Two Moms, Chapter 11

  • Posted on September 1, 2017 at 6:09 am

By Naughty Mommy

Whew, that was close.

Jess and I were in my room, lying on my bed. A while earlier, we’d said we loved each other, easily the best thing ever. And then I got a wonderful surprise.

While we were kissing and sort of grinding together, I actually came with her on top of me. Wow! That had certainly never happened before. Of course, at the time I was also thinking about something I probably never should have thought about — having sex with my own mother! — which for some reason made me come even harder. I don’t know why, but it did.

Anyway, as soon as I’d calmed down a little bit, Jess said she wanted to try doing it too. Except just as we were really getting into it, with her kissing me and humping my leg, going faster and faster, acting like she was almost there, we heard a voice coming down the hall.


Oh my god, it was my mom! What was she doing home so early?!

We jumped up from the bed and tried to straighten our clothes. I could feel how wet my panties were, and as I was leaning over to look between my legs and see if any of it had soaked through my shorts, my mother appeared in the doorway.

“Oh, hi, Jessica,” she said, with a big smile.

If it bothered my mom to find us that way — all red in the face, sweaty and still breathing hard, probably looking guilty and like we’d just been having sex, which basically we had — she didn’t show it. She just stood there, grinning at us.

“H-how come you’re home early, Mom?” I asked.

“No reason,” she shrugged. “I just wanted to see you, see your pretty face, tell you I love you.”

“Oh, well, I love you too.”

Mom winked at us, then turned and walked back down the hall, humming.

Aliens. It must have been aliens had taken over my mom’s body. Something sure had changed.

“Okay, um, guess I’ll see you later,” Jess giggled. She gave me a quick kiss on the lips, then sat down to put on her sneakers.

* * *

An hour later, my mother and I were eating supper. She’d baked a tuna casserole, which I loved, and after she poured herself glass of wine and took a sip, she smiled at me and said, “You wouldn’t mind having another sleepover at Jessica’s house, would you? Say, on Saturday night?”

“Um, no, of course I wouldn’t mind. But—”

“Good, because we that’s what we’re going to do.” She took another drink of wine, a bigger one, then asked, “Do you know why?”

“No. Why?”

“Because Karen Montrose asked me on a date.”

“A date?” I said stupidly.

“Yes! It’s so exciting!” My mom was smiling like crazy. “Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve been on a date?”

“No. How long?”

“Oh my gosh, I don’t know, a long time, so many years…”

My mother went on and on, raving about how great it was and drinking her wine while I ate my dinner. She ate a little bit too, but mostly she just drank wine. I’d never seen her drink that much before.

“You like Karen, don’t you?” she asked at one point.

“Sure, I like her. She’s nice.”

“Good. I like Jessica too, she’s a doll. But I want you to like Karen.”

“Well, yeah, I do.”

I have to say I was feeling sort of uneasy about this, about her going on a date with Karen. I mean, I was glad for my mom, of course, happy that she seemed to be so thrilled and everything. But I couldn’t help worrying what might happen when she discovered the truth.

If they started dating and maybe had a real relationship, then eventually she’d have to find out about Karen masturbating all the time, watching porn and having sex with other women right in front of her twelve-year-old daughter, not to mention in front of me too. I didn’t think my mother would be very happy about that.

But then, who knows? I’d been totally surprised by a lot of things lately. So it’s possible that maybe my mom wouldn’t mind. She might even like that idea. She might even join in!

Now I was really stirred up. I didn’t know what to think or how I should feel. So many different thoughts were swirling around in my head — lesbian porn and masturbation, and being in love with Jessica, and kissing my mother at night, getting so turned on by that — and all those things mixed up together, combining somehow. What did it all mean?




Nora filled her wine glass again. Uh-oh, the bottle was nearly empty. She’d drunk almost the whole thing in one night. That thought made her giggle, though she knew she’d probably have a doozy of a headache in the morning. Oh, well, it was worth it. She felt great.

Smiling at Lia, she took a small bite of tuna casserole. It was definitely a good idea to eat something. Of course, what she really wanted to eat was Karen’s pussy, or Jessica’s, or Lia’s!

The woman squeezed her legs together under the dinner table, scissoring her thighs. It was so wrong, so forbidden, to imagine having sex with your own daughter, a child in seventh grade, and yet it was so fucking hot!




Nothing got solved that night. I finished eating my dinner, and my mom finished an entire bottle of wine. She went on talking about how excited she was, while I continued worrying about stuff, wondering what would happen next, and also feeling kind of aroused as I imagined some of the crazier, kinkier possibilities for the four of us together, two moms and two daughters.

Of course, nothing like that could ever really happen, I told myself, and yet… it was a lot for me to think about!

Plus, there was another thing. The way my mother kept looking at me, it was almost as if she knew exactly what was going through my head — all that dirty stuff, I mean, masturbation and porn and girls having sex with their moms — and maybe she was thinking about it too.

She was sort of leering at me. You know, smiling with her eyes half-closed and licking her lips, as though she was flirting, the same way she’d flirted with Karen when they were at our house for dinner. That was weird in a way, but it made me feel really good too, warm and fluttery inside. I tried to smile back at my mom, encouraging her, I guess. I didn’t really know how to flirt, so I just looked into her eyes and smiled a lot.




Nora’s clit was throbbing. Her panties were soaked, she was sure of that. Trying not to be too obvious about it, she opened her legs for a moment and put a hand under the table, quickly stroking her pussy. She had to stifle a groan, and took her hand away.

Too much more of that and she’d be climaxing at the dinner table, right in front of Lia. Although that was a deliciously tempting idea, she didn’t think they were quite ready for that yet. Everything in its time… yes, everything at some point… someday soon, Nora hoped.

She noticed that Lia was finished eating. Her own plate, meanwhile, had barely been touched, while the wine bottle sat empty. Nora giggled again. For such a disciplined, normally straight-laced person, she was really going over the edge, and she loved it!

“Well, okay,” she said, pushing back her chair. “Want to help me in the kitchen, clean up the dishes?”

“Um, sure,” nodded Lia.




So, I helped my mom with the dishes, and then she asked if I had any homework, which I didn’t. After that, we watched TV for a while, snuggling close together on the sofa. That was really nice.

When it came time for bed, I went in and brushed my teeth, then took off all my clothes except for panties and a t-shirt, and crawled under the covers. As she’d started doing over the past few days, my mother came into my room to kiss me goodnight. Except this time, she not only kissed me, she got in bed with me!

“I just wanna cuddle for a minute, okay?” she murmured in kind of a half-whisper as she wrapped her arms around me.

My heart was pounding fast and I didn’t know what to say, so I didn’t say anything. It felt good having her hold me like that, so warm and everything — but it also felt like a whole lot more than just a normal mother-daughter hug.

For one thing, she was wearing that short black nightie again, the one she’d had on when she came in and said goodnight to me and Jessica during our sleepover the other night. The little gown was totally sheer and I could easily see she had nothing on under it. So, I mean, there she was in my bed, practically naked, one leg over mine, her boobs pressing against me, hugging me and kissing my cheek.

And that was the other thing, how she was kissing me. She wasn’t kissing my mouth yet, just my cheek. Well, my cheek and my ear and the side of my neck — which, oh my god, made me shiver all over. Plus, while my mother was kissing me, she was also sort of softly purring, and her body was moving a little bit, like rubbing on me.

The way she was doing that reminded me of what Jess and I had done earlier that afternoon, kissing and humping, almost like we were having sex.

Yes! That’s what it was. It felt like my mom was actually having sex with me — or at least like she wanted to. Her hands were stroking my body, petting me as she kissed and nuzzled, making those moaning, purring sounds. And she was pressing up against me, harder now, her crotch against my leg, really humping.

Meanwhile I was basically just lying there. I wasn’t exactly lying still, of course. I mean, I couldn’t, it was too exciting. When she kissed my neck that way, it made me wiggle all around. But I didn’t do much more than that. I didn’t know where to put my hands, so I just lightly held her. There were plenty of things I wanted to do, except I was feeling too nervous and unsure.

I lay on my back in my bed and let my mother kiss my neck and grind on my leg, wondering how far this might go. Would she come on top of me? Could that actually happen? Would she want to do even more than that?

It turned out she didn’t, not that night anyway. Well, she might have wanted more, just like I did, but she didn’t do anything else. After a couple of minutes, she pulled away a little bit and let out a deep sigh.

We hadn’t turned the light out yet, and I could see how red her face was. It was almost glowing, shiny from sweat. She looked incredibly sexy. My mom gazed into my eyes, and then said, “Okay, baby girl, I’ll let you get to sleep now. I love you, sweetheart.”

“I love you too, Mom, a lot.”

Then she kissed my mouth, and this was the best one yet. She didn’t use her tongue, but she kept her lips on mine for a long time, sliding around a bit, and moaning again. This was totally not your standard mother-daughter kiss!

At last she got out of bed and went to the door, pausing for a second before she switched off the light. I looked at her, standing there in that see-through nightie, her sexy body on display. And I mean I really stared at her, I didn’t try to take my eyes away at all. She sure didn’t seem to mind. My mother stood a moment longer, smiling and nodding. Then she blew me a kiss, turned out the light, and left the room.

* * *

I got the same wonderful kind of kiss the next night, Thursday, and also on Friday night. Mom didn’t get in bed with me again, and she didn’t drink a whole bottle of wine at dinner either, but she gave me a really great kiss when she came in to say goodnight, just a perfect kiss, like lovers would give each other. That always left me breathless, as well as totally turned on.

She also talked a lot more to me about her date coming up with Karen on Saturday, asking what I thought she should wear and stuff. In fact, after dinner on Friday she modeled a bunch of different outfits for me, asking my opinion. That was cool, ‘cause I got to sit on her bed and watch her changing clothes, staring at her body as she tried on various bras and panties and skirts and high heels.

I have to admit that Jess was right. My mom is extremely hot. She has those gorgeous big boobs and her legs are great, so nicely shaped. Her face is awfully pretty too, especially her eyes and her mouth. She definitely turns me on.

I’d finally reached the point where I could simply look at my mother that way, as a sexy woman, and not feel weird or guilty about it anymore. When I masturbated in my bed every night after she’d tucked me in and kissed my lips, almost all of my best fantasies — the ones that made me come the hardest — were about her, about making love with my mom.

And the other good thing is, all those concerns I’d had about what would happen when she finally learned the truth about Karen were bothering me a lot less now. I mean, after the way my mother had acted in the dressing at Victoria’s Secret with me and Jessica, staring at our naked bodies, like not even trying to hide how much she wanted to have sex with us — with a pair of twelve-year-old girls, one of them her own daughter! — considering that, it was kind of hard to imagine her getting upset about the things Karen did.

Then, add to that those long, warm, yummy kisses she was giving me every night, right on the lips, way beyond what you’d ever expect between a mom and her kid. Plus, of course, what she’d done when she got in bed with me a couple days earlier, on Wednesday night, humping my leg so hard until I thought she was just about ready to come. Oh my god!

After all that, I wasn’t really worrying much any more, but I sure did have a lot of stuff on my mind. The truth is, in fact, I was pretty much over the edge, constantly thinking about incest — yes! — thinking about incest, sex with my own mom, and feeling unbelievably aroused by that idea. I knew this was wrong, or was supposed to be, anyway. But it sure didn’t feel wrong to me.

When I rubbed my clit and imagined it was my mother touching me there, and when I thought about how nice it was to have her in bed with me, hugging me, kissing me, rubbing her warm body against me, it just made me feel happy. It made me feel loved. And it made me come, so hard.

Continue on to Chapter 12


No comments on Two Moms, Chapter 11

  1. JetBoy says:

    I’ve been immersing myself in erotica for many years now (hey, a man’s gotta have a hobby, right?), but I’ll never be too jaded to appreciate the hell out of a great lesbian story… and when Naughty Mommy’s on her game, that’s as good as it gets. This one rocks my universe!

  2. Drod says:

    Bravo, Mommy! 😉

  3. Amanda Lynn says:

    Steamy hot chapter NM. I thought for sure that Nora was going to go all the way with Lia after all that wine. 🙂

  4. Jennifer says:

    Tell me, how much hotter can this get?!? Without overestimating, this is the hottest story I ever read!!! Just can repeat myself: I LOVE IT!

  5. kim says:

    …thinking about incest, sex with my own mom, and feeling unbelievably aroused by that idea. I knew this was wrong, or was supposed to be, anyway. But it sure didn’t feel wrong to me.

    When I rubbed my clit and imagined it was my mother touching me there, and when I thought about how nice it was to have her in bed with me, hugging me, kissing me, rubbing her warm body against me, it just made me feel happy. It made me feel loved. And it made me come, so hard.

    This made us come so, so good. Thanks Naughty Mommy, great story, and it keeps getting hotter.

  6. Thank you, everyone! I’m having a lot of juicy fun writing this story, and I’m glad it seems to be pleasing you as well.

  7. Tray21 says:

    OMG, the build up is so hot!!!!!, finger are very busy just thinking about what’s going to happen next

  8. Tim says:

    Bit of mixed emotions here NM.

    I so want to read about the two moms making love to their two daughters and have a wonderful incestuous orgy, but I also don’t want to reach the end, it’s just been so incredibly good throughout.

    But I’m also pleased you’re having as much juicy fun writing as we all are reading!

    Brilliant writing as always thanks.

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