by JetBoy
What a roller coaster ride of heartbreak, anger, frustration and nerves it’s been for us, beloved readers… but at last we emerge, battered but unbowed, to welcome you to our new home. Hopefully, unlike our previous residence, this one is built to last.
So what happened? As you may recall, we were suddenly booted from our original host, Kinky Blogging, when their own provider threatened them over any and all sites like ours. We cast about looking for a new host (getting into some lively debates over who to choose), finally settling on some Ukranian company called Netengi. We paid the fee, got signed up and were up and running once more.
Two months later, the site was taken down — this time, minus an explanation. Amanda sent them a WTF?! letter and was informed that they did not accept erotic content, even though their own goddamn rules say no such thing. Their response was to draw up a new set of rules. Thanks for nothing, guys.
At that point, we were torn between A) fighting even harder to get Juicy Secrets established once more, and B) simply giving up. Can’t speak for my partners, but your Boy Reporter found himself swinging from one extreme to the other, depending on his mood.
In the end, we elected to roll the dice yet again with a third host — who shall remain unnamed, but to whom we are most grateful, at least thus far. This time, we were completely open with our potential landlords about the site, letting them know what we did and how we liked to do it. They assured us that since our content is completely legal, they would be pleased to host us. Hence, Juicy Secrets Mark III.
There’s one regrettable change we elected to make, in the interest of our future survival: we have removed all the Anonymous posts, the ones that mostly feature images (legal, but lewd) of underage girls. Apologies, but our hypothesis is that these visuals have a lot more to do with getting us shut down than our fiction — and honestly, the fiction is the real reason for the existence of Juicy Secrets. The Anonymous posts were really more for amusement than anything, and they’re not crucial enough to risk losing the site over.
Now for some well-earned words of thanks. First and foremost, a colossal debt of gratitude is owed to our current site administrator Amanda Lynn. I’m not just blowing smoke when I say that Juicy Secrets would be as dead as a dinosaur’s dick without her valiant efforts to get the lights back on. She’s the reason that you’re reading this right now. Enough said.
Thanks as well to author No One, for being a true friend to the site when we needed one.
Finally, to our readers, many thanks for not giving up on Juicy Secrets. We plan to get right back to what we do best — namely, sharing our special kind of lesbian erotica with you on a regular basis. Now grab yourself a fistful of Kleenex, put a towel down where you’re sitting and go read a story!
Devotedly yours, Danny (JetBoy)