by Purple Les
After leaving Clementine DuMount’s, The Tequila Kid rode into town, making a few stops to say her goodbyes, spreading the word around that she was on her way back to Ranger headquarters. She also took a moment to meet with Judge Claxton.
As The Kid passed Boot Hill, she stopped the horse and dismounted. Spying a fresh mound of dirt, she made her way over to it, studying the small marker planted there. The Kid knew the type of marker it was. It showed that a half-breed or black or Mexican or Chinese was buried there, so that a white, no matter how lowly, wouldn’t be interred next to them. Only one person like that had recently been buried in Boot Hill, far as The Kid knew.
Squatting down, The Kid scooped out a couple handfuls of dirt with her hand, then slipped Charlie Redeye’s medicine pouch into the small hole. She covered it with the dirt, stood and said, “I doubt you even deserve it, Charlie… but I hope you make it to the spirit world somehow. Adios.” Walking back to the sorrel, The Kid swung herself into the saddle and galloped on.
The Kid rode for three days. Avoiding the town of Adobe Wells, she made her way to the site of the Hodgekiss massacre.
Massacre. The Kid could think of no other word for the thing that had been done there. Six men pretending to be Indians had slaughtered the Hodgekiss family, raping the women in the process. It was a miracle that Arabella had escaped and survived.
Arabella had remembered that there were six of them, though the only one she could recall for certain was the ‘big Indian man,’ as she called him. That had turned out to be Frank Sims. The Kid figured that four of the men were the hired guns that worked for Ramses Kingsley. Those four men were dead now, all taken down by The Kid. Frank Sims was dead too, shot by Kingsley. The sixth ‘Indian’ had to be Ramses Kingsley himself.
The Kid pieced it all together. Kingsley had run into Mike Hodgekiss at Adobe Wells, got scent of the gold somehow, and buffaloed the man into making him a partner. Somehow, Hodgekiss got another contract out of Kingsley, one that was more to his advantage. Most likely, Kingsley only signed it to give the impression he was honest, but knew it wouldn’t matter since he planned to kill the whole family anyway.
He bided his time until Hodgekiss left Adobe Wells, following a map that Kingsley had given him to save time. In fact, the map led to nowhere — a spot far off the beaten track, to ensure that no witnesses would be present. There Kingsley and his men ambushed the family to take what gold they had, then killed them all so he’d be sole owner of the mine. Most likely he wanted the other contract as well, though it didn’t matter much if the whole family was dead.
The Kid shuddered as she pictured it in her mind’s eye. The four gunmen raping Arabella’s ma. Probably Kingsley himself doing Arabella’s big sister. Sims brutally beating Mike Hodgekiss. And there was poor Arabella, seeing it all happen before she fled. If Kingsley knew she’d been there and got away, he’d surely have figured that the badlands would do the dirty work for him.
At any rate, Kingsley couldn’t find the gold or the contract, or the two youngest children. At Adobe Wells, he located Hodgekiss’s son Dan and his grandmother. The way The Kid figured it, Sims raped and roughed up the old woman while Kingsley cornholed the boy. The grandmother must have told them that the gold was in the bank. Kingsley had Sims take the sheriff out of town on some pretext, then quickly got the rest of his men together and robbed the bank.
But The Kid foiled Kingsley’s plans — first by capturing the gold, then leading two of his men after her in wild pursuit. Once in the badlands, The Kid dispatched them both, though it had cost the life of her beloved horse Buttercup.
After that, Kingsley was determined to find the Hodgekiss girl and his two missing men. That was when he had Sims hire Charlie Redeye. From there, The Kid knew the rest.
The Kid wondered many times why Kingsley and his men had bothered to dress up like Indians to carry out their massacre. The notion had seemed foolish at first, but then it made sense. Kingsley had the sheriff of Adobe Wells in his back pocket. But even a sheriff, no matter how corrupt, would find it difficult to turn his back on such a slaughter. Claiming the massacre had been committed by a “bunch of redskins” would provide enough of a cover if there turned out to be a witness, or the murder site was found quickly. Also, Kingsley had the idea of using the family’s scalps for proof they were all dead, claiming that Charlie Redeye had got them from the Indians.
Kingsley murdered Charlie so he couldn’t say different, then killed Sims to make sure there were no loose ends. Kingsley surely must have suspected that in court, Sims would slip up somehow and drag him down, too.
The Kid hated to admit it, but Ramses Kingsley had done a thorough job of covering his tracks, eliminating any witnesses to the massacre he had carried out on the Hodgekiss family. In fact, there was barely a piece of hard evidence to connect Kingsley to the crime at all.
All The Kid had to incriminate the man was the cigar band she’d found by the overturned wagon. It matched the ones on the cigars Kingsley had given The Kid, as well as the one she’d found on Charlie Redeye’s body. It didn’t seem like much, but that tiny bit of colored paper pointed right at Kingsley. After all, those cigars came from Havana and were, as he had said himself, the only ones you’ll find west of the Mississippi.
The Kid wasn’t sure that a mere cigar band would be enough to sway a jury, though. That was why she was there, waiting for Ramses Kingsley. One way or the other, this case was about to be closed.
She had found a safe place out of the sun with a small water hole close at hand, about half a mile from the massacre site — an ideal place to wait for Kingsley to show. No one would find her there unless they knew where the water hole was. It was luck and some good guessing on The Kid’s part that had led her to this spot on the way back to Oak Creek.
There, The Tequila Kid waited four days for Ramses Kingsley to show. She would wait four years if she had to. If her theory that Kingsley had been the sixth ‘Indian’ was correct, sooner or later he would come, looking for the buried gold. She’d packed along plenty of feed for the horse, as well as several pounds of jerky and hardtack for herself.
On Day Five, in the middle of the morning, he finally arrived. Observing from a distance, The Kid was surprised to see he’d come with a large wagon pulled by two horses. From the slow, measured pace of the horses, she could tell that the wagon was full. Whatever was in it was covered by a tarp.
After a moment’s reflection, The Kid decided that instead of taking the gold back to Oak Creek, Kingsley intended to move on to a new town and start over. A smart move, she decided. After everything that’s happened, he couldn’t spend the gold in Oak Creek — not without raising questions he can’t answer.
The wagon had two barrels of water strapped to it, one on each side. No doubt about it now — he was moving on for sure. The Kid watched as Kingsley stop the horses and put the brake on, then climb down from the wagon and look around the massacre site. Slowly rising to her feet, she began to move closer.
Kingsley sat back on the wagon bench and lit a cigar. He drew on it thoughtfully, trying to figure where to start searching.
This worked out all right enough, even if it wasn’t how it was supposed to go, Kingsley thought to himself as he sat smoking. At least that damn Tequila Kid left. Had to liquidate my assets in town, but that left me with plenty of cash. Sure, I lost a gold mine, and a chance to be mayor of Oak Creek. But now I’m free and clear and about to pick up four bags of gold.
He smiled, pleased with himself. Yessir, I played it smart. Hodgekiss messed it up some by not having the gold along when we set on him here. I thought sure he’d tell me what I needed, what with all my men raping his wife while Sims beat him, but he was made of harder stuff than I figured. I did enjoy the look on his face while I did his daughter in the ass.
If I hadn’t been smart enough to find the Hodgekiss boy in Adobe Wells, I might never have found out where the gold was. Raping that old woman in the ass got me the information I needed. I didn’t mind letting Sims rape her, too, while I took what I really wanted. You can say what you like about pussy, but there’s nothing anywhere that feels half as good as the ass of a young boy. And when he’s struggling and crying, that makes it even better.
After that, all we had to do was walk into the bank and take the gold. Had it right in my hands and then… Kingsley spat on the ground as he recalled The Tequila Kid and how she’d interfered, killing two of his gunmen, then chasing him and the other two.
Kingsley began to slowly stroll around. He looked at the overturned wagon the Hodgekiss family had been in, kicked the broken water barrel that had sheltered Arabella. Then he noticed the pile of rocks. The rough cross that once stood there had been removed by The Kid when she arrived days earlier.
Kingsley studied the rock pile. He took off his coat and loosened his string tie and opened his collar, then leaned over and put both hands on one of the boulders on top.
He froze in place as The Kid’s voice suddenly came out of nowhere, “Howdy there, Ramses. You sure took your sweet time gettin’ here. But I knew you’d come, sooner or later.”
Kingsley stayed as he was, sure that The Kid must have a gun pointed at him. He slowly straightened up and turned around even more slowly, keeping his hands shoulder high.
He was surprised to see The Tequila Kid standing there with her thumbs hooked in the belt of her pants, her hip at an angle and one knee slightly bent. She looked as concerned as if she was just observing a turkey shoot on a Sunday afternoon.
Kingsley slowly lowered his hands but stood his ground. “I thought you didn’t know where this place was,” he said softly.
The Kid just stood there staring at him. “I needed to get you here.” she said. “If you was innocent, you’d not be in this place. But you’re a murderer and,” she shrugged, “here you are.”
Kingsley glared at The Kid. “That girl never carried an arrow away with her, did she? You found the site somehow and took one.” He spat on the ground, adding, “I don’t like being made a fool.”
The Kid shook her head. “No one made you a fool except your own damn self.”
Kingsley didn’t reply to that, but his eyes said it all.
“I also found this here.” The Kid continued, enjoying the sight of Kingsley as he fumed quietly. She held a small object she’d pulled from her vest. “Your brand of cigar, ain’t it? Hell, you said it yourself — the only ones out this way are yours.” She tucked the cigar band back in her pocket.
“Is the gold even here?” Kingsley asked as he glanced at the rock pile. “Let’s make a deal, Kid. Show me the gold, and I’ll split it with you, fifty-fifty.” He spoke smoothly, flashing his smile.
“The only thing under them rocks is the people you tortured and murdered.” The Kid answered. “Since you’re curious, though, I’ll tell you where the gold is.” Kingsley squinted at her as she said, “It’s safe and sound in the bank at Oak Creek. All four bags. Under the name of Arabella Hodgekiss. Except for that one nugget I left on your desk to tempt you.” She laughed. “Looks like it worked, too.”
Standing straight and tall, The Kid said, “Ramses Kingsley, I have a warrant for your arrest. I’m takin’ you back to Oak Creek to stand trial for murder.”
Kingsley gave a genuine smile of amusement. “For whose murder? By what authority?”
The Kid pulled her vest back to show the Texas Ranger badge pinned to her shirt. “By the authority of the state of Texas. For the murder of…” The Kid stopped and rubbed her tattooed chin for a moment and said, “For the the murder of the Hodgekiss family. The father, mother and young girl that you left dead here. The old woman that you killed in Adobe Wells. For little Dan Hodgekiss, who you killed by butt-fucking him to death.” The Kid’s voice had risen, and Kingsley now had a nasty sneer on his face.
The Kid’s eyes narrowed as she went on, “For the murder of Charlie Redeye. For the murder of Frank Sims. I have plenty of evidence. Lots of it’s just circumstantial, I admit. But one of the charges will stick, and that will be enough for me to see you hang.”
Kingsley pushed his hat back, then forward. He looked The Kid in the eye and said, “No… I don’t think that I will be arrested. I think I’ll take my money and belongings and push on to Mexico, like I planned.”
“I disagree,” The Kid answered back.
Kingsley smiled. “There’s no gun faster than me, Kid. Besides, I have a personal dislike for you.” Spreading his feet apart, he continued. “Ever since you popped up in Adobe Wells, you’ve been nothing but trouble for me.”
The Kid turned more toward Kingsley, adjusting her own stance.
Kingsley flexed his shoulders slightly. “You messed up my robbery and took the gold. You killed all four of my hired guns. You got Frank Sims arrested, putting me in a bad fix. He was the best man I had on my payroll… and because of you, I had to kill him. Worst of all, you kept that brat girl alive, making me lose a gold mine. You’ve tricked me for the last time, bitch.”
Kingsley’s hands dangled loosely as he added, “After I kill you, Kid, I think I might just hold off heading to Mexico and ride on back to Oak Creek. I’m in a mood to butt-fuck that little Hodgekiss cunt, then cut her throat. I bet she’s got a sweet, tight little bottom hole, too — just like her brother and sister.”
Knowing that Kingsley was trying to anger her, The Kid only gave him a tight-lipped smile. “The only place you’re goin’ from here is back with me — if not for trial, then for burying. Y’see, I got me a personal dislike for you too, Kingsley. I’d rather see you face justice on the end of a rope for all the evil you done, but I’ll settle for givin you what you deserve right here and now.
“If you hadn’t been torturin’ that old woman and that poor little boy, and then robbed that bank… well, I’d never’ve had to ride into the badlands.” The Kid slowed her words now. “Then my horse Buttercup wouldn’t have broke her leg, and I wouldn’t have had to shoot her.”
“Your horse,” Kingsley said, gazing at the young woman in disbelief.
“Funny, ain’t it?” The Kid continued. “All the crimes you done, and you’re gonna die for one you didn’t even know about.” Her face grew hard, her eyes ice cold. “I blame you for my horse bein’ dead. And for that, I’ll be glad to kill you, Kingsley.”
Kingsley took a long, deep breath, then nodded his head. “How you want to do it, Kid?” he asked, observing the loose etiquette of gunfighters.
The Kid answered, “If you got a coin, flip it up high. When it hits the dust, we slap leather.”
With his left hand, Kingsley pulled a twenty dollar gold piece from his vest pocket. He wondered which hand The Kid would use. He’d seen her roll a cigarette with her left. But her left-hand gun had a hammer for fanning the gun. He guessed she would use her right-hand gun to draw.
On his left hand, he balanced the gold piece on his forefinger and then flipped it high into the air with his thumb. The sun glinted on the edges as it spun in the blue sky.
The Kid could see that Kingsley wasn’t looking at the coin at all. She watched his eyes. As the coin hung in the air for a moment, then began to fall back to earth, he drew his gun and fired from the hip.
In the blink of an eye, The Kid had her gun in hand. As she raised it and pulled the hammer back in one smooth motion, she went into a shooter’s crouch. As her head dipped and her gun roared, the bullet from Kingsley’s pistol tore her hat away.
As Kingsley cocked his hammer back to fire again, the bullet from The Kid’s gun put a hole between his eyes. He dropped to the ground like his bones had turned to dust.
A blue haze of gunsmoke hung in the air. There was dead silence until The Kid heard the coin hit the ground.
She slowly stood up, feeling lightheaded. Something wet began to trickle down her face. Kingsley’s shot had grazed her skull. The Kid took the bandana from around her neck and tied it flat to her head to stem the bleeding. The bandana soaked up the blood, but didn’t stop it.
Climbing onto Kingsley’s wagon, The Kid pulled the tarp off it and began throwing the dead man’s trunks and boxes on the ground in a fury, watching them split open on the ground, the man’s clothes and valuables spilling out everywhere. When The Kid came across a bottle of whiskey, she put it aside and finished emptying the wagon, all but the strong box.
Taking a clean bandana from her vest pocket, The Kid removed the blood-soaked one, uncorked the bottle of whiskey and poured some of it over the place on her head where Kingsley’s bullet had scored her. It stung horribly, but she gritted her teeth and tied the clean bandana flat across her skull. Climbing down from the wagon, The Kid picked up her bullet-riddled hat — now sporting a fresh new hole — and carefully placed it on her head. After a while, the blood coming from her head ceased to flow.
The Kid went to the body of the man she’d shot dead. Rolling him over, she spat in his face. “That’s for the Hodgekiss and DuMount families. And for Buttercup.” Fetching Kingsley’s bedroll from where she’d thrown it, The Kid wrapped up the body, then hoisted it into the wagon with a rope. That job done, she stopped, rested and took a long drink of water. Her vision was blurred. Sometimes she saw double and felt dizzy.
There was one task remaining, though. The Kid laboriously moved the rocks that she’d used to cover the grave of the Hodgekiss family, unearthing their remains. She gently placed each body in the wagon, then covered them with the tarp.
Waking the half-mile back to the water hole to fetch the horse she’d borrowed, The Kid rode it back to the massacre site, where she watered Kingsley’s horses, then tied the reins from her riding horse to the back of the wagon. Taking the reins, she set off, heading back to Oak Creek.
Now that her adrenaline rush had worn down, The Kid just tried to stay awake and hold steady. Having done what needed to be done, she focused on getting back to Oak Creek alive. She stopped only to rest, water and feed the horses. Occasionally she tried to eat, but couldn’t keep any food down.
It was a long four day ride before The Kid came down the main street of Oak Creek. She stopped in front of the sheriff’s office, climbed down from the wagon and stumbled inside.
The sheriff and deputy were having coffee when she came in. They both stared at The Kid, who stood swaying in the doorway, covered in dust and dried blood.
“Um, howdy, Kid,” Sheriff Milligan said. “Are you all right? You look ‘bout half dead.”
Deputy Ritter shook his head. “I’ve had to bury some folks that looked more alive than you do now, Kid.” He poured a cup of coffee and handed it to The Kid, who fell into an empty chair and stretched her long legs out.
“Much obliged,” The Kid said. Taking a sip, she added, “This is mighty fine coffee. I’ve had trouble keepin’ anything down for long, though.” Then the mug dropped with a thud, splashing hot liquid — followed by The Kid, whose body hit the floor like a sack of potatoes.
“Hell fire,” she mumbled, drifting into unconsciousness.
When The Tequila Kid drifted awake, she lay still for awhile before allowing her eyes to open. She sensed somehow that the light would hurt. She was lying somewhere soft and warm. Feels more like a bed than a coffin, she decided, so I ain’t necessarily dead.
Bracing herself, she opened her eyes. It was hard to focus them at first. Then the soft edges on everything grew sharper. She was in a room that looked like Clementine’s. So I’m back in town. Be damned if I can recall how I got here, though. The Kid looked around a little, careful not to move any more than she had to. Her head felt like someone had hit it with a sledgehammer.
Slowly glancing to her left, she spied Mimi, sitting by the window and doing needlepoint. With the sunlight spilling over her, Mimi seemed more angel than girl — though right then, The Kid was much happier to be seeing the girl.
Mimi raised her eyes toward the bed — then gasped, dropping her needlework. “Ma!” she yelled, making The Kid’s head ache even more than it already did.
Leaping to her feet, Mimi ran to the bedroom door and swung it open with a bang, still hollering at the top of her lungs, “Ma, she’s awake! Ma, hurry, hurry — The Kid’s come to!” She was standing in the doorway and hopping up and down, beside herself with glee.
Sweeping into the room, Clementine seized The Kid’s hand, brought it to her face and kissed it, standing by the bed with tears in her eyes.
“Dear God… oh thank goodness you’re back, Kid!” the older woman exclaimed. “We thought you might die on us. You’ve been unconscious for three whole days.”
Wondering if her voice still worked, The Kid managed to say, “Well… I’m glad ya didn’t have to bury me just yet.”
Clementine laughed, then started to cry. Turning to her daughter, she said, “Mimi, go tell your sisters that The Kid’s awake. Then have Susie tell one of the hands to ride in to town and fetch the doctor.”
Mimi returned shortly, with Arabella close behind. Before Clementine could stop her, the child hurled herself onto The Kid — who winced with pain, but took the sobbing little girl into her arms. “Don’t you cry, Button,” she crooned, patting Arabella’s back. “I’ll be all right now.”
“That’s enough, Arabella,” Clementine gently scolded, disentangling the sniffling girl from The Kid, setting her back on her feet. “We have to let her rest now.”
“Oh, Kid, I was so scared!” Arabella whimpered, letting Mimi hug her. “When they brought you here, you looked…” She shuddered, unable to say more.
“Now hush, child,” Clementine said. “She doesn’t need to hear about that right now. Here, Kid.” She poured some water into a glass, then held it to the lips of The Kid, who took a few careful swallows. “How do you feel?”
“Well, my head hurts somethin’ fierce. Truth be told, all of me does. How’d I get here?”
“You rode into town, went into the sheriff’s office — looking as if you’d gone twelve rounds with a mountain lion, he said — then passed out. Doctor Stone kept you for a day and night, then we moved you here. He didn’t know if you’d ever wake from it or not.” Clementine began to cry again, but through her tears she said, “You must try to eat something, Kid. Mimi, go heat up the chicken broth, then bring some up here.”
The Kid managed to eat some broth and keep it down. The girls — including Susie, who had just put in an appearance — were filled with questions, but Clementine shooed them out. Then she left as well, giving The Kid the chance to rest until the doctor got there.
“No doubt about it, Kid,” Doc Stone said while he examined her wounded scalp, “you’re lucky to be alive. If that bullet had hit just a fraction of an inch lower, they’d be nailin’ you into a pine box. As it is, you lost a lot of blood, and got a nasty concussion to boot. But you take plenty of bed rest for a week or thereabouts, and I think you’ll be fit as a fiddle.” He began to put his instruments away. “I did have a heck of a time gettin’ that bandana off the wound. All that dried blood. You should’ve just let it alone. Damn foolish you were.”
The Kid’s eyes twinkled as she said, “Well, I reckon I’ll heal up, despite gettin’ doctored by you, Stone.”
With a snort of laughter, the doctor said, “Yep, I think you’ll be fine.” Turning to Clementine, he added, “I’ll stop back tomorrow, then check in every couple days. Keep her scalp away from water. Them stitches need to stay in a week or so. I’ll take ‘em out next Thursday.” He glanced back at the patient, shaking his head. “If you know where The Kid’s guns are, I suggest you bury ‘em somewheres. Keep her out of trouble for a couple days.”
“You still here, Stone?” The Kid called out. “Ain’t there someone else you can go drive into a early grave?”
Grinning, the doctor tipped his hat. “Ladies, I bid you a lovely afternoon. You too, Kid.” He picked up his black satchel.
“I’ll see you out, Hiram,” Clementine said, following him from the room.
Only Arabella remained. Drawing close to the bed, she said, “You rest now. Rest and get better.” She took The Kid’s hand, brought it to her lips for a kiss, then smiled. “We’ve all took good care of you, Kid. Newt and Ernie carried you in the house. Aunt Clem cleaned you up, then she put you in her nightgown and in her bed. The doctor stitched up your head — it took twelve stitches, too! After that, we watched over you. We took turns, waitin’ for you to come back to us.”
The Kid gave Arabella’s hand a gentle squeeze. “You done real good, Button,” she said. “Nobody ever cared for me better.”
Arabella pressed her lips against The Kid’s hand, then tenderly laid it down. “I love you so much, Kid. You sleep now. If you need anything, ring this little bell here on the nightstand. I’m gonna make sure you get well.” It did The Kid’s heart a world of good, the sight of Arabella’s smiling face.
Then the girl added, “Oh, I forgot to tell you… after things calm down some, Aunt Clem — I mean Momma, is takin’ me to the judge. She’s adoptin’ me legal, Kid. I’m gonna be her daughter!”
The Kid gave a blissful sigh, letting herself relax. I kept my promise, she thought. I protected Button from the sons of bitches that killed her folks. Now she has a real home and a family. Her eyelids grew heavy and drifted shut. She slept peacefully.
In the days that followed, The Kid longed to be up and about, but forced herself to heed Doc Stone’s advice and take as much rest as she could. Soon enough, she began to feel better, stronger. Her appetite had returned, and Clementine kept her well fed. The pain in her head gradually eased, and was finally gone.
A little more than a week later, the doctor took off her bandages and removed the stitches. “I’d take it easy for another week or two.” he told her, examining the wound closely.
“Aw, Doc, I’m gettin’ plumb stir crazy, stuck in this here bed,” The Kid protested. “I need to be up and doin’ things.”
“What you need is rest!” Doc Stone exclaimed, then rolled his eyes. “I declare, if you’d been shot point blank in the head, that bullet would’ve just bounced off. Your skull must be thicker’n a grizzly bear’s.” He gave a weary laugh. “Kid, I bet you’ve been told many’s the time how damn hard-headed you are… well, this little scrape you got proves it.”
That made The Kid grin. “Sorry, Doc. Guess I ain’t the easiest to take care of.”
“Worst patient I ever had,” the doctor said, but with a hint of a smile. Picking up his satchel, he turned and pointed at The Kid as he left the room. “You rest now, young lady. I mean it. I’ll be back in a couple days, then we’ll see if you’re ready to leave that bed.”
The next day, The Kid got dressed and came downstairs. Clementine ordered her back to bed, and The Kid didn’t put up much of a fight — she was already feeling dizzy.
The next day she felt stronger, but stayed in bed. When Clementine brought in a breakfast tray, she gave The Kid a hand mirror. “Now you’ve healed up some, you probably want to take a look at yourself.”
“I look a sight, don’t I.” The Kid said, clucking her tongue. The doctor had needed to shave the side of her head where the wound was. Though healing nicely, there would be an ugly scar.
“You’re still beautiful as ever, Kid,” Clementine said. “That hair will grow back fast enough, and it’ll cover up the scar. Though I think you might have to part it the other way now.” She took the mirror back. “All right now, you get some rest.” With a pat on the shoulder, Clementine left The Kid and went downstairs.
Later that afternoon, Sheriff Milligan pulled up in a buggy, a woman seated next to him.
They were at the front door as Clementine opened it. “Hello, Sheriff Milligan,” Clem said, then added a soft “Hello,” for the woman, wondering who she might be.
“Howdy, Mrs. DuMount,” Sheriff Milligan said. “I had to come out here to speak with The Kid. This is Miss Polly Nevers. She’s a friend of The Kid’s, and wanted to say hello to her if you don’t mind.”
Clementine offered her hand to the woman. Polly held out her gloved hand, and as the two women shook, she said, “First off, let me say that I run a disorderly house in town. So I do understand if you’d rather I… I didn’t enter your home, Mrs. DuMount.”
“Nonsense,” Clementine said. “Any friend of The Kid is welcome in my house. Come on, both of you.”
Polly’s heart swelled with gratitude as she stepped inside saying, “Thank you.” It was always a relief to meet a person of good standing who didn’t look down their nose at a woman like her. She felt something else in Clementine, too. Something in her gaze that seemed oddly familiar to Polly. A thing she’d seen before in The Kid’s eyes… but what was it?
Clementine showed Sheriff Milligan and Polly upstairs. “The sheriff should speak with her first,” Polly said. “He’s here on official business.”
“If you like,” Clementine said with a smile, admiring Miss Nevers’ beauty. I can see why a man would spend good money to lie with her, she thought.
Clem entered the bedroom. “You have a visitor, Kid,” she said, then brought the sheriff in.
Drawing close to the bed, Milligan nodded. “Howdy, Kid. You look a lot better since the last time I saw you, I’ll sure say that. How you feel?”
“Hey, Sheriff. I’m doin’ all right, I reckon.”
“I need to fill out a report about what happened with Ramses Kingsley,” Milligan said, getting straight to the point of his visit. “I sent the Rangers a telegram. I’ll write out that report and bring it back here. I’ll read it to you, then add or take out whatever you want. Then you make your mark on it, and I’ll mail it to the Rangers for you.”
“Much obliged, Sheriff.”
“What happened out there, Kid? Self defense, I figure.”
“That’s right. I wanted to bring him back. He had different ideas.”
“The doc says you’re lucky to be alive. Why didn’t you have me come along with you?”
The Kid smiled. “It’s out of your jurisdiction.”
Milligan sighed and fingered his mustache, then finally said, “There’s someone come with me to see you.” Looking out into the hallway, he added, “I’ll have some coffee with Mrs DuMount while you chat. Don’t be too long, now… I’ve got to get back to town.”
As the sheriff walked out, Polly swept in, closing the door behind her, scowling as she took a good long look at her friend and lover. “God damn it, Tequila! You look awful. I told you not to mess with that Kingsley. Why don’t you ever listen to me, you obstinate little so and so? If you weren’t so bad off, I’d put you over my knee and wallop your ass good.”
“Nice to see you too, Miss Polly,” The Kid said with a wry smile. “You oughta be a nurse, with that sweet bedside manner ya got.”
Moving over to the bed, Polly bent down and kissed The Kid long and hard on the mouth, then glared at her. “Damn it, how can I stay mad at you? When you come back to town, I thought we’d lost you for sure. You almost died.” She seated herself on the bed, taking The Kid’s hand.
“Sorry I scared you, Polly,” The Kid said, feeling somewhat abashed. “Tell you what, I’m right glad that I got the chance to live instead.”
Glancing around the room, Polly said, “I suppose you’re lovin’ it here, Kid. A beautiful woman and three cute girls, tendin’ to your every need.”
“Well, I reckon there’s one need I got that you could take care of better than anyone, Polly.”
Arching an eyebrow, Polly said, “Oh? Sure you wouldn’t rather have that cute girl you found in the desert tend to it instead?”
“Well, she certainly knows how to… the thing is, you’re here now. I bet it would be fun to have her join us, though. You’d like that, wouldn’t you, Polly?”
“Never you mind what I’d like,” the madam replied, as she went over to lock the bedroom door. “I think I need to put some color in your cheeks, young lady.”
“Ya gonna kiss my head better?” The Kid asked.
Polly had always cherished The Kid’s smile. The little dimples that showed always made her seem more like a child than a young woman.
“I think it may do you more good if I kiss further down,” Polly said, a wicked smile on her lips.
“Well, now,” The Kid said as Polly drew the bed covers down, then gave her a long kiss that quickly grew passionate. The two women took turns sucking playfully at each other’s tongues.
“Raise your hips,” Polly said, then tugged the nightgown The Kid wore up to her chin, baring her breasts. Polly bent to lick and kiss the younger woman’s hard nipples, then nuzzled a path downward until her head was between The Kid’s legs.
Reaching out, Polly traced a finger through the juicy slit of her lover. “I never knew how beautiful a woman’s cunt could be… not until I first got a look at yours, Kid.” She brought the finger to her mouth and sucked it. “Like a flower in God’s garden… I swear, just lookin’ at it makes me feel hot and crazy inside.” She drew closer. “Mind you, I intend to do a lot more than just look.”
She began to lick, her lips and tongue working their magic. Soon The Kid’s cunt spilled love honey into Polly’s eager mouth, as the young woman exploded in an intense orgasm that left her breathless.
“Still sweet as ever,” Polly cooed. She stood, poured some water into the wash basin and cleaned her face, then washed The Kid’s privates before pulling her nightgown back down and the covers back up.
Opening her handbag, she fixed her makeup, pausing to appraise herself in the vanity mirror, then came back to the bed. “You rest now, Kid. I’ll see you again soon.”
The Kid was struck speechless, and Polly seemed to understand, giving her a brief but tender goodbye kiss and a wink before she went downstairs.
Clementine and Sheriff Milligan were seated in the parlor, drinking coffee. When he saw Polly descend the stairs, the sheriff placed his cup in its saucer, reaching for his hat. “I’ll go pull the buggy around,” he said. “Just be a few minutes.”
As he went out the door, Clementine said, “Would you care for coffee, Miss Nevers?”
Polly said, “No, thanks, Mrs. DuMount. I do appreciate the kindness you’ve shown, allowing me to visit with The Kid.”
Reaching out to take Polly’s hand, Clem said, “Please, Miss Nevers, feel free to drop by again soon.” She gazed deep into Polly’s eyes, adding, “You are most welcome here. And please, call me Clementine.”
The madam quietly responded, “I’m Polly.”
The two women held hands for a moment, a common truth passing between them. Then the buggy pulled up, breaking the spell. “Nice to meet you, Clementine,” Polly said, then turned to go.
Standing in the entrance, Clem saw the buggy set off, then watched Polly dwindle in the distance. With a thoughtful nod, she wandered into the kitchen, where her eldest daughter was peeling potatoes for the evening meal.
“Mimi,” Clementine said, “Why don’t you let me finish that, while you go check on The Kid. See if she wants anything. Keep her company for awhile, if she feels like it.”
“Sure, Ma!” Mimi exclaimed, grinning with delight. Untying her apron, she hung it on a peg, then went bounding up the stairs.
The Kid was just drifting into sleep when she heard a soft tap on the door. Rousing herself, she said, “Come in.”
Mimi entered, a shy smile on her lips. “Can I get you anything, Kid? Would you like me to visit with you for a little bit?”
“Sure,” The Kid said. “Come on in and catch me up on what’s been going on.”
Seating herself, Mimi filled The Kid in on the day-to-day routine around the house. Suddenly falling silent, she got up, went over to the door and closed it, then turned the lock. The Kid felt a sudden twinge of erotic anticipation.
Returning to the bed, Mimi perched on the edge, tugging the dress she wore up far enough to bare her knees. Gazing warmly at The Kid, she said, “I’m fourteen, you know.” The Kid nodded — wondering where Mimi was going with this, suspecting that she knew only too well.
“The thing is,” Mimi continued, “I know how to pleasure another girl. Or woman.” The girl’s cheeks were flushed now.
The Kid lay still, looking at Mimi. Dang, she thought, Could this be going where I think it is?
“What I guess I’m getting at, Kid, is maybe you need some…” The rest of Mimi’s words tumbled out of her mouth so fast The Kid wasn’t sure if she heard them right. “I think maybe you ought to be pleasured, so you can rest better.”
The Kid’s heart was thumping wildly, but she managed to keep herself sounding calm, saying, “That sounds real good, Mimi.”
“Good.” Mimi said. “Now you just lay there and relax and I’ll do it all.” Leaning in, she gave The Kid a long, hungry kiss, then broke away, looking pleased with herself.
“Close your eyes, Kid. I’ll need to see your privates so I can give you pleasure. No matter what, just keep your eyes shut and enjoy this.”
The Kid felt the covers being stripped away and her nightgown pulled up. Then Mimi’s hands were on her thighs, spreading them apart. She sighed blissfully as the girl’s tongue began to lick her slit up and down, up and down. Then The Kid felt her clit being licked, kissed and gently nibbled.
Unable to help herself, The Kid raised her head slightly, opening her eyes just enough to see the top of Mimi’s head between her legs. Where’d she get the notion to do this to me? The Kid wondered. I guess it don’t really matter, it feels so good.
Feeling the rising storm beneath her belly, The Kid whispered, “Oh, Mimi. I think I’m g-gonna come,” then gasped as the girl intensified her efforts, slowly easing a finger into The Kid’s love hole while sucking at her clitoris.
Reaching down, The Kid held Mimi’s head with trembling hands, moaning in ecstasy as she climaxed for the second time that afternoon.
As The Kid caught her breath, Mimi went to the basin and washed her face. She dampened a washcloth, using it to clean The Kid’s vulva, then tenderly kissed her. “I think you’ll rest better now,” Mimi whispered.
With a weary smile, The Kid, “Think I will, too. Thank you, Mimi. Thanks very much.” Propping herself up on an elbow, she added, “Soon as I’m up and able to move around, I’m gonna do that to you, pretty girl.” She gave Mimi a wink, then laid back down.
Mimi giggled, then left the room, closing the door behind her. The Kid soon dozed off.
Later that afternoon, The Kid awakened. The room felt stuffy, so she got up to open a window. It struck her that she was feeling much better. I need to get out of this nightgown, though — it’s startin’ to smell.
Taking a clean nightgown from the chiffarobe, The Kid picked up her moccasins and descended the stairs, only to find Clementine standing at the bottom, arms folded. “And where do you think you’re going, young lady?”
“Just wanted to take me a bath and put on this clean nightie,” The Kid replied.
Clem thought for a moment, then nodded, “Doc Stone did say that now that the stitches are out, you can wash your hair.” Glancing into the kitchen, she called, “Susie?” An instant later, Clementine’s youngest daughter appeared. “Go with The Kid and help out with her bath. You carry the water for her, now — she’s to take it easy.”
“Yes, Ma!” a grinning Susie said. She raced out the front door, then looked back inside. “C’mon, Kid, let’s go!” She vanished again.
By the time The Kid made it to the wash house, Susie was there heating water on the stove, fetching more from the well. As the water grew hot, the young girl gradually filled the tub. “It’s ready now, Kid,” Susie finally said. “Go ahead and get in.”
Reaching down for the hem of the nightie she wore, The Kid slowly pulled it up and off while little Susie watched, wide eyed with excitement. The Kid carelessly let the nightgown fall to the floor as she padded over to the tub, climbed in and seated herself in the steaming water.
“Ma said I was to help you, Kid,” Susie said, “so let me get you clean.” She held a bath flannel in her hands.
Susie washed The Kid’s back first, but the look on the child’s face made it clear that she longed to scrub much more than that. “Ain’t you gonna do the rest of me?” The Kid asked. “I need a bath all over.”
“S-sure, Kid!” Susie stammered, unable to believe her good luck. “Um, turn around.” The Kid obliged, and then the girl was soaping her bare breasts.
It was a lovely experience, allowing this sweet young thing to lather, clean and rinse every part of her body. Susie seemed to enjoy it just as much.
Finally, The Kid emerged from the tub. Taking a towel from Susie, she quickly dried herself. As she did, the younger girl looked around outside, then closed the door to the wash house.
“Sure does feel good to have clean hair at last.” The Kid said. Sitting on the long wooden bench, she picked up the fresh nightgown and was about to pull it over her head — then Susie spoke up.
“Wait, Kid,” the child said. “Just sit there. Close your eyes and open your legs for me. I’m gonna give you a nice surprise.”
The Kid shut her eyes. She felt warm hands on her inner thighs, then Susie began to lick her pussy. Peeking down, The Kid took in the view of the pretty little girl, now down on her knees and giving pleasure to a woman. My, that’s a fine sight, she thought.
The Kid closed her eyes again, loving what little Susie was doing with her mouth and tongue. It was similar to how Mimi did it, but different, too. Something about the eagerness that Susie brought to the task, though, made The Kid decide that it was the best licking she’d had in awhile.
The Kid was nearing her third climax of the day. Putting both hands on Susie’s head, she pushed her hot wet sex harder against the child’s mouth. Susie didn’t slow down, just kept licking until The Kid had an explosive come that left her panting for breath.
Susie just knelt there, staring at The Kid’s wet cunt. Finally she stood, fetched a washcloth and wiped the fluids from the young woman’s pussy — what she hadn’t already cleaned up with her tongue, anyhow.
The Kid put on the nightgown and moccasins while Susie washed her face, then they walked back to the house together, hand in hand. The Kid went back up to bed. Weary from her exertions, she dozed off right away.
When she awakened, it was early evening, and Clementine was there with a tray of food.
“Now, Clem,” The Kid said, “You and the girls are gonna spoil me to death.”
“You need loving care for a little more yet,” Clementine said, a twinkle in her eye. “So just enjoy it while you can, young lady.” Patting The Kid on the arm, she murmured, “Go on, tuck in while it’s still warm.”
After The Kid was done eating, Clementine asked, “Would you care for dessert? It’s chocolate cake.”
“No, thank you,” The Kid answered, patting her belly. “I’m ‘bout to bust, I think.”
Clementine got up and went over to lock the bedroom door. Returning to the bed, she leaned over, kissing The Kid full on the mouth. They kissed again, with lips parted and tongues going back and forth.
Without a word, Clementine pulled back the bed covers and put her hands on the nightgown The Kid wore. As she slowly tugged the gown up The Kid’s lean, muscular legs, Clem said, “You just relax now, young lady. I’m going to give you a come. Bet you could really use one.”
Clementine didn’t mind having The Kid watch her. In fact, the older woman loved the idea of this nineteen-year-old girl looking on as she licked her pussy. Does it get her extra excited, Clem wondered, knowing that I do this to my daughters, too?
Clementine went down on The Kid with an abandon that soon had her on the verge of orgasm. It felt like a combination of the way Susie and Mimi licked. Them girls sure learned from their Ma, The Kid thought.
She felt a finger tip enter her anus, then another slipped into her pussy. All the while, her clit was being stroked and teased by a tongue that knew what it was doing.
Suddenly, everything got hot and crazy. The Kid seized a pillow, pressing it to her face to muffle her screams of pleasure as she came.
Once her body had ceased to thrash around and The Kid lay still, Clementine kissed her. “If you’re like me,” Clem said, “You must enjoy the taste of your pussy on the lips of a lover.”
“I sure do,” The Kid said.
“And I do love sharing these same pleasures with my daughters. But we’ll talk about that again some other time. Right now, Kid, I want you to get some rest.” With one last kiss, Clementine picked up the tray and left the room.
The Tequila Kid lay quietly, thinking about what Clementine had just said. And I do love sharing these same pleasures with my daughters. But we’ll talk about that again some other time.
The Kid pondered those words. Does that mean she wants to do this with me again? I sure hope so. Maybe she’ll tell me more about her daughters, the things they do together. Has she got Button doing those things with her and the girls? She sure seems happy here, now more than ever.
Then she had another thought, one that made her shiver with excitement. Maybe Clem wants me to join them all in bed. Lord God almighty, wouldn’t that be a dream come true? Wouldn’t it just? As she turned the idea over in her mind, The Kid somehow drifted into a deep sleep.
The Kid awakened abruptly, sensing a presence nearby. It seemed late. Sure enough, she heard the clock downstairs strike three. Then there was another sound, the gentle closing of her door. “Who’s there?” she called out.
“Shhhhh, Kid. It’s me — Arabella.”
“Oh. Everything okay, Button? Are you ill? Is there any trouble?”
“I couldn’t sleep, Kid. I have to do somethin’ so bad, I can’t stand it.”
“What’s that?” The Kid asked. Am I still asleep and dreamin’ this? she wondered.
Arabella didn’t answer. Instead, she lit the oil lamp on the table and turned it low. In the dim golden glow of the light Arabella put her index finger to her lips and again went, “Shhhhh.”
Reaching down, Arabella grabbed the hem of her nightgown and stood up straight, pulling the garment up and over her head. She tossed it aside and spread her legs, using both hands to open her cunt, spreading the tiny bare labia apart and revealing the pink wetness inside to The Kid.
Then the young girl approached the bed, whispering, “I just gotta lick you down there, Kid. I can’t stop thinkin’ of it and I — I just gotta. You don’t have to do nothin’ at all.” Arabella added with a naughty giggle, “Nothing except come in my mouth, that is.”
The Kid pushed down the bed covers, pulled up her nightie and spread her legs wide, eager to give Arabella what she wanted. The child was in no hurry, though — she began to gently play with her own slit while using the other hand to explore The Kid’s moist labia.
The Kid enjoyed the soft touch of Arabella’s fingers, feeling herself growing increasingly wet as she watched her ten-year-old lover masturbate.
“This ain’t no dream, is it?” The Kid whispered.
Arabella bent forward and gave The Kid a passionate kiss, plunging her tongue into the young woman’s mouth. Breaking away with a smacking sound, she said, “Nope, it’s for real.”
She climbed up on the bed, turning around to present her taut round bottom to The Kid. Arabella was on her hands and knees and The Kid loved everything she saw in the soft light.
“I’m gonna lick you.” Arabella said simply. “If you want to poke any of my holes while I do that, you can.”
Arabella began to lick The Kid’s slick, hot pussy, exploring every bit of it with her tongue. When she got to the clit, the girl teased it ever so gently, coaxing the tiny organ out from under its hood, then sucking at it.
Reaching out, The Kid squeezed the lovely globes of Arabella’s buttocks, then used her fingers to lightly stroke the ten-year-old’s tight, puckered anus and vulva. She teased Arabella’s rosebud, loving how the girl reacted to it — pushing back against her finger, moaning with pleasure into her cunt.
Moving slowly and carefully, The Kid eased a finger into Arabella’s vagina. The child responded right away, pushing back against the probing finger, trying to take it even deeper.
Arabella could feel her pussy getting steadily wetter as The Kid fucked her. It felt so good that she hungered for more, so she slipped a hand between her thighs, brushing her own clit with a finger tip, still concentrating on pleasuring The Kid’s clit with her mouth.
They reached orgasm simultaneously, giving their release an intensity that neither had expected a moment earlier. After the last waves of pleasure had passed, the two lovers lay limp and spent. Arabella managed to turn herself around and crawl into The Kid’s arms, and they nestled together for awhile.
The Kid was nearly dozing when Arabella crawled out of her embrace, bringing the young woman back to the there and then.
“I gotta go back to bed now,” Arabella said. Giving The Kid a brief goodnight kiss, she wriggled into her nightgown, then blew the lamp out.
“Wait, Arabella.” The Kid said. “Don’t go. Come and lay under the covers with me. Please?”
Arabella was caught off guard by the request. “You sure, Kid?” she asked as she came slowly back to the bed.
“I’ve missed seein’ you fall asleep. I’ve missed havin’ you near me at night. I just want to wake up next to you one more time,” The Kid said, a hint of sadness in her voice.
Arabella smiled. Taking her nightie off again, the naked child slipped under the covers, kissed The Kid’s cheek and said, “Sleep well now, my angel of love.” Snuggling close, Arabella rested her head on The Kid’s shoulder, soon falling sound asleep.
The Kid watched Arabella slumber. As she studied the child’s face, she thought to herself, How lucky I am to have known someone so precious. Lord knows, I can’t bear to leave her. But I can’t take her with me, neither.
Ride along to Chapter Thirteen!