My Daughter’s Secrets, Part One

  • Posted on December 22, 2017 at 9:49 am

By Misty Meadow

Many thanks to my editor JetBoy for the work he contributed to this story. — Misty

Image result for mother and preteen daughter

Should a mother ever read her daughter’s diary?

Absolutely not! No, a diary is a private thing. Kids should be encouraged to keep a record of their everyday lives for lots of reasons, and they should be able to set down their thoughts without any fear that their privacy will be invaded. They need a safe haven for those bottled up secrets that all kids keep. God knows, I did at that age.

But then I stumbled onto my own daughter’s diary… and that was when those good intentions of mine fell by the wayside.

I was in the living room sewing a button back onto my teal blouse when I heard Kitty’s phone ring. She was up in her room doing homework. A minute later she came flying down the stairs.

“I’m going over to Jaqui’s, okay, Mum?” Jaqui was her best friend. “I’ll be back before bedtime, I promise.”

“Did you finish your homework?” I asked.

“Yeah, all done.” Then she slipped out of the door and was gone. Why is she in such a hurry? I wondered… then again, kids these days seem to be in a hurry all the time.

I went upstairs to her room to check whether Kitty had, in fact, finished her homework. She’s amazingly bright for her age, but so full of energy that it’s sometimes difficult for her to focus on school. If she really applied herself, my daughter would be at the top of every class. I do my best to make sure that she gets her work done.

Kitty’s desk was in a state of controlled chaos, papers loosely scattered across the top. How on earth does she know what’s what? I asked myself. Looking through them, it did seem that she’d completed her maths, at least.

There was a book lying on the floor, and I picked it up. It was a classic called Black Beauty that I’d bought for her last year. It was one of my favorite books back when I was Kitty’s age, and I paused to open it, just to see if reading a few paragraphs might bring back memories.

But the contents inside were completely different — in fact, it wasn’t Black Beauty at all. What I held was a journal, its pages filled with closely written text in my daughter’s neat hand. I was puzzled for an instant, then it all made sense, She’d taken this diary and wrapped it in the jacket of another book. Why would she do such a thing? To hide it from me, that’s why.

I was fully aware that reading the contents would violate an unwritten code of motherly conduct, so I placed it on the desk and turned to leave the room — but then I hesitated. If I just take a little peek inside, she’d never know. Just a page or two. My curiosity was overtaking my good judgment. I reasoned with myself that first, she’d never know that I read it; second, I couldn’t imagine that my little girl could have any secrets that would fray the bond between us.

So I picked up the book, sat on the end of her bed and opened it on the last page. That’s all I’ll read, I told myself. That much, no more.

The page began in the middle of a sentence:

gave me a dirty look so I told her to fuck off. She’ll probably never speak to me again, but I don’t care. Now I’m home and I’ve gotta do my homework.

I hope Jaqui will ring so I can go over there… and I especially hope that her mum isn’t home, so we can carry on where we left off. What she did to me was awesome!! How did she know how to make me feel so

That was where the text ended, presumably because Jaqui did in fact call and invite my daughter to come over. It looked as if Kitty, in her excitement, had forgotten to put the book back on the shelf. Maybe she’d knocked it off the desk in her haste to leave for her friend’s place.

Now I remembered that she’d been given this journal by her uncle on her last birthday, three months ago when she turned eleven. Frankly, I’d forgotten all about it. Now, here it was, filled with Kitty’s secrets. Of course, it was probably all innocent young girl stuff — dolls and pop singers, clothes and hair styles, film stars and pet hates.

Still… what did Kitty mean when she wrote that Jaqui had done something “awesome,” to her?

Unable to resist taking a further peek at the contents, I went to the beginning of the journal and rapidly skimmed the first few weeks, looking for the first mention of Jaqui — especially when Kitty first spent the night with her.

What do little girls do when they sleep in the same room together? If my own past is anything to go by, they do quite a lot. At Kitty’s age, I had a crush on a girl who was a year older, and somehow I managed to join a group of three other girls to stay overnight at her place for a big pajama party.

It was quite an adventure. We all got into our pajamas except for my idol, who announced that she always slept naked — and that night would be no exception. She looked like a goddess, her boobs just beginning to grow, curvy hips and a wisp of hair on her mound. Deciding to emulate her, I quickly stripped out of my own pajamas and lay back on the bed, legs casually spread, giving all the girls a good look at me. I’d never done anything like that before in my life, and quickly realized what a thrill it was to show myself off so lewdly. The others couldn’t resist the temptation to lose their own nightwear, and soon we were all naked.

We got into some very frank conversation about boys and sex, and before long we were engaging in kissing games — some of us pretending to be boys, then changing roles, so we all got to kiss and be kissed. Then just before bedtime, the five of us crowded into the shower and soaped each other, laughing and giggling at how naughty we were being. There was something of a battle to decide who’d sleep with my idol on the bed, which only had room for three. Being the youngest, I ended up on the floor, but it was still the most exciting night of my life up until then.

A couple of weeks later, I invited this girl to sleep at my house, and to my delight, she accepted. That night, we not only got naked and shared kisses, but she let me touch her. I eagerly fondled her tits and pussy, and then for the first time, another girl touched me down there. Well, I needn’t tell you what happened next, but after that evening, which took place just a week before my twelfth birthday, I knew for certain that I was gay.

That said, you may wonder how I came to have a daughter. Here’s how that happened. At a drunken party when I was at university, I was too far gone to resist the advances of an older guy. I was pretty much passed out when he fucked me. You could call it date rape, but it didn’t seem like a big deal until I discovered I was pregnant — and by then, he’d disappeared. But it all turned out beautifully when I gave birth to a lovely little girl whom I love to pieces. My parents helped me raise her, and now I’m glad things turned out as they did.

Once I found the entry from the night of Kitty’s first sleepover with Jaqui, I read on.

Oct 3rd:

OMG! I think I’m in love! Last night I slept at Jaqui’s house. Her parents are so cool. They let us hang out in Jaqui’s room (with the door locked!) and left us alone, all night long. Guess what. She kissed me! Right on the lips, a real kiss, not just a friendly peck but a kiss with tongue. Yes, a French kiss!! I had goose pimples all over. Of course I kissed her back ‘cos I’ve wanted to do that for weeks now, and last night my dream came true.

But it got even better when it came time to go to bed. She said we should sleep naked! She wasn’t at all shy about taking her clothes off in front of me and so neither was I. I’ve seen girls getting undressed before, like in the changing room at school, or at the municipal swimming pool, but never like Jaqui did. I told her she should be a stripper when she grows up. She looked dead sexy, slowly pulling her knickers down and showing off her pussy. Then she watched me as I undressed. I never knew how such an ordinary thing could be so exciting! She couldn’t take her eyes off me and told me I had a pretty pussy. We kissed some more, then got into bed. She took me in her arms and

Shit! Mum’s calling, gotta go.

I lay back on the bed, my mind in a whirl. A long time ago I told Kitty that I was gay, that I preferred women to men. I’m not sure that she appreciated the full import of my revelation at the time. It had to mean more to her, now that she was eleven, though we’d never really talked about it.

Now my daughter was exploring sex with another girl! Despite the fact that I’d done that very thing myself when I was no older than she was, I still felt somewhat uneasy — but at the same time, I couldn’t help but be aroused as well. Until this moment, she’d been an innocent little girl, but now things were different. My daughter was becoming a woman.

I weighed the pros and cons of her involvement with Jaqui. At her tender age, she could easily get her heart broken. On the other hand, it was a relief that she’d fallen for a girl. If a boy got into her knickers, all sorts of disastrous things could happen. A girl couldn’t get her pregnant, and she might learn to love lesbian sex just as much as I did. If she followed in my footsteps, it might all work out.

Well, we’d have to see. I found my way to the next entry.

Oct 5th:
 I’ve decided that I’m in love, really in love for the first time! All those crushes I had on other girls and on Miss Wilson were just kid’s stuff, nothing like this. I absolutely adore Jaqui. Just looking at her makes my legs go weak. She hasn’t actually said he’s in love with me, but I’m sure she will soon.

The other night was awesome!! We admitted to each other that we finger ourselves, no surprise there, and now she knows my biggest secret. She let me watch as she did it but the best bit was when she asked if she could do it to me, and of course I said yes. OMG, her fingers were like fire on my pussy! Then she let me do it to her! We went to sleep curled up like spoons and I woke in the middle of the night with a sore arm, ‘cos Jaqui was sleeping on it. I pulled it out and it woke her. We fingered each other again, but she fell asleep in the middle of it. Never mind, I still love her to bits.

Well, well, my little girl was into lesbian sex. As a parent, I should’ve been concerned, but when I thought about my own explorations at Kitty’s age, I couldn’t blame her. I’d have liked to have been able to confide in my daughter, maybe even give advice to help her through the rough patches she’d undoubtedly encounter. But then she’d know that I’d been reading her diary, and I couldn’t let that happen.

I turned the page and read on.

Oct 6th:
We did it at school! During lunch break we went to the bathroom and both got into one stall. She took her knickers off and squatted on the loo so that her feet couldn’t be seen below the door and she let me run my fingers over her pussy. Then she shoved her hand down the front of my knickers and put her finger into me. It didn’t hurt, ’cos I broke my hymen months ago with the handle of my hairbrush.

It was lovely, but then someone came in and we froze with our fingers in each other, trying not to giggle until she used the toilet and left. Then she did, and we started doing it again, me rubbing her and her rubbing me until we both came.

We kissed some, and then she put her wet finger in my mouth!! I didn’t mind, that was the naughtiest thing of all. I’ve tasted my pussy before, but it’s way better from Jaqui’s fingers!

I put Kitty’s diary on the bed, open and face down, then lay back, my mind in a whirl, my cunt tingling like mad as my mind played the scene out like I was watching a video. Without even thinking about it, I dragged up my dress, put a hand down the front of my knickers and thrust three fingers deep into myself. I hadn’t realised how wet I was.

Every mum thinks her own daughter is beautiful. Obese mums love their little chubbies and buck-toothed mums adore their little Bugs Bunnies, but I know that my daughter is exceptional, a classic English rose — blonde, blue eyed with skin like a peach, a sweet slender body and the first hint of breasts. Still, I’d never thought of her as an object of sexual desire. Up until then, she’d just seemed too young. True, I’d had my own childhood crushes on girls, not to mention that pajama party, but I was an exception. Or was I? How many eleven year olds are into masturbating their classmates? Perhaps there were more than I thought.

As for Jaqui, she had a kind of street urchin look, with short spiky hair seldom combed, an elfin face with freckles that made her look like she’d just performed a minor act of larceny, and a naughty grin revealing gleaming white teeth. Like Kitty, she was months away from puberty, her chest flat as a board and no trace of hair under her arms. There was an air of mischief about her, as if she’d just stolen an apple from your tree even though she had her own orchard. She could’ve quite easily passed for a boy. If I’d met her under any other circumstances, she might have awakened my inner paedophile — but Jaqui was my daughter’s friend, and therefore out of bounds.

I was spread out on the bed, recreating the scenes from Kitty’s diary in my mind, plunging my fingers as deep as they’d go into my dripping cunt, letting the pleasure build. I felt like one of those Hawaiian surfers I’d seen in documentaries — streaking down a colossal wave as it built behind me, curling over until I was in the tube, then having it break, burying me in a blinding white foam of swirling lust, tossing me every which way until I slowly floated back to the surface, gasping for air.

Fuck, I thought to myself, I just came to an image of an eleven year old child, the same age as my own daughter. And I hardly knew the kid! I felt like some kind of pervert.

I withdrew my hand from my knickers, then brought it to my nose, inhaling deeply. The familiar aroma of my sex was comforting, helped to center me. I sucked on my fingers, loving the flavor, wondering if Jaqui tasted the same. And how would Kitty’s taste?

Oh, my God, I thought. Don’t go there, damn it. Get a grip on yourself!

I made a mental note of the date in Kitty’s diary, closed it and carefully placed it back on the floor, exactly as I’d found it. Then I opened the window to dissipate the smell of pussy that pervaded the room. I walked into the bathroom, took my wet knickers off and threw them in the laundry hamper, then went downstairs to pour myself a glass of wine. Deciding to bring the whole bottle along, I plonked myself down on the couch.

I thought about what, if anything, I should do about this growing passion between Kitty and Jaqui. I longed to talk to Kitty and assure her that what she was doing was nothing to be ashamed of… maybe even tell her about the lesbian experiences I’d had at her age. But then she’d know that I’d read her diary. I realised that my hands were tied. I could only let events unfold, and give my darling daughter what support I could.

Setting my glass to one side, I stretched out on the sofa and closed my eyes. Pleasant images of Kitty and Jaqui cavorting naked through a sun-dappled woodland glade drifted through my mind as I slowly nodded off.


Waking to the sound of giggles, I opened my eyes to see Kitty standing in front of me, Jaqui next to her. They were both covering their mouths, trying not to laugh.

“Hi, guys,” I said, lazily stretching my arms. “What time is it?”

“School’s out,” said Kitty, smirking at me. “Where are your knickers, Mum?”

Oh, God, I’d forgotten to replace my wet ones. There I was, sprawled on the couch, legs spread open and my cunt in full view. I snapped my legs shut.

“Sorry, g-girls,” I stammered, feeling my face getting hot. “Um, they were getting sweaty so I ditched them, then I guess I forgot to put on clean ones.”

Now over her amusement, Kitty gave me a puzzled look. “What’s up, Mum? You’ve never done anything like that before.”

“Like what before?”

She rolled her eyes. “Not wear knickers.”

I was about to say something like, It’s just your mum being forgetful… goodness gracious, what difference does it make? Then it struck me that this was a perfect opportunity for what I wanted most of all right then: to talk to my daughter about sex in a frank and honest way.

Taking a deep breath, I said, “You know, sweetheart, you shouldn’t ever feel ashamed of your body. When  you’re at home, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t go without undies if you want to — or be completely naked, for that matter. You’re growing up, so you and I shouldn’t be afraid to be more… open about things.”

“Even sex?” Kitty said, clearly testing the waters.

“Especially sex,” I replied.

“Um, can I be more open about stuff when I’m here?” asked Jaqui.

“Yeah, but don’t tell your mum.” This was perfect, just what I’d hoped for. We were already sharing secrets, involving ourselves in a conspiracy of silence, touching on intimate subjects — what better way to bond with a precocious preteen girl?

“Can Jaqui sleep over?” asked Kitty. “Her mum says it’s okay.”

“By all means,” I said, my pulse picking up as I thought what might happen behind her bedroom door that night.


The following afternoon, I was back in Kitty’s bedroom. Black Beauty was where it belonged, up on the shelf with her other books. I carefully removed it, sat on the bed and thumbed to the page where I’d left off.

Oct. 7th:
Mum’s acting strange. I came home and found her asleep on the couch with no knickers on. Jaqui thought it was pretty funny, and so did I. When Mum woke up, I asked her why, and she said stuff about not being ashamed of our bodies, and that I could talk to her about sex if I wanted. I know she’s a lesbian and I’m cool with that, but she’s never said a lot to me about sex before.

My darling lover Jaqui stayed the night again, and you’ll never believe the stuff we did. Mum let us borrow her laptop and we surfed porn, looking at lesbian stuff. AWESOME! Amazing pictures of naked women licking each other’s pussies and enjoying it a lot! We even saw a whole dirty movie that Jaqui found. It took forever to download, but it was great! Some of the noises the women made sounded totally fake, but I don’t think anyone would do that in front of a camera if they didn’t like it, unless it was just for the money. We watched another video where two girls rubbed their pussies together. Me and Jaqui and we tried to do that ourselves, but it wasn’t as good as what we did after.

What happened, was that Jaqui was sitting on the bed with the laptop in front of her and I was on my knees behind her. I reached round her and ran my hands up the inside of her thighs until I reached her pussy and then I started playing with it, sliding my finger in and then rubbing her little bump at the top. I guess it made her feel all crazy inside, ‘cos then she pushed me over on my back and attacked me with kisses. She was wild, shoving her tongue deep in my mouth and nibbling at my lips.

Then she looked me right in the eyes and said she wanted to lick my pussy like the girls on the internet so I let her. I lay on my back, legs spread out wide and first she just looked at my pussy really close up, then she put her mouth to it and started doing awesome things with her tongue. I was making those loud noises, just like the women in the movie, so maybe that wasn’t fake after all.

I was feeling better and better until I had this huge amazing feeling, a giant thrill that made me shiver all over. It lasted for ten or fifteen seconds, I’m not sure. It was like when I touch myself but a hundred times better. Oh wow, I finally had an orgasm!

When I could talk again I told Jaqui what happened. She asked me to do it to her, and I did. It took a while, but I didn’t mind because lying there with my face between her legs and my mouth on her pussy made me feel so happy. I could have done it to her all night, but pretty soon I made her cum too.

After that we lay together and kissed over and over. I’m SOOO in love! Like they say, head over heels. Oh, Jaqui, my darling, I adore you!

Oh, my God, my daughter had gone from an innocent little girl to an experienced lesbian in just a couple of days! Yes, I admit I got off to an early start myself, though getting from my first kiss to eating pussy took a couple of weeks. But honestly, I wasn’t upset at Kitty. In fact, I couldn’t even think of a good reason to rein her in. The way I saw it, she couldn’t come to any harm in the arms of another girl her own age. Even if she were to be seduced by an older woman, being a lesbian is so much less dangerous than fooling around with boys. I wanted to tell her that I was perfectly okay with what she was doing with Jaqui — but didn’t see how I could without Kitty figuring out that I’d been snooping through her diary.

Reading about my daughter’s first orgasm had got me all hot and bothered again, so I took off my dress and knickers and masturbated right there — sitting on Kitty’s bed, looking at myself in the mirrored closet doors. In my mind, Kitty and Jaqui were watching, an imaginary invisible audience behind the mirror, cheering me on. I spread my legs as wide as they’d go and plunged three fingers deep into my pussy.

If they were Kitty’s fingers, I thought, she could press her thumb into her palm and push her whole hand into me. After all, I’ve been fisted before, and always by girls whose hands were bigger than hers — or Jaqui’s, for that matter. Bet it would feel lovely, too…

Oh my God! Was I actually fantasising about my own daughter fisting me? I was, and weird though it may seem, I didn’t feel a scrap of guilt. Kitty, oh my darling Kitty, I thought to myself, I love you so much. I came like a hand grenade had gone off in my cunt.

Continue on to Part Two


10 Comments on My Daughter’s Secrets, Part One

  1. Sarah says:

    Thank you soooo much. I had to read this twice. You know how to make a mom feel good in the morning.

  2. Swan says:

    Hot story and off to a good start. We can probably guess where the story is headed, but I am waiting patiently to see how the author gets us there.

  3. Misty Meadow says:

    This story has a surprising turn so stay tuned for more chapters. Jet Boy has done a brilliant job of editing.

    • JetBoy says:

      I can’t do a good polishing job without a quality piece of sculpture to work on… and Misty has certainly given us that! I had a blast editing this story. Thanks, Misty, for all you do for Juicy Secrets.

  4. Purple Les says:

    I very much enjoyed this. You and JetBoy are doing a great job. Looking forward to more.

  5. Tim says:

    Great story, very erotic and very enjoyable.
    Wonder if mum, daughter and Jaqui will get together in Part 2…..

    Thanks Misty Meadow!

  6. Myka says:

    Can’t wait for more but, I must …. loving it Misty …. do hurry hurry! hee hee

  7. David says:

    Mmmm Misty good start to the story! So hot reading about the girls and her mother lusting for her and her friend! Can’t wait to read Chapter 2. Thank for the submission.

  8. kraM says:

    Good chapter. I would have removed the revelation that she feels she has an inner pedophile desire. It seems far too common in these types of stories. I want stories where the adult isn’t aware she has these feelings until something starts happening with her daughter.

    But still an erotic chapter.

  9. John says:

    Awesome story so far. Can’t wait to read more. Myself and my wife are reading it together as my wife is bi-sexual she does look at our daughters

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