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Tears of the Sun, Chapter 8

  • Posted on February 28, 2019 at 12:35 am

by Purple Les

Morning came early, as it was Monday and the laundry was busy again. Mrs. Lee oversaw things there, as she always had, but now she had a staff to assist, including several former slaves.

The Kid had awakened, bathed and had breakfast. So had Arabella, who was wearing her boy clothes, as per The Kid’s instructions. May and June had eaten with them, but now were attending their lessons, as Mrs. Lee had them do every weekday. An elderly scholar from China taught the girls, in exchange for room and board.

The clothes in the bundle The Kid had given Mrs. Lee had been washed and pressed, and now The Tequila Kid was all but unrecognizable. She wore a black Victorian dress — modest, but not so much as to conceal her figure. She’d put her hair up after washing it thoroughly, then powdered her face, using extra powder on the chin to cover the tattoos.

The part she hated the most was wearing black women’s shoes, so tight that you had to use a tool to button up the sides. She spent a few minutes walking around in them, trying to make it look natural.

Her disguise was made complete with a fashionable black ladies hat, one with a heavy matching veil that hid her face, and a pair of elbow gloves, done in black silk.

She picked up a beaded ladies’ clutch, appraised herself in a mirror and finally nodded. “Guess that’ll do.  “All right, Button, let’s go. You stay close to me, now.”

The Kid led Arabella by the hand through back alleys and past the outhouses and chicken coops and trash that was found behind the buildings on Main Street. They eventually emerged on Main Street, in the white part of town on the other side of the deadline. To all appearances, they looked like a young widow and her little boy.

They entered a general store. Arabella wandered around while the Kid went to the woman behind the counter.

Doing her best impression of a posh Boston accent, the Kid said, “Good morning. Could you help me, perhaps?”

The woman smiled at the young lady. “Why yes, ma’am, of course.”

“I’m from the east and am heading back home. I wanted to take a souvenir along. Is there anywhere I could purchase an Indian arrow?”

Shaking her head, the woman said, “I’m afraid not, ma’am.” Then she thought for a moment and said, “Well, there is Old Bill. He can carve almost anything. You can usually find him whittling in front of the dry goods store down the street.”

The Kid smiled beneath her veil. “Thank you, miss.”

As the Kid turned, Frank Sims came into the store. He tipped his hat gruffly toward The Kid, then sauntered over. “Mornin’, Miz Clark,” he said, “There’s a woman in town, I wonder if you happened to see her. She dresses like a man, got tattoos on her chin. Wears a pair of six-guns.”

Mrs. Clark laughed. “My goodness, no, Mr. Sims!”

“Maybe not in here, then… but around town?”

The woman shook her head. “No, I’m afraid not. I’d certainly recall someone like that. Is she… some kind of performer?”

“No, just someone I know. Thank you, good day.” With that, Sims turned to leave, tipping his hat once more to the Kid as he stalked out of the store.

Even if the clerk hadn’t used his name, The Kid would have known him to be Frank Sims. Charlie Redeye’s description matched the man perfectly, right down to his voice.

Looking around, The Kid realized that Arabella had vanished from sight. She felt a moment’s panic, but quickly found the girl — crouched behind a pickle barrel, gone pale white.

“What on earth’s the matter?” asked The Kid, hunkering down next to the trembling child. “You look like you seen a ghost.”

“Th-that man.” Arabella whispered. “Is he — is he gone?”

Glancing through the open door, The Kid saw Sims enter a nearby saloon. “He is,” she said. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”

Helping the girl to her feet, The Kid guided Arabella out of the general store and onto the boardwalk, then swiftly took her around the side and to the rear of the building. Luckily, no one else was there.

Kneeling before Arabella, The Kid took both of the child’s hands, gazing into her horror-struck eyes. “Who was that man, Button?” She already suspected what the answer would be.

“He… he was one of those Indians… the ones that k-killed Pa, and Ma, and m-my sister!” She burst into tears, sobbing helplessly. The Kid held Arabella to her as she cried.

Just like I thought, the Kid told herself. White men posing as Indians. Now, besides the other evidence, she had an eyewitness. But that’s got to stay a secret. I won’t risk Button’s life if I can help it.

“Listen, Button,” she said when the girl was finally cried out. “It’s good that you saw that man. Now I know who he is, I can make him pay for what he done. But till then, I need you to be brave, to help me do what it takes to bring him in.”

Arabella straightened up, sniffling. “All right,” she nodded. “My pa was a brave man… I guess I can be that way, too.” She wiped her eyes impatiently, took a steadying breath. “Okay, Kid. I’m ready.”

“You got more sand than most men I know, Button,” The Kid said. “Come on then, let’s get back to work.”

She and Arabella walked down Main Street to the dry goods store, where an old man sat on a three-legged stool, carefully whittling on a small piece of wood.

The Kid approached the man. “Mornin’, sir,” she said.

Glancing up, the man gave her a toothless smile, “Mornin’, ma’am,” he replied. “Sorry I ain’t wearin’ a hat, or I’d tip it to ye.”

“Would you be Old Bill?”

“I have to be, all right,” the old man cackled. “No one else would.”

The Kid smiled beneath her veil. “I’ve been told that you can whittle anything for a price.”

“Aye, that I can. Whatever ye can think of.”

“Have you made any arrows?”

He scratched his chin. “Not much call for that.” He paused to spit tobacco juice. “Tell ye what, though — I made a dozen or so arrows, just a while back. Wasn’t real Injun arrows, mind ye, but they was mighty good.”

“Could I see one of them?”

“Well, now. Truth is, I sold ‘em all. Feller named Sims, he had me make ‘em. I figgered that he wanted ‘em to sell hisself. Mebbe ye could look him up, see if he still has any.”

“Perhaps,” The Kid said. “In the meantime, would you make something for my son?”

“Oh, aye. What would ye like, sonny? A soldier? Or a gun? How ‘bout a horse? I got one started here.” He held up the piece of wood he’d been working on. “It’s near done.”

“Oh, yes. A horse, please!” Arabella said.

“One more thing, mister,” the Kid said. “Would you make me one of those arrows? Like the one you did for that gentleman — I’m sorry, you said his name was…?”

“Sims,” replied Old Bill. “Reckon I can, sure.”

“Can my boy wait here with you while I run an errand?” the Kid asked. “I’m sure he’d enjoy watching you work.”

“Why, sure,” Old Bill said. “So, that’s this horse”– he shaved a strip from the piece of wood — “and one Injun arrow. Be done with ‘em both in ‘bout an hour. Much obliged to ye, ma’am.”

“Thank you, kind sir,” The Kid replied, nodding her head.

Taking Arabella to one side, she bent down and whispered. “I need you to stay put for a little while, Button. I got to see some folks about that bad fella you saw. You’ll be safe here, but if anything does happen, just run on back to Mrs. Lee’s place. You ‘member where that is?”

“Uh-huh. You won’t be gone too long, will you, Kid?”

“Bout an hour, I’d say. Don’t forget, now — you’re s’posed to be callin’ me ‘Ma’, while I’m in these duds.” Patting the girl’s arm, she made her way into the street.

Three minutes later, The Kid entered the courthouse, where she gave a clerk the note from Polly. Moments later, she was introducing herself to Judge Claxton. He had the sheriff called to his office, and the three of them sat down together, laying plans.

Fifty minutes later, The Kid returned to the dry goods store just as Old Bill was making the final touches to his arrow. A moment later, he handed it to Arabella. “It ain’t quite done, mind ye. Don’t have the feathers to make the fletchin’, but other than that, it’s the same as I made for Sims.”

“Look, Ma!” Arabella cried, showing off the completed horse.

“It’s beautiful, honeybunch,” The Kid answered. “How much do I owe you, Bill? For the horse and this arrow.”

“Two bits if ye please, ma’am.” the grizzled old man answered, spitting out more tobacco juice.

The Kid handed him a dollar. Frowning, Old Bill said, “I ain’t got no change.”

“Please keep it, you’ve earned it.”

Old Bill smiled. “That’s right kind of ye, ma’am. Much obliged!”

They exchanged goodbyes, then Kid took Arabella to lunch at a cafe. Afterward they walked around Main Street, looking in windows and getting a good look at the town.

Just before two in the afternoon, they went to the courthouse and took a seat in the middle of five rows of benches. Over lunch, The Kid had explained a few details of her plan to Arabella. Now the girl was intensely interested, paying attention to everyone who entered.

A scattering of people joined them. Some came to bring matters before the judge, others were just passing the time of day. As the afternoon wore on, others came and went.

Some men took their hats off, some didn’t. A few smoked, or chewed tobacco. Judge Claxton was indifferent to the spectators, long as there was no drinking being done. Arabella noticed that the Kid had not removed her black ladies hat, so she left her own straw hat on.

Arabella had the arrow in her lap, wrapped in a piece of burlap to conceal it. She sat next to the Kid, toying with the wooden horse Old Bill had carved for her. They watched the judge handle cases from chicken thievery to public drunkenness to disputes between neighbors.

The Kid heard the bench behind her creak loudly, and looked back just enough to see that Frank Sims had come in and seated himself. Most of the crowd had already left, just a few bodies remaining in the courtroom. Two of these were the sheriff and his deputy.

It pleased The Kid to know that Sims had been turning Oak Creek upside down in pursuit of someone who been right under his nose twice that same day.

Judge Claxton banged his gavel and said, “Any more business to bring up before this court’s adjourned?”

The Kid detected it in the air before she saw him: the mingled scent of hair cologne and cigar smoke. Where’d I smell that before?

Then the source of the aroma came forward, a tall, well-dressed man who said, “Yes, your honor. I have some business matters to bring before the court.”

“Mr. Kingsley,” the judge said with a brief nod. “I see you have your lawyer with you. Please approach the bench and explain your business.”

The Kid was on edge in an instant. Kingsley. The man Polly warned me about. The one who means to take over Oak Creek. The one with four hired guns. She carefully watched as Kingsley doffed his hat and made his way up to the judge. He was clearly a man of means, done up to the nines in a charcoal-gray suit. He was accompanied by a lawyer, a thin bald man who looked as if he might keel over and die from old age at any moment.

As Kingsley quietly spoke to the judge, the Kid realized that his voice also seemed familiar. Then Kingsley’s lawyer said, “So you see, your honor, all the paperwork is in order. We just need them declared legally dead to conclude this contract.”

Then the recollection of that voice and smell came back to the Kid. The bank robber she’d taken the sacks of gold from back in Adobe Wells. Same scent, same voice. Her pulse began to race.

“Well, what sort of proof do you have that they are dead?” Judge Claxton asked.

The lawyer laid a newspaper on the desk, Putting his spectacles on, the judge quickly skimmed through the article indicated by the lawyer, then pushed it to one side. “Fine, the boy and grandmother are dead, I grant you that. What about the others?”

“I’m afraid the evidence of their demise is rather grisly, your honor — perhaps it should be reviewed privately in your chambers…?” the lawyer said.

The judge scowled. “No, it should not. If you’ve got the evidence, Finch, produce it now.” The lawyer drew close and whispered something to the judge, whose scowl grew deeper with every word. Finally, he exclaimed, “Scalps? How are we to know if they belong to the people in this claim, unless you’ve got the corpses to match?”

“Your honor,” Kingsley said. “These were given to me by a half-breed tracker named Charlie Redeye. He got them from the Indians who did the killings — at great risk of his own life, I might add. The sheriff of Adobe Wells has given us this signed document, stating that they belong to the Hodgekiss family. I also have these garments” — he took the tattered scraps of Button’s clothing from a burlap sack, placing them before the judge — “that belong to the little girl who escaped being scalped with the others. Mr. Redeye put his mark on this affidavit, swearing that he found her grave in the desert.”

The judge studied all the papers before him carefully, then asked, “Where is this Mr. Redeye? I’ll want his statement.”

“I don’t know, your honor. Mr. Sims and myself have spent all day searching for him.”

The sheriff stood. “Charlie Redeye was found shot dead this morning,” he said. There was a murmur in the courtroom. “We’ve yet to find who did the deed.” he added.

“I am most sorry to hear that.” Kingsley said. “He was a good man. Nonetheless, your honor, I’m very saddened to say that the entire Hodgekiss family is deceased, which leaves me the sole partner to the gold claim. Per the contract signed by Mike Hodgekiss and myself.”

“That’s a lie.”

There was a reaction in the courtroom as everyone looked around to see who had just spoken. Arabella was on her feet — fists clenched, cheeks flushed red, a fierce light in her eyes.

The Kid slowly slipped a hand into her bag, taking hold of the derringer as she looked back at Sims. Satisfied that the big man was keeping still, she decided to let this play out and let Arabella have the floor.

“Who said that?” the judge demanded, banging his gavel sharply.

Arabella clambered up on the bench so that she could be seen, then spoke again. “I said it, mister.”

Glancing back over her shoulder again, The Kid saw Frank Sims move to the door, blocking it. She turned to see Ramses Kingsley’s reaction — there was a thin smile on his lips, but the man’s eyes were ice cold.

Judge Claxton seemed completely bewildered. “You said it? Well, who in tarnation are you, boy?”

“I’m not a boy!” Arabella said, wrenching off her hat and shaking her long hair down. “I’m Mike Hodgekiss’s youngest daughter.” Now the courtroom was dead silent. “My name is Arabella Elizabeth Hodgekiss…”

The Kid looked around. Sims’ face had gone ashen, while Kingsley was taut with barely restrained fury.

Arabella hadn’t noticed Sims, but she stared straight at Kingsley, “…and I ain’t one bit dead.”

“You both come to my chambers.” the judge said, indicating Arabella and the Kid. “Kingsley, you and your mouthpiece, too. Pause for recess.” The crack of his gavel rang through the courtroom.

The bailiff escorted them through a door set behind the judge’s bench. Judge Claxton followed behind, pausing to speak briefly with the sheriff. Once he left the courtroom, the sheriff and deputy unholstered their guns and moved to either side of Frank Sims.

“You come with us, Sims. I got a warrant for your arrest,” the sheriff said.

“The hell you say! What’s the charge?” Sims blustered.

“Murder and robbery,” the sheriff answered. “Don’t make a fuss, Frank. Once Kingsley finds out, you might just get out on bail… if he’s willin’ to pay it, anyhow.” He gave a snort of laughter. “Oh, and I’ll also be relievin’ you of that there shootin’ iron, son,” he added, pointing to the pistol at Sims’ side.

Sims tightened his jaw as he stared at the drawn guns, then sighed. “Fine.” Slowly removing the gun from his belt, the big man presented his weapon to the sheriff, butt first. Then he allowed himself to be led from the courtroom and taken down the street to the jail.


In the judge’s chamber, Kingsley paced to and fro as he said, “Your Honor, can this child prove who she says she is? How do we know that this isn’t some unscrupulous ruse, an attempt to steal this mine from its rightful owner? Mr. Redeye gave his word that Arabella Hodgekiss is dead.”

“Sit down, Kingsley,” Judge Claxton growled. “You’re stirrin’ up the dust in here.” He turned to Arabella, “Little girl, are you telling the truth?”

“I swear on my family’s grave.” Arabella solemnly said.

“Do you know the truth? Do you understand right from wrong?” Kingsley said to the child, no longer hiding his contempt.

“God and Jesus love those who speak the truth,” the child replied. “The truth sets you free. Lies make Jesus cry and fill your soul with sin.”

Kingsley was at a loss for words. “I…” He was glaring at the girl, but Arabella stood her ground.

Finch, the elderly attorney, hastened to calm his client. “Ramses…” he murmured, placing his hand on the man’s shoulder. Suddenly aware of how close he’d come to losing control, Kingsley seated himself. The judge seemed to be fighting an impulse to snicker.

“Your honor,” Finch began, turning back to the judge, “I’m sure that none of us would dispute this child’s wise words. Nonetheless, this is a court of law, and the law requires proof of some sort that she is, in fact, the daughter of Mike Hodgekiss.”

“True,” the judge said with a nod, then looked over to Arabella. “Well, child,” he said, his voice gentle, “have you some means of proving who you are?”

“Sir, I have this,” Arabella said, taking her family bible out of her coat. Bringing it forward, she handed the worn book to the judge. “Everything about my folks is in here. Ma put my name in it when I was born.”

Looking at The Kid, Kingsley’s eyes narrowed. “And who might you be — this child’s nursemaid?”

As Judge Claxton pored through the family history that was inscribed on the inside cover of the bible, he said without looking up, “You two haven’t met before? My, my. Kingsley, allow me to introduce you to the Tequila Kid.”

At first, Kingsley seemed to think the judge was joking. Then he went pale. As far as he knew, he’d already lost his stolen gold to The Kid — now she was ruining his chance of getting the gold mine as well.

Claxton was conversing quietly with Arabella, asking questions about the names and birthdates he saw in the bible. Thumbing through the volume, he found a folded piece of paper tucked inside, took it out and read what it had to say, a smile slowly appearing on his face.

“Well, Kingsley,” the judge said, “This is another contract between you and Mike Hodgekiss… dated later than the one you have. This contract supersedes that one.” The judge handed it to Kingsley’s lawyer. “What say you, Finch?”

Putting his spectacles on, the lawyer studied the document carefully, then said, “Well, now, Ramses, it appears that since the girl is alive and the sole descendent, the mine is hers. You are her partner. She gets eighty percent of the profit, with you receiving the remainder — after all taxes and expenses.”

Ramses Kingsley looked as if he had a bad taste in his mouth — but he was smiling, even if his eyes were colder than ever. “Very well.” Kingsley said, his voice gone smooth and even, “I suppose that my lawyer will be talking with you soon, Miss Hodgekiss.”

“You best have your lawyer speak with Arabella’s aunt. She’s the child’s legal guardian now,” the Kid said, taking off the ladies’ hat. The disguise had served its purpose, and she was impatient to be shut of it and back in her everyday clothes.

“That’s right,” said the judge, “Clementine DuMount is the girl’s aunt. Says so right here in this bible.” He glanced up at the lawyer. “Finch,” he said, his voice low and deadly serious, “you’re already on thin ice in my court. If I hear even a whisper about you botherin’ this here child. I’ll have your license.”

With that, Kingsley turned and stalked out of the judge’s chambers. “Er — we’ll be in touch,” the lawyer said, then hastened after his client.

Letting out a guffaw of laughter, Judge Claxton sat back in his chair. “By God, that was the first time I ever saw Ramses Kingsley get that flustered. Did my heart good.” He turned to Arabella. “Little lady, I’d like to shake your hand for standin’ up to that dirty cur.”

“Thank you, sir,” Arabella said, blushing adorably as she extended her hand to the judge.

“You deserve credit, too, Kid,” Claxton continued, looking over at The Kid. “Everything worked out just like we planned. Better, by God!” Pulling a watch from his vest pocket, he noted the time. “By now, I reckon Frank Sims is coolin’ his heels in a jail cell. When we adjourned to chambers, I let Sheriff Milligan know to hit Sims with that warrant we drew up.”

“Good,” The Kid said.

“Kid,” the judge said, shutting the watch with a snap and tucking it back in his vest. “You’d best take this child and get you gone. When Kingsley gets told that I’ve got his right-hand man locked up, he’ll be back — and madder than a wet hen, too.” He chuckled. “Wait ‘till he finds out just how high I’m settin’ Sims’ bail. Go on, now — guess how much!”

Pondering for a moment, The Kid shrugged. “Uh… five hundred?”

Another burst of laughter from the judge. “Nope… a thousand dollars, by God!”

The Kid whistled, long and low. “You sure do know how to kick a man when he’s down.”

The judge’s smile twisted into a grimace. “Some folks need to be kicked when they’re down, and believe you me, Ramses Kingsley is one of ‘em. I’m just glad to finally get a chance to make him sweat a little.” He fingered his watch again, but didn’t take it out. “Now get goin’, Kid. Take the back way. He’s gonna be stompin’ back in here any minute, and I don’t want this little lady to be here when that happens.”

“Judge Claxton, I’m mighty obliged to you.” The Kid picked up the fancy ladies hat, peered at it disdainfully and, with a sigh, placed it back on her head. “C’mon, Button,” she said.

Arabella followed The Kid to the door, then turned around to give the judge a big smile. “Thank you, sir,” she said.

Judge Claxton nodded. “The pleasure was all mine, little lady.”

Then they were gone. Settling back in his chair, Claxton took out his pipe and began to clean it, patiently waiting for Kingsley to show.


The Kid’s next stop was at Doc Stone’s office. “Wait here for me,” she told Arabella when the doctor stuck his head into the waiting room. “I’ll only be a couple minutes.”

“Figured you’d be droppin’ by sometime,” Stone said as he escorted The Kid into the back, “though not wearin’ a dress, that’s for sure. You goin’ to some fancy ball tonight?”

“Didn’t want certain folks in town to know who I am just yet, that’s all,” The Kid replied.

“None of my business,” Stone said with a wink, leading her into a small room, dominated by a cloth-covered table. He whisked the cloth away, revealing the body of Charlie Redeye. “Here he is.”

“What can you tell me, Doc?”

Indicating the fatal wound with the stub of a pencil, Doc Stone said, “Shot once through the heart. Odd thing is, looks like he was shot from above. Maybe from an upstairs window.”

“Got his things?” The Kid asked. “I need to go through ‘em.”

The doctor produced a box in which he’d put Charlie’s personal belongings. The Kid saw Charlie’s medicine pouch. Most Native Americans carried one, as did The Kid herself. There was also an unsmoked cigar. Not much else. Three dollars in coin was all the money Charlie had.

The Kid held the three dollars out and said, “Can he be buried, Doc Stone?”

Doc Stone scratched behind his ear and said, “Well, I suppose so. Not in the white cemetery, but I can get him put in Boot Hill. You want a marker?”

“I reckon not. Is that enough money, Doc?”

“Depends. You want a pine box for him? Or just wrapped in canvas.”

“Canvas is fine.” She shook her head. “Charlie was a no-account son of a bitch, but I reckon he deserves to get planted in the ground, at least.”

The doctor rubbed his nose. “This’ll be enough.” He took the coins from the Kid’s hand.

The Kid put the medicine pouch and cigar into her bag, then left, saying, “Much obliged, Doc.”


The next day, the Kid was glad to be back in her regular clothes and wearing her pistols again, while Arabella had given up her disguise for the blue gingham dress and bonnet that Annie Bloom had bought in Hellsfork for her.

After thanking and saying goodbye to Mrs. Lee, May and June, The Kid borrowed a horse and buggy from her old friend Pablo, pausing briefly to catch up on old times with the burly blacksmith. Once mounted, The Kid headed out to Clementine DuMount’s ranch, Arabella by her side.

As they reached the gates of the ranch, an older man on a horse rode up, blocking the buggy.

“Howdy,” he said, squinting hard at the Kid. “Is Mrs. DuMount expectin’ y’all?”

“Are you Slim Green?” Arabella asked.

The man looked her way for the first time, and his deeply lined face broke into a slow smile. “Arabella Hodgekiss? Why, land o’ Goshen! It’s been a spell. We thought you was dead, child.” His smile vanished, and he shook his head sadly. “I am sure sorry to have heard about that business. Your folks was mighty good people.”

“Thank you, Mr. Green.” Arabella gestured toward her companion. “This is my friend, the Tequila Kid. She saved my life.”

Green turned his friendly smile on The Kid, tipped his hat and said, “Pleased to make your ‘quaintance, ma’am… and many thanks for what you done for Arabella.” Climbing down from his horse, he shuffled over to the gates and opened them. “Follow me on up to the house. Child, your Aunt Clementine will be more excited than a cat in a roomful of rockin’ chairs when she lays her eyes on you!”

The old man climbed back into the saddle, and The Kid trailed behind as he led them up the road toward the DuMount house.

Clementine DuMount was on the front porch shaking out a rug when they drew near. Shielding her eyes from the late afternoon sun, she saw Slim leading a buggy with a little girl and what appeared to be a young man. Then she recognized Arabella. Dropping the rug, Clementine raced toward the buggy.

The Kid reigned the horse to a stop as Arabella jumped out and ran toward her aunt, calling, “Aunt Clem!” Clementine swept the ten-year-old up in her arms and spun her around. Arabella hugged the woman tightly, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Clementine put Arabella down, then immediately went down on her knees and embraced the sobbing girl again, murmuring, “My poor, sweet child. We all thought we’d lost you.” Tears came to Clementine’s eyes as she drew away, gazing at her niece. “Oh, Arabella. My poor sister’s little girl. You’ve come home.”

They hugged for a while longer, then Clementine took notice of the buggy driver, who she’d first thought was a man, but was actually a tall woman dressed in men’s clothing. A white woman, who wore a pair of six-shooters and had tattoos on her chin. She put Clementine in mind of an Indian for some reason, even though she obviously wasn’t one.

Slim said, “Mrs, Clementine, this here is the Tequila Kid. Arabella says this woman saved her life.”

Clementine’s thoughts about this odd woman suddenly softened as Arabella said, wiping her tears away, “That’s for sure the truth, Aunt Clem. I would’ve died in the desert if it weren’t for The Kid.”

Clementine came over to the buggy and extended her hand. Smiling, she said, “We are forever in your debt, Miss Kid.”

The Kid took Clementine’s hand and held it for a moment, saying, “Shucks, ma’am, it was chance that brought me to her when she needed someone.”

“No,” Clementine said, “It was the providence of the Lord. We can never thank you enough. Slim, please show Miss Kid where she can put the horse and buggy. Then bring her back to the house, so she can meet the girls.”

As The Kid followed Slim off to the stable, Clementine took Arabella inside and cried, “Mimi! Susie! Come quickly!”

Two girls came running down the stairs, both of them squealing in surprise as they hastened to greet their cousin, embracing the overwhelmed little girl. It was a moment of mixed emotions — sadness for their lost relations, and joy for Arabella, that she was alive and safe after all.

The Kid hesitantly came to the door with a small valise. When she knocked, Clementine came to let her in. Arabella was busy fielding questions from her cousins.

Setting the valise down, The Kid said, “Mrs. DuMount, this here bag is all Arabella has. It’s not much, but more than when we started out together.”

“Thank you, Miss Kid. Please come in and meet my daughters.”

As The Kid hesitantly entered the front parlor, two girls eagerly approached her. Clementine put an arm over the shoulders of the smaller girl, twining the other around the waist of the older one.

The Kid studied the family with genuine interest. Clementine is downright beautiful. Full-figured, well-dressed without putting on airs. I love how she piles all that auburn hair up on top of her head. The bigger girl has her hair the same — she’s already as good-looking a woman as her mama. And that little one with the braids is cute as a baby bunny. Easy to see that they’re mother and daughters… and kin to Button.

“This is my oldest, Naomi,” Clementine said, proudly indicating the older girl, “Sweetheart, this is Miss Kid, the woman who saved Arabella’s life.” Naomi curtsied, and the Kid tipped her hat.

“Everyone just calls me Mimi. I hope you will, too.” Naomi said.

The Kid smiled. “Be glad to.” Naomi was almost as tall her mother and blossoming into a lovely woman with small, firm breasts and a nice curve to her hips. Gesturing the younger girl forward, Clementine said, “And this is Olivia Susan.”

Olivia also made a small curtsy. She looked to be just a little older than Arabella. She was adorable as could be — still girlish, but starting to bloom with hint of budding breasts.

“You can just call me Susie, like everyone else does. Thank you for saving my cousin,” Susie said, then suddenly moved forward to give the Kid a warm hug.

“It’s my pleasure to meet you folks. And there’s no need to call me ‘Miss Kid’ — just ‘Kid’ will do fine.” In spite of the family’s warm welcome, the quiet elegance of their home made The Kid all too conscious of the shabbiness of her clothing. “I reckon I’ll go get my own things out to the stable. I need to speak with Slim, anyhow.”

The girls looked at Clementine, who touched the Kid’s arm and said, “You’ll stay here in the house with us.”

The Kid looked at the floor for a moment and said, “Much obliged, ma’am, but I don’t want to put anyone out none. The stable’s more like what I’m used to.”

“I will take it as a personal insult if you spend a single night in that drafty old stable,” Clementine said, with a smile that was warm and genuine.

The Kid had to grin at that. “Well, then, I reckon I’ll accept your kind invitation, Mrs. DuMount.”

“And you can call me Clem.” Clementine said, looking at her girls. “Everyone else does.”

“All right.” the Kid said, still feeling a bit shy. “I do still need to speak with Slim, though. Pardon me, ma’am — uh, Clem, sorry. I’ll be right back.” Her cheeks were slightly flushed as she made her exit.

Catching up with Slim Green, The Kid spent a moment getting acquainted with the old hand, then asked him about the workings of the ranch. He explained that the ranch proper was a mile or so away. He and the other five hands stayed in a bunkhouse there. Slim assured The Kid that they were all fiercely loyal to the DuMounts.

“Pete DuMount was a mighty fine man,” Slim said. “Treated his men like they was family. When I busted my leg ridin’ a wild horse, he paid for the bonesetter outen his own pocket, even kept my wage comin’ while I was laid up. Damn few ranchers woulda done the same. As for Mrs. Clem… well, she’s as good a woman as I ever knowed. She’d be a catch for just about any man, and a few come sniffin’ around after Pete died. Weren’t interested in none of ‘em, though.”

“Listen, Slim,” The Kid said, “I got reason to think that Arabella could be in real danger. There’s a couple of bad men out there who’d like to see her dead… the same ones as killed her folks.”

Slim shook his head. “So they didn’t get scalped by Indians.” He gouged the ground angrily with the heel of his boot. “I ain’t surprised. Me and the boys all agreed — that story didn’t make no kinda sense.” He stared at The Kid. “Well, then, miss… what can we do to keep that child safe?”

The Kid nodded. “If you and your men could keep an eye out for strangers, that would be a big help. Also, can you spare a man to stand watch at night — maybe sound an alarm if there’s a need to?”

“That I can,” Slim replied. “We got us a big ol’ bell that you can hear right up to the house. Don’t worry, you’ll have your watchman. Anything more?”

“If any of the other womenfolk go to town, it’d be good to send a man along. Best to keep Arabella here, though.”

“Sounds like the smart play. But I gotta ask ya, miss… how long’ll we need to do this for? If we know who the killers are, can’t we put the law on ‘em?”

The Kid’s response was to take out her Texas Rangers badge and display it to the old cowhand. “The law’s already on ‘em, Slim. I just need a few days.”

He nodded, resolve in his eyes. “You got ‘em, miss.”

She extended her hand, and they shook. A good man, she told herself. Gettin’ up in years, but there’s still iron in that grip.

As the Kid and Slim exchanged goodbyes, Susie came dashing up. She said, “Ma told me I was to take you to the washhouse, so’s you could get cleaned up. She’s fixin’ chicken for dinner. Mimi’s gettin’ Arabella settled in and is helpin’ her get freshened up.” Susie took The Kid’s hand in hers and said, “Come with me!”

Now ain’t she the little charmer, The Kid thought. Taking off her hat, she said, “Sounds good. Lead the way, little lady.”

With a delighted giggle, Susie did just that.

On to Chapter Nine!


Two Moms, Chapter 25

  • Posted on February 26, 2019 at 3:13 pm

By Naughty Mommy

That had to be the best day ever. Talk about great! I mean, it starts off in the morning with the wedding, a bikini wedding right on the beach with my mom getting married to my girlfriend’s mom, a totally happy event for everyone, and sexy too. Not to mention it’s New Year’s Eve — time for fireworks!

Next comes their honeymoon with me and Jess invited along to be part of it. We take a boat and end up at this really cool house high on a cliff on a little island, where after dinner that night we’re all four naked on a bed, having sex with each other. I’m fucking my mom with my fingers, actually fucking my own mom! I’m sucking on her nipple at the same time, which I love doing, and pretty soon my mother has this absolutely huge orgasm. So awesome!

Plus, at the same time as that, right next to us Jessica and her mom are eating each other’s pussies in a 69. I couldn’t see much of it since I was kind of busy, but I sure could hear when they both came — which happened to be almost exactly when my mom did! Can you imagine anything better? What an amazing day!

Then, before I could think about anything else, Mom suddenly pushed me over on my back, holding my legs wide apart and staring at my crotch. She was breathing hard and licking her lips, and she had this crazed look on her face like she was possessed by a demon or something. I knew it was really only because she was so turned on, so I wasn’t scared of her or anything, but still it took my breath away.

Without saying a word, she sort of growled then put her mouth between my legs and started licking me. Oh my god, it was happening! My own mom was licking my pussy!!




Karen lost count of her orgasms. Or perhaps more accurately, they all seemed to blend together, as if she was enjoying a continuous climax that lasted for fifteen or twenty minutes.

She kept coming over and over as she ground her cunt into her daughter’s mouth while at the same time finger-fucking the girl and sucking her little clit. She was sure Jessica had also come at least one more time after her first and she was hoping she could bring her to another. That might not happen, but it didn’t really matter. The important thing was they were pleasuring one another, kissing and licking and sucking and fucking, mother and daughter happily making love.

For the child, it most definitely was a happy time. She lay on her back with her mom on top of her, so nice and warm and comforting, her soft body scented with perfume and sex. Jessica felt a hot tongue licking her and could feel a finger, her mom’s finger, deep inside her pussy. She opened her legs wide and arched her pelvis, trying to push herself still closer.

When Karen came again, Jess swallowed and sucked some more, her mouth filled to overflowing with juices from her mother’s tasty cunt. With both hands she gripped the woman’s butt, pulling her in even tighter. It was just so perfect, everything a girl could ever want.




Nora knew she was out of control, but she couldn’t help it. This was the fulfillment of all her dreams, all her hottest, most forbidden fantasies. She was eating the pussy of a twelve-year-old girl — her own daughter! — licking and sucking that sweet, smooth, hairless pussy, and relishing every second of it.

More than relishing, she was ravaging, shoving her face as hard as she could into Lia’s crotch, tongue-fucking the girl with her mouth wide open, repeatedly spearing inside her. Clearly this wasn’t the most delicate or sensitive or skillful lovemaking she could manage, and she was aware, distantly, that it probably would not bring her daughter the kind of pleasure she deserved. Finally, after a few minutes of carnal chaos, Nora succeeded in calming herself down just a bit, at least enough so she could think rationally.

Drawing away for a moment and trying to catch her breath, but with her heart still furiously pounding, lust raging, she wiped her mouth and chin, then shifted her focus from Lia’s pink vagina, as tasty and tempting as that was, up to her clit. And, oh my, how truly beautiful it was.

As Nora spread the puffy labia with both thumbs, she found the child’s clit standing proudly erect, a swollen bud that seemed to beg for her mother’s attention. She’d seen Lia up close like this many times before and had always treasured the sight. Now, tonight, she would do more than just look.

Hungrily, but with some restraint, Nora lowered her mouth to the girl’s vulva. She kissed and tongued the tender clit, feeling Lia jerk beneath her, hearing gasps and moans. Summoning all her willpower, she forced herself to take things at a slower pace, not overdoing it, letting her daughter’s arousal build steadily. 

With this improved approach, it didn’t take long. In only two or three minutes, Lia began showing signs of getting close. She was trembling and panting, and Nora thought she heard her murmuring, “Mom, Mom…”




“Mom, Mom, Mom…” That was all I could say, over and over.

My whole body was on fire. I was shaking and sweating as if I had a fever. I did have a fever, but not from being sick. This was a sexual fever. I was almost ready to climax with my mother licking my pussy.

All those times I’d imagined this… the many, many nights I’d masturbated in my bed while dreaming of my mom’s tongue between my legs or my face between hers… and now at last it was real. She was actually doing it, and I was just about to come in her mouth.

Yes! I was gonna come in my mother’s mouth! I was — I was —

And then I did.

Oh. My. God.

I couldn’t believe how hard I came. My body practically jumped right off the bed. I was screaming out loud, bouncing up and down. I’m surprised I didn’t pull a muscle or something. Somehow Mom held a tight grip and managed to keep her mouth over my pussy even while I was thrashing around. She kept sucking and I kept coming, all these huge eruptions again and again and again.

As much as I loved sex with Jessica, it had never been quite like that for me before. I guess the secret must be this: if a girl wants to have the best possible orgasm, make sure it’s your mom eating you.




Now there was another thing she had to do.

When Lia finally seemed to settle down a bit, following that wonderfully volcanic climax, Nora crawled atop the child. She lay on her and kissed her mouth, swirling her tongue inside, sharing the delicious juices from the girl’s pussy.

But this wasn’t the thing she had to do. Their sweet, loving kiss lasted perhaps half a minute, until Nora’s patience gave out. She needed something else, something more. Getting to her knees, she straddled Lia, sitting on her chest, and took her head in both hands.

“I need you to lick me, baby girl,” Nora said in a throaty voice as she gazed into her eyes. “I need you to lick my pussy.”

Without waiting for a response, she brought her steaming cunt to Lia’s face, pressing it into her mouth. And as she felt her daughter’s warm tongue beginning to lick, probing within her slippery folds, seeking her center, Nora groaned with profound satisfaction.

What a feeling! Love and lust, pleasure and passion, affection and desire, all blending together in the ultimate expression of mother-daughter intimacy. Never, not even with Karen, had she experienced so much emotional joy combined with such erotic intensity. This was the peak, the culmination, the highest pinnacle of her life. It was everything she wanted or could ever hope for.

Then, almost before she knew it, certainly before Lia had been able to do very much in the way of stimulating her, Nora sensed a climax rapidly surging up from inside. She couldn’t stop it from coming, nor did she want to, not in the least.

Holding Lia’s head in her hands and looking down into her eyes, Nora humped the girl’s mouth, fucking her daughter’s face, soon bursting into a powerful gushing orgasm.




We rested for a while then. I really needed to, since like I said I just about strained every muscle in my body when I came so hard in my mother’s mouth. I didn’t have to do a lot after that when she was sitting on my face — although I tried to move my tongue around some, and loved doing it — because she mostly did it all herself, fucking my mouth like mad until she came on me.

So now I was resting.

Karen and Jess looked like they were pretty worn out too after eating each other’s pussies for such a long time. They were lying near us with their eyes closed, holding hands, both panting and sometimes licking their lips, still tasting the good stuff I guess.

I’d managed to push myself up after a couple minutes, except I was lightheaded, a little dizzy. My mom was the only one who seemed fine, happy and smiling, almost jolly.

As soon as I sat up, she leaned over and gave me this loud smacking kiss on the lips. “Mmm, I love you, darling,” she grinned.

“I love you too,” I said, returning the smile.

Seeing Mom so happy made me feel great, gave me some energy back. And I also liked looking at her body. She was on her knees, sort of swaying back and forth, like she was dancing or something. Her boobs jiggled, big nipples sticking way out. Yummy!

“You know what?”

That was Karen’s voice. She was still lying on her back, but looking up at me.

“What?” I replied.

“I want to lick you.”

“You do?”

“Yes. Oh my god, Lia, I want to lick you so bad. But we can wait if you’re not ready yet.”

“No. I mean, yeah, I am. I’m ready now, I think.”

Although I definitely was tired, it was exciting to think about the sexy Karen — my new mom! — licking my pussy. That got me ready in a hurry.

“Ooh, and while you two do that…”

My other mom, my original one, was crawling on her hands and knees across the king-size bed toward Jess, who giggled cheerfully and spread her legs open.

So then we spent a while longer, a few more hours, having a really great time, all four of us making love. First it was our moms eating us, their new daughters, and they made both of us come pretty fast. After that we got into this daisy-chain, with me licking Karen, Karen licking Jess, Jess licking my mom (my real mom), and my mother licking me. Although we didn’t all come at the exact same time, which probably would have been impossible, everybody did have at least one orgasm, and Karen of course had a lot more than one. By the time we finished doing that, my face was a dripping mess, gooey with all her pussy juice.

But we still weren’t finished. We switched around some more, trading partners, sometimes licking, sometimes fingering, maybe sucking tits, or maybe masturbating, or all together in some wild combination. When it finally moved toward the end of that amazing night, when it got so late that I was starting to yawn, the last thing we did was one of the first things we’d talked about.

Our moms fucked us.




As she had promised she would do several hours earlier, Nora mounted her daughter, carefully positioning herself, using her fingers to align their pussies so their labia would mesh and their clits nearly meet. Slowly she began to move on top of Lia, fucking her.

Karen was less precise about it, simply holding Jessica’s legs wide open, then dropping her cunt onto the child’s mound and quickly starting to hump.

Nora and Karen, the newlyweds, were facing toward one another, the kids almost head to head. That was so the pair could watch each other, both eager to see a mom fucking her daughter. This visual stimulus made it even more arousing, though the physical sensation of hot pussy on hot pussy was plenty to get them revved up.

For the girls, simply the idea of being fucked by their mothers was a huge turn-on. They’d talked about it together and masturbated about it many times. And now that it was actually happening, now that they could feel that slippery cunt thrusting against theirs, it didn’t take long until both were ready to come.

Nora looked down at Lia. The slender child was gasping, wincing, her pretty face and her flat chest flushed red.

“You gonna come, little girl?” said Nora. “Are you gonna come with Mommy fucking your pussy?”

“Uh-huh, uh-huh,” Lia squeaked.

“Yeah, I’m fucking you!” cried Karen. “Fucking your little fucking pussy!!”

“Mom, I — I —” and suddenly Jessica climaxed. Karen came too, at nearly the same instant, on top of the girl.

Lia followed a few seconds later. She couldn’t say anything coherent, had no breath to speak, merely grunted and groaned as she climaxed beneath her mother.

And that was enough for Nora, enough to send her over the top as well. But she wanted to say the words. Gritting her teeth, she managed to choke out, “Mommy’s fucking you!! I’m gonna fuck you and come on you!!”

Then the woman shuddered in ecstasy, her flowing juices mixing with her daughter’s as they shared a simultaneous incestuous orgasm.




We’d opened the bed and were under the covers, all four of us together, still naked and sweaty, with everyone smelling like sex. Jess and I were in the middle, our moms on either side. Now we were waiting.

Karen had looked at her watch a couple minutes earlier. She’d said, “Know what, guys? Only two more minutes until the New Year!”

So we counted it down, and then it was time: “FIVE – FOUR – THREE – TWO – ONE! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

We kissed and hugged, wishing each other happiness, which of course I knew we’d have for sure, and us girls congratulated our two moms on being married. Then we all kissed some more and said how much we loved each other. It might’ve seemed like a good time for sex, except by then we were totally done, wiped out after hours and hours of coming again and again.

We settled in, snuggling up together, getting ready to fall asleep. But then I thought of something else, one more thing I wanted to do. We’d already kind of gone around in order, one after the other, looking into each other’s eyes, kissing and saying, “I love you.”

That was nice. It was really great. I was part of a family, a wonderful family where everyone truly loved each other, and where we all made love too. I was a very lucky girl.

Anyway, there was that one last thing. After we’d finished kissing and saying our I-love-you’s and then got snuggled in, I suddenly had this idea. So I shoved the sheets away and got down between my mother’s legs, pushing them apart.

I leaned in very close to her cunt. It was damp and fragrant. After studying her for a moment, I said, with all my heart, “I love you,” then brought my lips to her pussy lips and kissed her. 



Bus Ride With My Sister

  • Posted on February 24, 2019 at 2:34 pm

Author Unknown

Note from JetBoy: A strange but very exciting tale, quite different from our usual fare. I’m seldom into stories where someone is manipulated into having sex against their will, but this one is a very strong exception, with a quite satisfying conclusion. I helped it along by adding some genuine sisterly love into the proceedings.


Shelly walked up the steps of the bus ahead of me, and as agreed, she took a seat in the very back. The bus was never crowded anyway, and today it was practically empty.

She sat down and scooted over to the window, an angry scowl on her face. I sidled in beside her and set my pack down on the seat across from us. When the bus re-entered traffic, I turned to her, studying her face. She wouldn’t meet my eyes, though.

“Okay,” I said, “Show me.”

Shelly gazed piteously at me, anger turning to shame. “Isn’t there something else I can do?” she pleaded. “Anything?”

“We had a deal,” I said casually, “If you don’t want to uphold your end then I’ll let Mom and Dad know what you did.” I smiled sadistically, “Either way, it makes no difference to me.”

“This is sick!” She stared at me with a horrified expression. “What kind of freak are you? Ever since you turned eighteen, you’ve been acting like a fucking weirdo.”

I shrugged. “Whatever… it sounds like you’ve made up your mind not to do this.” I stood, reaching for my pack, intending to take a seat further forward in the bus.

She grabbed my skirt. “Karma, wait!” Her shaking hand released my skirt when she saw I was listening. “Okay, okay, I’ll do it. But why here, on a bus?”

“To add to the excitement, to show you how bad you fucked up and how much power a few pictures I took can give me over you. And, I guess, as payback for all the times you tattled on me to Mom and Dad. Payback’s a bitch.” I sat back down and turned to her. “Now, let’s see it.”

Closing her eyes, and with nervous hands, Shelly lifted her skirt, shifting from one buttock to the other so she could tug it over her hips.

Her beautifully waxed pussy sparkled in the dingy light pouring through the bus window. She wasn’t wearing panties, as per my instructions.

“Spread them wider apart,” I commanded. She did. “Play with yourself, get your pussy wet.”

Mortified, eyes still closed, she moved an unsteady hand down and started to masturbate. I looked around, then relaxed, confident that no one would suspect what was happening back here. I watched my sister fiddle around with herself, teasing her clit. I could feel my own pussy getting excited, starting to moisten.

I turned and reached for my pack, setting it in my lap. Shelly opened her eyes to see what I was doing but quickly shut them again when she saw me smile at her, blood rushing to her already rosy cheeks. I retrieved my camera from a side pocket and stashed it next to me on the seat, putting my pack on the floor.

I watched Shelly for a few more minutes, getting more and more excited. The bus plodded along, making occasional stops, but mostly to let passengers off. Soon, there would be no stops for about thirty minutes as we traveled from one suburb to the next.

“How’s it going? Are you wet?” I asked.

Shelly slid her finger up her crack, “Not yet,” She sounded disgusted. We rode along for a few more minutes, and I sat there watching my big sister play with herself. She slid her finger again, testing her wetness, and the tip easily poked inside a little bit, “Now I am,” she said.

“Let me see that finger.” She held it up for me and I took her wrist, bringing her hand to my mouth. I  licked her finger, then sucked at it. “Mmmm, big sis, you taste good.” Leaning toward her, I ran my own finger along her crack, dipping the tip inside. She was right; her cunt was getting wet. Shelly squirmed and made a face when I touched her, but didn’t protest.

I stuck the finger in my mouth, gazing into Shelly’s eyes as I tasted her. “Mmmmm… yummy.”

“Is that enough?” she hissed, starting to pull her skirt down.

I shook my head. “No, no, my sweet. You keep doing what you were doing. We have a ways to go yet.”

She made a disgusted sound and returned to her task.

I watched Shelly masturbate, getting so aroused by the sight that it was impossible for me not to move a hand under my skirt. I sighed with pleasure as I began to rub my dripping cunt. In less than a minute I felt an orgasm rushing at me, my eyes glued to my big sister as she rubbed herself.

Suddenly I came hard, going rigid and slack at the same time, shoving a finger deep inside so I could feel my vagina contract around it. The rush slowly ebbed and I withdrew my finger, bringing to my lips for a taste, then dipping two fingers in again for more. I can’t help it; the taste of pussy never fails to bring me pleasure.

Shelly was staring at me. “Did you just come?” she asked, disbelief written on her face.

“I sure did, sis,” I answered, breathing heavily.

“How did you do that so fast?”

“Because you, my dear, are sexy as hell, and watching you play with yourself is incredibly erotic.” I murmured, taking another taste of my cunt.

“But I’m your sister, for fuck’s sake. How can that turn you on?” She sounded truly baffled.

“Honestly, that doesn’t bother me at all; in fact, it just gets me even more excited. We are sisters, we’re not supposed to have sex, it’s dangerous and utterly forbidden. Now c’mon, Shelly, it’s not the end of the world if I’m turned on by you. I’m not going to tell anyone else about how I feel, and I’m sure you won’t.” I smiled at her, “It’s just sex. Pure and simple. Mouths, tongues, fingers and sweaty, slippery bodies. That’s it.”

“Well, I find it completely anti-climactic, immoral and disturbing. There is no way I could orgasm from this, and that fact that you can says to me that you’re fucked up in the head.” She said all this, but her fingers never quit working her pussy. I didn’t bother to point that out.

“Oh, I bet you could, if you weren’t such a prude. You wax your pussy, so obviously you have some sexual desire.”

“I have plenty of sexual desire, just not with my extortionist lesbian sister,” she blurted, defensively.

“So your desire is limited to the bedroom and your clumsy boyfriend, with the lights off and in the missionary position?” I was goading her, but it was fun. I knew my argument was ludicrous; I just enjoyed getting her worked up.

“Are you serious?” she asked, incredulously, “You think because I won’t come on the back of a city bus while my perverted, blackmailing sister watches me… that means I’m some kind of prude?” She was getting fired up now.

I tried to diffuse the situation a little, “All I’m saying is that you could enjoy the situation for what it is, and get as much out of it as you can.” That was weak too.

“I feel like… this is a sort of rape. You’ve got me here against my will.”

“You’re free to go at any time,” I countered.

“And then you show off your pictures,” she parried.

“Well, that’s true, but it’s not like I don’t have legitimate grievances as well. All those times you ratted me out to Mom and Dad for drinking, or taking one lousy hit off a joint.”

“Okay, I admit I used to be a tattle-tale, but I grew out of that, didn’t I? Anyhow, if you’re still pissed off about that, why not ask for money, or clothes or… fuck, anything else. Why this, damn it?” She looked down, indicating her fingers, which were still fondling her cunt. I noticed that one of them had slipped inside her.

Time for a skeleton to come out of the closet, “Shelly,” I said, “I’ve always had a crush on you, always thought you were beautiful. I’ve dreamed of… of being your lover, and the t-two of us being together, living happily ever after and all that.” I looked away, emotion threatening to choke me up.

Shelly studied me, I think trying to decide if I was being genuine or not. “Well, that’s sweet… and what a way to express your love, by forcing me into a sexual situation I would never, ever agree to if I had a choice.”

I studied the floor of the bus, not wanting to look at her, suddenly feeling a tug on my conscience. “Karma, look at me,” she said softly. I did. “I love you too, but not like this, not so dirty, so sordid.”

“Then pretend I’m not your sister, just for today, and play along.” I wasn’t going to let this opportunity slip so easily away. “Just do what I ask, let me live out my ‘sick’ fantasy and we will never speak of it again.” I looked at her, “Fair?”

Her eyes squinted, pursed lips, suggesting she didn’t exactly believe me, and her finger still intruded into her pussy. She sighed and her shoulders slumped, “Fine. Well, come on, Karma, let’s get it over with.” Her eyes were blazing into mine. “What do you want me to do?”

I smiled brightly, patting her knee, “That’s a good girl,” I said, adjusting myself so my knee was against the back of the seat and the other leg on the floor, my pussy gleaming and fully exposed. I used a finger to agitate my clit. “Have you ever been with a girl before?”

“No,” she said, watching my finger, even though her expression said she wanted to look away.

“Have you ever thought about it?”

“No,” she said.

“Be honest with me, Shelly. I told you something I swore I never would, so you have that on me. Tell me the truth.”

She looked at me, her fingers idly rubbing over her clit and one slowly sliding in and out of her gash. I noticed that it was quite wet under her ass, a dark stain on the seat. “I…” she hesitated, squinting her eyes again, suspiciously. “I have thought about it,” she said, reluctantly, “But never acted on it.” She turned and looked out the window, her finger plowing into her pussy sped up a little as she shifted her hips. “Are you satisfied with that answer?” she asked, speaking to the window.

“Yes, Shelly,” I said, “Now, let me suck on that finger of yours.” She offered it to me without looking at me and I closed my mouth over it, sucking and washing her savory digit clean. The fingers on her clit sped up as my tongue started to wind around her finger in my mouth. I wondered if she was even aware of this. I pulled my mouth back with a wet ‘popping’ sound and she mechanically returned the finger to her pussy, easily sliding it in and resuming her motion.

I looked around the bus, no one for ten seats. “Unbutton your top, I want to see your tits.”

She glared at me, started to protest, but changed her mind. Scanning the empty seats, she seemed to come to the same conclusion that no one could ever see. She reached behind herself, under her top and unsnapped her bra, pulling her arms inside her blouse one at a time and slid the loops off of them. She handed me her bra, “Put this in your pack,” she said, unbuttoning her top. She undid four buttons and opened it up exposing her shapely tits. She leaned down a little more in the seat, thereby guaranteeing no prying eyes could see her.

I was instantly elevated to the next level of arousal, my pussy demanding more than casual clitoral stimulation. I placed a finger at my opening and slowly slid my middle finger in as far as it would go. I simply gawked at her tits, a c-cup, a 34-36, somewhere in there, silky-white and capped with two pert little nipples. I wanted to squeeze her tits, suck on those little nubs, cover her whole body with my saliva.

“Play with them,” I commanded, absolutely no question that I was serious.

Her hand almost instantly pulled away from her pussy and cupped her left tit, lifting it, massaging. She pulled on her nipple twisting it in her fingers until it snapped free. She gave the right one the same attention only this time she cupped it again and lifted her tit up as she bent her head down and swabbed her tongue across the entire top of it, her nipple glistening in its path.

I was speechless, my sisters ad-lib ratcheted up my tension, my arousal. “I didn’t know you could do that,” I croaked, clearing my throat.

“You never asked,” she said, dropping her mouth over the nipple of her other breast and sucking on it, holding it in her teeth and pulling it free. She blew on the nipple for a moment then sucked on it again. I could tell she was furiously tongue lashing her little bud, and I happened to notice that her other hand was grasping her pussy, the palm on the clit and a couple fingers stuffing in and out.

“Well, I like it,” I said, a little petulantly.

“Do you want to lick one?” she asked, a demure look in her eyes, her hand tweaking one nipple then the other, as she waited for my answer.

“What’s got into you?” I asked, suspicious.

“I figure as soon as I come, this is fucking over!” She spat the last two words. “Right?”

I didn’t know what to say. I knew I didn’t like how she was trying to take control. I could see her angle now: just get it over with, come and be gone. The premise was flawed though. It didn’t have anything to do with her coming once and we were even, no, it was going to involve more than that.

“That is 50% correct. As soon as you come and,” dramatic pause, “I come.”


“That’s fair,” I said in my best affronted voice.

“Then, you better hurry up, sis — because I’m almost there.”

“Can I still suck on your nipple?” my best contrite voice.

“Yes, if it will help you,” she said, pulling her blouse open for me, turning her head away, looking out the window, her other hand working harder than ever on her pussy.

Nervous, intimidated, hell, scared, I bent down and gently placed my mouth on her tit. I closed my eyes and moaned as the soft, warm flesh, touched my lips and my tongue tentatively began to lap against her nipple. I heard her moan, low and controlled, but I heard it. My passion was almost at critical level and my timidity quickly fled as ravenous lust took control. I sucked hard, grasping it with my hand, flicking the nipple and then biting it. Shelly cried out and arched her chest, inhaling sharply through her clenched teeth.

“Do the other one,” she told me.

I leaned over and took control of her other tit, my head half in her blouse, her scent strong and sexy in my nostrils. The top of my head was touching the inside of the arm she was masturbating with and I could feel her rhythm. She was frequently moaning now, my titty sucking obviously getting her worked up.

“That… feels really good, Karma,” she admitted, in a hoarse whisper.

“What? Are you some incestuous dyke now?” I asked, around a mouthful of nipple.

“No, this is…” she let out a little squeak as I bit her, “This is still gross, but it feels good.”

Her head was back against the seat turned to the side, I stuck my mouth on the side of her exposed neck, like a vampire, and French-kissed it, my tongue slathering the soft flesh from her earlobe to her collar bone. My hands moved up and played with her tits.

“I’m going to come, Karma,” she groaned and turned her head so her mouth found mine. We kissed, wildly, passionately, lustfully as her orgasm overtook her. She cried out into my mouth, her sweet breath filling my lungs as I breathed it in. I could hear her hand slapping against her pussy, even over the roar of the bus engine. She stiffened as her climax arrived, letting out a huge groaning sigh, twitching, her tongue frozen in her mouth as mine licked her lips and chin and throat. Slowly she regained her composure and gently pushed me away.

“Let me rest for a second,” she said, shaking her head and smiling. Her eyes met mine, “You bitch, what did you do to me?”

I looked at her, disheveled, flushed, blouse half open and one beautiful tit hanging out, fingers just now coming to a finish, “You did that to yourself, I just encouraged you some.”

“I’ve never come like that, so hard.” She shook her head again, “I didn’t think it was possible.”

Shelly,” I said, like I was talking to a child, “You can have three or four just like that, one right after the other.”

Chuckling, she said, “I think that might make me pass out.”

“Well, let’s see. Put your back against the window and this leg up against the seats,” I patted her left leg.

“No way, Karma. I came,” she resisted. “We had a deal.”

“This is part of the deal. I need to come now, and this will help me.” I was being partially truthful.

“What are you going to do?”

“Don’t worry about it. I won’t hurt you,” I smiled at her but she only stared.

“Now, put your leg up here, and leave the other one on the floor, yes, good. Now scoot your butt down a little. There we go.” Her pussy was now fully exposed to me, the puffy, brownish lips were slightly parted, revealing the inner pink. It was glistening and a slippery patch covered her butt cheeks and asshole. I scooted my own ass towards the aisle, sliding my legs under the seat in front, then leaned down so I could put my mouth on her pussy.

She realized what I was intending and covered her pussy with her hands, “No way, you little freak, you’re not going to do that to me.”

I rested my cheek on her hands, looking up at her, the smell of her pussy like an aphrodisiac. “Shelly, what’s the difference? You already let me suck on your tits, this is just a different place I want to taste.” I batted my eyelashes at her. My arms were folded underneath me with hands by my chin, I started to softly stroke her inner thighs with my fingertips. “If you want this to end, then move your hands and let me have my way.”

“You are so fucking evil,” she muttered, but removed her hands.

I was staring at her pussy, moving my head so my nose brushed across her clit, which was swollen and popped out of its hood. I kissed her smooth mons, and either side of her vulva, before dragging my tongue up her slippery little crack to her clit.

“Oh, fuck, Karma,” she whispered. I couldn’t tell if she was angry or aroused.

I licked again, reaching my tongue as far down as it could go, my chin on the dirty bus seat, finding her butthole and letting my tongue wander around it for a few seconds before poking at the center. I licked up and shoved it in her pussy, then flicked her clit a few times. I looked up to see she was watching me, her eyes half closed, her hands playing with her tits.

“This is so wrong, so goddamned wrong,” she breathed, but she pinched her nipples anyway.

I sucked and licked her pussy, moving up every few seconds to give her clit a good flurry of lashings. I was sold on the pussy licking. This being my first time, I could now fully understand what all the fuss was about, other than the intimacy of it. I know I liked it when it was done to me, but doing the actual licking was a pleasure factor in its own right.

I could never sleep with a man again, I knew that for certain now. I would forever be wanting the distinct privilege of lapping the nectar from such a secretive flower.

I felt her hand rest lightly on my head, petting me, then pushing down so I applied more pressure to her clit. The action was so erotic it made me cream myself and I could feel my juice flowing down my thigh.

“Karma, Karma, oh fuck….” She absolutely convulsed, thrusting her hips into my face, making it almost impossible to keep my mouth on her clit. Everyone on the bus had to hear her cry out, might even be coming back to make sure everything was okay.

I started to sit up and make sure the coast was still clear but her hand tightened in my hair, “No! Keep going.”

I immediately continued my mouth-work, surprised by her sudden use of force. I licked her clit exclusively, giving it as much attention as I could, flicking it from all sides and directions. She quit bucking and lay still for a moment, but I kept going, glancing up at her. She was staring at me but I don’t think she could see me. Her eyes seemed glazed, distant, her mouth slightly ajar.

All at once, her vision cleared and her eyes were staring deep into mine, “I’m coming again,” she said in utter disbelief. I followed her through the motions of her hips, the thrusts and dodges, the squeals of erotic bliss. I followed her around until she relaxed and let go of my hair. I gave her pussy a final sloppy kiss and sat up. None of the three people on the bus were looking.

Shelly lay there, blouse completely unbuttoned, the top of her tits and chest blushed, her breaths coming in rapid succession. She was looking at me, “That was fucking incredible, Karma. Sick and wrong or not, I cannot believe how good that was.”

She sat up and pulled me to her, kissing me deeply, cleaning her come off my face, licking me clean. When she was finished she sat back in her seat and rested.

“We’re almost there,” she said, looking out the window. She moved her hand over and put it on my knee, squeezing it and then rubbing back and forth, slowly working her way up my thigh. I stared at her naked form, thinking about the sex I just performed on her, loving the memory of her texture on my tongue and her smell still strong in my nose. Her hand crept its way up until it ducked beneath my skirt and I felt her delicate fingers glide across my pussy.

She turned and looked at me, “You’re soaked,” she said, dipping a finger into my snatch. I moaned, pulling up my skirt and spreading a little wider. She stuffed a finger in me and used the flat of her hand to gyrate over my clit. After all the sexual tension building in me, my orgasm arrived swiftly and with force. I grabbed the edge of the seat and straightened my legs as the wave of pure pleasure swept me away.

Shelly adjusted herself so she could maintain the finger and clit rubbing while locking her mouth to mine in a heated kiss. I rode the tumultuous wave trying to focus on my sister’s hand on my pussy and her tongue in my mouth, but the two blurred together in erotic confusion. Slowly, the wave receded, depositing me in some paradise where it feels like I’m floating and the horizon is filled with the beautiful panorama of my sister’s face.

When she saw that I was done, she withdrew her finger and stuck it in her mouth.

“Mmmm, little sis tastes good,” she said, flashing me a lovely smile.

“Thank you,” I managed, still dizzy.

“Let’s get the hell off this bus. I want you at home, showered and in my bed.”

I was certain I’d just missed something, “What?”

“I want to do this at home. Y’know — you and I get naked and fuck for real.”

“You mean that?” I asked, praying she wasn’t messing with me.

In answer, she stood and squeezed past me into the aisle, her shirt fanning behind her, tits out for all to see. She pushed me down in the seat and spread my legs, knelt between them and glued her mouth to my pussy. She sucked on it for a few seconds, then stood.

I laid there watching Shelly button up her shirt, swaying with the motion of the bus. “Do you believe me now?” she said, a smile on her lips.

The End


The Temptation of Tanya, Chapter 5

  • Posted on February 22, 2019 at 3:22 pm

by StarSapphire

The girls and I had only laid together for a few minutes when the unmistakable sound of a key turning in my front door lock hit us. It could only be Leanne! The crafty momma had decided to catch us in the act, no doubt.

“Hi,” Leanne announced from the door. “Anyone home?” As if she didn’t know!

The next instant, she entered the room. “Oh my God!” she gasped in mock horror. Tanya was trying not to laugh, and Vanessa just looked stunned.

All I could do was smile brightly and say, “Hi, honey — I fucked the kids!”

All of us froze for a second — except for poor Vanessa, who of course was horrified and began to cry. I was a bit peeved at Leanne for not considering how this young girl might feel, being caught naked and in bed with her best friend… by her friend’s mother!

“Vanessa, honey!” I cried and scooped her into my arms. “It’s all right baby. Leanne, look what you did! You could have been a bit more sensitive,” I scolded her.

“Gosh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t think!” Leanne hurried over to Vanessa’s side and we both caressed and stroked her hair. “I was just trying to make a joke, honey. See, we’ve all been lovers for a while now, and we didn’t know how to include you and keep it all secret. And like a big fool, I thought it would be funny if I pretended to catch you in the act.”

Vanessa looked up surprised. “You’re all lovers? You mean… with Tanya, too?” She sniffled a little, but the tears had stopped.

“Me too,” said Tanya. “I’m sorry, but I wasn’t allowed to tell you. I really hope you aren’t mad.” She moved to sit down on the floor in front of Vanessa, who was sandwiched between Leanne and me on the couch.

“No. No, not mad, just so surprised. I thought I was in big trouble!” Vanessa then gave a small, shy smile. We all laughed, and Leanne, Tanya and I sighed in relief.

“Does this mean I get to see your mom naked, Tanya?” Vanessa giggled.

“Yes, you do, sweetheart,” said Leanne. “In fact, is it okay if I join you girls? First, though, I’ve gotta get out of these work duds and into the shower. Anyone want to join me? Looks like you three could use a bit of a hosing down, in any case,” she chuckled, then began unbuttoning her blouse.

We watched in avid excitement as Leanne stripped for us, displaying her beautiful well-toned body. Little Vanessa’s eyes were agog as she watched this performance. Leanne was something to see, and her perfectly formed breasts and shaved pussy had the teen hypnotized.

Leanne was soon as naked as the rest of us, and we proceeded into my walk-in shower.

As soon as I adjusted the water temperature, we climbed inside, the four of us just managing to fit neatly under the three shower nozzles. At first, we let the warm spray cascade over us, rinsing away all the evidence of our recent passion, but we soon turned to wash each other.

Leanne’s first choice, of course, was the newly initiated Vanessa. She began by having Vanessa wash her body with a soft washcloth and soap. As the girl’s hands began to move the cloth over her tits, Leanne moaned in pleasure. As for Vanessa, she was practically drooling as she felt up this object of her long-awaited desires.

“Don’t be shy, honey,” Leanne coaxed. “Go between my legs and get my pussy nice and clean.” Vanessa wasted no time, and Leanne threw her head back as the washcloth made rough contact with her clit. “That’s it, honey! Yes, that f-feels so fucking good!”

Tanya and I were watching the show, but began to wash our own pussies a little too diligently. True voyeurs at heart, we revelled in the sight of Leanne and Vanessa exploring each other’s bodies as the water poured down upon them. They soon came together in a searing kiss that saw Leanne’s creamy thigh slip between Vanessa’s legs.

As their mouths slid together and their tongues vied for dominance, Leanne began to hump against her young lover’s slim thigh. Vanessa was soon doing the same, and we watched their bodies pumping urgently as their passion built.

Tanya and I had our fingers moving fast and hard on our clits, while I was fucking myself with the other hand as well. Our collective moans and whimpers soon filled the steamy bathroom.

The first to come was Leanne, who let out a wail and hugged Vanessa close as a massive orgasm raged through her body. I think Vanessa and Tanya came next, because a few moments later all three of them were watching me as I masturbated to a hard, shivering climax.

After we all caught our breath and rinsed off once more, we stepped out into my bathroom and helped one another towel dry.

“My God, that was fun,” said Leanne.

Still naked, the four of us sprawled out on my big old bed and languished in the squeaky-clean, butt-naked experience of being surrounded by such lovely, willing company.

After awhile, Tanya and Vanessa started whispering and giggling together, then they turned to us. With a finger pressed demurely against her lower lip, Tanya finally asked, “We wanna watch you guys make out. Would that be okay?” They both giggled and blushed, awaiting our response.

Leanne and I glanced at each other, smiled, then looked at the two girls waiting anxiously beside us. “Oh, I think that can be arranged,” I told them. “Scoot over and give us some room, okay?” They happily obliged.

“So, I finally have you all to myself,” I whispered to Leanne. “Honey, I love you so much and I want this never to end.” I turned to the girls. “And the same goes for you guys. I’ve never felt this way before in my life, and I’m so grateful to all three of you for your love.”

“Aw,” blushed Tanya. “That’s sweet. But forget the mushy stuff for now — let’s get busy!”

“Yeah, let’s,” smiled Leanne.

I embraced Leanne in a searing kiss that melted me to the core. Our tongues busily lashed together in a sensuous dance as her hand crept up to cup my breast. I moaned at the contact and next felt her playing with my nipple, squeezing and tugging on it, driving me wild.

Our thighs had slipped open, and we were each now eagerly grinding against the other’s wet pussy. I slid my hand down to Leanne’s ass and stroked and pressed her soft flesh, urging her on, to fuck me faster and harder. The motion of our hips became the sole focus as we held each other tightly and bucked and rubbed our cunts together, smearing each other with our juices.

I opened my eyes briefly to look over at Tanya and Vanessa. Both were staring intently at us and almost unconsciously rubbing their pussies as they did. The image of these two delightful young girls masturbating was just the nudge I needed to launch my orgasm. A deep heat began in my clit as I pushed myself hard against my lover, a heat that spread into convulsive waves, wracking my body in spasms of pleasure. I clung to Leanne desperately as my orgasm gradually subsided.

It was Leanne’s turn next, and I felt her tremble and shiver wildly before convulsing into a body-arching climax that had her rubbing herself against me in hard, intermittent thrusts, until she finally cried out and went limp in my arms.

My sweetheart and I held each other, actually crying with the intensity of our pleasure — and our love. As Leanne slowly relaxed into my embrace we gazed into each other’s eyes and entered into a long, lazy kiss that ended when we turned to the girls.

“You like?” I asked them with a languid smile.

“Oh, wow, yes!” proclaimed Vanessa. “And I’m just so… so excited right now!” she added, cupping a hand snugly against her smooth slit. Tanya was doing the same.

“Well, are you going to keep playing with yourselves, or give us something else to watch, young ladies?” asked Leanne.

Both girls looked at each other, then giggled. Getting up on their knees, they faced each other and kissed deeply and passionately, before Tanya’s hand stole between Vanessa’s legs to stroke her slit. Vanessa followed suit, and was soon rubbing Tanya’s clit in fast little circles.

Breaking their kiss, the girls stared intently at each other’s pussies as their hands worked away at getting one another off, each holding tightly to the other’s shoulder. They were both breathing heavily and fast, approaching a mutual climax.

And come together they did. Leanne and I watched in awe as they shivered and trembled, hugging each other tightly as their orgasms hit, wave after wave of sexual release spreading through them. They knelt together for a few moments, then kissed. But, like the girls they still were, their kisses had a few giggles and grins thrown in.

“Oh my babies, that was delicious!” exclaimed Leanne. I could only agree. We embraced the two of them, folding the girls against our naked bodies, revelling in the sensation of contact with such soft, bare skin.

We slowly drew apart and began to laugh for no reason at all, feeling too happy for words. “Well,” I said. “I don’t feel the need to get dressed, but it is dinner time… and all of us need feeding after that bit of exercise, don’t you think?” They quickly agreed, and Leanne and I went into the kitchen in the buff and started looking around. Wow, I’d never cooked naked before!

Eventually we put together a salad and grilled some steaks, along with a glass of wine for each of us, the girls included. Hey, if they’re old enough for sex, what harm will a little wine do? They appreciated this acknowledgment of their maturity and drank like perfect little ladies, albeit naked little ladies with the most adorable looking bodies!

After finishing dinner I sensed a need for some discussion, and had us all sit down on my couch. Leanne was at one end, Tanya sat beside her mom, and Vanessa in the middle sat next to me at the other end.

“Vanessa, I guess this is all a bit overwhelming for you, honey?” I asked her directly.

“Yes, Carla, but in a good kind of way. I mean, I love Tanya so much, and having her mom and you love me too is pretty awesome. At my house, things aren’t so great. My parents drink a lot and are mean to me all the time, so being part of this family… wow, it just makes me so happy I could burst!” Vanessa exclaimed.

“So then, family, do we elect to admit Vanessa into our tribe?” I queried, which was followed instantly by a chorus of approval and a big group hug. “Vanessa, honey,” I said, “welcome home.”

It was now time to set down some rules concerning the girls’ education, social and love lives. Nothing too strict. They were allowed to sleep together during the week, if and when they could. They could have as much sex as they desired, as long as they arose fully rested the next morning for school and all their homework was done. And like before, when it was just Leanne, Tanya and me, if anyone felt left out or jealous, they had to discuss it with the rest of us. Weekends, we could all sleep together or pair off, but only in the evening, allowing the girls (and Leanne and I for that matter) to have a life outside our ‘family’.

That evening Vanessa phoned home to ask if she could sleep over, and her request was indifferently granted.

“My dad just said ‘Yeah, whatever,’ and hung up on me. He was drunk. He always is by this time on Fridays. I think I could phone home and say I was moving to Australia or something, and he’d still say the same thing,” Vanessa said morosely. Then she brightened up and looked quickly at both Leanne and I. “Can I stay for the whole weekend? Please, pretty please?” she begged.

“Of course you can, sweetheart. It’ll be the perfect time for us all to be snuggly together and get used to each other,” I said, as Leanne added her agreement. “Maybe we could even try all of us sleeping together tonight in my big monster bed, see how we all fit. What do you say?”

They all chimed in with their agreement, and we spent the rest of the evening watching TV stark naked until it was bedtime. Leanne and I sat on the couch, our arms around each other while Tanya and Vanessa lay on the floor, hands propping up chins, feet waving to from, their hips just touching.

“Oh my God, what a sight!” Leanne whispered to me, and I had to agree. The picture of the girls’ bare bottoms, so innocently exposed to our gaze, was turning us on big time. “How’s about we move bedtime up to right after the end of this show?” she asked me. I could only nod my head in furious agreement.

“I know this whole thing is crazy,” Leanne said to me quietly over the noise of some rock videos we’d agreed to watch with the girls. “But I don’t think I’ve ever been as happy in my entire life as I am right now.”

“Oh honey, I know what you mean. So am I,” I said. “I can’t believe that only a few weeks ago I was all wrapped up in deep grief over a breakup, lonely and depressed… and now, here I am with the three of you. Three lovers, and two of them just eleven years old! It’s crazy and wild, and dangerous, I guess — but we’ll make it work.” I gave her a tender kiss. “I want to make a life with you, Leanne. You, your daughter and your daughter’s friend.”

“You’ll have a real hard time getting rid of me and Tanya, and I think Vanessa is more than a little smitten by you, too. So don’t worry lover, you’ve already got your wish,” Leanne assured me. “We’re all in this together.” And so we were.

As Leanne announced, “Bedtime, girls,” at the end of the last video, Vanessa and Tanya frowned at first, but then they both realised just what that entailed, jumped up and raced into my bedroom like they’d been shot from a cannon, squealing with delight as they bounced eagerly on my bed.

Leanne and I strolled into the room in a more sedately fashion, taking in the astonishing sight of two naked eleven-year-old girls, legs spread apart and wearing big smiles. Their childish bodies and tight, hairless little slits seemed to await our pleasure — and we quickly took advantage.

“Vanessa, honey, come to me,” I said as I lay down beside her and opened my arms. As we embraced, Tanya and Leanne locked together in a soulful kiss next to us. For a moment I watched entranced as they coupled, always relishing the sight of this mother and daughter cuddled together in a loving sexual embrace. But I quickly turned my attentions back to Vanessa, who was looking up at me with a delightful combination of misty-eyed love and lust.

I leaned down and kissed her — lightly at first, then more deeply. Our mouths were open to each other and our tongues explored, dueling and twisting together in an-ever growing passion.

“Vanessa honey, I’d love for you to sit on my face,” I whispered as our lips parted. “I want to lick your sweet pussy so bad it hurts. Will you do that for me, sweetheart?”

“Oooh, of course I will. I love getting licked!”

Vanessa quickly straddled me, moved forward on her knees, advancing her luscious cunny ever closer to my waiting lips. When I finally made contact, I was awestruck all over again at the taste and feel of this young girl’s pussy. Her sex was so small compared to that of a woman, but that meant I could capture her entire cunt between my soft full lips, tease her tiny clit and fuck her with my tongue as I chose.

Up above me, Vanessa moaned as my tongue alternated back and forth between her tight little pussy hole and the tiny bud of her clitoris. Her sweet juices were flowing into my mouth, her soft thighs pressing the sides of my face. I reached up with my left hand up to toy with her puffy puffy nipples, while my right found its way between my legs. I began to masturbate, rubbing my swollen clit and delving deep into my cunt with two fingers. Vanessa was still perched on my face, her nubile young body writhing with pleasure.

Suddenly I felt someone gently remove my hand from between my legs and give my pussy a few light strokes with delicate fingers — then replaced those with the unmistakable warmth of a tongue that could only belong to my little Tanya. I moaned into Vanessa’s pussy as she scored a hit on my turgid clitoris, then cried out when she inserted two fingers into my sopping cunt and began to pump them hard, fucking me the way she knew I liked.

Next to where I lay, I could see Leanne out of the corner of my eye, scooting around to plant her mouth right on her daughter’s sex. Getting an idea, I drew my mouth away from Vanessa for a second to give the girl some brief instructions. Following my prompt, she laid down on her side and reached out for Leanne. Quickly divining my intent, Leanne parted her own legs as swung her hips closer to Vanessa, who then went right to work on Leanne’s pussy.

Just like that, we’d formed a lusty daisy chain, with each mouth and every hot wet pussy in contact with another. I could feel Tanya moan into my cunt as her mom feasted on hers, and knew I was close to coming. Soon the only sounds were that of the four of us, moaning and signalling out our nearing climaxes as we continued to lick and suck eagerly on each other.

Soon we were all shivering and shaking through a mind-blowing mutual orgasm — heightened by the sheer kinkiness of four-way lesbian sex with underage girls, made all the more flavorful with the forbidden spice of incest. Following our shared climax, we slowly broke apart, then when our eyes drifted open and we exchanged looks, began to laugh in pure delight at what we’d just accomplished.

After a more restrained shower, we four scrambled under the covers naked and snuggled together, for warmth as much as for affection. The evening was unseasonably cool, and the shower had made us a bit more susceptible to the chill. I lay on one side of the bed and Leanne the other while the girls nestled between us. Somehow we all fell asleep quickly, no doubt worn out with all the incredible sexual exploits we’d gotten up to that day.

Our first night together was magical. In the morning, we began a new life together.

As the days went by, we all became closer and closer, and Vanessa really began to blossom. Her grades improved, and she developed a more cheerful personality. She began spending less and less time at her home, to the point where she’d practically moved in with us — which did begin to worry Leanne and me just a bit. Not that we didn’t want her, mind you, but out of concern for her parents’ feelings.

Then Vanessa’s mother phoned one day to tell her they were moving, and if she wanted any of her things , she had to collect them by the weekend. They never even suggested that she come with them. I was appalled at their total indifference to the feelings or welfare of their only child.

Vanessa took it hard for a few days, but soon realized that she had complete unconditional acceptance into our family. Eventually, she was able to deal with her feelings towards her parents, even though to this day she has never heard from them again, nor even knows their address. But their loss was definitely our gain. And it all began with that little temptress Tanya…

The End


A Farm Girl Finds Love

  • Posted on February 20, 2019 at 3:29 pm

 Author Unknown

“I’ll be home by the end of the week,” said my father. “You’ll be fine here with Violet, right?”

“We’ll be fine, Dad,” I pecked him lightly on the cheek. “Have a good trip.”

“Take care, Lori,” he drove off.

Violet was my stepmother… she helped my father run the farm. She was only a few years older than I was, and we’d gotten along well from the day I met her. Violet was a good person, if sometimes overly protective of me. Sometimes we would go on a picnic together while my father was in the fields.

Her body was shapely, but strong. Although her hips were generous and womanly, her breasts were small. I remember hoping that my bottom would be as nice as hers when I was of age. At the time, I was sixteen.

On that first evening I cooked us dinner. Violet watched me, her eyes following my every move. I found myself curious as to what was going in her mind.

“Isn’t it nice to have the place to ourselves?” I smiled, trying to coax a word from her. “We could take the truck for a ride when we’re not too busy.”

She didn’t reply, but only gazed at me. I shrugged it off, thinking she simply wasn’t feeling talkative. I trembled for some reason as I placed her mug on the deeply weathered and scratched table. “Is… is something wrong?” I asked her with a hesitant smile.

She replied by placing her palm on one of my hands. I lowered my eyes, looking at it, shivering. The hand felt oddly hot, as if Violet was burning inside. She stood up and slid her hand under my dress. I jerked back, but Violet extended her right hand and encircled my thin wrist in a possessive grip.

I felt myself trembling with a strange desire, a heat that burned inside me. I watched Violet’s hand move higher, caressing my thigh in a circular motion. A moan escaped my lips, and I heard Violet breathing hard.

She then slipped her hand between my thighs. I was stunned to feel my sex become moist; my clit throbbed with sensations I didn’t understand. I should have stopped her and told her that this was wrong, but I couldn’t.

We looked into each other’s eyes, and my stepmother moved her hand higher. She felt the tight entrance of my channel with the tips of her fingers, and I spread my legs widely, leaning back on the table, bracing myself with my hands.

Violet couldn’t seem to stop herself. Her fingers moved slowly about my crotch, finding it moist. She traced my labia, her finger gliding up and down the slit. I whimpered and turned on the table. Finally her palm cupped my wet cunt.

I felt the heat of my juicy channel burning into her hand, and she massaged it tenderly, gently. I whined with delight and began to press my womanhood eagerly against Violet’s fingers.

With one arm around my back, Violet held me. Now Violet was moving more violently, pushing deep into my vagina. I bit down on my lower lip as a flood of sensations gripped my shuddering body.

I thought of nothing except of the joy I felt of her hand touching my cunt. I raised my hips, bringing my vagina closer into her hand, crying softly. I sprawled my legs open on the table, my arms supporting my weight. Violet was towering over my petite frame massaging me now harder.

She cupped my firm ass-cheek hard with her palm. Her mouth tasted my mouth. She lifted me a foot in the air as she held her hand between my spread thighs. She kept fondling without end and before I knew it, my stepmother was leaning over, kissing me like a lover, masturbating me with her fingers. I finally orgasmed, my body trembled, I jerked violently about as I came.

Violet held her fingers buried in my womanhood, sensing my orgasm subside and my body going limp. She gently let me down, and then carefully took her fingers out.

My stepmother lowered my body onto the table and stood back, observing me with a smile as I caught my breath. My legs and cunt were visible and open for her pleasure. I was still weak from my climax. She watched with deep, serious eyes as I lay where I was, legs still spread out. My panties dangled by my ankle, ripped on one side.

Finally I struggled up, sitting on the table. She leaned in to place a gentle kiss upon my lips. “I love you,” she whispered, then left the kitchen without another word.

Later that night I washed my face in the bathroom. I looked into the mirror and saw a confused expression on my features. I knew I should’ve been angry at Violet, but I liked it. I had never allowed anyone to touch me intimately, yet I had willingly let Violet use her fingers to masturbate me. I had found the sensation enjoyable, and I even guided her hand into my cunt – not just willingly, but hungrily.

There was something I felt for Violet that I wasn’t able to understand; it was magnetism I had never felt for a woman in all my life. I wasn’t sorry she had played with my pussy, but it couldn’t happen again. She was my stepmother, for heaven’s sake!

Maybe I was sick and needed help.

I dried my blond hair which flickered in the lamplight. My eyes were blue, but in this shadow they appeared to change to green. I was a girl, I had full, sensual lips, and my neck was long; my skin was clear, milky white the way which some men liked. I pulled back my shoulders and looked critically at my breasts.

There was nothing wrong with me physically, I thought.

The problem was all psychological. My body only responded to a physical stimulation, like pain. If somebody burnt me with a red hot poker was it my fault if I cried out in agony? Of course not!

I went to bed earlier than usual and I tossed and turned, trying to find that comfortable position in which sleep arrives. It was quite late now and I was unable to sleep. My womanhood would keep on itching and longing for that special touch.

Suddenly I saw the outline of my stepmother, standing next to the bed and looking at me.

“I want you,” she breathed.

Violet was naked. Her eyes were packed with burning desire, scanning up and down my petite body, seeing my nipples swell. I could hardly breathe knowing that what I feared the most was about to happen again.

“I need you.” She spoke with the same commanding voice, but this time I found it strangely soothing. My legs turned to straw. How could I resist such a powerful force? I was incapable to defeat this feral creature. Her eyes glittered; her upper lip was lifted in the beginning of a snarl.

She took my wrist, guided it to her naked crotch. My fingers instinctively found her clit, and I stroked it gently. I felt it throbbing; the rigid hardness was aroused with lust; I couldn’t refrain from squeezing it, causing Violet to moan with delight.

Still looking into her face, I moved my fingers into her womanhood just as she had done to me earlier that morning. I moved them slowly at first, and then I began to wriggle her clit faster.

As I held her my fingers in her, Violet brought her hands to my breasts. They felt warm, tender and protective, and I was beginning to feel damp between my own legs. Violet squeezed my breasts, making me moan.

Suddenly, my stepmother twined an arm around my neck and pulled her mouth into mine. She pressed her tongue into my mouth and I sucked it, kissing her strongly. Her hands tightened around my shoulders, removed my robe and ripped my nightgown open. Her hands worked down to my buttocks and squeezed them hard.

“We’d better stop,” I moaned into her mouth. “This isn’t … I can’t–”

She ignored me; her fingers dug into my ass cheeks and ripped another pair of my panties. She pushed her tongue into my mouth, licking and plunging enthusiastically, tasting me; she squirmed her crotch toward mine.

My hands clawed in surprise and astonishment. Heatedly, she laid me down on the floor, her whole weight pinned me, and her lips tracked down my throat, warm and wet, leaving a glossy trail between my breasts. I whimpered and instinctively held onto her for support.

She smiled libidinously and carelessly took one of my nipples between her lips and began to suckle, her teeth grazing impishly on the rubbery peak. Then, I felt a moderate but firm pressure of Violet clamping down on my nipple and drawing it tight. I felt fiery passion building in my belly.

“Hmmm,” she mumbled.

I breathed nervously beneath Violet. Her tongue licked down my flat belly and I instinctively parted my thighs. My heart hammered in my breast in anticipation. Strong hands fondled the surface of my legs, then came Violet’s tongue, soft and teasing, on the smooth, fleshy mound of my inner thighs.

I laid back and accepted her lovemaking quietly. I laid completely still, my arms by my side, my face calm. She kept on sucking my nipples, trying to caress passion into my body by force.

She grabbed hold of my calves with both hands and pushed my legs up and back, pressing down so that I couldn’t move, and I laid there trapped under my own legs.

My knees had pinned down my shoulders so that I couldn’t even get my hands to her head when it fell down into my wide-open cunt and sucked at it for the first time in my life.

I suddenly became desperate, my legs tried to kick her off me, my fingers tried to claw its way out by scratching at any part of her. But she held me down with all her might, and my cunt was exposed to her mouth.

“Shhhh! Calm down,” she sucked hard. “Don’t fight! That’s a good girl!”

Her tongue explored the walls of my cunt, moist in spite of my angry protests. Her mouth rubbed against my hard clitoris, nuzzling and pushing until I gave in a little. To my surprise, I began to relax under the stimulation she gave me.

I was spread-eagle on the floor, holding my thighs open, hips raised while Violet lavished long, ravenous licks on my sex. My cries were sharp and wanton, my feet jerked in the air, calves taut. Violet lapped even faster, like a bitch on heat licking at my sex. Her tongue felt rough and long.

Suddenly, she pressed a thumb at the entrance of my channel. The squeezing muscles of my young and tender cunt spoke the reality. They clamped down on the foreign trespasser.

“No!” I whimpered. “Stop, not yet. I – I – I’m not ready!”

“Like hell.” She sneered. “You can’t tell me you don’t want it. Not when your cunt is this wet!”

With a swift thrust she speared two digits up my cunt while her lips pursed around my clit. It was like being impaled and I jumped a foot. There was nothing I could with her full weight upon me. It hurt to take Violet’s fingers up my cunt, but once it was in I could relax a little. I caught my breath and clenched my fists as she explored up my cunt.

I grunted with delight even if I was telling my brain not to do it. I was still uncomfortable about it, convulsing now and again in an attempt to escape her grasp. But my cunt had a will of its own, it clamped down. All the while she sucked and licked, savouring my cunt.

Violet moved her fingers back and forth in rhythm with her licks. I gasped as I felt desire and tension accumulating in my loins. My sex instinctively tightened even harder around the intrusion.

She seized my hard clit between her lips and began to tweet her tongue against the inflamed little bud, driving me insane with lust. Violet growled in hungry passion and thrust herself forward. The strain in my loins built with each lick.

She ran her tongue around my clitoris, then moved down, once around the brim of her my, then down to my anus, flicking inside, exciting me more than ever, preserving a constant strain on me.

I groaned, leaning back further in surrender. My thighs opened a little more, allowing her flying digits even additional access to my swelling cunt. My hips moved in a pleasant little squirming motion that wriggled around the intruding digit.

My head rolled and rocked from side to side. My lips twisted with the mounting agony of need that overflowed me. My body quivered, groaned and whimpered.

Harder and faster, her digits sliced between the shaking lips of my labia. I felt the rapid fire strokes of the fingers that buried itself in my wide open sex. Involuntarily, my body tensed each time her hand slammed roughly into my naked pubic mound. My breathing increased to difficult heaves of stimulation, following the lustful change that had transformed

Our bodies were slick with sweat and my heart thumped. We rubbed our bodies together as if to merge each other into one.

I moaned and panted in her ear urging her on, begging her to do it harder, faster. Violet was hot and impatient, she slammed me against the hard floor. I begged her to make me come.

She growled into my mouth, her kisses became more avid and demanding. She felt me shudder beneath her, pushing my pelvis onto her fingers. Her thrusts became harder and more savage, thumping into me hard and fast. She pulled her mouth away, looking down at me she howled deafeningly and animalistic.

Violet returned voraciously to my cunt, prolonging the agony for another excruciating minute, slipping her tongue deep into me. She was teasing me by keeping me in limbo. The slightest touch of my clit would probably make me burst, and so she avoided it, teasing me, taking pleasure in my vulnerability.

My stepmother’s smooth muscles clenched and strained, and her face grimaced with hysterical sexual need. She was holding back for me and I realised at that moment how much she loved me. She took her fingers out of my cunt and stuck them into my mouth. I suckled like a little calf on her mother’s teat. I revolved my tongue and licked her fingers clean of my juices.

She devoured my pussy with an colossal passion. She sucked my cunt lips into her mouth, stabbed her tongue deep into the warm, moist channel, and sucked viciously at my clit until my voice disappeared into a high, deep pitched scream.

My quick, sudden orgasm only fueled the flames of her lust. She was consumed with it, shaking, moaning demanding that I give her more. She wanted total surrender of my body.

Finally, she settled atop of me, to hook her leg around my shoulder, so that we laid vagina to vagina, locked in a sexy cunt kiss. The sensation was beyond description. I felt Violet’s soft, moist, sticky folds against my lust aroused sex. My abdomen tensed in expectation as she shifted to possess me like a man.

I clenched my teeth, feeling the huge muscular thigh muscle plough into my gaping cunt. Violet was far more aroused and this time she was going to be much rougher with me. She wasn’t going to hold back, neither for her sake nor mine.

She had one of my thighs clamped into her own wet cunt, and I knew we were both going to come this time as Violet pumped me ferociously, bringing us both to an wild fury of lust. Violet was so physically powerful that she almost squeezed the life out of me. Her hard thigh slammed again and again into my cunt, squashing my clit, grinding it, until I whimpered feverishly. She was insane with lustful exhilaration, tossing her hips madly, fiercely pushing her thigh into my cunt.

Violet was about to come, but she was overwhelmed by a desire to plunder my body. I panted and moaned exhausted, but she hurled herself forward onto me. She wedged her cunt coarsely into me, pumping and fucking me ruthlessly.

Violet growled and thrust her hips forward, massaging her sex long and hard against mine. We fucked that way, pussy pushed against pussy, slick inner lips grinding, thrusting accumulating friction with each movement as she pushed into me. My thighs tensed with each moist thrust.

I gasped, my back tensed under the sudden rush of bliss. It was useless to resist, the friction on the silky folds of my pussy and the rubbing on my clit were overwhelming. She dug her fingers into my breasts as if they were her personal property. Dropping her mouth to my nipple, she sucked it hard while she gyrated her own cunt into me.

She thrust harder once more to tax more juices from my cunt. Then my hands tightened on Violet’s firm hard buttocks as I neared climax, my cries suffocated in a hungry kiss against my lover’s lips.

Her juices dripped from her loins, smearing my sex with her love. My hands frantically clasped her steel buttocks, desperate for just one more electrifying thrust.

I drew a deep, excited breath and surrendered to euphoric wave of relief which was about to radiate from deep in my sex. I rolled my hips, my thighs and abdomen tightening with effort as I came in quick, snarling gasps.

Violet drove the wave of our climax grinding her slopping sex against my cunt. That was the first time that she had made love to me and I would never forget it. She made love to me violently, grunting and roaring like a bitch on heat. The word love had little to do with her actions. To her, it seemed, sex was the end conquest of violence.

Soon she lost all control and was thrusting into me as hard and fast as she could, growling and snarling. I was under her urging her on, begging for more; pounding her clit onto mine. She was thrusting into me so hard that my head was now pressed against the floor. Her hands were on my shoulders pulling me down onto her cunt as she thrust into me. I was shaking all over; her sweat poured off her and onto me.

We were very close to coming. Finally she tweaked my clit and sent me over the edge. My back arched and together we let out a scream as we came together, flooding each other with our juices.

When we let go it was as though we had released a scent that was so potent it drove her wild. She thrust violently into me one more time and I felt her release one more time, flooding me. She threw back her head and let out a howl that shook the walls of the house.

It sounded like a cry of victory!

She came long and hard. When it was over she collapsed on top of me, trying to catch her breath, completely drained. She held me tightly, heaving on my breast. Her mouth found my nipple and she suckled on it absently. I savoured Violet’s leisured post-coital thrusts.

“Oh baby!” She spoke her cheek pressed against my breast. “My sweet Lori.”

I patted her head gently before passing out from exhaustion. I remembered her lightly slapping me awake to suck her clitoris, which I did for a long time before passing out again.

When I awoke at dawn I was on my bed with my head rested on a pillow. My blond hair was sweaty and tangled about my face. Violet must have brought me here when I slept, but she hadn’t stopped making love to me.

Although I was on my back, my nipples seemed to point upward, as if Violet had just finished suckling them. My nipples aimed jutted out over my flat breasts, which normally would have been full if I were sitting up.

As the dawn raised our love making waned. We refused to separate our legs. Violet lay there panting, our cunts perfectly merged together, in a deep arousing union which neither of us were willing to break. I looked at the mirror and saw the union of our bodies.

I lay still as Violet rested her womanly frame over my body. My hands held her steeled buttocks, my fingers slowly stroking her soft skin.

Suddenly Violet awoke. I saw in her eyes that she felt guilty for the feral fucking she had forced on me. I hadn’t been expecting it, but I couldn’t say I didn’t like it, because I loved every moment she possessed my body.

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” I heard her saying as she rolled off my ravished body. “I didn’t mean to be so rough. I couldn’t help it. I thought I could control myself.”

“Don’t ever apologise for making a girl come!” I soothed softly.

I wrapped my legs around her waist, nuzzling my semi-moist cunt into Violet’s hard stomach.

“You liked it?” She grinned. “I made you come, didn’t I?”

I replied kissing her and caressing her cheek with very deep tenderness. “I love you.”

I ran my hands all over her body, rejoicing in her flesh. She rolled back on top of me and cupped my breasts with both hands and devoured them hungrily.

“Are you ready for more?”

“Do we have time?”

Violet filled her mouth with one of my bulging, shiny pink nipples. She sucked it passionately, but not too roughly this time, manipulating the firm ball of my breast with her fingers at the same time.

“We’ll have to make this a quickie,” she mumbled through a mouthful of my breast. “I’ve got work to do.”

“I’ll make you a big breakfast,” I giggled childishly.

“Good!” She hoisted me by my ass cheeks and licked her lips. “I’ll start with this!”

She went down on me and fiercely parted my legs. I squealed with delight as she began to lick my cunt with long lean strokes.


Violet left in such a hurry after her shower that I didn’t have time to make her breakfast. I lay down on my bed with my head resting on my raised palms. Faint tingles ran up my insides and I realised how much I’d changed over night.

How was I going to get through the morning, all sexually excited like this?

I stepped into the shower and regulated the water until it made my skin break into goose bumps with the cold. I rubbed the soap over my nipples, spreading the soap suds over the curvature of my breasts. Despite the cold water my womanhood still seemed hot with desire.

My stepmother Violet had given me the most extraordinary sex in all my life. It had been raw, hot, feral fucking not something I’d be forgetting anytime soon. She’d left me overcome with lust and pleasure.

I felt so hot, so moist that my fingers moved surreptitiously to my cunt. It was throbbing with desire; even the cold water wasn’t capable of putting the heat out. In my mind I imagined Violet in the shower naked with me; her strong hand would seize my womanhood and she’d play with it.

My feet started to feel weak so I slid down and sprawled my legs open. I felt the soap suds trickling down my cunt and I masturbated myself to an orgasm. The sensation felt good but not fulfilling because Violet wasn’t there to nurture me.

I sighed and got out.

I put on a halter top and a pair of suggestive shorts which scaled up my buttocks, enclosing the white, lower curves of my ass cheeks exposing my thighs just enough for the imagination to go wild. I was sure that once Violet saw me in it she’d never want to leave the bed.

I went downstairs for a quick cup of coffee and began doing the house chores. All the time I kept on thinking about Violet and our previous lovemaking. I wasn’t sure if it was the weather or my horniness but the heat kept on rising.

Violet told me before she left that she wouldn’t be able to come back until dinner time, but that she had a surprise for me. I wondered what it was.

I carried the laundry to the basement where the washer and dryer were. The bed sheets smelled of sex, potency and musk. I was certain that Violet was going to ravish my body again and I shivered with anticipation.

I was at the stove cooking dinner and I looked over my shoulder as Violet stepped into the kitchen, my eyes went to her face. My eyes became damp with love. I placed the plates on the table.

“Dinner will be ready in five minutes,” I smiled warmly.

I saw the look in her eye but she didn’t answer. I fell in love with her all over again. Her face slapped me with all its beauty, the high muscular cheekbones and the almond-shaped eyes, the freckled skin stretched over her jaw and down her long, lovely neck.

She took my breath away, for that was how much I loved her. I turned around to reveal my naked legs and she stared at me with wanton desire. She charged towards me like a bull in heat and I ran towards her wrapping my legs around her waist.

Her hands moved down between my rounded thighs, her fingers parted my ass cheeks in an effort to locate the hole of my passion. I trembled when we kissed fiercely; I sucked her tongue for all I could. My hands instinctively sought out her muscles, as I felt safe in her grasp.

“I missed you, Mama,” I whispered.

“Mama?” She was surprised… I had never called her that before.

“Yes,” I whispered, reaching out to touch her face. “I love you, Mama.”

“My sweet little girl,” she massaged the lower curves of my ass cheeks. “I like seeing you in these shorts.”

“I knew you would, Mama.” I held myself tightly around her waist. “So what’s this surprise you have for me?”

“I’ll have to show you!” Her finger found my clit and massaged it through the thin fabric of my shorts. “Sweet angel… you are the most desirable creature I’ve ever known.”

Suddenly she hauled me over her shoulder despite my giggling protests.

“Wait! Wait the stove is on!” She turned it off with an annoying flick. “Wait, the chicken …”

“Honey,” she slapped me lightly on my half exposed ass cheek, “I’m not thinking about any chicken right now! That can wait… I can’t!”

She marched to my bedroom and dumped me onto the bed removing her clothes off. I dropped my halter, my breasts bounced free from their prison. Violet gazed at my long pink nipples, the ones she’d tasted the previous night, and nuzzled them.

“Here’s your surprise,” she stood up and I saw to my surprise that she had a strap-on cock fastened about her waist. “Do you like it?”

I gasped. “Oh, wow!”

“You’re ready for the next step,” she murmured. “Do you want to?”

“I … I …” I was speechless. “How does it work?”

“It works pretty much like the real thing, only better,” I could see she was itching to try it out. “It vibrates when I penetrate and it feels real! Here, touch it!”

She grabbed my wrist and I barely wrapped it completely around my hand. It felt like real human flesh.

“It feels funny,” I giggled.

“I know I’m rough but this time I promise to be gentle,” she pulled me back French kissing me.

“Uh-huh!” I cocked an eyebrow already familiar with her `gentleness’.

“I promise,” she reassured me. “I promise! Be my girl!”

Violet climbed on top of me. Her tongue began to whirl about my tits, licking the smooth curvature of my spongy breasts. Then her hot wet mouth closed on my tender nipple, sucking softly as if I were feeding her with milk. I caressed her hair gently, savoring the delight I gave my lover.

Her hands went to my crotch, and suddenly I felt her yank hard.

“Not my panties …” but my last word hung in the air as she’d ripped them off.

“Damn things are always in the way,” she glared at them angrily and flung them away.

“I’m running out of panties,” I laughed.

“You smell and taste good,” Violet leaned over kissing my knee. “I don’t want you wearing those stupid panties.”

She pushed me vigorously onto my back, with my face up and legs spread open. She curved over my body, rubbing her cheek on my pussy but not yet licking me, as she kissed me down below. Violet paused, staring up at me with a wolfish grin and I felt a shiver of desire run through my body.

She ran her tongue from my pussy up to my tits and then my mouth. Our tongues danced together in a passionate tango. Violet’s tongue thrust demandingly into my mouth, massaging her hands under my ass cheeks. She pulled her lips to my erect nipple, sucking at it and flicking her tongue back and forth. She opened my legs apart and got into a kneeling position between them.

I thought she was going to penetrate me at once but I was wrong. A startled moan came from my mouth as I felt the firmness of Violet’s hand unexpectedly grip at the mound of my sex. She squeezed my pubic mound in a way that sent arousing shivers running down my spine. She worked at my swelling clit, grinding her palms and fingers against the lips of my labia.

As I spread my legs widely, with her face buried between them, I tried to grab her cock with frantic fingers, trying to pull her artificial erection into my wanton cunt.

“Hurry!” I hissed. “Put it in!”

“In good time.” She slapped my hand away.

Squeezing her hand tightly down on my lust-aching mound of my sex, she inserted a long finger into the moist lips of my labia, and then energetically penetrated into my vagina. Electrifying shivers jerked through my body as I accepted the impaling digit and contracted my cunt muscles with delight.

Slowly, the entrenched finger began to move, making a small winding movement and then wiggling. I humped back on the finger as she plunged into my cunt. I arched my crotch up and moaned softly begging her for release.

Violet was above me in a missionary position. The thick head of her artificial cock nudged at the entrance of my channel. I felt it vibrating lightly and knew this was going to be an awesome fuck! I felt the warm wetness of my juices coating the member, which felt frightfully real.

I did my best to relax and wondered how Violet was coping with her lust. I shivered at how she was preparing me for a frontal assault of my cunt. Her member was a lot thicker and longer than her finger.

I shuddered as her hands reached out and quietly strayed over the lower curves of my buttocks. She was true to her word, because she was being gentle in her own unique way. Her voice affectionately commanded me to relax and to brace myself for penetration. I eased my legs wider open in reply.

“That’s my girl,” she growled. “Let it happen.”

Her hands slowly and delicately massaged at my mound for a few seconds, again her finger wiggled into my wet entrance. I whimpered in a mix of disappointment and excitement. I felt her large hands grip each of on my ass cheeks and spread them. Her fingers penetrated my anus and I was shocked and horrified at the pleasure I felt by this unexpected intrusion.

She massaged my ass cheeks over and over again, and then put her mouth over my juiced sodden sex. Slowly her mouth slicked the tiny entrance with our natural lubricants. She probed two fingers inside of me, pushing its way up my entrance, preparing me for the member that was coming.

Her fingers slid completely out of my sex, I felt her reach down and grasp her artificial cock with both hands. I heard a faint buzzing noise of the vibrator being turned on and Violet gasped with delight. She was going to share her delight with me.

“Relax,” Violet encouraged me.

I was ready for the next step of our sexual bonding. I felt her move closer with her cock in one hand and the other holding my waist down. Then I felt her enter, slowly penetrating the full length of her cock into my body! I thrust my crotch against her, feeling the member fuck deep into my cunt. I clutched Violet’s ass as the vibration tickled my loins.

“Ahhhh!” Her eyes widened and her teeth clamped in a triumphant roar.

The abrupt impalement was painful, but it still felt good. I suddenly felt my box crammed to its maxim capacity. I realised then why Violet took so much time preparing me. I felt her shove another inch of her rod into my tight tunnel. In an unintentional reflex, my muscles clamped with pressing tension around the pole of her sex which invaded me.

“I love you, Mama!” I clutched the bed sheet with both hands. “I love you so much!”

“Oh, baby,” she nudged further closing her eyes with lust. “Mama loves you, too!”

I heard Violet’s blissfully moans above my own grunts. I pushed and squeezed in an attempt to oust the huge cock that was stuffed in me, but my stepmother held her ground. Her member was buzzing firmly inside of me pushing in some more. It felt so real that for a moment I thought it became attached to Violet.

“Don’t fight it!” She held onto my shoulders for a stronger thrust. “You can take it all!”

She was right! I could take it and the only thing holding me back was my fear. So I commanded my muscles to be compliant to the wonderful, vibrating sexy feeling of her cock, which now brought me closer to an orgasm. For Violet my submission would be her ultimate triumph. She buried her rod to the rim.

My hands dug into her taut back and my fingernails bit her hard flesh making her bleed as she fucked me. She pushed again, this time with an almost manic pleasure, expecting my surrender. It came!

I pulled at her, trying to compel Violet to pound me harder into my pussy. There was no pause or hesitation; it was living for the moment. Her pelvis jerked down, wrenching out her rod from my cunt in a rough manner, and then she heaved in pounding her cock back into me. I grunted as her full weight knocked the wind out of me.

This was the way Violet wanted it and it was the way I had grown to like it, hard and rough! I wanted her to do me even wilder, but Violet held back for my sake, for fear of hurting me.

“Is this all you’ve got?” I hissed and provoked her, punching her arm. “Harder!”

“That’s my girl,” she growled savagely. “That’s how Mama loves it!”

I felt my body being whizzed along the bed from the force of her plummeting cock, my head hit the bed board. She was thrusting so hard into me the bed was banging against the wall, leaving marks. Her hands pressed down on my shoulders and pulled me down onto her rod with every thrust.

I hooked my cunt up and down, fucking her in a passion, my mind blurred and only focused on our fucking. Her rod felt long and thick in me, fucking me with such a frenzy that I thought I’d split in two.

Her hips plunged again and again, grinding into me, as she tunnelled the bulky pole back up into my vagina. I heard her grunting as she buried her face into my shoulder, her hands drawing my legs over her shoulders for deeper penetration. My clit was being stimulated by the vibrator in her artificial cock. My cunt lips stretched about her prick like an elastic band before the invading member.

Her breathing was short and swift, like the sound of an animal rasping for air, as she humped in and out of my wet cunt. The ferocious method of her stabbing only increased our fervent need for one another.

Pressing me against the bed, Violet worked her cock into me, mercilessly sliding her self definitely inside me. I gave sharp scream; Violet’s mouth was on my throat giving me a hickey, her member vibrating wildly inside me and buried deep inside my sopping sex. Trapped against the bed, I had no option but to take in the waves of Violet’s lustful thrusts.

I felt the pounding throb insanely against my sensitive cunt lips, just as the vibrator teased the firm little bud of my clitoris. Violet felt my recurring cries expand into hot pants. My legs fastened tightly around her waist as she continued to plummet me against the bed.

She knew I wouldn’t last long with her hysterical thrusting, but she wouldn’t stop! Nothing on Earth would be able her humping! She snorted like a sex-exasperated bull, her hips flogging her prick in and out of me. Harder and deeper, she stuffed into my blazing opening. She speared, rammed and ploughed into my sex.

Incapable of moving, I only managed to squeeze her waist tightly, but it seemed to stimulate Violet to push harder. My cunt sucked in all that she could give. I strained stiffly at the stimulation of the vibrator and drew my pussy tighter and tighter.

Faster and faster she move; closer and closer we inched to release the monstrous orgasm we’d created. I screamed for her to continue, my hands clawing desperately on her hard buttocks helping her thrust in deeper. I dug, pulled and urged her ass deeper.

She mumbled something I couldn’t understand. Her pelvis slapped into mine, like a machine running on steam. As I escalated nearer to climax I squirmed and thrashed about, incapable of getting enough of that lovely cock into my vagina. I moaned and sobbed with pleading demands of lust.

Violet sweated from the effort but she didn’t stop or diminish her speed. It was now all or nothing. She fucked me with everything she had. She fucked and fucked and fucked! She rammed me as if this was the last time we’d get the chance to do this.

“Mamaaaaaaaaa!” I shouted at the top of my lungs.

Suddenly I felt a chain of quakes being unleashed as it assembled throughout my body. The vibrator, Violet’s savage thrusting and our wild desire for release took over. She hauled me and pinned me against the wall as she thrashed and twisted into me. I wailed out in ecstasy and my body detonated free. My juices squirted out like a jet fountain. I came harder and stronger than I had ever come before. Every nerve in my body blinked with white light.

In unison, her own juices broke free, spurted out in a loud orgasm shoving the cock into me one final time. She screamed out my name as she orgasmed onto me. She fell back like a colossus onto the bed with a loud thud. The bed broke and we fell onto the floor. I was on top of her with my legs firmly straddled around her waist.

Neither of us moved for several minutes, our bodies still fastened together and the vibrator in the artificial cock still buzzing. Eventually, I slithered my cunt out and I crawled down to unhook the strap-on. I gazed at Violet’s muscular thighs, her stomach heaving up and down, and then at her wet cunt lips.

A smile came over my face, a smile of enjoyment to find his cunt dripping wet from our intense fucking. Just looking at her cunt produced a satisfying sensation between my own thighs.

“Payback time,” I smiled.

The appeal of that luscious pink cunt was strong, and I skidded down, spreading her muscular thighs. I held myself up with my hands on the floor and closed my moist lips over her huge clit, sucking slowly and tenderly. My tongue moved with a light touch, and I felt her move beneath me. With her cunt in my mouth, I looked up to see her slumbering face. I was certain she’d want me to wake her up like this.

I flicked my tongue along the inner surface of Violet’s thigh, feeling the warm, salty taste of her flesh. Violet sighed deeply as I licked about her sleek thighs, kissing and nibbling with my lips. I massaged my hand up and down her thighs, and then grasped beneath to cup the large, hard cheeks of her rounded ass.

“You pervert!” she murmured with a wide grin. “Who taught you to do that?”

“I had a great teacher,” I said as I sucked at the seeping pussy juices with my mouth.

“I must meet this person,” she said, opening her legs even wider. “That’s a wonderful feeling.” She inhaled deeply.

I ran my tongue across her cunt lips and leaned forward. Violet smiled proudly at me as I occupied my mouth on her cunt. I swirled my tongue about, licking her delicious pussy; plunging my tongue back and forth over her throbbing clit.

I kissed her pussy lips and sucked on her clit with such a force that I made her gasp with elation. Closing my hands about her spread ass cheeks I slid my tongue up and down her sizzling crotch. I ran my tongue expertly from her clit down, along the opening of her luscious cunt, and back to her asshole. I opened my mouth widely and pushed my lips against her asshole. My face was almost buried into her soaked cunt.

“That’s it,” she guided my head where she wanted me. “Yes, right there.”

I licked my tongue twist at the tight ass crack. Violet raised her ass higher to grant me better access; I thrust my face into her cunt, sticking my tongue into her tight entrance and then twirled my tongue up to her cunt. I dove my tongue as deeply as I could into her womanhood, fucking it in and out. Violet squealed and began humping my face up and down my face.

“Show Mama how you make love, baby,” Violet whispered. “Hmmm. Move that tongue in deeper!” She buried my head with both her hands into her cunt. “Deeper!”

I did as she asked and I shoved my tongue in her as hard as I could. I felt the heat inside of her slipper, silky cunt as I tongue fucked her. She began to thrash about wildly and gurgling me to carry on.

I wiggled my tongue over and over again, delighted to feel Violet at my mercy for a change. She was still hot from our fucking and I’d just added the heat higher. Violet trembled in a mindless passion attempting to grind her pussy in my face.

I plunged my tongue deeper into her dripping cunt again. I sucked and licked with a hysterical need, the flavour of this soft, tender pussy excited me. Violet’s womanhood was aroused because of my stimulations. I could orgasm simply by eating Violet out.

My mouth was buried deep on her cunt when she finally exploded into a powerful orgasm. I felt her cunt lips enfolding in response about my tongue. I continued to tongue fuck her back and forth with wild joy as Violet came. Her muscular ass lashed violently up and down as the orgasm took its course through her body. Violet held my head against her cunt almost suffocating me. I kept my mouth pressed hard against her convulsing cunt.

Her legs shot up in the air and fell with a tight yank. When Violet finally stopped shuddering, I rested my cheek on her stomach, lying on top of her with my fingers still resting inside her tight cunt; I felt it pulsing with the aftershock.

I rested there contentedly on her broad chest and abdomen momentarily, listening to the rain fall outside. I was so much at peace with the discharge of all our inner sexual tension that I hadn’t even notice that one of her hands had come to rest on my head, embracing me as I if I were her own child. Her long fingers felt relaxing as they combed my hair.

“C’mon, baby,” she whispered. “Let’s take a shower.”

“What will we tell Dad about that?” I pointed my head to the broken bed.

“Tell him you put on weight,” she said, and slapped my buttocks.

“I’m not that big!” I sniggered.

We went to the bathroom and washed our juices off each other. Afterwards we went down to the kitchen naked to eat dinner.

Violet and I spent all our free time making love in so many different positions and in every room in the house. It was the best week of my entire life.

The End


Two Moms, Chapter 24

  • Posted on February 18, 2019 at 3:18 pm

By Naughty Mommy

I guess maybe we put on too good of a show or something.

Because just as I was getting ready to actually start eating Jessica, to fuck my girlfriend/sister with my tongue and make her come in my mouth, I found that our moms weren’t watching any more. They had been, I knew that for sure, but now they were slumped down on the bed, one on either side of us.

Both had their hands clamped between their legs and their eyes were squeezed tightly shut. Obviously they were climaxing.

“Look, Jess,” I said.

“I know.” She’d propped herself up on her elbows and was smiling at what she saw.

“Should I wait till they finish?”

“Yeah, I guess so. Cuz they said they wanted to watch us.”


It didn’t take too long. After a minute or so, they’d both cooled off some and were sitting up, grinning as they pushed their sweaty hair away from their faces. It looked like they were ready now to enjoy the rest of our sexhibition.

I’d had a quick taste of Jessica’s pussy before the delay, just beginning to push my tongue inside her, and I was definitely hungry for more. First, however, to get our moms in the right mood again, I said, “You wanna see me fuck her with my tongue? Make her come in my mouth?”

“God, Lia,” Jess giggled.

Saying stuff like that got me so excited, almost as much as actually doing all the things I talked about. And I was feeling really brave that night, like there was nothing I couldn’t say or do. There were no limits. 

“I’m gonna fuck her pussy with my tongue while you watch, okay?”

As I was saying this, I spread her labia apart with my fingers again, giving both of our moms a great look at Jessica’s gooey pink vagina. I saw Karen licking her lips, while my own mother sort of shivered, then took her boobs in her hands, pinching the nipples.

My heart was pounding and I was breathing fast. I was totally pumped up because of what all this meant. Not only was I having sex with Jess right in front of her mom and my mom, but then after that we would all have sex together! It really was happening!!




For Nora, it seemed this had to be a dream, as if it couldn’t possibly be real. But it was. It really was happening, right in front of her eyes.

She was watching a pair of barely pubescent girls, only twelve years old, have blazing hot sex. Better still, these beautiful young girls were her own daughters — and best of all, soon she would be fucking them herself! It was every raw fantasy she had ever imagined, all her darkest, dirtiest desires, and now they were coming true.

As she took in the incredible sight of Lia placing her mouth over Jessica’s pussy then shoving her tongue up inside the girl, Nora played with her erect nipples, pulling and twisting them. She recalled their joy and pleasure from the night before, when she’d masturbated with Lia sucking her tits. And this evening they would do so much more. They would do everything.

Hearing a sudden loud groan, Nora glanced over at Karen, who was climaxing again, naturally. It was astonishing how many orgasms that woman could have, never seeming to exhaust herself. Without even waiting for her to finish, Nora leaned across Lia’s outstretched legs and took Karen’s face in her hands, wetly kissing her mouth.

“I love you,” she told her wife. “I love you so much.”

“I — love — you — too,” Karen gasped between spasms.

Then she heard another climax. This time it was Jessica, the diminutive child who looked more like an eight-year-old than an adolescent, except, that is, for her little boobies and that dark fur around her pussy. Nora watched as Jessica’s small body jolted and shook, her hands tightly holding Lia’s head, pulling her face into her crotch. 

Two stimulating orgasms taking place at nearly the same time in front of her — mother and daughter, no less. The sight made Nora want to come as well, but she knew it was still too soon for her. Unlike Karen, she would need to wait a little while, at least several more minutes until she would be ready once again.

In the meantime, she played with her breasts, licking her fingers and rubbing them over the tips of her nipples. This created a delicious tingling sensation between her legs, a swirling, growing pulse in her center. Maybe she wouldn’t have to wait so long after all.




God, I wish it was my tongue in there, thought Karen. Why did I make that dumb suggestion for us just to watch the girls? I need to eat Jessica, taste my daughter’s pussy, and beautiful Lia’s too. I want to do everything with them, not have to wait any longer.

But, no, I really should try my best to be patient and not rush things. There’s really no hurry, we have all night. In fact, we have all the rest of our lives. Now that we’re starting this, there’s no reason we should ever stop. For years and years to come I’ll be having sex with Nora and Lia and Jess. We could be permanent lovers, the four of us, eating and fingering and fucking any time we feel like it and as often as we want.

As she pictured the years ahead — seeing the girls in high school, possibly bringing home some of their cute friends to join the fun, then maturing into grown women, but through all that time, with all those changes, having sex day and night with her daughters and with Nora, never ever stopping — Karen felt another orgasm fast approaching.

She’d never actually ceased from rubbing herself, even while she was coming and Nora was kissing her. And as she saw what Lia was doing next, saw her climbing on top of Jessica, raising one leg and straddling her, and then when Jessica turned her head toward Karen, catching her eye and licking her lips in an obvious provocative gesture aimed at her own mother, Karen erupted once again into another glorious climax.




Where did the girls learn these things? They were still so young, just children, really, yet somehow they knew all about finger-fucking and tongue-fucking and more. Now, it appeared, Lia was getting set to trib with Jess, scissoring pussy to pussy with her. Where did they learn such things?

Nora already knew the answer, of course, or at least most of it. Jessica had seen it all for years at home, observing her mother have sex with other women since she was a toddler. And Lia had been there too in recent months, as Nora was well aware, watching and learning. Plus of course there was the Internet. There certainly was no shortage of lesbian porn for them to take in and try to emulate.

In any case, no matter where or when or how the kids had learned all this, Nora was thrilled that she could watch them act it out for her and Karen, engaging in hot underage sex to please them. Seeing this, and thinking about the things she was seeing, made her clit throb. With one hand still on her breast, squeezing and pulling the nipple, she slid the other down between her legs, starting to masturbate again.

And while she was just starting, Karen was finishing, or maybe continuing. Nora heard her cry out and saw her bend at the waist, supporting herself with one arm on the bed while two fingers pistoned in and out of her cunt. Gooey strands of liquid dripped from her fingers, staining the bedspread below. It was a breathtaking sight. Nora rubbed her clit with greater urgency.

Then something else happened. Lia had already begun tribbing with Jessica, bringing their sweet juicy pussies together, sliding up and down. And Nora could see the effect this was having, the arousal of the girls mounting toward a peak surprisingly fast, much more quickly than she’d expected. They were both moaning and panting, their faces turning red, bodies working in rhythm, smooth skin glowing with perspiration. Could they climax together, reaching orgasm at the same time? Or would one of them get there first?

Either way, Nora wanted to come too, so she dropped her other hand to her crotch, shoving a finger inside her slippery wet vagina, fucking herself. Damn, this was so great. There was sizzling sex all around — the kids tribbing, Karen coming again and again, her senses overloaded with sights and sounds and enticing scents of feminine arousal.

At that moment, Lia turned to look at her. Their eyes locked. Without ever stopping her movements, that gentle insistent thrust of pussy against pussy, Lia said, “Are you gonna fuck me tonight, Mom? Are you gonna fuck me like this?”

Oh my god! It was all Nora could do to keep from instantly climaxing when she heard those words. Somehow she staved it off long enough to make a reply. Gritting her teeth, she hissed, “Yes, baby girl, Mommy’s gonna fuck you tonight! Mommy’s gonna fuck your little pussy so hard! I’m gonna fuck you and come on you!!”

And with that, there was no holding back. Nora came explosively, losing her breath and nearly passing out from the searing, overwhelming erotic passion.




When I said that to my mom, and after the super sexy things she said to me, and then when I saw her climaxing so hard, I really wanted to come too at the same time as her — except I wasn’t quite ready yet.

Jess was though. We’d done this a lot of times before, tribbing I mean, and we knew how to make it work for us. Usually it would be with her on top and then she’d just hump her pussy against mine, faster and faster until we both came, which I loved. But when I was on top, I’d do this kind of scissoring thing with her, holding one leg up high and really spreading her wide open. That drove Jess nearly insane, because she said it was like she could actually feel my clit going inside her. I doubt if that really happened, but as long as it turned her on so much and made her come, that was fine with me.

So I rubbed on her that way while my mother and her mother, both our moms, were coming beside us. Pretty soon Jess started squealing and I knew exactly what that meant. It meant she was right on the edge. Any second now she would hold her breath and then BOOM — my girlfriend would come. My sister would come while I was fucking her.

She did come, and wow, this had to be one of the best ever. I couldn’t believe how gooey she got, even for her. That made it nice and slippery, all smooth and hot for my pussy rubbing against hers and then it really wasn’t very long, only about another thirty seconds, until I got there too. Yes!!




Tears of joy. Tears of love, of passion, of incestuous lust. Whatever the cause or explanation might be, all Karen knew is that she had been crying more over the past several weeks than at any time in her adult life.

She lay in a fetal position on the king-sized bed, on her side with both hands clamped firmly between her legs as powerful spasms of pleasure coursed through her body. And even with this orgasm, her latest one, still ongoing, the tears began to flow. Karen sobbed with love, with happiness, and with sexual satisfaction all mixed together.

Finally, when she began to calm down once more, as her climax and her whimpering both subsided, she was able to withdraw a hand from her crotch and bring her fingers to her mouth, savoring the salty, spicy flavor of her cunt. She wanted to open her eyes but wasn’t quite ready yet. It was enough to just lie quietly a while longer, tasting herself, enjoying that warm, wonderful, post-orgasmic glow.

At last Karen pushed herself up, blinking in the semi-darkness of the room. They’d left a single lamp on beside the bed, on its lowest setting. It cast a soft light on the scene she now beheld… a beautiful woman and a pair of young girls lying naked on the bed, their limbs flung out, arms and legs crossing haphazardly… she could easily spot telltale glints of moisture between their legs, gooey wetness beading on the curly pubic hair of Nora and Jessica, gleaming on Lia’s smooth bald mound.

Seeing this made Karen want to come again and automatically she began to rub her clit — but then stopped herself. No more masturbation, or at least not until later on. Her next orgasm would come from the hand or mouth of someone else.

She saw Jessica take in a deep breath, then slowly let it out. The girl opened her eyes and they looked at one another.

“Hi, Mom.”

“Hi, honey.” After licking her lips, Karen asked, “Did you hear what Nora, er, your other mom, said earlier? That she was going to fuck Lia tonight?”

“Uh-huh, yeah,” Jess nodded. “And are you gonna fuck me too?”

“Yes, absolutely, I’d love to. Except first, my god, I just have to lick your little pussy. Would you like that?”

“Sure. But um… then after, can I lick you?”

Karen grinned, cocking an eyebrow. “How about if we do it this way?” Then she arranged herself on hands and knees over her daughter, in a 69 position.




I was lying on my back with my eyes closed when I got jostled a little bit. Turning my head to look, I saw that Jessica’s mom (my new mom) was getting on top of her. They were gonna lick each other’s pussies. So nice!

From the other direction, I heard a voice. “Can I kiss you, Lia?” And I felt my mother’s warm hand caressing my cheek. I turned back that way and saw her lovely face, her smile. “I want to kiss you, darling, and make love with you.”

I shifted onto my side, into her waiting arms. She and I kissed, deeply, wetly, the way only lovers will do. It was wonderful, heavenly, so romantic and arousing all at once. I truly adore kissing, almost as much as I like doing all the rest of it, you know, having sex. Kissing is just so special. And with my own mom it’s the best ever!

But kissing wasn’t the only thing we did, of course. We were touching each other’s boobs too. Well, I was caressing hers and playing with them while she fondled my nipples, since I didn’t really have any boobs yet. Then, as we continued with that long intimate kiss, our hands soon slid down between one another’s legs. We never said anything about this, it just seemed to happen naturally.

I could feel my mother’s hand on my pussy, where I’d never felt it before. Yes! Play with me, Mom, play with my pussy and make me come!

At the same time, my fingers were inching lower, over her trimmed pubic hair, finding her labia. Her sex felt hot and slippery. She was extremely wet. Except… I wasn’t quite sure what to do next. The only person I’d ever touched like that, besides myself, was Jess, and she was just a kid. Was it different with a woman? What if I did it wrong?

I guess my mom must have noticed my hesitation, because she took my hand in hers and pressed it firmly against her pussy lips. Breaking our kiss for a second, she said, “Fuck me with your fingers, baby girl. Fuck Mommy’s cunt!”

So, that’s what I did. After feeling around a little, I pushed first one, then two, then three fingers inside my mother’s vagina. There was a lot more room inside there than in Jessica’s or mine. It didn’t feel as tight, but it did feel deliciously soft and warm and squishy. I loved fucking her.

We kissed some more as we played with each other. Mom was rubbing my clit now with her thumb while her fingers sort of teased around the opening to my pussy. We were both breathing really hard. Then she whispered, “Suck my tit, sweetie, okay? Suck my nipples.”

No problem, I would be happy to! I dropped my face to her chest and took a big nipple into my mouth while I kept my fingers moving inside her, fucking my mom.




Ahh, god… all those many years she’d let slip away. Why, Karen wondered, hadn’t she done this much earlier, starting when her daughter was maybe seven or eight instead of waiting until she was twelve?

Anyway, now it was happening, at last. She gazed at the little pussy in front of her face. So perfect, so tempting. How could she possibly have resisted for this long?

Just before beginning, she dipped her head and peered upside down between her own legs. “Are you ready?” she asked Jessica. “You wanna lick me, make me come in your mouth?”

“Uh-huh, I’m ready, Mom. Totally ready!”

Stifling a giggle, Karen said, “All right,” as she settled her crotch over her daughter’s cute face. She knew it likely would take almost no time for her to reach climax, whether or not Jess showed any talent for cunnilingus. The idea of what they were doing already had her right on the edge. Then she felt the girl’s hands grab her butt cheeks, pulling her in closer, lips and tongue eagerly attacking her sex.

Taking a deep breath, doing her best to keep that impending orgasm at bay for maybe a minute or two, Karen lowered her mouth to Jessica’s clit, kissing and licking and sucking.




This was embarrassing. Nora was supposed to be the adult, presumably more skilled at lovemaking and possessing greater self-control. Yet as she felt Lia’s mouth tugging at her nipple, and her daughter’s fingers — my god, three fingers! — sliding deep inside her cunt, she realized it was hopeless. There was no way she could ever hold back, certainly not long enough to bring Lia to climax before her or along with her. That wasn’t going to happen.

So she surrendered. Nora closed her eyes and laid her head down, resting it on the bed. Her hand was still between Lia’s legs, caressing her wonderfully smooth, hairless pussy, but she made no attempt to rush her actions. There would be plenty of time for everything, no hurry. Instead, she simply gave in to the marvelous sensations swirling up from her center.




It happened a lot faster than I thought. Almost as soon as I started sucking my mom’s nipple, she suddenly got all shaky and jittery, making these little moaning sounds. I figured that meant she was gonna come pretty soon, and I was right.

What was unbelievably awesome, though, was what it felt like when she came — what it felt like on my fingers, I mean, inside her. They just got squeezed down so tight, over and over again. I’d sort of felt something like that when I would be fucking Jess and she had an orgasm, but that was with only one finger and it wasn’t nearly as strong.

Mom made a lot of noise too when she came, and that was really exciting. I kept sucking on her nipple the whole time. I didn’t stop, because I wanted to make her come again if I could, or at least make this one last as long as possible.




She’d done it. Somehow she’d done it.

Somehow Karen had managed to delay her own climax as she concentrated on licking her daughter’s beautiful pink nub, her little clit. She’d hoped it wouldn’t take too long, since she was rather expert at doing this — and within only a few minutes was rewarded when she heard Jessica start to squeal and then felt the child’s small body tense beneath her.

Soon she could let go, any second now. And then the moment arrived. When Jess shuddered all over and cried out in passion, Karen ground her cunt into her daughter’s face, humping her mouth. After several quick thrusts the woman exploded into orgasm.

Continue on to Chapter 25!


Tears of the Sun, Chapter 7

  • Posted on February 16, 2019 at 3:28 pm

by Purple Les

The Tequila Kid was up early Sunday morning. She’d left Arabella sleeping peacefully while she had gone to bathe. Now clad in a silk robe and slippers, left for her by May, she sat at the kitchen table with Mrs. Lee sipping tea.

Mrs. Lee said, “Oak Creek is a much better place since you were here last, Tequila.”

“Is Polly still here?” The Kid asked as she sipped her tea.

Scratching a match on the wooden table, Mrs. Lee lit her pipe. “Polly, she now owns and runs the only whorehouse in the white part of town. It’s a beautiful house, close to city limits. The best part is, she send all her laundry here. I make a lot of money from her. Just the sheets and towels enough to make me rich.” She cackled with laughter, then took a long pull from the pipe.

“I sure would like to talk to her.”

“Well, Tequila, you get your chance today. Polly come every Sunday to pay me. She make much money on Saturday, so she pay me today.”

May came into the kitchen, freshly bathed and dressed. She hugged her grandmother, then The Kid, before sitting down with her own cup of tea.

“June and Button still sleep?” Mrs, Lee asked May.

“Yes, Grandmother.”

“After you have tea and breakfast, you get them up to take bath and get dressed.”

“Yes, Grandmother.” May answered.

Placing a brown paper bundle on the table, The Kid asked, “Can this be cleaned and pressed up for me by tomorrow? I’ll pay extra.”

Mrs. Lee frowned, shook her head. “Your money is no good here, Tequila. For the woman who save me and my granddaughters’ lives, I will always be in your debt.”

“Much obliged, Mrs, Lee,” The Kid said, staring down at her teacup, “Just wish I’d been able to save your daughter and son-in-law, too.”

May felt a twinge of sadness as she remembered how wild the town had been when she was younger, when her parents had been murdered. It had been an especially dangerous time for her family, the town cursed by a pack of vicious white men who hated “slit-eyes,” and would seize upon any opportunity to attack, even murder the Chinese residents of Oak Creek. She recalled all the killings that had taken place until The Kid had come to town and put an end to the gang.

Mrs. Lee squeezed The Kid’s hand and said, “Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one.”

There was a knock. Mrs. Lee said, “May, answer door, please.”

May went to the door, opened it and bowed, then said, “Please to come in, Miss Polly.”

The Kid heard a familiar voice, one that made her smile. “Why, thank you, May. My, you are more beautiful every time I see you.”

A tastefully well dressed woman stepped in and said, “Good morning, Mrs. Lee. I hope this is a good time to pay.”

Mrs. Lee gave a snort of laughter. “Any time you give me money is always good time.” Then she turned to May. “You go take care of children now, please.”

“Yes, Grandmother.” May said, as she left to wake the two younger girls.

When Polly saw the other woman sitting at the table, she dropped her purse to the floor. “My goodness! Tequila!”

The Kid stood up and Polly flung her arms around her, hugging the young woman as hard as she could. Polly pushed The Kid back and said, “By golly. Look what a beauty you are now. When you was here last, you was just a…” She searched her mind for words, then laughed and finished with, “You were just a kid.” Her eyes grew moist and she added, “Just a kid who helped to save this town and the good folks in it.” Then she kissed and hugged The Kid again.

The Kid was blushing awkwardly. She’d never felt very comfortable dealing with praise. “Aw, that was a long time ago. Now, I hear you stepped up some in the world, so Mrs. Lee tells me,” she said, trying to change the subject.

“How ‘bout we have a drink for old times’ sake, and I’ll tell you about it,” Polly said.

“Let us drink now,” Mrs. Lee said, and pointing to the cabinet. “Tequila, will you…?”

“The green bottle, right?” The Kid said with a grin, going to fetch the tequila and three shot glasses.


May awakened June first, went to the other room and woke up Arabella, then took the yawning little girls to  the washroom where a large wooden tub waited, filled with hot water. “Come now, you sleepyheads — get in,” she said.

Shrugging out of her nightgown, June climbed into the tub. Arabella, who had slept nude, joined her new friend in the steaming water.

Armed with a bar of soap and a flannel, May washed the girls from head to toe, taking enormous pleasure from touching and caressing their slippery bodies. Finally, she had them both stand up together and poured a bucket of fresh water over the girls to rinse them off. All the while, June and Arabella were fondling one another and swapping kisses, giggling when their eyes met.

“Now you are both clean,” May announced. “Come out and I dry you.”

The girls emerged from the tub, where May briskly rubbed them down with a thick Turkish towel. “There,” she said when the girls were dry, taking one last long look at their bare bodies. “Now you get into clothes, okay?”

“Can we play first?” June asked her older sister.

May smiled, but shook her head. “Not now, sister. Later on this afternoon, I think yes.” She turned to meet Arabella’s gaze. “Would you like that, Button? To play again later, same like we did last night?”

Grinning eagerly, Arabella said, “Yeah, I’d like that a lot.”

May nodded, “Good. Now we get you both dressed and to breakfast.”


When May came back with the girls, Polly and The Kid went to another room to continue their talk, while Mrs. Lee stayed in the kitchen to help her eldest granddaughter.

“What’s this town like these days, Polly? Can you trust the law in these parts?”

“Well,” Polly began, “Everyone from the mayor on down comes to my house. The mayor and judge are good men. So is our doctor, even if he’s ‘bout the only man in town who don’t go whoring. The sheriff is fine. He’s honest enough, even if he does take a percentage from all the saloons and whorehouses. His deputy’s a good man all around. Married and real honest. He don’t whore around, neither.”

The Kid looked thoughtful. “You look real good, Polly. Still give the men a ride every now and then?”

Polly laughed, “No, Kid. Nobody wants to be with an old woman of thirty-five.”

“Well, you sure don’t look it. Not with that pretty face and fine figure. Besides, some cowpokes like a gal who’s all broke in and rides long and hard.”

Polly laughed again. “Well, you’re the one who had me riding side saddle, so to speak.” She reached for The Kid’s hand. “That’s right, you’re still the only woman I ever been with. I never stopped lovin’  you, either.”

The Kid leaned over and gave Polly a soft kiss on the mouth, then said, “Listen, Polly. Is there a man in this town who’s real tall and big? Got a flat nose and a mustache. Maybe talks with a deep rumble in his voice?”

Polly sighed. “Yeah. That’s Frank Sims. Real bad news. He works for Ramses Kingsley, who’s even worse.”

“Hmm. What’s their deal?”

“Kingsley owns a big part of the town. He’s pretty much kept in his place, but now he plans to run for mayor. He’s got four hired guns, but we haven’t seen ‘em of late. Rumor has it he spends time in Adobe Wells, doin’ some kind of thievery. No one can prove a thing, though. Tell you this — if he gets to be mayor, it’ll be mighty bad here. Why do you ask?”

The Kid stroked her chin. “I think this here Sims fella is a murderer and a thief. If he works for Kingsley, then that just might be the man I’m after.”

Her brow furrowed in concern, Polly placed her hand on The Kid’s arm. “Tequila, it’s best you don’t mess with those two. They aren’t just mean drunk outlaws like you cleared out of here before. Sims is a cold-blood killer — just lookin’ in his eyes, you can tell. As for Kingsley, he’s a natural born shootist. I’ve never seen anyone as fast with his iron as he is. Not even you.”

“Anything else you can tell me about ‘em?”

“You know how much I hate to lose a customer, right? Well, I banned both of them from my house. Sims was too big and rough. All that weight on a girl can kill her. Plus he liked to put his hands on a girl’s throat and squeeze while he’s doin’ the deed. Like to scared one of my best girls out of her wits. Kingsley, he has a big member, and he likes to stick it where the sun don’t shine. I had me a girl who was all right with that, but he hurt her anyways, made her bleed almost to death. They ain’t welcome in none of the houses around town. I don’t know where they go to get their pleasure.”

“And this Kingsley wants to be mayor of Oak Creek, does he? That don’t sound any kind of good.”

Polly shook her head. “I don’t mean to sound like a preacher, but this town is gettin’ big. Lots of families movin’ in. We’ve already got a few brick buildings. Schools and churches and such will be next. Kingsley would ruin all that.”

“You fixin’ on settlin’ down, Polly?”

“No, of course not. Family men is good for my business, that’s all.” Polly answered. She smiled, but her eyes were filled with sadness. She stood up to leave. “Well, I best get back to my house. Will I see you before you leave town?”

“Of course.” The Kid said before she stood and kissed Polly goodbye. “And don’t mention to no one I’m in the area. All right, Polly?”

“Sure, Kid. Please be careful.” Polly said as she placed her hand on The Kid’s face, brushing the young woman’s chin and lips with her thumb. “Y’know, I always did like them tattoos on your chin.”

Drawing close, The Kid gave Polly another kiss, taking the shorter woman in her arms and bending her back. As they kissed more passionately, Polly blindly found the opening of The Kid’s robe and spread it wide open, exposing her bare body. She slipped her arms inside, twining round The Kid to fondle her ass with both hands.

Polly took a step back, holding the robe open wide, drinking in the sight of The Kid’s tight body. She bent down, taking a hard nipple between her lips while her hand found its way between her younger lover’s legs. The Kid’s vagina was moist, and Polly’s finger easily slid inside.

She fucked The Kid for a couple of minutes, then abruptly withdrew her finger. “I can’t wait, God damn it,” Polly said. “I’ve got to taste that sweet pussy of yours.”

Pushing The Kid backwards until she sat down heavily in a large upholstered chair, Polly knelt between her lover’s thighs, spreading them apart. Leaning in, she sucked The Kid’s hard clit into her mouth.

“Dang,” The Kid moaned. “What if s-someone comes in?”

Polly paused long enough to say, “I don’t give a rat’s ass,” and ran her tongue slowly up the Kid’s labia to find her clitoris. She looked up at the younger woman, her eyes gleaming with lust, then drew back — a thin, sparkling string of cunt honey bridging the tip of her tongue and The Kid’s clit.

Licking some of the luscious nectar from her lips, Polly said, in a voice that would melt butter, “Well, Kid… should I stop?”

The Kid’s reply was to guide the woman’s mouth back to her sex.

As Polly nursed at her clitoris, The Kid pictured May and June and Arabella, coming in and watching her get licked. That was enough to make her climax.

Polly sat back, looking at the angelic look on The Kid’s face, then fell into the young woman’s arms and kissed her. The Kid kissed back, tasting her cunt.

Standing up and straightening her clothes, Polly powdered her face with a compact from her purse. “I wish we could get naked and do this thing proper, but I got business to take care of.” She sighed. “It’s always business. Anyhow, see me ‘fore you leave town,” Polly said with a grin, “I’d say that you owe me a good hard ride in a nice, comfy bed. Hear me?”

“I sure do, Polly. Thanks.” The Kid answered standing up and pulling the robe closed. “Listen, I need to ask… is there some way I can meet this judge?”

Polly frowned. Then she sat at the desk and wrote a long note. She handed it to The Kid and said, “He’s in his office in the mornin’, and holds court for whatever from two till five in the afternoon. Just get this note to him and he’ll talk with you.”

“Thanks, Polly. I ‘preciate it.”

“Please don’t do nothin’ foolish, Kid.” Polly said, gently touching The Kid’s arm.


That night the girls, Arabella included, helped Mrs. Lee prepare a big dinner. After they’d eaten and cleaned up, Mrs, Lee and The Kid sat talking over a drink.

“Grandmother?” May asked, “Can we go play in my room?”

“Yes, go play.”

Once in the bedroom, May shut the door. Arabella watched wide-eyed as May and June began to kiss each other. “You like to see us kiss, Button?” May asked the ten-year-old girl. Arabella nodded her head.

You like to kiss, Button?” eight-year-old June asked teasingly. Again, the little white girl nodded.

“Good,” said May. “We all take turns, kiss each other.”

The three girls stood in a tight circle, swapping kisses. It was a lovely game, both kissing and watching the others kiss, putting their tongues in each other’s mouths, exchanging touches and caresses as they kissed. Soon, all three girls felt a little weak in the knees — and very wet between their legs.

“I have an idea.” said May. “Let us now undress. We will each take off our clothes, then kiss more.”

“What if someone comes in?” asked Arabella, thinking of the girls’ grandmother, “We might get in trouble.”

May wrapped an arm around Arabella. “Do not worry, Button. The adults are busy talking, won’t bother us. Here, let me go first.”

June and Arabella sat on the bed and watched in complete fascination while May slowly disrobed, revealing her more developed body to the two younger girls. Now nude, May did a slow turn to display her charms.

“Now I watch you two,” May said. “Up, both of you!” She sat down on the bed, spread her legs and began to run a finger up and down her slit. “Now,” she instructed, “June, you take off Button’s dress.” The young girls giggled as they did what they were told.

“Good,” May went on, “Now, Button, you take off June’s dress.” She did, then the younger girls watched May masturbate as they stood before her, nude but for their underpants.

“Button, take off June’s underclothes,” May said. She fingered her slit more intently as she watched the white girl undress her baby sister. Soon June stood naked, and both the other girls admired her cute body.

“Now,” May said, a finger in her vagina, “June, you strip Button. Make her bare naked!”

In a moment, June had Arabella’s underthings off.

“Good,” May said, “Now let me watch you kiss.”

June draped her arms around Arabella’s neck, and the girls flowed into each other’s arms, their mouths meeting, tongues mingling. As they kissed, May masturbated frantically, watching them. The younger girls began to touch one another, Arabella moving her hands down the little Chinese girl’s back until she was cupping June’s bottom, while June reached between her new friend’s thighs, tracing the sweet, smooth cleft of Arabella’s vagina with two fingers.

Not wanting to come just yet, May stopped masturbating and shifted herself to the center of the bed, where she began to toy with her small breasts as she watched her sister and Button make love.

“Come over here now, girls, lie with me,” May said. June and Arabella obediently stopped kissing, then joined the older girl on the bed. They both stared at May’s cunt — a dark, dewy slit, adorned by a downy triangle of sparse pubes.

“Now,” May said, “You take turns licking me down there.” June and Arabella glanced at each other and smiled. “June, you lick first,” May ordered.

Arabella watched in awe as the younger sister went down on her big sister. June was taking long, slow swipes with her tongue, making love to May’s cunt. Her little bottom was thrust out, giving Arabella a very good view of June’s slit, as well as the darker jewel of her anus. Arabella licked her lips, wondering what the little girl’s rear hole would taste like.

May interrupted her reverie. “Your turn now, Button.”

Kneeling between May’s parted legs, Arabella kissed, then licked the sweet teen pussy, just like she’d seen June do it. Then she tried licking her the way The Kid favored, with lots of fast flicks of the tongue. That was hard to keep up for very long, so Arabella fastened her mouth to May’s cunt and sucked it, drinking down the warm nectar of the Chinese girl.

June was fingering her own bare slit, her face inches from Arabella’s smooth holes, breathing in the scent of Button’s excitement.

“Oh. Ohhhh!” May moaned, turning her head back and forth and clutching the sheets tightly with both hands. “That is good, Button. Now you lick me more, sister.”

As June’s mouth replaced Arabella’s between May’s spread legs, Arabella reached out to explore June’s wet vulva with her fingers. That made June squeal into May’s pussy, making her big sister come.

May was out of breath, but recovered quickly. Seizing June’s shoulders, she laid the little girl down on her back, then positioned Arabella on top of June, but facing in the opposite direction.

“Lick each other!” May ordered.

June had done this many times before with her big sister, but it was something new to Arabella. Luckily, she caught on quickly. May loved the sight, and fingered herself furiously while she watched.

She also enjoyed viewing Arabella’s tight bare sex, so different from that of her little sister. May placed both hands on the white girl’s rump, slowly spread the cheeks apart, and moved in to lick Arabella’s cunt, then trailed her tongue through the little girls rosebud.

That was enough to make Arabella come, June following close behind.

Three naked girls sprawled out on the bed, bodies cooling as they rested from their labors. After awhile, they rose, washing their bodies from a bucket of cool well water. They dressed, then went out to join the grownups as if nothing special had happened.

The girls played cards with The Kid and Mrs. Lee until bedtime. Arabella could barely keep her eyes open, and The Kid had a sneaking suspicion as to why. As she tucked her little lover in, The Kid said, “Sleep well, Button. We got a big day tomorrow,” before slipping into her own pallet and closing her eyes.

Giddy-up to Chapter Eight!


Ripples, Chapter 9

  • Posted on February 14, 2019 at 4:42 pm

by Sapphmore and JetBoy

Jessica felt a pleasurable sensation coursing through her body as she slowly drifted into consciousness. She was in the midst of a waking dream, caught up in an endless Moebius strip of steamy lesbian fantasies, each one featuring women and girls she knew. Once upon a time, such a thing would have shocked her; now it seemed perfectly natural. And in the lion’s share of these imagined scenarios, her sex partner was a young girl — or girls.

Picturing herself with Sally was easy, seeing as she had her memories to rely on — only in this imagined version of their encounter, she enticed the comely teen up to her office, stripped the girl naked and took her on top of the desk, not even bothering to brush the paperwork aside.

Then it got even wilder: when she and Sally came, Jess glanced toward the unexpectedly open office door and saw several of the women and girls who worked for her, eagerly watching and touching themselves, all of them at least partially nude.

The vision changed. Now Sally was stretched out on the sofa, and Jessica was eagerly going down on her. She recalled the rich scent of the girl, the warm nectar of Sally’s pussy and how it coated her lips and chin.

Suddenly Jess felt another tongue burrow into her cunt. Startled, she glanced over her shoulder, only to see Alice there, the girl’s face buried in her arse, a wild look in her daughter’s eyes that made Jessica’s heart race — but once again, the image disappeared.

In the next scenario, Jess was in bed with her children, all of them stark naked. Alice was nuzzling her breasts, Katie was kissing her belly — and most unsettling of all, seven-year-old Poppy was blissfully licking her pussy. Even in the safety of slumber, the image frightened Jessica — so her mind quickly swiped it, and the girls vanished.

Now she was a witness, not a participant. She was watching Rachel and her daughter Bella, seeing them make love. Jess pictured herself in a plush accent chair, one leg thrown over the arm and a hand cupped under her breast, the thumb and forefinger rolling a swollen nipple. She was idly stroking her thigh with the other hand, occasionally using a finger to flick at her clitoris as the sight of Rachel and Bella, blissfully committing lesbian incest.

The scene shifted, only slightly this time. Now Rachel was lying on a bed with Bella kneeling on the floor trying to push her hand into her mother’s vagina, words of encouragement mixed with moans of ecstasy flowing from Rachel’s mouth.

The fantasy loop began to speed up, images of women she knew flashing past in a blur. As they rushed by, Jessica’s feelings of pleasure increased; she was amazed how real they felt.

A sudden jolt shook Jess into the land of the living, reminding her of where she was. She looked sideways, expecting to find Rachel sleeping beside her, but saw an empty pillow instead. Jess realised she was now awake, but somehow still felt the physical effects of her dream.

Glancing down at the bottom of the bed, she saw the source of her pleasure, lit by a stripe of light coming through a narrow gap in the curtains. The sheets were thrown back and a face was buried between her legs — a face that peered up to reveal a smiling Rachel, her lips glistening with Jessica’s nectar. “Morning, lover,” she said.

Raising herself from between Jessica’s thighs, Rachel crawled up to lie on top of her partner, planting kisses along the way, pausing to nuzzle her breasts. In response, Jess raked her fingernails down Rachel’s back, causing her friend to twitch.

Jess drew Rachel into her arms and kissed her. Then she felt something firm against her thigh.

“What’s that?” she asked.

“Ah, well, you looked so good, just lying there asleep. Got me all hot and bothered, so I had a little poke through my toy box for something to continue your education.” She flashed Jess a bad-girl grin. “Ready to go back to school, lover?”

Seeing the puzzled look on Jessica’s face, Rachel slid back down to the foot of the bed and stood up. She was wearing a belt or harness of some kind around her waist and between her legs, with a flesh-coloured and very lifelike cock attached, complete with veins scrolling round the length of it.

Jess could only stare, her jaw gone slack. She’d seen a couple of strap-ons featured on Rachel’s lesbian DVD, but had never encountered one in person.

Rachel stood, hands resting on her curvaceous hips. “Mind you, this is just the training model; wait till we get to the big ones!”

“My God, I thought Mark was big! Then again, I didn’t have many to compare him with,” Jessica said, unable to tear her gaze from the appendage dangling before her.

Rachel laughed. “Don’t worry, baby, we’ve got lots of toys to try out and plenty of time. Someday, we’ll have to go on a little fun shopping trip to get you sorted. I’m guessing you don’t own a dildo or vibrator yourself?”

“Well, that’s where you’re wrong,” Jess retorted indignantly. “As a matter of fact, I do own a vibrator.”

“Let me guess — you bought it at a party twenty years ago and it’s one of those hideous plain plastic affairs that sound like a dentist’s drill.“

“No doubt you have an extensive collection, then?” Jess retorted defensively, glancing around.

Rachel pointed to a large decorated box on the floor near the open wardrobe that appeared to contain a plethora of sex toys — all shapes, sizes and styles.

“My husband liked to watch me use them on myself and sometimes on him… that is, before he decided to get his boyfriend to roger him with the real thing instead. After I found out and booted him into touch, I decided to play the same game, So I had a few liaisons with some ladies who introduced me to the joys of toys. But enough chit-chat, let’s start class!”

With that, she grabbed Jessica’s ankles, causing her to squeal in surprise, and tugged the woman down until her wet pussy was at the edge of the bed. Kneeling down, she lubricated Jessie’s cunt with her tongue, then produced a small bottle of lube.

“As it’s your first fuck for a good few months, we’d better take it slow, in case it’s all healed up.” She opened the bottle and squeezed a bit of the clear liquid on the dildo. Closing and dropping the bottle, she used her hand to spread the lube over the length of the fake penis, then wiped her fingers along Jessica’s slit, making her jump a little.

“Raise your knees, love,” Rachel purred, now sliding her hand up and down the slippery sex toy as if she was jacking it off.

A storm of nervous anticipation was brewing inside Jess as she did as she was told, bracing herself for penetration. It had indeed been a long time since she’d been fucked, and she loved the idea of getting back into the game with a good hard shag from her best friend.

Bending her knees, Rachel carefully worked the tip of the silicone cock up and down through Jessica’s wet vaginal lips, then gently pushed against the slick hole, gaining access. She gradually increased her speed, going a little deeper each time. After a few strokes, she had the entirety of the sex toy buried inside her.

Jess threw her head back, clutching the blanket in her fists. Her vagina was now producing copious lubrication of its own, so Rachel began increasing the speed and depth of her thrusts, her hips pumping forward and back. After a minute or so, Jess began to thrash wildly, hooking her heels behind Rachel to pull her in as far as she could. She hadn’t felt anything substantial inside her for almost a year, her rare masturbation sessions limited to a couple of fingers and her clitoris. What she was feeling right now was a whole new ballgame.

Suddenly, she vented her climax in a loud scream, her body arching up from the bed.

Hastily withdrawing her cock, Rachel dove between Jessica’s legs, gluing her mouth to her lover’s cunt to get every drop of the tart fluids. With some still in her mouth, she quickly bent to kiss Jess to kiss her, giving back the sweet nectar.

Jess reached out, grabbing Rachel’s face with both hands, probing her mouth with an eager tongue. They thrashed around on the bed, locked in a passionate kiss, eventually coming to rest.

Rachel spoke first. “Much as I love the taste of you in the morning, I need orange juice and coffee. Fancy some breakfast?”

Jess stared at her friend in disbelief, unable to speak, finally just giving a brief nod. She was wondering what other lesbian sensations she had yet to discover… and why no-one had ever told her about them until now. The only open lesbian she knew well was her sister Laura. Funny how she and I have never really talked about her being gay, Jess thought. Of course, Laura had never really volunteered much information about her relationships with women; Jess didn’t even know how many she’d been with.

Rachel rose, then helped Jess out of bed. They went down to the kitchen naked but for short, light robes, where Rachel made toast and coffee for them both. They made small talk, skirting round their nighttime pleasures, occasionally exchanging a shy glance.

Taking a look at the clock on the wall, Jess stood. “I really have to get going; it’s nearly nine o’clock and I have a busy day ahead. I’m going over early to pick the girls up from Blanche’s house — I promised to have coffee with her. Want me to bring Cindy home?”

“That would be great, Jess. Tell you what, I’ll pick Alice up from the school later when I get Bella. Then we can swap daughters.”

They both looked at each other — suddenly aware of how that sounded, given their conversation of the previous night, and laughed. “You know what I mean.” Rachel clarified.

“I’m not sure I do now,” said Jess, shaking her head. You might corrupt my baby girl, the same way you did me.”

Rachel put a hand on her heart. “I wouldn’t do that! Well, not unless you were with me. Anyway, you’ve already gone there, by the sound of it.”

Jess wondered how they’d gotten to the point where she was making jokes about sharing her daughter with Rachel. She didn’t have an answer.

Running a hand through her tousled hair, she said, “I’d better get dressed. Don’t want to alert the neighbours about our lesbian shenanigans by running across the road in the altogether.”

“I dare you,” teased Rachel.

Jess just rolled her eyes, “You fucking loony,” she said, but with a grin.

Hand in hand, they went upstairs to the master bath, where Rachel suggested they share the large shower — an invitation that Jess was helpless to refuse.

Inside, they soaped one another, pausing to squeeze and tweak each other’s nipples while exchanging heated kisses under the flowing water. Taking control, like a pupil turned on the teacher, Jess turned her companion round and pushed her — gently, but with underlying force — against the tiled wall. Rachel gave a little squeal of delight as Jess moved close behind her, nuzzling the smaller woman’s neck and ears.

Rachel let out a low moan. “Oh babe, you’re learning fast.”

Gathering up a handful of creamy lather, Jess slipped a hand round to Rachel’s tummy, reaching down to slide a finger between the juicy lips of the woman’s shaved slit. As she fingered the clitoris, Rachel pushed back against her, so Jess used her other soapy hand to part her lover’s pert buttocks. She eased her middle finger into Rachel’s arse, working it in and out of the smaller hole, kissing and nibbling her ear under the cascade of steaming water.

Rachel climaxed — throwing her head back, then sagging where she stood, slumped against the slippery tiles that lined the shower wall. Turning to face Jessica, Rachel kissed her, then smiled. “Mmmm, I’m beginning to think I’ve created a bloody monster here.”

Jess laughed. “Well, I have to make up for lost time. It’s never too late to realise your dreams — even if you’ve never had dreams this wild before!” They kissed again, then quickly rinsed off and emerged, glistening and pink, from the shower.

Once they’d dried each other, Jess slipped on her shoes and dress, which still held the scent of their coupling, but her thong had gone missing. Deciding it was probably unfit to wear anyway, she decided to go commando. The reason she couldn’t find it was that Rachel had slipped the skimpy thong under her pillow, to fuel the masturbation session she was already anticipating after Jess was gone.

They stopped at the front door and looked at each other. “That really was a lovely night, Rach. I can’t thank you enough for opening my eyes. I don’t know exactly what happens now… just that I want more of it.”

“What are friends for?” Rachel said, touching Jessica’s cheek, then pulling her in for one last kiss. “Give some thought to what I said last night, and let’s talk about it tomorrow.” Jess looked at her quizzically. Seeing her confusion, Rachel just said, “About our girls…?”

“Oh, yes,” Jess said, nodding her head. “I’ve been thinking about what we discussed. First, I need to have a little chat with Alice, about where things stand with us… but I’m beginning to think that you’re right, that we ought to give our daughters some kind of, um…”

“Guidance?” Rachel suggested.

“That’s it. Our girls need guidance in matters of, of sexuality — and like you said, who’s better suited to offer that guidance than their mums, right?”

“I think we’re definitely on the same wavelength here,” said Rachel. “Call me tomorrow, and we’ll discuss it. Until then… goodbye, love.”

With that she opened the door to let Jess out, closing it after her and leaning against it with a satisfied smile. Then she remembered her memento of Jessica, and hastened back up to her room. Fishing the tiny piece of silk that still held the aroma of her friend’s cunt from beneath her pillow, Rachel brought it to her nose and inhaled deeply before spotting the discarded dildo, resting on the nightstand.

She picked it up and licked at the juices that were still evident on the toy’s surface, pushing the length of it into her mouth to get as much as possible before flopping down on her bed, spreading her thighs and thrusting it into her own cunt to mingle her fluids with the remnants on the toy. It took less than a minute before Rachel gasped through a shattering climax.


As Jess got to the gate, she looked round to see if anyone was about. She caught movement out of the corner of her eye, and focused on a home a hundred yards away. It was Abby, coming out of Mel’s house. Jess stopped to conceal herself by a large bush — partly in case they saw her coming out of Rachel’s in the walk of shame, partly to observe them.

As she looked on, Abby glanced quickly around, then leaned into Mel, kissing her briefly, but not in the way friends do. Jessica’s suspicions were confirmed — in the words of Billy Paul, her friends ‘got a thing goin’ on‘ and this had clearly been the case for a lot longer than last night.

Jess waited until Abby walked away toward her own house, then she quickly stepped across the road to her front door, storing this tidbit of information for another day.


After dressing somewhat more appropriately in jeans and a t-shirt, Jess drove to the Turner estate to pick up the girls. The mothers had been asked to collect their children around midday — but after calling ahead, Jess arrived over an hour early for coffee, just as she’d promised Blanche the day before. Although it had been beneficial to cultivate a good customer relationship with Blanche, given the doors that could open for her, they had also formed a genuine friendship as two successful, intelligent women of business.

The security gates opened for her almost immediately, and she drove up to the house, as impressed this time as when she’d first seen it. As she parked the car, the front door opened but instead of Blanche, her personal assistant Grace Cooper came out to greet her.

“Hello Ms, Matthews,” she called as Jess emerged from her vehicle.

“Please, it’s just Jessica.” She’d met Grace a few times before, at the various events she attended with Blanche. Jess found her likable, but never really had a chance to speak with her for any length of time before she ran off to attend to something for Blanche. She seemed to be in her early thirties, and despite the smart attire she wore at those events, Jess got the impression that Grace was concealing her femininity behind a businesslike exterior.

At Blanche’s home, though, Grace seemed to have undergone a complete transformation, now standing before Jess in a light summery dress, her hair down in a loose ponytail, and without the steel-framed glasses she usually wore. Jess approached her, impressed by what she saw. This seems more like the real, honest Grace, she thought.

“Jessica, sorry. Please come through. Blanche — er, Mrs. Turner is out in the garden with the children.”

They passed through the beautiful, expensively decorated large hallway that led from the front to the back of the house, then onto the large terrace at the rear, overlooking an expanse of green and colourful gardens. There were various children’s playthings spread across one corner near the terrace, including swings, a slide, trampoline, a Wendy house big enough to sleep in, and a climbing frame. There were at least a dozen little girls playing, all giggling and shouting to each other.

As before, Blanche extended a warm greeting. “Thank you, Grace. Hello, Jessica! Lovely to see you again. Thanks for coming.”

Jess hugged Blanche, just as she usually did — but now her heightened senses, raised by recent events and the presence of lovely female bodies, caused her to react to the touch of the other woman’s breasts, her nipples becoming stiff in an instant.

As they parted, Jessica found herself looking at Blanche in a different way, noticing how attractive she was, feeling her face get warm. Good grief! she thought. Am I going to react this way from now on, every single time I see an attractive woman?

Blanche couldn’t help but observe Jessica’s slight lingering look. She also took note of the state of her guest’s erect nipples through her blouse, and gave a wry, knowing smile.

Leading Jess over to a wrought-iron patio table, Blanche said, “Have a seat, and excuse me while I fetch the coffee. Oh, and can you keep an eye on the girls, in case they get over-exuberant?”

“Happy to, Blanche.” Jess replied.

Jess watched as the large group of girls raced about, playing with what seemed like boundless energy. Blanche returned a couple of minutes later with a large coffee pot, cups and a plate of small biscuits on a tray. She poured the coffee, and Jess asked, “So, how’s the party going?”

As Blanche shared the details and regaled Jess with various amusing episodes from that day and the previous night, they watched over the girls. They engaged in general chit-chat, mostly about their daughters, until Katie and Poppy suddenly noticed their mother and ran over to hug her, both talking at once about the party and what fun they’d had.

“Whoa! Slow down, you can tell me all about it later,” she said, holding up her hands in mock surrender.

“Look what I can do, Mum!” cried Katie as she dashed towards the climbing frame, where Blanche’s little girl Savannah was already dangling from the bars.

Both girls grabbed the overhead bar, swung their legs up through their arms to hook them over the frame, then let go their hands to hang upside down. This caused their dresses to hang down over their upper bodies, exposing their small cotton panties and in Katie’s case, her flat chest.

Jess watched closely as they hung from the bars, her eyes drawn to the junction of both girls’ legs, where the tight little panties they wore outlined their vulvas, accentuating their small slits like little peaches. Katie’s nipples were exposed and, as the young girls swung back and forth, Jess recalled her night with Alice, the image of her youthful naked body, then the conversation with Rachel about “educating” their daughters.

Suddenly Jess felt hot, and began to experience a slight dizziness. Her vision blurred slightly, her mouth started to dry and she unconsciously licked her lips.

Jessica’s youngest daughter didn’t want to be outdone, so Poppy yelled, “Now watch me, Mum!” as she performed a cartwheel, exposing her own pink cotton panties. She called for her friend Annabelle, Blanche’s youngest daughter, to do the same.

Eight-year-old Annabelle copied Poppy, but as her dress fell down over her face, Jess saw she was not wearing panties, fully exposing her baby-smooth vagina.

Without meaning to, Jess gave an audible gasp. Her elbow was resting on the armrest of the chair and her fingers lightly touched her jeans-clad thigh. Without thinking, she placed her fingertips against the apex of her thighs, applying pressure to the front of her jeans in an attempt to dampen the rising arousal in her loins.

“Beautiful, aren’t they?” Jess swung her head round at the sound of Blanche’s voice. She was lost for words, struggling to answer or interpret the meaning behind them.

“In a way, it’s a shame they have to grow up — don’t you think, Jessica? They’re so innocent and naive at this age, so flexible and eager to… learn new things.”

Looking directly at Blanche, Jess felt like a deer in headlights. Somehow, she finally managed to respond. “Yes, I suppose so,” then focused her attention on selecting a biscuit.

What Jessica hadn’t seen was Blanche observing her as she stared at their exhibitionist daughters. She saw something in the tall redhead — first, in the way Jess had looked at her breasts earlier, then in the way her eyes shone, her nostrils flared, how she’d licked her lips and, most damning, the audible reaction at the sight of little Anabelle’s lack of knickers. As if those signs weren’t enough, Blanche was almost certain that she could detect a small, slightly damp patch forming on the front of Jessica’s jeans.

She elected not to press the matter, but stored the information and quickly changed the subject. Still, the beginnings of a very interesting idea were already forming in her head.

“How’s the store doing, Jessica? These are difficult times for some businesses. The new rates are high, but I suppose that’s the cost of ensuring that our town and the high street continue to flourish.”

“It’s doing very well, thank you Blanche,” Jess responded, glad of the switch to something, anything to take her mind off the girls. “Business is booming, and as long as I keep up with the trends and give my customer base what it wants, I’ll be doing fine.” The last point was deliberate, to assure Blanche that her shop would always provide the bespoke service she expected.

“Jessica, have you thought of opening another shop, one aimed at those who are willing to pay a premium for bespoke couture? You know as well as I the type of clientele who live in this area attend plenty of society events, jaunt to London for film premieres, get themselves seen at all the latest hot spots. It strikes me that there’s a place in our community for these more high-end customers… and I think that you’re the person to run it. If you’re interested, I could use my contacts to look out for premises for you.”

Jess slowly nodded. “It’s certainly worth considering. I hadn’t given much thought to opening a second shop. I’d want to talk it through with my accountant.”

“Well, if you need anything, I’d be more than willing to help… in any way I can.”

There was something odd about the way Blanche had spoken that last sentence, something that left Jess feeling slightly puzzled. She thought there was an undertone to the woman’s words, but wasn’t sure of the hidden message — or indeed, if there was any.

“Thank you, Blanche,” Jessica said. “I mean that; it’s very kind of you. You’ve certainly given me something to think about.”

They chatted about more mundane subjects for a few minutes, then the other mothers started to arrive to collect their kids. Jess called out to Katie and Poppy and told them to tell Cindy that they would be taking her home.

As the girls began to collect their things, Jess turned to Blanche. “Thank you for inviting the girls… and for the coffee and chat. I’ll certainly give some serious thought to what we were discussing.”

“It was a pleasure, I assure you. I always enjoy talking to you, Jessica; I think we have much in common.” She smiled, looking deeply into Jessica’s eyes and lightly touched her upper arm, lingering and allowing her hand to slide down to the elbow.

It suddenly occurred to Jess that Blanche might be coming on to her. Does she know? Can she tell, somehow? She’d heard of gaydar, and never given it much thought, but now Jess wondered if she was giving off some kind of lesbian vibe without intending to.

“It’s always lovely to see you, too,” she said, unsure how else to respond.

With that, they hugged goodbye, Blanche’s lips touching her cheek for a few heartbeats longer than usual. That was when Jessica’s nipples began to harden again, so she turned to look for the girls. It took a few minutes to gather up three still-lively kids, along with their personal items, but eventually, they managed to make a graceful exit.

After dropping Cindy off at Rachel’s and arriving home, she made sandwiches for the girls and herself, all the while listening to her daughters’ account of the play centre and party, including the gossip gathered during the sleepover. After they ate, Jess sent the girls off to play while she did the washing up.

An hour later, Rachel dropped her eldest daughter off, greeting Jess with a kiss blown through the car window while Alice approached the house. Jess found herself blushing, already anticipating their next time together.

Seconds later, her arms were full of Alice, who hugged her mother tightly, then looked up at her with adoring eyes. “Hi, Mum,” she cooed. “I missed you.”

Jessica felt her heart swell as she gazed down at her daughter. “Missed you too, love,” she replied. “Welcome back.” The sight of Alice’s lovely face tied Jess up in knots. She longed to bend down and kiss that pretty mouth, explore it with her tongue. And something in her daughter’s smile told her that Alice saw her desire, understood and shared it.

Her heart pounding mercilessly, Jess broke their embrace, stepping away from the girl. “Um, are you hungry, dear?” she said. “We just had sandwiches — can I make you one?”

“Sure, Mum.”

As Jess prepared her daughter’s favorite — ham and mustard on pumpernickel, with a slice of tomato — Alice told of her weekend and the exciting activities they’d participated in, from zip wires in the forest to kayaking to building a shelter. After their earlier moment of intimacy, though, the girl seemed a little distracted.

“Is everything okay, sweetheart?” Jessica said, certain that she knew what was on her daughter’s mind.

Pushing her empty plate away, Alice gave her mother a warm smile. “Sure, Mum. I’m just a little tired from the coach journey. Also, we stayed up kinda late talking last night.”

“Well, you can go and lie down for awhile, but put your dirty clothes in the basket first. If you have anything muddy, bring it down now and I’ll pop it in the wash.”

Drawing close, Alice gave her mother a kiss on the cheek. “Okay, then — see you later.”

Jess watched her go upstairs, thinking of the discussion she’d had with Rachel about their daughters, and how her friend had suggested that they take a hands-on approach to teaching the girls about lesbian sex. Rachel made it awfully clear where she wanted to put that hand, too — in her daughter Bella’s knickers.

Lord knows, I can’t fault Rach for having these feelings, not after what I did with Alice… and what I might still do with her.

I want to make love to my daughter again, and Alice wants me. That much I know. She and I have been tiptoeing around this subject for days now. It’s a situation that needs to be dealt with.

Then the realisation struck her. Haven’t I already taken the next step? I found those dirty knickers of mine, hidden in Alice’s room… and instead of taking them back, I used them to rub myself off. Soon as she takes those panties out to play with, she’ll know.

Come what may, I kept our little dance of desire going. Guess the next move will be hers.

Just then, she heard the sound of her daughters chatting and laughing coming from upstairs, and smiled as she washed the last of the dishes. It’s nice to have them all back, she thought. After a few minutes, the noise died down. She suspected that all three of the girls were taking naps, and decided to go quietly up the stairs to peek in on them.

Poppy was fast asleep and cuddling her favourite soft toy, an old Steiff teddy bear — not quite antique, but expensive anyway. Her father had bought it for her, probably as a guilt offering for leaving. He’d told Poppy that it wasn’t a toy, but a special friend she must always look after. As her youngest was only four at the time, Poppy didn’t really understand, but was careful anyway and gave the bear pride of place on her shelf. Then Mum took her to a teddy bear shop a year or so later where she saw a whole shop full of them, lovingly looked after, some over a hundred years old. From that day on, the child truly understood how special her teddy was, and treated it with the utmost reverence.

Jess smiled and closed the door, then checked on Katie, who was sitting on her bed reading. Her middle daughter adored books, and could lose herself in one for hours on end. Engrossed in a book of fairytales, Katie didn’t even see her mum at the door.

Finally, Jessica looked in on Alice, who was lying on her bed, eyes closed and with earphones on. She’d changed into her pajamas, and Jess felt a twinge of helpless longing at the sight. That girl looks luscious in anything she wears.

Jess pictured herself creeping into the room, moving over to Alice’s bed on cat feet, where she’d take hold of the waistband of those pajama bottoms and tug them down, baring the girl’s bum — in her fantasy, Alice had gone without knickers, of course — then burying her face in those angel-soft cheeks, extending her tongue to lick at her daughter’s rosebud…

Enough, for fuck’s sake! Taking herself firmly in hand, Jessica turned to walk away, feeling uncomfortably lightheaded and warm all over. Go take care of the washing, damn it. Get your mind out from between Alice’s legs.

With a sigh, Jess went into the main bathroom to retrieve the laundry.

The first step was to switch the clothes from the wicker basket to the large plastic bin she used to tote the washing to the machine. Flipping the wicker top, she reached for the first handful of soiled garments — then paused.

Lying on top was a pair of dark pink panties. Alice’s.

Extending a quivering hand, Jess plucked them up. Were they still warm from her daughter’s body? Looking closer, she saw a small, dark stain in the gusset. A touch confirmed that the spot was still moist.

She was just wearing these.

Looking over her shoulder, Jessica nudged the door shut, then pressed the soft cotton underpants to her face, breathing in deeply. The scent of her eldest child was strong — intoxicating, even.

She glanced back at the closed door again before bringing the damp patch to her lips and sucking the material into her mouth, losing herself in the thick flavor of Alice’s womanhood. It took all the strength she possessed to keep from moaning out loud.

A sudden pang of guilt arose and, realising that she could be caught at any moment, Jess quickly dropped the pink knickers back into the washing, then emptied the wicker hamper into the plastic bin, which she carried downstairs and loaded into the machine.

Making her way back to the kitchen, she tried to push the memory of what she’d just done to one side by getting an early start on dinner.


Alice relaxed on her bed. She was lying on her tummy, listening to music with eyes closed and thinking of the lovely warm hug that she and Mum had just shared. She’d indulged in a naughty fantasy about her mother on the first night on the Girl Scout trip. Now, being back home and in Mum’s arms had Alice giddy with desire.

Just the smell of her… God, that smell makes me feel all crazy and wild inside, Alice mused, squeezing her thighs together. And no one, NO ONE gives hugs like she does. I’d do just about anything to have her hold me like that again — only this time, with both of us bare naked.

Thoughts of her mum weren’t the only thing that had aroused Alice, not on that weekend. For one thing, the big cabin they’d stayed in had a large dormitory area, and there were four girls in each room, with precious little in the way of privacy.

Alice couldn’t help but sneak glances at the other girls while in their underthings, sometimes even less. Just like in the showers after gym class, she found herself fascinated by the bodies of her roommates — each one different, each one beautiful in some way. Unfortunately, all three of the girls sharing her cabin were absolutely obsessed with boys — so the idea of getting so much as a kiss from any of them was a non-starter.

In her bed after lights out, Alice quietly masturbated, thinking of girls and women she wanted to make love to — classmates, a few teachers, her best friend Bella (and her mum), the teenage cutie who worked at the local curry house, and others. Most of all, though, Alice longed to go to bed with her mother again — and to introduce her nine-year-old sister Katie to the pleasures of love between girls. In fact, the night before leaving for her trip, she’d even fingered herself to an orgasm while lost in a fantasy of going down on her baby sister Poppy, who was only seven.

Ever since she’d stumbled upon a certain erotic website that was filled with stories about sex between mothers, daughters, sisters, aunts and more, Alice had developed a real interest in lesbian incest — an interest that had grown into outright obsession.

Now she was wistfully thinking once again of that hug. While enfolded in the cozy embrace, Alice’s eyes had drifted open to a close-up view of Mum’s neck — and she’d felt a dangerous impulse to draw in closer and lick that elegant neck, then trail her tongue up to the woman’s mouth and kiss her mum like a lover.

Alice suddenly rolled over and sat up, quickly removing the earpieces she wore. She’d planned to hold off on touching her pussy until later that night, but these lustful thoughts of Mum had the teen practically panting for release.

She reached for her pillow, where her mother’s soiled knickers were stashed, the ones she’d pilfered from Mum’s laundry basket three days earlier — only to experience a rush of panic as it registered for the first time that her room had been tidied up, the bed made.

Shit!” she hissed. “Shit, shit, shit, shit.”

Snatching up the guilty pillow, Alice thrust a hand inside, blindly feeling about for her hidden treasure — then gave out with an enormous sigh of relief when her fingers encountered silk. Still there. She shook her head impatiently, withdrawing the skimpy panties from the pillowcase. You got lucky this time, damn it, she scolded herself. Either find a better place to hide these, or put them back where you got them!

Pressing this erotic prize to her face, Alice inhaled deeply. Her eyes widened in surprise — had the scent of them gotten stronger, somehow?

She contemplated how that could be, seeing as she’d nicked her mum’s panties from the laundry basket a few days ago, and the scent had been waning before she left for Wales. She took another sniff, then studied the worn knickers, surprised to see them stained in a way they hadn’t been before. What on earth…?

Then it hit her. Oh my god, Mum DID find them. But instead of getting mad at me for stealing her panties, she used them to masturbate with… then put them back in the pillowcase for me to find!

Oh. My. GOD.

Alice was awash in a wave of euphoria. She’d been wondering for days what her mum’s true feelings were about that night when they had made love… and if she wanted it to happen again as much as Alice did. These soiled knickers, now resting in her hands, held the answer the twelve-year-old sought.

Tonight, Alice told herself. Tonight, I’ll be paying Mum a visit. Bet she’ll be expecting me, too.

Her desire now stoked to a fever pitch, Alice began to undress. She stripped naked but for her socks, then slipped into a terrycloth robe, stashing her mum’s knickers in the front pocket. Seating herself at the desk, she opened her laptop and went to the erotic website she liked so much, then clicked on an author she liked. Alice selected a mother-daughter story, sat back in her chair and began to read, the robe wide open, a hand resting in her lap. The stairs that led to the bedrooms creaked loudly, so she would have time to close the laptop and cover herself if Mom came up.

Or maybe I’ll let her catch me, she thought.

The story was a good one, about a girl of thirteen who catches her mother masturbating and, when the older woman reacts with embarrassment, asks to be allowed to join her. The mother hesitantly consents, and they begin to finger their cunts in full view of one another.

Alice was so engrossed in this tale that she didn’t see or hear a small figure slip into the room. She touched herself between the legs, lightly teasing her little button of pleasure.

Suddenly a voice came from behind. “What’s that you’re reading?”

Alice started, her face a portrait of fear and surprise. Standing close by and looking almost over her shoulder was her younger sister Katie. Hastily covering her nudity, she closed her eyes for a moment, trying to even her heartbeat.

“Damn it, Katie, you scared me silly! It’s nothing, just homework.”

The younger girl’s expression was stern. “No, it’s not. I can read, y’know. It says something about a girl taking off her clothes. Are you reading a rude story? Where are your clothes, anyhow? Why were you touching yourself down there? What’s this web–”

Alice held up a hand, trying to halt her little sister’s barrage of questions. “Okay, okay! I’ll tell you, but close the bloody door! And help me keep an ear out, just in case Mum comes up, all right?”

“Fine.” Katie moved to shut the door.

Alice studied her younger sister thoughtfully. Getting interrupted while masturbating had annoyed her at first, but now she saw Katie’s nosiness as a real opportunity for the two of them to get closer. She already knows that I like girls… now’s my chance to show her exactly what that means.

Katie looked inquisitively at her big sister. “So what kind of story is this, huh?”

“You were right, Kay — it’s a dirty story,” said Alice.

“Is it about girls doing things with other girls? Cause that’s what you like, right?”

Alice nodded. “Yeah, and keep your voice down. Look, I wanted to know about what lesbians do, so I found these stories and videos. Now, I use them for fun.”

“Can I see one of the videos?” asked Katie.

Oh, wow, this couldn’t be better. Alice was thrilled, though doing her best to conceal that from her little sister. “Well… I guess you can. But only if you’re quiet, and only if you swear not to tell Mum, or anyone.”

“Pinky swear,” Katie replied, proffering her little finger.

Okay, then,” said Alice, and they hooked fingers. She knew that when Katie made a promise, her little sister could be trusted to keep it.

Turning back to the screen, Alice clicked over to her favourite website for erotic film clips, which she’d already linked to the lesbian page. She scrolled through the various offerings, looking for something sweet and romantic — nothing too wild…

Ah, perfect!

The clip she chose was called Lovers in the Morning, featuring two girls who barely appeared to be of age. Not only that, there was a certain resemblance between them, enough that they could pass for sisters.

“Here’s a good one,” Alice murmured, turning to glance at Katie, who was already wide-eyed from the images of lesbian love at the website that her big sister had just gone through.

The scene began with the two girls, asleep and curled up together in bed, both naked. The eyes of one of the girls fluttered open; she yawned, then began to caress the body of her partner. There were some lovely shots of a hand slowly gliding over soft skin, of the girl’s lips brushing her lover’s neck.

Now the other girl was awake. They shared a smile, then slowly drew together in a tender kiss, one that soon became increasingly heated. Katie whispered, “Oh, wow,” at a close-up shot of one girl, slowly licking in a circle around the parted lips of her companion.

Now the girls were making love for real, their bodies sliding together, hands exploring. A tongue emerged to lick a swollen nipple, two fingers traced the rosy cleft of a shaved pussy.

Katie’s mouth was hanging open as she took it all in. Moistening her lips, she spoke. “Have… have you really done this stuff, Allie? With another girl? Clothes off and, and everything?”

Alice fought back an impulse to smile. Her sister was clearly enthralled by the onscreen action, just as she’d hoped. “Yeah, I have. And other things, too. Keep watching, it gets even hotter.”

Catching a slight movement in the corner of her eye, Katie stole a glance at her sister, who seemed to be too busy watching the video to notice. Alice’s hand was nestled between her thighs once more, and she was fingering herself.

“What are you doing with your hand?”

Alice flicked her head around. “I’m touching my pussy, like that girl in the video is doing to her girlfriend. It feels really good.” She frowned, studying her sister. “Don’t you ever touch yourself, then?”

“Um, no,” Katie said. “I heard other girls talking about it, but it sounded weird to me.” She paused. “Well… I did it for a little bit once, when I was having a bath. It felt kinda tingly, but that was all. I don’t get what the big deal is.”

“So… that was the only time?”

“Uh-huh. But you like touching yourself, huh? Maybe I was doing it wrong.”

“You were,” said Alice. “Listen, you’ve gotta learn how, Kay. Making yourself come is the best thing ever. Okay, not quite as good as sex with a girl, but close.”

“Wow. Yeah, that’s the word those girls used, ‘come’.” Katie began to speak, hesitated, then she said in a small, timid voice, “Can you, um, show me?”

Heart throbbing, Alice slowly turned her chair until she was facing her ten-year-old sister. She spread her legs wide apart, then reached between them with both hands to open the petals of her flower.

“Okay, this is my vagina. If I stroke it up and down, it feels really nice. You need to be gentle at first, though, or you might hurt yourself. You can rub the open part, or to the sides — it’s all good. The best thing to do is play around some, figure out what you really like.”

“Uh-huh,” said Katie, focused on her big sister’s cunt as if hypnotised.

“See this little button here? This is called a clit, and if you play with it, you can make yourself go off like a firework! That’s what it feels like to come.”

”Okay. The clit. Got it.”

“Then you can go inside your pussy,” Alice continued. “That’s lots of fun, too — but you gotta be careful when you’re getting started. Don’t just stuff a finger in there, go slow. Here, move closer, get a good look.”

Katie knelt down before Alice and watched as her big sis slid a finger into her vagina, then brought it out to show.

“See? Your pussy gets all juicy inside. That’s so it makes it easier to push your fingers in… or for a boy to put his willy in you, if that’s what you like.”

“Cool!” Katie exclaimed. “Can I try?”

To Alice’s astonishment, Katie didn’t slip a hand into her own shorts — instead, baby sister reached out her hand and pushed her finger into big sister’s pussy — where Alice’s finger had been just a moment earlier. The sudden intrusion sent a jolt through her body, made the teen catch her breath.

Then Alice watched in complete shock as Katie lifted that wet finger to her face to take a closer look, then cautiously sniffed at it. “Hmm. It smells like…” She was thinking.

“Like what?”

Katie shrugged. “Something… different. Maybe like that Greek wine Mummy drinks?”

“Could be, I guess. I dunno, it just smells like pussy to me. I love it!” Watching Katie bring her finger close and inhale again, Alice got a very wicked idea. “Lick it,” she said.

Katie looked at her. “What?”

“Go on, it’s nice.” Glancing at the still-playing video, she pointed at the screen. “See? Look at that!” One of the girls in the porn clip was licking her companion’s bare slit — slowly, sensually.

Her sister studied the scene, clearly balancing the pros and cons — then, making her decision, Katie took the wet finger into her mouth. The sight made Alice rub her pussy again, ready to make herself come.

She had barely begun when a call came from downstairs. “Girls, dinner’s ready! Katie, can you wake Poppy and let her know?”

The sisters stared at one another, unable to stir. Then they heard Mum’s voice, coming from the foot of the staircase. “Girls?” A moment’s silence, then their mother was climbing the stairs.

Pushing her laptop shut, Alice cried, “Coming, Mum! I’ll get the others.”

The footsteps retreated, and the girls quickly moved. Casting her robe to one side, Alice struggled into knickers, then threw on a t-shirt. Turning to Katie, she said, “Make sure to wash your hands!” Both girls went onto the landing, and Alice poked her head round Poppy’s door to see her littlest sister begin to stir.

“C’mon, Popstar,” she said. “Time for dinner.”

Hurrying into the bath, Alice joined Katie at the sink, the two sisters exchanging grins as they took turns scrubbing their hands.

“Listen, sis,” Alice murmured, “let’s hang out some time when Mom’s at work, and I’ll show you some more cool stuff, okay?”

“Um, sure, okay!” Katie replied, thrilled to be taken into her big sister’s confidence — especially when it came to adult matters. “Thanks, Alice — thanks so much!”

“No problem,” Alice said, giving the ten-year-old a wink. “You done?”

“Oh, yeah, I guess.” Shutting the water off, Katie briskly towelled her hands dry.

Exiting the bath, the older girls met Poppy at the top of the stairs, and they all three happily made their way down to the evening meal.

Continue to Chapter Ten!


Who is Teaching Who?

  • Posted on February 12, 2019 at 3:12 pm

By BabyKeiko

I am over sixty… just over sixty, but still, I am over sixty and I have experienced a long and mostly happy life. I remained single, as I am lesbian and just never really connected with someone enough to sacrifice my privacy and be all “out and open” to everyone about me being gay.

It is also because I have been a teacher all my life, and especially earlier in my career, it wasn’t all that acceptable to be gay… that is not to say I lived without love. I have had my share of short-term flings and long-term relationships… but none of them compelled me to go all in on that relationship.

What I’ve now realized is that when I started having gay relationships in my late teens they were, of course, with girls my age (around 13, 14, and 15). In the very beginning it was all very innocent… you know… “let’s practice kissing” and then you’d have make-out sessions with a girl. Or “Look what magazine I found under my brother’s bed” and it was a lesbian mag… it was exploring and learning.

But what happened was, that as I grew older, my true affection remained focused on girls that age, or girls that looked that age.

I so fondly remember being with this girl or that who looked like she’d just developed into womanhood. You know the type, high and firm boobs, flat tummy, flared hips, all the womanly treats in all the right places but without the impact of age.

I myself meanwhile, am (and was) quite the opposite. I was born, and have been throughout my life, a rather full-figured person, not fat, just… well, a friend called it “round” and another “Rubenesque”. I’ll take it, ha!

When I went into puberty my pudgy baby fat transformed me quite quickly into a rather large-breasted, expressive-hips-and-thighs body type. I believe there was one summer, when I was thirteen, that my boobs had not been attacked by gravity. After that, they were not saggy per se, but I guess the word is pendulous. I am also big-nippled, so both breast size and prominent nipples made a bra a very necessary accessory.

Boys loved me. I was truly far ahead of most of my classmates, but it was this interest that helped me understand that I had absolutely no interest in boys. I was far more enthralled when I got a compliment from a girl rather than a boy.

So, all my life I have fallen for girls… or rather they were women that looked like girls. In my younger years, they were girls, and as I got older they just reflected that look. I never admitted to any of them what my attraction was… but I knew, and it turned me on so much.

I am retired now, and live in a medium-sized town. And yes, I am sixty now… I thought that sixty would make me feel old as, in my mind, there would be a clear demarcation line between fifty and sixty… but it turns out there isn’t.

I have my own home. I drive a tricked out pick-up truck for no other reason than that I have always wanted one. I volunteer at the library and I tutor kids in middle school. I go online frequently and read stories of women and girls, watch lesbian videos that look like it could be of women and girls, and that is about it. It is not an exciting or remarkable life, but it is just fine for me.

That was… until about 6 months ago… that was when Emma came into my life… a 14-year-old who embodied everything, and I mean EVERYTHING I so adore in my secret fantasies. She’s tall, slim, prominent high small boobs, feminine, super-intelligent, great sense of humor… I think you’re seeing that I am in love.

I tutor her as she’s getting ready to move a class or two forward… she is THAT intelligent.

Initially, I just quietly adored her as she sat at my dinner table. I am good at that… I have done it all my life, when there were “Emma’s” in my class. I would never have risked career and jail for anything… but that was in school… and now it occurred in my house… at my dinner table… right there… close to me… I could smell her… I could see every muscle move when she wrote, smiled, read, tapped on her phone… I was hopeless.

And as she is so smart, she caught on to it.

Instead of sitting across the table, she started sitting next to me. If she asked me a question or asked for clarification on this subject or that, she’d touch my arm… and her clothing became a little more provocative… a little more inviting… an extra button loose on her shirt, or a tight tank T… short shorts that exposed a length of ballerina legs that were suitably tanned.

And her face… close, next to me as we talked… as I explained and she’d listen… her looks on me, kind of questioning but also with a hint of irony and sarcasm… like: “I am on to you, lady. I know what is in your head.”

It turns out she knew exactly what was in my head… at the end of one study session she quizzed me on my personal life and love life. Why did I not have a husband? How did you know you were lesbian? Was it hard to be lesbian back then? Have you ever been with a woman for a really long time, like in a serious relationship?

The questions came and I decided, blushing and stuttering, to be honest. Because, if anything, I have learned that today’s youth are (a) far more open-minded than adults, and (b) if I am not honest in situations like this, I am teaching girls that being a lesbian should be shrouded in mystery and secrecy… and it should not.

She left me in a puddle of despair after that afternoon with the 1,000 questions. My mind was reeling with my own questions. “Will she tell her parents? Will that be the end of my tutoring career? Will she not like me anymore and request a new tutor?”

But Emma came back as per normal and at the end of her tutoring session peppered me with another whirlwind of questions “When did you know? How old were you? When did you… for the first time… you know… kiss a girl?” On that last one, she blushed… but her eyes were also focused on my face… with a “tell me the truth, lady teacher, because I will know when you don’t.”

I told her I was 14… and the girl I kissed was 13. I told her about it being a practice session. I blushed furiously… and then lost my breath completely when Emma asked “Can we try?”

I felt my heart pounding… and I said the sensible thing.

“That would be so wrong, Emma.”

This was followed by a relatively short argument about why it would be wrong (my argument) and why it would be just fine. (Hers: “I know and trust you. If I can’t trust you, who can I trust? Besides, you’re a teacher so you should teach me.”)

Not only did I lose the argument, I lost it because she just kissed me.

Seated next to me at my dining room table, her lips came onto mine.

And we just sat there. Me frozen in fear and desire and turmoil. Emma in excitement and curiosity. Two worlds colliding, and I knew that in my world, the real world, this was wrong. It should stop. I should chastise her. Send her away. Call her parents. Cancel the agreement. Possibly move to the other side of the country. Perhaps the world.

But I did none of that. I let her kiss me… and when her lips came away from my mouth she said: “Aren’t we supposed to use tongues?”

And then the lips were back, soft, wet, pliant, youthful… and a tongue tapped on my lips. Helplessly, I opened my mouth.


It was perhaps two weeks since that first kiss.

We had ended, no, I should say, she had made us end our sessions (twice weekly on Tuesday and Thursday) with kissing. Each time I protested. Each time she smothered my protests with kissing… and I gave in. How could I not? I was so in love.

The initial kissing was just that, kissing. It was exciting. It made my heart thump. It made my head swim, but all we did was kiss.

But the second week, she became more insistent. More aggressive (in a good way.) She pushed herself onto my lap. I mumbled for her not to do it, but of course, she just did it. Her legs astride of mine, her arms resting on my shoulders, her smell intoxicating me to dizziness, and when we came up for air, she looked at me with that same look I had seen before. A look of excitement, sarcasm, and knowing.

“Tell me you don’t just love this?” She whispered hoarsely, at one point.

“It is wrong,” I said. “We shouldn’t be doing this, we could both get into so much trouble.”

“But you love this, don’t you?”

And all I could do was hang my head in shame.

“No,” I whispered.

She placed her hand under my chin and lifted my head. She was so so close, her face, but also her body. Her body heat seared mine, her smell, her touch, I was so lost.

As she lifted my face to hers, her mouth attacked me again. She nibbled on my lips. She sucked on them and tongued my mouth, and then she pulled back.

“See? You love teaching me how to kiss! Say it!” And she looked me in the eye. “‘Kiss,’ say it!”

And when I didn’t.

Another. “‘Kiss!’ Now say it!” Followed by an even hungrier kiss.

“I love teaching you how to kiss,” I whispered, in shame and despair, because it was true.

With a mewl, she attacked my mouth even harder, pressing her body full-on against me. Her hands behind my head to push me into her mouth.

I felt her breasts, small, high, and firm against my chest. I felt her legs, long and tanned and muscular, push my legs tight together. I felt her hand caressing my neck and hairline at the back of my head. I was lost forever.

We came up for air, again. Her cheeks blushed and I am sure mine were deep red from sheer excitement and taboo.

She looked at me. “How old were you when you had your first orgasm?”

I looked away from her pretty face, her expressive eyes that managed to get everything out of me each time. Her eyebrows were so pretty. They seemed to be dancing with each facial expression.

“How old?” She insisted, lifting my face up again to hers. It was torture.

“12,” I said.

“Wow,” she said, “just like me!”

“Did someone teach you?” She asked.

I nodded “No.”

“Did you do it yourself?” In between each question and answer, was a short, electrifying kiss.

I nodded “Yes.”

“How did you know how to do it?”

I shrugged my shoulders. It was true. Another short but impossibly exciting kiss.

“So how then did you know?” She insisted.

“I somehow figured it out… all by myself,” I said. “I guess I was just always very curious about female anatomy.”

“I am gay, too, you know,” said Emma, and kissed me deeply… my head swam.

When the kiss broke, she said, “I‘m not very good at it… having an orgasm, I mean. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t… and you’re my teacher so you should teach me.”

I nearly fainted, as that statement again was followed by an urgent kiss while she pushed her young body up against my much older body.


“You’re the teacher, so you should show me.”

It was another afternoon with Emma, and we had kissed until my head swam. Her face was flushed too, and then she’d asked if I ever, “you know… like, touch yourself?”

I had initially tried to not answer but she’s waaaay too smart for that… so in the end, I admitted that I did, on occasion.

“So how often?”

“Eerrmm… when I feel like it?” I tried to cop-out.

“Does that mean every day or once a month?”

“Not every day,” I said, even though, since we had started kissing, it was pretty much every day. “Perhaps a few times per week.”

“And do you always come?”

“Oh yes!” I answered, far too quickly and eagerly… immediately turning crimson.

“I don’t,” she said. “Sometimes I do, but often I get like… really close, but it, like… doesn’t come fully.”

And then she said, “You’re the teacher, so you should show me.”

I thought I’d die on the spot. A bolt of lightning would strike me down. The earth would open and swallow me whole, but none of that transpired.

“Show me,” she said, again.

“Emma,” I started to list all my objections, but then she kissed me again and that shut me up.

“You’re my teacher in everything,” she said, “and I trust you and I like you and I think you like me, so why wouldn’t you show me?”

I blushed, again, from her compliments.

“I like you too,” I said, “but showing you is so much more than just kissing.”

“You’re not doing anything to me,” she said. “You’re just showing how you do it, like… as a teacher.”

In my mind, I wanted to do everything and anything with her, and Emma kissed me again, with passion and fire and need.

We came up for air.

“Here, I will sit at this end of the couch and you sit where you are now, and then you show me.”

It wasn’t a request, nor a command, more a statement of fact.

She shuffled her pretty self over to the far end of my roomy comfy sectional, leaving me at the other end.

“Go on,” she said.

I was flustered. I was lost. I was bad. I was under her spell. I was useless. I was… I was… I was her toy.

“Take off your clothes,” she said, eyeing me with those piercing eyes, her gorgeous, expressive eyebrows adding effect.

“Go on, take them off!” She insisted.

What could I do? I unbuttoned my shirt… I pulled down my stretchy pants… I was now in my underwear… in front of my young-girl obsession. I was so lost.

“Undies too,” she said, with a smirk, as if to indicate that I was not very smart for a teacher of 60.

I took off my panties… left my bra on… for some reason my pendulous boobs that did not defy gravity in any sense of the word embarrassed me more than my hairy pubes.

I sat back against the far end of my sectional… she sat and studied me… I had my left leg stretched out on the sectional, and my right leg folded in a V, with the foot of my right leg against the thigh of my left leg

All of a sudden I realized, with a gush of mortifying embarrassment that I was wet… very wet… and very open. My pussy is very “lippy”. It is all on the outside so to speak, and my flower was open and in full bloom.

“Oh, God!” I whispered, more to myself than to Emma.

She simply said, “Take off your bra.”

I did… and my breasts tumbled down free and happy… nipples erect and pointing slightly south.

“You are pretty everywhere,” whispered Emma, “now show me.”

And, so there I was, at one end of my sectional, naked, aroused, afraid, mesmerized… and there was Emma at the other end, clothed, beautiful, clever, focused… focused on me.

“Go on,” she said.

I moved my hand on my thigh. I felt my pussy waiting… wanting. In fact, my pussy was weeping for attention. Mortified, I felt a drop of my vaginal essence pool at the bottom of my open-lipped puss… and then it drooled downward towards the couch. I felt it with all my being.

But I couldn’t, shouldn’t go there. Right?

As in slow motion, I saw Emma lean forward, and her elfin hand reached out to mine, placing it on top of my hand, picking it up, and then moving it to between my legs. She laid the mouse of my hand on my pubic hair, and my fingers folded against my own wetness.

“There,” she said, “now.”

What could I do? I pulled my index and middle finger up between my open, flappy labia… open like a butterfly, like a flower.

God, I was wet, so very very wet. I think the last time I was this wet was when I was a teen myself. My pussy responded to my fingers with a welcoming warmth, and by expelling another dollop of wetness. I felt it well up and come out, slicking my fingers even more… and then my fingers reached the top of my wetness, where my clitty was waiting and yearning. I shuddered and moaned as my index and middle finger ran over it, capturing it between my two fingers.

As the saying goes, anything that goes up must come down, and so it was with my index and middle fingers. After spreading wetness along the length of my wide-open puss, from birth opening to clit, back down in reverse they went. I moaned again… or perhaps I just moaned now all the time. I was so into the moment that I kind of forgot everything around me… that was, until I heard Emma say “So beautiful… I love seeing you do that.”

I looked up and focused my eyes on the young teen. Feelings… so many feelings.






Love? Yes: love!

My fingers now worked in earnest. Diddling the way I like it best, lengthwise up and down with two fingers, from clit to opening, teasing my urethra along the way, dipping into the opening with my first two digits, and then back up again. Slowly at first, but generally ever-increasing in pace and pressure, until I got so close it was there for the taking, but I didn’t take it, not yet, not yet.

I slowed down and released the pressure to start all over again, and again until the inevitable would happen.

I looked up at Emma. Her face flushed, her left hand folded in a fist against her clothed crotch. I saw her gently pressing her crotch… clearly in need of release herself. Almost impossible to detect but the gentle movement was there. I knew what she felt because I felt it myself a hundred million times stronger.

Emma’s other hand unbuttoned her summer dress, and then I saw her small, simple, white bra, the top half of her dress falling open.

My hand rubbed and played… I masturbated hard while Emma exposed her bra… so close… so close… slow down… God, slow down… not yet.

And then she fumbled in the middle of the bra… and I noticed it had a front clasp. Oh, God! I was going to come… slow down… must see… must focus… slow down.

The front became undone, and like two little doors, Emma’s bra opened and I saw her small, high, perfect breasts capped with two equally perfect and prominent puffy nipples.

“Oh Emma,” I cried.

And then I couldn’t see anything anymore as my eyes went into the back of my sockets, my back fell into the sectional, I stiffened… could not breathe until I was all moans… and while discharging even more wetness out of my pussy, my whole body spasmed into the biggest orgasm of my 60-year life.

The End


Two Moms, Chapter 23

  • Posted on February 10, 2019 at 2:35 pm

By Naughty Mommy

What a fun wedding!

It was kind of wild to put on bathing suits instead of fancy dresses and then head for the beach instead of to a church or something. But it was a beautiful wedding anyway, the nicest one I’ve ever been to. Plus, it was a gorgeous sunny day with a bright blue sky, warm but not too hot. Just perfect.

Both our moms wore white bikinis for the big event and nothing else, no veils or anything like that. And no high heels, of course. They were barefoot, standing in the sand a few feet from the waves. The suits they wore weren’t totally skimpy but definitely showed off their figures. It was pretty sexy.

They held bouquets of flowers as the ceremony began, but soon handed them to me and Jessica. We were in little bikinis too, matching pink ones our mothers had picked out for us. And when I say little, I mean little, because these were extremely skimpy, barely covering anything at all. I didn’t mind that, though. I liked it.

In addition to the bouquets we were holding, Jess and I also had been given small velvet pouches. Inside each was a wedding ring. When the time came, we would provide them.

It was a woman who married them, an older lady, maybe around fifty, I guess. She was tall and slim, with a nice tan, wearing shorts and sandals and a sleeveless blouse, her gray hair in a butch cut. She smiled a lot and seemed really nice.

All the people there helping that day were ladies, in fact. There weren’t any men, which was fine with me. And everyone spoke English pretty well, lucky for us, except they did it with French accents. That’s the official language of Guadeloupe because it’s owned by France or something.

Anyway, they started the ceremony, saying all the usual words. It didn’t last very long, maybe ten minutes or so. They asked for the rings, which we gave them, and then the lady said, “I now pronounce you wife and wife.”

After that it was all hugs and kisses and lots of crying. I got kissed and squeezed over and over by my mom and by Jessica and by her mom and even by the lady minister or whatever she was. Tons of hugging and kissing with everyone in tears, including me.

Eventually we settled down and then it was time for lunch. They had a table set up under a big awning, and there were plenty of chairs, some in the sun and some in the shade. The food was mostly little sandwiches, but there was fresh fruit too, along with some fried shrimp and a few other things. We hadn’t had much for breakfast that morning, just cinnamon rolls and juice along with coffee for the moms, so I was hungry.

We ate and talked and laughed, and Karen cried some more. It seemed like she hardly ever stopped crying and she barely ate anything. But it was easy to see how happy she was, which made me happy too.

“You want to go play in the water?” said Jess. She was done eating by then, and so was I.

“Sure, that sounds good.”

We sprinted down across the sand and into the waves. They weren’t very big waves, though, because the beach was located in a small bay so the warm water just sort of lapped at our knees. But we still had a lot of fun, goofing around and splashing each other.

After a while my mom called to us, saying we’d have to leave soon. And that’s when it suddenly struck me as we walked hand in hand back up toward them: my mom wasn’t just my mom any more — now she was our mom, and Jessica’s mom was our mom too! We both had TWO MOMS!!




The ferry departed Trois-Rivières at 3:00 PM, arriving an hour and fifteen minutes later at Terre-de-Haut Island, pulling up to a small dock. Together with a handful of other passengers, two women and two young girls got off. They bore a number of suitcases, some on wheels and some that they carried.

A driver was there to meet them, with a private car. He helped them load the bags while telling them in broken English that their destination was not far away.

This island truly was tiny, Nora realized. She’d read in advance that it was only two square miles, but seeing it now, it seemed even smaller. They easily could walk from one end to the other. At least in terms of distance they could, except the island was also highly mountainous, which is why their car ride lasted for as long as it did. As the crow (or seagull) flies, they probably covered much less than a mile, but the narrow road they took wound in and out and in and out, faced by steep cliffs on one side, water on the other.

They were looking for seclusion, though, and that was what they’d found. The villa they had rented for four days and three nights sat seemingly all by itself, perched high on the side of a hill, overlooking the turquoise sea.

As he unloaded their bags, the driver reiterated what they’d already agreed in making their reservation — that the villa was fully stocked with food and drink and that they shouldn’t need another thing. But if they did, all they had to do was call, assuming the phone service was working, of course, which it usually was on most days.

He was a talkative fellow, short and middle-aged with a bushy dark brown mustache. A pleasant enough man, Nora thought, and hopefully competent, since he was also the villa’s caretaker, but she was glad that once he drove away they likely would not see him again until it was time for them to leave. If they did need anything, she decided, they could just walk to the small village by the dock. She’d noticed at least one general store there.

The girls had gone inside, checking everything out. Just then she and Karen saw them pop out onto the second-floor balcony, grinning and waving. The women waved back.

Karen wrapped both arms around Nora’s waist, giving her a squeeze. “God, I’m so happy,” she said. “We really are a family now, aren’t we?”




One of the things Jess and I discovered when we went inside to explore was that whoever owned the place we were staying in had left plenty of food there for us, even a nice dinner all prepared for our meal that night. It wasn’t anything fancy, just some fried chicken and potato salad, but the good thing was that meant we wouldn’t have to cook. We could just take the stuff out of the refrigerator and start eating.

That’s what we did later on, except first we unpacked our bags, putting our clothes and things away. The house had three bedrooms, all on the second floor. Two were pretty small but the third one was huge with a king-size bed, and you know what? They told Jess and me we all would be staying in that room and sleeping in the same bed. Nice!

Before having dinner, the four of us took a walk together, looking around the nearby area. We followed a path that went down the side of the hill and ended up at this tiny little beach in sort of a cove or something. It seemed like a good place for swimming, and Jessica’s mom — no, I should say our mom — said it might be an ideal spot for snorkeling too. I’d never done that before and it sounded like fun.

When we came back from our walk it started getting dark and we decided it was time to eat. We got out plates and napkins and everything along with the food, and our mothers opened up a bottle of wine to drink.

A few minutes later, while I was munching on a chicken wing, I had kind of a funny idea.

“Mom? I have a question.”

“Yes?” (It was my mom, my original mom, I mean, who answered.)

“Well, now that you guys are married and you’re both our moms, that means me and Jessica are sisters, right?”

“That’s right. Well, step-sisters at least. But you certainly can call yourselves sisters if you want to.”

“Okay. But the thing is, if we’re sisters now, then we can’t be lovers anymore, can we? I mean, wouldn’t it be wrong for us to do all the things we do?”

Jess smacked my shoulder, hard. “No way — shut up!”

Everyone, including me, was laughing as I rubbed my sore shoulder. Then Karen, my new mom, said, “Actually you’re right, Lia. It’s very bad and very wrong for sisters to have sex with each other. Just like it’s completely wrong and nasty and dirty if a woman wants to have sex with her own daughter, or with both of her daughters.”

As she spoke, she pushed her chair back from the table and spread her legs wide. Caressing herself through her khaki shorts, she said, “It’s very wrong and very dirty for a mom to even think about things like that, to imagine touching her little girl’s sweet pussy, playing with her, making her come. Or to fantasize about sitting on her daughter’s face, grinding on her and coming in her mouth. That is so wrong, so very bad… and so fucking hot!!”

“Whew!” With a grin, my mother comically wiped her brow, then stood up. “Come on, let’s hurry and get these leftovers in the fridge so we can talk some more about how bad we all want to be.”




Ten minutes later we were in the largest bedroom upstairs, all four of us seated on the giant bed. We were barefoot but still dressed, and I wasn’t sure then if our moms might ask us to strip for them, or if they might strip for us or something like that. Or maybe we’d all just jump in and start grabbing each other. But actually none of that is what happened.

Instead, Karen said, “How about if you two kids make out first while we watch, okay? That would be so hot.”

“Ooh, yeah, good idea,” agreed my mom. “In fact, I really want to see the two of you make love, go all the way for us.” She quickly opened her shorts and slid a hand inside her panties. “Mmm, my pretty daughters naked together, sisters having sex…”

Jess and I grinned at one another. That would be no problem at all, since my comment at dinner was only a joke, of course. And it would be totally exciting for us to make out and to play with each other’s bodies with both our moms watching.

We got up on our knees, wrapped our arms around each other, and started to kiss. I felt a little self-conscious at first, but after only a minute or so of making out with Jessica like that, kissing wetly and with our hands caressing, the arousal pretty much took over and my instincts kicked in. I didn’t care then if anyone was watching. I just wanted to keep kissing Jess, the girl I loved, and feel her warm skin on mine. I wanted to touch her beautiful pussy, put my finger inside her, kiss and lick and suck her clit and make her come. That was all that mattered.

Before I knew it, we were lying on the bed with our clothes off, still making out but now both naked. Jess was on top, in our usual position, sort of humping her crotch against my hip. Her tongue was in my mouth and I was sucking on it. God, it felt so great, so perfect.

Somewhere along in there, I realized that our moms were naked too. They were kneeling next to us, one on each side, masturbating while they watched. Plus they were telling us what to do, talking dirty, their words overlapping: “Play with her tittie… yeah, kiss that little nipple… so hot, uh-huh… rub her pussy, rub her pussy… god she’s so fucking wet… put your finger inside, push it inside… fuck her pussy, make her come…”

Jessica took the initiative around then, sliding down between my legs, spreading them apart and starting to lick me. Oh how I loved that! My eyes were closed as I concentrated on all those wonderful feelings, her hot tongue bathing me, fingers teasing my vagina, lips nibbling at my clit.

I could still hear the voices of our mothers, though I couldn’t really make out everything they were saying. But I do remember hearing Karen come when Jess first started licking me, and then a couple more times after that. I think my own mom had an orgasm too, except it all got sort of mixed up for me because pretty soon I had this huge climax with my girlfriend — my sister! — sucking my clit. And she didn’t stop with just one. She kept sucking and fingering, making me come again and again until finally I had to push her away.




Nora could scarcely believe it was actually happening. She was watching two little girls, both just twelve years old, having sex right in front of her. What an awesome sight it was, with those smooth, sweet, innocent young bodies — yet doing things that were anything but innocent.

She saw lips kissing tiny breast buds and sucking on nipples, hands caressing puffy pussies (in Lia’s case still completely hairless, so nice!), small fingers actually slipping inside juicy vaginas. It was everything Nora had ever dreamed of seeing and it turned her on immensely. She was massaging her own clit and was getting close, but she didn’t want to come for fear that she might shut her eyes and would miss something.

Best of all, this was only the beginning. Tonight she could do so much more than merely watch. She could join in with them, have sex with these tempting young girls, her own daughters, and also with her new wife at the same time. Every fantasy would come true for her. 

Just then, Jessica slid down between Lia’s legs and put her mouth there, kissing and licking that beautiful bald pussy. Oh my god!!

Now Nora simply had to come, she couldn’t wait any longer. She started rubbing her clit faster — and in that same instant heard Karen cry out in orgasmic passion. No surprise that she would get there first. Nora smiled briefly, then doubled down on her own self-pleasure and soon was nearing a peak. When she saw her daughter Lia scrunch her eyes, saw her face turning red, and then saw her lovely young body jolted by a powerful orgasm, Nora went soaring over the top.




After that it was my turn. Jess had given me all I could ever ask for and I was eager to return the favor. Plus I really wanted to show off for our moms. It was exciting for me to imagine the hottest, dirtiest things I could do with Jessica, stuff that might drive our mothers totally crazy with lust. It’s funny, because at first I’d been a little self-conscious, then mostly oblivious, and now I was ready to put on an exhibition, a SEXhibition!

When I thought of that new word, I giggled to myself as I sat up and had Jess lie on her back. I pushed her legs wide apart, holding them that way, then smiled at my moms.

“Look at her pussy,” I said to them. “Isn’t it nice? Look how wet and gooey she is. I just love eating her, licking up all her cream and swallowing it.”

“Fuck…” Karen sighed. She was masturbating, of course, pretty much like always.

To demonstrate what I’d described, I took one hand from Jessica’s leg and rubbed two fingers over and between her pussy lips, scooping up some of her goo. I brought the fingers to my mouth but before licking them turned to my moms again.

I made a point of running my tongue around my lips, trying to act sexy and also hungry, as I said, “Mmm, it’s so yummy. I love pussy.” Then I sucked the fingers into my mouth.

“Unh! Unh! UNHH!!” Karen had another orgasm as she watched me taste the juices from her daughter’s vagina. 

“I just can’t get enough,” I told them, smacking my lips. “I really love pussy.”

Now I used both hands to open Jess’s labia, giving our moms a good close look at her little pink hole, all shiny and wet. “Want me to put my finger in her cunt?” I asked my mother.

“God, yes, please, I’d love to see that.”


I slowly slid the middle finger of my right hand inside her. Jess groaned and sort of shivered. She was breathing fast, obviously very turned on. I knew I could make her come pretty quickly, but I wanted to continue this nasty show a little longer.

“Oooh, she feels so hot inside, so hot and soft and sexy.” I eased my slippery finger in and out a few times, letting the moms see everything. “I love fucking her with my finger. I really do — and I also love to fuck her with my tongue.”

“Oh my god,” my mother moaned. She was masturbating too, fingers working rapidly between her legs.

“You want to see me do that?”

“Uh-huh,” she nodded.

“Okay. Except you know what, Mom?”


“Sometimes when I’m doing that with Jess, when I’m fucking her pussy with my tongue, I like to pretend it’s your pussy, and that I’m—”

“OH! GOD!!”

My mother climaxed as I told her what I’d fantasized about.




There was nothing, nothing that could ever match this, Karen was absolutely convinced. Not even all those wonderful porn movies she had, some of them blazing hot, dealing with forbidden topics like mother-daughter incest, could match this. She knew she would never choose to give up her porn, that she would happily use it again many times in the future, but she also knew it couldn’t come close to this, to the real thing.

Having two beautiful young girls naked right in front of her eyes — her own daughters! — then seeing the girls kiss and touch and lick each other, plus hearing Lia say such stunningly erotic things. Who knew she had that in her?!

Karen was almost ready to come again, but she deliberately held off for just a bit so she could keep on watching, and listening too. The dirty words excited her nearly as much as the visuals did.

“I love fucking her with my finger. I really do, and I also love to fuck her with my tongue.”

Jesus, Karen thought, these kids are driving me insane! She’d tried her best to prolong the buildup, to delay the inevitable orgasm — but when she heard Lia say that and saw the child lower her face to Jessica’s pussy, covering it with her mouth, and then saw her shove her tongue up inside that little girl vagina, it was too much. Karen came again.

On to Chapter 24!