Married With Children – Chapter One

  • Posted on July 12, 2019 at 3:07 pm

By Girl Lover

Emily happily walked home once school let out, eager to go to the neighborhood pool in her new swimsuit, a two-piece like the older girls would wear. She still couldn’t believe that her mom actually bought it for her yesterday instead of a one-piece. She hoped that some of her friends would be at the pool so she could show it off. Running through the door, she called out in a single breath, “Hi Mom!… I’m home!… I’m going to the pool!”

“Okay, don’t be out too late.”

Emily quickly undressed, and pulled out her new swimsuit from her chest of drawers. She slipped it on, humming a song, then looked in the mirror to see how it looked. She was pleased to see that she actually looked older, not like a little kid. She pulled on her sandals, grabbed her towel and eagerly ran out the door.

When she arrived at the pool, she saw that there was only a grandmother with a toddler. Disappointed that nobody else was there, she decided to hang out a bit to see if anyone else showed up. Throwing her towel on one of the deck chairs, she jumped in. The water was chilly but she soon got used to it. She practiced some underwater handstands, then when she surfaced, she heard the gate creak open, and turned to see who it was.

A middle-age woman, much older than her mom, with two young girls had come in. She recognized both girls. The older one was in sixth-grade, but Emily didn’t really know her, but the younger girl she definitely knew. It was five-year-old Kerry from the kindergarten class. They always played together during recess. They walked over to the deck chairs and laid their towels next to Emily’s. While their mother sat on the chair, rubbing sunscreen on herself, the two girls ran over and jumped in the pool.

Emily waded over to them, “Hi, Kerry!”

Kerry turned and smiled, “Oh! Hi, Emily!”

They played together for a while with the older girl who was Kerry’s sister, Megan.


Kerry turned to look over at her mom who called again, “Come here so I can put some sunscreen on you.”

Kerry waded over to the side of the pool with Emily following. They climbed out and went over, dripping a trail of water behind them.

“Why, hello there,” Kerry’s mom greeted Emily, cheerfully.

Emily didn’t respond but simply stared at her.

Kerry told her mom, “This is Emily. She’s in third grade.”

“I’m Ms Sanders. Are you enjoying the third grade?”

Emily nodded slightly but still didn’t say anything, just continued to stare at Kerry’s mom.

Ms Sanders rubbed sunscreen over Kerry’s body till Kerry protested, “That’s enough, Mom!” and ran back to the pool.

Ms Sanders asked Emily, “Would you like some sunscreen?”

Again, Emily simply nodded slightly, not saying a word. At first, Ms Sanders thought Emily’s awkward silence peculiar, but then figured out that Emily wasn’t staring at her face, but a bit lower… at her chest.

Ms Sanders smiled. It wasn’t the first time that her D-cup breasts had attracted attention. Sometimes, she welcomed the attention, other times, she resented it. It all depended on who did the staring and how they acted. In children however, it was always comical and Ms Sanders welcomed the flattering attention because she knew that there was no ill-will in it. They were simply admiring the view and this was what little Emily was certainly doing now. Ms Sanders finished with the sunscreen and Emily ran back to join Kerry.

Ms Sanders leaned back in the chair to relax. She didn’t really want to come to the pool when her daughters asked, but it sounded like a good way to have some leisure time to think.

The gate creaked open and a couple stepped inside.

Ms Sanders sighed depressingly. Just another reminder that she didn’t have anyone to share her life with.

It wasn’t too long since she had broken up with the only man that she had ever dated after her divorce a few years ago. She had dated him for a few months and at first, he seemed like the perfect guy but as time went on, little things began to reveal themselves that she had had no idea about.

First, there was the drug problem, then the twenty-three thousand dollars in debt which paid for the drug problem, then the embezzling money from his job which led to him losing that job, then the constant nagging…

Even the sex was bad. She never imagined that sex with a young hot guy could be bad, but it was. He was too aggressive. No sweetness or tender moments. The only reason she stayed with him so long was because she was afraid to leave and be alone again. She didn’t want to go through life alone. But eventually, she had to face up to the fact that given the choice of going through life with Patrick or going through life alone… she would rather be alone than with Patrick.

So, they broke up. It wasn’t an easy choice. She was forty-three years old with two children, and men simply aren’t looking for a middle-aged woman with kids to weigh them down. They want a younger woman with no baggage.

Everywhere she went, the grocery store, the school, the park, it seemed as if she would see some cute guy and for a moment, she would imagine what it would be like to be with him. To share moments with him. To have a companion who would hold her during the lonely nights in bed. To be in love. Though her daughters kept her from being lonely, it wasn’t the same. And every time that she would dream of what it would be like to be with some guy who was passing by, she knew that it would remain a dream.

Ms Sanders didn’t notice Emily in the pool stealing glances at her from time to time.

To Emily, she was the most beautiful woman, like a princess.

As the sun sank into the horizon, Ms Sanders called her daughters out to head for home. Emily came out too, knowing that she needed to go home also. As they left, Kerry asked Emily, “Do you want to go swimming again tomorrow?”

“Okay!” Emily responded.

“Mom, can we go swimming again tomorrow, puh-leassse!” Kerry pleaded.

“I don’t see why not. We’ll see you tomorrow, Emily.”

The next day after school, Emily couldn’t get to the pool fast enough. When she got there, her heart sank a little because they weren’t there and she had to wait. Though she was also waiting for Kerry, it was really her mom whom she was waiting for. It wasn’t long till Ms Sanders and Kerry came in.

Kerry ran over and hugged Emily, “C’mon!”

“Uh, I need to have some sunscreen first,” Emily timidly mentioned.

“Mom has some.” Turning to her mother still at the gate, Kerry yelled, “EMILY NEEDS SUNSCREEN!”

“Okay, okay. You don’t have to tell the whole neighborhood,” Ms Sanders replied as she came over.

Kerry threw her towel on the deck chair and jumped in the water as Emily waited for Ms Sanders.

“Hello again, Emily,” Ms Sanders greeted her, “I really love your suit.” To her surprise, the shy little girl said, “Thank you.” She also noticed that Emily’s eyes were still glued to her breasts.

As Ms Sanders began rubbing sunscreen along Emily’s arms and belly, she couldn’t help noticing how attractive the little girl was, quite attractive in fact. Rubbing some on Emily’s cheeks and nose, Ms Sanders thought, What an angelic face she has. There was something about her eyes; like a deep pool into which she was falling. She continued rubbing lotion on the back of her legs, noting that the bottom of Emily’s bikini was tucked into her butt crack a bit.

“Oh, your suit’s kinda wedged in here. Let me pull it out.”

She pulled it out, staring for a moment, thinking to herself, My, that is a cute little bottom… Wait! What?

She turned Emily around to make sure she didn’t miss any spots but instead caught herself gazing at the pouty outer lips of her vulva, framed perfectly against the thin fabric. I did it again! I was positively staring… no, leering at her privates! Why am I doing this?


Kerry’s cry broke the silence between them and Ms Sanders said, “There, you’re all done.”

Emily ran along and joined Kerry but continued to gaze at Ms Sanders from time to time. She wasn’t even aware of it until Kerry would blurt out, “What’re you looking at?”

When it was time to leave the pool and they were drying off, Ms Sanders suddenly remembered, “Ooh drat! I meant to find a babysitter for Friday night.”

“Whadya need a babysitter for?” Kerry asked.

“I’m going to meet Aunt Susan for a drink.”

“Can I come?”

“No. I need to find someone to stay with you.”

“Not Megan!” Kerry objected.

“Megan can’t. She’s having a sleepover at her friend’s.”

Kerry sucked in her breath as she had an idea, “Emily can stay with me.”

Ms Sanders shook her head, “She’s too young, Kerry.”

“But the last babysitter wasn’t no fun. She wouldn’t play MarioKart with me.”

At which point, Emily herself gasped wide-eyed to Kerry, “You have MarioKart!”

“Yeah, we can play together…” Kerry babbled ecstatically before her mother interrupted, “Kerry, Emily’s too young.”

“But Moooommmm… ”

“I’m seven,” Emily added, hoping that would convince Ms Sanders.

Seeing how emphatic both girls were being, Ms Sanders sighed. Lifting her eyebrows, she thought, Maybe it could actually work.

“Emily, do you think you could stay with Kerry for a few hours on Friday night?”

Emily nodded vigorously.

“I can pay you ten dollars.”

Emily’s eyes widened.

“Do you think your parents will let you?”

“I’ll ask my mom!” Emily exclaimed excitedly.

Ms Sanders fished in her wallet, “Okay, here’s my number. Call me about what your mom says.”

On the way home, Kerry and Emily began making plans for all the fun they were going to have.

As Emily left to go back to her own house, Ms Sanders reminded her, “Call me after talking to your mom.”

“I will!” Emily replied before she ran to her house, bouncing with expectation for the night.

Emily pulled out her key and burst through the front door, “MOM!”

“I’m in my room.”

Emily hurried down the hall to her parents’ room. “Hey Mom, remember when you told me that if I had a job, I would understand the value of money?”

“Yesss…” Mom wondered where this was going.

“Well, Kerry’s mom needs a babysitter and she’s going to pay me ten whole dollars!”

“Kerry’s mom? Who’s Kerry?”

“She’s my friend from school. She needs a babysitter and her mom asked if I could do it. Can I? Can I?”

“Emily, you’re a little too young to… ”

“No I’m not! She’s not a baby! It’s not like I have ta change her diapers!”

Seeing this insistence, Mom sighed, “… Where do they live?”

“Next door. Well, on the other side of Mrs Lavine’s.”

“Babysitting…” Mom stood up, thinking about it, “You know it’s not just playing with Kerry. You have to make sure she’s safe and nothing bad happens. Are you sure you’re ready for that?”

“I am, Mom. Pleeeaaase… ”

“If at any time, you think you need help, you come get me, okay?”

Emily squealed with glee and hurried to the telephone, calling Ms Sanders’ number and blurting out, “My mom said yes, Ms Sanders!”

“Oh wonderful! Can you come over about 6:00 on Friday?”


“Actually, if you come around 5:30, it might be better.”

“I’ll be there! Thanks! Bye!”

Emily hung up and practically danced into her mother’s room, “Ms Sanders told me to be there by 5:30 this Friday.”

She felt so grown up. It was her first job and she was going to get ten dollars. She thought about how much fun she and Kerry would have and what she could spend the money on.


After school let out on Friday, Emily packed a few things to take with her and waited with eager anticipation. At 5:30, she walked over to Ms Sanders’ and knocked on the door.

The door open and Kerry’s excited face briefly appeared before turning back, “MOMMMMM… EMILY’S HERE!”

Ms Sanders poked her head out from around a corner, her hands trying to put on an earring, “Hello, Emily.”

Emily followed Kerry to her room and when she entered, quickly ran over to the shelf on the wall, gasping, “You got Calico Critters! That’s so cool!” She picked up one of the tiny elephants, “It’s so cute!”

“And look at the koalas.”

The girls were still gushing about the adorable animals as Ms Sanders appeared in the doorway, “Emily, there’s a pizza in the kitchen if you’re hungry.”

Emily turned towards Ms Sanders and her breath caught.

Though it was a simple black cocktail dress, to Emily, Ms Sanders looked stunning. She didn’t even realize she was staring till Kerry broke her attention.

“What’re you looking at Mom for?”

Emily quickly looked away, embarrassed, and muttered, “Nothing.”

“Thank you so much for doing this,” Ms Sanders continued, “I really appreciate it. Kerry, be good while I’m gone, okay?”

“Okay, Mom,” Kerry responded casually, not even looking at her because she was too absorbed in the playsets in her hands.

The girls played and had fun till Kerry grew tired. Emily lay with her on her bed till she fell asleep. Several minutes later, Emily heard the car in the driveway and quietly got out of bed so she wouldn’t wake Kerry.

Ms Sanders opened the door and saw Emily coming out of Kerry’s room, closing the door behind her.

“How did everything go?” Ms Sanders asked.


Ms Sanders dug through her purse, pulled out a ten-dollar bill, and when she gave it to Emily, she looked at it excitedly before placing it in her pocket.

Ms Sanders strolled over to the fridge, “Would you like to have a soda?”

“Yes, please.”

Ms Sanders brought a soda as well as a glass of wine for herself. She sat down and reclined back, sighing, “Well, that certainly was a wasted evening. My sister was trying to set me up on a date with some creep. I could tell right away that there was no way I was going to go out with him.”

She glanced over at Emily, who was smiling back at her, with a seemingly star-struck look in her eyes. Ms Sanders straightened up, “If he was more like you… polite, attentive… beautiful…”

Once again, Ms Sanders felt herself falling into those eyes.

‘So beautiful,’ she mumbled, leaning closer without even realizing it. Her lips touched the girl’s for a few seconds.

Ms Sanders jerked herself back, alarmed at what she had just done. She grew even more horrified to see that Emily was just as shocked as she was.

“I… I’m sorry, Emily. I think I better take you home now.”

She stood up, unable to look at Emily.

Ms Sanders led Emily outside and they quietly walked over to Emily’s house. Neither spoke. Ms Sanders wanted to explain about the kiss, but she didn’t understand why she did it.

What if she tells her parents! What could I say!

She felt her heart pounding as they came to Emily’s front door and Ms Sanders breathed a silent prayer before knocking on the door. After an agonizing several seconds of waiting, the door opened.

“Oh! Hi, Nancy!”

“Jan! You’re Emily’s mother!” Ms Sanders exclaimed in disbelief.

She and Jan worked together at the same company, though in different departments and had known each other for a few years.

“Yes! I guess we never knew about each other’s kids. Emily just told me that she was going to be watching Ms Sanders’ daughter. I didn’t realize it was you. So, everything went well?”

Emily spoke suddenly, her voice full of happiness and excitement, “It was great, Mom!” as she pulled the ten-dollar bill from her pocket and showed it off.

“Oh, good. I thought she was too young but she wanted to do it so badly,” said Mrs Carmichael. Turning to Emily, she said, “Well, now you have some spending money. Say goodnight and get off to bed.”

Emily looked up at Ms Sanders, smiling, “Good night.”

“Good night,” Ms Sanders replied back, her voice hollow as she desperately searched Emily’s face for any sign as to what she was thinking, but there was none. Emily turned and went into the house.

Jan continued, “I’m glad she was able to help you. It really meant a lot to her to do such a grownup job and get paid for it. Do you want to come inside for a bit?”

“No, no. I really need to get back.”

“Okay. Well, I’ll see you at work Monday.” Jan closed the door.

Ms Sanders turned and released the breath she just realized she had been unconsciously holding, then began the walk back to her house. Finding out that it was her co-worker’s daughter that she had kissed made it even more nerve-wracking. She felt as if she were going to throw up.

Please don’t tell your parents what I did. Why, oh why, did I kiss you? What am I going to tell Kerry when she asks why you won’t come over?

She never saw Emily peeking out at her from her bedroom window.

To Chapter 2!


18 Comments on Married With Children – Chapter One

  1. sue says:

    what a great beginning. Love meeting the characters and getting to know their feelings.

    Looking forward very much to the next chapter. Really good start Girl Lover, keep it going.

    Sue & Kim

  2. bel says:

    I’m looking forward to the next chapter.

  3. Anon says:

    Great lead up! Can’t wait to see how this gors

  4. Jws says:

    Great build up. So surprised i wasnt disappointed there was no naughtiness in this capter. But it def making me look forward to your next chapter. Such a dirty forbidden storyline. Hopefully will not be long until the next chapter is posted.

  5. The Dragon Rider says:

    I love the setup and story so far, but one thing I’d like to bring to your attention is that when you want to convey someones inner thoughts, directly from what they’re thinking, it’s best to italicize them. That’s the only technical error that can be fixed easily in the next part. other than that, I see nothing wrong with this, please just try not to run us (fans) into the ground with a slow buildup. I don’t mind them, but there is a time and place for slow and steady, and another time for hurry it up.

    • Amanda Lynn says:

      Thanks for the catch. It has been fixed. Sometimes when we copy text from a Word Doc to the website for publication it screws up the layout like italics and paragraph spacing.

  6. Quinlan says:

    Great opening. I kept wondering where Peggy and Kelly were and why I couldn’t get the song “Love and Marriage” out of my head. lol Looking forward to seeing how this develops.

  7. Euphorsyne, Thalia & Aglia says:

    As many have commented: what a great start to this story!
    It’s so nice to read the character developments, the girls seem so cute, and Emily seems exactly like a girl who is inquisitive and becoming aware of her feelings and observations about women. And Ms.Sanders!(Jan), oh my! She also has a bit of a dilemma!…but hopefully everything will be resolved in the next chapters, with she and Emily becoming more intimately “acquainted”.

    Great read, Girl Lover!… and as Sue & Kim commented: keep it going!


  8. DJ says:

    I’ll be watching for the next chapter. I like the characters and this story could go down several different paths. I’m curious to see which way it goes!

  9. collie says:

    Good start, I like the characters and you’ve set up a lot of potential for where to go with them without jumping in too fast. I do like having some buildup. Looking forward to more.

  10. johanna says:

    A very promising start, awaiting further developments.

  11. Nathan Riches says:

    Very cute story so far, love how Emily is so desperate to be a “big girl” but still has her childlike exuberance (well, except when faced with a nice pair of D cups :P)

  12. Obsessive Imaginings says:

    Good initial chapter good set up I shall wait for chapter 2

  13. David says:

    What a great build up chapter, loved it so far and can’t wait for chapter 2. Thank Girl Lover!

  14. Jordynles says:

    Amazing story and love how Emily is curious. Looking forward and on to chapt 2

  15. Don says:

    A pool is a perfect place for chance encounters with little ones and their cute swim suits. I can see where this tale is going (I think)and will wait with bated breath and full shorts. Great opener!

  16. Dom Inus says:

    Such a simple and unexpected way to lose your heart. Beautifully written

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