The next morning, Tracy woke to the smell of bacon frying in the kitchen. She got up and put on her robe before going out to see what the girls were up to. The thought of what they’d done the night before lingered like a wonderful dream, and she worried that it had been a dream after all and wanted to verify that it had, indeed, happened. The reality of having her daughters to masturbate with was almost too good to believe. And again, she wondered where such intimacy might lead.
When she entered the kitchen, she was surprised at what she saw. Kate was helping prepare breakfast, prancing around the kitchen naked while Kelli, who was cooking bacon, needed the apron she wore as her single garment to prevent splatter burns. Kate had set the table and was pouring orange juice for them. Tracy noticed the girl’s butt cheeks as Kate leaned over the table to pour from the pitcher. A mound of halved oranges littered the counter by the juicer, and Tracy knew Kate had made fresh-squeezed for them.
“What’s the occasion?” Tracy asked as she took in the scene.
“Are you kidding?” Kelli said, her jaw dropping.
Tracy gazed at the girls. She didn’t answer. Embarrassment colored her face. Had she forgotten a birthday? No, it was June and none of them were born then. Another special day?
“Mom? Last night?” Kelli said.
Tracy continued staring, confusion stamped on her face. Then she realized what the girls were doing. “The swim trials?” she asked, wanting to tease her daughters.
“Oh, my God, you don’t remember?!” said Kate, panicking. She looked down at her nudity and nearly slammed the pitcher onto the table before running from the room toward their bedroom.
Kelli remained at the stove. “Mom? The movie? You know. The — what we did — together?”
Laughing despite her attempts not to, Tracy said, “Oh, that! You mean, you girls are doing this because of — that?”
“Yes, Mom.” Kelli looked disappointed. “That was kind of important.”
“I’m sorry, baby. I just couldn’t help teasing you girls, I guess.” She stood in the middle of the room as Kate came back in, now wearing a robe and staring at her mother with worry. Tracy looked at her younger daughter, who just seconds ago was having fun setting up the impromptu celebration and enjoying the freedom to go nude if she wished. Now, Tracy regretted her joke.
“I’m sorry, Kate. I didn’t realize my little joke would upset you. You can go naked.” Kate continued to stare at her mother. “No, really,” Tracy continued. “Take off the robe. I liked you better without it.”
“Not funny, Mom!” Kate said. Exasperated, she heaved a big sigh with a great deal of animation and eye rolling added to it. She stomped back to the girls’ bedroom and returned a moment later, naked once again.
Tracy looked at them and said, “Well, it does seem that I am now the one who’s overdressed here.” She removed her robe and draped it over a dining chair. Now all three were naked, except for Kelli, who was still wearing the apron. Still, Tracy thought her daughter’s bare butt sticking out from beneath the apron’s strings was very cute and sexy.
When she had finished preparing the bacon, Kelli went to the refrigerator and removed a bowl. As she uncovered it, Tracy saw that it contained batter for waffles. It wasn’t until then that she noticed the waffle iron heating up on the far counter.
Minutes later, they were all sitting at the table and enjoying the breakfast the girls had prepared.
“Sweetie,” Tracy said to Kelli. “Why did you consider last night to be worthy of celebration this morning?” She was curious but rushed to add, “Not that I disagree. I just want to hear your reasons.”
“You started treating us like adults last night. You welcomed us as, well, no longer little girls. You created a home where we are free to be ourselves. That’s kinda special, you know?” Tracy could see the tears welling in Kelli’s eyes. Glancing at Kate, she saw the same emotions. Whether from sympathy for her sister or from feeling those same emotions that had caused Kelli to tear up, Tracy wasn’t sure. Indeed, which one had caused Kate to get emotional was moot. The fact remained that Kate got emotional because of the love that had grown from Tracy’s simple act of sexual desire and inclusion of her daughters.
She hadn’t seen her actions in that light before, but now she realized what a big deal this truly was for her daughters… and for herself. She felt the sting of tears in her own eyes and brushed the tears away. “No sense in getting too emotional about this,” she said. “We’ve got too much to do to be spending the morning crying.”
The girls laughed and cried at the same time, brushing away their tears. “What’re we going to do?” Kate asked. Her face glowed with excitement.
“Go shopping. First, we could all use a new pair of shoes for the summer. Not only that, but I’m going to go by a special shop for some things you girls will now be wanting.”
“Like what?” Kelli asked. The lilt in her question spoke of her idea that it might have something to do with what they’d done the night before.
“I’m going to buy you girls your very own vibrators.”
The girls hopped from their chairs and threw their arms in the air, jumping up and down as if to wild music with enough enthusiasm that Kelli’s small boobs bounced delightedly. Kelli then ran to her mother and threw her arms around Tracy’s neck. “Thank you, Mom!”
Kate followed her sister’s lead and did the same.
“It’s more for me than you, you know,” Tracy said. “This way, you won’t be trying to borrow mine.”
They all laughed at this, each knowing just how true that statement was.
The sound of the doorbell caused them all to freeze where they were. The two girls stared at their mother and each other. All of them were naked at the breakfast table, and the girls were behaving as if they were already caught.
Tracy wrapped the petite robe around her and pointed her daughters to their bedroom to get dressed. Taking a deep breath, she started for the front door just as the doorbell sounded again.
Tracy’s neighbor Sandra was a snooper. She’d always been a snooper, even as a child. She would go through her parents’ and siblings’ private things any chance she got. She felt powerful whenever she discovered something the other person did not want her to know about. For instance, she first learned about porn when she found a VHS tape in her brother’s closet. Although she didn’t know it at the time, it was a porn classic, Behind the Green Door. She had been home alone and stuck the movie into the player. She had watched the movie play until the sex started and she knew right then she was forever hooked on those kinds of movies. She had quickly discovered what types of feelings the people on the screen were experiencing when she had explored her own mound with her fingers and had noticed how tingly she was beginning to feel down there.
The realization had been an epiphany.
She had discovered porn, masturbation, and orgasms all in one afternoon. She had discovered sex with someone else when she confronted her brother with the knowledge of his secret tape. They still fucked on occasion, whenever they got bored with their spouses.
She had been a little ten-year-old at the time. Her mound was as bald as it had been the day she was born, but now it was a lot more educated as to why she had the soft folds of flesh. She’d been told that in addition to being where her pee left her body, it was for bringing babies into the world. She had found it was for much more than that on the fateful afternoon she had snooped in her brother’s room. This event had made her embrace herself as a snooper. She was as addicted to snooping as she was to orgasms.
Last night, she had wanted to snoop on her neighbor Tracy. She had seen the sexy movie on the table and had wondered if the woman — or the older daughter, Kelli — would take the opportunity to watch it once everyone had gone to bed. She had sneaked over to hide outside Tracy’s house to snoop. She knew it was dangerous and if she were ever caught doing such things, she would be arrested, but she couldn’t help herself. The need to know was like a drug, especially when she suspected there might be sex involved.
She had hidden in the bushes outside Tracy’s TV room, hoping to witness either Tracy or Kelli masturbating while watching the movie.
What she had seen, however, was far more than she’d ever imagined.
She had watched — okay, she had watched and masturbated, she admitted to herself — as Tracy and her daughters ended up masturbating together while watching the erotically charged video. She had noticed the girls as they watched their mother get more and more intimate with herself until finally all pretense disappeared and the three brought themselves to what appeared to be some massive orgasms. Sandra had come just as Kelli, the older daughter, had reached her own climax.
Now, she realized that with that knowledge, she could end up having even more fun with this very sexy mom and her daughters. Hell, she might even get these two girls to offer the same fun to her own daughters. The thought of watching her two girls masturbate was thrilling, and the idea that she might be able to even join in made her pussy gush fluids.
She rang her neighbor’s doorbell and waited for the door to open.
When the bell was finally answered, Sandra found herself staring at a nearly naked Tracy. She wasn’t sure how much in the way of clothing was beneath the short wrap the woman was wearing, but it couldn’t have been much. Indeed, the outline of Tracy’s nipples visible in the fabric verified she wasn’t wearing a bra. It didn’t take much imagination to believe she was looking at the entirety of what her neighbor was wearing.
“Oh, Sandra,” Tracy said as her eyes darted up and down the street. “What brings you over so early?” Tracy had wanted to hint at the time. It was nearing mid-morning, but she wanted Sandra to think she considered this too early to drop in unannounced and uninvited. Besides, she wanted to get dressed and take her daughters shopping. She was hoping to watch them try out their new toys when they returned from their little excursion.
Sandra glanced around the outdoors as well before saying, “Well, I have something to discuss with you, but it’s not something I would want to talk about outside.”
“Oh?” Tracy said. The obvious privacy Sandra wanted in order to discuss whatever was on her mind made Tracy’s heart skip a beat until she realized Sandra could certainly have no idea what had gone on the previous night. Realizing she had little choice, Tracy invited her neighbor inside.
Sandra entered the home and looked around. She was wondering where the girls were. She could smell bacon that had been cooked some time ago, so she knew they were up.
Turning, she decided on the same direct approach she had used with her brother — and later her sisters as well after she had discovered things about them.
“I saw what you three did last night in the TV room,” she said.
“I’m… what? How?” Tracy stammered. She felt her heart racing as panic began to take control of her mind. She sat on the sofa as her legs gave out from beneath her.
“I have to admit to doing a little illegal peeping outside your window last night. I was thinking that either you or Kelli would watch the movie and masturbate. I had no idea it would be all three of you… together.” She didn’t hesitate to blurt out her own small crime of peeping because she knew Tracy would never tell anyone. What was she going to do? If Tracy called the police, the world would also find out what she and her daughters had done last night.
Tracy had the sudden image of the police arriving at her home and arresting her for molesting her own daughters, even though she had never touched them, while taking her daughters into custody to place in foster homes. Even if the truth came out that she had not actually molested them, she would be ruined.
“Why would you do such a thing?” Tracy asked, doing her best to catch her breath.
“Oh, honey — to get off!” Sandra said, smiling. “I joined you while watching the fun. In fact, I came at the same time Kelli did.”
“Are you going to blackmail me? I don’t have any money to make it worth your while.”
“No, I’m not going to blackmail you. I wouldn’t think of it. At least, not for money. No, Tracy — you see I want to join you three for masturbation sessions and… well… whatever comes along the girls and you might want to… try out.”
“You want to… join us?” Tracy asked, feeling faint and glad she was sitting down.
“Yes. And, well, I would like to enlist your daughters to help me with my own two. I know they touch themselves. Hell, I caught Emily humping a pillow in the living room just a few weeks ago, and she’s younger, so I know Laura is doing it as well. I’d just like some help getting them… involved.”
“Involved with what?” Tracy asked.
“More like, involved with whom,” Sandra answered, a suggestive gleam in her eyes that went along with the alluring smile.
“You want my daughters to… seduce them?” Tracy asked.
“Not seduce exactly. More like expand their horizons to more freely accept sex with their mom, or at least to masturbate together. Some people just consider mother-daughter incest to be so… I don’t know… taboo. I don’t feel that way, but it’s not as if I can sit down at the dinner table and say, ‘Gee, girls, you know your mom is in favor of incest, so why don’t you two get it on here on the dining table after dinner, and I can join you?’ now can I?”
“You’re in favor of…” Tracy said, unable to say the word despite her own desires in that area.
“Incest. You can say it, you know. It won’t bring lightning down on you or anything. Yes, I have practiced it since I was ten. First, with my older brother, then with my two sisters — one older, one younger.”
“And now you want to have sex with your daughters?”
“You say it as if you didn’t sit here in this room last night and have a major jill fest with your own daughters.”
“Well, that’s different. It’s not as if they weren’t already doing it in the privacy of their own bedroom or something. I never touched either of them.”
“And you never considered touching them?” Sandra asked.
Tracy stared at her neighbor, unable to believe this conversation was taking place. She had forgotten everything that had been going on before Sandra’s arrival. She forgot she had sent her daughters to get dressed, and it didn’t occur to her that they would come out of their bedroom once they were in decent attire.
Kelli and Kate opened the door to their bedroom and listened for a moment to the conversation in the den, which was at the end of the hallway. They had begun listening when their mother had said the words, “You’re in favor of.” They were shocked at the conversation that had followed. Their neighbor, Sandra, had the hots for her own daughters. Not only that, but she had been involved in a sexual relationship with her own brother and two sisters. They had met Laura and Emily’s uncle and aunts on numerous occasions, and the idea that their friend’s mother had had sex with all three of them — her own siblings — was stunning.
Yes, Kelli and Kate had been involved with each other, but it was strange to think such playtime had been enjoyed by the mother of their best friends. Secretly, the girls each thought Sandra was extremely sexy, and the confession they were eavesdropping on only served to heighten those feelings.
Then the conversation between their mother and their sexy neighbor turned to how Sandra wanted to have sex with Laura and Emily! Not only that, but Sandra was implying in what she was saying that their mother wanted sex with the two of them as well.
The last thing they’d heard was Sandra saying, “And you never considered touching them?” The “them” she was referring to were, well, them! Kelli and Kate stared at each other as the import of those words hit them.
Kelli leaned over to her little sister and whispered in her ear, “Mom wants to have sex with us!”
Kate only nodded in reply, too stunned to speak. She pictured her mother last night sitting in the den, her hands rubbing her clit as she stared at her naked daughters. Suddenly, the thought it took their neighbor to point it out to her made her feel stupid, as if she’d been able to smell a roast in the oven and had not realized there might be roast for dinner. She felt the embarrassment of someone who has missed the obvious. Looking into the face of her older sister, she could tell Kelli was thinking the same thing. How could they have missed it?
“Go on,” Sandra was saying. “Admitting it is half the battle. Once you accept it, the incestuous desires will be easier to deal with. Take my word for it.”
The girls heard their mother take a deep breath and slowly let it out. “Okay, I admit it. I’ve wondered what the hell I was going to do about it for the longest.”
“Simple,” Sandra said. “After last night, you’re more than halfway there already. Believe me, I saw how your girls were looking at you as you rubbed away at your cunt. I saw hunger in their eyes. Almost as much hunger as I saw in yours.”
“You’re saying they want to have sex with me too?” Tracy asked, not able to believe what she wanted so badly could be true, yet hoping it was.
“I’d bet my house on it,” Sandra said. “My guess is they’re already messing around with each other. How big a leap is it to go from incest with your sister to incest with your mom?”
“And you want them to get your daughters to have sex with each other? And you?” Tracy asked.
“Well, I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if they were already having fun with each other. I mean, they share a bedroom and a bed. They’re healthy, adolescent girls. Hormones are raging through their bodies, along with the resulting horniness that accompanies those hormones. I mean, they have to at least be masturbating together. If not, that needs to change immediately anyway. But once we establish they are having sex with each other, then yes, I want your girls to, well, talk up sex with me. You know, sort of give permission to do it without feeling guilty about it. Feeling okay with it is the first step to doing it. Take my word for it.”
“So, how do we go about getting my girls involved?” Tracy asked.
At that moment, what she’d forgotten became all too clear as the girls stepped into the room. Kate hadn’t planned on letting their mom and Sandra know they’d been listening in on the private conversation, but Kelli had grabbed her arm and pulled her into the den to confront their mother and Sandra.
Tracy gasped when her daughters stepped into the den. They’d obviously heard enough of the conversation that they were fully informed of Sandra’s intentions.
While Tracy gasped, Sandra just smiled and said hello to them. She’d obviously been counting on the girls listening in.
Tracy was too stunned to move. She watched her older daughter reach for the hem of her t-shirt and pull it over her head, revealing her braless boobs. Kelli then turned to her little sister and said, “I guess it’s time Mom knew everything.”
She leaned toward Kate and pressed her lips to the younger girl’s, using her tongue to open Kate’s mouth and dancing her tongue around inside her sister’s mouth. Kate returned the kiss, the passion rising as she felt her pussy getting wet.
Kelli raised Kate’s shirt and removed it as well, revealing small, perfectly formed breasts to Sandra’s gaze, not to mention their mother’s dumbfounded stare. Kelli hooked her thumbs into the elastic waistband of her younger sister’s shorts and pushed them down far enough to allow the garment to move over the girl’s shapely butt to expose Kate’s panty-clad ass. A gentle shove moved the shorts from beneath Kate’s butt cheeks to her ankles.
Kate returned the favor. As she pushed Kelli’s shorts down to puddle at her sister’s ankles, she could feel her own excitement grow. The swelling in her pussy seemed to take over her body and mind. The lust created by the idea she and Kelli were about to put on an incestuous lesbian show for their mother and neighbor was enough to send the young girl’s cream gushing from her pussy.
The girls pushed each other’s panties to the floor together and stood embracing each other before Tracy and Sandra, completely naked now. The girls’ hands roamed each other’s bodies, pinching nipples and squeezing butt cheeks as each girl continued to kiss while exploring the other’s tongue with her own.
Tracy looked at Sandra and wasn’t surprised to see the woman’s hand inside her slacks, rubbing her own cunt as she watched the sisters fondle each other.
Sandra noticed Tracy had seen what she was doing and thought, what the hell? She reached to the waistline of her slacks, which had an elastic waistband as well, and pushed them and her panties down in one motion. Seconds later, her top and bra were off and she stood naked in Tracy’s den.
Now Tracy was the only one in the room who wasn’t naked. Kelli noticed and said, “Mom, why don’t you get comfortable too? That way Kate and I can do what we want to do with you.” Then the girl looked at Sandra. “Just like we can with Sandra.”
The sisters returned to their kiss as Kelli put her pinkie finger inside her sister’s butthole just to the first knuckle. She knew Kate loved this, and Kelli felt her little sister squirm with the excitement of the feeling of having Kelli’s finger inside her back door.
Tracy removed the thin robe and began to touch herself as she watched her daughters making love. She felt a hand on her breast and looked to see Sandra looking at her, one eyebrow arched in question. The eyebrow said, “So? Shall we go ahead and enjoy this as much as I know we both want to?”
Tracy moved in quickly and planted her mouth on her neighbor’s, tasting the woman’s tongue with her own for the first time.
She was in a sort of heaven as she felt her heart quicken. This was exactly what she had wanted for some time, she finally admitted. This was going to be the beginning of a sexual exploration that she felt would only get better and better with each new experience.
She relished the thought as she relished the hand that was now reaching for her pussy and inserting a finger into the drenched depths of her vagina.
Continue on to Chapter 4
So very hot!! We read it together, coming, and reading, and coming again.
WOW!!! I had to step away from reading the story a bit just to cool down, Cheryl!! LOVED IT and can’t wait for the next chapter
WOW! I love it! It just keeps getting hotter and hotter. Thanks Cheryl, cant wait for Chapter 4.
I must agree with the comments above. Loving this story.
I am new to this site … And have become a chronic masturbator since this discovery. Extremely HOT story!!! Can’t wait for the next chapter.
nice nice nice! so fucking hot and sexy!
Thank you all SO MUCH!! Writing it has been a real pleasure. Lisa gets to see them before they post, and she has had similar comments to the ones above. She refuses to comment here, though, because she is my wife and, as she puts it, “prejudiced in my favor.”
Hugs to you all!!!
Omg, I have been reading stories here at juicy secrets for ages, but this is the first time I ever felt compelled to write anything. This is so hot, I’ve just got to read more.
Thank you! Now that you’re no longer a comment virgin, be sure to let us know what you think of our continuing efforts.
Wow Cheryl, that story has just about every fantasy of mine all cum true together, and so beautifully written too.
I’ve read and commented on a few stories here now, and I have to say the standard is incredibly high.
Good writing, highly erotic, and always leaving me wanting more.
Now I can’t wait for the next chapter, thank you Cheryl!!!
Thank you, Tim! I am so glad you are enjoying the stories here, and I’m delighted you have such a glowing comment about my story. Keep reading!