding her in my seat. Any other soul would have been thrown to the fire of hatred. “I was crying cause some jerks shoved itching seeds down my back.”

“Oh, those things are horrible.” She laughed a little. “Hey, can I walk home with you today? My dad’s working late, and I hate being alone for so long.”

“Oh. Um, my mom says I can’t bring any friends over to my house. I’m not s’pose to.”

“Well, let’s tell her you’re coming over to mine, then.”

“Okay.” I assumed Mom wouldn’t care much about that.

“Meet you here after school,” she smiled.

In class I began to fantasize what a friend would be like. I loved her already, but couldn’t bring myself to see it immediately. I jotted things down, as if taking notes. What I was really doing was drawing little hearts.

I found her again after school ended, standing right at the spot, as if unmoved from it since we parted. “Hi Gabby,” she said.

It was an affectionate nickname that, before this moment, I did not possess. I felt my spirit lifting upwards. We walked down the street talking. The feeling I had was powerful, and I could not figure exactly what it was. It was love. There was little doubt there. But there was a whole other emotion I had never felt.

Her house came into view. It was trailer house just on the edge of the park. She fumbled with the keys for a minute, trying to unlock the door. Once inside it occurred to me in an instant that her dad was a true sportsman. He had a beautiful painting of a horse bearing a weary hunter, or soldier, on its back, drifting off to a sunset somewhere.

Sam dropped her backpack. “Okay, so what do you wanna do?” she asked.

“Do you have any movies?” I asked.

“A few of them, but I don’t wanna watch a movie right now.”

She looked around the room. “Hey, you wanna see my dad’s magazines?”

“Magazines?” I asked.

I really did come from a sheltered life. I was under the impression that her father collected National Geographic. We went into his room, and she pulled up the mattress to reveal about seven different magazines, each with nude women on the covers. She opened one of them (one that she must have looked at hundreds of times over.)

“This one’s weird. See, it’s got two girls having sex.”

She showed it to me. Sure enough, they were having sex. Their tongues dripped all over each other in such grotesque fashion as what I never imagined. It was exciting, though, as I imagined the two of us in that sort of pose together.

“Hey, you wanna try something like that?” Sam grinned. We were obviously on the same track.

My mind was blurry, and at first I wasn’t sure how I was going to answer her. I nodded at first, and then said, “Okay, but we hafta leave our clothes on.”

“Okay,” she smiled.

She took my hand and led me to her bedroom. Once inside she closed the door and stared into my face. I was lost in her warm brown eyes. She moved in close to me and gave me a soft kiss on the mouth. “Have you ever done this before?”

“No,” I told her. “Why, what’s it like?”

“I dunno… this is my first time, too. Do you love me?” she asked seriously.

“Yeah,” I said feeling the cool breath of her mouth on mine.

We moved in a little closer, and began kissing softly at first, but soon we grew braver, and began using our tongues to part our lips. Her glasses steamed up after a minute, and she giggled, taking them off.

“Let’s sit on the bed.” She set her glasses on the nightstand, and helped me down on the bed.

We began kissing again, deeper each time, and wrapping our bodies together. Finally she reached under my shirt, rubbing my bare back softly, still kissing deeply and kinda slobbery. My hands pushed her lower back against my crotch. After nearly five minutes of this she suggested, “Do you wanna take off your clothes now?”

I was still so scared to do this in front of anybody. It was wrong! It was going to send me to hell! But I was so caught up in the moment that I nodded, and immediately took my shirt off. I got brave and started playing with the seam of her pants. My fingers worked their way in, and soon found the button to undo them.

I tugged her zipper down, and watched as her pants fell straight down, and were kicked to the floor. Her panties were pink and had Strawberry Shortcake imprinted on them. I started playing with them, and soon found my hand inside touching Sam’s little nub.

“Mmm,” I said, bringing my face forward for another deep kiss.

Her hands made their way into my pants and touched me. I’ve never felt anything so amazing since that afternoon. It was as though everything in the world was perfect. I felt a cool wave of sweat, and we completely removed each other’s clothes.

It didn’t take long from this point, because almost instantly I felt myself moving to something intense. It was indescribable when, for the first time, I had an orgasm. Every part of me went stiff for a minute as I came in waves. Sam was coming too, and I could feel the dampness turn to wetness between her legs.

We sat there living the moment of our first love session.

“Oh my god,” Sam said, panting, wiping her hair back. She smiled at me, and leaned in for another sweet kiss. “I love you, Gabby.”

I heard her words in a trance. No one, not my parents, nor my teachers, nor any boy had ever said words to me like that.

“I love you too, Sam.”


8 Comments on Sam Was Her Name

  1. Swan says:

    Yes, we all need to find a special friend. A fun story, I am really enjoying the Best of LL that you are selecting for us.

  2. Mo says:

    What a lovely story of young love. Beautifully written.

  3. kinkychic says:

    I didn’t bother reading any further than the third paragraph. Para’s two and three were just too ridiculous and made no sense. ‘My friends’ – hardly.

    • Joe Dornish says:

      I have to agree. This is a case of trying hard to say a lot and actually not telling us anything. I didn’t get much further than a few paragraphs either.

  4. BlueJean says:

    To be fair, I don’t think English is the author’s first language. Some pretty bold descriptions. “Hair like a dead badger”, being my favourite.

    • Joe Dornish says:

      I have a tendency to avoid any stories/novels that begin with a description of the weather, it’s normally a reliable indication of the quality of the work. I’m sure there are exceptions to that, although none come to mind.

      I am curious why this story merited being the Featured Story of the week.

      • BlueJean says:

        I thought it was a pretty decent description of the season. “The leaves come swift to the ground” is rather nice. I’m wondering if this story was written in another language and then translated to English. It has a kind of Google Translate ambiance about it – descriptions that seem a little off but work in a strange, abstract way.

        There you go – it was chosen as story of the day so we could wax lyrical and muse on its elusive meaning. Oddity worth pondering or shit story? You decide.

        • Joe Dornish says:

          Oh definitely an oddity worth pondering. I’ve never come across anything on JS I’d go as far describing as a shit story. Perhaps I’m not looking hard enough though.

          I think my objection to the weather description is more that it’s the opening lines. It’s kind of a pet hate I have with stories that open with the weather.

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