Teaching the Girls, Chapter 2

  • Posted on November 13, 2017 at 7:24 am

By Naughty Mommy

Kay led the way upstairs. Danielle and I followed behind, her arm linked warmly through mine. We could hear the two little girls chattering and giggling inside as we approached Addison’s bedroom door, which was ajar.

After knocking lightly, Kay pushed the door open and we entered the room. Cherise and Addison were on the rumpled bed, sitting close together, grinning at us. Their cheeks were flushed, eyes bright with anticipation. Both were in shorts and t-shirts. Addison was barefoot, while Cherise wore droopy yellow socks.

As Kay informed me that she and Danielle already had told their daughters what was going to happen, the kids giggled some more, clutching at one another. They both seemed excited, not hesitant at all. It made me wonder about those conversations that had taken place earlier. What exactly had their mothers said to the girls?

Two chairs were in the room which hadn’t been there before. They were in front of the closet, facing the bed. Kay and Danielle sat down in the chairs, close to each other, both crossing their legs. They held hands.

The next move, apparently, was up to me. I’d been given no instructions, though, and I wasn’t quite sure how to begin. I stood there for several seconds, frozen with uncertainty. Finally I said to myself, how many chances like this are you going to get? Just go for it! 

Taking a deep breath, I smiled at the girls, my eyes going from one to the other, then said in what I hoped was a seductive voice, “Okay, so, um, I’m supposed to give you guys some special lessons today. These lessons aren’t really yoga, but, well, you’ll see…”

They both giggled again loudly, almost manic, bouncing on the bed. After pausing a moment for them to settle down, I lifted my sweater over my head and off, letting it drop to the floor. Then I opened my jeans, while at the same time pushing my sneakers off with my feet. I shimmied the tight jeans down over my hips, and stepped out of them. I wore no socks.

I suddenly got a picture of all this in my mind: a slim teenage girl, standing in a bedroom, wearing only bra and panties, gazing at two children on the bed, a nine-year-old and a ten-year-old, while seated close by, looking on, are a pair of women, the girls’ mothers, expecting the teenager, me, to make love with their daughters. What a crazy situation!

It certainly was crazy, something I’d never dared to dream would ever take place. But it truly was happening. I was there, in the room with the two kids, along with their moms. I would have sex with these girls while the women watched. Or at least that was the plan, assuming nothing went wrong.

My palms were sweaty, my stomach churning with nervous excitement. What I felt then, I must admit, was not primarily arousal but anxiety. It was like I was on stage and had to deliver a command performance. Would I do well, or would I flop?

I gave myself another quick pep talk: You can do this, Britt! Enjoy it, make it fun!

So, I clapped my hands and said, “Okay, who’s first? Who wants to start?”

Addison instantly responded, “I do! I do! Me first!”

Cherise nodded at her friend, then scooted back to lean on a couple of pillows against the wall, content to watch for now. I saw that she was smiling but looked a bit mystified, as if she had no idea what was going to happen next.

That makes two of us, I thought. But I did my best not to show any fear or reveal my doubts. I wanted to be brave and confident.

For a few seconds I closed my eyes, summoning my memories of Gina, my yoga instructor and first lover. I saw her beautiful face, smiling at me, heard her strong voice, encouraging me. I tried to recall the things Gina had taught me, how to focus my thoughts and generate strength, but more than that, how to practice mindfulness, how to be where you are.

Willing myself to be calm, to stay centered, I took a long, deep breath, then opened my eyes again, turning to Kay.

“I have your permission?” I asked the woman, my eyebrows raised.

“Yes, oh, yes,” she nodded firmly.

“And yours?” I asked Danielle.

She grinned, “Uh-huh, absolutely.”

I took a step forward, nearing the bed, and held out my hand. Addison took it. Her fingers were moist, like mine, but warm. “Do you know what we’re going to do?” I said, gently squeezing her hand.

“Um, I think so. Sort of.”

While looking into the child’s pretty blue eyes, I reached behind my back and unhooked my bra, then slowly lowered the cups, exposing my breasts. She giggled, staring at my nipples, her gaze flitting back and forth between them.

I tossed the bra aside. “Do you want to touch my boobs?” I asked her.

Addison swallowed. “Yeah, um, okay.”

Getting up on her knees, she extended both hands, tentatively, fingertips barely grazing my nipples. Although they were stiff already, this touch from the little girl — and the knowledge of what I was doing — made my nipples even harder. My clit tingled, my pussy getting wet. The anxiety I’d felt before was almost gone now, replaced by desire, by lesbian lust.

“I want to make love with you,” I said to Addison in a husky whisper.

I heard a sigh, almost a moan.

Glancing in that direction, I saw Kay, Addison’s mother, hurriedly opening the buttons on her shirt. I’d noticed earlier when I arrived that she wasn’t wearing a bra. Now, as I watched and as Addison watched, Kay pulled the sides of her shirt away, revealing full round breasts with pink nipples. She covered her boobs with both hands, massaging them and pushing them together, pinching the nipples. Her face was flushed. She groaned in pleasure, then licked her lips and looked at me. “Go on,” she nodded.

I smiled at Kay, and at Danielle as well. The other woman hadn’t made any move yet to take off her clothes, but she was squirming in her chair, rather obviously squeezing her crossed legs together, stimulating her pussy. Her eyes were hooded and she was breathing hard. There was no question that she was highly aroused.

What a privilege this was! Not only was I being encouraged to have sex with a couple of very hot little girls, I actually had the opportunity at the same time to fulfill the erotic fantasies of these two gorgeous women. Everyone would get what they wanted.

I turned my attention back to Addison. “Let me take off your shirt, okay?”


Reaching down, I grasped the hem and lifted it up. The child raised her arms over her head and the shirt came off. Her chest was completely flat, nipples still just small pink discs. Addison’s straight reddish-brown hair was short, in a pageboy cut with flirty bangs. Her eyes were large and round, light blue in color, filled with wonder, curiosity, and intelligence. I was captivated by them, had been since the very first time I met her.

“Mmm, you’re so pretty,” I told her.

She simply giggled, making no attempt to cover her chest. Modesty was not part of Addison’s makeup.

I stepped closer, my knees bumping the mattress, and took the girl in my arms, bringing my lips to hers. When we’d kissed a week earlier, it had been Addison taking the lead, but now I was the aggressive one, shoving my tongue into the child’s mouth. I held her tight, my breasts pressing against the bare skin of her chest.

After only a slight hesitation, she responded, kissing me eagerly, if a bit sloppily. I got the sense, although I didn’t know for sure yet, that she might have done some ‘practice kissing’ in the past, presumably with Cherise or with some of her other little friends.

Addison and I kissed that way for thirty or forty seconds, maybe a minute or even longer. I wasn’t keeping track of the time, simply enjoying myself. I loved the taste and feel of her mouth, the soft warmth of her skin under my touch, her girlish scent, and the cute sounds she made.

In my lovemaking with Gina, kissing had always played a very prominent role, taking up a good portion of our foreplay. That was how we began, in fact, when her instruction moved beyond yoga. At first, it was only kissing. We did that at the end of each lesson for several days, and then things went a step further. Gina was on top of me one afternoon, kissing me, humping her crotch against my leg — and suddenly she came. That was the first orgasm we experienced together, though certainly not the last.

So, I let the kissing go on with Addison for a long time, until she erupted into giggles and pulled away. I opened my eyes and smiled at her. She wiped her lips with a hand, grinning and chortling.

“Stand up on the bed, honey,” I said to her.

She immediately complied. I unsnapped and unzipped her denim shorts, then tugged them down. She was wearing red panties, the same pair she’d modeled for me the week before. I smiled when I saw that.

After she stepped out of her shorts and I set them aside, I hooked my fingers into the waistband of Addison’s bikini panties, then asked her, “Is it okay if I take these off?”

“Uh-huh,” she nodded.

Just as I began to pull them down, the girl said, “And can I take yours off too?”

“Sure you can,” I winked at her. “We’ll both get naked, then we’ll kiss some more, all right?”

“Okay,” Addison giggled, as I peeled the little undies down her legs.

That done, she jumped off the bed and grabbed my panties, pulling them down and off. I noticed she gave a long look at my curly red bush, neatly trimmed and kept fairly short, but still a bush. She said nothing about it, though.

Soon I was lying on the bed with the child, kissing her again. She was on her back and I was mostly on top, one leg hooked over hers. Cherise was next to us, watching. She was still clothed, of course, while Addison and I were nude. As we kissed, Addison made some fumbling attempts to play with my breasts, but it was plain that she really had no clue what she should do with them. I would have to teach her, and Cherise as well.

Then I heard an urgent whisper. “What are they doing?” 

I broke the kiss with Addison, a stand of saliva stretching from my mouth to hers, and looked up at Cherise. The ten-year-old was staring at her mother and at Kay, her brown eyes wide.

After taking a quick look, I explained, “Well, they’re, um… they’re masturbating.”

The women were sitting slightly slumped in their chairs, legs spread apart. Danielle’s skirt was hiked up around her waist, both hands working busily inside her white panties. Kay had opened her slacks and had one hand shoved down inside while the other fondled her exposed breasts and nipples.

“Have you ever done that?” I asked Cherise.

She shook her head. “No.”

“I have,” volunteered Addison. “My mom showed me how when I was seven.”

I was astonished. Her mother showed her how?! That admission opened up all sorts of questions — but I chose not to deal with any of them now.

I said to Cherise, “It’s, well, masturbation is a kind of sex you can have with yourself. It feels great.”

“Yeah, it does,” agreed Addison. Turning her head to look up at her friend, she said, “I can show you tonight when you sleep over, okay?”

“Okay,” whispered Cherise.

I patted the girl on the leg. “How about if we get you naked too, all right? And then I’ll kiss both of you. Would you like that?”

Cherise didn’t reply to this at first, continuing to stare at Danielle, watching her mother masturbate. She started to turn to me, then looked back again at her mom. It was as if she was locked in place, unable to make a move or decide what to do.

I heard Danielle say, “It’s okay, sweetie, everything’s fine. Just do what Britt tells you. She’s your teacher. Do what she tells you.”

Cherise nodded, “Okay.”

Pushing myself up, I knelt in front of the child, placing a hand on her shoulder and gently stroking her cheek. “We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to,” I told her, looking into her eyes. “It’s fine. You can just watch, or… whatever.”

“No, I, um, I wanna do it. My mom said this would be the best thing I ever could learn. Even better than yoga, she said. And I want to learn about it.”

“Better than yoga,” Addison chuckled. She was on her back next to us, observing this exchange. But I saw that both hands had slid down between her legs and she was tickling her little pussy.

“So, do you want me to take your clothes off now?” I asked Cherise. “And kiss you?”

“Uh-huh,” she nodded, blushing a bit but smiling too.

“Let’s take your shirt off first.”

She agreed, and I lifted her t-shirt up over her head, dropping it to the floor.

Like Addison, Cherise had no boobs at all, just a flat chest, though her nipples were slightly larger and darker. I gazed at her for a moment, feeling a renewed surge of desire, my clit throbbing. There’s something about little girls on the cusp of puberty that makes me go insane with lust. I’m an adult now, and I love having sex with grown women, or with teenage girls, but I’ve never known anything more thrilling than the first time with these sweet young things, initiating them, teaching them how to give and receive pleasure.

Without waiting for me, Cherise opened her shorts and started pushing them off, along with her undies and her socks too, all in a bundle. I assisted her, and then the little girl was nude. I had her lie down, right next to Addison. The friends smiled at each other, giggling.

After getting in position, inserting one knee between Cherise’s thighs and the other between Addison’s, I stopped for just a second to study the girls. Cherise had a trace of dark hair on her mound, a few curly wisps, while Addison was completely bald. I almost couldn’t believe this was happening. What an incredibly lucky break: here were two naked children all set for me to kiss them and do even more than that while their mothers watched!!

Suddenly I realized that I was rubbing myself, stroking my clit and my pussy lips. It was instinctive, automatic. I also saw that Cherise was watching me closely. There was a lot she needed to learn.

Then I glanced over at the women again. Danielle was breathing hard, both hands still working inside her panties. She was red in the face. Kay’s slacks were down around her ankles, and her panties as well. She was fucking herself with two fingers. I was sure I could smell her wetness — or maybe it was mine, or Danielle’s, or even all three. The room was filled with the scent of juicy feminine arousal.

I paused a few seconds more to fully be in the present moment, practicing mindfulness, and then I made eye contact with both girls, sharing that oneness with them. This was something we’d worked on in our yoga sessions, and they knew what it meant.

They were with me then. We were together, joined, unified.

Slowly I leaned down, bringing my lips to Addison’s. I kissed her tenderly, then shifted over and kissed Cherise the same way. This was the first time, except for quick pecks on the cheek, that the pretty ten-year-old and I had ever kissed. Her lips were warm, though I could feel a tremble and I sensed some tension, some stiffness. I kissed her again, letting my mouth linger on hers, not using tongue yet, just lips on lips.

“Breathe,” I whispered to Cherise, “breathe and be.”

This seemed to relax her. Her lips softened. She let out a sigh. I flicked my tongue over her upper lip. She moaned. Her lips parted. I felt her hand on my arm, fingers lightly caressing. I kissed her again, more deeply, and she returned the kiss.

Cherise and I kissed for a minute or so, becoming comfortable with our new intimacy, tongues gingerly playing. Then I returned to Addison, kissing the child wetly, feeling the heat steadily grow among the three of us.

I heard a series of grunts from Kay, but didn’t look over. I wasn’t sure if she’d reached climax or was just getting very close. For another few minutes, I went back and forth between the girls, kissing them and whispering soft words, letting us find a place where we were content and aware, aroused but serene.

Finally, in a voice so quiet only they could hear, I said to Addison and Cherise, “Now you two kiss each other.” And they did. It was utterly beautiful, seeing these lovely naked girls kissing and sighing and pawing, so full of desire. I slid my hand down between my legs, rubbing myself as I watched them.

Soon I brought my mouth close to theirs. We shared a sort of mutual three-way wet kiss for several seconds, and then I whispered, “Now I’m going to kiss you again, but not these lips. Your other lips. I’m going to kiss your pussy lips. You can kiss some more if you want, but just try to relax, be in the moment, feel it. Let yourself go wherever the feeling takes you.”

Without waiting for a response, I eased down on the bed, trailing my fingertips over their chests, their bellies, and their mounds. Both girls wriggled and giggled nervously. I knew it would probably take them a while to really relax, no matter what I said.

I began with Addison, kneeling between her legs, looking at her smooth, puffy labia. Placing my hands on the insides of her thighs, I applied gentle pressure, opening the girl up for me. As her legs parted and I leaned closer, I saw a gleam of moisture at the base of her labia, inside her pink hole. She was wet.

My mouth watered. My heart was pounding in my chest. I took a long, deep breath, trying to stay centered, be present, follow my own teaching. After licking my lips, I bent down and kissed Addison’s pussy.

“Unh! Unh! UNHH!!” There was no question about it now, Kay definitely was having an orgasm, apparently a powerful one. I didn’t look over, though. I continued kissing and licking her daughter’s pussy as I listened to the woman come.

Then I heard Danielle. Her climax was even louder than Kay’s. “Yes!” she shrieked. “God, yes!!”

Cherise sat up, concern etched on her face. “Mom?”

I raised my head. Danielle was unable to respond to her daughter at the moment, the orgasm totally consuming her. She and Kay both were slumped in their chairs, hands between their legs, eyes shut tight, bodies shuddering spasmodically.

“Mom?” Cherise said again. “Are you all right?”

The woman’s eyes blinked open. She tried to take a breath, tried to speak, “I, I—”  but was jolted with another surge of climax.

At long last it was over. Danielle let out a heavy sigh. Pushing her hair back from her face, beaded with sweat, she smiled at us and said, “Yeah, I… it’s fine, honey. I’m just fine, perfect.”

“Okay,” said Cherise, eyes still wide.

“She had an orgasm,” I told the girl. “Your mom had an orgasm. It’s, um, a sexual feeling, a very good feeling.”

“Yes. Very very good,” Danielle laughed, and Kay laughed with her. Addison’s mom was licking and sucking her fingers, the two she’d been plunging deep inside her cunt as she fucked herself.

To me, Kay said, “Please, just, you guys go ahead. Sorry for the interruption.”

Danielle giggled, “Yeah, sorry,” as she gently patted her pussy through her panties. “We’ll try to be quiet.”

“No, it’s fine,” I smiled. “That’s what we’re here for, to enjoy ourselves, have fun with our bodies and everything. You can be as loud as you want.”

I turned to the kids. “Right, girls?”

“Uh-huh,” said Addison. “I like seeing that. It’s fun!”

Cherise nodded too, but didn’t say anything. I took her hand, giving it a squeeze, and told her to lie down again.

After she did, I moved between her legs for a moment, wanting her to feel included. I kissed the girl’s tummy and her mound, nuzzling her scant pubic hair, then kissed the insides of her slender thighs. I placed a few soft kisses on her labia, feeling her shiver with excitement, but then went back to Addison.

My feeling was it probably would be easier to make Addison come first, and then I could turn my attention to Cherise. After seeing her friend enjoy the experience, she might be more ready for it herself. At least that’s what I hoped.

I was surprised that it didn’t really take long at all with Addison. I was almost certain she’d never had sex before — other than masturbation, which she’d admitted to — but the girl seemed to respond quite readily to my lovemaking.

As I kissed and licked her little clit, she put her hands on my head, holding me there, almost guiding. She moaned, and I felt her small body writhing beneath me. While still licking her, I reached down and found her opening. Slowly I slid a finger inside, hearing a louder moan. The child was wet, slippery with lubrication, and she was tight, but there was no resistance. I couldn’t feel a hymen. It was gone. She much have broken it herself at some point during sexual exploration.

I knew about all this from my time with Gina. Although I’d had some rudimentary sex education at school (“Health and Hygiene” they called it), and my mother had given me a not very useful book around the time I started my period, it was through hands-on experience with my yoga instructor that I really learned everything I needed to know. I’ll always be grateful to her.

So, I fucked the nine-year-old girl with my finger and sucked and licked her little clit, feeling her tremble and shake, apparently getting very close. Just when I thought she was nearing the peak, we heard Kay climax again, those loud grunting noises coupled with the wet slapping of her fingers in her cunt. I was worried this might throw Addison off, distract her from the mounting pleasure, but that wasn’t a problem.

I heard Addison breathe one word, “Mom…” and then suddenly she was coming, squealing ecstatically as her thighs clamped around my head. I felt her vagina squeezing my finger in rhythmic contractions. It almost made me come myself, knowing what I’d done, bringing a little girl to orgasm as her mother watched.

When Addison finally settled down, releasing my head from the vice-like grip of her thighs, I crawled on top of her, kissing her, letting her taste her own juices on my lips. I turned my head and kissed Cherise too, sharing the yummy stickiness from Addison’s pussy with the other girl. The three of us giggled together, kissing and licking each other’s mouths.

Then we heard Danielle — “Yes! Fuck! YES!!” — coming a second time.

Now that Cherise knew what this was, what to expect, it didn’t upset her. She laughed, “Very very good, right?”

“That’s right,” I told the child, kissing her pretty mouth, then kissing her throat, then her chest, licking her little nipples, scattering kisses over her belly, moving down to her mound.

Eagerly she spread her legs wide, letting me see her pussy. Cherise wanted me to eat her, and so I did.

I was extremely aroused, nearly on the verge of coming myself, and I made no attempt to take it slow. I covered the girl’s sex with my mouth, sucking and licking, almost frantic with my desire for her.

I heard a voice, somewhere close to me, “Yes, yes, suck her pussy, lick her pussy!” and I felt a hand on my bottom. It was Danielle. She was standing right beside us, watching closely. I could hear Kay there too, talking dirty, urging me on. I couldn’t see them, though. I didn’t even try to look up. All my concentration was on this perfect little pussy I was kissing and licking, a juicy young girl I was fucking with my tongue, tasting, swallowing, sucking, eating.

There was nothing artistic about this. I was in a frenzy, humping my crotch against the mattress as I ate Cherise, wildly excited about having sex with a child while these two women, one of them the girl’s mom, watched and masturbated.

Again I was surprised at how fast it all happened. Or at least it seemed fast to me. Maybe it took longer, several minutes or more, but in my carnal mania everything was compressed, tightened. It was just me, my mouth, and the delicious smooth young pussy I was eating.

Cherise had been lifting her vulva the whole time, offering herself to me. But now as her orgasm neared she was bucking on the bed, making it hard for me to hold on. I wrapped both arms around her slender thighs, pressing my lips and tongue to her sex.

I licked and sucked some more, then all at once I felt her go stiff, her body rigid, barely trembling. I heard a loud gasp and then a shrill cry, Cherise’s voice, as I tasted a spurt of juices in my mouth. I heard another cry, Danielle, coming at the same time as her daughter.

Continue on to Chapter 3


9 Comments on Teaching the Girls, Chapter 2

  1. Kikoo says:

    Oh my goodness! This is absolutely divine! So well written, so arousing, so perfect! I love the tenderness, love and erotism emanating from this story. No doubt this is another masterpiece of your Naughty Mommy! I reallly can’t wait for the next chapter 🙂

  2. kim says:

    Sue and I just enjoyed this chapter together. So well written, real and erotic. Words fail us.

    I heard another cry, Danielle, coming at the same time as her daughter.

  3. sunnybunny says:

    What a pleasant surprise! I didn’t expect another chapter so soon! wonderfully vivid and erotic, NM. I cannot get enough of your unique vison <3

  4. drew says:

    loved this line so sexy and delicious! “Yes, yes, suck her pussy, lick her pussy!”

  5. Milanov says:

    Great continuation of the story!
    Thanks Naughty Mommy that please us so soon!

  6. Myka says:

    Oh my, sooo erotic, so lovely … keeping me warmup on a winters night 🙂

  7. Ester says:

    La sorella della mia compagna di banco ha 14 anni, mi ha insegnato a baciare come i grandi, l’abbiamo fatto solo due volte ma non vedo l’ora di rifarlo. Sarò un po lesbica? Non so perchè mi piace anche Luigino che ha 13 anni.

    Google Translator: My classmate’s sister is 14, she taught me to kiss like grown-ups, we only did it twice but I can’t wait to do it again. Will I be a little lesbian? I don’t know why I also like Luigino who is 13 years old.

  8. Tim and Litka says:

    How we both loved this story. So erotic, so arousing. Naughty Mommy you excel yourself yet again!

  9. Chris says:

    Loving,tender ,positively encouraging ,sensitive,erotic in the very best sense.like it a lot your terrificwriterNaughty Mother.

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