Adventure of the Amazing Invisible Girl: A Bedtime Story, Part One

  • Posted on November 2, 2019 at 3:23 pm

By Purple Les

Six-year-old Alice Mitchell was often told by her mother that she had a very overactive imagination. Alice wasn’t sure what that meant, exactly, so her mother explained, telling her, “Well, sweetie, it means that you have a wonderful mind that thinks up some incredible things… but they aren’t always real.”

Alice grasped the idea, sort of. She knew that when she tied the ends of a towel around her neck and let it drape down her back, it didn’t really make her Supergirl. She also understood that when she stretched both arms out straight in front of her and raced through the house, she wasn’t really flying — even if sometimes, when she got a good running start, it felt like she was.

Yet when she put on her cowboy boots and hat and galloped around the house with her stick pony on a rainy day, it seemed so genuine to her. Like she truly was riding a horse through the old west.

Alice’s mother Sue was pleased that she had such a bright little girl, even if she’d sometimes sigh when gently shaking her youngest child out of a daydream, or make-believe adventure.

Alice’s ten-year-old sister Heather would often stare at her younger sibling, sometimes amused, sometimes annoyed, as Alice got into battles, fought duels and rescued fair maidens in peril from villains no one else could see.

Alice discovered her power of invisibility by accident. Mrs. Mitchell was running a bath for the child, and told her to get undressed.

In her bedroom, Alice shucked her clothes, then headed down the hall to the bathroom completely naked. On the way, she heard Heather coming toward the hallway. She remembered from watching TV that people were often able to hide by flattening themselves against a wall. Curious to see if such a thing really worked, Alice did just that, and was surprised and delighted when Heather walked right by — without even noticing she was there!

When her mother emerged from the bathroom saying, “Alice! Come along now. Your bath is ready,” she stayed right where she was. Again, when Mommy came down the hall calling for her, Alice remained unseen. Once her mother had passed by, Alice padded down the hall to the bathroom.

Mrs. Mitchell was coming back, having failed to find the child in her bedroom. Then she spied her little girl, standing completely naked in the bathroom doorway.

There you are,” Sue said.

“I was right here all along, Mommy,” Alice answered, giggling. “You just couldn’t see me, cause I turned invisible. Heather couldn’t see me either.”

“Uh-huh,” was all Alice’s mother said to that, rolling her eyes as she helped her little girl into the bathtub. Reaching for the washcloth, Sue began to apply liquid soap to her child’s bare body.

Sue washed the little girl’s back, then her neck, ears and feet. She had Alice kneel so she could wash her chest, tummy, between her legs and her cute little bottom. Sue didn’t know why, but she’d always enjoyed washing her naked little pixie of a daughter. She’ll be too old for this in a few years, she thought, and sighed wistfully.

Alice had a couple of toys she liked to play within the tub. Wringing out the wet washcloth, her mother said, “You play for a few minutes, then I’ll be back to dry you off.”

Alice had fun with her toy boat, playing the game where her little rubber Godzilla attacked it. Eventually growing tired of that, she pushed them aside and lay back in the tub.

The warm water barely covered her and she liked the way that steam rose off her lean body. Taking the washcloth, Alice soaked it then held it up, enjoying the small stream of water that fell onto her skin.

When the water trickled on what she called her ‘thing’, Alice felt a most pleasant sensation. She repeated this several times and found each one nicer than the last. The best was when she held it over the top of her bare slit.

Alice kept letting the water drip on that particular spot, and those lovely feelings kept getting better and better. At last, she had to stop, because it just felt too good, like something very big was going to happen that she wasn’t sure about.

When her mother came back into the bathroom a few minutes later, Alice asked, “Why does this feel so nice, Mommy?” Raising her hand, she allowed water from the washcloth to fall onto her slit once more.

Sue glanced at her daughter, then quickly looked away before she said, “Oh… some things can feel very nice there. But, um, let’s talk about that some other time, okay, sweetie? Right now, it’s time for my little ragamuffin to get out of the tub and get herself ready for bed.”

Reluctantly emerging from the water and presenting herself to Mommy to be dried off, Alice thought, It’s funnyI never want to take a bath, but when I’m in the tub, I don’t want to get out! She intended to ask why that was, but getting rubbed all over by Mommy with a big fluffy towel felt so wonderful that the question slipped her mind.

Now she was all dry, the soft towel wrapped around her body. Her mother gave Alice a hug, then took the towel away to hang up.

“Now go to your room and put your jammies on. I left them out on the bed for you,” Sue said, giving the little girl a gentle pat on her bare bottom.

As Alice started for her room she had an idea. Wonder if I can be invisible again?

With this in mind, Alice peeked into the living room. Her big sister Heather was sprawled out on the couch, watching TV.

“I am now invisible,” Alice whispered to herself, butterflies in her tummy as she walked into the room. If she wasn’t really invisible, then Heather would get to see her bare naked. Alice didn’t want that.

In her peripheral vision, Heather saw her naked little sister come creeping into the room as if she was trying to sneak through. Heather kept her eyes glued to the TV, but her face felt warm and she had a funny feeling between her legs, the same feeling she got when her best friend Linda would kiss her. Or when they would take off their clothes and snuggle together.

Heather thought to herself, What on earth is she pretending now? Actually, it’s pretty hot. Damn… she looks really good with no clothes on! When did my kid sister get so sexy?

Alice stood in front of the TV studying the reaction of Heather, who seemed to be looking right through her.

It’s working, Alice thought, beside herself with glee. I must be invisible, or Heather would be yelling at me to move. Or be saying ‘Haha I see you naked.’

To further prove her theory, Alice began to dance around in front of the TV. She turned her back to Heather and bent down, shaking her bare bottom, then faced Heather again and made goofy faces at her. No reaction at all.

Alice was thrilled. I really am invisible. Oh my gosh, this is the coolest thing ever! To top it off she laid on the floor, stuck her legs up in the air and moved them around like she was pedaling a bike, then hugged both knees to her chest. Heather didn’t react, just gazed blandly at the television.

Satisfied in her ability to vanish from sight, Alice headed back to her room and got into her pajamas.

Back in the living room, Heather sat dumbstruck, her pulse throbbing wildly. Her silly little sister had practically done an x-rated go-go dancer act, showing off everything she had.

The more I ignored her, the wilder she got. Why on earth did she do that? Heather wondered. Then she realized that her panties were wet. That only happens when I look at naked girls on the computer… or when I play with Linda.

Absently stroking her thighs, Heather took a deep, calming breath, but her excitement was undimmed. God, that bit at the end, where she was holding her knees like that… I could see her pussy, her butthole, and, and everything! I never saw anyone’s butthole before, not like that. It looked yummy, too.

The preteen rose to her feet. I gotta do it now. I can’t wait till bedtime.

Heather called out to her mother, “Mom, I’m gonna go to my room and read some, okay?”

“Sure, that’s fine.” Heather heard her mom reply from her study down the hallway.

Heather hastened to her room, entered, then quickly secured the door. Standing in front of the full-length mirror on her closet door, she undressed, watching her reflection all the while.

Once she was nude, Heather thought about the differences and similarities she shared with her sister. The same strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes as Alice. The same slim build. Except Heather had the start of breasts, and was more curvy. Neither had any pubic hair to speak of. Both sisters had the same outie belly button. Heather noticed that her vulva seemed to be more tucked in between her legs while Alice’s slit seemed to stick out more, as if she was still growing around it.

Lying face down on the bed, Heather slipped both hands beneath her tummy and further down, until they were nestled between her legs. Now cupping her pussy, she began to rub it. Lewd visions of baby sister Alice flickered in her mind, like she was thumbing through a stack of dirty photos.

That got me so hot. Even more, almost, than when I see Linda get naked. Wait, wait — how can I be having thoughts like that about my own sister? That’s seriously messed up!

Despite her concern, images of Alice and Linda together, both of them nude, came into Heather’s reverie. Then, for some crazy reason, she pictured her sister and her girlfriend kissing one another. Before she knew it, an orgasm was shaking her body from head to toe.

Moments later, Heather lay quietly, catching her breath. Then she put on her pajamas and went to wash and brush her teeth.

In the room next door, Alice was in bed. Her mother had just tucked her in and was reading a chapter of Black Beauty to the child. Alice began to drift off before the chapter was over and, putting the book to one side, Sue kissed her little girl’s forehead, whispered, “I love you, sweetheart,” then quietly left the room.

Sue than tucked in Heather, who was now ready for bed herself. Kissing her ten-year-old daughter on the cheek she said, “Goodnight,” and turned the light off.

Making her way down the hallway to her own room, Sue sighed happily. It’s funny, the way tucking in my girls makes me feel so good. 


It was a few days later, on a late Saturday morning. Alice loved Saturdays. She could stay in her pajamas for the whole day if she wanted, or get dressed and played outside.

This Saturday it was rainy, so she stayed in her pajamas, eating a bowl of cereal and watching TV. Heather was in her bedroom with her friend Linda.

Before stepping out to run a few errands, Sue had told the girls, “I’ll be back in a couple of hours. Don’t stuff yourselves on snacks, now — I’m bringing back a pizza.” The girls cheered to hear that. “Behave yourselves, okay?”

Alice, Heather and Linda all promised to be good. Sue wasn’t really worried; she’d left her daughters alone many times before with no problems. Giving a wave and a “See you later, then,” to the girls, Sue departed.

Heather and Linda plopped themselves down on the couch and watched TV with Alice for a few minutes, then left the younger girl to it, giggling as they went back to Heather’s bedroom.

Linda went in first, and Heather gave the door a nudge that didn’t quite close it all the way. She was too busy watching Linda taking her shirt off to notice.

Heather stared appreciatively at her half-naked friend. Linda’s breast buds were just a little larger than hers. She had a fuller, more generous figure than Heather, but was by no means overweight.

Linda stretched out on the bed, Heather got on top of her, and they began to kiss. At first, the girls just pressed their lips together, but their passion quickly mounted, and soon they were kissing passionately, their tongues darting into each other’s mouths. This was something Heather and Linda had recently tried for the first time, and they enjoyed it very much. It gave them a lovely warm feeling down between their legs.

When the program Alice was watching came to an end, she noticed that Heather and Linda had left her alone in the family room. Switching off the TV, she idly wandered around the house and then, feeling bored and in need of company, went upstairs, hoping that the older girls might let her hang out with them.

Entering the corridor that led to their bedrooms, Alice was glad to see that her sister’s door wasn’t quite shut. Drawing closer, she heard the two older girls whispering and giggling, and peeked into Heather’s room.

What Alice saw stole her breath away. Heather and Linda were sharing deep, hungry kisses while clumsily undressing each other. When they were down to their panties, Linda fell back on the bed, and Heather got on top of her, their mouths meeting in another kiss.

Alice had that odd but cool feeling, the one she got in the bathtub when she let the washcloth drip on her slit. She’d asked her mother about that feeling, but never did get an answer. Placing a hand between her thighs, Alice applied some pressure, her eyes widening as that warm, tickly sensation got even stronger.

Heather was first to notice Alice spying. Turning back to Linda, she whispered, “We better stop. Alice is watching us.” She wasn’t especially worried about getting in trouble — her little sister could be a pest, but she was no tattle-tale.

Linda stole a glance and whispered back, “Wow, she likes it. She’s touching herself!”

The two girls kissed some more, a new excitement brought on by this unexpected witness to their fooling around, but Heather began to feel a little weird about making out in front of her little sister — especially with another girl. “We better stop.” Heather urged once again.

“No, let’s keep going,” Linda whispered back. “I think it’s pretty hot, her watching us. Besides, maybe it’ll end up like when my little brother spied on us last Saturday.”

Heather remembered it well. She’d been in Linda’s bedroom, with no one else home except for Linda’s eight-year-old brother, Sean.

He’d come into Linda’s room without knocking and found his sister and Heather kissing each other, wearing nothing but panties. He wanted to watch. The girls had agreed to let him do so, if he took off all his clothes first. After much back and forth childish negotiations, the three children came to a mutual agreement to get naked together, which led to close inspections and touching of each other’s private parts.

Heather still liked girls a lot more, but had to admit that playing with Sean had been interesting. So now, Linda wanted to have the same kind of fun, only with Heather’s six-year-old sister?

“You want Alice to get naked with us?” Heather asked, both surprised and aroused by the thought.

“Sure, why not? You gotta admit, she’s becoming a major cutie,” Linda insisted.

While the two young friends discussed this, Alice had an idea of her own.

I’ll just turn invisible, so I go in the room and watch even closer. Alice thought. Taking a deep breath, she murmured,I am now invisible,” then strolled right into Heather’s bedroom.

The older girls were startled at this sudden intrusion, but then it dawned on Heather: Alice just said she’s invisible, right before she walked in. Wait a minute — it’s just like the other night when she danced around naked in front of the TV. She thought she was invisible… and because I didn’t say or do anything, now she believes it!

Heather and Linda exchanged a few urgent whispers, then Linda gasped, sat up and pointed at Alice. “Look, Heather, those pajamas — they’re just floating around.” She brought a hand to her mouth. “Is it… could it be a ghost?”

“Those are my sister’s pajamas! It’s not a ghost. Alice has turned invisible.” Heather said, trying not to laugh. “Hey, Alice!”

“How do you know I’m here?” Alice asked, wondering why she could be seen.

“Well, you may be invisible, but your pajamas aren’t.” Heather answered.

Linda chimed in, “Heather, don’t let your sister get her pajamas off or we’ll never catch her!”

Of course! Alice thought. They can’t see me, but they can see my clothes. I have to get naked! Alice began to frantically pull at her pajama top.

“Quick! Stop her!” Linda shouted as Alice tossed the pajama top away. Heather jumped to her feet and grabbed Alice around the waist, then pretended to let her sister wiggle free.

Alice shoved her pajama bottoms and panties down to her feet in one swift motion. Stepping out of them, then raced over to the window and jumped up and down a few times, “Ha! Now I’m naked and you can’t see me.”

Heather and Linda pretended to look around the room, acting mystified. In truth, the older girls were very much enjoying the sight of little naked Alice.

Alice had another brilliant idea to fool the older girls. Creeping over to the bedroom door, she opened and shut it, then tiptoed over to a corner near the headboard of her bed.

“Hey! Did you catch that?” Linda asked.

“Yeah,” Heather answered. “Guess she must’ve slipped out of the room.”

“Did you even know your sister could be invisible?”

“No, and it’s totally amazing! But hey, let’s talk about it later. I want to get back to kissing, don’t you?”

“Oh yeah, for sure,” Linda answered, then added, “Hey, you wanna kiss naked?”

“Okay,” Heather said, feeling a strange new excitement overwhelm her.

Both girls took off their panties, then paused to check out each other’s bare bodies before climbing back onto the bed. They came together right away in a steamy tongue kiss, stealing occasional glances at the equally nude six-year-old who was watching them.

Feeling brave in her invisibility, Alice came close to the bed, enthralled by the sight of the two naked ten-year-olds. She couldn’t decide what was the most interesting: the hot, juicy kissing, the girls’ smooth pussies or those pretty round bottoms. Unable to resist, the child reached out to briefly touch her big sister’s bare ass.

When Heather felt it, she was about to “bust” her sister, but then got an even better idea. Raising herself up, she cried, “Hey, Linda! Someone touched my keister… and it wasn’t you!”

Linda was immediately on the alert. “Holy cow, Heather! Your sister’s still in here. She’s seeing us both bare naked.”

“Alice? We know you’re in here.” Heather began, looking around the room as if she didn’t know exactly where her younger sister was. “Since you’ve seen us naked, it’s only fair that we get to see you now. Okay?”

“C’mon, Alice,” Linda pleaded. “Stop being invisible for a minute. We won’t tell on you, promise.”

They watched as Alice went to pick up her pajamas, then Heather shouted, “There she is, Linda! See her pajamas, floating in the air?”

“Let’s get her!” cried Linda, and both the older girls leapt from the bed, seizing the six-year-old between them.

“Okay, we got you now.” Linda said.

“That’s right,” Heather agreed, “All right, Alice. You might as well give up and become visible again.”

Alice sighed and said, “I’m now visible.” Heather and Linda pretended to be surprised by the sight of the little girl.

“That’s really cool how you do that, Alice.” Linda giggled.

Heather nodded. “It really is. So how long have you had that power, anyhow?”

“I found it out after my bath the other night,” Alice said. “I was naked in front of you while you watched TV, Heather. You never even knew I was there.” She laughed, then gave the two ten-year-olds a bashful look. “Um… can I maybe watch you guys kiss some more?”

“Sure,” Linda said, “We’ll even teach you how to kiss, if you want.”

Heather was surprised by this, but quickly decided that she liked the idea. Why can’t me and Alice kiss if we really want to? she asked herself.

“Come on, let’s get on the bed.” Linda added, “You can watch us, Alice, then we can all kiss together.”

Heather felt butterflies in her tummy as she thought about kissing her own little sister — the sexy way, too, the same way she loved to kiss Linda. Then she wondered about doing other things with Alice, snuggling naked with her and touching the child’s bare body. Maybe even more.

It’s not a bad thing, Heather thought, After all, we kissed and touched Sean and he’s Linda’s brother, so this should be okay, too.

Linda lay back, her body open and ready. “C’mere, girlfriend,” she told Heather. “Kiss me.” Soon the older girls were swapping tongues, their bodies grinding together.

Alice knelt beside the preteen lovers, watching Linda and Heather make out. As their passion grew, Alice began to touch herself in that spot that felt nice. This didn’t go unnoticed by the others.

Finally, Linda said, “Okay, it’s your sister’s turn now.” Heather moved to the side, and Linda smiled at the six-year-old. “Alice, you lay on top of me like Heather was, and I’ll show you how to kiss. And Heather,” Linda added with a wicked grin, “You rub yourself down there, the same way Alice was doing.”

Alice crawled into Linda’s arms, and Heather began to touch her smooth slit as she watched her naked baby sister learn how to kiss. Soon Linda was fondling the child’s body, and the sight of her girlfriend playing with Alice’s cute little butt made Heather want to join in the fun. Reaching out, she placed a hand on her sister’s bottom.

Much as she loved fooling around with Heather, Linda was eager to have another girl to play with, and having a naked child of six in her arms thrilled her even more than she’d expected. Alice’s shy kisses were especially sweet — but then the little girl grew bolder, and those kisses were just as exciting. Even better, Linda could see Heather touching herself, and felt her friend’s free hand join hers in caressing Alice.

Wow, this little girl is a real firecracker! Linda thought. It had taken her and Heather several weeks to work up the courage to share their first kiss, a few more to take off their clothes and snuggle naked, another week to graduate to actual sex. But Alice, in spite of being a full four years younger, seemed to have taken to their naughty games as if she’d been created to love girls. She was pressing her thigh into Linda’s moist pussy, her tongue fluttering in the ten-year-old’s mouth.

It felt incredible, but Linda didn’t want to come just yet. Breaking their kiss, she looked over at Heather. “Now,” she said, her face hot and flushed, “it’s time to kiss your little sister, Heather. Me, I’ll watch you guys and touch myself.”

A moment later, the two sisters lay together, exploring each other in a whole new way. Alice soon realized that she liked kissing her big sister, every bit as much as she enjoyed kissing Linda. Actually, in some way Alice couldn’t understand, playing these naked games with her older sibling was even better. Why is that? she wondered.

After a while, a breathless Alice needed to rest, dazed as she was from the pleasures she’d enjoyed with the two older girls. As she lay quietly on the bed, her body warmed from head to toe, Alice watched Linda and Heather kneeling together and whispering a little farther down the bed. Alice liked seeing them naked; she thought they were both beautiful. But what are they talking about?

Alice strained to listen, but couldn’t make out more than an occasional word or two, along with a few giggles as Heather and Linda kept looking over at her.

“You can do it any time with her,” Linda was saying, “you’re her sister.”

“Wanna do it right now, then?” said Heather.

“Sure. We wanted to try it, after all.”

More giggles, then they shifted closer to Alice, who gave them a questioning look. She wasn’t sure what the older girls were up to, but trusted her sister.

“Alice…” Heather giggled. “Um, now we want to do something new.” Suddenly feeling bashful, she looked at Linda, who picked up the thread.

“Listen, Alice,” Linda said, “I’m gonna kiss you down there,” she pointed between the child’s parted legs, “and Heather, she’ll kiss you on the mouth. You tell us if you like it, okay?”

“Um, okay. S-sure,” Alice answered. Her heart was pounding frantically.

The wide-eyed little girl stared as Linda laid down between her legs, slowly moving closer to the cleft of Alice’s sex. Extending her tongue, Linda traced it up and down the six-year-old’s slit — then took longer, deeper licks, as if she was eating an ice cream cone.

“Oh. Oh!” Alice gasped as Linda’s tongue pressed its way into her vagina. “It’s… omigosh, it’s the b-best feeling ever.”

Heather watched in awe, gently masturbating as her best friend went down on her little sister, fingering her own slit all the while. Wow, Alice’s pussy sure is pretty. Wonder if she’d let me lick it?

She felt certain that you weren’t supposed to do things like that to your own sister, especially when she was only six… but right then, Heather was dying to know if Alice tasted as sweet as she looked.

“Don’t — ooooh — don’t stop doing that, please,” Alice begged, and Linda was all too happy to keep licking. But the child was unable to keep still, shifting about so much that Heather had to hold her in place.

From where she sat, Heather could easily read the expressions on her sister’s pretty face. She watched Alice’s pleasure build, heard her ecstatic moans, felt the tiny tremors rippling through her slender body.

She’s about to come, Heather realized.

Wanting her sister’s first sexual experience to be a truly special one, she reached down to toy with Alice’s button, that special part of a girl’s body that felt better than anything when it got touched.

That was enough to set Alice off. The child’s mewling quickly became a wail, her body jerking helplessly. Linda didn’t stop, just kept licking, and Heather continued to tease her younger sibling’s clit. Finally, Alice twisted away from the older girls, panting, “No, no, no, no, stop…”

Heather and Linda studied the six-year-old as she lay gasping for breath, face flushed, her forehead marbled with sweat… then they exchanged knowing grins. That went pretty well, Heather decided.

“Are you okay, Alice?” Linda said, leaning over the little girl.

The child’s eyes slowly drifted open, a dreamy smile on her lips. “Oh, Linda… I loved how it felt, and I love you.” Her gaze drifted over to Heather. “You’re the best big sister in the whole world, Heather. I love you so much.”

“Love you too, kiddo,” Heather said, bending down to give Alice a tender kiss. “Now what?” she added, looking up at Linda.

After a moment’s thought, Linda was about to say something when Heather looked at the time and said, “Oh, crap! We gotta get cleaned up and put some clothes on. Mom’s gonna be home soon!”

The girls flew into motion. Heather and Linda took turns washing at the bathroom sink, then they helped little Alice get clean, and all three of them got dressed.

“You can’t tell anyone about this, Alice,” Heather said to her baby sister. “If Mom finds out, we’ll be in the biggest trouble ever.” She extended her little finger. “Pinky swear that you’ll keep it a secret, okay?”

“We can do it again some time, right?” Alice asked, her arms folded.

“Anytime you like,” Heather said.

“Pinky swear, then,” the child agreed, hooking fingers with her big sister.

“Cool!” exclaimed Linda. “Oh, wow, we’re gonna have so much fun…”

“Okay, come on,” Heather said, a bit impatiently, “let’s go back downstairs.”

Sue arrived home ten minutes later, bearing a large pepperoni pizza, where she found the girls in the family room, playing video games. Soon they were all scarfing down hot slices.

Sue had no idea what had happened while she’d been away, though she was pleased to see that Heather and Linda were allowing Alice to hang out with them for once.

It’s good to know that Heather still loves her little sister, she thought.

As promised: Part Two!


19 Comments on Adventure of the Amazing Invisible Girl: A Bedtime Story, Part One

  1. NCB says:

    Great story. Thank you very much for sharing.

  2. Nathan Riches says:

    Great start, looking forward to seeing this progress.

  3. collie says:

    Off to a great start! I already like the characters. Alice’s active imagination is so cute, and the ten year olds are an adorable couple. I’m eager to see how the mom gets involved too.

  4. David says:

    Very erotic story Purple Les, well written and detailed. Great back story about Heather and Linda too. Looking forward to more about these 3 girls.

  5. Euphorsyne, Thalia & Aglia says:

    Wow! Loved this story, PurpleLes!..the invisible premise is so cool and so cute too,
    as are all the characters! the great dialogue really makes for fun reading…
    can’t wait for chapter two.

    I am now invisible!


  6. Erocritique says:

    Someone else **cough**, Purple Les, **cough**, has a very active imagination !! Perfect balance of adorable and sexy. Really nice job communicating from a child’s perspective. How old are you again? LOL Seriously though, I’m hooked and want to hear more about the girls adventures. I imagine (pun intended) that mom will eventually get drawn into the fun and games. Can’t wait to find out for sure.

  7. Admatt says:

    Ditto to all the above.

  8. Brian says:

    Wonderfully innocent yet so erotic. Can’t wait to read part 2. Thanks do much.

  9. sue says:

    I loved this story. Yes same reaction here as the other comments. Like my favorite BBQ sauce, Hot & Sweet and finger licking good.

  10. No One says:

    You have very eye-catching story titles. 😉 Fun tale with a cute and amusing premise. I do wonder how that will develop, because it looked like the invisibility did work the first time she tried it in the hallway… Hmm, interesting.

    I feel like the older girls behave more like young teens than 10-year-olds, but oh well, we can suspend disbelief. Looking forward to more from those three.

  11. Purple Les says:

    I want to thank you all for the very wonderful comments. It’s the best reward for getting a story posted on JS. The comments are great,(I’m way past 21 by the way).

    This is bittersweet for me. Poppa had agreed to edit this story for me. He was working on it. We’d exchanged many e-mails on this story and other things. He told me he was half finished with it and had become busy with other things. I told him to not worry about the story and to do the other things as they sounded much more fun.

    As you know Poppa has vanished from the cyber world and I pray not the real world. So..

    JetBoy edited the story, and a beautiful job he did on it. Thank you, JetBoy.

    • Erocritique says:

      Thoughts and Prayers for Poppa Bears well being ….
      Kudos to the JetMan for his tireless effort with all things JS.
      And again, Thank you for another charmer.

  12. matty says:

    Great Story! I can already see Alice’s active imagination as an animal trainer with the family dogs, but if you don’t see Alice doing that, well it is not meant to be. I look forward to where the story takes the girls.

  13. sue says:

    Still one of my favs. I just can’t resist three preteen girls home alone having naughty fun, and two of them sisters besides. Yummy.

  14. Interested says:

    I loved your story, very erotic. Loved the lead up. You did an awesome job with this story, can’t wait to read more and more.

  15. Powertenor246 says:

    This is an extreme example of a story that is well woven, including all the interactions within the story, creative and very expressive indeed! I especially liked the thought processes of both Linda, Heather and little Alice. How *did* you manage to get into three pre-tween’s heads like that? The way you have accomplished this makes *YOU* the magician in this case.

    By all means, do not stop practicing your particular brand of Magic on all of us willing participants! The story is engaging, wonderfully crafted, and leaves you wanting more. A marvelous recipe for a multi part piece of magnificence that this story can become. Please, oh Regal Purple One, please do continue on past part two! All my best, RGB3

    • Purple Les says:

      Sorry for a very late reply. Thank you so much for your very kind words. I’ve thought of a continuation off and on, but really nothing better comes to mind, better to leave some things alone. Thanks again.

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