by JetBoy
(This is a slightly-rewritten version of a blog post I did several years ago… but as it’s still very much relevant today, I’m electing to run it again. It’s not at all erotic, but very heartfelt, and it only runs for a few paragraphs, so please indulge us and read the thing.)
I’d like to bring up a subject that is very near and dear to us folks who run Juicy Secrets: your comments and feedback, and how crucially important it is to us — and this site.
First, a few words about what goes into making Juicy Secrets what it is.
Without even asking, I can speak for all of us in saying that the running of this site is a genuine labor of love. Read our first-year anniversary blog post to get an inkling of the satisfaction and outright joy we’ve derived from planning Juicy Secrets, bringing it to life and watching it grow.
But when you click onto our link and navigate around the site, exploring its nooks and crannies, what you’re seeing is the result of work. A lot of work. Adding new posts and stories (which often includes considerable reformatting from the original source), hunting for thrilling images to accompany them, making necessary changes to the site pages to present and catalogue these posts, editing and proofreading work for our guest authors, penning notes and comments for each other’s writing, composing critiques, both positive and critical, for submitted stories (even the ones that don’t make the cut), trawling through the internet’s vast repository of lesbian fiction for stories to add to our archive, etc.
Not to mention writing our own stories, which requires a heaping helping of time in itself.
Needless to say, we don’t make a cent doing this. Actually, it’s not even possible to make a living by offering the kind of fiction that we do. I’d estimate that ninety-eight percent of our content consists of stories that no publisher (actual or virtual) would touch with a ten-foot pole — and the lion’s share of them wouldn’t be accepted by any of the big erotica sites, either.
Which brings us to the million-dollar question: why do we do this? Well, there’s the pride we feel at having created Juicy Secrets, and the security of having a safe space for our work. But there’s also the enormous pleasure of having that work noticed and acknowledged, particularly in the words of praise and the thoughtful comments that some of you are kind enough to leave after you read.
It’s hard to describe just how good it feels, that giddy surge of delight that we experience when a reader compliments our writing. It’s a friendly pat on the back, an assuring smile, a hug of encouragement that tells us our work has value — and all the time, effort and yes, occasional frustration that went into it was worthwhile. The warm regard of an audience is a better high than any drug, no question.
On the other hand, it’s a major downer to pay a visit to a recently posted story, one that you put your heart and soul into, and find no more than a single comment, or nothing at all. I’ve known authors of erotic stories — good erotic stories — who’ve simply abandoned their craft in defeat, convinced that barely anyone gives a damn about their work.
Don’t misunderstand, dear readers — your Boy Author is not throwing a woe-unto-us pity party here. My cohorts and I derive a great deal of satisfaction from doing what we do. But your comments add so much to that satisfaction that I’m willing to put aside my pride — indeed, even my dignity! — to plead with you good people: spare a thought for us when you especially enjoy reading a Juicy Secrets story, and leave a comment.
It’s not just the praise that sustains us, mind you… we also appreciate criticism, when you feel it’s warranted, and it’s always helpful when you let us know about mistakes you catch in our work. We’re always striving to do our work a little better, and your careful scrutiny makes that possible.
It should be added here that, much as we crave your praise, it’s even more important that you leave comments for our guest authors. Doing so will increase the likelihood that they’ll continue to write — a winning situation for both Juicy Secrets and its readers!
One final point: we are not — emphatically not — asking anyone to offer praise for our work if we haven’t earned it. As the great comedian Flip Wilson once said, “If you didn’t intend to applaud, don’t applaud. Keep your damn hands to yourself!” On the other hand, if the story moved your soul, got you feeling warm and tingly all over, or spurred you into a “happy ending” of your own… why not take sixty seconds out of your life to tell us so? Thirty seconds, even. Hell, you can type “Great story!” in less than ten. And it honestly does mean the world to us.
Thanks for indulging my shameless pandering, and for being a part of this site’s extended family. (You must be, if you’ve read this far.) May the road always rise with you.
Love always, JetBoy
I have been on this site for a couple of years i think now. I rarely comment but I will start. So much amazing content. Really appreciate how much work the team puts in. Thank You!
Enjoy the site after I found it looking for Adult Erotic Stories. Like reading all different writers but get board reading all the mainstream authors so I look for out of normal writers. I thank all writers who can bot words on paper to form good stories. All here keep writing.
best erotica site by far! great authors and content. Kudos to all contributors!
I don’t always comment after a story I really like because my fingers are all gooey and my brain won’t work. I do try to remember to say something nice a little later. Not all stories always take me away, and I’d rather say nothing at those times than hurt a writers feelings.
I will try harder to leave a comment in future though. Because I really do LOVE this site and the stories that have the subject matter I love. Plus I know how hard you all work and I am very thankful for that.
JC the most important and the best site.
I know I should comment more than I do, even just to say “great story”, as you said. I will try to do so from now on (if you make free with the chapters of Ripples please? JK, I know you have a lot on your plate :P)
I appreciate what all the authors and the admins do for us. This site is wonderful. I like to leave comments to stories that really blow me away. I have an ulterior motive as well. I hope that when people see my comments they’ll reach out to me and we can enjoy an erotic online relationship. There have been many over the years and they fuel even more of my fantasies.
Thank you all for the great work you do here.
I would love to chat with you, if you are interested. 🙂
Love online chat, please include subject. [email protected]
Hi Alicia! I’d be happy to email with you!
I can’t even express how much I love this site. I appreciate the hard work of the authors and admins.
Truly, I feel a little bad, because I do not comment nearly as much as I should. The stories have always been wonderful in how stimulating and erotic and passionate they are. I look forward to new stories. I also go back to older posts to relive the feelings I had before.
Hope the site never goes away. And thank you once again for running it.
I’ll make it a point to give feedback.
I do enjoy JetBoy’s writing, often describes underage lesbian ass play. Usually it’s the mom, but the daughters anal curiosity would be awesome too. My favorite.
There is some commentary 🙂
Whenever I turn on my PC to begin the day, I click first on the Juicy Secrets icon to check on whether a new story has been posted. If so, I read and usually enjoy it. I sincerely apologize for not expressing my thanks to you and the ladies for creating the site and maintaining it from day to day, week to week, year to year. The stories told are lovely to read, for the most part, and serve to brighten and enlighten my day. Keep writing. I’ll keep reading, with fond regards and continuing benevolence.
Well I sure want to give a heartfelt thanks for the site, and all its’ maintainers and authors. I have loved this site and its stories since the beginning.. I even commented at least once on a forum Q in 2015.. but under a forgotten different nickname. I must say my lack of regular responding is my own issue I guess. I sometimes just either get lazy (I’m typing on a phone) or sometimes feel not qualified. Because even with passionate erotica I analyze and feel too strongly too much on these. Even this is going to be too long of a response.
Let me put some context.
I am a MtF transgender woman. But in life found me enjoying self pleasure since way little but not in the normal M way. And thanks to bad social anxieties, being alone, and parents that did not explain anything.. I knew _nothing_ on what “sex” _really_ was…I can even say into early 20’s. But i enjoyed this pleasure and only 40 years later from that early time..I found out why I did it this way (trans). So a lot of the more in depth stories especially involving youthful relationships really hit home. WIth the aspect that I started early but stalled socially (no boy-girlfriends and such) some of these kind of bring a wistful “what if” sort of thing. Especially when dealing with coming-of-age discovery and romance. Things I totally missed out on in my youth. A deeper meaning than just a “wanking” material thing. I’ve marveled at the in depth “world” and in-story relationship building many authors have done. Like Ebo for the Chronicles world… like Nuit du Loup (1 story archived here…really wish he continued writing more since what’s on asstr) and his various magic/fantasies. Purple Les’ western world. You Jetboy, Naughty Mommy, and Cheryl have all written awesomely with a full blown published novel level is many many times better than any common posted erotica. I’ve gone thru old Kirsten archives recently and it’s night and day for the differences.
Nowadays, my life has shifted. I worked in admin for 32 years. Now though…I drive a truck. OTR driving 10-11 hrs a day thru the country. A lot of drivers listen to audiobooks while rolling. Well.. I feed JS stories thru a voice reader/player to listen audibly as I drive. Or like Nuit’s stories which read out from 45 min to an hour per section. Yeah some can get me going so I’m ready to “take care of things” after I stop driving ^_^. The only bad part is the reader doesn’t handle noise effects well. An “uuuugh” moan comes out as “you-you-you-you-gee-etch” in monotone which is rather funny. But it’s a way to pass the miles. But it also got me thinking. And maybe writing. Recently I did about 10 hrs of story development recording audio as I drove outlining something I was thinking of writing myself. Near as I can tell, it currently has maybe approximately 3 chapters in it initially. Based on a story I’ve had in my head for decades..some dream sourced even. So I’ve kind of elaborated on it and made it bigger. If continued though I’d be adding beyond both my original plot and also self expertise other than descriptive ways seen here and by other authors. I’m getting my computer going again first though… no way am I fighting typing it on a cellphone or iPad. So we’ll see sometime. Lord knows nowdays when I’m stopped I have a lot of time to sit around.
Anyways…knew this would be long. But know you and this site are definitely appreciated.
I am proud to say that the last time this suggestion was posted I gave a great deal more reviews to posted stories. Firstly because it’s fair and secondly because I have a Ff story of my own (at another website) and loved it when I got reviews. Damnit I should write another story. I keep getting distracted though. Good work to all the authors that are here and if you keep wrting em I’ll keep reading em.
Well share please, or at very least link to the other website/story.
Of course, a couple of things I should point out, firstly it’s a fanfic not a wholly original story a lot of the authors here come up with and the outline of the story is heavily based off of a couple episodes of the ‘Clone Wars’ animated TV series, also I assure you that I am ‘Revelnit’ the author.
Sad to say, I’m guilty of not showing enough gratitude to you three exceptionally gifted story tellers. But, rest assured, there IS tons of respect. I’ve been reading your stories for many years…Back on the old lesbian Lolita site when you wrote under a different name. Absolutely fantastic…every single one of them. Oh how I wish I had the talent of you three. But, I don’t. I’ve tried to turn the fantasies in my head into stories, to no avail. And, I still remember finding NM’s “lost girl” story years ago…it blew my mind. I was absolutely convinced she was a professional writer, it was just that good (how is this for a compliment…I actually imagined that perhaps, just perhaps…she took a break from writing about the adventures of a group of youngsters at a secret school for young sorcerers to pen her tremendous stories. No, not really…just that quality wise, such a thought wouldn’t be out of the realm of possibility. THAT’S what I think of NM)Every serial she writes seems to top the one before it. And CT is right beside you two in the same gifted class. I don’t say it often enough, but I LOVE what you have created, and cannot adequately express my appreciation for the time and effort you three have taken over the years to write your beautiful stories. THANK YOU…THANK YOU…THANK YOU!!
Too true jetboy… and thank you for all the work you guys have put into this site. It has become my favorite erotica site even over Nifty
I have watched this site since just before you had to move from ASSTR. I really like the stories, and look forward to all of the new stories.
A very fine posting, JetBoy!
One would think that after reading a story here at JS, when one got to the last paragraph,and down at the bottom of the page there is a section marked ‘Leave a Reply’
a person would think, “Hmmm, maybe I should write how awesome I thought this story was?”
Perhaps in today’s mile-a-minute, 24/7, instant gratification world, this common sense politeness has but little meaning, and that is a sad commentary…
Thanks for reminding us all, JetBoy and hope you see how many fine readers have responded here for this posting.
“The fact of storytelling hints at a fundamental human unease, hints at human imperfection. Where there is perfection, there is no story to tell…” Ben Okri
I’m a long time lurker on Juicy Secrets and I’m sorry that I’ve never left any comment while reading your delicious stories. Obviously, like the JetBoy, I’m a guy but I like to read lesbian erotica (especially Juicy Secrets’ one) very much. It just work for me. I promise to be much responsive reader from now on. 🙂
As a writer I can assure you that feedback is lovely. Even just a thumbs up… As a reader I try my best to leave a few words, when the story “hit the mark”, so to speak… I’ve been through many sites over the years, but collection of quality here is truly remarkable.
Thanks for the reminder. I do try to leave feedback when I can but I could be better about it. I deeply appreciate all the stories posted here, even the ones that are not quite to my taste. It is SO difficult to find underage fiction that is consensual and loving. The fact that you don’t allow content here that glorifies rape or abuse makes this a great safe haven for me to enjoy these fantasies and feel positive and uplifted afterwards. (No shade to anyone who enjoys noncon, it’s just not for me.)
Yes, We very much agree with you said.
Kim & Sue
YES! Exactly!
I have been a reader here for many years and I agree that comments help and I also love reading the others comments as well. I appreciate all the hard work all you authors do and time you take to make us all feel good. I usually comment on every story I read. Keep up the good work, all of you are amazing.
i v been reding your stories (all of them) for more than 2 years the reson is they are so beautyful. thank you all.
Firstly, I would like to say heartfelt thank you to everyone for the comments here, and for all comments that have been left for all wonderful stories on our little site. Speaking as an author, it truly means a lot when we receive positive feedback and/or constructive criticism for our work.
In my “Real World” life, I have published a book and the same is true about reviews left by people who have read my book. Of course, positive reviews can lead to greater exposure and the possibility of increased sales, which is always a plus. 😛
Anyway, thank you again for your continued support and comments. Happy Reading, and Happy Fingers.
Amanda Lynn
Thanks to everyone who does leave comments. I can assure you it makes a world of difference for us writers. Especially in such a niche subgenre, where you will definitely not get a lot of attention, just a handful of comments can make you want to keep writing.
Well said JetBoy. A timely reminder to us who read and enjoy the stories to leave a comment afterwards.
Too often I am guilty of not commenting so I must do better!!!
One small point. As someone who has commented reasonably frequently in the past, it is nice when our own comments are acknowledged. Cheryl for example, and Amanda have always been great at that. Sorry if I haven’t mentioned others who also do.
It’s a two way thing. I am much more likely to comment if I know some, not every one obviously, but just some, of my comments are worthwhile.
But thanks most of all for the hard work you all put in to this great site. It really is appreciated!!!
Authors like myself, JetBoy, and Naughty Mommy do make an effort to respond to comments on our stories. Other regularly contributing authors also like to respond to reader comments.
The thing is, is that many of the stories at JS were written years ago and the authors may not write anymore, may not visit the site, or may not even know their stories are here. Such as in the case of stories from Leslita and other such sites.
I absolutely love this site and the community around it. The stories here are second to none! I love how carefully written and edited they are, and I love to see what is next. The depth and passion for the topic that they are written is amazing. As an aspiring author I truly wish to get published here one day, but in the meantime I will just have to be satisfied with these lovely stories. I also enjoy all the other authors and would highly encourage others to write and add this type of beautiful content. The world is a much better place for this site and the people who contribute and support it!!
I am a european grandfather enjoying to read this site, and Lesbian Lolitas, for many years. I love the stories you write…makes me feel good…even it is not correct as many people think…even over here.
My english is not so good, I think, therefor I don`t comment on so many stories… but I have a couple of times.
Keep going authors, I love the stuff you make.
I admit to very seldom commenting on stories. A story to me has to be truly outstanding before I say anything about it, and it needs real insight into life when outside the bedroom. There are many stories that are sexually really hot, but I barely read the sex scenes and look for the human moments where the women and girls have lives outside the bedroom. What’s more, there are some outstanding stories (such as an in-progress novel about a girl whose parents are very religious and whose marriage is in trouble) where I am holding up to see what happens. After 40-plus years of reading sex stories, I have seen all the variations I care to see. Now I want to read human stories of people who have sex, and then live their lives and grow as people.
Even if I loathe a story, I choose not to comment on it. I did that a few times, not on here, and I offended authors who thought I was being morally judgmental. I won’t go into lots of details, but basically I can’t stand to see anyone hurt, either physically or in the heart.
Of I say nothing about your story, please don’t take it to heart. I just don’t have anything to say about it. If I do say something, it means I want to hear much more from you regarding these characters, or else I want you to write more stories I believe I will cherish.
I have never responded to a site before but I felt compelled after Jetboys appeal for a little more appreciation of the authors and people who run this site. I give you a whole hearted thumsup! Ànd I enjoy your site a great deal! Especially about young inoscent desires. But does that preclude heterosexual young desires? I read a story from your site once that involved a baby sitter and the two children she looked after. A younger boy and a pubescent girl. She bathed them and spent time washing them. It mostly focused on the girl of coarse but spent some time to describe fondling the young boy. I found this intensely erotic as I had a similar experience when I was young. The story had sort of a disclaimer at the start saying that you don’t usually deal with males
but this story was special. I don’t know why it was special but I was wondering why not more like it?
I must apologize to you and all the authors that grace this site for not commenting on all the great stories that you write and post here. You are right Jetboy, all of us readers should give constructive feedback to the authors of this site, they deserve it.
Thank You ALL for what you do. You are all special in my eyes.
I never get so bold, but I’m a bit tipsy and I love this site and its stories so so much! It lets me get in touch with a side of myself I could never in my day to day! Between the amazingly written works here and remembering my own experiences, I cannot imagine a better outlet for my….frustrations….hehe XOXOXOXO
Great site, and keep up the good work. Really appreciate it.
Love this site!! I actually found this like a a year ago and was shame to come back.. But then.. Goodness I was tired about reading same erotic gay fanfics. …so I give in with my new fantasy erotic lesbian fics ?
I’ve just discovered this site recently and occasionally came back. This is a great place with wonderful stories, thanks for all your work. We owe you a lot of respect for your gift in making us wet!
I wish this author was still around to finish this.
My sis and I are moderators on another site so we fully understand the amount of work that Jetboy and all the staff put into the running of the site. I know there were times when I could barely cope … so much to do and so little time.
So, know from me that what you do is highly appreciated.
On the other site mentioned, I encouraged feedback for the writers. That site allowed almost any story to be published (something I did not agree with). Many were utter rubbish and to be frank, the author needed telling. Equally, there would sometimes be the grains of an excellent story but the author lacked the writing skills. These I would encourage and sometimes, offer help.
I have long since learnt to accept all criticism, good or bad. It sometimes gets me to look at things in a new way. Critical comment has been and always will be essential to my writing.