By 1000 Monkeys
{ This story was originally posted at Lesbian Lolita in July 2011 }
An uncharacteristic silence hung in the air of the brightly lit school classroom. Twenty-eight normally rowdy sixth-grade students were hunched quietly over their desks, the loudest noise coming from the buzzing florescent light fixtures above. It was a Friday afternoon, and everyone was working on the first major history test of the school year. Their teacher, Mrs. Johnson, relished the tranquility and spent her time grading papers.
Young Bethany, a bright and perky twelve-year-old redhead seated in the front row close to the window, sighed to herself in frustration. She was having an especially hard time with the last essay question, and was in the middle of erasing it for another go when the bell in the hall rang abruptly to signal the end of class. Beth jumped in her seat, the loud clanging startling her. A collective groan came from her fellow classmates – obviously there were quite a few who hadn’t finished the test. The clock on the wall confirmed it was 3:15, so school was officially over for the weekend. The room immediately filled with the drone of young voices talking over each other, and Beth threw down her pencil in dismay.
“Okay, class, that’s all the time you have,” called out Mrs. Johnson over the increasing chatter. “Take your tests and pass them to the front before you leave for the weekend. Make sure your name is on it! Also study chapter 8 in your math textbook for Monday, and remember to get your parents to sign the permission slip if you want to go on the science trip next week.”
Beth grumbled to herself, upset that she hadn’t finished the final question. She was still new at the school, having moved to the area just three months earlier during summer break. Her father had taken a new position at a large pharmaceutical company and Beth’s parents had dragged her from the bustling city to the picturesque town of Crestview – also known as Boring, USA. An only child, she was finding it hard to adjust to the small town atmosphere where everyone seemed to know everyone… except her. One of her favorite things, schoolwork, was even suffering from the move. Although she had easily maintained straight A’s at her old school, she was finding it extremely difficult to keep up the same grades here. She wasn’t sure if the work was actually harder, or if she was just too distracted with being the ‘new girl’ and trying to fit in.
Beth felt someone tap her on the shoulder. She turned to see the smiling face of Trisha, the pretty blondee who sat behind her. Trisha was holding out the collected test papers for Beth, who added her own to the top and tossed the stack on the teacher’s desk. Beth shoved her school supplies in her backpack and stood to join the line of impatient kids filing into the hallway. Once more she felt someone tap her shoulder, and when she looked it was Trisha – again.
“Uh, Beth, can I talk to you for a minute?” she asked.
Beth frowned. Trisha was one of the most popular girls in sixth grade, part of the in-crowd that was always going to parties and having fun. Although Beth was pretty enough and had a great personality (or so her mom kept telling her), she knew she tended to be a bit shy, and had always enjoyed schoolwork… which was typically enough to keep girls like Trisha from seeing her as a social equal. Although Beth was okay with being ‘just another girl’, she hadn’t made any new friends at this school and was beginning to worry that she’d been labeled an outcast. Trisha had never taken the time to speak with her outside of what was necessary for school, so Beth was curious what she wanted.
“Um, sure Trish, what’s up?”
Trisha grabbed Beth’s hand. “Follow me. I want to talk to you in private.”
Trisha weaved her way with Beth into the packed hallway, but instead of following the crowd streaming towards the exit they moved against the flow, finally stopping inside a vacant, dimly lit stairwell at the back of the school. The din of noisy, yelling students gradually faded as the school emptied.
“What are we doing here, Trish? I’ll be late getting home.”
Trisha smiled with a kind of odd, secretive grin. “This’ll only take a minute. I know you’re new in school and I haven’t talked with you much, but you’ve been here two months already and you haven’t found any friends.”
Beth opened her mouth to object, embarrassed that someone like Trisha was monitoring her apparently nonexistent social life. Trisha sensed this and spoke again quickly.
“Don’t worry, I’m not here to give you a hard time. I’d actually like to make you an offer that could get you a lot of friends.”
Beth closed her mouth.
Trisha continued, “I’m sure you’ve heard some rumors about me, that I’m part of a special club. Do you know what it is?”
Shaking her head, Beth mumbled, ”Well, I heard someone saying that you and some of the other, uh, popular girls are all part of some secret thing… and they want to get into it too, but they don’t actually know what it is.”
Trisha grinned broadly. “And that’s just the way we like to keep it. Only those in the club know what we do or even what it’s called. Last night we had a vote and, well, we all decided that you should join us.”
Beth’s mouth fell open in shock. The popular girls wanted her to join them? She couldn’t believe it. “Uh, me, really? But why?”
“We really like you – we’ve been watching you for a while, and think you’ll fit right in.” Trisha emphasized that by quickly running her eyes up and down Beth’s body, which Beth found slightly disconcerting. “Now, we’re really picky on who we invite, and we first have to absolutely trust you. So if you want to join you’ll have to agree to do something.”
“Um, w-what?” stuttered Beth, suddenly panicking that this was all too good to be true and she wasn’t going to get to join after all.
“Well… it’s a little bit naughty, but that’s like what the club’s all about. You just have to trust us before we can trust you. So to join, you have to agree to do whatever we ask, but I can’t tell you what it is first. Call it your initiation.”
Beth hesitated, the logical part of her brain screaming at her to be cautious. “I don’t know about that… how do I know this isn’t going to be some sort of trick?”
Trisha slipped off her backpack and unzipped it. She rummaged around inside and came out holding a small digital video camera. “What you have to do is film yourself performing a dare with this camera. Full instructions are recorded on it, but before you can have it, you have to absolutely promise you’re going to do whatever it asks. Everyone in the club did it to join, even me. So you know it’s not a trick, there’s proof in here you can watch, but once you accept there’s no backing out.”
Beth reached toward the video camera but Trisha snatched it back, her expression shifting from friendly to serious, shaking the camera at Beth as she continued speaking. “This is a very secret club. If you take this, you’re joining us for real. So if you don’t do what it says or if you ever talk about the club to anyone else,” she paused for dramatic effect, “I will make your life fucking hell.”
Standing there slightly stunned at the force behind Trish’s words, Beth thought about what she was being offered. Joining the popular girls could very well change her life for the better at school… but what in the world did they want her to do? Would it get her in trouble?
Beth reached out and placed her hand on the camera. “I don’t have to do anything against the law, do I? Like steal something, or hurt someone?”
Trisha’s serious look instantly disappeared and she laughed, deep blue eyes sparking in the dim light of the stairwell. “Of course not – in fact, I know you’re going to like it. So, you swear you’ll do the dare and join us?”
Even though Beth didn’t know what the club was actually for, she didn’t care. Her longing to fit in at school and be accepted, bolstered by the thought of hanging out with the A-crowd and maybe becoming one of them herself, squashed any hesitation she had over the unknown dare. It had to be worth the risk.
She made up her mind and nodded, smiling as she accepted the camera. “Yes, I swear… I’ll do it.”
Trisha’s face beamed with joy as she rubbed her hands together. “Great! I’ll expect the camera back on Monday. Like I said, watch the first video to see what you have to do, and then there’s a couple other videos with members doing their dares.” She smiled slyly, “You’ll probably find those help a lot.”
Then Trisha reached out and grabbed Beth’s free hand with her own, looking deeply into her eyes with an expression that the redhead couldn’t place. “I’m so glad you agreed. We really wanted you.” After that, she turned and opened the stairwell door to leave.
Suddenly remembering something, Beth called out, “Hey, wait a minute — what’s the club called?”
Looking over her shoulder, the blonde answered, “The O Girls.”
“Huh? What do you mean, ‘oh’? What is this, some sort of Oprah cult?”
With a mischievous grin, Trisha laughed and replied, “Far from it. Just watch the video, okay? And make sure you’re all by yourself when you do.”
With that Trisha walked out, leaving Beth alone and confused, holding the video camera. The O Girls? What the hell? Although tempted to switch on the camera right there in the stairwell and see what secrets it held, she knew her mother would start worrying if she was too late getting home. So she dropped it in her backpack and left, running down the empty school hallway towards her bike.
She had a feeling this was going to be a very interesting weekend.
* * *
It was early Saturday morning before Beth got a chance to look at the camera’s contents. Curiosity had been killing her the night before, but she wanted to make sure she had enough time and privacy to figure out what this so-called dare involved. Since her family always slept in late on the weekends, usually until at least 10 AM, Beth set her alarm clock early to 7 AM. She awakened feeling a mixture of nervous apprehension and excitement.
Last night she’d noticed that the video camera had a television output jack, and she snuck a cable from her dad’s supply so she could watch whatever it held on the big LCD screen in her bedroom, instead of on the camera’s tiny one. Plugging everything in, she sat cross-legged in her favorite white pajamas at the end of her bed and switched the camera to play mode. It made a ‘bong’ sound through the television’s speakers, and flashed a logo, then displayed a list of recorded files. There was one file named WATCHME with a date from late Thursday night, and then three others with non-descriptive names dating from nearly a year ago up until last month.
She used the camera’s tiny joystick to move the cursor over to the WATCHME file and pressed play. The screen flickered with static for a few seconds, then solidified into the blurry image of something red. There were a few loud thumping sounds and the picture wobbled as the camera was put on a table. A figure stepped back, the focus adjusted, and Beth saw that it was Trisha standing in what must have been her bedroom. The window across from the camera was black, the only illumination coming from her bedside light. Trisha wore a red t-shirt and skinny blue jeans, her blonde hair held back with a black headband. Beth couldn’t help but notice how Trisha’s perky little breasts and hard nipples showed clearly through the thin material of the skin-tight shirt, the single source of light emphasizing their shape by casting long shadows across her chest.
“Hi Beth,” came Trisha’s friendly voice through the speakers, “If you’re watching this then you’ve decided to join us, and I’m only making this because I knew you would. The girls and I are really excited to have you join. As I’m sure I already told you, this is a very secret club, and the first rule is you must never talk about it to anyone, especially your parents or friends. What’s on this camera is just between us.”
Trisha leaned in closer and grinned. “Welcome to ‘The O Girls’! There are five members so far — me, Katie, Johanna, Britney, Abby, and now you to make an even six. I’m kind of the leader, but we all decide things together, like deciding on you. In case you’re wondering, the ‘O’ stands for orgasm, and the whole point of The O Girls is to have them.”
Beth’s face fell in shock. Orgasm? Although still young, she certainly knew what that meant. Was this some sort of sex club? Her heart thumped loudly in her chest as a sudden rush of adrenaline flooded into her veins. What had she gotten herself into?
The recorded Trisha continued explaining. “And now for your dare. You have to show us your O. That means you have to tape yourself coming. And not just showing your face or in panties, you have to be naked and we have to see it. You can get off however you want, but don’t try to fake it – we can tell. Everyone in the club’s already done it, and on this camera you’ll find me, and Johanna’s and Abby’s videos to prove that we’re for real… and maybe even give you some ideas.
“Rule number two is that we get ourselves and each other off all the time, so don’t be surprised if we’re a little frisky with you. We all want that amazing feeling, and getting it from someone else feels twice as good. Sleepovers, after-school homework, play dates, hanging out – there’s a lot of chances to get together, and when we can’t there’s webcams and making tapes to swap.”
Beth still couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She had discovered the joys of masturbation about a year earlier after a surprisingly graphic sex education video at school made her extremely curious, but while she certainly enjoyed giving her body the happy feeling – quite frequently, in fact – she’d never considered doing that sort of thing in front of someone else, or with another girl. She’d always known it was a private thing, and what they were doing was sick… wasn’t it?
On-screen, Trisha sat down on her bed before continuing. “If you’re wondering why we picked you, it actually started off as kind of a tease – we should invite the brainy new girl with no friends, right? But then we kept an eye on you and decided you were actually really nice. And the more I watched you, the more I noticed that you have a friggin’ hot body.”
Trisha licked her lips as her hand moved to her crotch, touching herself through her jeans. “Sitting behind you in class every day, I can’t stop thinking about grabbing that yummy ass you keep teasing me with, pressing my lips into yours and sucking on your tongue… then sliding my hand down your pants and feeling your wet cunny. Hey, someday I’ll probably do that.”
Beth’s face flushed a deep red color – almost matching her hair – to hear someone talk about her so crudely, especially a girl her own age that she barely knew. Still, a part of her was deeply flattered that Trisha thought of her that way. Was she really that sexy?
Trisha continued, “And we already know you’re totally into girls. We tested you for a couple weeks and saw how closely you looked when one of us flashed you. Like the other day in the locker room at the gym when Katie bent over right in front of you in her thong. Remember how it was sweaty and you could see right through it? That was just for you, and you really seemed to enjoy getting an eyeful of her ass.”
If it was possible, Beth’s face flushed an even deeper shade of red in complete embarrassment. The truth was she had been checking out girls while they were changing, but she didn’t think anyone had noticed. No one really got naked in there, since all they did was change in and out of sweats for gym class, but she still enjoyed sneaking glances at girls in their skimpy panties, and especially liked it when someone didn’t wear a bra. Did that mean she liked girls, and not boys? Or maybe she just liked both.
Beth realized that Trisha was still talking on the TV screen. “…and I know we all feel the same way. Well, it’s late now, and I gotta finish what I started here before I can get to sleep. I’ll be thinking sexy thoughts about you, hoping you’ll join.” Trisha stood up and added, “Now you just have one thing to do: show me your O!” She reached out toward the camera and the screen went dark.
Her hand shaking, Beth put the camera down and flopped on her back, staring vacantly at the light fixture on the ceiling. What had she gotten herself into? She’d never done anything even vaguely sexual with anyone else in the past, and here she was expected to make a nude tape of herself getting off so five girls she barely knew could watch her – and who knew how many others might see it in the future. Much to her chagrin, that thought generated a lustful longing deep in her body. What kind of horny slut was she to actually like that idea?
Beth sat up and grabbed the camera. She had to see those other videos to find out if this was for real. Selecting the first file dated nearly a year ago she pressed Play and leaned back. The television screen flickered to a bedroom she already recognized – it was Trisha’s, but some things had moved around and this time bright daylight streamed through the window across from the camera. Trisha stepped into view from the side wearing light purple pajamas, a beam of sunlight shining on her back and causing her golden blonde hair to glow like a halo around her head. She looked a little younger than she had in the previous video.
“Hi,” said the girl on the screen in a cheerful voice, “I’m Trisha, and I just turned eleven last month. Right now I’m in fifth grade at Crestview Middle School, and I want to show you my O.”
Without hesitation she tugged her pajama top off in one smooth motion and Beth immediately perked up. Trisha’s undeveloped chest was essentially flat, the first swells of her budding breasts just beginning to stand out from her ribs. Beth knew that Trisha’s boobs had grown quite a bit since this video was shot, but it was really sexy seeing her younger like this. Despite her lack of development, Trisha’s nipples were unusually large and puffy, tinted a deep pink color that stood out proudly against her pale, untanned skin. She turned around and pulled down her pajama bottoms, exposing her perfect little girl ass. Trisha’s plump cheeks jiggled as she kicked the pajamas to the side. Oh wow, thought Beth, she’s actually naked!
Still facing the other way, Trisha slapped her ass with both hands and cupped her cheeks, squeezing them tightly. She pivoted to face the camera and walked towards it seductively, slender hips swaying side-to-side as the television screen filled with an extreme close-up of her crotch.
Beth gasped involuntarily at the amazing view of Trisha’s flawless pussy, so clear she could actually make out the texture of her skin. Trisha’s puffy outer lips were squeezed tightly between her thighs, creating a triangle of snow white flesh with two perfectly curved bulges at the bottom. Her clit hood and inner labia formed a prominent ridge of darker colored skin that carved a sensuous line down the middle of her fat mound before disappearing between her legs. A tuft of almost invisible blonde pubic hair sprouted above the dimpled crown of her furrow, and delicate fingers came from above to stroke the golden fuzz.
“This stuff’s new,” the girl’s voice said. “I kinda like it since it’s so soft.”
Just then the camera moved, panning upward to Trisha’s round and happy-looking face, her blue eyes sparkling with excitement. The image shook around a bit then settled at a higher perspective near the foot of her bed, looking over it at an angle. The camera shifted sideways until the entire bed was perfectly centered, and then the naked little girl stepped back into view and grinned toothily at the camera.
“This is my all-time favorite thing to do before school,” she whispered. Trisha turned and jumped on the bed stomach first, bouncing up and down as she landed.
She rose on her knees and grabbed a pillow, wedging it vertically between her legs and up against her pussy. Still facing away from the camera, she bent over and put her weight on her arms, then spread her knees and wiggled her crotch down on the bunched-up pillow. She began humping her hips slowly, rubbing her tiny twat in smooth strokes along it. Beth watched mesmerized as the pudgy little globes of Trisha’s buttocks clenched and unclenched while she steadily ground herself against the pillow. Her back arched and muscles flexed as she rode it in graceful, practiced motions. Wow, thought Beth, Trisha was really going to do this on tape!
Trisha began thrusting her pelvis harder and faster, the bed springs squeaking in protest at her rhythmic humping. After a minute she stopped and rolled over on her back, grabbing the pillow and pressing the part that had been touching her pussy against her face. After a moment she placed it under her head.
“It’s getting too wet, so I gotta stop that,” said Trisha quietly over the speakers. Beth wondered if Trisha would smell her pussy’s scent on that pillow all night long as she slept.
Beth feasted her eyes greedily on every nuance of Trisha’s undeveloped figure lying flat on the bed. Eventually she spread her legs, reaching down with both hands to stretch her vagina open as far as she could. The skin on the inside of her pussy crack was smooth and shiny, her inner labia sticking out like a fleshy little Mohawk until she grabbed the twin lips with her fingers and peeled them apart, fully exposing the intimate pink core of her juvenile sex. The small dark entrance of Trisha’s immature canal gaped open obscenely as she tugged her lips to the side, the moistness inside glistening in the light.
Beth felt her own pussy twitch at the incredibly intimate thing she was witnessing, and felt a drop of lubrication ooze slowly from her virgin hole and soak into the crotch of her pajamas. She was getting turned on something fierce, and all by another girl.
On the screen, Trisha delicately ran her finger between her labia, toying with the little flaps of skin before rubbing the length of her pussy with her hand. Beth could tell she was concentrating near the top, around her clitoris, and she knew for a fact that touching there felt especially good. Trisha began curling her fingers into the entrance of her pussy and dragging them upwards, and Beth figured she was spreading her wetness to make the rubbing easier.
As if reading her thoughts, the girl whispered almost inaudibly “I’m so wet down there… and it feels so good to rub it on myself…”
The camera angle wasn’t quite right to see the action clearly, so Beth leaned in towards the television as Trisha fingered herself with increasing passion, high-pitched mewing sounds escaping her open mouth. Beth had never heard a girl make noises like that before and found them highly erotic. She turned up the volume and discovered she could also hear Trisha’s tiny pussy making lewd slurping noises as she probed its depths with her fingers, gathering and spreading a slimy layer of liquid arousal over her yielding flesh.
Trisha’s mewing grew into earnest moans as she thrust her hips into her hand with even greater urgency, rocking back and forth on the bed and causing the headboard to bang lightly against the wall. Abruptly Trisha stopped and shifted her position closer to the camera, drawing her legs apart into a spread eagle position.
“I’m getting close, and I want you to see everything,” she said in an undertone.
Trisha tilted her pelvis upwards, shamelessly giving the camera a perfect view of her inflamed red pussy and the dark rosebud of her anus nestled between the swells of her buttocks. Trisha’s entire crotch glistened with wetness, and more seemed to be flowing down the crack of her ass. Since she hadn’t wet her hands with spit or anything, Beth knew that all that juice was straight from her pussy. Feeling the growing wetness between her own legs, she smiled knowingly.
With one hand Trisha pulled the skin at the top of her cleft and popped her swollen clit from under its hood, while with the other she began directly stroking the bright pink bump, occasionally dipping her fingers in her leaking hole for fresh lubrication. Trisha threw her head back against the pillow, licking her lips and moaning “uh, uh, uh” as her body trembled and her thighs jiggled, the intense sensation of rubbing directly on her clit head driving her wild with lust. Her fingers moved faster and the pitch of her voice increased until all of a sudden she groaned and gasped, “Oh god, I’m gonna come!”
Trisha’s hips hunched upwards sharply, mashing her clit into her hand as her lungs sucked in short bursts of air. She froze, her mouth hanging open in an expression of agonized anticipation. Every muscle in Trisha’s young body clenched, the tendons in her calves standing out as she strained right on the edge of release. Beth swore she could see Trisha’s cunt gape open even wider and her fleshy pink canal start to push out, until suddenly the girl’s lungs released a rush of air and she shrieked, tossing her head and arching her back as her body writhed in a powerful climax. Muscles deep in the young girl’s vagina pulsed in rapid contractions, her stomach heaving and the dark star of her sphincter winking open and closed in time with each orgasmic convulsion. Trisha’s hand twitched on top of her clit, drawing out the feelings of ecstasy for as long as she could.
Beth had never watched another girl come before and thought Trisha looked absolutely beautiful – stunning, in fact.
Soon enough it was over, and Trisha lay spent on her back, breathing heavily with her legs splayed open and her satisfied sex organs on full display. Beth heard her mumble something to herself about a great ‘O’ as she ran her hands over her body. Eventually Trisha sighed contentedly and leaned over on her side, looking into the camera with a wide grin on her face and giggling. She was obviously quite pleased with herself. She looked between her legs and started laughing out loud, giving her pussy a few hard slaps with her hand as she looked back at the camera. “That was one of the best ever! I got so horny knowing someone’s gonna be watching this — it made me super wet. Just look at my bed!”
Trisha stood up and took the camera, holding it over the bed as she focused on a dark wet stain that her masturbation session had left on the sheets. Beth could see the outline of Trisha’s ass from where her pussy’s leaking juices had pooled around it, and there was a smear of something thick and white in the middle. The camera swung up to her face. “Just look at the mess I made,” she whispered, biting her bottom lip playfully. “I’m such a dirty girl… I don’t know what my mom thinks of my sheets when she changes them!”
The camera’s view blurred and re-focused on a close-up of Trisha’s now red and swollen pussy. Her skin was glossy with slick lubrication and thick white cream oozed from between her protruding labia. With one hand Trisha spread the top of her furrow, pulling the skin of her clit hood back and for the first time giving Beth a close-up look at the pointed pink nub of her bloated clitoris. Gooey strings of lubrication stretched from one side of her deep cleft to the other.
“She’s so big now,” commented Trish, obviously referencing her clit. “She still feels like she’s on fire!”
Trisha released her grip and her little love button disappeared amongst the soothing warm folds of flesh. Her fingers moved lower, sliding along her labia and between her legs, coming out coated with gooey pussy juice and streaks of something thick and white. Her gleaming fingers moved upwards, the camera following them all the way until she stuck them in her mouth and cleaned them off with a loud smack of her lips. She moaned appreciatively at the heady taste of her aftermath.
“I love making myself come like that before school… then my pussy feels warm and happy all morning.” Her hand disappeared from view and came back with another thick coating of sexual fluids that she again sucked from her fingers.
Trisha smiled into the camera and licked her lips. “Mmm, I hoped you liked watching my O… I really enjoyed showing it to you.” The camera shook as she picked it up, and a moment later the screen went black. The video was over.
Beth sat on the edge of her bed, too stunned to move. That was so fucking hot, she thought to herself, slightly uncomfortable at her own use of foul language even if it was only in her head.
She reached down to her crotch and found that her pajama bottoms now had a very large wet spot, the damp fabric wedged in the crack of her pussy and clinging to her skin. Shifting her position, she felt another trickle of lubrication leak between her legs. She couldn’t believe she was so turned on — and all from watching another girl masturbate.
What would the next video show? Beth quickly queued up the second file.
Continue on to Part Two
Wow, that was hot! Bring on part 2.
Great story! Looking forward to the next chapter.
That ended way too soon, it was just getting hot. Can’t wait for the next part.
Loved it! I hope Mrs. Johnson and perhaps some of the mothers get involved too!
Lovely, erotic and stimulating and, full of promise : cant wait. Myka and Sophie.
Quite a delicious set up that might lead to anything. There’s something about performing for a camera that causes my inhibitions to evaporate. It’s a huge turn-on, not knowing who might watch the result. If it gets on to the internet, so much the better. Just imagine, all over the world, randy girls (and guys, if you like’em) watching and getting off to my performances, becoming inspired to do the same. An added bonus is that the videos will remain out there forever, long after I’m gone, giving pleasure to thousands of lusty lesbians.
Such an exciting first chapter. Thank you to each and every monkey.
Very erotic start to what looks like an amazing series of orgasmic chapters. Loved the detail and looking forward to the next chapter. Thanks 1000 Monkeys
I can see why you brought this over from Leslita – really something special!
Great chapter! Really loved the descriptive masterbation scene & how vivid O was.