Merging, Chapter 2

  • Posted on July 22, 2018 at 2:21 pm

By: J. R. Hartley

By the time Claire could next arrange a baby-sitter for Jessica, another week had passed. She had to phone a few people but eventually found a friend who could look after her daughter for the night. Jess was hugely excited and talked constantly during the week about going out to the cinema without her mum – she was becoming a big girl now – and while Claire had tried to match her daughter’s excitement in her presence, her mind was elsewhere.

After dropping Jess off she drove back home to park her car and called a taxi to take her to Leia’s. She’d already packed an overnight bag, complete with a couple of bottles of wine, and waited patiently by the window for its arrival, deciding to text Leia while waiting.

“Hey Leia, just waiting for the taxi – do I need to bring anything?” SEND.

A couple of minutes passed and her phone buzzed just as she saw a car pull into view.

“No, just yourself,” it said.

Claire locked up and set the alarm on the house before jumping into the cab and giving the address. She ran through a mental checklist of everything she thought she might need to make sure that she’d brought it with her. She’d spent a long time considering what to wear that evening and what nightclothes to wear, too. If all went to plan, she hoped that she and Leia would continue enjoying in each other’s company and there was a chance she might end up in her friend’s bed.

She’d chosen a pair of tight, black jeans and black t-shirt with a plunging neckline for the day. It wasn’t particularly slutty but she knew she looked good in it, the coloring showing off her skin tone and her blonde hair. For the nightwear it was a sheer, wine-red night dress if she got lucky and some warm PJ’s in case she didn’t.

The whole ‘Molly’ aspect was an incredible turn on for Claire, and she’d thought about that kiss she’d watched all week. She had that erotic image safely locked away in her mind for her future, special alone time–those nights when she wanted to “give herself a hand,” one of her favorite fun phrases for masturbating–but tonight it was all about Leia. They’d got on really well after last weekend and had spent a few hours on both the phone and on webcam just talking and laughing during the week.

Claire was quite intrigued to watch Leia smoke a cigarette on camera after the girls had gone to bed. It was definitely not a fetish thing for her and most of the time smoking really turned her off, but the way Leia did it, there was a little tingle inside her every time she took it to her lips and breathed smoke out. At one point Claire giggled, remarking that Leia was her own personal smoke machine just like shows on TV when they want to add “atmosphere.”

Leia blushed and was about to put it out when Claire begged her not to. Claire added in a quiet voice, “I like it.”

Leia wriggled slightly on her chair, smiling broadly. “If you insist….”

The taxi finally pulled up at Leia’s, and Claire paid the driver before hauling her small, heavy bag from the seat next to her. Leia was at the door to welcome her and accompany her straight through the house into the kitchen. Claire put her bag on the counter top and unzipped the main compartment, pulling out two bottles of red wine.

“Oooh, nice–I haven’t had a Merlot for a while,” said Leia as she picked up one and read the label. “That’ll be lovely, thanks Claire. Shall we open one now and let it breathe?”

Leia turned to a nearby drawer and pulled out a professional style corkscrew, pulling out the knife to slice off the foil-shrunken topper before diving into the cork itself.

Claire asked where Molly was and Leia mentioned she was in her room playing on some PS4 games, interrupting her own conversation with a loud “POP” as the cork was released. “There we go” she said, smiling and placing the bottle down on the counter.

“Now, next things next,” said Leia with a smile, stepping straight into Claire’s personal space. She pressed her body against Claire’s then reached up to cup her jaw and gently pull her head towards her. A long, lingering, but relatively chaste kiss was exchanged between the two women.

“Mmmm, now, isn’t that better?” said Leia with a charged look in her eyes. “I’m really happy to have you here, Claire, and I thought the longer we go without me kissing you, the more nervous we’d both get.”

Claire grinned. “You know me so well already,” she replied before leaning in and kissing Leia again. It was a little longer this time and made them both smile widely.

The women made themselves comfortable in the dining room and were soon relaxing, deep into the first bottle of wine. Molly made an appearance before too long, having heard the giggles. She hung around for a while making small talk with Claire while Leia cooked a pasta ragu supper for them all.

They ate lazily and even allowed Molly a very small sip of wine with their meal as a special treat, her first time. The women laughed as the little girl made a face and ran to the kitchen for an emergency glass of juice to take the taste away. Molly returned to the table and laughed with them, promising she was never ever going to drink wine again.

After dinner, Leia allowed Molly to skip her normal chores of loading the dishwasher and instead let her have another half an hour on the console before getting ready for bed.

After she’d left, the two women sat in the dining room and continued talking and drinking for a few more hours, barely noticing the sound of running water from Molly brushing her teeth upstairs. They were putting the world to rights and flirting with each other as if it was a proper date when it struck Claire that that’s exactly what this was. A date. And she was really enjoying it. The more time she spent with Leia, the more she liked her, and it wasn’t just the wine that was giving her a very contented feeling. She knew herself; she was already falling for Leia.

They exchanged stories about previous relationships and the fathers. Claire had already mentioned about the all-to-quick nature of her marriage, but Leia had an altogether different story. Hers was a drunken night where she’d actually had sex with three different guys at the same time.

She’d had a couple of threesomes previously within a group of friends, but most of the time there were at least two girls involved. She wanted to try a threesome with two guys but none of the friends she knew were up for it, so she asked two guys she sort of knew. One was a bit of a dickhead and the other was about to go travelling, but they were both good looking and both up for it. When the night came, as it happened a third guy turned up. Since they were all mid-coitus at that point, she didn’t mind him joining in either.

She’d thought that they’d been responsible and used protection but Molly was the proof that it hadn’t exactly been successful. After getting that little fantasy out of her system, she’d never really fancied a similar scenario again, not least because although she was grateful for Molly. She could easily have been given an STD that night as well.

The second bottle of wine somehow vanished and Leia persuaded Claire to have another drink. There was no more wine in the house, so the two giggling women decided on a glass of brandy each. “This feels really decadent,” said Claire as Leia searched her cupboard for the right glasses. “It’s like we’re in some old gentlemen’s club. We should be sitting round in leather armchairs with cigars as well, you realize,” she said, laughing at the image.

Leia brought out the big brandy snifters and placed them on the counter top. “Will you look at the size of those big balls!” she said, causing them both to laugh again.

Leia crossed the kitchen and pulled out an open bottle of brandy she kept in a cupboard and poured a bit in each glass. Leia asked permission to light another cigarette here in the kitchen and Claire smiled back, saying, “Of course.” She got a little bit of a kick that even after all that alcohol, Leia was still being so considerate.

The cigarette duly lit, Leia took a long drag then held it in for a few moments before slowly releasing it as the nicotine hit took effect. She smiled and picked up the glass again before turning to Claire.

“I can’t tell you how much I’ve enjoyed this evening, Claire. Thank you for making it so much fun.” Leia held her glass out ready to be clinked again.

“The pleasure is all mine, Leia. Thank you for inviting me over and for not minding me gazing at you too much.”

“Are you kidding? I fucking loved it. It’s another reason I’ve very much enjoyed the evening so far.”

“Well, cheers to that then,” replied Claire, giving a small flick of her glass to clink the glasses together. Claire had always been a little clumsy and the alcohol didn’t help, but the flick was a little too hard. Her balloon glass cracked and a large shard fell into the amber liquid.

“Oh shit!” Claire said in a high pitched voice, jumping back a little before pausing and looking at Leia. They both broke out into fits of giggles. A few minutes later with the brandy poured away and the broken glass in the bin, Leia held hers out for Claire.

The blonde gratefully stepped closer in to Leia and took the glass, taking a small swig and allowing the flavor to run over her tongue, smiling happily as she returned the brandy. Leia took the glass back and gazed into Claire’s eyes, taking a sip without breaking eye contact. She placed the balloon back down and after taking a second to enjoy the sting in her mouth from the brandy, she very subtly licked her lips.

Both smiled wordlessly as they leaned in to kiss each other, allowing their hands to roam over each other’s curves. Both made small mewing noises as their soft lips met. A few minutes later Leia held Claire’s face in her hands. “We’re in the kitchen again. I think we should see if this thing works in a completely different room. How about… upstairs?” she said, smiling.

Claire was all too ready, and after quickly helping Leia clear away and lock up the house, they made their way upstairs with Claire’s overnight bag in hand. Please no PJ’s, please no PJ’s, Claire thought as they reached the landing.

Leia showed off her bedroom and asked if Claire minded sleeping on the left hand side before suggesting Claire went first in the bathroom. After brushing her teeth and her hair and using the toilet, Claire dipped into her bag for her nightwear. The PJ’s were uppermost in the bag and she broke out into a big grin whilst looking at them. She flipped her middle finger and stuck out her tongue at the PJ’s then reached below them.

A little while later, Claire returned in her little red nightie and opened Leia’s bedroom door quietly. She was sitting primly on the bed in a short, copper-brown nightdress of her own. She was studiously brushing her jet black hair, having already quickly touched up her make-up. She looked a little like Salma Hayek and genuinely took Claire’s breath away. Before she could recover, Leia spotted Claire, smiled, and then darted past her saying, “I need a wee!” quietly so as not to wake Molly.

A few minutes later, Leia returned from the bathroom and closed the door behind her. Claire had been looking at some photographs on Leia’s dressing room table and smelling the various scent bottles she found there, taking it all in. The two women smiled at each other for a moment with anticipation crackling the air.

“It’s getting chilly,” said Leia as she walked around to her preferred side of the bed before pulling back the covers and getting in. Claire noticed the sheets must have a high thread count as they felt almost silken against her skin, and she stretched out, luxuriating against them. In moments, her leg was gently pressed against Leia’s and a hand was touching her stomach.

Claire smiled at Leia. “I want you.”

Leia grinned and moved closer in the bed, her body pressed against Claire’s as her mouth closed in for a kiss. Claire could taste their mint-fresh breath as their lips met. She arched her back to push her chest against Leia’s roaming hand and moaned as those fingers found her nipple.

The women were getting more into it now, and their hips were both moving in the bed, in part to rub against the other but also changing the pressure point between their own thighs.

“Claire,” breathed Leia as she moved to partially lie on top of her friend. “I really like you.”

Claire kissed her friend deeply, only managing to break long enough to say, “I really like you too” before their lips met again. Claire could feel Leia’s nipples against her own, the two layers of silky nightdresses between them feeling luscious against her skin.

Leia’s hand stretched downwards now and found the hem of the red nightdress, slowly lifting it up Claire’s body and revealing her toned skin. At first Claire tried to help Leia by moving from side to side, freeing up the various bits of the nightdress that her body had temporarily pinned down, but it proved a little more difficult than they expected. Both women had the same idea at the same time, grinning at each other wordlessly. They sat up in bed and peeled off their nightwear before both naked women fell back into each other’s arms and the embrace of the silken sheets.

It was Claire’s turn to be the dominant one and she leaned across the bed, kissing down Leia’s neck until her mouth found Leia’s bullet-like nipple. Claire sucked on the breast and allowed her hands to wander again.

She stopped sucking for a moment to look up at Leia. “Seems I’m not the only one with a shaven pussy,” she said, smiling as she continued to play with her friend’s breast. Claire’s fingers found Leia’s clit and using the abundant wetness she found there as a lubricant, she started to caress it.

“Oh…my…fucking….jeeeeeee!” moaned Leia, a little louder than Claire was expecting as her friend writhed in the bed. Leia’s thighs had opened wider and Claire alternated between her clit and pushing a finger or two inside her. Leia was getting really close to coming already; Claire could tell by the change in her breathing patterns that she wouldn’t be long. Claire’s arm started to ache but she kept up fingering her friend, focusing less and less on the clit and instead sucking on Leia’s breast.

“You’re so fucking hot, Leia,” she whispered as her hand moved between her thighs. “You make me so damned horny, my cunt is dripping.”

Claire timed it perfectly and with two fingers pressed deep into her friend’s slit, she reached out with her thumb on Leia’s clit and set off her orgasm. Claire felt Leia clamping down on her fingers and studiously kept away from stimulating her clit again in case she found it too painful.

Leia came hard and tried to stifle the sound of her moans, at one point grabbing a pillow and putting it over her own face, which only caused her to giggle as she caught her breath.

“Oh Claire, wow,” she signed contentedly, prompting a big proud smile from her lover. Before Leia could say anything else, though, Claire was wriggling down the bed, kissing her skin all over until she could gently pry Leia’s thighs apart once more. Even though she’d just come, Leia’s excitement was already back up to the same levels, as her friend’s tongue delved inside her body.

Claire looked up at Leia and saw the sultry brunette watching her over those magnificent, enviable, delicious breasts. She gently licked along Leia’s pussy lips, gradually working from outside to in and tasting every bit of evidence of her friend’s recent orgasm. Leia groaned again as Claire’s tongue dipped inside her, almost as if cleaning her.

Claire pushed her tongue in as deep as she could, relishing the fact that her face was now covered with cunt juice. Using her elbows to prop herself up, Claire slipped her hands underneath Leia’s thighs and held the top of her legs just by her hips in a sort of bondage of Leia’s pelvis. The action saved Claire a sore nose when her tongue found Leia’s clit and her friend bucked immediately.

Within minutes, she had come again, but over Claire’s tongue this time. The two women went back and forth like that for what seemed like hours–Leia feasting on Claire’s pussy and vice versa, sometimes both together. Leia especially liked it when–without being asked–Claire’s long tongue strokes dropped lower and lower. Claire knew exactly what she wanted to do but took her time, giving Leia plenty of opportunity to change things if she so wished. Quite the opposite, Claire soon realized that she was being very much encouraged. Leia lifted her legs off the bed and her knees bent up near her chest, spreading herself totally, entirely vulnerable.

Claire’s tongue found Leia’s sexy little arsehole and after licking and lapping over it for a little while, soon found herself pushing her tongue inside as deep as she could. Her fingers strummed over her friend’s clit at the same time, and before she knew it, Leia again came strongly. The physical exertion began to take its toll; her whole body started to feel tired and sore, but she knew Claire wanted one more and she wasn’t going to disappoint her.

She pulled Claire up from between her thighs and moved her back to her side of the bed. Leia’s fingers found Claire’s clit immediately and she set to work building one last orgasm. She knew Claire loved dirty talk so she had one more trick for the evening.

“You’ve just been licking my arsehole you nasty slut,” she said quietly, causing Claire to smile. Leia leaned in and kissed her hard again, whispering, “Mmm, I can taste my arse on your tongue you bad girl.” Claire’s stomach clenched immediately. “You nasty little arse-licking whore,” hissed Leia. “Licking my dirty little shit hole you nasty bitch.”

That was all that was needed to summon the final orgasm of the night.

The two women laid together, panting, not talking and just reveling in the soreness of their bodies caused by the previous few hours of lovemaking. Leia’s hand found Claire’s somewhere in the bedclothes, and they squeezed each other’s fingers, gently looking at each other.

“Wow, Leia. I don’t think I’ve ever…” her sex-addled mind not allowing her to finish the sentence.

“Me neither,” said Leia, grinning. “That was amazing.”

A pause drifted across them.

“Thank you Claire,” she said. Claire looked at her friend, not understanding Leia’s meaning. “Tonight was really special for me. After last week, you knew that I was…. naughty. You knew that I play with my little Molly. I knew you would like to play with her. You saw us kissing on that video we recorded for you, and I worried a little when you were coming over here it might be all about–that.”

“Oh no, not at all,” said Claire, reassuring her friend. “Don’t get me wrong, last weekend was…something else. But tonight I was all yours. This time we’ve spent together is special. I’m really starting to like you, Leia.”

“The feeling’s very definitely mutual.”

They looked at each other a little while longer and made whispered small talk while stroking each other before finally turning off the light and snuggling down together.


The next morning, Claire opened her eyes slowly, remembering the previous night with immense satisfaction and fondness. Leia was already out of bed, and she’d somehow made herself look amazing. A big, sunny smile crossed her face, and she leaned in to kiss Claire’s cheek. “Good morning beautiful,” said Leia, smiling.

“Hey,” said Claire in return, yawning and rubbing her eyes. “What time is it?”

“A little after 8. Last night was amazing. Thank you again, Claire. That meant so much to me. I slept so well!”

“Me too.”

“Would you like your surprise now?” said Leia, running her fingers across Claire’s naked body.

“Surprise?” she asked, smiling.

“Molly?” Leia called into the other bedroom. Claire wasn’t sure what was going on and was instinctively embarrassed to be seen this way, especially naked, so she re-arranged the covers to hide herself as best she could.

The door opened and nine-year-old Molly peeked around the door.

“Finally, she’s up!” she said, giggling and making both the women laugh, too. “Can I, Mummy?” she said, looking at Leia.

Claire turned to face Leia as well, still unsure of what was going on. She caught Leia’s sexy, little smile as she nodded to her daughter and resumed playing with Claire’s nipples.

Molly saw Claire’s body stiffen at the soft touch of Leia’s fingers against her breast and smiled her beautiful little smile up at her mother’s friend. “Don’t be embarrassed, Claire! We’re all girls here,” Leia said as she peeled back the covers over Claire’s legs.

Molly clambered up on the bed and her gaze switched between Claire’s face and her pussy. Without another word, Molly crawled forward then laid down on the bed between Claire’s legs. A quick glance up and then she bent her head to lick.

Claire was nearly numb with shock; Leia was gently stroking and kissing her and Molly, this precocious and beautiful little nine-year-old girl, was sucking on her cunt.

Leia leaned in close to Claire’s ear.

“She’s licking you, Claire. Look at her pretty little face in your pussy. My little girl is eating you. Do you like that?”

Claire’s pussy was already bubbling up, and her erotic feelings were only heightened by Leia’s filthy talk.

“My little, underage slut is licking you, Claire. You like that, honey? You like having my nine-year-old girl eating your cunt? She’s only nine, and she’s licking your cunt, Claire. My little girl. My daughter. My underage daughter is eating your pussy just like her mother did all last night.”

“OOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” groaned Claire as she came hard all over the little girl’s face.

Continue to Chapter 3!


No comments on Merging, Chapter 2

  1. Purple Les says:

    What a fantastically hot new chapter to start my Sunday with. Loved the build up and hot sex with Claire and
    Leia. I thought maybe the girls would be added next chapter but what a hot surprise at the end.

    Great job, J.R.

  2. Litka says:

    Love the way this chapter ended !! Made me cum twice and now am eagerly
    awaiting chapter 3 !!

    Superb !!

  3. drew says:

    love love this such hot depraved naughty talk!- My little, underage slut is licking you, Claire. You like that, honey? You like having my nine-year-old girl eating your cunt? She’s only nine, and she’s licking your cunt, Claire. My little girl. My daughter. My underage daughter is eating your pussy just like her mother did all last night.”

  4. robt66 says:

    Holy fuck!!!

  5. sue says:

    I had to merge my finger in to my vagina as I read this chapter. Great job.

  6. Clive says:

    WOW! What a fantastic chapter. I especially liked the twist at the end with the little girl playing with the older lady’s cunt. Looking forward to reading the next chapter.

  7. z says:

    God damn. Why couldn’t Jessica just have gone with her momma to Leia’s and have a “playdate” with Molly? I need more of that Molly and Jessica fantasy.

    • kacey says:

      Patience, our young padawan!! I have a suspicion our two younger protaganists will be fulfilling the fantasies of the readership soon enough!! 😀
      P.S. I can’t wait for ch.3, either!!! 😉

  8. Euphorsyne,Thalia & Aglia says:

    What can I say?!..everyone has expressed my thoughts exactly!
    Love the sex descriptions! Leia has a powerful effect on Claire and
    the two compliment each other soooo well!
    two of my fav lines:
    “Claire looked up at Leia and saw the sultry brunette watching her over those magnificent,enviable,delicious breasts.”

    ” Molly saw Claire’s body stiffen at the soft touch of Leia’s fingers against her breast and smiled her beautiful little smile up at her mother’s friend. “Don’t be embarrassed, Claire! We’re all girls here,” Leia said….”

    Mmmm! so wonderful!

    wish time would fly by now, so that chapter 3 was already here!

  9. Lynn says:

    10 out of 10 so far kacey. I wouldn’t be suprised if Claire was tempted by something closer to home soon.

  10. Sid says:

    Perfect follow up to chapter one! Bravo.

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