After dinner and the washing up, Jess made hot chocolate for everyone, then she and her daughters moved into the living room to watch TV. Katie and Poppy quickly became sleepy, though, and toddled off to bed at least an hour earlier than usual. Jessica gave the girls a few minutes to clean their teeth and get into their nightwear, then went upstairs to tuck them in for the night.
Electing to turn off the TV, Jess and Alice spent a while seated on the sofa together and chatting. Alice shared more details about the scout trip and what they had learned, while Jess told Alice about her night out with the girls and staying over at Rachel’s house, leaving out the salacious details.
It looked and sounded just like a typical mother-daughter conversation — but in reality, it was anything but. The very air seemed to hum with an undercurrent of eroticism and desire.
Jess ached to kiss her daughter, but couldn’t bring herself to take that step, even though she knew that the girl wanted it. As for Alice, she was biding her time, waiting for the right moment to make her wishes known.
Eventually, Jess glanced at the clock. “Getting late,” she said with a sigh. “Guess we should turn in. Can you lock up, sweetheart?” She gave Alice a peck on the cheek. “Good night. Love you.”
“Love you too, Mum,” Alice replied, then wandered over to the front door to bolt it.
Soon Jess was at the sink, washing the mugs they’d used to drink the hot chocolate, a frown on her lips. She throbbed with sexual hunger, her fierce need for Alice — but found herself paralyzed, unable to act on that desire.
I can’t do it, she realized. Even if I’m certain that she wants me, I can’t come on to my own daughter. And Alice seems to feel the same way. We’re at a standstill. Placing the last mug in the dish rack, she dried her hands, then went back out to the living room to switch off the lights.
Alice was still in the room, waiting for her.
“Mum,” she said quietly, “can I sleep with you tonight?”
Jess looked at her daughter, feeling her heart rate rise. “Um, certainly, if you want to, darling. Any particular reason?” Her arousal still burned brightly, but now Jessica felt an unexpected touch of fear. She felt an impulse to flee to the safety of her bedroom and lock the door.
Alice gave her mother a bashful smile. “I just missed you.”
Those sweet, simple words made Jessica feel warm all over. “I missed you too, love,” she said, reaching out for the girl, drawing her close for a hug.
They held one another for a long time. Alice’s face was buried in her mother’s breasts, and Jess felt her nipples getting stiff. Finally, she gently broke their embrace, gazing in wonder at this lovely creature that she’d brought into the world more than twelve years ago.
“Okay, sweetheart,” she said. “Let’s go to bed.”
Mounting the stairs with her daughter, Jess turned to the girl. “Go get into whatever you want to sleep in, brush your teeth and meet me in my room in five minutes.”
“Make it three,” said Alice with a wink.
While her daughter was preparing for bed, Jessica did the same — cleaned her teeth, brushed her hair and slipped into a sexy negligee. After a moment’s deliberation, she chose to go without panties. Padding over to the bed, she seated herself, waiting.
Alice entered the room seconds later. “Okay, Mum.” She was wearing that old dress shirt that had belonged to her father. Is she naked underneath? Jess wondered, unsure if that was what she wanted.
Exchanging shy smiles, they slipped into bed. Jess had a feeling that Alice wanted to talk, so she left the bedside lamp on. Sure enough, the girl gave her mother a sidelong glance, as if she had something on her mind.
Jessica turned to her daughter. “Is there something you want to ask me about, darling?”
Alice gazed pensively at her mother — then after a moment, looked at her hands. “Umm… I’ve been thinking about girls again.”
Her heart was beating fast, but Jess did her best to keep a calm demeanor. “I see. Anyone in particular?”
Katie, for one, Alice thought, but knew far better than to mention her little sister. “Well, the other girls I shared my room with at camp. They were all really cute. One of the scoutmasters. Oh, and a couple of the girls’ mums. This one mum was wearing these tight white shorts with dark knickers underneath… wow! All I could think of was how much I wanted to kiss her.”
“My goodness, that’s a crowded list! Well, that’s okay. It’s only natural, in fact — you’re just beginning to explore your sexuality, so you’ll be imagining yourself with different, er, partners.”
“Do you think it’s weird that I get so — so turned on by older women, Mum? I mean, I kinda like girls, too, but…”
Jessica’s head was spinning. “There’s nothing wrong with that, Alice. I’m sure there are lots of girls who are attracted to the thought of, er, more mature partners.” Is she talking about me? Is she?
“Hmmm.” Alice stared into space. Jess remained quiet, sure that Alice wanted to say something else. Eventually, she did.
“Mum… you know the other night? When I spent the night with you?”
“Yes, love,” Jess whispered. “How could I forget?”
Alice looked at her mother, wondering if she actually did want to forget. “Well, I was wondering if… if we could do it again.”
Jessica’s mind was ticking furiously, wondering how and what to answer… but she got lost in her daughter’s eyes, an overwhelming sense of love washing over her. She knew then that they had strayed onto a path she could not, would not abandon.
Taking a deep breath, Jess said, “Alice, you’re growing up and becoming a beautiful, intelligent young woman. I’ve always tried to be honest with you and your sisters, so before I answer, I have something to ask you — and something to tell you.”
At the house on the other side of the road, Rachel was seated on the sofa next to Bella. Ten-year-old Cindy had gone to bed an hour earlier, exhausted from the sleepover. Rachel had let her older daughter stay up to tell her about the fun she’d had at Girl Scout camp.
When Bella had finished describing her weekend, Rachel sat up facing the girl, a serious look on her face.
“Sweetheart, there’s something I want to talk to you about.”
A worried look crossed Bella’s face — had she done something wrong? Was something really awful going to happen?
Sensing her daughter’s anxiety, Rachel quickly reassured her. “It’s all right, honey bun… nothing bad, just some grown-up things I want to discuss.”
“Okay, sure.”
“Do you remember a few months ago when you asked me about masturbation… touching yourself?”
Bella studied her mother, trying to work out what was behind this question. “Um… yes,” she hesitantly said.
“Well, I was wondering why you haven’t come to me to ask about anything else. Aren’t there any other things you want to know about sex? I’m your mother, after all — it’s my job to teach you.”
With a small shrug, Bella said, “I guess I’m not really sure, um… what other stuff there is to know.”
“Let me ask you this, then. Sometimes when Alice comes over, I hear certain sounds coming from your room.”
Bella began to redden and squirm uncomfortably.
“Have you been doing things together, grown-up things like, maybe, practicing kissing? Don’t worry; you’re not in trouble, I promise. I just want to make sure you’ll ask me if there’s anything you don’t understand.”
Bella relaxed just a little. “Sometimes me and Alice practice kissing… and one time we touched each other a little bit.”
“I thought so. You know, it’s perfectly normal for young girls to explore sex with their friends. I did when I was your age.” Bella smiled shyly at her mum, now feeling relieved — also, a little intrigued.
Rachel continued. “I was talking to Jessica about you and Alice, and I thought it would be a good idea to teach you something more. Would you like that?”
Bella wondered, not without a hint of worry, what her mum had said to Alice’s mum. Would Ms. Matthews be upset that she’d fooled around with Alice? She would have to ask her best friend about that, the next time they met. On the other hand, now that her mum had brought the subject up, Bella realised that yes, she wanted to know more about sex, and since Mum had made the offer…
“Sure, that sounds good, Mum. Guess I really ought to learn about this stuff, huh?”
Rachel just had to smile. “Yes, sweetheart. Tell you what, let’s go upstairs to my bedroom — it’s more comfy.”
Extending a hand, she helped Bella up from the sofa, led the girl upstairs and into her room, closing the door behind them.
Back across the road, Jessica sat opposite her daughter on the bed, holding Alice’s hands in hers.
“When I stayed at Rachel’s last night, she told me something. It was about you and Bella.” Alice started to nervously shift about a bit, guessing what was coming. “She thinks that the two of you might be doing things together. Like kissing each other, perhaps touching, maybe more. Is that true?”
Alice studied her mother for signs of anger, but saw none — just the same kind, loving face that she knew so well. She took a small breath. “Er, well. We do sometimes practice kissing, yeah, but not the same way you showed me.”
“Anything else?”
After a moment’s hesitation, Alice added, “Well, we’ve touched each other’s titties… and once, um, down below.” She made a face. “But Bella always gets scared and says we gotta stop, just when it starts getting good.” A pause. “That’s one of the reasons why I came to you, Mum.”
Tilting her head, Jess peered inquisitively at her daughter. “One of the reasons? What were the others?”
Alice’s cheeks had gone a bright pink. The girl was clearly nervous, but she soldiered on. “Well, uh, the big reason was… cause I just wanted to do those things with you. Kissing and stuff. I mean, I like Bella, but… I kinda decided that I like you even more.”
Jess gazed lovingly at her beautiful daughter. Reaching out to cup Alice’s face in her hands, she leaned over to place a gentle kiss on the girl’s forehead. Sitting up, she returned both hands to her lap. “Thank you for being honest with me, love. Now I’m going to do the same.”
Alice seemed puzzled. “Um, okay.”
“You remember how I said that I had something to tell you?”
Alice nodded, wondering what it could be.
“I never thought I’d ever say this, but… you know when you saw me and Aunt Rachel kiss, then me and Sally, how you asked me if I was a lesbian?”
“Yes, Mum. Don’t forget, I also said it was okay if you are one.”
“Well, now I think that I am gay — or at least, I want to be.” Jess hesitated a moment, still unsure whether she should continue, then decided she had to. “Last night, Rachel and I had sex. And the other day I saw Sally again, and we got naked together and made love.”
As she spoke, Jessica looked intently at Alice, trying to work out what her daughter was thinking. Then she fell silent, and they sat quietly for a moment.
Finally, Jess said, “Are you upset with me, sweetheart? I’ll understand if you think was wrong of me to have sex with your best friend’s mum — and then, with a girl not much older than you are. To be honest, I never saw it coming, and don’t really know where to go from here.”
Alice said, “It’s okay, Mum. Auntie Rachel is like a second mother to me, and I think it’s cool that you’re a lesbian… like I am.”
“Oh, my darling girl, you’re the best daughter a mother could have. Thank you for being so understanding,” Jess said. She took Alice’s hand in hers, caressing it.
“But Mum, won’t Auntie Rachel get jealous?”
Jess gave her a puzzled look. “Jealous?”
“About Sally. Does she know?”
“She does. And no, sweetheart, Rachel won’t get jealous. We aren’t in a serious relationship… Sure, she and I had sex, but that happened because it was something we both really, really needed.”
“Okay,” Alice replied with a nod. “Does that mean you and Sally are girlfriends?”
“What? No, no — I was just helping Sally with her first time. She wants to be with girls, too. Oh, Sally and I might go to bed together again someday, but that certainly doesn’t mean we’re in love.”
“Think you’ll have sex with Auntie Rachel again, Mum?”
Jessica’s eyes were locked with those of her daughter. Should I tell her everything? After a moment’s deliberation, she elected to do just that.
“Oh, I’m sure that she and I will fuck again, sweetheart… but right now, there’s someone else who Rachel wants.”
“Who’s that?” asked Alice.
“Bella,” Jess replied. “In fact, I suspect that right now, Rachel is having a very interesting conversation with her daughter.”
Alice gaped at her mother. “Auntie Rachel… she wants to m-make love with Bella?”
“She does.” Jessica felt her heart throb, knowing she was treading dangerous ground. “You see, I — I told her about what you and I did the other night, sweetie. Perhaps I shouldn’t have, but I needed to share it with someone I trusted, who I knew would keep it secret.”
“Um, okay.” Alice seemed dazed — but thankfully, not angry. “So… what did she think?”
Jessica smiled. “She made herself come, actually. I told Rachel everything, and she fingered her cunt right in front of me. You should’ve seen it!”
“Oh, my God.”
“Then she told me that she’d been having thoughts like that about Bella… in fact, Rachel taught her how to masturbate, a couple of months ago. So after I told her about you and me, she was already making plans to go further with Bella, much further.” She paused. Go ahead, say it. “Rachel wants you, too.”
“Oh, my GOD!” the teen squealed, then just as suddenly fell quiet. “Mum,” she whispered, drawing close, resting a hand on Jessica’s upper thigh. “Can we do it again? Like last time?”
Jess covered the girl’s hand with hers, feeling it quiver to the touch. “Are you certain about this, Alice? Wouldn’t you like to have a girlfriend your own age?”
The pretty twelve-year-old shook her head. “Mum, y’know how I said I’ve been thinking about girls? Really, I was thinking about you more than anything. I’ve been wanting to tell you for days, but… I thought maybe you felt bad about what we already did.”
Jess plucked up her child’s hand and brought it to her lips. “Oh, sweetheart… how could I regret giving love to my beautiful daughter? I just want to make sure that you really, really want this.”
Her daughter stared at her with something approaching desperation in her eyes. “Please, Mum, I do. More than I ever wanted anything.”
Jess made her decision.
Gently tugging Alice’s hand, she drew her daughter close, tilting her head to place a gentle kiss on the girl’s mouth. Alice responded, parting her lips for Mum’s tongue to enter. The kiss quickly deepened, their tongues darting and dancing.
Jess pulled away after a moment, giving Alice a shy, adoring smile. She reached out to unfasten the top three buttons of that well-worn shirt, then slowly slid it off one shoulder to bare the girl’s left breast. Rising to her feet, Jessica began to undo the ties that held her black satin negligee shut. Pulling the last one open, a single shrug had the filmy garment falling down to ring her ankles. Stepping from it, Jess stood naked before her daughter.
Moving as if she was sleepwalking, a dazed Alice stood, brushing the cotton nightie from her right shoulder, eyes locked with Jessica’s as it, too, slipped off and fell to the floor — leaving the twelve-year-old girl as bare as her mother.
Reaching out to gently clasp her daughter’s arm, Jessica whispered, “Let’s lie down, sweetheart.”
As Alice turned to move over to the bed, Jess got a good look at the girl’s bottom — two flawless pale globes that jiggled ever so slightly with each step. The sight thrilled her. I’ll have to show that pretty bum some extra special love, she thought, as her daughter stretched out on top of the sheets, looking up at Jess with lust-filled eyes.
Moving to lie alongside the girl, Jess leaned over to gently kiss her as she’d done before, using her tongue to part Alice’s lips. She trailed a hand over her daughter’s upper half, stroking her shoulders and budding breasts, gradually working her way down to Alice’s belly and grazing the soft skin with her nails. Hungry to touch more of her beautiful child, Jessica went lower still, her fingers inching closer to the girl’s vulva. As for Alice, she was focused on her mother’s breasts — fondling them, testing their heft, teasing the nipples to watch them stiffen to the touch.
After several minutes of teasing, Jess finally slid her hand down between Alice’s thighs to find her dewy slit, pressing a finger against the warm, wet opening. “Oh. Oh, my God, Mum!” the girl gasped, a violent shiver coursing through her slender frame.
Jess slid a finger into her daughter’s cunt to lubricate it, then circled the tip of that finger around the tiny nubbin of her clitoris. She didn’t want to bring the girl off too quickly, though, so Jessica hooked her finger inside Alice’s vagina, then dipped her head to take a nipple into her mouth.
After a couple of minutes of attention to her daughter’s breasts, Jess began to move downward, eager to taste her little girl and use the new set of skills she’d acquired in her other lesbian encounters.
“Oh, Mum,” Alice moaned, “I feel so — I d-don’t know, it’s something — something really big…”
Jessica’s mouth was tantalisingly close to the treasure she sought, but she lifted her head slightly to reassure the trembling teen. “It’s okay, sweetie… trust me, you’re going to absolutely love this.”
She returned her attention to the goal — moving ever lower, kissing and licking until she was nestled between Alice’s parted legs, her face inches from the girl’s sex. Jess paused for a moment to admire its beauty. The slit was pink and juicy, like some rare exotic fruit, and the smell of it… She inhaled deeply, letting the rich scent tickle her nose.
Jess reached out to touch her daughter’s sparse pubes, surprised by how soft they were, then used her finger and thumb to ease Alice’s labia apart, opening her cunt before moving in for that first taste.
She began with one long, slow lick, bathing the entirety of the girl’s vulva. Alice inhaled sharply, another quick shiver surging through her. Jess licked again, then again, taking a moment to enjoy the sharp tang of her daughter. She’d acquired a genuine appreciation for the taste of pussy over the last week, and Alice’s was positively delicious.
Getting down to business, Jessica applied small flicks of her tongue to the smooth outer lips, insinuating the tip into the moist opening. Stiffening her tongue, she pushed it inside for a few darting strokes before shifting her attention to the small but erect clitoris — first teasing it with quick, playful licks, then clamping the swollen nub between her lips and sucking, all the while stimulating Alice’s vagina with a probing finger.
Alice was now bucking her hips and shaking, her head rolling from side to side as she panted for breath and groped her own breasts with both hands, a sight that only added to Jessica’s lust.
Recalling how good it felt when Rachel had done the same thing to her, Jessica withdrew her finger from Alice’s pussy, then placed the tip against her rosebud. She was already nicely lubricated, so it was easy for Jess to work that finger up to the third knuckle in her daughter’s anus. That goal accomplished, she glued her mouth to Alice’s clitoris, frequently dropping her tongue to lick up the sweet nectar that flowed freely from the young girl.
Throwing her head back, Alice cried, “Mummy — oh, Mummy, what’s h-happening to m-me?”
Jess raised her head to say, “It’s okay, sweetheart, let it go,” then quickly returned to her work.
Seconds later, Alice arched her body up from the bed, shaking almost violently as she came. A hoarse moan exploded from her lips — but somehow, the teen had the presence of mind to snatch up a pillow, pressing it to her face to muffle the sound. Alice’s trembling suddenly ceased, the girl’s body steel-rigid for a brief eternity… then she went limp, collapsing into the sodden sheets.
Jessica sat back on her haunches, suddenly feeling a momentary bout of dizziness. She stared down at her daughter, watching the girl’s chest rise and fall. God, I am so in love with her.
After a moment or two, she quickly moved to take the girl in her arms, nuzzling her face. Alice’s lips found hers, and they shared a gentle, very romantic kiss.
When they drifted apart, Alice whispered, “Wow, Mum. That was… oh, it was so good. Even better than last time.”
Jess giggled. “Well, after all, I’ve had a couple of goes at it in the last few days. Perhaps I’ve learned something.”
Slowly sitting up, Alice turned to face her mother. “Can I try now? I’m supposed to be learning too, right?”
In silent assent, Jessica laid back and opened her legs, smiling sweetly as she waited to be loved.
Alice needed no further prompting. Leaning over her beautiful, naked mother, she began to adorn her with kisses, starting with Jessica’s lips and working her way down. After a few passion-laden kisses, she trailed her tongue down Mum’s neck, making her way toward those lovely breasts. Alice suckled each nipple in turn, fondling one creamy globe while nursing from the other.
She was eager to reach the ultimate prize, though — the warm, luscious pot of honey between her mum’s thighs — so Alice continued her southward journey, pausing to bury her face in the softness of Jessica’s tummy. I could spend hours resting here, just resting my head, she told herself, placing a tiny kiss on her mother’s belly button. Her final goal beckoned, though, so Alice kept going, kissing a path that led her into the garden of Mum’s pubes.
A moment later, the teen was poised and ready, her lips inches from the glistening slit, her entryway into life. She breathed in the scent, now quite familiar to her, then pried the fleshy lips open, exposing the part of Mum’s cunt that Alice knew would give her the most pleasure.
At first she used her fingers — one, then two — to pump in and out of the juicy orifice, but Alice was thirsting for the nectar she’d tasted once before, now dripping from her hand, more of it with each thrust. Withdrawing those probing fingers with a liquid sound, the teen lunged forward and fastened her mouth to Mum’s pussy, desperate to drink as much as she could.
She feasted on the warm, wet flesh as though sucking the juice from an ice lolly on a scorching day. Her mum’s body was quivering from head to toe, and Alice knew it wouldn’t be long before she went off.
Recalling what Mum had done to her mere moments ago, Alice slipped a finger into the dark pink cleft between her mother’s buttocks, seeking out her anus. The angle of her penetration was off at first, making Jessica wince, but the second try succeeded, getting her finger all the way into Mum’s rectum.
This was enough to send Jess over the edge — and she covered her mouth with the palm of her hand as she let go, barely managing to stifle her cries as the pleasure grew steadily stronger, rising to an unimaginable peak.
Then she seemed to be floating in space, slowly drifting until she somehow found her way back into her body, wide open and sprawled out in a very lewd manner on the bed. Alice was kneeling between her legs, smiling blissfully at a breathless, very dazed Jessica.
Reaching out, Jess pulled her wonderful, clever girl to her, kissing the girl deeply, their sweat-glazed bodies sliding easily together. Eager for more, she urged Alice to move further up her body. At first, the teen didn’t understand what Mum wanted, but when Jess took hold of her firm buttocks and whispered, “Give me your pussy, sweetheart… Mummy wants to lick you again,” Alice moved into position, kneeling above her mother’s face and taking hold of the bed frame.
Guiding the twelve-year-old down to her waiting mouth, Jessica buried her tongue in the syrupy flesh, eagerly lapping at the juices that flowed freely down her chin.
Within moments, Alice had her second climax — shuddering, then briefly going stiff before slumping down over her mother’s face. Jessica’s tongue was still moving about in her daughter’s hole as she allowed the sweet, sticky cunt honey to ooze into her mouth and down her throat.
Finally, Alice dismounted her mum and lay down beside her. They drifted together in a languid embrace, exchanging a brief but tender kiss. Their eyes met.
“I love you, Mum.”
“I love you too, my precious child.”
A moment’s silence, then Alice spoke up. “Mum?”
“We won’t… act like last time, will we? Y’know, how you and I kinda, um, pretended we never made love, and didn’t talk about it… maybe cause we were scared to?”
“No, sweetheart,” Jess replied, caressing her daughter’s face. “That time, I was feeling guilty, thinking what we’d done was wrong. Now, though…” She shook her head. “I don’t feel that way anymore. Society says that a mother and daughter shouldn’t be lovers, but I ask you — how can something this joyous, this perfect, possibly be wrong?”
“It can’t, huh?” Alice said, breaking into a smile.
“No, it can’t,” said Jessica, smiling back. “I don’t want to give this up, and neither do you. So we can keep, um… sharing pleasures together.”
“Sharing pleasures,” sighed the girl. “I like that.”
“We can’t let your sisters find out about this, though. They’re too young to understand.”
Alice had her own thoughts on that subject, but obligingly said, “Okay, Mum.”
“One more thing,” Jess continued. “If we’re going to be lovers, you and I both have to remember that I’m still your mum, and you’re still my daughter. When I ask you to set the table, I’m asking as your parent, not the woman who licked you the night before. And when you, oh, ask me for four quid to buy lipgloss, you’re talking to Mum, not your girlfriend. Understand?”
“Uh-huh,” Alice grinned. “And then you say, ‘Don’t you have enough shades of lipgloss already’?” They laughed, and the teen quickly added, “I do get it, though… and I think you’re right, Mum. I promise not to ever forget who you are, or who I am.” Then she grinned, blushing slightly. “Y’know, I don’t even want you to be my girlfriend. A mum who gives me special love… that’s miles better.”
“My sweet little girl,” Jess whispered, her eyes growing misty. “God, I adore you.” She pulled her daughter close, and they hugged again. “Okay, now give me one more kiss, and then let’s get ourselves some sleep.”
Alice tilted her face upwards, and their lips brushed together. It began as a gentle peck, but somehow they got carried away, and soon enough, their tongues were sparring in a very lustful fashion.
Finally, Jess forced herself to break away. “Oh, my… I already want you again, love.”
“Me too, but — but maybe we should, um, hold off, huh?”
“I think so,” Jess nodded. “Let’s dream about each other instead.”
“Yeah, let’s.” The girl’s expression became thoughtful. “Mum? Does Aunt Rachel really want to — to have sex with me?”
“Yes, she does,” Jess said.
“Well, would it be all right with you if… if I did do stuff with her…?”
“It would, sweetie. Rachel had an idea about something like that… but we didn’t get into much detail about it. Let’s discuss this later, okay? It’s a complicated subject, and we really need to get some sleep. It’s late.” She paused, then added, “I’ll tell you this, though — if you really want to go to bed with her, you’ll get your chance.”
“Cool,” Alice settled down, closing her eyes.
“Ready for lights out?”
“Uh-huh,” said Alice. “G’night, Mum.”
“Goodnight, sweetie.” Jessica reached over to switch off the bedside lamp, plunging the room into darkness.
A moment’s silence, then Alice lifted her head. “Mum?”
“What about you? Do you want to make love to Bella?”
Jess chuckled. “Of course I do — but let’s not get ahead of ourselves, okay? If we start talking about this now, we’ll be up for hours… and we’ll probably end up having sex again.”
“Yeah, I guess so. I kinda already feel like doing it some more.”
“No, no — let’s hold off, like you said. You can spend the night with me tomorrow — we’ll fuck each other silly.”
“Yeah,” Alice sighed. “I love fucking you, Mum. It’s the best thing ever.”
“Hmmm. I suppose you’re allowed to use that word when we’re in bed together… but don’t you let me hear you saying it anywhere else, of there’ll be the devil to pay. Now come on, love. Time to sleep.”
“Sure, Mum. Love you.”
“Love you, too.” Her hand found Alice’s.
The room settled into a cozy silence as mother and daughter eased their way into slumber.
Over to: Chapter Eleven!