A New Hope, Part One

  • Posted on December 5, 2017 at 7:04 am

By No One

Emilia glanced at her phone for what felt like the hundredth time in the past half hour. The situation hadn’t changed: no new message. Not that there was any chance she would have missed a text coming in, but she couldn’t help making sure.

“Come onnnn,” she implored the phone. She should have been enjoying the beginning of the weekend on this Friday afternoon, but waiting for this reply was stressing her out in a big way.

Her best friend Jodie was sitting next to her on the grass near the school parking lot, absorbed in her own phone. “Yeah, well, I told you it was dumb to ask someone out over text,” she pointed out with an unsympathetic shrug.

“I know! But I just couldn’t do it face to face. It would be so awkward if she wasn’t interested. Like, when I worked with her on that team assignment, I kinda thought she was giving signals. Maybe? But… then again, maybe not. I don’t know!”

Another shrug. “Don’t you take drama class? Well, act like you’re brave and go for it.”

“That’s not the same at all,” Emilia protested. “It’s one thing to recite Shakespeare or whatever, it’s completely different when your ‘lines’ have an effect on your life. I don’t know how to handle that.”

“Don’t, then. But it shows you lack confidence. Girls don’t like that.”

“Psh. What do you know about what girls like?”

Jodie glanced up from her phone for a second to give Emilia an odd look. “I’m one, aren’t I?”

“Well, yeah, but… I mean, you don’t date girls… but… I guess you might still know. Okay, okay, that was a dumb thing to say!”

“What would you think if someone asked you out, all timid-like, through text?” Jodie wanted to know.

Emilia made a face. “Um, I don’t know… that it’s kinda cute and charming…?”

“Uh-huh. Well, I guess we’ll see.”

Emilia took one more look at her phone. Still no messages, of course. “Come on, what could take her so long? She has to have seen it, like, an hour ago. Just say no already and be done with it.”

“Now, that’s some positive thinking there.”

“Ugh, I think I’m gonna die a virgin.” Letting out a deep sigh, Emilia placed the back of her hand against her forehead and let herself fall back onto the grass — acting class had to be good for something, after all.

Jodie chortled. “Drama queen. Only sixteen and already an old maid, huh?”

“Seventeen in two months. And yeah, feels like it. Never even been on a date. How old were you when you had sex for the first time?”

“Err…” Jodie hesitated, which wasn’t like her at all. Usually, she loved talking about her sex life in too much detail.

The question immediately vanished from Emilia’s mind, though, because her phone finally chimed at that moment, indicating a new text. She sat bolt upright and stared at the device in her hand, suddenly terrified to read the message she’d been waiting for so desperately.

“Well?” Jodie pressed her.

“Um… I don’t, uh… You read it for me,” Emilia said, holding out the phone towards her friend.

“What? Seriously?” Rolling her eyes, Jodie grabbed the phone.

Emilia watched the other girl intently as she read, trying to deduce meaning from her reaction. That subtle wince didn’t bode well. “What? What is it?”

Jodie sighed, handing the phone back. “She’s flattered, but she’s not into girls,” she said. Straight to the point, as usual.

“What? Shit! I thought… Oh, goddammit.” Emilia fell back onto the grass again — only this time, she wasn’t acting. Reading the text for herself, she saw that it was slightly more verbose and apologetic than the way Jodie had put it, but her friend had indeed summed up the gist of the message.

“Sorry, Em,” Jodie said, with more compassion than before. “Her loss. I’m sure she’s missing out.”

Emilia chuckled sadly. “Oh yeah? What, do you want to go out with me, then?” She’d always thought her friend was quite attractive, actually, with her long auburn hair, big brown eyes, and pleasing figure. But ever since they’d become fast friends at the beginning of high school, it had been quite clear that Jodie was into boys, so Emilia hadn’t let herself think of the girl like that. Not much, anyway.

Jodie laughed. “Sorry, babe. I’m taken. Speaking of, he should be around to pick me up any minute now,” she said, glancing around. “Gonna grab something to eat, then it’s back to his place for an evening of sexy fun. That means fucking. And I do mean the whole evening — the guy has stamina, let me tell you. And some of those positions — “

“God, sorry I asked!” Emilia quickly interrupted. Jodie was definitely back in Too Much Information mode.

Her friend had been seeing some college boy lately, though Emilia wasn’t sure if he was supposed to be Jodie’s boyfriend, or just her boy toy. It felt like everything she heard concerning the guy was about his performance in the bedroom. Actually, in the bedroom and various other places, Emilia had learned, despite her best efforts to remain ignorant.

Jodie grinned. “And what are your plans for the evening, now that you’re a dateless loser?”

“Jeez, ouch.”  Clearly, Jodie had run out of sympathy. Somehow, the comment still made Emilia laugh and feel a little better. “Well, the date would have been tomorrow. Tonight, I’m babysitting Stella. Her parents are taking off on some kind of quick romantic getaway until tomorrow afternoon, so I’m staying over tonight and watching the kid.”

“Oh, well then, you wanted to spend the night with a cute girl, so there you go.”

Emilia grimaced. “Jesus, Jodie! She’s barely eleven! I was thinking of someone a little older, y’know!”

Jodie shrugged. “Hey, hook ‘em while they’re young, right? She might need someone to teach her about the birds and the bees. Or just the birds, whatever.”

“You’re horrible.” Emilia tried to sound disapproving, but she finally had to laugh.

“And that’s why you love me.” Jodie flashed a smug smile.

They were suddenly interrupted by a car horn. “Oh, there’s Jake,” Jodie said, waving at her boyfriend’s beat-up Chevy. At least he had a car, Emilia admitted; she still had to rely on her trusty old bike to get around.

Getting to her feet, Emilia gave her friend a quick goodbye hug. “Text me sometime,” she said.

“Sure, I’ll give you updates throughout the night,” Jodie said, straightfaced.

“Not what I meant! Please don’t,” Emilia begged, not entirely sure her friend was kidding.

Jodie winked in response, then she was off, leaving Emilia to her thoughts.

Her friend’s little joke about Stella had hit a bit close to home, she had to admit. The last few times she’d babysat the young girl, Emilia couldn’t help noticing the changes in her developing body. Stella was at an age when she was growing rapidly — and not only in height. Emilia had also noted a slight flaring of her hips and even a hint of breasts.

The girl was cute as a button, and seemed certain to become a very attractive young woman in no time. Emilia already felt a little weird for noticing these things. The last thing she needed was to be thinking this way about a girl of eleven.

A sudden presence at her shoulder startled her. “Oh, and… if you get caught making out with the kid, it wasn’t my idea,” Jodie whispered in a conspiratorial tone, then walked away again.

“Get out of here already!” Emilia called after her, laughing.


Emilia rang the doorbell and, a few moment later, Stella’s dad opened the door. “Hey, Mr. Jackson,” she greeted him.

“Hi, Emilia. Thanks for coming,” he said as he let her in. “I know things must be hectic for you near the end of the school year. We’ve started letting Stella stay home by herself but… since we’ll be gone overnight, you know, we’d be more at ease if someone was with her. She insisted that we ask you.”

Emilia smiled. It was nice to be wanted, if only by a little girl. “Oh, it’s no problem. I didn’t really have any plans for the weekend, anyway,” she said, feeling an unwanted twinge of bitterness. “I brought some school books if I want to study” — that was a big if — “so it’s fine. You guys can even stay away longer if you want, it’s cool. Just let me know.”

“Why, what a wonderful idea. Why don’t we stay longer?” Mrs. Jackson said in honeyed tones as she walked down the corridor to join them.

Her husband winced. “We’ve been over this. I just can’t take that much time off from work right now. When things aren’t so crazy with the new project, I promise we’ll take a nice vacation.”

It sounded like Emilia had inadvertently revived an argument between the couple. “Oops,” she said, by way of apology.

“You better believe I’ll hold you to that,” Mrs. Jackson said, the cajoling tone gone from her voice, though she winked at Emilia when her husband wasn’t looking.

“Emmi!” a little voice suddenly cried out, then a skinny bundle of blonde hair and white clothes came rushing out of the living room and caught Emilia in a tight hug.

“Hey there, sweetie. Missed me, huh?”

“Yeah!” Stella replied with enthusiasm. The beautiful young girl gazed up at Emilia with dancing green eyes, giving her the sweetest smile. It looked as if she’d grown again, looking more like a young woman than ever.

Emilia was glad to see the girl in a good mood. The last time she’d babysat here, Stella’s best friend Stacy had just moved away to the other side of the country, and the poor kid had been feeling really down about it.

“Well, I missed you too,” she said, returning the smile. She wasn’t just being nice, either. She’d always gotten along great with Stella, and it had been a while since she’d sat for the girl. Who knows, the evening might even cheer Emilia up a little.

“Looks like you have things well in hand already,” Mrs. Jackson said, “so I think we’ll be off.” She sounded like she was in a hurry to begin their mini-vacation.

Emilia nodded. “Sure. You two have a good time, now.”

Leaving Stella to say goodbye to her parents, Emilia wandered into the living room, taking in the familiar sci-fi decor — a miniature replica of that spaceship from Star Trek, a few posters of various old shows that Emilia had never seen, a multitude of novels and comic books. Mr. Jackson was a bit of a geek, but there was nothing wrong with that, in her estimation.

Plopping down on the couch, she noticed a DVD box set on the coffee table and picked it up for a closer look. Star Wars, of course it was. It had been a few years since Emilia had seen the older movies in the series, she realized. She’d always enjoyed them as a kid.

“Oh! My dad got that last week!” Stella explained with some excitement as she walked back into the living room. “Isn’t it cool?”

“Star Wars? Sure, but… I’m surprised he didn’t own it already. Kind of essential sci-fi, right?”

“Nooo, this one has the original version of the first trilogy, before they added a bunch of stupid computer graphics and other crap. It’s way better!”

Emilia couldn’t help chuckling at the explanation, probably quoted straight from Stella’s dad. “Oh yeah, you mean stuff they changed, like, before we were even born? Very important!”

Stella stuck out her tongue, though the gesture ended up far more cute than rude. “Have you seen the original version?”

“Uh… I don’t know?” Emilia was only vaguely aware that there were different versions. “I don’t think so?”

“Oh! We should watch all three movies tonight, then!” Stella exclaimed, excitement rising in her voice.

“You haven’t watched them already?”

The child gave her a puzzled glance. “Yeah, so?”

Emilia smiled, remembering how she used to watch the same movies over and over again when she was a kid. “Three movies, though, that’s probably like six hours…”


“So… it’ll be past midnight before we’re done.”

“So?” Stella said again, her grin widening with each repetition.

“So that’s way past your bedtime!”

“I won’t tell if you don’t…” the young girl sang, eyes shining with mischief.

“Hmm…” Emilia made a show of considering the proposal, a finger tapping her chin. She had to admit that the idea seemed like fun, now that she thought about it. It wouldn’t be that big a deal if Stella missed her bedtime this once, she supposed. Sometimes, you had to break the rules to have some fun, after all. She was fairly sure the girl would be drifting off halfway through Return of the Jedi, anyway.

Besides, it was hard to deny Stella anything when she gazed at you with those lovely emerald eyes.

“Well, tell you what,” Emilia finally said, “why don’t you go take a bath and put on your PJ’s and all that, and then we’ll see how much we can watch before I have to carry you to bed.”

“Okay, but I’m not gonna fall asleep, and we’ll watch ‘em all!”

“Yeah, yeah. We’ll see.”

As Stella pranced off towards the bathroom, Emilia caught herself admiring the shape of the girl’s little ass in those tight white shorts. Realizing what she was doing, she gave her head a shake to try to clear her mind. Jesus, Em, get a grip, she told herself. She’s just a kid, you’re not that desperate.

Aren’t I, though? she thought, glumly reflecting upon her love life — or lack thereof.

Admittedly, there was no doubt that Stella would be breaking a lot of hearts in a few years — if she hadn’t already started. The girl looked like an angel fallen from heaven. Emilia couldn’t be the only one who had noticed. Still, there was no way she’d try anything with the kid, of course. That was just creepy. It’s all Jodie’s fault, with her dumb jokes.

Emilia shook her head sternly. No. Stella would get back from her bath, and they’d watch the movies. A perfectly normal evening, just friendly, innocent fun. No more weird thoughts.

Once Emilia saw the young girl returning from the bathroom some time later, though, she realized she’d made a critical mistake. For this particular evening, Stella’s nightwear consisted of a pink tank top that went down to her hips, baby-blue panties underneath, and nothing else.

Emilia stared for a moment, taken aback by the vision in front of her. Stella’s top was just tight enough to highlight the girl’s budding breasts and her slim waist. The half-displayed panties offered a tantalizing tease, Emilia already imagining the treasures hidden beneath, despite her best intentions. And those fine legs! They’d be the envy of many older girls.

Stella looked sexy as hell, there was no other way to put it — and she probably didn’t even realize it! Emilia became aware that her mouth was hanging half-open and quickly snapped it shut.

“Something wrong?” Stella asked, a hesitant smile playing at the corner of her mouth.

“Uh, no, just… no, all’s good,” Emilia said, struggling to appear casual. “So, we watching that movie, or what?”

Hoping to quickly move on past her embarrassing lapse, she handed the box for the first film to Stella and watched her happily skip over to the TV to put the disc in. As the girl bent over to reach the DVD player in the TV stand, Emilia was treated to another alluring view of her pert little ass.

Oh, fuck me, she thought, despairing. This is gonna be a long evening. “So, uh… that’s all you’re wearing?” she asked, trying to sound like she didn’t care one way or another.

“Yeah, it’s hot tonight,” Stella replied.

“Hot for sure,” Emilia mumbled an agreement, though maybe they weren’t talking about the same thing.

As the obligatory succession of logos appeared on screen, Stella hurried back to the couch and settled down next to Emilia — just a bit too close for comfort, their arms touching in a rather distracting fashion.

The iconic opening fanfare rang out, then the familiar big yellow text began its slow crawl across the screen. Emilia had some difficulty focusing on what it said this time — though she knew the gist of it already: Evil Empire, Rebels, and so on. Instead, her eyes were drawn sideways to her young companion.

Stella had put her feet up on the coffee table — which Emilia was pretty sure she wasn’t allowed to do, but let it slide — offering a nice view of her shapely legs. Emilia couldn’t help but steal glances instead of watching the screen. Damn. Did I have legs like that at eleven? No way.

She sighed inwardly. So much for no more weird thoughts. Could she really be blamed, though? Eleven years old or not, Stella was obviously sexy. Surely anyone would think the same.

Right? Or am I just being a huge perv? I can’t even tell anymore.

She squeezed her eyes shut for a moment, then opened them again, forcing herself to pay attention to the movie. Her mind in turmoil, it took some effort at first, but soon she relaxed enough to let herself get pulled in by the familiar story.

Though the image quality wasn’t so great in this version, Stella had been right that the old-school special effects did have a certain distinctive charm to them. Emilia found herself genuinely enjoying revisiting this old favorite in its original form.

Once the end credits started rolling, she turned towards Stella — and once again, her breath caught at how beautiful the young girl was in her skimpy nightwear. Pushing the unwanted thought away, she said, “Well, the Death Star’s destroyed, so I guess they’ll just be celebrating for the next two movies, huh?”

Stella made a face at the silly joke, but a giggle still escaped her lips. “Yeah, right!”

“Oh? That’s not how it goes? It’s been a while since I saw this.” A sudden chime from her phone caught Emilia’s attention, and she absently plucked the device from her pocket. “Nah, but seriously, that was pretty cool. Must have been hard to pull off those effects with really old technology like that.”

Glancing at the phone screen, she read the text from Jodie and realized with horror that her friend was making good on her earlier threat. “Oh God,” she groaned, facepalming.

“What’s wrong?” Stella asked, a little alarmed.

“Oh, nothing. Just a friend of mine, she’s with her boyfriend and, uh…” Emilia hesitated. She gave the girl a sidelong glance, then read the text again: Four orgasms and counting!

Emilia weighed her response. She shouldn’t tell a kid about something like that, but… she was really curious about what Stella’s reaction might be. It’s not like the message was that explicit anyway, and surely Stella knew the word ‘orgasm’ by now. I wonder if she’s had one yet?

The thought sent a thrill through her and pushed her into a decision. “My friend Jodie, she uh… tends to overshare a lot,” Emilia explained, angling her phone towards Stella to let her read.

The young girl scanned the screen, then let out a little gasp and covered her mouth. “Oh, wow!” she said with a nervous little laugh. “Um… well… sounds like they’re having a good time.”

Emilia chuckled as well, surprised at the comment. Well, she’s not too shocked. Huh. Interesting. “Yeah, sure sounds like it,” she said. “I guess Jodie’s guy is pretty good at, er, getting her off.”

There was a moment of silence, both of them apparently uncertain of what to say next, then Stella cleared her throat. “I, um… I never had that many at one time,” she admitted. “Four… that’s a lot, huh?” Her cheeks flushed a bit, but there was also mischief in her eyes as she seemed to watch for a reaction to her statement.

Emilia’s eyebrows shot up. Wow. Well, that answers that question, she thought, her mouth suddenly dry as she tried hard to avoid the image of little Stella playing with herself — and failing completely. She swallowed before replying, “Yeah, um… I guess it is, really.”

There had been times when Emilia had been really horny, but never enough to make herself come four times in an evening. In a day, maybe. Of course, if she’d had someone to share the fun with, that might be a very different story… “I mean, when you do it by yourself, anyway. You don’t usually, uh… you know, do it over and over,” she continued, unsure what she was even getting at. “Right?”

Stella opened her mouth as if to say something, then closed it. “Um… yeah,” she finally said after an awkward pause, her eyes shying away from Emilia’s gaze.

What’s she hiding? Emilia wondered. The girl had already admitted to masturbating. Or having orgasms, anyway, but that was the same thing at her age. Unless…. Oh. No, she couldn’t have… could she?

“Wait, you… You didn’t… do it with someone else, did you?” she asked, uncertain whether she was excited or scared to hear the answer.

Stella stared at her wide-eyed and suddenly turned scarlet.

“Holy shit! You did?” Emilia blurted out. She was usually careful to avoid swearing in front of the kids she babysat, but in this rather extreme circumstance it just slipped out. Did eleven-year-olds have sex now? If so, her own case was even sadder than she’d thought.

“Please don’t tell my parents!” Stella begged, suddenly on the verge of tears.

“Hey, calm down. I didn’t mean it like that…” What Stella’s parents might think hadn’t exactly been Emilia’s first line of thought. Besides, she couldn’t even begin to imagine the awkwardness of explaining that their little girl was fooling around with… who?

Suddenly, fear gripped her heart as one ugly possibility occurred to her. “Sweetie, um, are you…” she began, searching for words. “It’s not… an older guy who made you do things, is it?”

“Eww! No!” Stella made a funny grimace.

Emilia sighed in relief. “Okay, okay. Sorry, I had to ask. I was scared for a second. So then, if it was just, like, kids fooling around a bit, well… I guess that’s your business. I won’t tell.”

She knew that a responsible babysitter probably should make the parents aware of a little detail like their eleven-year-old having sexual experiences, but… that was one conversation Emilia really didn’t want to have. Besides, she thought of Stella as a friend, and couldn’t bring herself to snitch on the poor girl.

Stella puffed out her cheeks and let out a long breath in a cartoon-like expression of relief. “Thank you,” she said, as earnestly as if Emilia had just saved her life.

Emilia figured it would probably be best to leave it at that, but… now she was curious about the specifics, and couldn’t let the subject drop. “Sooo… who was it? A boy from school?”

Stella looked at her warily and remained tight-lipped.

“No? Then…” It seemed that Emilia would have to guess. She didn’t remember Stella ever mentioning any male friends. Unless… could it be? “Or a girl, maybe…?” she added with a nonchalant shrug, as if she had no special interest in the matter — though her heart rate sped up at the thought.

Stella did her best impression of a deer caught in headlights. “Is that it?” Emilia had some trouble keeping her tone casual. Wow. Eleven years old, and not only has this kid gotten more action than me, but with another girl, too. Fuck my life. She was wondering which friend Stella had been experimenting with when her mind suddenly connected the dots. “Wait, was it your friend who moved away? Stacy, wasn’t it?”

Stella’s look of disbelief quickly turned to annoyance. “Stop… guessing everything!” she exclaimed, her cheeks flushed crimson.

Emilia couldn’t keep from laughing. “Sorry, sweetie, but you’re not making it very hard!” Still, the girl’s amusing reaction aside, she felt bad for Stella. No wonder she seemed so depressed before. “That’s really rough, though. Losing a friend is hard enough, but if you were… more than friends… well, I’m really sorry it had to go that way.”

Stella nodded and sighed, now looking dejected all over again.

Emilia cursed herself for bringing it up. “But you guys can still talk online and stuff, right?”

“I guess. We do, but it’s not the same…”

Emilia suspected that, if she’d had a lover, she wouldn’t be content with a long-distance relationship either. Being able to keep in touch online was great and all, of course, but it seemed a poor substitute for kissing and cuddling with a cute girl in real life. Not to mention the actual sex, Emilia thought. If I ever get to know what that’s like.

This self-pity wasn’t helping poor Stella, though. Emilia racked her brain for something comforting to say but could only come up with useless platitudes.

In the end, it was Stella who broke the silence. “Do you… think I’m weird? ‘Cause I like girls?” she asked in a small voice, her eyes meeting Emilia’s for a brief moment before darting away.

Emilia blinked, feeling stupid. She hadn’t even considered that Stella might be feeling embarrassed because of that. Emilia was at least comfortable with her own orientation, and had come out to her family and friends, but she could still remember how confused she’d been at Stella’s age. “Oh, no! No no no!” she quickly said. “There’s nothing wrong with that at all. Hey, I like girls too!” she confided, hoping to reassure the girl.

The change in Stella was immediate. Her melancholy vanished in an instant as she looked up sharply, replaced by excitement and enthusiasm. “Really?” she exclaimed, as if she’d just heard the best news in the world.

“Well, yeah… It’s no big deal, and you should never feel bad for, um, who you like,” Emilia said. She found the glint of interest in Stella’s eyes to be both alarming and intriguing, making her heart flutter. Uh-oh, she thought, wondering if she’d just made a mistake. Her mind was already conjuring up visions of two naked young girls making love, which didn’t help matters. Stop that! she told herself, to no avail.

“Do you have a girlfriend?” Stella quickly wanted to know.

“Oh, um… no,” Emilia mumbled, not wanting to admit that the younger girl actually had more experience than she did. “You’re lucky to have had one already, even if… Err…” She stopped herself before she foolishly brought up their involuntary break-up again. Clearing her throat, she snatched at the first happy topic that came to mind. “Anyway. I bet you girls had a lot of fun, huh?”

A sly smile slowly spread on Stella’s lips. “Oh yeah, a lot,” she said with a slight wiggle of her eyebrows.

Such a simple statement, yet the child’s delivery inflamed Emilia’s imagination like nothing else. She’d met Stacy once, and recalled her being quite the cutie, though maybe not as mesmerizing as Stella. Now the erotic possibilities between those two little girls swam before her mind’s eye, accompanied by a surge of warmth between her legs. Though embarrassed to do so, she desperately wanted to ask for every detail.

That was a terrible idea, though. Emilia eyed the TV, trying to will herself to simply put in the next movie and leave this increasingly dangerous conversation behind them.

Still… she was dying to know how far the two girls had gone, which of the dirty visions in her head had actually taken place. Guilt for the arousal she felt still weighed on her, but its burden seemed to be growing lighter as her panties became damper.

Don’t be a creep, her rational mind exhorted but, overwhelmed by her libido, she thrust the thought away, shutting it away in the back of her brain.

Emilia struggled to keep her voice casual and even. “Cool. Sounds pretty nice,” she said, as if she did that sort of thing all the time. Leaning a little closer in a conspiratorial manner, she asked, “Sooo, what kind of fun are we talking about? How far did you go?”

Stella flashed a grin, excitement quickly overcoming her shyness. Maybe she was happy for the chance to talk about her secret sex life with someone. “Well, you know…” she began, a little coyly at first. “Kissing…”—she mimicked the lip motion—“taking our clothes off…”—a girlish giggle—“and touching… all over!” She finished with a little shiver, as if overwhelmed by her erotic memories.

Emilia swallowed, her mouth suddenly dry. Images of little Stella with a hand between her friend’s legs flashed in her mind. And the cute, girly way that Stella had explained it all turned Emilia on even more, she was forced to admit. She was certain her panties were now soaked.

“Did you… do it with your tongue, too?” she asked, her voice grown husky with arousal. The part of her that had been objecting to her curiosity had fallen silent — only a slight sense of disapproval remained in a tiny corner of her mind.

Stella nodded. “French kissing? Yeah, that’s fun.”

Surprised, Emilia gazed in wonder at the girl. Doesn’t she even know…? “Not exactly. I meant licking… you know, some other place.” She glanced downwards in a meaningful way.

The young girl looked confused for a moment. She followed Emilia’s gaze, then her eyebrows shot up. “What? Licking… down there? No way… Is that even a thing?” she asked in disbelief.

Emilia took a tiny measure of pride in the fact that, though she might not have any experience, she at least knew more about sex than this eleven-year-old. “That’s totally a thing,” she assured Stella, though the girl was looking at her doubtfully. “What? You know how nice fingers can feel, right? So… imagine a warm, wet tongue instead.” Not that Emilia knew what being licked felt like either, but she had spent considerable time imagining it.

Stella pondered the notion for a moment. “Well… I guess that does sound pretty great,” she admitted, a grin spreading on her lips. Her eyes widened as she seemed to look at Emilia in a new light. “So… you’ve done that?” she asked, sounding impressed, or maybe just shocked.

“Oh, err…” Though embarrassed, it seemed Emilia would have to come clean. She didn’t want to mislead Stella. “Well, no. Um, I haven’t actually… done anything with a girl — or a boy, even,” she confessed, scratching the back of her head. “From the sound of it, you’ve had way more action than me,” she added with a nervous laugh.

Stella blinked at her. “Really? Nothing, ever? But… you’re so pretty!” she blurted out. Then, realizing what she’d just said, she grew more bashful. “Err, no, I mean… well… yeah, you are,” she finished with a shrug, apparently deciding to roll with it.

“Oh, um… thanks.” Heat rose to Emilia’s cheeks. She felt a little silly getting flustered at a compliment from a little girl, but it was becoming very difficult to see Stella as just a kid. “I guess I’m just not very outgoing… and kinda bad at talking to people… and, you know, it’s not always easy to tell which girls might be interested,” she explained, thinking of her dumb mistake with the text she’d sent earlier that day.

“Well, you’re talking to me now…” Stella pointed out, a not-so-innocent smile on her lips.

“Yeah, I guess you’re easy to talk to…” Again, that glint in Stella’s eyes was making Emilia uncomfortable in more ways than one. The whole exchange was moving in a rather precarious direction, and despite her salacious interest, Emilia figured it was high time to steer it towards safer grounds.

But Stella beat her to the punch. “Really, though? Never even a kiss?”

“Well, okay, there was one kiss,” Emilia admitted.

The younger girl waited expectantly, until it was clear that Emilia would have to tell the story. “It was a few years ago. I was, like, thirteen, I think. There was this girl in my class, Sandy, who I hung out with a bit. One time, I went over to her house and, well… she wanted to try kissing, just to see what it was like, y’know?”

Stella nodded. “That’s kinda how it started with me and Stacy, too!”

“Oh, really?” Emilia made a face. “I guess it worked out better for you guys… Anyway, so, yeah, we kissed. And right when our lips touched — God, her lips were so soft, too  — I knew. Knew that it was always gonna be all about girls for me, y’know? I mean, I kinda knew before, of course, but… at that moment, everything felt so right and perfect, if you know what I mean.” Stella smiled, her expression looked like she did, in fact, know exactly how it felt. “Buuuut… I guess Sandy didn’t feel the same. One kiss, and then her curiosity was satisfied. She thought I was a weirdo when I wanted to do it again.” She sighed. “I was pretty crushed, gotta say…”

“Oh, I’m so sorry,” Stella said, her voice full of sympathy. She took Emilia’s hand in hers and gave it a squeeze — clearly meant as a comforting gesture, but it mainly served to make Emilia’s heart skip a beat. “Well, that Sandy was a big dummy. Girls are the best!” the young girl added with more levity, apparently now more at ease with her own orientation.

“Thanks, sweetie. So there you have it — the pathetically brief history of my love life,” Emilia said with a self-conscious shrug.

Stella was studying her with an appraising look. A very adult look, even, which made Emilia’s pulse quicken, and alarm bells ring in her head. “Do you, um, want… Would you maybe…” the young girl began, then stopped herself, glancing away.

Emilia had a fairly good idea of what Stella wanted to suggest — and there was only danger in that direction, alluring as it was. Her hand was still touching Stella’s, sending confusing signals to her mind. She needed to take back her hand, use it to set up the next movie, and move on from this awkward situation.

She did none of that. Instead, she said, “What is it, Stel?”

Stella met Emilia’s gaze once more, now blushing a little. “Oh, nothing,” she said quickly with a nervous giggle, suddenly a little girl again.

Emilia barely managed to keep herself from sighing in relief. Okay, now change the subject, for fuck’s sake—

“But…” Stella interrupted, then took a deep breath. “Just, I mean, if you want… You could get another kiss. Right now. You don’t have to be lonely,” she said. Her cheeks had turned scarlet, but her eyes held sensual promises. “Or we could maybe do more. I could show you.” She flashed a flirty smile, just as one of her hands fiddled nervously with a strand of hair — an intoxicating mix of sexiness and childishness.

Emilia stared, swallowed. “I…” she began, then fell silent.

It was out in the open now, the little temptress’ offer. Emilia’s brain was overwhelmed with conflicting emotions. She couldn’t possibly consider having sex with a kid, a part of her mind argued. That was one sexy-as-hell “kid,” though, another part countered — and God, Emilia was so ready to lose her virginity.

“I, err…” she tried again. It wasn’t like she’d be corrupting or perverting an innocent little girl, right? On the contrary, it was Stella doing the seducing! Still, that particular excuse wouldn’t fly at all if they got caught.

“Look, that’s not, um… I could get in huge trouble,” Emilia finally said, though even to her ears, the objection sounded weak.

Stella’s smile only grew wider, as if she’d already won the argument. “I won’t tell if you don’t…” she said, her voice sweet, but her eyes sultry. She’d already had her way with that line once tonight.

Though Emilia had been hunting for details about Stella’s sexual experiences, now it felt like she’d become the prey instead, as if a cute puppy she’d been chasing turned out to be a hungry wolf. Stella’s gaze, erotic beyond her age, was quickly conquering Emilia’s misgivings, and she had to look away for a moment to be able to think at all.

Her eyes drifted to the movie boxes stacked on the coffee table. Too late for that, she thought. Darth Vader stared back from the cover art, his impassive mask offering no help. Yeah, I know what you think about joining the Dark Side. Instead of considering her current predicament, Emilia could only come up with the silly thought that the Empire would have a better public image if their representative was a sexy young girl, rather than a scary dude in a black cape who chokes people with his mind. Closing her eyes for a heartbeat or two, she pictured it.

Stella seemed to take the silence for consent. Rising up to her knees, she leaned in close, so near that Emilia could feel the girl’s breath on her face.

One glance into those beguiling green eyes and Emilia felt her scruples dwindling out. “God, I want you,” she whispered, amazed to hear herself say the words. “I… I really do.”

The big grin of childlike delight on Stella’s face did nothing to assuage her guilt, but then the young girl’s lips brushed hers, and all rational thought fled away.

Suddenly, everything felt right with Emilia’s world as they shared that first, soft kiss. Delicious tingles spread through her body as she reveled in the feel of Stella’s silky lips. Even her breath seemed sweet and refreshing.

Like a nomad dying of thirst who finally stumbles upon an oasis, Emilia couldn’t get enough. As soon as their lips parted, she went back for another kiss, then another, growing more passionate each time, her pulse pounding in her ears. Stella seemed just as eager, returning every kiss with ardor.

Finally they had to break apart, pausing for breath. “Wow,” Emilia said.

“I know! You’re a pretty good kisser. Y’know, for a newbie,” Stella teased.

“Ha! Thanks, teacher,” Emilia said, making the young girl giggle. She was relieved to know that she hadn’t been a disappointment, though. She could scarcely believe what was happening, but knew she wanted more — needed more. She was just about to pull Stella closer for another luscious kiss when she caught sight of their reflection in the large living room window. “Oh, crap…  hey, let’s at least do this away from the window, okay?” Making out with a kid already seemed like poor judgment; doing so where anyone passing by could see them was definitely dumb.

“Okay!” Stella jumped to her feet, extended both hands to Emilia, then practically yanked her up from where she sat. “C’mon!” the girl cried, then immediately began dragging her towards the bedrooms.

Emilia had to smile at Stella’s childish eagerness — as if they were going outside to play kid’s games. For her part, though, she was seething with desire and anticipation. This is it, I’m about to have sex. With an eleven-year-old.

The last traces of her guilt now obliterated by lust, she hurried after Stella.

Continue on to Part Two


21 Comments on A New Hope, Part One

  1. Amanda Lynn says:

    “Your babysitter was seduced by the Dark Side of the Force…” No, just an eleven-year-old girl. A nicely written story, No One. Love the slow steamy build-up, and of course the sci-fi references. Looking forward to part 2.

  2. Myka says:

    Mmmm … Lovely 1st chapter! ‘no one’ and ‘Oh my’, the Dark Side definitely beckons! 🙂 For me, the scenario of a 16 year old seducing an 11 year old is so lovely to contemplate but the other way round! Wow … Loverley!

    Please don’t be too long with the next chapter 🙂

  3. Randi says:

    Wow!!! One of the best stories ever, made so much better with the pics, they were so hot!

    The build up was terrific. Can’t wait to when the story includes the little girls mother.

    Please hurry with the next chapter. Don’t forget the pics.

  4. sue says:

    I love this story. So real feeling. and the pics are great.

  5. Quinlan says:

    “Come to the Dark Side, we have Lolis.

  6. kacey says:

    As a massive “Star Wars” fan (original trilogy IS the best!!) This story is great and looking forward to next chapter immensely. Sweet Freya! Where did you find that third picture? Love the line: “Emilia could only come up with tbe silly thought that the Empire would have a better public image if their representative was a sexy young girl, rather than a scary dude in a black cape who chokes people with his mind. Closing her eyes for a heartbeat or two, she pictured it.” Hot!! 😀

  7. Unfastened Belts / Lisa says:

    Absolutely wonderful start to this story. 🙂 Your writing is so sweet and authentic, not to mention hilarious. I lost it at this:

    “Darth Vader stared back from the cover art, his impassive mask offering no help. ‘Yeah, I know what you think about joining the Dark Side.’ Instead of considering her current predicament, Emilia could only come up with the silly thought that the Empire would have a better public image if their representative was a sexy young girl, rather than a scary dude in a black cape who chokes people with his mind.”

    Great stuff. 😀 Jodie is funny too. I love that you avoid the cliché of her returning Emilia’s affections and that she’s unequivocally straight. This part is hilarious, too, by the way:

    “A sudden presence at her shoulder startled her. ‘Oh, and… if you get caught making out with the kid, it wasn’t my idea,’ Jodie whispered in a conspiratorial tone, then walked away again.

    ‘Get out of here already!’ Emilia called after her, laughing.”

    My one point of advice would be to describe what Emilia does while Stella takes a bath. Where’s Emilia at during that time? What’s she doing? 🙂 Just a sentence or two would help, I think.

    Not directly related to the story, but I’m gonna be contrarian here and say that the pictures severely lessen my enjoyment of this story and most other stories on this site. I want to picture the characters like *I* imagine them, not as sexed-up models (especially when the text describes them in much more innocent terms). The third picture isn’t even incidental to the story (yes, I get that it’s a lightsaber) or depicting the same girl as the second picture. (The girl in the first picture is cute, I’ll admit.) To enjoy the story, I have to actively tune out the pictures while I’m reading the text around them, which is annoying to me. Just my two cents, of course.

    Can’t wait for the next chapter. 🙂 Thank you for writing. <3

  8. CrosseyedJohn says:

    Yay! A new story from No-one. Hope you don’t mind, have downloaded a copy to read at my leisure.
    Thank you!

  9. angie says:

    Omg like everyone else I love this story. The only disappointment was when it ended. Hurry with the next chapter please.

  10. Alex says:

    Yay another story by my favorite writer on here!

  11. No One says:

    Thanks a lot, everyone! Wow, that’s the most comments I’ve ever received on a chapter — but do feel free to leave more if you feel like it. 😉 I’m extremely happy to see the story is so well-received.

    The plan was to post the second half of the tale about a week from now, but we still need to finish editing and JetBoy (editor extraordinaire) is very busy these days, so we’ll see. It shouldn’t be too long, in any case.

    @Randi, high praise, thanks! Sorry to disappoint, though, but my stories are unlikely (never say never, I suppose) to ever include mom/daughter sex. It’s just not a pairing I’m all that interested in writing about. But hey, you’re already very well-served in that regard by lots of other stories on this very site. 😉 As for more pictures, well, I don’t think we can included pics of what happens in the next chapter; that would get the site in trouble. 😉

    @Kacey, I found that picture randomly on some image board a while back. I remembered it while writing this story and thought it would be appropriate. 🙂 As you can imagine, the pic from the original model set doesn’t feature the lightsaber (I think she’s actually holding a riding crop), that was photoshopped in by someone else.

    @Unfastened Belts, during Stella’s bath, I guess Emilia is just sitting there and struggling with her naughty thoughts about the girl. And of course resolving not to do anything about them, because that’s totally what will happen. About the pictures, yeah, it’s a delicate balance because, as you can see, many people do enjoy them, but I can also completely understand those who prefer to imagine everything. I hesitated a lot about including the second picture (meant to represent Stella) because when you describe someone as beautiful “like an angel fallen from heaven”, it’s hard to find a photo that does the description justice for everyone, you know? In the end I decided to put it in because I thought that her mischievous, seductive expression fit the story well. And yeah, the girl with the lightsaber isn’t meant to be Stella, just an image that Emilia’s mind conjured up. I actually put in that paragraph you liked because I was thinking of that picture, so I guess it at least served that purpose. 😉 Anyway, apologies if the images lessened your enjoyment of the story. You can’t please everyone, unfortunately. If you’d like to never have pictures in stories on this site, I guess you could try a browser extension like this one: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/images-onoff/nfmlhilnjccdggifdbhnhkffmjgalbgg?hl=en

    @CrosseyedJohn, sure, that’s fine, of course. Do let me know what you think once you’ve read it, if you don’t mind. 🙂

    @Alex <3

    • JetBoy says:

      Thanks for the compliment, No One. Editing a story good as yours is always a pleasure.

      Readers, the author and I are going great guns to get Chapter 2 of this sizzling tale ready for posting next week. Watch for it… and as always, please don’t forget to comment! Your words are the only salary our writers (or the staff) receive.

  12. Myka says:

    Hi ‘No one, having read the comments following my earlier in, it is clear your story has a great appeal … I should have added that the pictures you added were such a lovely stimulant for me and I so I hope you manage some in future stories 🙂 I wish I could find a site that had them to browse lol – -thanks again though for a lovely read … and the more to come 🙂

  13. Captain Midnight says:

    I just chanced on this and am greatly enjoying it. Neat idea about how to get two girls together!

  14. David says:

    Wow No One, I am not sure how I missed this story before but I am glad I went to your directory after reading Ice and Fire. Great enticing first chapter to lure me in. Loved the build up and detail of your writing and look forward to reading the rest of the chapters. One good thing about finding it later is that I don’t have to wait for the next one to come out! On to chapter 2.

  15. Natasha says:

    Always refreshing to read a well-written story.
    You’re One of the best writer No One… Thank you for sharing you talent and those cuties from CandyD… Val & Laura were the best.:)

    • No One says:

      Thanks a lot! And you’re very welcome. I hope you’ll enjoy the second half of the story as well, if you haven’t read it yet.

  16. Mike says:

    Wow so incredibly hot buildup perfectly done as always & the pictures are hot enough to melt the polar icecaps (even more than normal) can’t wait for chapter two.

  17. kinkys_sis says:

    Loved it 😅

  18. theflash says:

    where did you find the images ?

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