Teaching the Girls, Chapter 5

  • Posted on December 3, 2017 at 7:06 am

By Naughty Mommy

This still wasn’t the end of our pleasurable games that night, although things were inevitably winding down.

As I began to recover from the delirious climax I’d enjoyed with Addison and Cherise eating me in tandem, I realized that people were moving around, changing positions.

I’d collapsed on the bed, nearly passing out. When I finally opened my eyes, I saw that the women were arranging the girls in a ‘69’ beside me. Addison was on the bottom, lying on her back. Cherise, the taller one, was on top.

The kids had never done this before, of course — or at least I was almost certain they hadn’t. I was equally sure, however, that their mothers had. Nothing had been said to me about this yet, but I had a clear sense that Danielle and Kay were lesbian lovers, and had been for some time. Who knows how long they’d been thinking about their daughters in this way? I really had no clue, though it occurred to me just then, in sort of a brain flash, that perhaps nearly all moms with alluring little girls will dream about seeing them play with themselves or even watching them make love with other girls.

I don’t know, maybe that forbidden desire is common and maybe it’s not. But in any case, these two, Kay and Danielle, were going well beyond fantasy, turning their taboo longings into reality.

“Now just, you know, lick each other at the same time,” urged Kay.

“Yeah, that’s right, sweetie,” said Danielle to Cherise, “lick Addison. Lick her little pussy. I wanna see you make her come.”

Pushing myself up on an elbow, I wasn’t surprised to find that as they were providing direction and offering encouragement, the women were also masturbating yet again. They never seemed to tire of it. I had to wonder, though, weren’t they getting sore by now? Certainly neither one appeared to be. Fingers moved fast between their legs, rubbing their clits and fucking their cunts as they watched Cherise and Addison begin to lick each other.

I watched too, watched all four of them, the two young children and their moms. Greedily I savored the heady sensuality, all the erotic sights and sounds and smells of feminine arousal… and soon my fingers went back to work, caressing my own mound, stroking my labia, dipping down into my juicy center, then teasing my erect clit.

Since this was (presumably) a first-time event for the girls, it took them a while to get near a peak, several minutes at least. Danielle and Kay continued to give intimate instruction, leaning in very close, telling their daughters just what to do — “lick her clit, uh-huh, now suck on it, mmm, very good” … “put your finger there, at her opening, and tickle her, that’s right, then push inside a little bit” … “don’t stop licking, don’t stop, keep licking her bud” — until finally I saw Addison start to shake, huffing and puffing, cheeks growing florid.

She tried her best, it seemed to me, not to stop licking Cherise, but the sensations were simply too strong. Addison’s eyes squeezed shut, her face in a grimace, and then she came.

A few seconds later, Kay climaxed too, furiously fucking herself with her fingers. Seeing that — a mom coming at the same time as her little girl — put me over the top as well, although this orgasm was not as mind-blowing as some of the others. It was more of a smooth, powerful surge, a warm liquid glow spreading throughout my whole body, making me shiver all over.

I mostly retained awareness of my surroundings, which was nice because I was then able to witness a sweet moment when Danielle bent down to whisper something in Cherise’s ear, tenderly kissing the girl as she lay with her head between Addison’s thighs, watching her come.

Cherise, of course, had to be content with waiting a little longer for her own culmination. Addison rallied fairly quickly, however, taking a couple of deep breaths after her spasms ended, then gamely applying herself again to licking and sucking her friend’s pussy.

Because she no longer had to pleasure Addison, Cherise could now concentrate solely on what she was feeling. The pretty child closed her eyes and raised her head. Her lips and chin were wet, her cheeks flushed, forehead beaded with sweat. She looked unbelievably sexy. Slowly, her slender form began to move, gently rocking, hips rotating as she ground her pussy into Addison’s mouth.

I heard a soft moan from Cherise, almost like whimpering, which soon became louder, more shrill, as the tempo of her motions increased. Then I heard Danielle. The woman was kneeling in front of her daughter, one hand rubbing her clit, the other clutching a breast, pinching the hard nipple.

“That’s right, baby, come on, come for Mommy,” she urged, “Mommy wants to see you come!”

This seemed to greatly excite Cherise, who’d opened her eyes again. While staring at her mother, she moved faster and faster on top of Addison, humping frantically, until suddenly all her muscles tensed — she froze for a moment, holding her breath, turning red — and then came on Addison’s face.

“Fuck! Yes!!” grunted Danielle, climaxing when she saw this, hands clamped between her legs.

Cherise, in the throes of her ecstasy, still coming, rolled off her friend and sprawled on the bed, gasping and groaning, her eyes tightly shut, perfect young body shuddering in orgasmic splendor.

Beside her lay Addison, panting and smiling, but with her eyes closed too, her limbs slack, a nine-year-old girl completely spent.


And with that, we finally were done.

Neither of the kids said or did anything else that evening, not while I was there anyway. Their breathing gradually slowed. They lay still, quiet, evidently on the verge of sleep if not already gone.

Their mothers and I watched them for a minute or two, then eased carefully off the bed. We gathered up our clothing and left the room, Kay turning off the light and closing the door.

Out in the hall, Kay whispered, “You wanna go to my room, Britt? Can you spend the night?”

Reluctantly, I shook my head. I motioned that we should go downstairs, and began heading that way. They followed me. When we reached the living room, I started pulling on my jeans and my sweater, not bothering with bra or panties.

“I’m sorry,” I said to the women, “I’d like to stay, but, I mean, I told my mom and dad that I’d be home tonight. They’d worry if I never showed up, and it’s too late to call. They go to bed early. I’m really sorry.”

“Oh, honey, it’s fine,” said Kay. “You don’t need to apologize. We understand.”

“Yeah, and, I mean, gosh, don’t be sorry,” added Danielle. “We all had a fantastic time tonight, thanks to you.”

“Good, I’m glad,” I said with a leer. “So did I, a very good time.”

We shared a laugh, and then Kay said, “How about, uh, a repeat engagement for next week, next Saturday afternoon. Can you do this with us again, and maybe tell your parents you’ll be staying over?”

“Yeah, I think so,” I nodded, feeling a perverse thrill. Could this really be happening? “That should be okay. We can talk about it when, um, you know, when I see you guys on Tuesday or on Thursday, at yoga lessons.”

“All right,” said Kay. “Sounds great.”

I slipped into my sneakers, found my bag, and walked with them to the front door. As I turned to say goodnight, Kay took both my hands in hers, squeezing them. I saw tears in her eyes.

“Before you leave, I just have to say, thank you, Britt, with all my heart. You have no idea how much this means to me.” She kissed my lips.

“Me too, just, thank you, thank you,” said Danielle, kissing me the same way. “This really is a dream come true for us.”


Fifteen minutes later, I was home. As I’d figured, even though it was not quite 10:30, my parents already had gone to bed, probably much earlier. The house was quiet, and there was no light under their door.

I went to my own room and quickly got ready for bed. But I didn’t go to sleep. A whole lot had taken place in the past few hours and I was still totally keyed up. I lay under the sheets, replaying it all in my mind.

My god, I’d watched two little girls having sex that night, and I’d had sex with them too — with their mothers watching! It was so hard to believe, but it really had happened. I’d made love with Cherise and Addison. I had licked their pretty pussies and they’d licked mine. The kids fucked me with their fingers and I came in both their mouths. And all this right in front of Kay and Danielle, as they cheered us on and masturbated. Just so incredible.

Maybe the most amazing thing is that this wasn’t my idea. I didn’t have to seduce anyone. The women had asked me, begged me, to do this for them, to have sex with their young daughters while they watched. They told me it was their dream come true.

That must mean, then, that they’d been thinking about this for a long time, hoping for it, planning for it. Was that why they hired me in the first place? Not only to teach yoga, but to do even more? This seemed unlikely, but who knows?

So, what would happen the next time, I wondered, on the following Saturday? Would we go further still? Could I possibly have sex with the moms in front of the girls? Or, even better, could the mothers and daughters make love with each other?

Damn, that would be so unbelievably hot. As I lay in bed, I began to imagine Danielle and Cherise holding one another, kissing deeply and rubbing their beautiful naked bodies together. I pictured Kay licking Addison’s hairless pussy, sliding her finger inside the girl, fucking her own child and making her come.

My clit tingled. I slid a hand down and started rubbing myself as I fantasized. I was already wet, just thinking about it. But was this only a fantasy? Or might it really happen? I so wanted to see that, the women making love with their daughters. Would they do it if I asked? Did they even want to?

Hmm, what if I, sort of… helped them along the way? What could I do to encourage this? Then I remembered something. Earlier that afternoon, while Addison was kissing me and fumbling with my boobs, I’d told myself I would have to teach her, and Cherise as well, what they should do, how to make love with a woman’s breasts. I definitely wanted to do that — but what if I was to suggest that the girls should practice not only on me, but also with their moms?

God, yeah, I loved that idea. As I rubbed my pussy, I pictured the kids, Addison and Cherise, touching their mother’s breasts, playing with the hard nipples, kissing them and sucking them. I visualized myself there with them, looking at Kay and Danielle, seeing them get more and more excited as they held the girls, petting their hair, watching as they licked and sucked their tits. And then I imagined small hands reaching down between the women’s legs, eager fingers sliding inside wet vaginas, two little girls fucking their moms, making them come.

“Ah! Ah! AHH!!”

With this enticing fantasy in my head, I came too, and then finally, at long last, I drifted off to sleep.


The next day, Sunday, felt kind of strange to me. It was almost like I was still in a dream. Had all of that really happened the night before? I knew it had, of course, but it just seemed so unreal. I wondered too, if my parents might notice something different and ask me about it. Not my dad so much, because he never seemed to notice anything at home. All he ever thought about was work, or playing golf. But my mom knew me pretty well. Would she say something?

She didn’t. Neither of them said anything out of the ordinary. The day went by like any other Sunday. Dad got his new truck washed and waxed, then drank beer and watched sports on TV. Mom did laundry and stuff, while I texted a few of my friends. Nothing serious, just casual chatting. No one knew my special sexy secrets. No one but Kay and Danielle and their daughters.

On Tuesday, during our yoga class after school, Addison and Cherise shared some flirtatious smiles with me, but that was all. They didn’t do anything else to give away what had happened between us. It was pretty wild, though, for me, looking at those two little girls, knowing I’d seen them both naked just a few days earlier, kissed and licked their pussies. And yet I had to act normal, if I could, pretending it was all the same as before.

It wasn’t, obviously. We really had done those things. I couldn’t get it out of my head. And as we went through the exercises and I helped them with their stretching, putting my hands on their taut young bodies, I could feel my own pussy growing moist, so much that I worried it might become obvious. I’d chosen that day for some reason not to wear gym shorts, only a powder blue leotard. Luckily no one said anything about the wet spot which was indeed there, quite visible.

When I got home, I changed clothes right away so my mother wouldn’t see the stain. After that, I told her I was going to give another private yoga lesson to Cherise and Addison on Saturday, and that Kay had invited me to have dinner with them, then play games and stay over for the night if I wanted to. I asked Mom if that would be okay — though of course I didn’t tell her the kinds of games we’d be playing — and she said it was fine with her. No problem.

As you might imagine, I was masturbating a whole lot that week, even more than usual. Typically, like most teenagers, I guess, I would make myself come at least once every day and often two or three times. But with so many wonderfully dirty thoughts swirling around in my mind, I took every opportunity I could to close my eyes, think about those girls and their moms, and rub my clit until I came again. Twice or three times a day? Nope, now it was like five or six times!

On Thursday, I took yet another step. During my self-pleasuring sessions, I had begun to fantasize not only about Addison and Cherise, but my other two students as well, Heather and Felicity. These girls were sisters, both blue-eyed blondes and both quite attractive. Felicity, who was ten, was a classmate of Cherise and Addison, while Heather, twelve, was two years ahead of them, in sixth grade.

Being the oldest, Heather was naturally more developed than the others, already endowed with pleasingly round little breasts. I could see that she, and probably her sister too, would someday have nice big boobs like their mother, Donna.

Our classes, as I mentioned before, were held at Donna’s house. She was married, and a stay-at-home mom. I’d learned from my conversations with her that she’d been a cheerleader all through high school and college, a very popular girl, no doubt, who’d wed the star quarterback. This was easy to picture since Donna was still really cute and bubbly, although she had put on a bit of weight over the years.

Anyway, that next daring step I took was to masturbate during our yoga lesson! Not right out in front of everyone, obviously, but in the downstairs bathroom at Donna’s, not far from where the kids were seated on their mats, waiting for me.

As on Tuesday, I’d decided again not to wear gym shorts, just a leotard and nothing else. And this leotard was the thinnest one I had, white and nearly see-through. While doing our warmups, I watched closely for reactions from my students — Addison and Cherise would enjoy the scenery, no doubt, but what about Felicity or Heather? Would either of them show any special interest in my body, in the way I was so provocatively flaunting it?

Yes! It definitely appeared to me that those young girls were responding just the way I wanted. I was sure I caught several lingering looks from both sexy little blondes, and so, about halfway through the session, I excused myself and stepped into the bathroom.

Breathing fast, already highly aroused by what I was doing, I unsnapped the crotch of my leotard, looking at and touching the slippery wetness that had soaked from my pussy into the material. Then, facing toward the door, I imagined all four girls gathered around, watching intently, along with Donna too, as I rubbed my clit and shoved a finger inside my cunt.

In less than a minute I reached climax, barely managing not to cry out when I came. As it was, I moaned rather loudly, and wondered if anyone might have heard. After flushing the toilet, I fastened the leotard at my crotch, sliding my fingers up and down over the damp fabric, ensuring that my labia was plainly outlined. While running some water in the sink, I smiled at myself in the mirror and then, without washing my hands, opened the door and returned to the class.

I’m not sure what I was hoping would happen next. Nothing very unusual took place. Well, I did receive quite a few more admiring glances from my students, especially as I was leading them through a series of poses with our legs spread wide. They could easily see how wet I was. There was no way I could possibly conceal it — not that I wanted to — and I really enjoyed having these young girls stare at my pussy. It felt so dirty and exciting. I loved it!

Later, though, once I’d arrived home and was changing my clothes, I began having second thoughts about what I’d done that day. Yes, it certainly had turned me on, hugely, but somehow it didn’t seem quite right.

I sat down on my bed, closed my eyes, and tried to imagine what Gina might say. Soon I realized the problem: I was confusing separate activities, not maintaining mindfulness. Sex was a good thing, it was wonderful, and if I chose to incorporate a few yoga techniques while teaching Cherise and Addison about making love, that was just fine. It was not an issue.

However, in my role as a yoga instructor, during the formal classes I led, that’s what I needed to think about and focus on — teaching yoga, nothing else. If I was going to teach mindfulness, I had to practice mindfulness.

All right, inhale, slowly exhale… know that you are breathing… inhale, exhale, smile, relax. I felt much better.

I got up from the bed, finished changing my clothes and chuckled as I thought to myself, next week, Britt, it’s gym shorts again. 


Saturday morning dawned. I woke up around 9:30, lying on my back, already feeling aroused about all the things I knew I’d be doing that afternoon with Kay and Danielle and with their daughters. What a lucky girl I was! I slid my hands over my body, caressing myself as I envisioned the sultry scene.

Should I masturbate? I wanted to. I often made myself come first thing in the morning. It was a perfect way to start the day.

But this time I decided not to do that. I chose to wait, storing up all my sexual energy. After having a late breakfast, I did a few chores, watched some TV, then packed a bag and reminded my mom that I’d been invited to spend the night at Kay’s house. She was still cool with that.

Before leaving, I took a long shower, making sure I was clean all over, washing and drying my hair. Then I put on panties and a short skirt, along with a cute pair of flat shoes and a soft, fuzzy sweater but no bra. I checked my makeup, added one more spray of perfume, then slipped into a warm jacket and headed out the door.

It was early February, the middle of winter, and very cold that day. My nipples instantly got hard as I walked outside to my car. I smiled, knowing I’d have plenty of other reasons for stiff nipples over the next several hours.

Continue on to Chapter 6

No comments on Teaching the Girls, Chapter 5

  1. drew says:

    YES! Lovely and sexy and hot! the next chapter should be interesting!! 🙂

  2. Amanda Lynn says:

    Looking forward to seeing what happens next. Moms and daughters? New girls? Yummmy.

  3. revelnit says:

    Yes! The story spreads out and gets more complex. I like it. Keep it up.

  4. Milanov says:

    You really make us wait for every new chapter. This story is very hot! I wanted mom Donna not to participate, but peeked out of the corridor for doing yoga. But this is of course only my desire. In any case, we are waiting for the continuation.

  5. kim says:

    Sue and I read this chapter together. It was totally hot from start to finish. We are so psyched up for the next chapter.

  6. Myka says:

    Lovely again … mmm … sisters Felicity and Heather … mmmm 🙂

  7. Thanks, everyone. I’m glad you’re enjoying this!

  8. Stan says:

    You should have a way to forward these stories to email. Would love to be able to forward this one.

  9. Jennifer says:

    Enjoying is the underestimation of the year! 😀

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