
  • Posted on May 31, 2018 at 9:23 am


Click to see more from Anonymous

No comments on Celebrate

  1. Miss Phael says:

    Mmmm twins. Is there a story on here involving young twins?

  2. Amandalynn says:

    Twins play a prominent roll in my story, The Holly and the Ivy.

  3. L says:

    My, my, what an erotic picture. Luv’ it.

  4. Miss Phael says:

    Thanks Amandalynn, I’ll check that out.

  5. kraM says:

    I’ve emailed the admins about having other drawings that people might enjoy here. They haven’t responded.

    [email protected]

    • Cheryl says:

      kraM, I went back an entire year in the JS email and didn’t see your email. Perhaps it was lost in transit. I also checked my personal email associated with this site and didn’t find it, although I went back only to late April since that was about 500 emails and I didn’t want to keep moving from page to page scanning the sender names to go back further than that in time.

      Of course, if you emailed JetBoy, Amanda Lynn, or PoppaBear, I can’t speak to why you didn’t hear back. Frankly, an email to one of us would not be the way to approach this anyway. At the moment, JetBoy and I make all the final editorial decisions since we are currently the only remaining owners of the site. If you emailed Naughty Mommy, it will be months before you hear back due to her situation, and even then it would probably be among several hundred or even thousand emails to open and read. We still include NM on our emails regarding the website, and sometimes those amount to a dozen or so a day. I actually received over twenty site-related emails just the other day. There’s no telling how often she is able to retrieve emails, so consider the daunting task of opening your email and seeing you have 836 emails to read, which is probably a very conservative estimate. That could be her situation.

      So that explains why there was no response. If you are addressing questions about the site or making suggestions by email, your email should definitely go to the JS email, since we average about ten or so per week there and they are easier to notice and respond to. That address is [email protected].

      Perhaps I could respond to your question here: We try to include an “Anonymous” post about every three to four weeks at most. When Naughty Mommy went on hiatus, she left a few for us to post as time to do so arrived. Beyond that, we rely on our readers to submit them, which would be subject to our editing before posting them, of course.

      I hope this addresses your question/wish. I know you are a frequent visitor to the site and we deeply appreciate your input.

      Thank you!

  6. August says:

    That is a really hot picture.

  7. kat says:

    kraM, such a shame as that one is sweet

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