Ripples, Chapter 2

  • Posted on October 29, 2018 at 1:07 pm

by Sapphmore and JetBoy

Jessica was still buzzing from the events of the evening, and had elected to take Rachel’s DVD up to her room to watch. She rummaged around in the sexy lingerie that she so seldom wore these days, groping about until she found the white plastic vibrator she’d bought at an Ann Summers party before her marriage.

She quickly slipped the DVD into the machine, turned on the TV and settled down on her bed. Seizing the remote, she fast-forwarded through the parts she’d already seen, finally pressing PLAY at the start of a new scene. Setting the remote to one side, she relaxed and began to watch.

Two women, both fully dressed, were cuddling on a bed. Actually, one of them was only in her teens — in fact, she almost appeared to be underage, around fifteen or so. Jess noticed the way they were snuggled together, more affectionate than sexual.

The volume was muted, so Jessica turned it up just a bit. Glancing over at the door, she frowned, realising that it was still slightly ajar. I really ought to close that, she thought, then shrugged. She didn’t feel like getting up. Anyhow, the girls were all fast asleep.

Reassured, Jess turned her full attention back to the TV, where the older woman and the teenager were talking. Curious, she picked up the remote and scrolled the scene back to the beginning, then started it over again.

It was a conversation about boys, with the woman asking the girl if there was anyone at school that she especially liked. The girl shrugged and said that she wasn’t sure.

As she watched, Jess tilted her head, a puzzled expression on her face. Wait just a minute… are these two supposed to be mother and daughter?

That seemed to be what the scene implied. As Jessica listened on, she noticed that the girl never actually referred to the woman as her mother… nevertheless, everything else about the dialogue sounded like it was an everyday encounter between parent and child.

Lesbian incest? Jesus, that’s pretty perverted, Jess thought… then shrugged. This whole DVD is nothing but fantasies anyhow. She settled back into the pillows, stroking her inner thighs, letting herself get caught up in the action.

The woman asked her daughter — Jess was already thinking of her that way — if she’d ever felt an attraction for another girl. The teen was shocked and insisted she never had, but the mother finally got her to admit that she did like to look at other girls in the shower after gym class, and that she wouldn’t mind being kissed by a girl at least once.

The woman told the girl that she should try it, then admitted that she had kissed women before — and girls, too, back in her own high school days. Intrigued, the daughter asked what it was like. By then, the mother was sitting up against the headboard behind her daughter, who was lying back in the woman’s arms, wearing just a t-shirt and pretty blue panties.

The conversation dwindled, and finally the two women were silent. All the while, though, the mother was caressing her daughter’s arms, her hands, her shoulders. The girl was resting her head on the woman’s shoulder, and they occasionally made eye contact, exchanging shy smiles and adoring glances.

Jessica’s excitement was steadily building. She wasn’t quite ready to get into serious masturbating just yet; instead, she lightly caressed her vulva every now and then to keep her arousal razor-sharp.

When the mother began to fondle her daughter’s breasts through her thin t-shirt, it seemed such a natural thing for her to do that Jess didn’t notice it was happening at first. The girl gazed dreamy-eyed at her mother, her face practically glowing with desire and adoration.

My God, it looks so real, Jessica told herself. Like they truly are falling in love. Do things like this ever really happen between mums and their children?

The woman slowly leaned down to place a gentle kiss on the girl’s parted lips. Drawing back just a bit, she smiled at her daughter… then, closing her eyes, kissed her again. This time, their mouths lingered for a few seconds longer. They drifted apart, their noses nearly touching, then the mother’s tongue emerged to brush her daughter’s lower lip. With a blissful sigh, the girl lifted her head, following the older woman’s mouth with hers — and suddenly they were kissing with the ardour of lovers.


Out in the hallway, Alice peered through the slight gap between the door and the frame, enthralled by what she saw — Aunt Rachel’s DVD playing again, with a lady and a teenage girl giving each other hot kisses. And if it was anything like the stuff she’d glimpsed downstairs, pretty soon these two would stop kissing and start taking their clothes off and doing lesbian sex.

Alice only wished she could get a better look at Mum right then, because it was clear that she was already bare naked and touching herself while she watched the screen.

But the room was only lit by the TV, and the lamp on Mum’s nightstand was blocking the lower half of her body anyhow. So Alice’s attention was mostly focused on the DVD, though the sounds of her mum’s moans and sighs made watching it even more exciting.


Jessica was fingering herself now, fully immersed in the scene. It was the kinkiest thing she’d ever seen, a forbidden act of sexuality between parent and child — yet somehow, the very wrongness of the act seemed to turn her on, nearly as much as kissing Rachel had done.

The woman’s hand was now buried in the teen’s panties, fingers clearly moving, masturbating her daughter, who was mewling with delight into her mother’s mouth as they swapped tongues back and forth.

Suddenly the girl sat up and turned toward the woman, reaching down to tug her t-shirt up and off — and within a minute or so, the new lovers were both completely naked. Jess whimpered, her arousal taking a sharp spike upward at the sight of the daughter’s bare body. Oh, my… she’s absolutely perfect.

Now the girl and the woman were making love for real, and Jessica’s hand was a blur as she thrust two fingers in and out of her dripping cunt, fucking herself until she saw stars.

She paused to manipulate her clitoris with a few delicious flicks of a fingertip, then reached for the vibrator, switched it on and was about to slip it into her vagina when the buzzing abruptly stopped.

“Fuck!” Jessica hissed through clenched teeth, pounding the bed with her fist. Far too desperate to even think of putting the DVD on pause while she scrounged up replacement batteries, she just plunged the dead toy into her cunt, working it as deep as she was able.

She drank in the action on the screen, losing herself in the hot, sweaty sex. By this time the two lovers were tribbing, grinding their pussies together, moving in a steady rhythm that Jessica tried to match with the thrusts of her arm and wrist as she worked the vibrator in and out, in and out.

There was a core of heat beneath her belly, a fire that steadily grew into something much bigger. She fanned it, willed it to blossom, pushing herself toward that ultimate release.

The sex clip played on. The mother was disentangling herself from the girl, then guiding her onto all fours. Jess fucked herself faster, her breath hissing through clenched teeth. That’s so twisted, a mum doing something like that to her own daughter, she thought, but didn’t look away.

Kneeling behind the teen, the woman gently spread her buttocks apart, then bent to lick her daughter’s glistening slit — and out of nowhere, an image flashed like midnight lightning in Jessica’s mind, a mental snapshot of the sex act taking place right then on the screen before her. Only now, the face of the young actress had been replaced by that of her oldest child.

“Alice!” she gasped — and that was when Jess came.

She twitched helplessly, feet tangling in the sheets, her body tossed to and fro on waves of purest ecstasy. The vibrator was buried to the hilt in her vagina, Jessica wiggling it ever so slightly — each tiny motion containing a universe of pleasure.

Finally, with a long, low moan, she released her held breath, sinking back exhausted.

Once she’d regained her wind, Jess slowly withdrew the sex toy, bringing it to her lips for a taste of herself before clumsily setting it on the nightstand.

That left the TV. She fumbled about for the remote, noticing that the mother and daughter were now lying in each other’s arms, sharing tender kisses. Jessica felt a twinge of warmth at the sight — at least, until she remembered the thought she’d had at the instant of her climax.

She stared down at her hands. Why in God’s name was I picturing Alice when I got off? Of all people, my own twelve-year-old daughter!

After pondering the matter for a few heartbeats, Jessica told herself, Let’s not over-think this. You were watching a porno film clip of what seemed to be lesbian incest, a mum having sex with her daughter. Alice’s face popped into your head. That’s all. It’s not as if you want to do these things yourself!

Swinging her legs over the side of the bed, Jessica got up and went into her bathroom to wash up, then brush her teeth. As she padded back into the bedroom, she decided to skip putting on clean panties and simply sleep naked.

Crawling between the sheets, Jess thought about her day, wondering whether she’d cheated herself by choosing not to explore her bisexual side for so many years. Guess I’m making up for it now, she decided, then drifted off to sleep.


When her mother turned off the sex film playing on the TV, Alice beat a hasty retreat back to her room, her head awhirl with what she’d just seen.

She was totally getting into watching that DVD of ladies doing sex with other ladies — especially knowing that her mum was probably touching her minge the whole time. That’s what it sounded like she was doing, anyhow

Then something really strange happened. Mum was getting a bit louder, then all of a sudden, she’d called out “Alice!”

The twelve-year-old had nearly jumped out of her skin — certain that she’d been caught red-handed, spying on Mum at a very private moment. Alice was rooted to the spot, too frightened to flee, already anticipating her mother’s anger.

But then… nothing happened. Alice could hear Mum’s breathing return to normal, then she saw her mother point the remote at the TV and switch it off. Almost trembling with relief, the girl crept quickly but quietly down the hall, back to the safety of her room.

Alice’s mind was buzzing as she struggled to make sense of it all. Is Mum a lesbian now? It sure looks like it — why else would she be kissing Aunt Rachel like that, or watching that DVD?

Then there were her own feelings about what she’d seen…

While nearly all her friends at school were beginning to fixate on boys, Alice found herself drawn more to other girls — in particular, she had been noticing them while showering off after gym class, enthralled by the different body types on display. They’re all different, she had decided, but they’re all beautiful, too.

She’d also seen photos of naked women in glossy magazines and brief nude appearances in movies, but this was Alice’s first exposure to hardcore lesbian sex — and it had aroused her in a big way. Her knickers were still damp. For the first time, Alice was seriously considering the notion that she could be gay.

But at that moment, one question nagged at her most of all: Why did Mum call my name when she did?

Alice was trying to digest all she had witnessed that night as she drifted off to sleep, a jumble of images inside her head.


Across the street, Rachel and her babysitter Millie were sitting in the lounge, drinking hot chocolate.

When she had returned home, Millie was relaxing on the couch, watching TV. She was a cute local girl of sixteen with short blonde hair and steel-blue eyes, dressed in a vest top and shorts. Rachel found herself occasionally glancing at the teen’s bare legs, thinking about the sweet, sexy things she and Jess had done mere moments ago. She still felt aroused, too, not having climaxed.

They chatted for a while about Millie’s school work and her friends, then Rachel asked, “Do you have a boyfriend, then? A pretty thing like you… I’m sure you have no trouble attracting boys.”

Millie blushed. “Well… I do have a boyfriend, yeah — but it’s, y’know, nothin’ serious.”

“I’m glad to hear that!” Rachel said. “You should be playing the field a bit before getting serious.”

“Well, Mick’s good lookin’, and yeah, he knows how to make me laugh, but…” Millie hesitated, then said, “How do you know when you meet, um… ‘the one?”

Rachel reacted in mock-surprise. “Whoa, whoa — Millie, you’re far too young to be looking for ‘the one’.” She paused, thoughtfully studying the girl. “Why do you ask?”

“It’s just that… well, I don’t feel my heart beat really fast when he kisses me. Is that normal? I guess I was expecting, um, more.”

“Hmm. Sounds to me as if you like him, but you’re not actually in love. Don’t let that worry you — believe me, you’ll probably fall in love more than once before you get to twenty-one,” Rachel answered, briefly recalling her own failed marriage.

Frowning, Millie folded her arms. “Mick, he wants us to go to the next step, but I’m not sure.”

“The next step? You mean he’s pressuring you to have sex?”

“Not exactly,” Millie replied with a shrug. “He’s just droppin’ hints that, um, since we’ve been together for three months, it’s maybe time to ‘move our relationship forward.’ He says that a lot.”

Gazing at the girl’s lovely face, Rachel shook her head. “Sweetheart, that sounds exactly like he’s trying to manipulate you into bed with him.”

Millie made a face. “So… when did you know it was the right time to, y’know, go further than just foolin’ around with a boy?”

“Well, one thing I know for certain,” Rachel said, “you shouldn’t have sex with anyone until you feel ready. If he doesn’t get that — well, to be honest, he’s not worth your time. It sounds to me like you prefer to wait, at least for now.”

“Well, I don’t wanna get pregnant, that’s for sure, but also, like you said, I’m too young to get serious with my first proper boyfriend.”

“Quite right!”

Millie made a face. “Anyway, I’m not sure Mick’s even my type, really.”

“Is there another boy you fancy, or… perhaps even a girl?”

Rachel thought she’d hit a nerve, judging by the blush on Millie’s face.

“I’m not gay!” retorted Millie, not quite convincingly.

Rachel sensed that the girl was struggling with her feelings, and decided to test the water a little. “You can experiment with other girls, and it doesn’t necessarily make you a lesbian. I’ve dated boys and men all my life, but still went with girls now and then before I got married.” She smiled. “Actually, since my divorce, I’ve been a lot more interested in women.”

“Really?” Millie tried to act casual, but Rachel could tell that the girl was far more interested than she let on. Um, so, what’s it like kissing another girl, then?”

“Different than kissing boys… better, I always thought. With girls, it always seemed more about mutual enjoyment. And their mouths are so soft and sweet.”

“I don’t know, maybe I oughta fool around some with a girl.” She gave a shaky laugh, looking down at her fidgeting hands. “Course, I don’t really know any girls who are gay. They prob’ly wouldn’t want to do stuff with me anyhow.”

Rachel studied the girl, her heart thrumming. There’s the opening, all you have to do is step through. As if she was thinking long and hard about the matter, the older woman said, “Millie… would you like me to show you what it’s like?”

A surprised Millie raised her head, staring wide-eyed at Rachel. “You mean, um… you’d kiss me?”

“Sure, if you want. I’d really enjoy kissing you. You’re a very pretty girl, after all.”

Millie thought it over. “You, um, wouldn’t tell anyone, right?”

“Of course not, love,” Rachel replied. “I’m not the kind to kiss and tell.”

“Well… I guess it wouldn’t hurt, just to try it out, y’know?”

With that, Rachel leaned over and gently touched Millie’s face, before sliding a hand around to the back of her head and pulling her near. She very gently brushed the girl’s lips with her own, then allowed the tip of her tongue to flick at Millie’s mouth.

So as not to frighten her, Rachel carefully used her tongue to part Millie’s lips, drawing nearer to the girl, slowly sliding a hand along her thigh. At first, Millie was tense, then Rachel felt her gradually relax. Her hand continued its path along the girl’s leg, then up over her belly, then her ribs, finally using one finger to caress a nipple through the teen’s thin vest top.

When Millie whimpered into their kiss, Rachel knew that the girl was as good as hers.

She began to kiss her with more urgency — and Millie soon responded, her own tongue shyly emerging to play. Within a minute or so, the woman and the teen cutie were exchanging passionate French kisses.

Rachel let her hand open like a flower over a small but firm and beautifully formed breast, using her other hand to hook Millie’s vest top down, exposing a tiny nipple that stiffened quite nicely to her touch.

She pulled away slightly to study the young girl — whose eyes were closed, her mouth slack. Then Millie let her eyes flutter open, a dreamy expression on her face as she gazed at Rachel in wonder. “Oh… oh, bloody hell,” she whispered.

Rachel responded by lowering her head to the teen’s now bared breast, teasing her hard nipple with a flick of the tongue as she used her thumbs to slide the straps of Millie’s vest off her shoulders.

Raising up to give the girl a reassuring smile, Rachel gave her a brief but tender kiss, then murmured, “Lie back, love… let me show you how nice I can make you feel.”

Without a word, Millie settled back into the plush cushions of the couch, offering herself up to this lovely new experience. Rachel now had the vest pulled down and was nuzzling the girl’s flawless breasts, moving back and forth between them, pleasuring each nipple in turn with her lips and tongue.

Eager to take their lovemaking to the next level, Rachel placed a hand on the girl’s bare leg, her fingers exploring the silky smooth skin. She let her hand glide slowly up the inside of Millie’s thigh, travelling steadily higher until she reached the cleft between the teen’s legs, smiling as she felt the growing warmth of Millie’s vulva through her shorts.

A tremor raced through the girl as Rachel fondled her. “C-can I, um, have another kiss?” Millie whispered, her cheeks flushed an adorable pink.

Rachel gave the girl what she wanted, crushing her lips to Millie’s, invading her mouth with a probing tongue.  This time, Millie responded eagerly, placing a hand on either side of Rachel’s head, her own tongue darting and dancing about in the mouth of her older lover. Taking that as a sign, Rachel reached down to undo the button of Millie’s shorts, then slowly tugged the zipper down until she was able to slide her fingers into the soft cotton knickers of the virgin teen.

She wasn’t a bit surprised at how wet the girl was. By this time, Millie was writhing and shifting about in response to Rachel’s expert touch, even raising her hips from the couch, clumsily thrusting against the older woman’s hand, panting, “Oh my God, oh my God, oh m-my God.”

When Rachel hooked her middle finger down through the soft hair that adorned Millie’s pubis, gliding over the engorged clitoris to slide easily between the girl’s juicy labia and into the hot channel of her cunt, Millie cried out, throwing her head back.

Rachel continued to pump a finger, then two, into her babysitter’s pussy, then suddenly withdrew both fingers and brought them to the girl’s mouth. “Go on,” she said, “taste yourself, Millie, see how sweet you are.”

Without a moment’s hesitation, Millie took Rachel’s fingers into her mouth, sucking them like it was her last meal, while Rachel moved in to trail kisses up and down the girl’s neck, pausing to nibble on her ear.

Then Millie took hold of the woman’s hand and thrust it down between her legs, stuffing it into her knickers — which were, by then, absolutely soaked. “Please, Ms. Thomas,” begged Millie, “please touch me some more. I — I’m so close!”

“My pleasure,” said Rachel, already masturbating her lover. She toyed with Millie’s slit — rekindling the fire, then building the heat back up into an inferno. Soon the girl was mewling with delight, her eyes glazed with pleasure.

Now, Rachel decided, now — let’s take her over the top.

She eased two fingers back into Millie, penetrating her like before. Only now, she sought out the girl’s clitoris with the ball of her thumb and began to tease it, gently stroking the erect nubbin.

Seconds later, a choked cry burst from Millie’s throat, her slender body stiffening as an orgasm claimed her. She arched her body up from the sofa, staring sightlessly, her voice rising to a loud wail.

Bloody hell, Rachel thought, I mustn’t let her wake the girls!

Twining her free arm around Millie’s shoulders, Rachel guided the teen’s face to her breasts — muffling her cries just enough, she figured. She continued to manipulate Millie’s clit, guiding her through her first climax, then on to another. Finally, the desperate girl grabbed Rachel’s wrist, gasping, “No — no more, p-please… I can’t, I c-can’t!”

Millie sank into the couch, releasing a long, shaky breath as Rachel took her hand back and examined her fingers, now glistening with the young girl’s fluids. She brought them to her mouth, purring with satisfaction as she got her own taste of Millie. Next time, she told herself, I’ll get it straight from the pot.

Then a wicked impulse seized her. Quickly lifting the skirt she wore, she thrust a hand into her skimpy lace panties, sliding two fingers deep into her cunt and moving them about a bit. After just a few seconds, they were coated with her juices, so she withdrew them, then proffered her hand to Millie.

“Here you go, love,” she said, “your first taste of another woman.”

Millie stared at Rachel’s wet fingers, then hesitantly extended her tongue to sample the flavor of her lover. The teen paused to savor it, then took the fingers into her mouth, licking them clean.

Rachel took this opportunity to move her free hand back between her legs and rub herself. She was so worked up that it only took a few thrusts to bring on an explosive orgasm of her own.

Opening her eyes, she saw Millie was staring, still holding her hand. “Fuck, that’s hot,” the girl breathed.

Rachel slowly stood, reached under her skirt and tugged a very damp pair of knickers down to her ankles. Stepping out of them, she picked up the sheer panties and casually placed them on the coffee table. “Well, Millie,” she said, smiling at the girl, “what did you think of your first lesson in kissing girls?”

The dazed teen shook her head. “I never… I mean… oh my God, I can’t believe how good that was!” She looked at Rachel. “Ms. Thomas, could we maybe… uh, do that again some time?”

Rachel pretended to ponder the idea. “Well, I suppose we can… but Millie, don’t you have a boyfriend?”

Millie gave a derisive snort of laughter. “Mick? That tosser? No fear… I’m givin’ him the chop tomorrow. He never made me feel anything like you did!”

Rachel couldn’t help but laugh herself. “Well, in that case, I can’t possibly say no, can I? Very well, Millie — you and I will most definitely make love again. With one condition, that is…”

“What’s that, then?”

“That you stop calling me ‘Ms. Thomas,’ for fuck’s sake. Now I’ve fingered your cunt, you’re obliged to use my first name. Which is ‘Rachel’, by the way.”

“Fine,” Millie said. Drifting closer, the girl gave her a hungry French kiss, then grinned. “Next time, Rachel… it’ll be my turn to make you feel good.”

“Can’t wait, love,” Rachel replied. “But for now, it’s getting late — we don’t want your mum to worry. You’d better get cleaned up, then I’ll take you home.” She kissed Millie gently, then gestured her toward the small downstairs toilet.

As Millie was putting herself back in order, washing her face and brushing her mussed hair, Rachel was pondering the possibilities. She realised that she wanted more of this, much more — and not just with Millie. There was a whole world of sexy young women out there — Girls, too, she added — and she wanted to sample their delights on a regular basis.

And then… there’s also one very desirable older woman. Mustn’t forget about her.

Rachel had unfinished business with Jessica, and was determined that her dear friend would experience the same ecstasy that she just had.

Onward to Chapter Three!


10 Comments on Ripples, Chapter 2

  1. sue says:

    Like where it’s going. Like where it’s at. Alice watching the DVD along with her mother though her mother doesn’t know. Very hot.

  2. David says:

    Wow, that was so erotic! I had a feeling this story was only going to get better and I was right. So many possibilities and directions to go.
    Thanks you two for the story and can’t wait for the next chapter!

  3. z. says:

    I liked that the situation between the woman and girl in the lesbian porn DVD correlated to Millie and Rachel’s situation and what they were doing, going from talking about boys and girls and sex, to actually doing it. I feel a little jealousy on Alice’s part toward what Jess was doing with Rachel in the last chapter and that jealousy has started to morph into something… much lustier. I see where this might be taken, go for it. Put a unique spin to it.

  4. Iceman says:

    Very hot. I like where it’s going.Lots of possibilities. I hope Alice gets involved and soon.

  5. Myka & Sophie says:

    Loving it:)

  6. Emily says:

    I’m really enjoying this. The was that the characters are joining the story is so intriguing. It definitely makes me want to be watched like that.

  7. Ester says:

    Quando Jessica avrà scoperto le gioie del sesso lesbico, sono sicura che guarderà con occhi diversi le sue bambine e….

    Google Translates: When Jessica has discovered the joys of lesbian sex, I’m sure she will look at her girls with different eyes and ….

  8. cam says:

    I thought the first chapter was fantastic, chapter two was incredible. Great writing guys

  9. Dom Inus says:

    Superb, so hot that she called Alice’s name 👏👏👏

  10. Mike says:

    Wow just so incredibly Hot… fabulous writing

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