Daria’s Dreams Chapter 1

  • Posted on May 25, 2018 at 8:40 am

by Jojo Starr

She was warm, and soft, and unbelievably pretty. So pretty it made Daria’s stomach twist up in knots and her throat unable to speak.

Daria felt her heart pounding and her body started to tingle all over. It was happening again and it felt good… so good. Daria could feel herself breathing heavier and her temperature rising fast. She felt her face and chest flush and another thrilling tingle took hold of her. She could feel the girl’s body heat close to her, and she felt her own temperature rise even higher.

The girl’s skin was so soft and smooth, her hands so delicate. Daria could smell the girl’s skin and hair, and it made her heart pound even faster.

She felt an urge inside – a deep, throbbing, incredibly powerful urge – stronger than she’d ever felt before. It was so intoxicating, so wonderfully thrilling and dizzying. This girl had a strange and intense power over Daria, and Daria felt absolutely helpless to resist it.

Daria wanted her – desperately. She’d never felt anything so powerful. Her body burned for her. Her breath was quick, her heart was beating out of control. She couldn’t resist the urge any longer. Her body trembling with desire, she leaned forward into the girl, opened her mouth, and…

Daria’s eyes opened wide. The girl had vanished, but her body was still throbbing with incredible desire.

Daria tried desperately to hang on to the memory – it had felt so good – but it was fading fast. The more she tried to recall it, the faster it seemed to fade.

She bit her lip and silently cursed herself. Her body was completely worked up – hot, tingling, and flushed. She had never been so aroused in her life – only in these dreams. And this was the fourth one already!

She swallowed dryly, wondering what it was all about. It was so strange for her… The dreams had always been about a girl, and Daria suspected it was the same one, but she could never remember the girl’s face.

Daria was utterly confused. She had never been attracted to girls before – at least that she was aware of – and yet these dreams had caused such incredibly powerful feelings in her. Feelings beyond anything she’d ever felt in real life for anyone – boys or girls.

Was she a lesbian? She had no idea. She didn’t want to throw a label on herself on the basis of a few dreams, especially when she didn’t feel anything particular for girls while she was awake.

But still, she couldn’t deny the power of those dreams. They were so powerful and so strong, and they awakened such wonderful feelings in her that made her feel so alive, so full of passion and desire.

She kind of hated to admit it to herself, but she secretly loved those dreams. They were so thrilling and so sexual and so intense. She was getting to the point where she kind of wished for them each night. They provided a welcome dose of excitement to her otherwise average, boring life.

So what if they were about a girl, she started to think. They were only dreams. It’s not like she was doing anything in real life. And besides, only she knew about them. They were her own private little secret.

Even so, at the same time, they were incredibly frustrating. They got Daria all worked up and excited beyond her wildest dreams, and then somehow they managed to stop right when she was about to do something really exciting and naughty, like kiss the girl. She desperately wanted the dream to continue, but after she woke up, her adrenaline was going so fast there was no way she was getting back to sleep.

It was also frustrating that she couldn’t remember the girl’s face. It always seemed like while she was dreaming, she was always looking right at the girl and into her eyes, which was part of why it was so exciting.

She knew the girl was pretty – the prettiest girl she’d ever seen, in fact. So pretty it made her whole body weak. But for the life of her, she couldn’t remember any specifics. If she could, maybe she could think about the girl during the day and get that same feeling back, maybe do a little bit of daydreaming. But without any specifics, there was nothing to hold on to, and nothing she could use to piece together the memory and recreate that feeling.

Daria bit her lip and looked over at her nightstand clock. It was 5:15 am. There was no point in trying to go back to sleep, since she would have to get up for school in another half hour. So she lay awake in bed and let her mind run wild, which was pretty much the only thing she could do.

Daria was sixteen, and a junior in high school. She had never had a boyfriend – didn’t see the point, really – and spent most of her time focusing on school and getting good grades. In fact, she hadn’t even really given sex much thought at all… until these dreams, that is. Thinking about sex had never really done much for her, and she never really had a desire to explore that side of life. She never masturbated – again, not really seeing the point – and never had any sexual urges – at least, none that she thought were worth spending any time on.

But lately things were different. These dreams had started a few weeks ago, and there was quite a gap between the first and second ones. But then the third one followed just a few days after the second one, and this one came just a few days after that. This was already the second one she’d had this week.

These dreams were awakening something in her body she didn’t know she had. Something deep and primal and powerfully sexual. A few weeks ago, Daria would have laughed if anyone asked her if she was a sexual person, but now she wasn’t so sure. These feelings were so intense and so wonderful, she was now starting to see the appeal and why people seemed to talk about sex so much.

Still, it’s not like she had any sexual experience to speak of, and she wouldn’t know what the hell to do if she was presented with an opportunity. All she had were urges. But, oh, what wonderful, incredibly thrilling urges!

All she could hope for was to keep having them and to try harder every time to hang on to those dreams before they faded from her memory. Maybe, just maybe, she would even be able to stay asleep long enough to actually DO something with that mystery girl! She could only hope.

Daria sighed and rolled onto her side. She looked across the room at the bed against the opposite wall and saw the small form of her sister under the sheets, breathing softly. Daria felt her heart melt as she lingered on her sister’s form. Miley was the one person in the world she loved more than anything else.

While most kids her age were idiots and only cared about partying or boyfriends or doing stupid stuff, Miley was different. She was sweet, kind, and incredibly intelligent. Miley was only fourteen and had just started high school, but already she was getting even better grades and was showing more promise and potential than Daria had at that age. Daria had no doubt Miley would go far in life – she might even end up changing the world one day.

Daria loved her sister so much. She was so impressed with how she was growing up and was so incredibly proud of her. All through junior high, Miley had gone against the grain and stayed ahead of her class, keeping her focus, not doing any of the stupid things her peers did. Daria had been incredibly impressed with that.

And now that she was in high school, Miley was already a member of five different clubs, on the swim team, and heading the honor roll committee for her class. She was destined for greatness, Daria just knew it. She had long conversations with Miley about staying focused and being future-oriented. They bonded over their knack for their studies and commiserated over being somewhat socially outcast. Neither had very many close friends, but they had each other. And that’s what mattered.

Daria was also shocked at what a beautiful young woman Miley was becoming. Miley was already much prettier than she was, and seemingly growing more and more beautiful by the day. If she kept this up, there would be no stopping what she could do in the world!

But still, Daria knew that with beauty came a price. She was careful to caution Miley against the distraction of boys and keep her mind focused on her studies. Daria knew that Miley really looked up to her, and she paid close attention to anything Daria said, following her advice to a T.

Their father had left when they were in single digits, and their mother worked fulltime, so in a sense, it kind of felt like Daria had raised her sister. It had certainly brought them closer together. Daria knew that no matter what happened in life, whatever college or career choices came their way, they would always have each other. And that was incredibly comforting.

Daria kept letting her mind go, thinking about all the wonderful times she and Miley had over the years and how incredibly proud of her she was. It was so nice and relaxing, and seemed to distract her almost completely from the frustration of her dream earlier.

It wasn’t long before Daria’s alarm finally went off and she sighed, knowing she would have to stop yet another wonderful train of thought to get out of bed and get ready for school.

As she climbed out of bed, she saw Miley stir. Daria took a moment to watch her sister wake up, just marveling at what an amazing, beautiful person she was.

Slowly, Miley turned over and opened her puffy eyes, her gaze settling on Daria.

Daria smiled.

“Hey,” Miley said, groggily.

“Hey, sis,” Daria smiled. “Sleep well?”

Miley nodded slowly. “Yeah, too well, I think,” she said. “It sucks to have to get up now.”

Daria chuckled. “I know what you mean.”

She held her sister’s gaze, smiling sweetly.

Miley smiled back, and Daria was once again so incredibly grateful for the connection they had together.

She sighed, resigning herself to the day. “Well… mind if I use the bathroom first?”

Miley slowly shook her head. “Go ahead,” she said in a slightly gravelly voice.

Daria turned and walked to the bathroom, and as she did, she felt something a little curious. She looked down at herself and her heart practically pounded out of her chest.

The entire crotch of her panties was completely damp and darkened with moisture!

She was mortified! She had just been standing right in front of her sister, carrying on a conversation!

Had Miley noticed? Oh God, that would have been horrible!

Daria tried to keep her cool as she walked into the bathroom and closed and locked the door. Then she fell back against the wall, staring at herself in the mirror, panting with shock.

She couldn’t believe it! It was SO OBVIOUS! There was no way Miley could have missed it. Oh God, what must she be THINKING?That I’d peed!That I’d… MASTURBATED!

Daria panicked as she reached over, spinning the roll of toilet paper, and tore off a bunch. She began wiping the front of her panties, but that did absolutely nothing. She then pulled the waistband of her panties away from her body and looked down. Her eyes widened in shock. There was a thick, gooey puddle of fluid on the crotch of her panties with several thick strands stretching up to her puffy, swollen pussy lips.

What the hell had happened to her? She quickly shoved the wadded toilet paper down into her panties and began soaking up the fluids, wiping herself as well. She pulled the wad back out and inspected it, scrunching her nose as she looked at the thick, creamy fluid coating the wad. She leaned her nose close to it and immediately pulled back, eyes wide. It was SO strong! She threw the toilet paper into the toilet and then sat down and started to pee.

As she peed, she looked down into the crotch of her panties that was staring right up at her from between her legs. It was absolutely soaked. She didn’t know how she’d be able to hide it from her sister. She would have to walk out of the bathroom eventually, and Miley would be walking in. Surely she would see it again! 

Daria contemplated pulling another pair of dirty panties out of the laundry and putting those on, but that would be just as suspicious, she thought. Miley would surely wonder why she had changed her panties before she’d even taken a shower. What was she going to do?

She decided she would just get in the shower and unlock the door so Miley could brush her teeth. It was the only way. They didn’t usually share the bathroom like this, being respectful of each other’s space. Even though they shared a room, the bathroom was always a private space where they would be alone. But this time Daria didn’t have a choice.

She finished peeing and wiped herself, then took off all her clothes and threw them in the hamper. Then she turned on the shower, unlocked the door, and stepped in the shower under the water.

“Hey!” Daria called out once she was in the shower. “Sorry, I just needed to get in the shower. I just felt really nasty for some reason…”

As soon as she said it, she realized she could have given herself away. She cursed herself, squeezing her eyes shut. “Um… So… you can go ahead and brush your teeth or whatever. The door’s unlocked!”

“Oh… okay!” Miley called out, her tone clearly acknowledging the unusualness of the situation.

A few seconds later, Daria heard the bathroom door open. She felt a strange sensation as her sister entered the room. Somehow, it felt like Miley was invading on her personal space and Daria was acutely aware of the nakedness of her body in the presence of her sister, even though the shower doors were heavily frosted. It was a strange sensation, but not entirely uncomfortable. Daria couldn’t quite put her finger on it, but it was definitely weird.

“Hey, um…” Miley began. “I’ve gotta pee… Is that okay?”

Daria realized she was trapped. She couldn’t deny her sister one of the body’s most basic urges, especially when she wasn’t doing anything to directly prevent her.

“Um, yeah! Sure,” she said, trying to be as casual as possible.

She was surprised at how shaken up her “underwear situation” had gotten her.

Daria heard the toilet lid go up and somehow it seemed magnified in the small room. The toilet was right next to the shower and no matter how much Daria tried, she found herself unable to ignore it.

Her eyes shifted over, and through the frosted glass, she could see the blurry form of her sister pull down her panties and sit down on the toilet. Something twitched inside of Daria – she didn’t know why. Why was she even looking that way? She turned her head away and tried to focus on washing herself, but a few seconds later, she began to hear Miley’s pee hitting the water.

Somehow the sound, just like the toilet lid, was magnified in her head and she couldn’t shake the image of her sister sitting on the toilet peeing. It was an image that had never entered her mind before and it was strangely unsettling. For the entire duration of Miley’s pee, Daria couldn’t stop thinking about it. It was weird, and twisted, she knew, so why was she doing it? She had no idea. Suddenly she realized her heart was pounding and her stomach was tying itself in knots. The only other time she had felt like that was…

No! Stop!Daria shook her head and pushed those thoughts away. What the hell was wrong with her? It must be all her nerves from freaking out about her panties earlier… and all the crazy things she had felt in her dream. They were playing all kinds of tricks on her and it was really weird and freaky.

Suddenly, Daria heard the toilet flush and she kept her eyes closed so she wouldn’t be tempted to look out through the frosted glass again and see her sister pull her underwear back up. It was a good thing she didn’t see her wiping, either, she thought. Wait, shit! Why am I thinking it now? Stop it, Daria, stop it!

A few seconds later, Miley had turned on the faucet and began washing her face and brushing her teeth. That, at least, was far less distracting.

Daria pushed everything out of her head, focusing on washing herself. She forced herself to think of all the things she had to get done that day and all the assignments that were coming up in her classes. That definitely distracted her and she was able to finish washing herself until Miley finally walked out of the bathroom and closed the door, leaving Daria alone in the bathroom.


After that incredibly strange morning, Daria seemed to have no problem getting back to what was really important – her studies. She was applying to colleges next year and had already started doing some preliminary research on it. It was so exhausting and time-consuming, it took up most of the afternoon. Daria went the whole rest of the day trying to forget, as much as possible, the strange events of that morning. That night, she actually made a point of NOT wishing for another dream like she had the previous night.

And she didn’t. The next day she woke up refreshed and ready to start the day anew. She was glad she had one less thing to worry about as she threw herself completely into her studies and college research.

The next day was just the same, only as she was doing her history homework, for an ever-so-brief moment, she found herself wanting to feel again like she felt in those dreams. It had been a while – well, only a few days – and she was starting to… want it again? She didn’t know. It did feel so incredible, she remembered. But it was also a terrible distraction. Maybe it was best she didn’t have those dreams anymore, after all.


And then… there she was, like a miracle, the girl of her dreams. All the incredible sensations came back to her, the heat, the buildup, the desire.

Daria was hot and flushed. She couldn’t help it. She wanted it. This time, she really wanted it. The girl created so much heat in her, so much life. And she was so beautiful, so incredibly beautiful. She stirred such incredible passions in Daria, she felt like anything was possible.

Daria felt her breathing increase. She couldn’t believe she was here with her again… She wanted her so badly, more than anything. She was flushed and hot, and her body tingled all over. The girl was so soft, so sensual, so feminine.

Daria felt herself tremble in the face of this girl’s exquisite beauty. The attraction between them was like nothing she’d ever felt. Somehow she knew the girl was feeling the exact same things she was. She could see it in her face, feel it in her heat, smell it emanating from her. They looked at each other, breathing deeply, knowing they both wanted it more than anything.

The girl reached out her soft, delicate hands to touch Daria, and Daria reached out to touch the girl’s soft, smooth skin. Warmth. Heat. Shudders ran up and down their bodies. Their breathing got hotter and heavier. They were close, so close.

Daria could feel the girl’s heat against her and it drove her wild. She could feel the girl’s hot breath on her face, her hot, wonderful, delicious breath. Daria breathed it in and shuddered. It was so sexy, so feminine.

There was an understanding between them, an attraction they felt deep inside their bodies. They both wanted it, to kiss. They both desperately wanted to feel their lips on each other. It would be so wonderful, so thrilling, so hot.

Daria leaned her face toward the girl’s and tilted it at an angle. The girl moved right with her, tilting her head in the opposite direction. They were breathing hot and heavy, right against each other’s mouths.

Daria could smell the girl’s scent – her body, her aroma, her breath. It was intoxicating beyond her wildest imagination. Somehow she knew – they both knew – this kiss would be more than just a kiss. It was the culmination of something, but she couldn’t tell what. Right then, she really didn’t care. She just wanted to kiss the girl. Feel her lips on hers. Get to the point she’d always longed for but had never been able to achieve.

Her body ached like never before. She trembled, her heart pounded, her sex throbbed. Then, she leaned forward, and their lips made contact, wonderful, glorious, intense contact.

The thrills and sensations that coursed through Daria’s body at that moment were unlike anything she had ever felt. It was powerfully intense and she found herself gasping desperately for breath. All her nerves were alive and throbbing with a fiery electricity that thrilled her. It was indescribable – so wonderful, so thrilling, and so powerful. She felt better than she ever had in her life. She felt her heart melt and felt intensely connected with this girl, more than she realized previously.

It was like a light bulb went on and she suddenly realized who it was. She’d known it all along, she realized, but now, with this kiss and this thrilling rush of sensations, the clarity of it was obvious. Daria felt another incredible rush course through her as she kissed her sister Miley, happy that she was giving her the same thrilling rush she was experiencing right then.

Daria’s eyes opened in a flash. She was gasping for breath. It was dark and she was still in her bed. Her body still tingled from the incredible intensity of the sensations she’d just experienced. For a second, all she felt was bliss – wonderful, thrilling bliss. And then in the next second, she recalled her dream, and the clarity of who the girl was hit her like a ton of bricks.

She had been thinking about Miley, her own sister, her OWN SISTER! What the hell was wrong with her? Daria’s stomach churned and she felt like she was going to be sick. But the sensations… they had felt so incredible… They were stronger and more intense this time than they’d ever been. What the hell was happening to her?

Daria was so confused. She buried her face in her pillow and tried to forget everything. But it wouldn’t go away. Images of Miley flashed through her mind – sitting in front of her, breathing heavily, hot, flushed, awakening those feelings in Daria all over again. Daria tossed around again in frustration. Was she going crazy?

Daria knew she had to relax. She lay still and took several deep breaths to calm herself down. She was smart. She could figure this out. There had to be a rational explanation for all this.

She ran through several possibilities in her head. Maybe Miley had, for some reason, just popped into her head at the last minute and the mystery girl hadn’t really been her at all. But the more Daria thought about that, the more she knew it wasn’t true.

Each time she thought about Miley being the mystery girl, she felt a knot of nausea in the pit of her stomach, but she also felt her heart thump harder and a thrilling twinge throughout the rest of her body that was eerily similar to the arousal she’d felt in the dream. She knew it was wrong to think about her sister that way, but somehow her body overrode that. She couldn’t control what she felt, and when she thought about the girl in her dreams being Miley, she felt an erotic rush.

What did this mean? Was she attracted to her little sister?? Daria thought about Miley and all the times they’d shared, all the things they’d done together. She felt so much love for her sister it was overwhelming.

And then, suddenly, she realized how close they were. They had been close their whole lives. Even when the option to get their own rooms came up, they decided to stay in the same room together because they were that happy being around each other. Miley was the one person in her life she loved more than anything. Could it be possible she loved her in a sexual way too?

Daria bit her lip and admitted to herself that her sister was extraordinarily beautiful. Sometimes she would just look at her and simply marvel that anyone could be so gorgeous. But even those times, she surely didn’t feel anything sexual toward her, did she? Were these dreams somehow expressing feelings she’d always felt but never wanted to confront? She remembered Freud’s theories on dreams, but that couldn’t be true, could it? Everyone agreed Freud was outdated. Right?

Daria let these thoughts play around in her head until her alarm went off again. She looked across the room and saw Miley begin to stir. Something inside her stomach churned and she realized she couldn’t deal with Miley right now. She couldn’t even look at her. It was too confusing. So she did the only thing she could think of and pretend to be asleep.

Daria lay completely still as she heard her sister slowly get up and turn off the alarm. She heard Miley climb out of bed and walk over to her own bed. A tingle rushed through her body. Then she felt Miley’s hand on her shoulder, her soft, gentle, feminine hand. Daria felt another thrill rush through her that she couldn’t ignore. It was wonderful and she hated herself for feeling it.

“Hey,” Miley whispered. “Time to get up.”

Daria just groaned, pretending to be asleep. “You go ahead,” she said, her eyes still closed. “I’ll be up in a minute.”

“’Kay,” Miley said, and walked off toward the bathroom, closing the door.

Daria snapped her eyes open.

What the hell am I going to do? I can’t avoid my sister like this forever. We live together. Hell, we live in the same room! 

She started to panic, not seeing any easy way out of this problem. Then she shook her head and told herself to focus. First things was first. She had to get out of bed.

Then she remembered what happened last time. Daria slid her hand down between her legs and felt her panties were thoroughly soaked. Her eyes popped open wide in surprise. Not only that, but her pussy was incredibly sensitive to the touch – more so than it had ever been.

She threw off her sheets and sat up. She hooked her thumbs in the waistband of her panties and pulled them back. Her eyes widened as she saw that there was an even bigger puddle of fluid than there had been last time and it completely covered her crotch. She had to clean this up.

Daria stood up, perhaps a little too fast, as her head suddenly felt faint. Slowly, she regained her senses and ran to her drawer to grab a new pair of panties. She slowly began to pull the ones she had on down, pressing them tight against her body as she tried to wipe away all the fluids that covered her.

When she got to her pussy, wiping heavily across it, she gasped, her knees momentarily going weak. She couldn’t believe how sensitive she was down there! She pulled her panties all the way off, wadded them up, and continued to wipe the excess fluids that still coated her pussy. Then she tossed them into the hamper and put on a clean pair just as she heard the bathroom door open.

“Hey,” Miley said, stepping out into the room.

“H-hey…” Daria said, still terribly flustered.

Miley looked up at her sister, curiously.

“You okay?” she asked.

Daria was startled.

Did she suspect something?

“Uh… Y-yeah, it’s… It’s nothing. I’m fine.”

Miley looked skeptical.

“You look a little… I dunno, startled or something.”

“Uh, no… No, I’m… I’m fine,” Daria stuttered. She knew Miley would never buy it. She thought quickly. “I just… I just had a… a bad dream, that’s all,” she said, praying Miley would be satisfied with that.

Miley just raised her eyebrows nonchalantly. “Oh,” she said, and walked back to her side of the room.

Daria breathed a sigh of relief.

“Well… I’m gonna pop in the shower, if that’s okay with you,” she said.

“Sure, go ahead,” Miley said.

Daria rushed into the bathroom, closing and locking the door, relieved to finally have some time and space to herself.

As she sat on the toilet peeing, she was surprised to find that she was actually catching her breath. What is wrong with me?She kept thinking over and over again.

When she finally climbed into the shower, she took a deep breath and tried to relax. Everything had been so hectic so far, it was nice to have some warm water cascading over her body and some time to think.

She was so surprised at how sensitive her private parts were, she knew there had to be a reason. Why was it so much more intense last night? She had never felt anything like it. It was so powerful, it was almost like… and then it hit her.

It was an orgasm.I just had my very first orgasm. 

That’s why it was so intense. It made perfect sense. Her mind spun at the realization. As she recalled the sensations she’d felt, she realized it had been the most incredible and powerful feeling she’d ever experienced.

And then her stomach flipped. The moment she had the orgasm was the moment she finally kissed the dream girl, and the moment she realized the dream girl was her sister. The idea of kissing her own sister had made her come for the very first time.

Daria’s mind spun even more. She didn’t know if she could handle how heavy all this was. She loved that sensation dearly, and desperately wanted to experience it again.

But she got it while thinking about her sister! And she had never come close to anything like it before in her life. Would she ever again? Was she doomed to link an orgasm with thoughts of her sister? Is that what she would have to think about if she ever wanted another one? What the hell was wrong with her?!

Daria was tired of thinking. She tried to shut her mind off as best she could and finish her shower.

Continue on to Chapter 2


No comments on Daria’s Dreams Chapter 1

  1. Margaret says:

    Such a lovely story of sexual awakening. Can’t wait to see how Daria responds to her strong sexual feelings for her sister.

  2. gordon says:

    waiting for the next story please send soon

  3. Farrar says:

    Beautiful and waiting patiently

  4. Jojo Starr says:

    Thanks, I’m so glad you all enjoyed it! The next part is written and is currently being edited. Hopefully it will be up soon!

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