By Shay
{ This story was originally posted at the now-defunct Sisters in Love }
My older sister is blonde. Blonde like… sunrise, like butter melting on a pancake fresh off the griddle, blonde like Heaven. She actually got hired to be gorgeous for a hair product ad. She wore black hi-tops and white blouses with vests. She had a voice like a running stream in spring, like a lullaby. And she could be snotty as hell, and funny.
Me? I am dark, like a little woodland creature coming out under the stars to move silently through the grass. I am dark like the notes of a cello, like blackberry jam, like Halloween.
We were the sun and the moon, my sister and I. Light and dark, the shine and the shadow.
Once we were in our room, Helen working on some homework — exotic, incomprehensible homework for 11th graders! — and I was planted on my bed staring into a candle flame, hoping the meaning from the poetry books on the shelf built into the headboard would melt and somehow enter my blood, making me arty and deep.
Suddenly, she sighed dramatically and closed the book with a bang. “This is simmmmmmply too dull!” she announced in a put-on English accent. “Snooker, let’s get us a bottle of wine… let’s become concubines. Let’s…” She searched for another ridiculous pursuit, then dissolved into sweet laughter. She shrugged and grinned at me, swiveling in her desk chair. Then she got up and, with one foot springing off the floor, landed resoundingly on my bed.
“Ohhhhh Snooker, always so serious!” she teased, tracing a perfectly manicured finger along my cheek and mock-scowling. “I vant to become a poet and shtick my head in der oven!” With that, she laughed at her own clowning and fell back on the bed.
How could she look so good in gray sweats? I could see her soft full breasts move under her sweatshirt as she fell back. I would have gladly forsworn poetry or anything else, for life, to be allowed to feel her in my hands. To kiss her all over.
Helen reached over and switched on our tape player. “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun,” filled the room, and she got up and danced, full of joy at simply being herself. Something so foreign to me. I watched her as pale, lonely astronomers must watch distant constellations, full of admiration and awe, longing, excitement. And the certain knowledge of never touching their beloved.
The song changed to, “And We Danced,” and she took my hands in hers. “C’monnnnn, Snooks… you’re about as much fun as a box of rocks.”
I wouldn’t let her pull me up. If I get up and dance with her… well, better to stay on my side of the telescope, I thought. Why pursue what I can never catch?
So, my beautiful big sister sat down again, next to me, the bed dipping slightly as her light body settled onto it. She was breathless, warm and close and my mouth went dry and I suddenly couldn’t begin to guess what to do with my hands. I swallowed, though I had no spit. I could feel her breath on my throat as she turned her head my way.
Then she leaned over, behind me to get something off my shelf, snatched from the gloom of the poetry books made lovely simply by being nestled in her perfect hand. Her body had pressed against my lower back as she had reached for it. And then she smoothly trailed herself against me as she sat up.
“What’s this?” she asked, her gray eyes widening like a cat considering a canary, as she plucked the small red cylinder from the shelf. “OOooo, it’s flavored lip gloss, you hussy. Let me try it.”
Of course, Her Major Majesty didn’t wait for any sort of permission from me before applying her strawberry flavored lip gloss to her lips.
“Okay, c’mere, Miss Marple — tell me if it really tastes like strawberries.” She tilted her face towards mine like a girl with a parasol on some old-fashioned greeting card.
I reached for the little lip gloss, but she quickly hid it behind her back. “Noooo, taste it and tell me.”
I realized what she meant and felt a shiver of sweet dread pass over me.
“C’monnnn, Snooks… I don’t bite.”
So I tasted my big sister’s lips. She was still a little breathless from dancing, and the sleeve of her sweatshirt was soft under my fingers as I tasted her lips like some blue-black butterfly shooting up into the sunlight after eternity in a dark cocoon. I let my tongue trail over her upper lip and closed mine softly around her lower lip before pulling slowly away and licking the taste from myself and announcing in a shaky voice that yes, it did taste like fruit. Forbidden fruit, delicious fruit, though I didn’t say that part aloud.
And then she leaned in and put her hand behind my head and drew me back to her. She looked back and forth quickly into my eyes and then she kissed me. All at once my adored older sister, Miss Too-Cool, the Sun Queen herself was kissing me and her warm soft body was melting against mine.
Well. A little noise came up from me, a noise like the dungeon-dweller might make as she discovers that the barred door she has tested a thousand times has this time swung wide open. And then I was crying. And kissing Helen, I mean really kissing her. Something broke inside me and I slipped my arms up and around her, holding her in my arms like a holy book.
We kissed, sweetly, not innocently for… well, for long enough, for my lips to become bruised and my thoughts to disappear, my mind registering only the bliss of kissing Helen, again and again and —ohhhhhh yessss — again!
Finally, I settled my chin on her shoulder with my cheek to her hair, and we held each other as the candle burned, filling the room with the scent of peaches. My tears fell in her golden hair like rain when the sun is out, and we breathed hard in each other’s embrace.
I drew back and looked in her eyes and saw my own vulnerability and joy reflected there. Something inside me leapt from its cage at that moment and I ran my hands up beneath my older sister’s sweatshirt with a sureness I hadn’t known I possessed. Her breasts felt like warm paradise to me as I gently squeezed them and ran my thumbs across her nipples, feeling them grow as I did. Sis was smiling, the corners of her mouth turned up in triumph and tenderness as I felt her.
I lowered my face to her chest and took a nipple between my lips as I heard her moan softly, feeling her body arch to increase the closeness between us. I licked and sucked and kissed her there until she was squirming and panting and grabbing my dark curls.
I kissed my way down her tummy, my hands cupping her breasts as I did. Mmmm, so soft and inviting. A thought came out of nowhere and sent a wicked thrill through me; what if she was pregnant? What if we were older, and she was married, but I had come over in the afternoon to make love to her, and she had told me she was pregnant? I kissed her belly fervently, breath rushing through my nostrils as I worshiped her.
I knelt on the carpet, in our room we had shared for years, where stuffed toys still stood guard over us in our sleep, and hooked my fingers into her sweatpants and began pulling. She lifted her hips for me and I leaned in and put my face to her center, my cheek against her panties, breathing in her scent like a castaway would sniff the air of an island paradise. Helen growled softly and traced her fingertips over my ears. I drew off her underwear and sweatpants all in one long smooth motion, leaving her beautiful and naked on my bed.
I held her thigh in my hands and kissed it with reverence, kissing my way up, ever further towards where I’d been. Just before I kissed her folds for the first time, I said, “I love you.”
“I know, Snooks… God, I know.” She parted her legs for me and I melted inside.
I kissed her lips below as I had the lips on her mouth a few minutes earlier… sucking and pulling lightly, capturing them, releasing, tasting. Then I teased her clitoris out with my tongue and she lay on her back on my bed, grabbing fistfuls of blankets in her delicate hands as I pleasured her.
Absurdly, I thought of something I had heard in class, that sisters are closer to each other genetically than anyone else. I closed my mouth over her and licked. She shuddered and sighed. I would have been more than happy to stay there and kiss Helen, my big sister, this way for eternity, keenly aware of her taste, her joy, my own humming body and the sweet beautiful thing that had come to life between us. But then Helen’s light lovely body went rigid and still, and for just a moment I thought something was wrong. Then she lifted slightly off the bed and with a gorgeous sound of animal pleasure, began to buck and thrash. I held on to her hips and stayed with her, lost in my sister’s joy.
After she subsided, I tenderly kissed her clitoris, then turned my face to rest my cheek on her wetness as she gently stroked my hair. Later, as shadows filled the room and the candle burned down to just a glow, I snuggled up to her and kissed her, long and lingering, then lay my head on her breast and we slept.
I dreamt that she was a white dove flying outlined against the summer sun, and that I was her shadow, running along the ground. But then, in the way of dreams, the shadow — me — became a bird herself, a red-winged blackbird, and I flew up to join her. We flew that way together, the light and the dark, the sun and the moon, but ever and forever lovers and, oh yes, sisters.
The End
I’ve loved this story ever since first reading it, many years ago — and am pleased as punch to be sharing it with our Juicy Secrets friends.
Beautiful …
Wow. This is lovely, like poetry. Glad you saved and shared it, JetBoy.
Poetry, indeed.
This was a delightful surprise!
The artistic imagery at play here is truly impressive. It’s a shame that the story didn’t last longer, as this shows definite writing talent.
In fact it appears I have already said much the same in a comment on one of Shay’s other stories. I wonder if there’s any way of finding the author and seeing if they’re still active? It’d be a shame to see this level of skill go to waste…
I have half a dozen more Shay stories in my archive, all from NIFTY, but except for one posted in 2005, none of them were posted after 2003, so I’d guess they’re no longer writing/around. A couple have restriction on posting elsewhere without permission but I may look into them for potential posting here.