Teaching the Girls, Chapter 12

  • Posted on January 26, 2018 at 7:03 am

By Naughty Mommy

I changed things up a bit on Friday evening. What I mean is, I didn’t masturbate, which was unusual for me. That was partly because my pussy was pretty sore after I’d abused it so much during phone sex the night before with Donna. But it was also because I wanted to store up all my energy for the weekend, for my first session of teaching the girls that now would include Felicity and Heather.

My friends Tina and Courtney and Jo had asked me to go to a movie with them that night, Friday night, so I did. We had a good time together, and I even flirted some with Tina when the others weren’t looking. Although I never found out for sure, I think Tina might have been gay. She didn’t go on about boys all the time the way Jo and Courtney did. Those two were funny, babbling about it constantly. Neither one was a virgin, or at least that’s what they claimed.

I’d made out for a few minutes with Tina in a dark corner at a party one night about six months earlier, except then a couple of guys came over and started saying rude things to us, so we stopped. After that, we never really did anything else with each other, but the way she looked at me sometimes, I got the feeling she wished we could.

If I had ever decided to have sex with anyone from school, it likely would have been Tina — if she’d wanted to, that is, and I’m almost sure she would have. It definitely turned me on to think about doing stuff with her. She was small, even shorter than me, and I’m only 5’3”. Tina had dark hair, blue eyes, lots of freckles, and wore braces. She was flat-chested, and also kind of a nerd (you know, a good student who enjoys learning) just like me, so the popular boys didn’t seem to like her very much, or me either for that matter. I don’t think she cared about that, though, and neither did I.

Anyway, when I got home around midnight I was still feeling kind of a buzz from exchanging glances with Tina and thinking about kissing her again. Under normal circumstances, I probably would have masturbated while fantasizing about her. But these were not normal circumstances.

As I slid into bed, I was preoccupied with fantasies not about teenagers, but about much younger kids instead. My mind was filled with alluring images of preteens on the verge of puberty… girls with smooth hairless pussies or maybe a scant trace of hair… with flat chests or tiny breast buds, just waiting to be kissed and touched… and the best thing of all is that I wasn’t limited to fantasy. Nope, not me. I had already done it — I’d actually had sex with two little girls just like that. And the next day I would have two more young ones to play with, while their mother watched us. What an opportunity!

This, obviously, got me extremely excited, made my clit hard and my pussy very wet. I touched myself a little bit, but resisted going any further. Everything, all my desire and all my passion, would be held in reserve, focused on what awaited me and us the following day.


On Saturday morning I told my mom I’d be going over to Kay’s that afternoon to give another yoga lesson to the girls, and that this time it was with all four students, not just Cherise and Addison.

“That’s terrific,” she said. “You’re doing really well with them.”

“Yep. And, uh, they asked me to stay for dinner and then play games and stuff. I think I’ll probably spend the night there again, if that’s okay.”

“Ah, I don’t know. That’s getting to be kind of a habit, isn’t it?” Then she frowned. “Where do you sleep when you stay over there?”

“Um, you know, on their sofa,” I shrugged.

I felt bad about lying, but what else could I do? I certainly couldn’t tell my mother that I slept in Kay’s room, or that I had sex with her and Danielle — not to mention that I was having sex with their daughters! I was pretty sure she’d have a heart attack if she knew what was really going on.

She grumbled a little about it, so I said, “It’s fine, Mom. They’re nice ladies and I like their kids a lot. I have fun over there.” All of this was true, at least, even if wasn’t exactly the whole truth.

“Well, I suppose it’s all right. As long as you’re enjoying yourself.”

“I am, honest.”

After taking care of my usual weekend chores and having a light lunch, I took a shower and shaved my legs, then rubbed lotion all over my naked body (it was awfully cold outside and the air was dry). I spent a minute or two with some scissors trimming my curly red bush until I was satisfied with the look. Then I put on a short pleated skirt with white panties underneath, a soft sweater with no bra, and some new boots I’d just bought with fake fuzzy fur around the tops. Around a quarter to three, I grabbed my backpack, pulled on a warm jacket, said goodbye to my parents, and headed out to the car.


Fifteen minutes later, I was at Kay’s house, standing on the porch and ringing their bell, my breath steaming. Almost instantly, the door flew open, and I was greeted by all four kids, who grabbed me and pulled me inside. As I put the backpack down and took off my jacket, the younger ones, Felicity and Cherise and Addison, jumped up and down, clapping and squealing my name, while Heather, the twelve-year-old, tried her best to act more mature. She was blushing, though, smiling brightly, and her eyes gleamed. I could see how excited she was.

“Britt, come in,” said Kay, rushing up to greet me. She took both my hands in hers and kissed my cheek, before stepping back to appraise my outfit. “Oh, you look just great, as usual.”

“Thank you,” I grinned. “You look very nice too.”

She was in a light blue wrap-around with a wide sash at the waist. The form-fitting half-sleeve dress came to just above her knees, and Kay’s pretty legs were bare. On her feet were chunky heels, the same shade as the gown. It was easy to tell she wore no bra, as her big boobs swayed, nipples poking through the thin material. I stared openly at her chest, which made my pussy tingle.

Linking her arm through mine, Kay led me into their living room where we found the other moms. Danielle was on the couch, sitting with her long legs crossed, wearing a denim miniskirt and a patterned sweater, the sleeves tugged up near her elbows. She was holding a glass of white wine, and raised it silently to me, like a toast.

“Hey, Britt, welcome!” called Donna, rather loudly.

The cute blonde ex-cheerleader was seated in an armchair, drinking a beer, and from the giddy expression on her flushed face, I gathered that this was not her first one. I saw a bunch of gold bangles on Donna’s wrists and a double-loop gold chain around her neck that dipped into the crease between her tanned breasts. She wore tailored black slacks with high heels, black as well, and a long-sleeved blouse that had glittery threads running through it. The blouse was open almost halfway down, showing plenty of cleavage, which I brazenly admired.

“Would you like something to drink?” Kay asked, pointing to a half-full glass of wine, obviously her own, on a table by the couch. “We’ve got a very nice Pinot Grigio. Want to try it?”

“Um, no thank you. I’m fine.” I did like drinking wine sometimes, but just then I felt like keeping my head clear.

The kids had followed us in, and were giggling and crowding around me. They all wore shorts and t-shirts, except for Heather, who was in a little flippy skirt with flat shoes and a pale yellow pullover shirt. The pubescent girl’s rounded buds and puffy nipples showed plainly, and fetchingly, through her tight knit top.

Kay picked up her wine glass and took a big gulp. Still standing, she smiled at me and asked, “So, where do you think we should do this? Down here? Or upstairs in one of the bedrooms?”

I’d done a lot of thinking about that during the week, and I already had a plan in mind. “Well, um, let’s start down here. Then maybe we’ll go up to your bedroom, but first there are some things I want to do down here.”

“All right,” Kay nodded. “You’re the boss. Or I guess I should say, you’re the teacher.”

That remark got some chuckles from the moms and a few nervous snickers from the little girls. I smiled warmly at Kay before saying, in my best authoritative voice, “Okay, here’s how we’ll begin. Danielle, stand up, please. I want all the kids to sit down where you are. And Donna, you stand up too.”

I gave orders, began directing traffic, and in a minute had the four girls and myself squeezed in together on the couch, with Addison and Cherise on my left and the pair of young blonde sisters to my right. The three women, Kay, Donna, and Danielle, were arranged in a line in front of us.

“Last Saturday,” I said to the girls, while looking from side to side and making eye contact with each of them, “during our lesson here, we talked a lot about how so much of sex is mental, not just physical. How turned on you get depends as much or more on what you’re thinking than on what you’re doing.”

Cherise and Addison nodded in agreement. They’d heard all this from me before. Felicity, seated next to me, appeared somewhat confused but said nothing. Her big sister, Heather, frowned as if trying to puzzle out what I’d said, and cocked her head quite appealingly. I chose not to explain any further at that juncture, but just move forward.

“So, the first thing we’re going to do today is look at your mother’s bodies, all right?”

I heard giggles coming from my left side, while Heather and Felicity both seemed surprised. Perhaps they’d expected me to jump right in doing things with them. Their reaction was good, though. I intended to keep them a bit off balance at the beginning, open for anything.

“Let’s start with Kay. We’ll do them one at a time, but Kay, you’re first.”

Of the three women, Kay was the most petite, about 5’2” and perhaps 130 pounds or so. She had nice legs and a very attractive face, but her most striking feature had to be her boobs. They were not only good-sized but beautifully rounded, pretty much perfect. For now, they were still covered by her dress, though we could easily see their shape, not to mention her stiff nipples, through the clingy fabric.

As if she knew what I was thinking, Kay gave me a wink and stood at attention, thrusting out her glorious chest, quite pleased to have us ogle her.

“Turn around,” I said. “Slowly.”

“All right,” she nodded.

She’d set her glass down earlier, as had the other moms, so her hands were free. As Kay turned in a slow, sinuous circle for us, she held her arms up, twirling her hands and fingers gracefully while temptingly wagging her bottom. It was quite a nice show.

“That’s good,” I said to her when she’d competed the turn. “Now take off your dress.”

“Yes, mistress,” replied the woman, with a playful grin. Although I wasn’t aiming to get into any kind of sub/dom stuff, which doesn’t appeal much to me, I realized that if I ever wanted to, Kay would likely be a willing participant.

Anyway, she untied the sash at her waist, her body still seductively swaying, then reached inside the dress to undo a clasp. Before drawing the material away, she looked up at me and at the other girls, licking her lips rather lasciviously. No doubt, Kay definitely was a performer. And as she pulled the wrap-around fully open, holding both sides out, we saw that not only was she braless but also panty-less. She wore nothing at all underneath. Her pink nipples were firmly erect, her dark pubic hair carefully groomed in a neat triangle. Very, very sexy.

Addison and Cherise began to clap and cheer, quickly joined by the other kids. Kay tossed the dress aside and struck a pose. She beamed at us, happily accepting the applause for her nudity from four little girls.

“Keep the shoes on for now,” I told her, as the cheering died down. Except for a couple of rings on her fingers, and a pearl necklace, that was all she wore.

“All right.”

“Now, Danielle… you’re next,” I said.


The tall brunette was bashful, I knew, about her body, though she certainly had no need to be. A former model, Danielle always wore makeup, tastefully applied, and had retained her trim figure. She really was quite striking, but for some reason seemed to feel insecure about her appearance.

“Yes, you. We want to look at everyone naked, and you’re next.”

She blushed and swallowed. “Um, well, okay.” Nervously she reached beneath the hem of her bulky sweater to remove her skirt, but then paused. “What about my shoes?” she asked.

“It’s up to you,” I said, with a smile. “You can leave them on or take them off, whichever is more comfortable.”

Danielle nodded, but said nothing. Stepping out of her short heels, she unzipped her denim mini and let it fall to the floor, pushing it behind her with her foot. Her long slender legs were bare. After lifting her sweater up and over her head, dropping it back on top of the skirt, she took a step closer, standing right in front of us, clad in white cotton panties and a dainty white bralette. Her dark brown nipples were clearly hard, straining to poke through the flimsy material.

She took a deep breath, then raised the little bralette up and off, revealing her breasts. Although her boobs were fairly small and sagged a bit, those amazing nipples of hers demanded attention, sticking out from her chest, begging to be licked and sucked. Following another brief pause, Danielle skimmed the white panties down her legs, stepping out of them.

“Wow,” exclaimed Heather.

I glanced at the girl. She was staring wide-eyed at Danielle’s pussy — which was completely shaved, smooth as a child’s. The rest of us had observed this before, but Heather and Felicity evidently had not. Heather’s hands were folded in her lap, and I thought I could detect that she was pressing down with a fist into her own crotch. Ten-year-old Felicity, meanwhile, appeared to be mesmerized. She sat completely still, mouth hanging open.

“Very nice,” I said. “Thank you, Danielle.”

The lovely woman smiled at us, then moved back a step, falling in line with the other moms.

I asked Felicity, “Shall we do your mother next?” Donna, obviously, was the only one left, but I wanted to get her daughters more involved. Felicity turned and looked up at me. She didn’t say a word, just quietly shrugged.

Then I said to Heather, “Have you seen your mom naked before?”

“Um… yeah, sort of, but not that much. I mean, not since I was little.”

“Do you want her to take all her clothes off now? So you can look at her boobs and her pussy?”

“Jeez,” she murmured.

Heather’s cheeks were flushed, her breath coming fast. Beads of sweat shown on her upper lip. Although she’d been informed that I would have sex with her that day, along with the other girls, she may not have understood that there was this ritual aspect to our sessions. It wasn’t merely physical. I’d already stated that, but now I was demonstrating it.

“Do you want to see your mother naked?” I repeated. “Do you want to look at her pussy?”

A shudder went through Heather, and her hands pressed more firmly into her crotch, moving slowly up and down. She made no effort to hide the fact that she was stimulating herself.

“Uh-huh,” the girl nodded, her eyes going to her mom. “Yeah, I do.”

“All right, Donna,” I grinned, “it’s your turn now.”

The voluptuous blonde blushed and giggled as she took a step forward. “Okay, uh…”

She hesitated briefly, apparently trying to decide where to begin, then leaned over and removed her high heels, setting them aside. Now she was barefoot. Donna opened the narrow black leather belt at her waist, then unzipped her slacks but didn’t pull them down. We could see she had lacy black panties on underneath. After taking off all her bracelets from both wrists and handing them to Kay, who placed them on a table, Donna smiled at us and slowly began to unbutton her blouse. As the sides parted, we saw she wore a flesh-colored bra with a front closure.

I felt small fingers reaching for my hand. It was Felicity. Taking her hand in mine, I squeezed it reassuringly while giving her a wink.

When the blouse was open, Donna slipped it off, along with the gold chain from around her neck, and handed them to Kay, then wriggled her slacks over her generous hips. She bent down, pulling the slacks from her feet, and again passed them to her helper.

Now the woman stood in front of us in nothing but panties and a bra, legs apart, hands on her hips. She was breathing heavily, large chest rising and falling. We could see the shape of her erect nipples pushing through the bra.

Donna ran her tongue around her mouth, ostentatiously licking her lips. In a husky voice she said to Heather, “You want to see me naked? Want to see your mother’s tits and look at my pussy?”

The girl nodded eagerly. I looked at Heather and saw that she’d pulled up her little skirt and was rubbing herself through her hot pink undies.

“How about you, Felicity?” Donna asked. “You want to see me too?”

“Y-yes, Mommy,” said the younger child. I gave her hand another squeeze.

“All right, let’s do it.” Donna reached for the clasp of her bra. She undid it, but then paused for a moment, building the tension, before drawing the D-cups aside and freeing her lovely breasts. They were tanned and very full, with a few stretch marks. Her wide areolae were puckered, the brown nipples firm.

After letting the bra drop behind her to the floor, Donna took her big boobs in her hands, kneading them and pinching the nipples. “Mmmm,” she sighed.

We watched the woman play with her tits for perhaps half a minute, until she lowered her hands, hooking her thumbs into the waistband of her black lace panties. Very, very slowly she peeled her underwear down, bringing more smooth flesh into view. Finally we caught a glimpse of pubic hair, a few dark curls. It was closely trimmed, not a bush like mine, but not shaved either.

And then we saw something else. As Donna continued the strip tease for us, the fabric easing down to gradually reveal her sex, a thick strand of creamy liquid stretched from the panties to her labia. She was extremely wet.

“Yes!” whispered Heather. Both hands were between her legs, still over the top of her undies, but moving very quickly.

I took a look around, first at Addison and Cherise, sitting on my left. Neither of them were masturbating yet, and neither was Felicity. Nor were Kay and Danielle. They were standing naked, just watching everything, though Kay did have her hands on her breasts, fondling her erect nipples.

Donna slid the black panties all the way down her legs, stepping out of them. Then she made a show of closely inspecting the gooey spot in the center, lifting it right up to her face, sniffing deeply and even licking it.

“Good job, Britt,” she said to me with a sly grin. “You’re doing very well so far, definitely getting me turned on.”

I returned the smile. “That’s good. I’m glad to hear it.”

As Donna moved back, taking her place in line with the other moms, I resumed teaching. I patted Cherise’s leg and squeezed Felicity’s hand, then said, “Just look at them. Aren’t they gorgeous?”

The children’s gaze went from my eyes to their mothers’ bodies. The three made an interesting contrast: Kay was short and fairly slim, but curvy… Danielle was tall and quite thin… while Donna was well-padded, with heavy thighs and butt, a bit of a belly, and very large breasts.

“Every woman’s and every girl’s body is different,” I said, “and they’re all beautiful in their own way.”

This was something else I’d learned from Gina, my yoga instructor, my mentor, my first lover. Occasionally, in fact, instead of staying in her apartment and practicing yoga, Gina would take me out to look at girls and women. She and I would saunter around together, perhaps at a mall, studying body types and shapes, examining faces, quietly commenting about those who most appealed to us.

She made a point of helping me see beyond the narrow range of media-influenced concepts of beauty. I came to appreciate the curves of a hefty woman, or to admire feminine faces that weren’t quite perfect, with bumpy skin, freckles, blemishes, crooked noses. We talked about the contrasts of tall and short, of various kinds of figures, of skin shades, eye color, hair color. There was something lovely in all of them, in everyone we saw, I was taught.

Gina also made it clear to me during our excursions that there was nothing wrong in the least with being attracted to a younger girl, even a small child, only five or six or seven years old. Beauty was beauty, regardless of age, and I should feel no shame in being turned on by a little girl.

As I sat on the couch with the kids that Saturday afternoon, I expressed all these ideas to them, then finished up with something similar to what I’d said the week before to Addison and Cherise, about sex appeal within families.

“When you look at your moms standing there, at their sexy naked bodies, it’s perfectly fine if it gets you excited. There’s nothing wrong or bad about wanting to look at a hot woman and getting turned on by her, even if she’s your mother. And the same way, of course, if a mom gets excited seeing her little girl naked, her own daughter, that’s fine too. It’s just sex, and it doesn’t matter what or who, or how old they are, or if they’re related to you. Okay?”

Everybody seemed fine with this. I received nods of agreement from the whole group. That’s pretty good progress, I thought to myself — we’ve covered pedophilia and incestuous desires, and everyone’s cool with all of it!

Continue on to Chapter 13


No comments on Teaching the Girls, Chapter 12

  1. revelnit says:

    Promising and seductive start to this new chapter in Britts relationships. Look forward to more.

  2. Milanov says:

    I want to continue! I really like how things develop!

  3. Tim says:

    Yet again Naughty Mommy, words don’t do justice to this story that just keeps getting better and better.
    Girls masturbating constantly, moms doing so too, girls loving the sight of their naked mothers, mothers getting turned on by their daughters, and talking dirty too.

    What more can I ask for, except more please…more, more.

    Thanks as always for that, and I hope you had to stop for a “break” as often while writing as I did reading

  4. sue says:

    I also pray Naughty Mommy will be back someday to continues this erotic masterpiece of hers.

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