You are currently browsing the archives for 14 September 2018.

What’s up with Juicy Secrets, you ask…?

  • Posted on September 14, 2018 at 9:43 am

by JetBoy

Dear Friends of Juicy Secrets,

It’s been a trying time and then some for our humble site, but we are still doing our best to keep Juicy Secrets alive. We thought it a good time to bring you up to date on recent developments.

As you surely know by now, we were shut down by our hosts at Kinky Blogging who, evidently, have far less freedom to be as kinky as before. They wrote to inform us that they were no longer permitting content that features erotica/sexual content about minors. Seems that they were threatened by their provider, and therefore reluctantly obliged to turf us out. So it goes.

After a frenzied search (and some agonized deliberation between us), we settled on a new host, who shall remain unnamed. It’s not been an entirely smooth process — the new site has gone dark twice since then, and we’re still unsure if it was caused by technical glitches, human error or (gulp!)  sabotage.

At any rate, Juicy Secrets is up again, hopefully for good — but please, if you do try to visit us in future and are unable to do so, don’t give up on us. If we end up shuttering the site permanently, there will be an official announcement to that effect. We’re still working hard to keep the stories (and our readers!) coming.

Now it falls to me to share a recent development that saddens us enormously: Cheryl Taggert, one of the founders of Juicy Secrets, has elected to leave us. She is embarking on a career as a published author, and is obliged to devote much more of her time to writing the kind of fiction that doesn’t have to find its home in these dark corners of the internet. We love Cheryl and her stories very much, and will miss her more than mere words can convey. Please join us in wishing her the best of fortune in this new chapter of her life.

Next, you may have noticed a shortage in new stories at Juicy Secrets, as opposed to older material earmarked for the archive. Frankly, it’s because the site isn’t running at full strength at the moment, and not just due to Cheryl’s departure. Naughty Mommy is still working to put her day-to-day life back together after having to flee her home country, and PoppaBear has been coping with some very serious family issues. Your good thoughts for them both are encouraged in a big way.

On the other hand, a vigorous round of applause should be bestowed upon our Site Manager, Amanda Lynn, who has been doing an amazing job of helping hold down the fort until we have our mojo working once more. Her labors here are worthy of Hercules, and she does it all out of love for this site.

We’ve got a couple of continuing stories still in progress, but have far less time to edit them, and our own writing projects are mostly on hold at the moment. I’ll be trying to keep a steady flow of archival and Author Unknown stories to give you a reason to visit Juicy Secrets regularly, but we may sometimes have to go an extra day or two without anything new appearing. Don’t hold it against us, dear readers.

Finally, we’d like to thank you for keeping in touch with Juicy Secrets, as well as the encouragement you’ve shown us during our time of tribulation. We’ve put years of work into making this site the best library of edgy lesbian fiction available, and have no plans to stop anytime soon. Hope you intend to stay on the journey with us.

Erotically yours, JetBoy