Teaching the Girls, Chapter 9

  • Posted on January 2, 2018 at 9:26 am

By Naughty Mommy

Well, as I said, one of my questions had been answered, definitely in the affirmative. Kay and Danielle each reached climax, masturbating to orgasm as their daughters sucked their tits. They didn’t hold back, not in the least. I was very happy to see that.

I did not, however, get to witness the second thing I was hoping for. Addison and Cherise seemed content for the time being with nipple play. Neither girl gave any indication of wanting to do more than that.

Would I ever get to see them fingering their mother’s cunts or, even better, licking them? And did the women want to eat their daughter’s sweet pussies? I was almost certain they both wanted to — but would they ever really do it? Would I get to see that someday?

Perhaps someday I would, but not then, not that evening.


After the two women and I came down from our climaxes, Kay said, “All right, this was fun, a whole lot of fun. Another excellent lesson from our teacher.” She winked at me, then went on, “But it’s getting late now, time for you young ones to head for bed. Britt, you’re staying over tonight, right? We don’t have an extra bedroom, so do you mind squeezing in here with me and Danielle?”

“No, I don’t mind at all,” I said with a smile.

The little girls giggled. I assumed that they were used to having their mothers spend the night together, but I didn’t know if there had ever been someone else there with them.

Anyway, no one complained. The kids bounced off Kay’s bed, trotting out of the room and down the hall to brush their teeth. I went downstairs and retrieved my backpack, which I’d left by the front door.

Fifteen minutes later, after a long round of goodnight kisses and hugs, the girls were snuggled into Addison’s bed with the lights turned off. It could be quite a while, I expected, before they actually went to sleep, and who knows what naughty things they might be doing in the meantime.

I wasn’t thinking very much about that, however, because just then I was lying naked in bed between Kay and Danielle, and they were kissing me!

It really didn’t surprise me, of course, that they were showing so much affection. I had taken for granted that we would have sex. Still, it was one thing to think about that, and another to actually do it.

When I felt their warm hands caressing me, their soft kisses on my cheeks and neck and lips, and when I realized that I was about to go all the way with them, make love with these two beautiful women at the same time — the moms of my yoga students! — I virtually melted. My pussy instantly became drenched, heavy with lubrication. My skin was burning hot, as if I had a fever.

But the funny thing was I was so turned on, so strongly aroused, so overwhelmed with desire, that I found I could barely move. I just lay there like a soggy, sultry puddle of lust, letting Kay and Danielle do whatever they wanted with me.

Not that they seemed to mind this, not at all. The pair happily made a playground of my body. Kay kissed my mouth, nibbling and sucking on my lips, with her hand slowly sliding down over my belly to my mound, then gently pulling at the tangles of my red bush. Danielle, meanwhile, was straddling my leg, grinding her moist pussy against my knee, her mouth roaming around my small breasts, licking and kissing.

And as their fingers and tongues went everywhere, exploring, touching, tasting, these horny women murmured to me, between kisses and caresses, how excited they were to have a teenage girl in their bed, how they’d long dreamed of having sex with someone as young as me.

They had been involved with each other for about three years, I gradually learned, since shortly after Danielle moved into the neighborhood. Their daughters met at school, in first grade, and immediately became best friends. Then the moms got acquainted, and soon they began an intimate relationship.

“But you know what?” Kay asked.

“What?” I barely managed to croak. Kay had a finger inside me and Danielle was flicking her tongue over the end of my erect nipple. It wasn’t easy at that point even to think coherently, let alone speak.

“See, we discovered something,” she continued, “while we were sharing our fantasies… you know, like you told the girls earlier tonight? About talking and telling each other what turns you on?”

“Uh-huh,” I moaned. I was already getting very close to an orgasm. Kay was rubbing my clit with her thumb while her finger slid in and out of my cunt. It felt incredibly good.

“It turns out we both love the same extremely hot idea. Danielle and I get totally turned on by talking about naked little girls… about having sex with them, kissing and touching and doing everything with them.”

“Yeah, like totally turned on!” added Danielle.

“Really?” I squeaked.

“Oh my god, yes,” said Kay, her finger moving faster inside me. “It makes me so wet to think about licking and sucking those tiny pink pussies, so smooth and perfect, so fucking hot.”

“UNHH!!” I came suddenly, and very hard.

I could feel the muscles in my vagina clamping down around Kay’s finger. Danielle was sucking my nipple and Kay was still rubbing my clit with her thumb. The orgasm seemed to go on and on and on, cresting and then cresting again. It was like a series of dazzling climaxes, one after the other.

Finally I couldn’t stand it anymore. It was just too intense. Pushing the women away, I curled onto my side in a fetal position, legs pulled up, arms tucked at my chest. My pussy was still throbbing, spasms of pleasure blasting through my body. This continued at least half a minute more, one of the longest and most powerful orgasms of my life.

At last, with the sexual energy slowly dissipating, I was able to relax, to feel under control once again. You’d think I would have been exhausted by then, and yet I wasn’t. Instead, I felt motivated, inspired, excited about doing more with them.

I took a deep breath, let it out, then sat up.

Danielle was lying on her side, one arm behind her head, looking up at me. She smiled. Kay was on her knees, fingers moving between her legs. She was masturbating, as usual, though not especially fast, just gently playing with herself.

“Can you tell us what it’s like?” asked Kay.

“Huh? What do you mean?” I wasn’t sure I understood the question.

“All we can do is think about it. Neither of us… well, I fooled around a bit with girls in high school, starting when I was sixteen or seventeen, around your age, and then did a lot more of that in college… but nothing at all when I was younger, you know, really young, like Addison or Cherise.”

“And that’s way more than I did,” said Danielle, as she pushed herself up. “In fact, Kay was my first one, my first female lover, I mean. Before that, I’d only had, um, I’d had sex with a few guys, but that was all. I wasn’t very experienced, and I guess I’m still not. So, what’s it like?”

“What do you mean?” I repeated, still perplexed.

“You know,” prompted Kay, “what’s it like to actually lick a little girl’s pussy? We want to hear about that. Come on, tell us how it feels.”

A naughty grin crept across my face. “Well, why don’t you both try it and find out for yourselves?”

The women were quiet for a moment, apparently thinking. Then Danielle shrugged, and said softly, “We’d like to do that. We really would, but…”

“So why don’t you?” I persisted. “You might as well, right?”

Kay shook her head firmly, decisively. “No, we can’t, not ever. That’s why you’re here, Britt, so we can watch you do the things we’d both like to do but can’t.”

“But—” I began.

“No, she’s right,” said Danielle, interrupting me. “Kay and I have talked about this a lot, and as we told you before, we both love fantasizing about it, sometimes even playing games with each other, you know, role-playing. But that’s as far as we can ever really go. It’s just that… any more than that would be, um…”

As Danielle trailed off, Kay picked up the thread. “We’ve thought about this for a long time, Britt, believe me, and we know what we’re doing. We’re concerned, first, that it might be hard for the girls to adjust to that, to actually having sex with their mothers. Plus, there’s such a strong social taboo against incest, we don’t want to take any chances. There’s far too much at stake. I mean, if someone found out about it, then, well, there’d be hell to pay. And we can’t take that risk. We won’t.”

When Kay finished, I looked into her eyes, then into Danielle’s.

I wasn’t going to change their minds, that seemed obvious. No matter how much I would like to see it, nothing more wasn’t going to happen between these women and their daughters, nothing beyond what we’d already done.

“All right,” I slowly nodded. I wasn’t sure I agreed with their reasoning, but after all, it was their choice to make, not mine.

I’d noticed, however, that during all this, while we were talking, Kay had never stopped masturbating. Even as she was insisting to me that she could never, ever have sex with her own daughter, her hand was moving between her legs, rubbing her wet pussy. If anything, our discussion about limits and lesbian incest appeared to make her even more excited.

“Okay, so,” I said, as I gazed at her slippery fingers, then brought my eyes slowly up to meet hers, “you want me to tell you how it feels to lick a little girl? A nine-year-old like Addison? To push my tongue deep inside her sweet pink vagina?”

“Yes, fuck, yes!” hissed Kay. Her face was growing flushed. She was breathing hard, large chest quickly rising and falling. “Tell me!”

I turned to Danielle. “You want to hear how it felt when I was licking Cherise’s clit, when I sucked and licked and tasted her juicy little pussy?”

“Oh, yeah, yeah, please tell me!” Danielle was lying on her back now, and she was masturbating too, both hands working fast between her long slim legs.

So I did. I told these women how wonderful it was to lick a virgin pussy, to eat a little girl and have the child come in my mouth. Then I told them about having the girls lick me, about looking down between my legs and seeing their pretty faces, those happy young smiles, little pink tongues lapping at my cunt.


We didn’t get much sleep that night. Or maybe what I should say is we didn’t go to sleep until much later. We stayed up until almost 3:00 AM, with me telling the moms over and over again how it felt to lick a little girl, to eat their daughters’ pussies. They never seemed to tire of hearing it.

At one point, however, after an hour or so of this, of talking and masturbating, I offered another suggestion. Although I’d told myself earlier that I probably couldn’t convince the women to actually have sex with their own kids, I wondered if maybe this would work.

“I know you said you don’t want to, you know, do it yourselves with the girls,” I began. “Well, I mean, you want to, but you’ve just decided that it’s not such a good idea, right?”

“That’s right,” Kay nodded.

“But why couldn’t you lick Cherise’s pussy? And why couldn’t you lick Addison’s, Danielle? They’re not your daughters, so wouldn’t that be okay?”

“It would be nice, very nice,” said Kay, grinning at me as she rubbed her clit. “And we’ve thought about that option too. We’ve talked about it plenty of times and had some wonderful sex role-playing it. But the thing is, we just can’t trust ourselves. If I was in bed with Cherise, eating her pussy, or having her eat mine, and if I saw Danielle next to me, licking Addison, well, I just know I wouldn’t be able to resist. I would have to have Addison too.”

“Yeah, and the same goes for me,” said Danielle. “I would have to have Cherise if she was right there next to me like that. It’s all I can do now to keep from jumping on her when I watch her having sex with you, Britt. But, um, I guess maybe it’s the yoga, all that stuff about discipline and focus, those things you teach. If it wasn’t for that…”

This was the first time I ever regretted teaching yoga. It was stopping me from seeing what I wanted to see! Of course, it was equally true that if I hadn’t been a yoga instructor in the first place, I never would have had this amazing erotic experience — the chance to have sex with two hot little girls while their mothers watched and masturbated.

I still wasn’t ready to give up on the rest of what I wanted, though. I can be very stubborn at times.

“But, like, couldn’t you just be, you know, in separate rooms? Danielle in Addison’s room with her, and Cherise in here with Kay? Then maybe you wouldn’t be so tempted to do even more.”

Kay shook her head, smiling ruefully. “No, it won’t work, honey. You’re not going to change our minds. We’ve decided what we think is right, and we won’t budge. It’s just too risky. We can’t take that chance.”

“But what you can do,” said Danielle, “is have sex with them for us, sort of in our place, you know, like you have been. That way we can both experience it, Kay and I, at least in a way, while we’re watching you. And of course you can tell us all about it afterward.”

“Well, okay,” I shrugged, finally resigned. I wouldn’t bug them about it anymore, but I certainly wasn’t going to stop thinking about it, that incredibly arousing idea of a mom making love with her daughter.

Then Kay asked, “What about your own mother, Britt? Have you ever thought about her that way? I know she’s a little bit older than us, but she’s still an attractive woman.”

My mom wasn’t just a little bit older than them, she was a lot older, nearly fifty. And although she did have sort of a pretty face, she was quite heavy, close to two hundred pounds. Sorry to say, but I really didn’t think of her as attractive at all. I loved her, because she was my mom and a good person, but I’d never been drawn to her sexually, never fantasized about her or anything like that.

“No, not really,” I said, “she’s, um, I guess she’s just not my type.” Then with a naughty grin, I added, “My type is ten-year-old girls!”

They laughed at that, and we spent the next several hours having plenty of fun, role-playing hot sex between mothers and daughters, taking turns, switching around, making up all kinds of forbidden fantasies and acting them out.

The women, as Danielle had mentioned earlier, often enjoyed this kind of thing. Kay usually would be the mom, they told me, with Danielle playing the role of the child, although sometimes they would swap. But now, with me there, we could try lots of other arrangements, and we did.


One more important thing occurred during my sleepover at Kay’s house, something that would soon lead to even more deliciously naughty adventures for lucky little me.

It happened the next morning. I awoke to find myself alone in the king-size bed. The sheets were rumpled and smelled of sex, feminine sex. I smiled as I recalled all the fun we’d had the previous night, two women and a teenage girl sharing their dirtiest fantasies while making each other come over and over again.

I could hear the shower running in the bathroom that adjoined the master bedroom. The door was slightly ajar and the shower wasn’t the only thing I heard. I could also hear voices, especially Kay’s voice. “Fuck me! Fuck my fucking pussy! Make me come!!”

After hesitating for just a moment, I slipped out of bed and moved toward the door. Peering inside, I could make out two shapes through the pebbled glass enclosure on the tub. It was a pair of naked women — Kay and Danielle, obviously — making love.

Should I join them? I was tempted, but then I thought that if they wanted me to, they would come and ask. Maybe it was better to let the two lovebirds have their private time.

I listened and watched a few seconds longer, then got back in bed. By then, of course, I was very turned on. I also had to pee, but not that badly. I could wait, and in the meantime I could play with myself.

While I listened to the women having sex, I rubbed my own pussy. I was surprised how wet I already was and how quickly I got close. Considering the number of orgasms I’d had with Danielle and Kay the night before, not to mention with their daughters during our afternoon and early evening teaching sessions, I’d wondered if it might take me a while. It didn’t.

Hearing those sounds from the bathroom, plus thinking about all that we’d done, visualizing myself licking the little girls, or having them lick me, and then remembering how hot it was to see the kids sucking on their own moms’ nipples, soon had me soaring over the top.

“Yes, god, yes!!!” I cried as I climaxed, bouncing on the mattress, bucking my cunt against my hands, two fingers shoved deep inside me.

My eyes were tightly closed during the delicious orgasm, and when I opened them a minute or so later, I found I had an audience. The women were standing by the bed, grinning at me. Both had towels around their waists, with their hair wrapped in towels too, but their breasts were exposed.

“Oh, hi,” I smiled somewhat sheepishly, bringing a hand to my mouth to lick my juicy fingers.

“Good morning,” said Kay as she sat down beside me. “Looks like you were having fun.”

“Yeah, I was,” I grinned, “definitely. But um, I really have to pee now.”

“All right,” Kay chuckled. “Go ahead.”

I got up and took care of business.

When I came back, Kay asked me, “Are you getting hungry? Do you want any breakfast?”

“Uh, well… not right away. What time is it?”

There was a decorative clock on a table beside the bed, but the hands were so small I couldn’t read them from where I stood.

“It’s almost 10:00,” said Kay.

“Ten o’clock! Really?? Wow, I didn’t mean to sleep so long. Are the kids up?”

Danielle smiled, “Yeah, they’ve been up for a while, already had cereal for breakfast. We checked on them before we took a shower. They’re watching TV now, I think. Cartoons probably.”

“Okay,” I nodded.

She patted the bed, indicating that I should sit down between her and Kay.

I did, and then Danielle said, “We were planning to ask you, Britt, how you were feeling this morning… if you had, you know, any regrets about anything or whatever. But from what we saw, you seem pretty happy.”

“Well, yeah, I am. Very happy, in fact. No regrets at all.”

This wasn’t quite true, because I still wished I could see the two of them having sex with their daughters, but I’d promised myself I wouldn’t bring that subject up again.

“So, you wouldn’t mind,” said Kay, “if we asked you to come back next Saturday, and perhaps every Saturday, as often as you can anyway, for more private lessons?”

“No, I wouldn’t mind that at all. I’d love it. Except, um, there is something I’ve been, sort of, thinking about.”

“Oh? And what’s that?” asked Kay.

I fidgeted nervously, wringing my hands in my lap. “Well, I mean, it’s… kind of embarrassing.”

Kay laughed out loud. “Now, come on, honey, how can you be embarrassed about anything around us? God knows we’ve shared enough secrets with each other.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” I nodded, then took a deep breath. “Okay, I’ll tell you.”

I explained to them about my growing interest in Donna’s daughters, Heather and Felicity, the other two students in our yoga class. The girls were twelve and ten years old, an alluring pair of blonde angels who were increasingly featured during my nighttime masturbation sessions at home. I told them all about that as well.

“And so,” I said, drawing to a finish, “I don’t know if it could ever happen. But what I’d really like is to have them take part in our private lessons too.”

“Aha, well… that does add sort of a twist, doesn’t it?” said Kay, as she winked at Danielle.

“So, um, you think should we tell her?” Danielle asked.

The other woman shrugged. “I don’t see why not. It’ll come out sooner or later.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

Kay turned to me, now with a very serious look on her face, and placed her hands on my shoulders. I had no idea what I was about to hear.

“Britt, we’ve trusted you with a lot so far,” said Kay, “a whole lot. I’m sure you know that both Danielle and I would be in big trouble if anyone ever found out what we’ve been doing. You know, with our little girls and everything, exposing them to so much. You could too, for that matter, but probably not as bad as us, not nearly as bad. I really don’t want you to worry about it, though. That’s not the point.”

I frowned, wondering to myself, what was the point?

“See, the thing is,” Kay continued, “Donna has some secrets too, sexual secrets. But the difference between her and us is she’s married and she wants to stay that way. She’s happy with her life, and doesn’t want to mess it up.”

“All right,” I said, feeling intensely curious and also somewhat impatient.

“You’re probably noticed that Donna’s house and furniture and everything are a lot nicer than mine.”

“And a whole lot nicer than mine, trust me,” Danielle interjected. I had never been to her place.

“Okay,” I nodded, smiling at Danielle.

Kay went on, “But even though Donna likes her lifestyle, her big house and everything, and doesn’t want to lose any of that, there’s one thing she just can’t resist. Can you guess what that is?”

They both looked at me. I shook my head. No clue.

“Pussy,” said Kay. “The woman loves pussy.”

Continue on to Chapter 10


No comments on Teaching the Girls, Chapter 9

  1. Sarah says:

    Another good chapter. Thank you.

  2. Jennifer says:

    Woah this gets better with every word, i get so heavily aroused it almost hurts! *_*

  3. JayP says:

    A wonderful tale and the plot thickens, I love it.

  4. drew says:

    wonderful! I see things will even get sexier and hotter in the upcoming chapters!

  5. revelnit says:

    Wow the writing in this was great. The characters got more dimension into them

  6. sue says:

    Yes! wonderful chapter. It really helped thaw me out with this cold weather we have here in the states.

  7. Sarah says:

    I love the whole series. I can’t wait for more. What a great way to start the day.

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