Teaching the Girls, Chapter 16

  • Posted on March 10, 2019 at 2:41 pm

By Naughty Mommy

The clock on the bedside table said it was almost 7:30. That gave us about an hour, I supposed, perhaps a little more, until Donna and her kids would have to get dressed and go home. It should be enough time for what I wanted to do next.

We were all seated on the big bed. The sisters had finished with their kissing and Donna and I were both recovering from powerful climaxes.

After wiping sweat from my face and sniffing my fingers, smiling at the yummy scent of my own pussy, I took a deep breath, getting focused, feeling ready.

“Okay, you guys did really well on kissing. Great job, really great. Now we’re gonna do a lesson I did, um, last Saturday with Cherise and Addison. It’s about these.”

I took my small boobs in my hands, plumping them up just a bit, as I gazed at Felicity and Heather. “I want to teach you how to properly treat a woman’s or a girl’s breasts, how you can make love to them. Would you like to learn that?”

“Yeah!” Heather exclaimed, her eyes darting from my tits to her mother’s, then back to mine. Felicity nodded, blushing and grinning.

“See, it’s not just about this part.” I pointed to my crotch, which made the kids giggle. “You have to love the whole body, the whole person. That’s why we started this afternoon with looking at each other, really seeing everything there is to see, and then we did kissing. Now we’re gonna work on the breasts and the nipples.”

I got up off the bed and stood next to it, facing them. “Addison and Cherise, you guys come here, in front of me on your knees, okay? And, uh, you other girls gather around close so you can see what they do.”

With everyone in place, I asked my earlier students if they remembered all the instructions I had given them. Both nodded, assuring me they did.

“All right, so what’s first? How do you start?”

Cherise replied immediately, “Use just your fingertips, going around the sides and stuff.”

I smiled at her. Cherise was an excellent student, a very bright child, not to mention exceptionally beautiful with her big brown eyes, high cheekbones, and that lithe, barely pubescent figure. Best of all, she was only one of four lovely girls between the ages of nine and twelve I was allowed to have sex with, encouraged by their moms! How could anyone be so lucky??

Come on, Britt, I chided myself. Stay in the moment, you’ve got a job to do!

“Yes,” I nodded to Cherise, “that’s exactly right.”

“I remember too,” said Addison.

“Okay, good, I’m sure you do. So what I want you to do now is demonstrate for Heather and Felicity. Show them what you’ve learned, and while you’re doing it, tell them about each step.”

They began, one on each tit. Cherise provided most of the narration, describing in detail what they were doing, often using precisely the same words I’d used in teaching them the week before. I marveled at her memory. Although Addison would chime in occasionally, she seemed content to let her friend take the verbal part while she concentrated on handling my breast.

And can you imagine how wonderful that felt? Having a pair of cute young girls caress and fondle your boobs, teasing the nipples? I had to struggle to keep my wits, to make sure that they were doing essentially what I’d taught them, and that the other two were learning.

The women were watching everything too, of course, and I noticed that all three were playing with their own breasts. They were following along, imitating, whether consciously or not, what the kids were doing to me. The room crackled with electricity, with lesbian lust. What a thing this was! Sex lessons for moms and their little girls, taught by me!

It wasn’t easy, but somehow I managed to stay tuned in, even when Addison and Cherise put their mouths over my nipples and started sucking. I deliberately kept my hands away from my pussy because what I wanted more than anything then was to rub my clit and make myself come while they sucked my tits. But I couldn’t afford to get distracted. I didn’t want the time to get away from us. There was more on my agenda that night, much more.

So, after letting the girls continue for about a minute, I told them it was enough and backed away. I took a deep breath and slowly let it out, trying to calm my raging libido, then said to the sisters, “Okay, let’s see if you two were paying attention.”

Cherise and Addison moved to either side, making room for Heather and Felicity on the bed in front of me. I stepped forward again, asking the pair to replicate what they had just seen, not only taking the actions but telling me at each point what they were doing and why. This was genuine teaching — and it was also genuinely arousing!

Once more I had to work to restrain myself, holding my arms firmly at my side and clenching my fists as I watched these pretty blondes, a twelve-year-old and a ten-year-old, touch me ever so gently, lick my nipples, and then start sucking. Oh my god, so nice! I swear I almost came simply standing there and squeezing my legs together. It was incredibly hot, and I wasn’t the only one getting turned on. All three moms were playing themselves by then, rubbing their pussies, but before anyone reached climax I told the girls they’d done very well and that we were finished with that part of the lesson.

Now we would move on to a greater taboo, something even more forbidden than these naked games, a teenager fooling around with kids… it was time to get the women directly involved with their daughters.

I wasn’t sure whether Donna was aware of everything that had happened the previous week. No one had informed me, but I figured she probably knew that I’d had Cherise and Addison “practice” on their moms’ boobs, touching and caressing and finally sucking. It was all “just for teaching” of course, not really sex (ha-ha), even though both women had masturbated to orgasm while their daughters sucked their nipples.

Would Donna object to doing that with her own girls? I didn’t think so. Otherwise she likely wouldn’t be there with us at all. But I wouldn’t know for certain whether or not she would really go that far until the moment arrived.

I also had to assume that Felicity and Heather knew what was coming. You couldn’t expect girls their age to keep tantalizing secrets like that from each other. I was almost sure Addison and Cherise had told them everything we’d done. But again, it was one thing to hear about it from someone else and another thing to actually perform such acts with your own mom. Would they be willing, perhaps eager, or would they resist? There was only one way to find out.

All these thoughts flashed through my mind in just a few seconds. Then I smiled and said, “Okay, girls, the best way to get really good at something is to practice it a lot. We’ve got three women here, and they’ve got very nice boobs, so let’s do some practicing, all right? Donna, maybe you should sit up against the headboard with some pillows, and Kay and Danielle, you guys get cozy and comfy somewhere…”

The trick, I’d decided, was to act as if everyone would automatically go along, doing whatever I told them to do. And it appeared to work. The women got themselves settled and then without even asking the girls joined their mothers.

As I’d suggested, Donna took her a place at the head of the bed, flanked by Felicity and Heather, her arms wrapped around them. There was enough room, however, on the king-size bed for Kay and Addison to squeeze in there too, leaning against the headboard. Danielle, meanwhile, was lying on her side across the foot of the bed with those gorgeous long legs stretched out, cuddling Cherise close to her.

Any concerns I might have had about Donna went away when I saw how she looked. Talk about a woman in heat! Her face was flushed and she was breathing very fast, almost panting. Her daughters hadn’t even touched her breasts yet, but she already seemed to be on the verge of an orgasm.

Heather was grinning at me, more than ready to get started, as were Cherise and Addison along with both their moms. The only one who showed a hint of nervousness, who looked a bit uncertain, was Felicity.

So, looking straight at her, I said, “Now, if any of you feel, um, uncomfortable, if there’s something you’d rather not do, then, I mean, you definitely don’t have to do it. In fact, here are a couple of rules to remember: First, you are in charge of your own body, no one else. And second, you should never do anything with anyone unless you want to do it.”

“You’re right,” said Kay. “ That’s good stuff, Britt. Excellent advice.” Danielle nodded her approval.

I’d learned these rules from Gina, of course. She’d drummed them into my head, making me repeat them over and over again. And although I really didn’t want to disrupt the momentum we had going, I knew what mattered most at that point was for Felicity and the other girls to receive this vitally important lesson. Once that had been accomplished, we could proceed with the incestuous sex.

“I wanna do it. I really do,” Felicity said to me, with a happy smile. Turning to her mother, she asked, “You want me to do it, Mom?”

“Yes, oh my god, yes!!  Um… but… like Britt said, only if you want to.”

“I do want to.”

“So do I,” added Heather.

“All right, good,” I said, crawling onto the middle of the bed, choosing a spot where I could see all the illicit action. “I guess everyone is ready, so you can start, you know, practicing anytime you want.”

I began masturbating right away. Merely the idea of four young girls playing with their mothers’ boobs, caressing them, fondling and sucking the nipples, was incredibly exciting — but to actually see it happen was enough to drive me insane. Before the kids had even progressed very far through the sequence I’d taught them, still only touching and not yet licking, I was already getting close, just seconds away from coming. But I tried my best to hold on, to keep edging and not reach climax, so I wouldn’t miss anything.

And I wasn’t the only one masturbating. All three women were rubbing their pussies and breathing hard. With their free hands, Kay and Danielle were petting their daughters’ hair, murmuring softly to the girls. Donna, however, had both hands working between her legs, fucking herself with two fingers while vigorously stroking her clit. She wasn’t saying anything, just licking her lips and looking back and forth from Heather to Felicity. I thought I could detect in her eyes a feeling of disbelief, a sense of astonishment that this was really taking place, that her own daughters soon would be sucking her tits.

Suddenly someone grunted heavily.

I’d expected Donna might have the first orgasm, but it wasn’t her. Instead it was Danielle. The instant Cherise put her mouth over her mother’s nipple, that apparently was all it took. The brunette groaned as she climaxed, eyes shut tight, face in a grimace, her lean body shuddering in ecstasy. One hand was clamped between her legs, the other clutching her daughter’s head, pulling the child to her breast.

“Jesus… so hot…” sighed Donna. She watched Danielle momentarily before returning her gaze to Felicity and Heather. The girls were licking her erect nipples, and as I watched, they flicked their tongues over the tips. Donna swooned, eyes rolling back in her head, but also fucked herself even faster.

I heard Kay urging her daughter, “Suck Mommy’s nipple, little girl. Suck Mommy’s nipple. Make Mommy come!”

And Danielle, it seemed, was still coming. Cherise had never stopped sucking while her mother continued to groan and shake, spasms rippling through her slender frame over and over again.

Seeing that made me want to come, but Kay beat me to it.

“Make Mommy — make Mommy — YES!!” The woman cried out, throwing her head back. Addison giggled audibly, but then, like her friend, quickly resumed sucking.

Then I saw something that startled me. Addison not only had her mouth on her mom’s tit, but a hand between her own legs. The little girl was masturbating! I shot a glance over at Cherise and found that she was doing it as well, small fingers rubbing her clit.

It hadn’t happened this way the previous Saturday evening when Addison and Cherise “practiced” on their moms. The women had played with themselves then, but not the kids. Events were moving quickly, catching me off guard, getting hotter and hotter.

Now I was really ready. Closing my eyes, I slid a finger into my vagina, so warm and soft and wet, as my other hand circled around my clit, teasing the sensitive bud. Almost there, almost there…

The mattress bounced beneath me. It was Donna. The chunky blonde was raising her big butt off the bed then dropping it down while using both hands to ram her fingers deep inside her cunt. Her daughters, Heather and Felicity, were wide-eyed at this ferocious display of carnal lust, but somehow managed to keep their mouths where they needed to be, licking and sucking their mom’s nipples. And, oh my god, look at that! Both girls were eagerly masturbating too, tickling their pussies.

I heard a squeal from Addison. She’d let go of the nipple and was climaxing.

Cherise was next. She was still sucking, but her pretty face was bright red, her eyes squeezed shut, fingers flying in a blur over her clit. Suddenly the child went rigid, her lovely body quivering — and then she came.

“UNHH!! FUCK!!!” Donna screamed. And as the woman exploded into climax, this pushed her daughters over the top at the same time.

Addison and Kay were coming, Cherise and Danielle were coming, Felicity and Heather and Donna were coming — and finally, Britt was coming too!

I fell onto my side, overwhelmed by the power of a stupendous orgasm, nearly blacking out.


By the time we’d all regained our senses, it was, unfortunately, almost 9:00 o’clock.

“God, I wish we didn’t have to go, but I’m afraid we do,” said Donna, as she crawled to the edge of the bed and got to her feet. “Come on now, kids, grab your clothes and get dressed. We need to get home before your father does.”

I almost asked why her girls, at least, couldn’t stay over, having a slumber party. But then I figured it really was none of my business. Donna had to do whatever she thought was necessary to keep her marriage out of trouble. As she’d told me on the phone more than once, that was very important to her.

So, after Heather and Felicity quickly put their clothes back on, everyone went downstairs to the living room where Donna gathered up all her things and got dressed. We had a nice round of hugs and kisses goodbye, with Donna thanking me effusively and saying what a good teacher I was.

As soon as the front door closed and they were gone, Addison, bouncing on her toes, asked, “Can Britt sleep in my room tonight, Mom?”

Cherise was jumping up and down too. “Yeah! Britt sleep with us! Britt sleep with us!”

This was an adorable and stimulating sight, a pair of naked fourth grade girls begging for me to sleep with them. I’d hit the jackpot!

But Kay shook her head. “Well, I’ll tell you, I’m going to be a bit selfish. Danielle and I really want to keep Britt to ourselves tonight, sleeping in my bed. Possibly some other weekend she can sleep in your room if she wants to. We’ll see.”

Addison pouted, clearly disappointed, and Cherise stopped jumping.

Then Kay added, “But here’s a compromise. How about if we give you an hour, from now until ten, to play with Britt in your room — if she wants to, that is, and with one other condition — that you let us come in and watch while you play. Would that be all right?”

“Yay!” Both girls cheered and clapped, hugging each other. “We get to play with Britt!”

I was clapping and grinning too, as pleased as the kids were with this arrangement. Because while I was certainly happy to receive all that praise when Donna complimented me on my teaching abilities, inside I harbored a private regret that I’d taken things so slowly that night with Felicity and Heather, been so methodical about things. I never gave myself a chance to lick those two and make them come in my mouth! Of course I knew it likely would happen with them soon, presumably the next weekend, but that thought hadn’t slaked my immediate thirst for little girl pussy.

Now the only question was: When we went up to Addison’s bedroom to “play” for an hour, would Cherise and Addison want to do what I so badly wanted to do? Or would they perhaps prefer Barbies or Legos or CandyLand, something like that?

I got the answer right away and it was exactly what I’d hoped. As we headed for the stairs, Addison took my hand in hers, asking breathlessly, “Will you lick me first, Britt?”

Cherise grabbed my other arm, jumping again, “No, me first! Me first!”

Ah, the difficult choices one must make in life. I smiled at both of them. “Let’s just see what happens, okay?”

Before we got started, Kay told the kids to brush their teeth, though this took them way less time than it probably should have. While they were doing that, the women brought in chairs from Kay’s room, arranging them just as they had for our first sex lesson two weeks earlier.

Then we were ready. The nude girls were on the bed, beaming at me. The nude moms were in the chairs, legs spread wide, already rubbing their pussies. In quiet astonishment I shook my head, wondering if this whole thing was a crazy dream. But it wasn’t. It really was happening. Wow!

On to Chapter 17!


11 Comments on Teaching the Girls, Chapter 16

  1. sue says:

    What a hot and erotic chapter, again. Just so good. Thanks and looking forward to the next chapter. Kim & Sue

  2. hludens says:

    well ok

  3. drew says:

    very very hot! loved it!

  4. Purple Les says:

    Then we were ready. The nude girls were on the bed, beaming at me. The nude moms were in the chairs, legs spread wide, already rubbing their pussies. In quiet astonishment I shook my head, wondering if this whole thing was a crazy dream. But it wasn’t. It really was happening. Wow!

    WOW is right. Each chapter of this story is so incredibly erotic. I can’t help but to orgasm from each reading. Always looking forward to more.

  5. Milanov says:

    As always hot. As always excites! As always NM you please us with a new head. Thank you very much for the new chapter!

  6. Steve says:

    Nipple play always gets me going whether it’s in print, in a picture or a video.
    Awesome addition to a great story!

  7. Mr Anaconda says:

    I have to say I really love reading your stories. I’m a young man from Finland and I think I’m lucky I found this website. This kind of stories are brave and they make me very excited. 🙂

  8. Suzanne Freeman says:

    I have very sensitive nipples myself! I completely understand Danielle’s reaction! This is such a great story! Lisa said she’d never read it before, so we are both enjoying it a lot!!!

  9. Captain Midnight says:

    Suzanne, curiosity question: do you and Lisa read the stories in your own voices, or do you have an AI program that recites the text to you?

    • kinkys_sis says:

      Do NOT under any circumstances use any AI programme for the type of material on JS. Any information put through AI is open to scrutiny by others. It most likely won’t be long before AI’s are programmed to automatically raise a red flag when when anything questionable passes through.

      This equally applies to Grammarly.com (or anything similar). Grammarly was around before most of us had heard of the term ‘AI’. But, that’s exactly what it is.

      I am aware that laws vary from one place to another. But laws change!

      Use a VPN whenever you access stories. Use an encrypted email service, we use Proton, for emails that contain any such material. This may sound daunting to the less knowledgeable but in fact, it’s all very easy.

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