Teaching the Girls, Chapter 7

  • Posted on December 18, 2017 at 7:03 am

By Naughty Mommy

“This is a really good experience for you,” I said to Addison and Cherise, giving them a saucy smile, “you know, like, a learning experience.”

They were seated on Kay’s king-size bed, leaning on pillows propped against the headboard. Their legs were spread apart, small fingers wet and gooey. I was in front of them, on my knees.

Next to me, on either side, were the two women, the girls’ mothers, Kay and Danielle. The five of us were nude and we were all breathing hard. We had just finished climaxing together for a second time that afternoon, masturbating to orgasm as we watched one another and described our erotic fantasies.

“See, the thing is, sexual arousal is only partly physical,” I explained, while wiping sweat from my forehead. “Mostly, in fact, it’s mental. How turned on you get will depend more on what you’re thinking than on what you’re doing, or even on what someone else is doing to you or with you. Unless you think something is sexy and arousing, it’s not.”

This was yet another verity I’d learned from Gina, my beloved guru. I was so incredibly grateful to her. Every young girl should have someone like Gina to lead and guide them, starting around puberty or even earlier. Our world would be a much better place if they did.

“And you know what?” I added with a leer. “Right now what I’m thinking about is how much I want to lick your little pussies.”

The kids both giggled. “Okay!” chirped Addison, pulling her knees back, offering herself to me.

“Is that all right with you?” I asked their moms, turning from side to side.

“Hell yeah, it is,” said Kay. “I’d love to see that.”

Danielle nodded. “Me too, definitely.” Her hands were already working between her legs again, as were Kay’s.

By now I was getting somewhat used to this bizarre situation, although if I stopped and thought about it for long, it was nearly impossible to comprehend. I was being allowed — no, more than that, urged on by these women to have sex with their daughters, only nine and ten years old, while they watched me. What an astounding, unbelievable opportunity this was!

But this wasn’t the right time to be thinking about that. This was the time to do it!

And I did. I spent the next hour or so licking Cherise and Addison, tasting them, fingering their soft pink vaginas, sucking on their clits, making them both come — more than once, by the way. And while I was enjoying their sweet young bodies, I also made sure to spend plenty of time teaching the girls, explaining what I was doing and why, so that when they had their turns, when the kids were licking me or each other, they would know just what to do, how to provide the most satisfaction.

I wanted to give these girls the same thing Gina had given me — not only the pleasure of lovemaking, but an education in the pleasure of lovemaking. That was something that would last far longer, I knew, than any relationship they had with me, however long that might continue.

Of course, as you can imagine, Addison and Cherise weren’t the only ones to reach climax while this oral instruction was taking place. Their mothers watched very closely, sometimes adding a bit of advice, and continually rubbing themselves. I didn’t even try to keep count, but I’m positive the women came at least as many times as their daughters and probably a lot more. (At one point, I managed to wriggle a hand down between my legs and get myself off too. I really needed it.)

With all this excitement, and after so many lovely orgasms between us, along with the close intimacy of sharing our sexual fantasies, I decided it was time now to take the next step.

I’d been lying prone on the bed, and I pushed myself up. It was already starting to get dark outside. Although the clock on the bedside table said it was just past 5:00, the days were still fairly short. I sat quietly, hands resting on my knees, waiting for the others to settle down and turn their attention to me.

It was Danielle who’d had the most recent orgasm, although hers had occurred only a few seconds after I made Cherise come in my mouth. At any rate, those two were still slowly recovering. After about another minute, they were ready.

I took my tits in my hands, fingers lightly fondling the nipples. Looking at Cherise and Addison, I said, “Last Saturday, and then a little more today, I was teaching you guys about, um, about licking pussy. You both did pretty well last week, and in a while maybe we’ll try again and see how much of that you remember. But right now there’s another thing.”

As I said this, I looked down at my breasts, drawing the girls’ eyes there too. I squeezed and pulled my hard nipples, making them even longer and thicker.

“I want you to learn how to make love to a woman’s breasts, to her boobs, how to get her excited not by touching her pussy but by playing with her tits. You can do this with a girl too, of course, not only a woman — except if the girl is young, her nipples might not be very sensitive. But after her boobies have started growing, maybe at around twelve years old or so, you can give her a whole lot of pleasure that way. So that’s what our main lesson is going to be tonight, okay? Touching and kissing and licking and sucking a woman’s breasts.”

I heard a sigh of approval from Kay and turned to her. She was cradling her boobs, plumping them up, thumbs playing over the tips of her nipples.

“Nice,” I nodded.

She grinned at me while running her tongue around her lips. This was my chance, I realized, exactly what I’d been hoping for.

“Can I demonstrate with you?” I asked.

“What?!” Kay’s eyebrows shot up. Obviously my question had surprised her. She frowned, slowly shaking her head.

I’d known this would be a major hurdle to overcome. Up until now, all the actual lovemaking had been between me and the girls. I hadn’t touched the women, at least not much, and they hadn’t touched me. But now I was asking to cross a boundary, to let the kids see sexual activity between me and their moms. Would Kay and Danielle go along with that, or would they object?

“It’s, you know, for teaching purposes. I just want to show the girls what to do. And I’ll start by doing it with you. All right?”

“But, I…”

“Come on, Mom,” said Addison. “I really wanna see that. I need to learn how.”



I hadn’t coached Addison in this, and yet her begging was exquisitely timed and perfectly calculated.

Still shaking her head a bit, but with a smile creeping in, Kay said, “Just for teaching, huh?”

“Yes,” I nodded. “Well, mostly, anyhow. I won’t deny that I’ll enjoy it, and I certainly hope you will too.”

The woman chuckled. Her hands, which had dropped to her sides when I asked the question, came back up to her breasts, gently massaging again. “Well, if you really think it’s important, then I suppose we can do that.”

“Yay!” Addison clapped.

I smiled at the girl, and thanked her mom. Before beginning, however, I turned briefly to Danielle. “It’s only fair, of course, that after I do this little demonstration with Kay, I’ll do the same thing with you, all right?”

Her eyebrows went up too, but she didn’t argue, and no cajoling was needed from her daughter. “Uh, y-yes, okay,” Danielle said, nodding quickly. “That’s fine.”

I noticed Cherise licking her lips as she gazed at her mother’s erect nipples. That made my clit tingle, and I squeezed my legs together. God, I really hoped I would be able to make this happen, get Cherise and Addison involved with their moms. That would be so exciting to see!

Turning back to Kay, I asked, “Are you ready?”

She was sitting on her knees, hands clasped in front of her, waiting for me. “Uh-huh,” she nodded.

I paused a moment, appreciating her allure. Although she wasn’t as pretty as Danielle — who after all was a former model — and not nearly so slender, Kay certainly was a desirable woman. She had cute legs, a reasonably narrow waist along with a bit of a tummy, lovely auburn hair that fell in waves around her shoulders, an attractive open, friendly face with an engaging smile, and best of all, those full round breasts, capped with swollen pink nipples.

I’ve mentioned before that I tend to be drawn to girls mostly, rather than women, but Kay really turned me on, not only her appearance but her attitude. She exuded sexuality.

Again I squeezed my legs together as my eyes ran up and down Kay’s body. I definitely wanted this woman. When she saw how I was ogling her, she winked at me.

I returned the gesture, then looked at the girls and began teaching.

“Okay, so, the first thing is, when you touch a woman’s breasts, don’t just jump in, grabbing and squeezing them right away. It’s usually better to start kind of slow. Let me show you.”

I placed my hands lightly on Kay’s shoulders, let them run briefly down her arms, then back to the top of her chest.

“Remember how I taught you to use your fingertips when you’re touching yourself? Like, bringing them up along the insides of your legs, just the tips of your fingers?”

The kids both nodded.

“That’s the same way you should start when making love with a woman’s breasts. You know, very delicately, sort of teasing. Run your fingers around her boobs first, not really touching them yet, but just right around the edges, okay?”

I demonstrated as I explained this, my fingers circling Kay’s large breasts, tickling the undersides. She shivered a bit, and her breath was coming faster.

“Now, when you put your hands on her boobs, don’t touch the nipples at first, but again just go in little circles around them. Like this.”

Kay’s tits certainly were her best feature. They were nearly perfect, so tempting. I had to restrain myself from grabbing them right away, putting my mouth over her nipples and sucking. It wasn’t easy to resist, to take it slow, but I kept telling myself I was supposed to be teaching — and anyway, this was all intended to lead up to something even more exciting. That’s what I had to keep in mind.

“If you do it right,” I went on, “then pretty soon, before long, the woman probably will beg you for more. Her nipples will be getting firm, erect, they might even be aching.”

“Yes, they are,” Kay confirmed, her voice a bit shaky. “Damn right they are.”

This made the girls giggle.

“Keep watching now,” I said to the youngsters. “You can move in closer if you want. Make sure you can see everything.”

They did, edging in until their little faces were only a few inches away from Kay’s boobs.

“Do you know what an erogenous zone is?” I asked them.

Addison said, “No,” and Cherise shook her head.

“Well, see, those are the most sensitive areas on a woman’s body, the places that will get the strongest responses when you touch them or lick them. We’ve already talked about touching your thighs, especially the insides. And there’s also her mouth, of course, her lips and her tongue, not to mention her pussy.”

The kids giggled again.

“But next to her clit, the other most sensitive part of a woman’s body is her nipples. Again, though, like I said, it will usually feel best for her if you go slow. Don’t just start by grabbing right away. Instead, touch just the very tip at first. Put the end of your finger on the end of her nipple, and rub in a tiny circle. It works even better if you get your finger wet. Just lick the end of it, and then rub the tip of her nipple, doing those little circles, like this…”

“Fuck,” sighed Kay, “that feels so good.”

“You should do this with both nipples,” I told Addison and Cherise, demonstrating for them as they leaned in close to watch.

“And then, after you’ve spent some time teasing the tips, getting her nice and excited, another thing you can do with your fingers is — well, let me show you.”

I placed my hands gently over Kay’s breasts, fingers in a cone shape, then slowly drew them up, bringing them together, lightly squeezing and pulling the nipples. I repeated this several times, with Kay breathing faster, her body starting to tremble.

“You see?” I said to the kids. “You can tell how much she likes it, right?”

They nodded in agreement.

“Now, the next thing will be to use your mouth and your tongue.”

I heard a groan from Danielle. Glancing over my shoulder, I saw that she was masturbating, one hand briskly rubbing her pussy, the other squeezing a breast, pinching the hard nipple. I gave her a smile, then returned to my task.

Addressing the girls, I asked, “Do you remember when I taught you about licking my clit, how to start by just flicking your tongue over the end a couple times?”

Once more they nodded, beaming with interest and enthusiasm.

“Well, it’s the same thing with her nipple. In fact, you can pretty much treat them the same way, all right? Whatever feels good with one will feel good with the other. You get what I mean?”

“Uh-huh,” said Cherise, with Addison adding, “Yup.”

“So, I’ll do that, and you guys watch. Just the tip of my tongue, right over the end of her nipple…”

Kay gasped when I did this with the first nipple. I looked up into her eyes and grinned. She licked her lips, chest quickly rising and falling. I moved to the other breast, flicking my tongue over the stiff nipple. She moaned, her head falling back.

Again I turned to the girls. “Okay, let’s see how much you remember from last week. What was the next thing I taught you to do, after flicking your tongue over the end of my clit?”

“Um, it was, to make it flat,” said Cherise. “Make your tongue flat, and, like, lay it over your clit and then rub up and down.”

“That’s right, exactly right,” I smiled.

“I remember too,” said Addison.

“Good, I’m sure you do. So that’s what I’ll do now with your mom, with her breast.”

I put my tongue over one nipple, rubbing slowly around in circles, letting the tip of my tongue tease the sides of her swollen bud. I didn’t start sucking yet, though I dearly wanted to, but just licked.

Kay was moaning loudly, her whole body trembling. “Can I… can I touch myself?” she asked, voice thick with arousal.

“Yes,” I said to her, drawing away briefly. “That’s fine. Don’t hold back. You can do whatever feels natural to you. As long as we’re teaching the girls, we should let them see how a woman responds, let them see everything, okay?”

She nodded, her cheeks flushed, forehead shiny with sweat. One hand went down between her legs, going to work, but at the same time she arched her back, thrusting her chest out to me. “Go on,” she urged. “Do it some more.”

And so I did. I licked the woman’s delicious nipples while her daughter and the other girl watched. I knew Danielle was masturbating, as was Kay, although I couldn’t see Danielle because she was behind me. Neither of the children were touching themselves at this point, just carefully observing.

After a minute or so, when it seemed that Kay might be getting near a peak, almost ready to come, I stopped, turning to Cherise and Addison.

“Now, the final thing is to suck her nipples, just like you did when you were a baby.”

The kids smiled and giggled, wriggling with excitement.

“This can feel incredibly good,” I told them, “but you’ll have to find out how each of your partners likes it best. Some women love sucking, while others prefer just kissing or licking. And some women even like it when you bite their nipples or tug on them with your teeth. You should try different things — and of course you can ask her what turns her on the most.”

As the girls nodded, I said to Addison, “Do you think we should ask your mom how she likes it best?”

“Yeah!” the child grinned.

“Okay, so, why don’t you ask her, and then I’ll do whatever she tells you she likes best.”

Addison’s eyebrows went up. “Really?”

“Sure,” I told her. “That’s how you learn, by asking questions. Go on, ask her what she likes.”

“Um, okay…”

Her big blue eyes wide, Addison took a deep breath, and swallowed. Then she said, “Mom? How, um, I mean, what do you like best when, you know, when somebody is doing stuff with your tits?”

Kay smiled at her daughter. “Well, honey, I do love having my nipples sucked. That really turns me on.”

“Me too!” Danielle blurted. “I just love that, it just, I, I — UNNHH!!”

She was coming. I hadn’t been paying much attention to Danielle, and didn’t realize how close she was. But it was perfectly fine. As I’d said to Kay, I wanted them not to hold back, to let the girls see the results of our erotic activity.

We all turned to look at Danielle. Her eyes were shut tight, beautiful face in a grimace. Both hands were between her legs, covering her mound. Her long fingers glistened with her fragrant, gooey juices. She gasped and grunted, body jerking with climactic spasms.

I waited, watching, taking it in. As I mentioned before, Gina taught me to have the highest regard for the sight of a woman or a girl in sexual ecstasy, to revere the spectacle. There is nothing more fulfilling in life, more breathtaking, than to witness that, especially if you have been part of bringing it about.

So we sat and observed for perhaps half a minute, letting Danielle finish. She shuddered and groaned, the heady scent of her orgasm filling the room, until at last she began to calm down, her muscles relaxing. After a deep breath, she slowly opened her eyes and smiled at us, then drew her hands away from her sex, raising one to her mouth to suck her fingers, the other going to her breasts, rubbing the slippery lubrication on her erect nipples.

“Nice,” I said to her. “Very, very nice. Thank you so much for letting us watch that.”

“You’re welcome,” Danielle chuckled, blushing a bit.

“And now,” I asked Addison, “would you like to watch me suck your mother’s nipples?”

“Yeah!” exclaimed the nine-year-old.

I turned back to Kay, looking at her for a moment. She had a hand between her legs, rubbing her pussy, but now she brought it up, taking her large breasts in her hands, lifting them and offering them to me.

“You are so hot,” I told her, and as I said the words, I started masturbating too, massaging my clit. I didn’t really mean to, but I couldn’t help it. I was extremely turned on, filled with lust.

Trying to stay in control of myself, to remember that I was teaching, I leaned in toward the woman, my mouth approaching her breast. I gazed at the swollen nipple, so enticing, irresistible. After licking it once, I sighed and put my mouth over her tit, greedily sucking.

“Fuck, yeah,” she hissed, “that’s right, suck my nipple, little girl. Suck Mommy’s nipple.”

I wasn’t sure if Kay realized what she was saying or if she understood the effect this might have on the children, especially her daughter. But she didn’t stop. She continued to say sexy things like that while holding my head in one hand, pulling me in close. Although my eyes were shut and I couldn’t see what she was doing, I could feel that her other hand was between her legs again, rubbing her cunt.

“Suck Mommy’s nipple, baby girl,” urged Kay. “Make Mommy come.”

I heard a loud squeal from Addison and felt the mattress bounce and shake beneath us. She must have started playing with herself and quickly climaxed, falling heavily on her side. That’s what I assumed anyway, but I didn’t stop to figure it out.

Instead, I switched to the other breast, sucking Kay’s nipple, hearing her talk dirty to me, smelling her juices — or maybe Danielle’s, or Addison’s, or even my own — I was still masturbating, and I rubbed my pussy faster. It was so fucking hot, having this woman’s tit in my mouth, playing with my clit, listening to the naughty things she said, knowing that her young daughter was watching it all, or had been at least, before she came.

“Suck my nipple, make me come, I’m so close!” Kay cried.

I sucked even harder, licking and biting her nipple — and then suddenly I started coming. I could feel the surge swelling up from within. I wanted to slow things down, to stop myself, but I just couldn’t.

When I was nearly overcome, primed and ready to explode, I released Kay’s nipple from my mouth, uttering, “I can’t — I can’t —!”

But she didn’t hear me. Kay was already climaxing herself. We came together, a woman and a teenage girl enjoying the exquisite pleasures of taboo lesbian sex.


We rested for just a few minutes after that, and then, as promised, I duplicated the “teaching example” with Danielle. I again showed the girls how to arouse a woman by making love to her breasts, beginning with the light touch of fingers, followed by some nipple play, and finally with sucking.

It turned out this did not go on even half as long as my session with Kay. Partly that was because I’d already given the instruction and didn’t have to repeat much of what I’d said, but also because Danielle was so turned on. She didn’t hesitate to start rubbing herself as soon as the lesson began, and when I licked one of her stiff nipples for the first time, flicking my tongue over the tip, she immediately climaxed. It wasn’t an especially huge orgasm, but it was an orgasm nonetheless, and so I waited briefly to let her finish before moving to the other nipple.

I had noticed that as Cherise was listening to my words and watching everything I did, she’d begun masturbating too, hands caressing her smooth labia. The ten-year-old was breathing hard now, face turning red.

“Make sure you come in real close,” I told her, “so you can see it all and don’t miss a thing.”


And as I leaned in to lick Danielle’s long brown nipple, Cherise scooted up beside me, her cheek almost touching mine. She watched intently, still rubbing herself, as I flicked my tongue over the end of the nipple, and I could sense the girl breathing harder. When I flattened my tongue, first licking up and down, then around in circles on Danielle’s tit, I heard a series of urgent whimpers from Cherise. It seemed that she was getting very close.

“Do you want me to suck her nipple now?” I asked. “Do you want to see that?”

“Yes,” the child squeaked. By this time she was huffing and puffing, barely able to speak, right on the edge.

The moment I put my mouth over the breast, when Cherise saw me beginning to suck her mom’s nipple, she burst into climax, crying out and leaning against my back, her lovely slender body shaking in delirious pleasure. Danielle came too, very hard, mother and daughter sharing a simultaneous orgasm, with me nestled between them.

I didn’t stop sucking right away, just continued to enjoy myself, nursing at Danielle’s tit and stimulating her, as I marveled at my astonishing good fortune. How much luckier could I possibly be?

Continue on to Chapter 8


6 Comments on Teaching the Girls, Chapter 7

  1. Amanda Lynn says:

    Another wonderful chapter from NM. So much naughty fun.

  2. Myka says:

    What a fabulously erotic story, Awesome …

  3. sue says:

    Another great chapter. I’m getting more than my share of orgasms each chapter. Can’t get enough. So well written. Like I’m in the room. That would be my Christmas wish…

    “Suck Mommy’s nipple, baby girl,” urged Kay. “Make Mommy come.”

    I heard a loud squeal from Addison and felt the mattress bounce and shake beneath us. She must have started playing with herself and quickly climaxed, falling heavily on her side.

  4. drew says:

    “Fuck, yeah,” she hissed, “that’s right, suck my nipple, little girl. Suck Mommy’s nipple.” That is such a fucking hot line! loved it and the whole chapter!

  5. Chris says:

    Loved this chapter . Liked how Brit was in charge being the teacher and in control,giving a wonderful heated and lovingly meaningful connection for her and Kay and Danielle and Addison and Charisse.And very hot.

    • Purple Les says:

      It’s one of my favorite N.M. stories for sure, and for the reasons you mentioned, hot and loving.

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