An Unlikely Romance – Chapter 1

  • Posted on June 8, 2018 at 10:43 am

By: Girl Lover

This story was sent to us by Girl Lover. We liked it but felt the sex scenes especially could use some “punching up,” as we say in the writing business. She admitted that she had a difficult time with this story and was happy to receive an assist from Juicy Secrets’ own Cheryl Taggert. Cheryl also provided editing of the original text of the story. Ninety-five percent of this story was written by Girl Lover, so she gets credit, with a nod to Cheryl for her added material.   –The Juicy Secrets Staff

Ten-year-old Akiko stood on the edge of the football field of McCallum Middle-High School, a combination middle school and high school, in the early morning. The air was still cool, though in a few hours the hot Texas sun would bake everything, as a chorus of noises filled the air from a couple dozen 6th grade to 12th grade girls. Some were doing cartwheels; others were reciting their cheers; still others were stretching. Akiko herself was just starting sixth grade, though she should have been in fifth. When her family moved to Austin, Texas, her father had her take advanced placement tests, moving her up a grade. Her eyes nervously watched the older girls on the field. Being new and not knowing anyone made her even more nervous than she already was. After watching for a few seconds more, she managed to pluck up her courage enough to walk over to the sign-in desk.

“Write your name, grade and uniform size,” came the instructions from the obviously bored older teen sitting behind the desk. She had given the same instructions several times during the last half hour and was sick of it. Akiko took the pen and wrote on the blank space. Akiko Hirabayashi. 6th grade. Size extra small.

The teen behind the desk frowned at the name, “A…A-key-koo Hi-ray,” pronouncing it wrongly, “bay…bah– What kind of name is that?!”

Akiko sighed silently. Everyone always had trouble pronouncing her Japanese name. “Ah-kee-ko Hee-ra-bah-yah-shi.”

The teen, however, wasn’t interested, and with a sniff of discontent, she reached into a box and handed Akiko a folded uniform wrapped in a plastic bag, along with a schedule. In her uninterested tone, she told her, “Practice is before school at 8:15. Jane and Elizabeth…,” she pointed to a couple of older high-school girls chatting nearby, “…will show you around.”

Akiko turned and began walking toward them. There was also another girl, seemingly her age, standing beside them. “Excuse me. I was told you would show me around,” Akiko asked quietly.

They turned toward her. “Oh hi,” one of them greeted her cheerfully, “You must be one of the new girls. This is Caroline. She’s new too.” Caroline waved. “Come on.”

They began walking toward the school building. “I’m Jane. This is Elizabeth. We’re in charge of new student orientation. We’ll show you where to go, where not to go, where the cafeteria is, where the student store is…everything you need to know.”

Walking inside the main hall, they turned to the right, down a side corridor. “This is the science hall.”

“That smell is from the dead animals they’re dissecting,” Elizabeth interrupted laughing.

“Yeah,” Jane joined in, “after they’re done, they take ‘em to the cafeteria.”

Both teens laughed as Akiko and Caroline remained quiet, looking apprehensively around at the closed doors, half-wondering if what they said was true. As they came to the corner, about to turn left, Elizabeth pointed to a set of double doors, exiting outside to a stairway leading down, “Those are the Kicker steps, but they’re off limits to you. You have to be a Kicker to use them.”

“Or a Kicker’s girl,” Jane added, “If you try to go by yourselves, the Kickers will throw you off.” The younger girls’ eyes widened in fear.

“What’s a Kicker?” Caroline asked curiously.

“Wanna-be cowboys.”

They continued down the corridors with Jane and Elizabeth pointing out different things as other students hung out in the halls, waiting for the first bell. Noticing a small group of ominous thugs huddled outside the building smoking blatantly, Caroline asked, “Who are they?”

“The assholes of the school,” Jane scowled contemptuously at them. “They’re nothing but a bunch of bullies,” Elizabeth echoed. “They’re always trying to start fights. Last year, they broke a girl’s arm, and once, they actually stabbed someone.”

Jane added, “Whatever you do, don’t get caught alone in the restroom.”

The group moved on. “Okay, here’s our lockers. We have this whole row staked out so pick an empty one.” Akiko and Caroline quickly went forth, claiming two lockers beside each other and happily began putting their things inside. As they finished, Jane and Elizabeth explained the cheerleaders’ routines, such as being on time for morning practice, wearing their uniforms during game days, sitting together during lunch and getting together on weekends. The new girls, excited to be part of such a prestigious group, couldn’t help grinning at everything that the cheerleader squad had to offer. Akiko was especially proud. Being so young and shy, she was worried about not fitting in, but here she was! A cheerleader!

Hearing a commotion, they turned to see the other cheerleaders approaching. “That’s Kerri,” Jane told them, nodding toward the tall, golden-hair teen leading the pack.

Clearly a senior and obviously in charge of the others, Kerri addressed Jane, “You tell ‘em what’s up?”


Kerri glanced at the new girls for a few seconds as if studying them, then proceeded to her locker along with the others. Akiko’s eyes followed her as she opened her locker. Kerri’s confidence and well-developed body were awe-inspiring. Definitely not the body of a scrawny little kid like Akiko was. To Akiko, she was the most beautiful girl she had ever seen.

The bell rang and so began her first day at her new school. During lunch, as she exited the fast food line, she slowly walked forward, scanning the enormous cafeteria for the cheerleader table. Seeing it, she walked over and then recognized Caroline sitting at the end of a table.

“Hi. Is it okay if I sit with you?” she greeted her shyly.

“Yeah uh…. What’s your name again?”


“Ah…” Caroline started, unsure of what the rest was.

“Ah-kee-ko,” Akiko said slowly.

“Akiko,” Caroline repeated, “I’m Caroline.”

Unlike Akiko, Caroline wasn’t shy and quickly made her feel welcome. They talked about being on the cheerleading squad and about being at a new school. They had most of their classes together, except the last one. Caroline was surprised that Akiko was only ten and they learned they were both in the orchestra.

As they talked, Akiko kept stealing glances at Kerri, sitting several chairs away, surrounded by several of the older girls.

“D’ya think she’s bossy?” Caroline suddenly asked.

Akiko shook her head, still staring absent-mindedly, “I think she’s beautiful.” Realizing what she just said, Akiko quickly turned to Caroline “I didn’t mean–”

Caroline smiled, “It’s okay. I know what you mean.”

After school let out, Akiko started for home.


Akiko turned around to see Caroline running toward her. “Is it ok if I walk home with you?”

“Yeah. Where do you live?” Akiko asked.

“On Spooner Street.”

“Really? I live right next to you on Evergreen Terrace. Hey, maybe we could walk to school together.”

“My dad drops me off at school on his way to work.”

“Oh,” Akiko said, disappointed. “Well, we can still walk home together can’t we?”


They chatted until they had to part ways, each going to her home. After getting home, Akiko’s mother came out of the kitchen, asking excitedly, “So, how was it?”

Akiko answered by smiling broadly while opening her backpack and pulling out her uniform, proudly showing it off. Taking it in her hands, her mom asked, “You did it?”

“Yeah! And I made a friend too! We can walk home together! They’re the coolest girls in the whole school–and they let me join them! Me!”

Her mom hugged her, “See, I told you it wouldn’t be so bad.”

“This is going to be so awesome, Mom! Now I’ll be one of the coolest girls in the whole school!”

“I’m so happy for you!”

Akiko started for her room, then turned back after a few steps, “I’m really going to like it here Mom.”

Later that night after Akiko was in bed, Kerri, the tall, beautiful girl,  came to her mind. Kerri. Such a pretty name. Just like her. She was…perfect.


Akiko was in high spirits the next morning as she skipped into the living room.

“Aren’t you excited,” her mom remarked, “You’re going dressed like that?”

“We’re supposed to wear our gym clothes for morning practice,” Akiko explained. “Bye!”

“But you haven’t had breakfast yet.”

“I’ll pick up something in the cafeteria. I wanna get there early,” Akiko replied, eagerly anticipating seeing Caroline again. As well as Kerri.

Akiko eagerly arrived on the field, excited and curious as to what they would be doing. As she was looking around, Caroline found her and ran over. “Hi Akiko.”

“Hello,” Akiko replied back, but before they could talk much, Kerri and a couple of the older girls began lining everyone up. Kerri led them through several moves as she or one of the other teens would correct any of their stances that were wrong. She was amazing to watch. Her seamless movements and jiggling breasts caused Akiko to lose focus on her own movements at times.

Practice went on for another half hour, then the girls went into the locker room to change out of their PE clothes. As Akiko and Caroline were in the midst of changing, they both stared in shock at how several of the older teens completely undressed and went into the shower. After staring in amazement for several seconds, Caroline asked, “Are you gonna take a shower?”

Eyes opened wide, Akiko fearfully shook her head, “Uh-uh!”

Caroline remarked, “Me either.”

As they were standing up to leave, Akiko suddenly noticed Kerri coming towards them, completely naked, carrying her towel by her side instead of wrapped around herself as the others did. Frozen in place, Akiko’s eyes followed as she walked past them to the shower.

After she passed, Caroline whispered laughingly, “OhmyGod! Did you see how big her boobs are?!”

Still in awe, Akiko breathed out quietly, “Yeaaah…”

Caroline grabbed her stuff, “You coming?”

“Umm,…,” then Akiko quickly blurted out, “I need to use the bathroom. Go on. I’ll see you in class.”

“Okay,” Caroline said before leaving. Akiko went into one of the bathroom stalls and closed the door, but remained standing, peeking out of the crack in the door frame. She didn’t need to go but just had to see Kerri again as she came out. She couldn’t see into the shower but watched hopefully through the crack.

After several torturous minutes, Kerri finally came out. Behind the door of the stall, Akiko stopped breathing in her admiration. Though she knew spying like this was wrong, she couldn’t help it. After Kerri left, Akiko slowly opened the door of the stall and came out. Releasing her breath, she stood there for a moment, replaying the scene over again in her mind. Then realizing that she had to go to class, she left.

For the rest of the day, Akiko gazed at Kerri every chance she could. She knew she could never approach her though. After all she was only a 6th grader, a little kid, while Kerri was practically an adult. So for all its futility, Akiko held on to what little she had, which was to simply admire her from afar.

Later that night as she laid in bed, her dreams took her back to the football field. Kerri was helping her with her moves. Holding her arms, guiding them into various poses. ‘You’re doing good,’ Kerri complimented her. ‘I think that’s enough practice. Do you want to take a shower with me?’ . . .

“Sweetie, it’s time to get up.”

Akiko opened her eyes, staring at her mother stupefied for a moment till she realized it was morning. Groaning in regret for having such a lovely dream interrupted, she sluggishly pulled back the covers. Getting up, the thought of seeing Kerri again spurred her to rush through breakfast so that she could get to school.

During the rest of that week, she began to get into the swing of things. She and Caroline learned about the Mac Shack, a fast food joint across the street from the school. It was the cool place to hang out. At practice, she became acquainted with more of the girls but was not nearly as close to them as she was to Caroline. After practice, she always came up with an excuse to remain behind in the locker room after Caroline left in order to catch a glimpse of Kerri coming out of the shower. Though she wanted to talk to Kerri, she was too shy and Kerri seemed too much out of her league.

On the last day, Friday, as they were walking home together, Caroline surprised her by asking, “Is there anyone that you like?”

Akiko looked at her funnily, “Like?”

“You know…,” Caroline smirked, “Like like. As in you got the hots for.”

Put on the spot, Akiko couldn’t help blushing, revealing her answer to Caroline.

Caroline crowed gleefully, “There is! Come on, who is it?!” Akiko looked down, her eyes darting nervously, fiercely trying to think of how to dodge the question. “Who is it?” Caroline prodded impatiently.

“Nobody! I…uh…don’t like anyone,” Akiko stammered in an obviously uncertain tone.

“Yes you do! Please tell me, I promise I won’t laugh.”

Despite Caroline’s assurance, Akiko still couldn’t bring herself to say that she had a crush on another girl, and so blurted out, “Josh Burton!”

“Josh Burton?!” Caroline’s face wrinkled in disgust. Akiko didn’t know why she chose Josh Burton. He was the first boy that popped into her head, and now it was out in the open. “Why do you like him?”

“I-I don’t know. I just do…But not a lot…Just…I don’t know,” Akiko stammered, becoming more uncomfortable by the second.

“It’s okay,” Caroline apologetically tried to reassure her. Akiko remained silent, halfheartedly smiling to show that she wasn’t upset.

“Caroline? What if–” Akiko hesitated.




Monday morning after practice. In the locker room, Caroline was waiting on Akiko to finish getting dressed. Akiko, purposely taking her time, told her, “I’ll see you in class.”

As soon as Caroline left, Akiko went into the bathroom stall. Peeking out through the crack, she was not able to see into the shower and tried to picture what Kerri would look like. Water running down her naked body. Her hands gliding over her skin, leaving a bubbly trail of soap, quickly washed away under the misty spray. Akiko’s eyes widened in desire. She had to take a peek! Quietly opening the door and seeing no one, she crept up to the doorway of the communal shower. Holding her breath, she slowly peeked around the edge of the doorway and froze. Kerri’s back was to her. Her golden hair clung wet against her upper back while water streamed down into the crack of her butt and down her legs. Akiko stood mesmerized, unable to turn away.


With a squeal, Akiko jerked around. Jessi, one of the older teens, stood there, staring down at Akiko, a scowl across her face. “Hey Kerri!”


“Caught this little dyke checking you out!”

Akiko jerked her head back to see Kerri walking over, her hard eyes penetrating her. Akiko felt the color draining from her face as her lower lip quivered slightly.

“You looking at me?” Kerri’s menacing voice was quiet, with an unmistakable threat in it.

Unable to speak, Akiko shook her head frightfully. After staring for several seconds, Kerri turned and walked back to the running shower. Akiko stood motionless for a moment, then fear caused her to bolt towards her locker, quickly snatching her backpack and tripping in her haste. Sprawling out on the floor, she jumped up and continued running out of the locker room. Once in the hallway, she slowed to a walk so as not to attract attention.

Quickly walking down the crowded hall, she kept her head down while a mixture of emotions filled her: fear, humiliation, but above all, sadness. Sadness over how one so beautiful could be so mean and frightening. All of the lovely images she had of Kerri were gone. As she approached her classroom, she managed to get her feelings in check so as not to arouse questions from the other kids. Still, the matter ate at her all that morning. Noticing that Akiko was quieter than usual, Caroline could see that something was wrong but didn’t ask.

At lunch as she sat down across from Caroline, Akiko glanced at Kerri and Jessi on the other side of the table, wondering if they told anyone, but they seemed to pay her no mind. Finally Caroline asked, “Is something wrong?”


“Well, you haven’t said anything all day.”

Akiko searched for an excuse, “I…just don’t feel like talking.”

After lunch, as they left the cafeteria and headed outside to go to the Mac Shack as they always did, Akiko, still upset, didn’t feel like going. She just wanted to be alone for a while. “You go on. I’m going to get some books from the library.”

In the library, Akiko went to the back wall to where the history and nature books she enjoyed reading were. Skimming the shelf, she chose a book and sat down in a comfortable chair set up against the wall, the tall shelves giving her some privacy. For a few minutes, she just stared blankly at the book as the locker room scene replayed in her mind. She had never felt as sad as she did now. She loved Kerri. And now her heart was broken.


Akiko jumped at the sound even though it was a quiet voice. Watching her from nearby was Samantha, an eighth grader. She was a pretty girl, but Akiko didn’t know her that well, being that they were in different grades. She was attractive, and being older, she had already begun to develop.

“I didn’t mean to scare you,” Samantha said quietly.

Akiko eyed her curiously as Samantha continued. “I was–” Samantha paused, looking nervous, “I don’t know how to say this, so I’m just going to say it.” She took a breath, “I’ve been watching you ever since you started school. I’ve been wanting to get to know you better, but I didn’t think you would be into–” She took another breath, then continued shyly, “I saw you in the locker room this morning.”

Akiko’s face instantly became alarmed prompting the girl to quickly add, “Don’t worry! No one else knows. I just–” she paused, smiling. “I just wanted to tell you that, um–” Samantha’s voice dropped to a whisper. “I like girls too.” Akiko’s eyes widened. “And I like you.” Akiko’s mouth dropped open. The morning’s events disappeared from Akiko’s mind as Samantha’s words sank in.

“Ever since I first saw you last week, I’ve been wanting to talk to you.” Samantha smiled and looked embarrassed for a moment, “Actually, um, I’ve been wanting to do more than just talk. I would–like to–uh–kiss you.”

Akiko froze, not knowing what to do.

“There’s an empty classroom in the Science Hall,” Samantha continued, “We could go there and–kiss if you want.” Samantha was very pretty. Before Akiko knew what she was doing, she was nodding her head. Samantha smiled and held out her hand. Akiko took it.

As they walked down the corridor to the Science Hall, Akiko grew more and more excited. Her first kiss! From a girl! Samantha stopped before a door and opened it. They stepped into a dim room, closing the door behind them. Samantha took her hand as Akiko’s heart was beating so hard she was afraid it would burst out of her chest.

“I’ve never done this before,” Samantha whispered excitedly.

“Neither have I,” Akiko whispered back, just as excited.

Samantha stepped closer as Akiko’s breathing became heavier. “Close your eyes,” Samantha whispered.

Akiko closed them. The only sound was her pounding heart. She felt Samantha’s lips on hers. . . .

Then explosive riots of laughter. Akiko’s eyes popped open to see a live frog from the biology classroom, touching her lips. She screamed, jerking back and falling over, smacking her head on the floor. Amidst a chorus of jeers and screams of laughter, she looked up at several girls surrounding her.

Samantha, an ugly grin on her face, pushed the frog towards her, taunting her in a comical voice, “I want to kiss you!”

Akiko tried to scramble back, but the girls pinned her in, chanting, “DYKE…DYKE…DYKE…

KISS ME!! Samantha screamed, pushing the frog against her.

Turning over and scrambling on her hands and knees, Akiko pushed her way through the girls. Flinging open the door, she fled blindly down the hall towards the nearest exit. Tears streaming down her face, she ran–not realizing where she was going till she found herself going across the empty football field, then behind the bleachers on the far side where she collapsed on the ground.

For several minutes she cried bitterly. First Kerri, then Samantha. How could girls be so cruel?! And horrible?! After her tears ran dry, she just stared blankly. Samantha had seemed so nice. The sadness took her again, as she laid on the ground, sobbing. She remained there even after the bell rang, signaling the return to class. She couldn’t go back. She wanted to just run away, but where? How? She couldn’t even tell anyone because the shame was too great. After several minutes, she slowly lifted herself up. First to a sitting position, then to her feet. She forced herself to walk back towards the school building, then inside.

She quietly shuffled along the silent, empty corridor, then to the bathroom to wash her face. Stepping up to the sink, she stared at the tear-streaked face in the mirror with its empty eyes. The life and joy was gone from them. Perhaps never to return. For the hundredth time, she asked why did this all happen. Well, not all girls were mean. Caroline was nice.

The silence was broken by the door opening. Akiko turned around and her stomach dropped as she froze in terror. Two older teens were watching her. She recognized them instantly. The punk thugs that Jane and Elizabeth had warned about on her first day.

Whatever you do, dont get caught alone in the restroom.’

“Well, what do we have here?” one of them smiled wickedly as she sauntered over. Towering a foot and a half taller than Akiko, the spiky-haired punk grabbed Akiko by the collar, “One of those fucking cheerleaders who thinks they’re better than everyone else!”

The other punk, taller than the first with her short, dark-blue, pixyish hair making her look more like a boy, came over, staring at Akiko with steely eyes.

“What the fuck you lookin’ at?! Think you’re better than me?” the first punk growled as Akiko desperately shook her head. Trembling, she closed her eyes. Then the sound of splattering water came to their ears. The spiky-haired punk looked down to see a growing yellow puddle on the floor between Akiko’s legs. The punk laughed, turning to the other, “Little bitch is pissing herself!”

The second punk continued to stare silently and emotionlessly at Akiko, then told the first punk in no uncertain terms, “Let’s go.” The punk released her grip on Akiko’s collar as both punks turned around and left the bathroom.

Akiko grabbed onto the sink as she thought for a second, she was going to throw up. After a minute, the feeling passed. Terrified that they might return, she grabbed several paper towels and quickly wiped up the puddle. Then after pulling up her dress, she wiped her legs as best she could. Realizing that she would have to throw her panties away too, she pulled them down and tossed them into the trash along with the paper towels. Then she stepped out into the hall as the bell rang, signaling the transition to the next period.

Going to her locker as students poured into the hallway, she quickly grabbed her textbook and went to her next class without speaking to anyone. Sitting at her desk, she crossed her legs, praying that no one would see that she wasn’t wearing panties as she kept her eyes down on the table, afraid to look at anyone.

Class went on as usual but the news of how the new girl was a dyke swept through the school. After class, as she walked to her locker, she tried to ignore the stares and whispers, but couldn’t. Approaching her locker, she first saw Caroline looking at her sadly, then noticed Samantha leaning arrogantly beside her locker, smiling nastily with the other cheerleaders tittering beside her.

Akiko lost control as she broke into a run, with the cheerleaders’ jeers following her, drowning out Caroline’s voice calling her name. Running to the nearest door leading outside, she ran out behind the building. Crying inconsolably, she didn’t hear Caroline’s voice until she touched her arm. Looking up, she saw for the first time someone who wasn’t horribly cruel. Someone who felt sorry for her and cared.

Caroline embraced her. “I don’t care what they’re saying. You’re my friend.” Akiko fell into her arms, sobbing uncontrollably.

“I’m s-so embarrassed. I-I don’t know what to do–I can’t go back.”

“Can we tell the teacher?” Caroline asked.

“N-no,” Akiko bawled, “It’ll just make it worse. S-Samantha will s-say I’m making it up. M-my parents will f-find out.”

The bell rang, signaling the start of the next class. “Come on,” Caroline took her hand, “We need to go.”

Akiko pulled back, “I can’t!”

“What are you going to do?”

“I don’t know.”

Caroline took her hand. “Please come. I’ll stay with you and won’t let anyone hurt you.”

Akiko let Caroline lead her back inside. The hall was empty as everyone was already in class, but down the hall beside their lockers, several adults were clustered around something on the floor. As they approached, they recognized the principal and vice-principle among the adults, as well as the nurse crouched down beside someone sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall. Caroline and Akiko’s eyes widened in shock as they recognized Samantha, her face bloody and bruised from being beaten.

“Please talk to us! Who did this to you?” the campus police officer asked Samantha.

“No one,” Samantha slurred. Her face was so battered that Akiko actually felt sorry for her.

“Why won’t you tell us? Girls! Why aren’t you in class?!” Caroline and Akiko turned toward the principal addressing them.

“We have to get our books,” Caroline replied in a small, frightened voice.

“Well, get them and get to class!”

The girls hurried to their lockers, quickly grabbed their books and scurried to class. “Geez! What happened to her?!” Caroline asked. Taking a look back, Akiko replied, “I don’t know.”

Continue on to Chapter 2!


7 Comments on An Unlikely Romance – Chapter 1

  1. Tim says:

    Interesting start. Looking forward to chapter two.

  2. z says:

    Man, that bullying part of the frog kiss reminds me of something similar that happened to a friend of mine, and where the hell were all the adults. In my old high school, every room had an adult supervisor in the rooms with the students at any time, especially for bullying since we had a 15-year-old girl, who was bullied almost daily, commit suicide. It was devastating for her family and even more so for me and my track friends since she was a track runner and we were all one big family and the guys would get together and have sleepovers the night before a race and pig out, the girls would get together and decorate shirts for the races. Fun times, sometimes I’m reminded that girls can be just as bitchy and mean to each other as guys are to each other.

  3. z says:

    Also, I want to know who jumped Samantha (AKA the school bitch). I’m glad she got tagged because she deserved it, but who did it and what reason? MAybe it was one of the punk girls who’s a lesbian also? Or it could’ve been Karri, but I doubt it was since they seemed like friends, so I’m guessing it was one of the punk girls or both of them.

  4. Euphorsyne,Thalia & Aglia says:

    What a great story!..exciting & dramatic!
    But, why oh why, do a lot of stories about lesbian women (or girls)
    have to have such tensions and strife?…I know that Life isn’t all peaches & ice cream
    and that these things occur in schools just about everywhere in this world.
    It just seems a sad commentary about why many, many humans find that Love between women is so abhorrent…but, I digress…anyway, this is a nice story and I hope Akiko finds her way, acknowledges, and get to affirm, her sexuality!(with the help of her new seemingly best friend,Caroline!)

    Well done, Girl Lover and Cheryl!!!

  5. Purple Les says:

    I agree. Great strong start. Lot’s of real feeling and tension. Akiko and Caroline I hope will become very good friends. Good job Girl Lover and Cheryl.

  6. CaptainMidnight says:

    I actually feel sorry for Samantha as well. As bad as she was, she didn’t deserve to be beaten that badly. I wonder what will happen to her?

    But I’m glad for Akiko, that Caroline is being her great friend and caring for her. A lot of bullied people have nobody at all who are willing to care for them.

  7. Bryan says:

    Samantha learned a lesson…don’t fuck with biker chicks

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