
  • Posted on October 18, 2019 at 12:45 am

By Amanda Lynn

Author’s Note:  I woke one Saturday morning, my head filled with quickly fading dream fragments from the night before. Grabbing the notepad I keep by my bed, I jotted down the bits I could hold on to, and later that morning, after a large cup of coffee, I bashed out a first draft. With a bunch of embellishments and tweaks, and help with editing from a friend, I finished Vee.

I hope you all enjoy the peek into this author’s naughty dreams. 🙂


I’ve known Vee since the day she was born. Or so my mother says. I was only 4 at the time, so I’m not sure if my memories from back then are genuinely mine or just creations of my own making based on the stories my mother told me over the years.

Anyway, Vee lived in a bungalow with her mother, right next door to an identical house in which my mother and I lived. The only difference was the color of the siding. “Vee” is just a nickname I gave her, actually, short for Veronica. Likewise, my name is Amanda, but everyone just calls me Mandy.

The town we lived in back then was small, quiet, and the people were friendly. Nothing really exciting ever happened there, except that one time when the old warehouse at the edge of town mysteriously caught fire and burnt to the ground. Rumor was that old man McCarthy had it torched for the insurance money.

Our mothers had lived in the town their entire lives and were best friends since their school days. That’s why Vee and I became friends from day one. Our mothers visited one another often and I would find myself at Vee’s place just as often as she would be at mine. Sometimes we would even sleep over. We got along well, Vee and me. Our likes and dislikes seemed to match in most things. We both liked pineapple on our pizza, shorts and tee-shirts instead of dresses, and we listened to the same music. Neither of us liked going to church on Sundays because we had to wear dresses and we weren’t allowed to fidget or talk.

As the years went by, we became like sisters. Being the older, I would look out for her when she started school—not that there was any real need to. It was a small school with grades ranging from primary to 7, and the students came from several small towns in the area.

Everything in our life was fine until Vee turned 8. Well, it wasn’t so much Vee turning 8 as it was me going through puberty. As a child, Vee had a cute face, and I had always thought so. There was nothing romantic or sexual about it. I just thought she was cute. The type of cute that got young girls modelling jobs for those breakfast food commercials you would see during Saturday morning cartoons.

At 8, Vee looked like most girls that age. By that, I mean she was a stick. No boobs and no hips. Pretty much straight and flat from top to bottom. What she did have, though, was that face, with its bright smile that seemed to never go away. Her light brown hair hung just past her shoulders at that time. Her hazel eyes sparkled, and if you were standing close enough to her, you would see little specks of gold in them.

Vee was about an inch taller than the other girls in her grade, though that never bothered her or anyone else. She also liked to keep active, always on her bike, swimming, or playing soccer. She looked just as good in a swimsuit as in the shorts and jersey of her team uniform. There was no fat on her body, and she was incredibly fit for an 8-year-old.

The one thing that did register with me, though, was her perfect bum, and that’s what changed our normal quiet life. Her bum had always been perfect, of course, but I was now noticing it as more than just another body part, especially when she wore a swimsuit or tight shorts. And for reasons I didn’t completely understand—well, maybe I did, but didn’t want to admit it—I found myself wanting to be physically close to her, to brush up against her and feel her skin touch mine. I wanted to touch her bum, and that kinda scared me.

Puberty was wreaking havoc with my hormones, and the typical things were happening to me. I had grown a couple of inches almost overnight, sprouted boobs and pubic hair, and started having periods. I could have lived without that last one. But the best part of it was that I discovered, at the age of 11, that the little bump at the top of my slit could produce sensations that were beyond belief if I touched it a certain way.

Because I felt some connection between my budding sexual desires and my strange attraction to Vee’s bum, I looked for excuses to be close enough to Vee to touch her. It was easy if we were watching TV or playing a video game. Our elbows and knees would rub together, and it gave me strange little tingles all over. Vee, of course, was oblivious to my desire. Sometimes I would tickle her ribs, and she would laugh and wiggle as my fingers moved over her body. But when she would roll over on her belly, that was an opportunity to indulge my real desire. I would start at the back of her thighs and move my fingers up to the soft flesh of her bum, and it would send a jolt of pleasure straight to my clit. I wouldn’t linger there, though, just in case she caught on.

At night, when I was home alone in my own bed, I would think about what happened. The feel of her bum under my hand, the beautiful feelings that coursed through my body. It excited me, it caused my clit to come to attention, and I had to touch it. I didn’t know why it happened, why thoughts of Vee excited me so. I didn’t fight it, though. I rubbed myself, played with my clit, dipped my finger into the wet heat of my vagina. I pictured Vee. Her cute face, her bright smile, that perfect little round bum. Those thoughts were all it took to trigger an orgasm that would rocket through me, leaving me breathless. I didn’t know what to think of it.

I should clarify that I had fantasized about girls before while touching myself. Mainly young Emma Watson as Hermione Granger, but there had been others. I knew I preferred girls even at that age, so it didn’t surprise me too much that Vee would appear as the lead role in one of my fantasies. What I didn’t understand was why this girl who I thought of as a sister turned me on so much. What was I going to do about it?

Vee supplied the answer to that dilemma that same year. Because I was 12 by then, my mom thought it would be good for me to take a babysitting course and earn some money. Of course, it would be up to her who I sat for and how often I did. School was still to be my top priority.

My first job was on a Friday. Our mothers had decided they were going out for the evening, and I, the newly qualified babysitter, would be watching over Vee while they were gone. Though Vee loved the idea that the two of us got to stay home alone, she wasn’t thrilled about needing a babysitter. She wasn’t a baby, after all.

Our mothers had laughed at her reaction and agreed that I would be her protector instead. Vee seemed happier with that. After making sure I had their phone numbers and knew what to do if there was an emergency, they left for their night out. They were actually going on a date, but I didn’t know that at the time.

Vee had already dressed for bed, wearing an oversized tee and panties, and I found myself wishing I had been there earlier when she had taken her bath. Maybe she would have let me wash her. Wishful thinking for sure.

Anyway, we spent the evening playing a board game, laughing, and talking. I even got a little tickling in. I had managed to push her tee up high enough that I could see her belly. The panties she wore were made of a thin pink material and they had ridden up as I teased her. My fingers stilled for a moment upon seeing the small camel toe between her legs, and I could feel myself getting wet.

When I looked up to her eyes, she was smiling at me, and it was clear she knew I was looking at her pussy. I knew I had to do something in case she asked a question I didn’t know how to answer, so I grabbed her hips and rolled her over. God as my witness, I damn near came at the sight. As with the front, her panties were pulled up into the crack of her bum like a thong. The fleshy globes of her ass exposed for me to feast my eyes on.

And that’s what I did. I stared and might have drooled too. I moved my fingers in a half-hearted tickle. Up the back of her thighs and onto her bum, just like in the past. Except this time, I laid my palms flat on the smooth skin of her bum and caressed it. Damn, it felt so nice to touch her perfect bum.

My clit was screaming for attention, but my brain somehow overruled it. I gave her bum a gentle squeeze, then rolled off her and flopped onto the sofa. I was panting, though not sure if I was out of breath from the tickling or my heightened arousal. I just knew I needed to get away for a bit.

“How about some popcorn and a movie?” I asked as I stood.

She gave me a strange look and nodded. “Okay.” Her voice was raspy, and her cheeks were flushed.

In the kitchen, I soon found the popcorn and put the bag in the microwave. When I took a bowl from the cupboard, I froze in place. From where I was standing in the kitchen, I could see into the living room without being easily seen myself, and what I saw made my pussy clench.

Vee was straddling the overstuffed arm of the sofa. She gripped it with both hands, leaning forward slightly, rolling her hips, and moving back and forth. Holy crap, she was humping the sofa. Was it possible that she had discovered masturbation already? I was so jealous of her.

I stayed where I was and watched. I needed to see if she would come. I glanced at the microwave, glad I hadn’t pushed the start button yet. Bringing my attention back to Vee, I pushed the palm of my hand against my own pussy, my clit once again demanding attention.

Vee’s movements quickened. Her mouth was open, and she stared blankly into space. I heard a grunt, and she squeezed her eyes shut. Vee knuckles whitened as she tightened her grip on the arm of the sofa and ground her pussy into it. Then she stopped moving, her body going rigid. She shook a little, and I could hear what sounded like a whimper escaping her lips, then she rolled off the arm of the sofa and lay there. Only her chest moved as she panted.

A small orgasm washed over me at that moment, and I had to force myself to move away from where I stood for fear that Vee might see me. I couldn’t believe what I’d just seen. 8-year-old Vee had just masturbated on the sofa and brought herself to orgasm. I wondered if somehow my touching her had made her horny enough to want to masturbate in the first place.

“What’s taking so long?” Vee yelled from the living room a few moments later, breaking that chain of thought.

“Coming!” I called back then snickered at my word choice. I pushed the button on the microwave and strolled into the living room. “Pick a movie yet?”

She nodded and held up Frozen. “Yup.”

I groaned inwardly. It was Vee’s favorite movie, and I was sure we had seen it 1000 times already. I studied her face for a moment. So cute. She was still a bit flushed as she smiled up at me. What do I do now? I wondered. Vee masturbates. And she just did it because I touched her. Maybe. Should I say something? Maybe I could just… pretend to touch her by accident and slip my hand under her shirt a bit. Damn.

When the popcorn was ready, we sat on the sofa side-by-side. Vee held the bowl, and I pushed the button on the remote to start the movie. As we watched, the skin to skin contact of our legs was not lost on me, and I glanced down. Her tee was pushed up in a bunch, and I could see the skin of her thigh nearly up to her panties.

That was when a naughty idea leaped into my head. It was clever and I might even be able to pull it off as an accidental touch. But did I dare to try? She might see through it, or get either scared or mad. I thought about it for several minutes as I munched on the popcorn. Butterflies filled my belly and my head swam. As much as common sense told me that I shouldn’t, I needed to try. So, ever so casually, I reached into the bowl perched on Vee’s lap and picked up a single piece of popcorn. Then, just as casually, I let it drop between her legs.

“Oops!” I said and reached down for the wayward kernel. I looked at Vee’s face as my hand moved around, pretending to search the sofa. Vee looked back, her expression neutral, but she didn’t say anything, didn’t make any attempt to close her legs or push my hand away.

I took that as a good sign. Taking a quiet breath, I move my hand upward until it touched her panties. The first thing I noticed was the dampness of the material. I heard a sharp inhale from Vee and looked up at her again. Her eyes were open a bit wider, and her mouth formed an O. Still, she didn’t pull away or object to my actions. So, I continued, moving my finger up and down her panty-covered slit. I moved slowly, gently, watching her for any adverse reactions.

“You’re so wet,” I whispered.

“I’m sorry,” she said, her face turned a lovely shade of pink as she hesitantly closed her legs, pushing my hand away.

“For what?”

“My mom said if I need to touch myself down there,” she pointed down at the spot where my hand had just been, “I should only do it in my room. You’re not going to tell, are you?”

I was stunned. Not only did Vee masturbate, her mother knew and was apparently okay with it. Vee was staring at me with a pleading look. I shook my head. “No, I won’t tell,” I said as I absently licked the finger that had brushed against Vee’s damp panties.

Vee’s eyes widened. “You just licked your finger,” she said as if I had just completed some magical feat.

I looked at my finger and back at Vee and realized what I had done. I had just licked Vee’s pussy juice from my finger without realizing it. There hadn’t been an overabundance of it through her panties, but there had been some. If I had been paying attention, I might even have registered the taste of it.

“I did,” I replied.

“What did it taste like? Was it good?” Her voice was quizzical, but her eyes sparkled with interest.

I had been wondering that myself, and realized I wanted to find out. This presented an opportunity that, until that moment, had never crossed my mind. It was utterly foreign, and I wasn’t sure I even knew how to execute it. I had heard about such things, sure, but… Did I dare to try?

“Um, I’m not sure. I didn’t really get a good taste.”

“Oh,” she said, looking a bit disappointed.

“Your mom said you should only touch yourself in your room, huh?”

Vee had a puzzled look on her face as she nodded.

“Well, if we go to your room and I’m the one touching you… that would kinda be the same thing, right?”

Vee thought about that for a while, and I thought maybe she was going to say no. But soon she smiled and hopped up off the sofa. “Okay! But it has to be our secret. I think our moms would get mad if they knew you touched me there.”

I couldn’t help but chuckle as I was thinking the same thing. I followed Vee to her room and shut the door behind us. My heart was pounding in my chest, and my stomach was doing flip flops. Vee quickly moved to her bed and sat on the edge, spreading her legs for me. She seemed to be as eager as I felt. I knelt on the floor in front of her and put my hands on her knees.

“What do you call your vagina?” I asked. “I call mine my pussy.”

Vee giggled. “Me too. But mom thinks I should use the proper names. Pussy sounds so much better.”

“Agreed! So… it would be much easier for me to taste your pussy juice if your panties weren’t in the way.” I tried to say it as a matter-of-factly as I could, but my voice quavered a bit.

She narrowed her eyes. “You want me to take off my panties?”

I nodded. “If that’s okay with you.”

She stood and pulled off her tee and her panties then sat back down. I hadn’t meant for her to get completely naked, but now my eyes roamed over her flat chest and I felt myself get even more turned on.  My clit jumped, and arousal flowed at my entrance as I took in her nude body.

I was now only inches from Vee’s bald pussy. I pushed her legs farther apart and moved in closer. Her pussy was still red and swollen from masturbating earlier, and I licked my lips as I studied it. Her inner lips were mostly hidden, and her clit was just a tiny bump at the top of her slit.

I had never been this close to another pussy before, and I had only seen mine in a mirror. As for tasting one, the hint of flavor I got earlier had been my first, and soon I would get a much stronger taste from the source. It wasn’t fear or disgust that had stopped me from tasting myself when I masturbated, and there had always been plenty juices to sample. I had just never thought about it. Maybe if Vee tasted as good as I thought she might, I would try tasting myself.

I moved closer, only an inch away. A slight scent touched my nose. It wasn’t unpleasant, though not the heady, musky smell I would come to notice in the future from adult partners. I felt Vee quiver under my hands as my mouth drew nearer to her sex.

“Are you going to use your mouth?” I heard her whisper above me.

I nodded, not taking my eyes from her sex. I was nervous, unsure of what I was doing and a bit apprehensive of doing it at all. But I did it. I leaned in and pressed my lips against her slick flesh, just about her entrance. Vee twitched and drew a breath. I stilled, waiting to see what she would do. She moaned softly and I kissed her there. I pulled away, just slightly, and licked my lips. The flavor of her arousal stimulated every taste bud in my mouth. It was new and exciting, a bit on the tart side but not overwhelmingly so.

I kissed her again and let my tongue explore her labia. Vee gasped and fell back on the mattress. She spread her legs wider, inviting me in. I repositioned and grabbed her hips, pushing my face into her. Her pussy was small, and it was a short journey for my tongue from her clit to her entrance. I explored her slowly, savoring the taste and sensations of the smooth wet flesh beneath my tongue. It was intoxicating, and I didn’t want to stop. I needed more and quickened my pace, devouring Vee as best I could.

Vee was squirming, and I had to hold her hips tightly to keep her from wriggling away. I stopped licking and concentrated on her entrance. I pushed inside and was surprised at the heat and smoothness of her walls. Never having done this or even read about it, it was a powerful turn-on. My own clit was throbbing, and I paused for just a second to consider how I was going to get myself off tonight.

My attention was drawn back to the matter at hand when Vee whimpered in protest at my lack of action. I licked at her entrance for a moment longer before moving up to her clit. I found it stiff and swollen, and sucked it into my mouth at once. Vee cried out and both of her hands found my head, her fingers tangling painfully in my hair.

I ignored the discomfort and concentrated on Vee’s clit. I sucked and swirled my tongue around it, flicking the sensitive bud. Vee was writhing beneath me. She was making primal noises that turned me on but also scared me a bit. Whatever she was feeling from my ministrations was driving her wild. I had only been at it for a moment or two when she pushed down on my head and ground her pussy into my face.

“Oh! Yes! Don’t stop, Mandy!” she gasped between ragged breaths.

I sucked and licked, unable to answer even if I’d wanted to. Suddenly, she stiffened and cried out, forcing her clit harder against my mouth. She twitched violently for a while at what I guessed were the aftershocks of her orgasm. Eventually, she relaxed and settled on the mattress, her fingers loosening their grip on my hair.

I gently pulled away from her and she whimpered at the loss of contact. My jaw was a bit sore, and my face soaked with juices. I moved up to lay on the bed beside her and watched as her breathing calmed. When she opened her eyes again, she looked at me and smiled.

“That felt really, really good.” Vee giggled.

I chucked too. “It sure looked like it.”

“What did it taste like?”


“Can I taste?”

I nodded, and she gasped when I pushed a finger through her folds, making it all slick. Her eyes widened when I touched it to her mouth, but she parted her lips and sucked my finger clean.

“That was nice… but I meant your pussy,” Vee replied after licking her lips.

“Okay, if you really want to.” I lay still for a moment waiting for her to make the next move. My body was on fire, and I knew that as soon as her finger touched my pussy, I would explode.

“You need to get naked, silly. I can’t lick you if you have your clothes on.”

I think my brain short-circuited then. I don’t remember doing it, but I must have stood, shed my clothes, and lay back down because the next thing I knew Vee was pushing my naked legs apart. She knelt there, looking at my pussy for the longest time before she reached out and traced little circles with her finger through my sparse patch of pubic hair.

“Will I get hair down there?” she asked innocently.

I nodded. Her touch was electric, and I wanted to grab her hand and push it down to my clit right away. As if reading my thoughts, she moved her finger to my bud and stroked it. I moaned and pushed my hips up. She giggled like a child playing with a new toy—which, in a sense, she was. Her finger swirled, and I whimpered more in response. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, she traced a path from my clit to my entrance. Then, in an act more suited to an 18-year-old rather than an 8-year-old, she pushed two fingers into me and slowly pumped them in and out. I bucked my hips in response.

“Vee!” was all I could manage.

She pulled her fingers out, after several more strokes and sucked on them, all the while looking into my eyes. “Yummy!” She giggled then moved to lay on top of me. I adjusted her position, so her pussy was on mine. I needed to come so bad it hurt. I gripped her perfect ass and pulled her down.

“Move your hips. Rub your pussy on mine,” I coaxed, my breath ragged. She began to move, and the sensations that shot through me were electric. Vee’s movements were slow and rhythmic at first, but the pressure on her clit must have spark new arousal in her too.

She quickened her pace. Grunting, she pressed her pussy harder into mine. I groaned, gripping that cute little ass of hers even tighter.

“That’s it, Vee,” I panted, “fuck me.” I surprised both Vee and myself with the use of that word, but it did the trick. We rocked our bodies together hard and fast, pushing into each other. The pressure in my belly multiplied, moving downward until it let loose and ribbons of white-hot pleasure washed across me.

Somewhere in my mind, I heard Vee scream out her release, and we lay there in a boneless sweaty heap until we could each breathe again. Vee looked up and smiled, then surprised me by wiggling up and kissing me.

“You said ‘fuck’.” She giggled.

“So did you.”

Her face reddened, and she giggled again. “I like it when you make me come. It’s much better than when I do it myself.”

I raised an eyebrow, not thinking she knew what the word come meant. “I like making you come,” I replied.

“Can we do it again?” she asked sheepishly.


She shrugged then grinned. “Maybe not. Our moms will be home soon, but some other time?”

“Most definitely.” I pulled Vee into a hug and then kissed her softly until I felt her tongue poke at my mouth. I let her in, and as our mouths and tongues moved together, I wondered how she could be more experienced than I was at her age.

And that’s how it went for Vee and me. Secretly touching and licking each other whenever we could, and as time went by, we learned more and more about each other’s bodies and the many ways in which we could pleasure the other.

When Vee was 10, I broke her hymen with a hairbrush. When she was 12, I brought her to orgasm by licking and fingering her ass. When she was 16, I fucked her with a strap-on for the first time. When she was 18, we had our first threesome.

Today, in my 34th year, I kneel on the floor of our living room near 8-year-old Nikki who lays naked on the sofa before me, panting. Her legs are spread, and her sweet pussy drips with her juices and my saliva. My mouth and chin are just as wet. Vee sits naked in the armchair across from Nikki and me, bringing herself down from the mind-blowing orgasm she just had.

Nikki turns and looks at Vee, smiling. “Did you like watching me get my pussy licked, mommy?”

“Very much, sweetheart. Very much,” Vee replies.


The End


21 Comments on Vee

  1. NCB says:

    Great story. I really enjoyed Mandy and Vee how it all came about. Thanks for writing it.

  2. Margaret says:

    A beautiful and tender romance. The two girls found love and lust as they explored each other’s bodies and then passed it on to their daughter. You should have lots more naughty dreams sweetie, what wonderful inspiration they provide.

  3. Misty Meadow says:

    A lovely story with a nice slow build up. I especially liked the last two sentences: “Did you like watching me get my pussy licked, Mommy?”
    “Very much, Sweetheart, very much,” Vee replies.
    Incestuous yoyeurism, how thrilling!

  4. Jake says:

    I thought the attraction to “vee”s” bum was going some place else.
    I enjoyed the progression of the story anyway

  5. Euphorsyne, Thalia & Aglia says:

    OMG! Amanda Lynn! what a surprise, a pure delightful surprise! you story/dream is so sexy and beautiful!…As Misty Meadow commented: Loved the slow build up, The way Mandy was so enthralled by Vee’s perfect bum and how teasingly you portrayed Mandy’s cute, but determined seduction of her wonderful friend, and how they both ultimately would explore the amazing sensuous experiences that only young girls can really truly appreciate! And finally the ending was so brilliant! the wondrous age progression, as at each hallmark age, their sexual relationship heightened and then, again as Misty wrote, the last two sentences were so, so delicious!…Mmm! such a good read, so well written and edited!
    xoxo, Mandy!


  6. collie says:

    Hot story with a lovely happy ending! Thank you for sharing it.

  7. David says:

    Very erotic and well written story Amanda, thanks! Loved how there relationship built and the ending was very hot.

  8. Meg says:

    Omg please please tell me tbat the third in threesome was close family!

  9. Amanda Lynn says:

    Thanks, all. I’m glad you enjoyed it.

  10. JetBoy says:

    A marvelous story. For all the great work that Amanda does in keeping this site running smoothly, her ability to turn out steamy tales like this one is the cherry on the cake. Thanks, dear heart.

  11. sue says:

    Just loved this story. So hot and sweet. I know when I was 12 I would have loved for something like that to happen. Ha, still would. Agree with the other comments very much. Great story Amanda Lynn.

  12. Sean says:

    Innocent discovery and exploration at its finest. Could not stop, lovely experience for the girls, and the reader.

  13. Lekeisha says:

    Vee, is a wonderfully hot and saucy short story! Thank you Amanda Lynn

  14. Jay Denton says:

    Lovely story. I really enjoy reading about how girls that age experience their first times. And I loved the ending, so beautiful. There should maybe be a follow up story about the mum’s and how they both learn about their daughters sexuality. I’m sure if they had it wouldn’t have been long before they enjoyed them too.

  15. lofftie50 says:

    wonderful ..enjoyed this story so much

  16. Bryan says:

    Amanda your stories never disappoint

  17. Kim & Sue says:

    This is a gem of a classic. We love your stories.

  18. Dom Inus says:

    Absolutely superb, great pace, lovely dialogue, fantastic imagery

  19. Elab says:

    Amanda Lynn, this was fabulous! What a build-up to the end of a lustful and very sexy “happy ending” for both. Well done. Could use another chapter or two, or three, etc.

  20. ClitLicker says:

    Mmmm. I don’t know how I missed this lovely story last time round, but it’s just provided an early-morning cum. A beautiful story of discovery.

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