Susie’s Diary, Chapter 10

  • Posted on October 7, 2017 at 7:17 am

By JetBoy

Saturday 12th February, 1966

Mommy didnt like my idea for seducing Claire. Thats a new word she taught me, seduce. It means trying to get someone in bed cause you want to have sex with them.

See, I thought Mommy should wait till me and Claire are making love, then come in and pretend to catch us. Only instead of getting mad and yelling like most mommies would do, she would take all her clothes off and get in bed with us.

I was kind of pouty when Mommy told me no. But when she said why, I knew she was probably right. She said it wouldnt be nice to give Claire a big scare like that. Mommy thinks she might cry, or even get really mad at us!

I told Mommy that I didnt want to do any thing that made Claire unhappy, and she squeezed my hand and said I was a good girl. That made me smile.

But then I was upset cause now we were back where we started. Trying to think of how me and Mommy can make love to Claire, both of us together. Mommy folded her arms and started sort of biting on her lip like she always does when she is thinking hard.

Then Mommy smiled, so I knew she had an idea!

What is it? I asked her.

She held my hand and gave me a look that made me feel hot all over. I wanted to do sex with her right then REALLY bad, but I didnt cause I wanted to know what she was thinking even more.

When Mommy told me her plan, I liked it a lot. She said I should try to give her time alone with Claire, as much as I could and not look strange. Then when I was gone, Mommy would flirt with Claire and tell her that she likes her more than just from being my friend. Maybe Mommy could even give her a kiss!

Her idea was that if she did stuff with Claire, and Claire liked it, that it would be easy for me to join in and be a part of it. And it would be EXTRA easy if Claire told me about what Mommy did, cause then I can say that I dont mind her and Mommy kissing and touching, not at all!

But then Mommy thought of something else. She said, Honey, if both of us make love to Claire together, we cant let her know about what you and I do together. At least, for a little while. That might scare her too.

I knew she was right and said, Okay, then I had another idea. I said, What if we started to kiss and touch in front of Claire, but pretending like we never did any thing like that ever before?

Mommy thought about it and said, Maybe. But we have to see how things go.

Claire will be here in a little while, so I have to stop here and go get ready. This is so exciting!


Sunday 13th February, 1966

I got back from walking Claire home, then I had a long talk with Mommy. Now I am going to write about what happened yesterday. I did all my homework Saturday before Claire came over, so now I have lots of time to tell everything.

The idea Mommy had about her trying to get extra close with Claire was really good! I think it is going to work out like I hope.

Before Claire came, Mommy got dressed up sexy for her. This time she put on tight pants and a top, but no underwear at all! She left a bunch of the buttons in front open, so you could see a lot of her big titties when she moved around. I just wore my regular stuff cause I wanted Claire to notice Mommy more than me.

I let Mommy go to the door when it rang, and I watched from the stairs. She opened it and brought Claire inside, then kneeled down and gave her a BIG hug and then a kiss, really close to her mouth.

Boy, did she look suprised! The way Mommy was holding her, I knew Claire could feel everything she had through her top. And she liked it lots. I could tell. She even hugged Mommy back!

Then I ran over to her yelling, “CLAIRE!” and she went from Mommy’s arms right into mine. I hugged her too, only not as long.

Then we went into the kitchen to have some blueberry pie and lemonade. Claire and me sat down at the table while Mommy got everything ready.

It was something to see. Mommy was moving around the kitchen, and her titties looked so yummy that I wanted to go right over to her and pull her top all the way open and kiss them. Her nipples were hard and you could almost see their shape.

Then I looked at Claire, and saw she was just as excited as me, I could tell! Her mouth was hanging open a little and her eyes were following Mommy. Then she saw me watching her and her face got pretty red. I didnt say any thing but I did wink at her.

Mommy poured the lemonade, then some ice tea for her, and she cut pieces of pie for all of us. Then she sat down with us and started to ask about school and stuff. After a while we were all having a nice chat.

I thought that maybe Claire wouldnt want to spend much time with us talking to Mommy, cause what she really wanted was to go to my room with me and make out. But she was having a great time and looked very happy, and I saw her keep looking at Mommy’s wide open top.

Then I made a face and said, Oh darn it! I have to call Gladys Saunders about that stupid project Mrs. Kempner is making us do for Science class.

Mommy gave me a serious look and said, Susie, I hope you dont call your school work stupid while your there at school.

I laughed and then I said, No, only at home. Then she and Claire laughed too. But me and Mommy, we were just pretending. I didnt have any project to do with Gladys. Mommy knew that but not Claire, cause she takes Science with Mr. Cutler instead.

I got up and said, I better call her now. When Claire started to follow me, I said, You dont have to come, its gonna be totally boring. Keep Mommy company, okay? I wont be but a few minutes.

She didnt seem to mind me leaving her with Mommy, which was good. I went up to my room and closed my door. Then I waited.

I wanted SO BAD to see what was going on with Claire and Mommy, but I had to stay where I was. If I snuck downstairs to spy on them and Claire saw me it would spoil everything. I was too excited to read or play. All there was for me to do was walk around the room and keep looking at the clock.

But I just found out what happened from Mommy, so I can tell it here. I wasnt there to see it, but I want to write about it like I watched it all happen in front of me, cause its more like an exciting story that way.

So Mommy got up to pour some more lemonade for Claire, then she sat down really close to her. They kept talking, and Mommy took Claire’s hand and held it. She told her what a nice girl she was, and how pretty, and that she was really really glad that Claire and me are friends.

There is this look that she has, my mother. Something about her eyes and her special smile. Its warm and full of love, and it makes you feel tingly all over. I always loved it when she looked at me that way when I was a little girl, but then we started doing sex and it got even better. Like no one in the whole world is there but us two. Mommy says its called bedroom eyes.

She told me that she was looking at Claire that way while they talked, and Claire kind of started moving around in her seat, a little bit. Maybe she was feeling hot and excited down in her panties. I get that way sometimes, it makes it super hard to sit still. Like when I am in a boring class in school and start to think about Mommy, stuff like being in bed with her and making love.

Anyhow, Claire’s cheeks were really pink, but Mommy could tell that she liked it. Oh, I forgot to say that Mommy opened another button of her top when she was getting the lemonade out of the refrigarator, so Claire could see even more of her titties. She was really looking, too!

Mommy asked Claire to help her wash the plates and forks we ate the pie with, and so they cleaned off the table and took everything to the sink. Mommy gave Claire the dish towel and said, Let me wash and you can dry.

So they did. And when Claire got the last plate dry, Mommy took away the towel and said, You are one of the prettiest girls I have ever seen, would you mind it if I kissed you?

Boy oh boy, I would of given a weeks allowance to see Claire’s face, the way it looked right then! Mommy told me that her eyes were big as saucers and her mouth was hanging open. She didnt know what to say and just stood there.

Finaly Mommy said, Its OK Claire, if you dont want to.

But then Claire nodded her head and said really quiet, You can, I wouldnt mind.

So Mommy kissed her, really soft and gentle so Claire didnt get scared. I guess she was a little tense at first. Heck, I sure would be! But Mommy kept giving her sweet little kisses till she relaxed some, and then she started doing it with her tongue.

Claire was so suprised that she almost moved away, but by then Mommy had both arms around her and was holding her close. Any way, if Claire was scared to get kissed sexy, she sure got over it fast! Mommy said that she was kissing back, using her tongue and everything!

OK, so I was getting REALLY excited, listening to Mommy tell me about her making out with my beautiful Claire. The front of my panties was soaked, and my heart was beating like crazy! Mommy was wearing her dressing gown, and I wanted to open it up and do all kinds of stuff to her naked body, cause I knew for sure that she didnt have any thing on under it.

But even more than that, I wanted to hear the rest of the story. So I kept my hands to myself, the way that grownups are always saying we are sposed to do, ha ha.

After they got done with tongue kissing, Mommy gave her one of those bedroom eyes looks and said, You know sweetheart, I have a husband and I love him. But more than that, I love pretty young girls like you.

Claire said, You do?

Mommy said, Thats right. You know how Susie feels about you, that kind of special secret love? I feel like that too.

I guess that made Claire nervous, but Mommy just patted her hand and said, Dont be afraid, sweetheart. I know my daughter likes girls more than boys. Its not a bad thing. When I was the same age as you, I was the same way, I had a girlfriend. (Of course Mommy didnt tell her all of it, how that girlfriend was her sister, my Aunt Evie.)

Claire was suprised to hear that! She stared at Mommy and said, Really?

Mommy said, Yes sweetheart. And I loved her very much, just like Susie loves you. Its OK for you both to have these feelings. You just have to keep it a secret, cause other people think that its wrong, but I dont. And it would make me very happy if I could share feelings like that with you some day.

She came close to Claire and gave her another kiss. A soft one this time. She said, Lets go into the living room and watch some cartoons till Susie comes back.

Then they both sat on the sofa and watched TV. Claire was very quiet, I supose she was thinking about all the things Mommy said and did with her.

OK, so I was listening to Mommy telling me all this, getting more and more excited and wanting her something awful. Then she said, That is pretty much all that happened with Claire before you came back, baby girl.

When she said that I got up and came over to Mommy and opened up her dressing gown. She was naked under it, just like I knew she would be! I didnt say another word, all I did was sit her down on the sofa, got on my knees and licked her pussy until she came all over my face. Then I made her lie down and took off my panties. I climbed up on her and said, Lick my cunt, Mommy, and she did it until she made me come.

Now let me go back to yesterday and tell what happened with Claire after Mommy talked to her.

When I came down from my room they both were sitting close to each other and watching TV. Mommy gave me a special smile and that made me SO excited! I knew right then that things worked just like we wanted.

But I had to keep cool and not give away our secret, so I came over to Claire, grabbed her hand and said, Come on, lets go play!

Oops, Mommy is calling me! Its time for lunch. Be back soon.


OK here I am, back to finish the story.

When me and Claire went in my room, she right away closed the door, then she pushed me back into it and kissed me hard. Her tongue was deep in my mouth, and I could feel her fingers popping open the button of my pants. Then she was pulling them down, with my panties.

I never saw her act like that before! She was all hot and wild, like Aunt Evie got when we made love that first time. I wasnt sure what Mommy did to Claire to make her that way, but it must of been really good!

I could tell Claire wanted to be in charge right then, to do sex stuff to me while I just let her. Mommy gets like that sometimes too. I couldnt really walk cause my pants were down around my feet, but Claire didnt care. She dragged over to the bed, kissed me again and then threw me on it! My heart was beating so fast!

She was kind of fighting with my shoes to get them off. Then my pants and undies. I thought for sure that Claire would take off my shirt too, but she just pushed my legs wide apart and lay down in between them and started kissing my pussy.

They werent sweet little kisses either. She was sucking and licking me like crazy, making these big slurpy noises with her mouth. And humming, she was doing that too. I was already excited, but Claire made me feel like I had to scream! Before I knew it I came so hard I almost forgot to breathe.

Then I WAS breathing and I felt dizzy, but Claire didnt give me any time to rest, she lay right on top of me, touching me all over and kissing my face, saying I love you Susie, I love you, Please please make love to me! She was acting like her panties were on fire!

I wanted to make Claire come extra special hard, so after I took off all of her clothes I made her get on her hands and knees with her cute little rear end sticking up. Then I started licking her bottom hole and touching her pussy, both at the same time. I LOVE when Mommy does that to me.

It sure worked. Holy smokes, did she go nuts! She was shaking all over and making a LOT of noise. Not even trying to be quiet, too! I thought that was intresting.

I think Claire came maybe 3 times, before she made me stop. Then she was laying next to me breathing hard. I put my arms round her and we snuggled for a while.

Then when Claire could talk again she looked at me and said, I have to tell you something Susie. I hope it wont make you mad at me.

OK, so I was pretty sure this was about Mommy. But I had to pretend not to know. I said, What is it?

She was looking away from me and biting on her finger nail, and she didnt say. I asked again, What, Claire? You can tell me.

She said, Your Mom kissed me.

I said, Well, I know that! I saw her do that when you got here.

Claire just shook her head and said, No. She REALLY kissed me. While you were upstairs. And it was like you and I kiss, the way we do cause we are in love. That way. She looked sad, like she was about to cry.

I thought for a little bit about what to say, then I said, So, did you NOT want her to kiss you? You didnt like her doing that?

She said, No, I DID like it, I liked it a lot! But its your MOM, I shouldnt be kissing her!

I could see Claire was getting upset, and I wanted to make her feel better. So I pulled her close and gave her a hug. Then I said, I dont mind, its OK if you kiss her. Why should I be mad cause of that?

She frowned and said, But doesnt it make you jealous?

I said No! I love you, and I love Mommy too. So its like me sharing you with her. And sharing is a good way to show someone you love them, right?

Claire asked, Does your Mom know about us?

She looked sort of scared when she said that, so I told her it was OK and that yes, Mommy figured out how we were lovers. But also that she wasnt mad at all, Mommy I mean. And she promised to never tell anyone our secret.

I said, You know why she doesnt mind about you and me? Because she likes girls too!

Claire said, Yeah, she sort of told me that when we kissed. So then, you wont be mad if your Mom did that to me again?

I just smiled big and said, Nope! You can kiss her all you want. Its not like Mommy is going to try and steal you from me, she just wants to have fun.

Claire moved closer to me. She said, Sexy fun?

I barely got to say, Yeah! back to her before she rolled on top of me and we started kissing all over again. And since we were both still bare naked, pretty soon Claire and me were making love.

We did a lot of that last night too, after we went to bed. And we didnt even have to be quiet! I came so many times that my pussy hurt when I woke up this morning. I dont care, cause Claire kissed it better for me.

We finaly went downstairs and had Mommy’s yummy blueberry pancakes for breakfast. After that, me and Claire got to take a bath together, which was VERY nice.

Then I walked her home. We snuck behind her back porch and kissed some, and I made Claire promise to come spend the night again real soon. Maybe Friday!

We kissed one more time and said I love you to each other. Then she said Goodbye Susie, and went inside.

So it looks like the plan Mommy made (I helped some) was really good! Now Claire knows my mother wants to make love with her, also I think she knows that I am OK with it. The only thing she doesnt know is about Mommy and me doing sex. Not yet anyway!

I have to close for now, cause my writing hand is pretty sore. Also I want to ride my bike around for a while before it gets dark.

Continue on to Chapter 11


4 Comments on Susie’s Diary, Chapter 10

  1. sue says:

    Having a little jilling marathon today, and this is just right to get me started. Nice chapter. Love the plan, and how well it’s starting…

    I have to close for now, cause my writing hand is pretty sore.

    Yeah me too, but it’s my non scrolling hand that’s been getting a workout.

  2. Wow, another amazing chapter, completely believable and extremely erotic. Great job, JetBoy! I really hope this story will go on for a long time. It’s just too good not to keep going!

  3. JetBoy says:

    Heartfelt thanks to the three of you for the words of praise… your kind thoughts will long abide with me.

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