Idol, Part Two

  • Posted on December 7, 2019 at 4:01 pm

By No One

After they were done showering off the pool water, Shana fetched some towels and handed one to Zoe. “Are you hungry?” she asked.

Zoe’s stomach growled loudly in response.

“I guess that answers that!” Shana said. “What do you want? I have, uh… actually, I don’t think my fridge here is really well stocked. But I have ice cream! Ice cream for lunch sounds good, right?”

“Hmm, I don’t think my parents would approve but… yeah!” Zoe said, laughing.

“I won’t tell ‘em.” Shana reached out to hook Zoe’s little finger with her own. This was one secret that Zoe was very happy to pinkie-swear on.

After drying off, Shana began to walk towards the kitchen area, still completely naked.

“Um, aren’t we putting our clothes back on?” Zoe asked, eyeing the pile of discarded apparel still lying near the pool.

Shana turned around and shrugged. “Whatever you want.” She looked around the room. “Nobody here to tell us what to do, though, so we can eat ice cream naked if we want to.”

Zoe giggled. “Yeah… I guess it’s still pretty hot out here, anyway,” she said as she stepped over the clothes and followed Shana into the house. She’d gotten used to being nude by now, and though she wasn’t about to admit it, she definitely wasn’t tired of looking at Shana naked, either. “Don’t you have a swimsuit, though?” she asked, still feeling the situation was a little odd.

“Oh, sure. Don’t really need it when it’s just the two of us, do I?” Shana shrugged. “Besides, it’s fun to be a little naughty sometimes.” She winked, then held up two ice cream containers. “Chocolate or strawberry?”

Eating ice cream for lunch in the nude seemed pretty high up on the list of wild things Zoe had done, but Shana was right, it was pretty fun and exciting. Especially if no one found out. She nodded. “Hmm, strawberry.”

“Strawberry girl, huh?” Shana rubbed her chin thoughtfully, as if pondering the deep meaning of ice cream choices, and Zoe laughed.

Shana served out a huge scoop of the strawberry ice cream in a bowl and handed it to Zoe, then took some of the chocolate for herself. They went to sit on the couch to eat.

“Would you prefer if I put on a swimsuit?” Shana asked after a moment.

“Oh, no, no,” Zoe said quickly. Shana was just fine as she was. “I was just thinking… ‘Cause I’ve seen that photo shoot you did recently and in one pic you had a red bikini on and it was… um…” She hesitated, not wanting to sound like a weirdo if she admitted just how much she liked those photos. “It… looked really good on you.”

“Oh, thanks. Yeah, that bikini was just for the shoot, it’s not really mine.” Shana raised an eyebrow. “So you’ve seen that photo shoot, huh? Didn’t expect you to have that kind of magazine. What did you think?”

Zoe opened her mouth, then closed it, unsure of how to express her thoughts. She had a lot of confusing feelings about that series of very revealing photos. “Um, yeah, it wasn’t really what I expected. But you looked… really, really pretty,” she finally said. “I hope I’m as pretty as you when I grow up.”

“Oh, sweetie, you’re already beautiful.” Shana put a hand on Zoe’s bare thigh, giving it a little squeeze.

Zoe felt her cheeks grow hot. The touch made her heart hammer in her chest, and the words… Did Shana really think that? Or did she mean it like someone would say that a baby is cute? Suddenly, Zoe felt an intense desire for Shana to see her as a woman, gorgeous in the same way that Zoe saw her.

Unsure how to react, Zoe tried to change the subject. “It must be, um… embarrassing to pose like that, though. Like, not wearing much, I mean. And with so many people who are gonna see the pictures.”

Shana shrugged. “It’s not so bad, you get used to it. I’m not ashamed of my body.” She leaned in to whisper, “And anyway, call me vain, but I like to feel hot and sexy.” Straightening, she added, “If that gets some people worked up, whatever, that’s not my concern. Plus, I knew it would piss off my mom.”

Zoe giggled. Shana’s mom had been her manager when Shana was younger. It was public knowledge that the woman had tried to steal a lot of Shana’s money for herself, and the singer made no secret of their falling out in interviews. A terrible woman, in Zoe’s estimation. She could see why Shana might enjoy making her angry.

“What about you, Zoe,” Shana continued, “did you think my photos were sexy?”

Zoe looked up at Shana warily. She thought the older girl might be teasing her at first, but Shana seemed to be watching her with genuine interest. Sexy, she supposed that was the right word. Shana had said she liked feeling hot, and looking at her did make something within Zoe heat up, so that seemed like an appropriate word too. Zoe had never really thought about it in those terms before, but if there was someone who could represent the concept of sexiness in her mind, it was definitely Shana. She gave a quick nod to answer the question, feeling her cheeks grow warm.

“It’s okay, don’t be shy.” Shana’s fingers brushed against Zoe’s hand as she spoke. “Hey, I like sexy girls, too. Nothing wrong with that.” She winked, and her eyes drifted over Zoe’s body, then she looked down at herself. “And I guess you’re getting an even better view than those pictures right now, huh? I’m sure lots of people would be jealous.”

None of this was doing anything to help with Zoe’s furious blushing. Her gaze was compelled to follow Shana’s eyes, once more admiring the young woman’s body. Her sexy body. That idea was awakening a need that Zoe didn’t know what to do with. Her eyes stopped on Shana’s privates, which still puzzled her with their complete absence of hair.

“Um, how come…” she began, but no, she couldn’t possibly ask about that. “No, never mind.” She stuck a spoonful of ice cream in her mouth to hide her embarrassment.

“No no, go on. You can’t leave it at that now. Ask me anything.”

“Well, just… it’s stupid, but… how come you don’t have hair, uh, down there?” Zoe all but cringed as she asked, half-expecting Shana to laugh at her.

Instead, Shana flashed a smile. “Oh, that. I shaved it off, is all. It looks… nicer this way. Sexier. Don’t you think?” She lifted one of her feet and rested it on the couch cushion, as if to give Zoe a better view. Her fingers trailed down her body, briefly brushing her private parts.

Zoe swallowed, her eyes fixed between Shana’s legs. She didn’t want to stare but… Shana had asked for her opinion. There was something strangely appealing about the bare lips of the young woman’s privates, so unlike her mom’s, where you couldn’t see any detail through the hair. On Shana, the shape was plain to see, the lips opened slightly to reveal the inner folds. It looked a little like a flower, Zoe thought, and it was… pretty, in a way.

“Well… yeah, maybe,” she said in a small voice, still unsure about discussing things like that. If Shana thought hairless private parts were sexy, did that mean…? And what had she said just a minute ago? Zoe struggled with the question, but it had to be asked. “Um, what did you mean when you said that you… uh, like sexy girls?”

Shana studied her for a moment in silence, as if deciding on something, then she said, “Zoe, do you know what a lesbian is?”

Zoe nodded slowly. She’d heard the word before, she wasn’t that clueless. “It’s a woman who, um… well… likes other women, uh, that way?” She had a good hunch of what Shana was getting at now.

“That’s right,“ Shana said, then spread her hands. “So… there you have it.”

“O-oh.” So that was it. Shana was a lesbian. Zoe wondered briefly if she should be afraid—the hanging-out-naked thing felt even weirder in this context—but no, she couldn’t possibly imagine that Shana would want to harm her in any way. Her thoughts turned instead to her own interest and strange feelings, and it was like a lightbulb switching on in her head. Could it be… that she had a crush on Shana? Was that what being attracted to someone in that way felt like? She’d never really thought about the possibility before.

“But, um, keep that to yourself, okay?” Shana continued. “There’s nothing wrong with it, of course, but… It’s not anyone else’s business, y’know?”

Zoe gave a serious nod, feeling honored that Shana would trust her with something so personal. “I promise,” she said, then a moment later, she cracked a smile and extended her pinkie. Shana grinned back and hooked it with hers.

Lost in thought for a moment, Zoe remembered something she’d read recently. “Hmm, the other day, I read online that you were dating one of the Jonas Brothers. I wasn’t sure if it was true… but I guess it’s not.” The gossip had made her a little angry at the time, though she couldn’t have explained why. Could it be that she was… jealous?

Shana made a disgusted face. “Ugh. Yeah, that’s some media bullshit. Talk to a guy for a few minutes, someone snaps a picture, then suddenly you’re ‘dating.’ Fucking vultures.” She gave herself a shake and looked embarrassed. “Err, sorry about the… language.”

Zoe was a little surprised at the outburst, but she giggled and said, “It’s okay.” She could understand how dealing with that kind of press would be very annoying. She couldn’t help feeling relieved that the rumors about Shana and What’s-his-name were false, though that brought to mind another question. “Um, do you… have a girlfriend, then?”

“No, I’m single right now.” Shana’s lips curled up, and she winked. “Why? Did you want to ask me out?”

Zoe’s cheeks had just begun to cool down, but now she was sure she was red as a beet again. Her thoughts tumbled around in her head and she had a hard time getting them out. “What? N-no! Well, I mean… It’s not… I’m… You wouldn’t…” Fighting to still her racing heart, she took a deep breath. “Even if I did… I’m just a kid, not… sexy or anything.” This was silly, Shana was just teasing her, wasn’t she? There was no chance that the older girl would like her in that way.

But Shana studied Zoe for a long moment, her expression difficult to read. Just when Zoe was beginning to get uncomfortable with the scrutiny, Shana seemed to nod to herself, then said, “Wanna know a secret?”

“O-okay.” Zoe wondered where this was going.

Slowly, Shana leaned in until her mouth was right next to Zoe’s ear. “I think you’re very sexy,” she whispered.

“R-really?” Zoe’s eyes went wide. She couldn’t believe what she’d just heard. Shana Belle thought she was sexy? Very mixed feelings were bubbling up inside her. On one hand, she was pretty sure that Shana wasn’t supposed to say stuff like that to a nine-year-old… but on the other, she was realizing that her feelings for her idol might run deeper than she’d thought, and now Shana was admitting that she felt the same way? The superstar Shana Belle thought she was pretty… and attractive? Zoe couldn’t help feeling thrilled.

“Really,” Shana assured her. She looked deep into Zoe’s eyes, a strange smile playing on her lips.

“Do you feel, like, butterflies in your tummy?” It sounded dumb once the words were out of Zoe’s mouth, but she had to know if Shana felt just like she did.

Shana chuckled. “Butterflies, huh? Yeah, you could put it that way. You make me feel all warm and fuzzy in here.” She put a hand on her belly, then slid it a little lower.

“Oooh, yeah, that’s it! I thought it was just me being weird…”

“Nothing weird about it, sweetie. It’s very normal.” Shana took one of Zoe’s hands in hers. “So… sounds like we’re both into each other, huh? I wonder, what are we going to do about that?”

“Um, what… what do you mean?” Zoe was feeling pretty overwhelmed by everything that was happening, and Shana’s touch wasn’t helping her think calmly.

“Well… if you wanted, I could show you some lovely fun that girls can have with each other.” Shana caressed Zoe’s hand, lightly tracing lines and circles with her fingers.

Zoe knew that Shana wasn’t talking about the same kind of fun they’d had until now. “Um, you mean… like… d-dirty stuff?”

“Some would say that, yeah. I don’t think it’s dirty. I think it’s beautiful.”

Zoe’s heart felt like it was trying to beat its way out of her chest. Shana wanted to do dirty—beautiful?—things with her! She should be alarmed, and was a little scared, but also… curious, maybe? What did Shana have in mind exactly? Whatever it was, though, Zoe knew that it was wrong. “Um, I don’t think we’re supposed to… do stuff like that…”

Shana laughed. Not in a mocking way, but she seemed to be amused. “Oh, definitely not. Your parents would be very mad at me. But…” She waved all that away. “I’m more interested in what you think. Are you curious at all? About sex? I’d love to teach you anything you want to know.”

Zoe could only stare, at a loss for words. Sex? Was that what they were talking about? She’d never really given it that much thought before. She knew about the birds and the bees, of course—she wasn’t a baby. She knew which part was supposed to go where, more or less, but that had always seemed a little weird to her.

And sex between girls? There, she had no clue. Wondering how that would work had never crossed her mind. This afternoon, being naked with Shana, had put a lot of strange thoughts and feelings into her head, though. The thought of touching Shana’s body didn’t seem so bad… In fact, it was making her feel all tingly.

Before she could answer, though, a sudden cold sensation on her belly made her yelp in surprise. Being so wrapped up in their conversation, she’d completely forgotten about the ice cream bowl she was holding. Now the spoon had just fallen out, spilling melted ice cream on her.

“Oops, careful there,” Shana said with a smile.

Zoe giggled, happy for the break in the tension. She looked around for a napkin, a tissue… anything to clean herself up.

“Here, let me,” Shana said, then before Zoe could respond, she swooped down and lapped up the spilled ice cream right from Zoe’s belly. Her tongue felt burning hot compared to the ice cream, and the warm sensation seemed to spread through Zoe’s tummy and down between her legs.

Straightening up, Shana flashed a grin. “Yummy. Even tastier than from the bowl.”

Zoe snorted, and gave Shana a disbelieving look. She doubted that eating ice cream off of somebody made it taste better. Still, Shana’s tongue on her skin had felt… nice, she thought. Exciting, even.

“What? It’s true. Here, you try it.” Shana took a bit of ice cream in her spoon, then let it drop straight on her belly. Immediately, she gasped and grimaced. “God, that’s cold! I didn’t think this through.”

Zoe nearly fell off the couch laughing, but in time she managed to kneel next to Shana and lean in towards the glob of ice cream. She paused a few inches from her goal. Suddenly, this felt kind of naughty. Her eyes drifted down and she realized that her face was very close to Shana’s private parts, all hairless and… sexy. Embarrassed, she quickly averted her eyes the other way, and got a close-up view of Shana’s breasts instead. Just as sexy, somehow.

Feeling herself blushing, Zoe decided to finish this quickly. She opened her mouth wide and captured the small lump of ice cream, using her tongue to scoop it in. Her lips touched Shana’s skin—just like a kiss, she thought. The sweet taste of chocolate spread on her tongue, but with another faint flavor that was hard to define. The taste of Shana, she supposed. The whole experience felt very intimate, and it made the fuzzy feelings in her belly grow more intense.

“So? Tasty, right?” Shana asked after Zoe sat up.

Zoe wasn’t sure the taste of the ice cream itself was better, but for sure there had been something thrilling about eating it off Shana’s body. Maybe that’s what the older girl had meant. She nodded. “Um, is that part of the… ‘fun’ between girls?”

A smile spread on Shana’s lips. “It can be.” She reached out and touched Zoe’s cheek, brushing her fingers against it in a gentle caress. “What I’d really love… is to taste it from your lips.” She looked deep into Zoe’s eyes, and after a moment added, “Do you think that would be okay?”

Zoe stared back at Shana. A kiss, that’s what she was talking about. To kiss Shana, on the mouth. To kiss her idol, her… crush.

She knew she shouldn’t. Her parents would be furious. She was just a kid, Shana an adult. It was wrong. It was everything she’d been warned against.

But at that moment, all that faded into the back of her mind. All that existed was Shana’s amazing blue eyes looking into hers, their naked bodies, the warmth Zoe felt inside her. In that perfect instant, she knew she’d agree to anything Shana wanted. Slowly, she nodded again.

Zoe watched nervously as Shana leaned forward. The older girl’s eyes shone with something Zoe didn’t quite recognize. Then soft lips brushed hers, and all those funny feelings inside her suddenly grew even stronger. She felt strange and lightheaded and wonderful.

Shana’s tongue darted out and licked Zoe’s lips, making her giggle, then it slipped into her mouth. Taken by surprise, Zoe wasn’t sure how to respond at first. She’d seen people French kissing in movies, but she’d never thought about how exactly you did it. She let herself be guided by Shana’s tongue, prodding and twisting around hers, and tried to match the older girl’s movements. Shana still tasted a little like ice cream. The whole thing was pretty funny, actually, and Zoe nearly burst out laughing, but managed to control herself.

She saw that Shana had closed her eyes, and did the same—which was what they did in the movies. With her attention now entirely on their tangling tongues, she lost herself in the kiss. It felt like she had an intimate connection to Shana, like they were speaking a secret language that only the two of them could understand.

When Shana pulled back after some time, Zoe slowly opened her eyes and found the older girl looking at her. They smiled at each other.

“Mmmm,” Shana said. “What do you think?”

Zoe felt a deep blush creeping across her cheeks as the realization fully hit her: she’d just shared her first-ever kiss—a tongue-kiss, even!—with Shana Belle.

“It was… nice. Um, real nice.” She shook her head, unsure of how to describe the feelings coming over her. “I kinda feel tingly all over.”

Shana grinned back. “Me too.” Then she got serious. “But… now, listen, this one’s really important, okay?” One more time, she extended her little finger towards Zoe for a pinkie swear. “You cannot tell anyone about this. Obviously not your parents, but not even your best friend, okay? I would get in really, really huge trouble if anyone at all knew. They’d never let me cut another record. My career would be done. You understand that, right?”

Zoe nodded slowly. She knew that they totally weren’t supposed to be doing stuff like this. She couldn’t even imagine what the grown-ups in her life would say about it. But while she still felt a little nervous about it all… the kiss had been really nice. And of course, the last thing she wanted was to endanger Shana’s music career. She hooked the offered pinkie with hers. “I won’t tell anyone. I swear.”

Shana’s smile returned instantly. “Good girl.” She leaned forward until her forehead touched Zoe’s, and they gazed into each other’s eyes for a moment. “God, you’re so pretty.” Then her lips were on Zoe’s again.

Zoe knew what to expect this time. When she felt Shana’s tongue push between her lips, she welcomed it into her mouth. Their tongues moved together, like a dance, and once again Zoe felt that lovely tingly feeling all over her body, especially in her lower belly, even between her legs.

This time, Shana let her hands wander over Zoe’s body as they kissed, lightly caressing her back, her arms, her thighs. Zoe felt goosebumps appear on her skin wherever those fingers roamed, but it wasn’t unpleasant—on the contrary, Shana’s touch filled her with excitement.

They kissed for what felt like a long while, though Zoe wasn’t quite sure exactly how long. Somehow, it seemed difficult to keep track of time in Shana’s arms. When the kiss finally broke, she found herself a little out of breath.

She offered Shana a shy smile. “You were right. This stuff is, um… pretty fun.”

“Isn’t it?” Shana smiled back, her eyes full of mischief. She took one of Zoe’s hands and brought it to her lips, depositing a few kisses on the back of it, then on the palm. “Mmmm, there are so many things I want to teach you,” she said, her voice sounding a little weird, more hoarse than before. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “But um, listen… okay, I probably should have led with this, sorry… but I need you to know that if I do anything that you don’t like, or that makes you uncomfortable, you can tell me to stop and I will, right then. You’re the boss, okay?”

“Okay!” Zoe hadn’t really imagined that Shana would do things she didn’t want, but it was still reassuring to hear. She wondered what else Shana could have in mind.

“Good.” Shana pressed her lips to Zoe’s hand once again, then looked up. “More kisses?”

Zoe giggled. “Y-yes,” she said softly, still feeling a little shy about the whole thing. Her day sure had taken an unexpected turn. The look in Shana’s eyes promised more surprises and, though nervous, Zoe found herself eager to find out what they might be.

Shana began to kiss her way up Zoe’s arm, which didn’t help with the giggling fit. It felt nice, though, each brush of the lips leaving her skin tingling. Once she reached the shoulder, Shana paused a moment and met Zoe’s gaze, then kissed her mouth again.

Zoe was happy to go for another make-out session. This one didn’t last as long, though, and she was a little disappointed when Shana broke away. That is, until the older girl moved down and started nuzzling her neck, revealing a new kind of pleasure.

“Mm, this is nice,” Zoe said, surprised. “It’s funny. I didn’t think my neck could, like, feel so good.”

“I think you’ll find that most body parts can feel good, if you touch or kiss them in the right manner.” As if to demonstrate, Shana flicked her tongue at Zoe’s earlobe, then sucked on it gently.

“That tickles!” Zoe gasped. “But in a nice way.”

“Yeah? Then how about…” Shana slid her hand over Zoe’s tummy, then higher up until she reached her chest. “…over here?” She traced little circles around one of Zoe’s nipples with a fingertip.

Zoe squirmed a bit. That felt ticklish as well, and sent a shiver through her body. She could feel her nipple stiffen at Shana’s touch. “Yeah… not bad,” she said, uncertainly, embarrassed that Shana was touching her flat chest.

“Just not bad, huh?” Shana sounded slightly disappointed. “I guess you’re still really young. That gets more fun when you get a little more… developed.”

Zoe couldn’t keep her eyes from drifting over to Shana’s breasts. She wondered if hers would look as beautiful one day. “Um, like yours?”

“Yeah. Just like that.”

Zoe hesitated. Did Shana want to be touched there? She wanted to make Shana feel good too, but… She began to raise a hand, then let it drop. No, she couldn’t possibly do that. Could she?

It was like Shana could read her mind. “You can, if you want,” she said, with an encouraging smile.

Heart racing, Zoe brought her hand up again. She wasn’t even sure what to do, but followed Shana’s example and traced a circle around a nipple with her thumb. When Shana breathed in sharply, Zoe got scared and stopped. “Is t-this okay?”

Shana quickly nodded. “Mmmm, more than okay. It feels great, keep going.”

“O-oh.” Reassured, and happy to give Shana pleasure, Zoe resumed her movements. She teased the nipple with her finger for a while, then tried out some other things. She cupped the breast with her hand, the nipple very stiff against her palm, then gave it a little squeeze before starting over with the other one. Shana’s boobs felt nice and firm… and very exciting to play with, she had to admit.

Judging by the happy sounds Shana was making, she was enjoying it a lot too. She was watching Zoe intently, biting her bottom lip, and her breathing was getting a little funny. After a moment, she cupped Zoe’s chin and brought their lips together again.

The kiss felt more urgent this time, more… passionate, maybe that was the word. Shana’s mouth was hungry, and Zoe felt a need of her own growing in response.

“You’re such a little hottie,” Shana breathed as their lips parted.

“T-thanks,” Zoe replied, her voice shaky. She still had trouble believing all this was really happening, that Shana was attracted to her, that this sexy older girl thought she was hot. She wondered what was next. Should she play with Shana’s boobs some more, or kiss her again, or…

Finally, she decided to ask. “Um, so, what else feels good?”

Shana’s eyes shone brightly with excitement. “Well, there’s still the one spot, that place that feels the best of all.” She carefully placed her hand on Zoe’s thigh. “I think you know where that is, right?”

Zoe thought that yes, she did know which spot that was. When Shana’s hand started going up her leg, fingers trailing along her inner thigh, she was even more certain. She found herself short of breath as Shana’s fingers drew closer and closer to her intimate place.

Shana stopped an inch short of her goal, then met Zoe’s eyes. “Is this okay?”

Zoe swallowed. What was she supposed to do? Nobody should be touching her private parts, she knew that, but… this was Shana, who she loved and trusted. And everything they had done up to now had been great. Lost in those beautiful blue eyes, she felt herself nod.

Shana smiled brightly. “You’ll see, it’ll be magical.” She gently brushed Zoe’s privates with a finger, from bottom to top then back again.

The touch felt electric, like a little shock spreading out from between Zoe’s legs. But not a bad one, like if you play with a wall socket, more like a happy jolt of pleasure. She saw Shana waiting for a reaction, and said, “That kinda… tickles.” That wasn’t really the right word, but she wasn’t sure how to describe the feeling.

“But… in a nice way?”


Shana began to press forward with her finger, slowly sliding it between the little lips of Zoe’s sex. For a moment, Zoe was afraid it was going to hurt because the finger felt rough against her sensitive skin down there, but Shana’s movements were slow and careful. Suddenly that finger seemed to move effortlessly, much to Zoe’s relief, tracing up and down along the opening of her slit.

Shana flashed a knowing smile. “Mmmm. Yeah, I’d say you’re definitely enjoying this.”

Zoe felt like she was missing some kind of joke, but her mind was on other things. She was enjoying it, that much was certain. In fact, it seemed to be feeling better and better, and she found herself very disappointed when Shana suddenly took her hand away. Puzzled, she glanced up at the older girl.

Shana sat up straight on the couch, opened her legs, and patted the spot in front of her. “Here, sit between my legs.”

Zoe seated herself as indicated, leaning back against Shana. “Like this?” She could feel Shana’s hard nipples poking at her back.

“Just like that,” Shana said, bending down to kiss Zoe’s cheek, her ear and her neck, making her giggle. Then that hand was back between Zoe’s legs, a finger between the little lips there, and the giggles turned to a moan.

Zoe was beginning to see what was “magical” about this. She wasn’t even sure what Shana was doing to her, but it felt so good, especially when the girl’s finger brushed the top of her privates.

Little cries kept escaping Zoe’s lips, even though she didn’t mean for them to. The craziest thing was that the pleasure just kept building up. It had been pretty nice at first, but now it was… so much more. It felt like what those butterflies had been waiting for all along.

Shana’s fingers moved faster now, and there was a pressure growing in Zoe’s belly. With some alarm, she realized it was beginning to feel kind of like… “Uh, wait. Shana. Stop.”

Shana’s movements quickly paused. “What’s wrong, baby?” she asked, concern in her voice.

“I feel, uh… I think I need to go to the bathroom.”

Shana chuckled. “Ooh, I see. No, it’s okay. You won’t pee, don’t worry.” She resumed moving her fingers. “It’s normal. Just let it come, it’ll be wonderful.”

Zoe still felt a little anxious, but she trusted Shana, and tried to relax. That strange pressure continued to build, but with it came more and more pleasure. How could this feel so good? What was it leading to? Her whole body grew tense, and she was beginning to think she couldn’t take much more. Then there was a kind of crazy surge in her body, and she stopped thinking altogether.

Her hands gripped Shana’s thighs and her back arched as the best feeling she’d ever had filled her, wave after wave of pure pleasure spreading out from between her legs. She’d never imagined anything like this. It seemed to go on and on, leaving her breathless.

After some time—it felt like a while, but Zoe wasn’t sure, it might have been only a few seconds—the intense sensations faded away, and she slowly became aware of her surroundings once again. She was panting, and Shana was holding her tightly, nuzzling her hair.

“What… wow. That was… amazing. What was that?” Zoe said, the words clumsy on her lips.

“That, my darling, is called an orgasm. Or coming,” Shana explained, then leaned over to kiss Zoe’s cheek. “And it’s the best thing in the world, isn’t it?”

Zoe laughed, still feeling giddy from the experience. “I… yeah, I’d say so. It was… wow. I didn’t know something could feel so good.”

“I take it you never touched yourself like that, huh?”

“N-no.” Could she make herself feel like that? “Sometimes in the bath, it feels a little funny when I wash, like, down there, y’know? But I never did it for long… and it never felt like that.”

“Yeah, it’s better if you’re already turned on… and I’d say it’s generally better if someone else does it for you. For my part, I’m honored to have given you your very first orgasm,” Shana said, giving Zoe a big hug.

Giggling, Zoe shifted around to face Shana, and hugged her back. “Thank you.”

“Oh, it was my pleasure, believe me.” Shana gave Zoe a soft peck on the lips, then her smile turned playful. “Want another?”

Zoe let out a surprised laugh. “Now?” She’d barely recovered from the first one… but seeing the look in Shana’s eyes—that sexy sparkle of excitement that she was beginning to know well—made her all tingly again, and she grinned back. “Yeah!”

“Good.” Shana gave her another kiss. “Let’s go to my room this time.”

Doing it in Shana’s own bed sounded even more thrilling. Zoe bounded to her feet, but she soon realized that her legs were all weak and shaky, and she had to windmill her arms to keep from falling onto the coffee table.

“Whoa, careful there,” Shana said, reaching out to steady Zoe. “You’ll usually feel a little wobbly after coming. It’s normal, but take care and don’t break your neck.” She chuckled, as if she’d suddenly thought of something funny. Without warning, she put an arm under Zoe’s knees and another at her back, and lifted her straight off the ground. “Let me help you, my lady,” she said, grinning.

Wrapping both arms around Shana’s neck, Zoe buried her face against the other girl’s chest, laughing. She was a little old to be carried around like a baby, but if it was Shana doing the carrying, she didn’t mind too much. She imagined herself as a princess being carried by a noble lover, and felt her cheeks heat up at the thought.

On to Part Three!


14 Comments on Idol, Part Two

  1. kim says:

    Well done, No One. You know this could have been Michael Jackson creepy. But the way you’ve handled the characters of Zoe and Shana, it’s a very hot fun time so far. Looking forward to the next chapter.

    Kim and Sue

    • Nathan Riches says:

      True but at the same time, I think just the fact that its a woman immediately makes it less creepy. Just my opinion. I always love the discovery of a little girl having sex for the first time, even more so when its lesbian sex (yup, typical male her :P), its always just so much more gentle and loving (or maybe its just written that way, who knows?) Looking forward to the rest of this.

    • Erocritique says:

      I think No One established in the first chapter that Zoe was naive to her own lesbian identity. Zoe was in love with Shana whether she knew it or not. I kind of got the impression that Shanas gaydar had recognized Zoe’s preference for girls when she “picked” her to win the contest. Really couldn’t imagine a better person to help Zoe find herself than Shana. Hopefully Zoe can help Shana by loving her for herself and not just because of her fame and fortune. Zoe already cared enough to learn everything about Shana, and appreciated the depth of her music so she’s off to a good start.
      As far as the predator prey dynamic, Zoe is a borderline lesbian stalker and Shanas has a sweet tooth for little girl candy sooooo…

    • No One says:

      Thanks Kim (and Sue). Yes, I did my best to make Shana not seem too “predatory” and to make Zoe’s journey of discovery feel like a normal and believable progression. I’m glad you enjoyed it.

      In light of some other comments, I feel it’s important to acknowledge that this is fiction, though, and not meant to be realistic. Of course I wrote it to be sexy and fun, and in such a way that everything and everyone is fine at the end, but I hope this is not confused with real life. If Michael Jackson had been a woman, that would not make anything better or okay. Shana may not want to harm or force anyone, but she’s not exactly a good person here. She is most definitely manipulative and taking advantage of Zoe’s innocence. There is nothing wrong with enjoying this kind of story (obviously), but I hope no one is losing sight that this is not what would or should happen in reality.

      • Erocritique says:

        Hence the MJ comparison. Anytime you write a fictional story in this genre that has elements similar to a non-fictional account of real life events, you risk the inevitable comparisons. Probably could have avoided most of them if you had made Zoe 13 and Shana a 17 year old pop star, but this is JS and its all about choices. JMHO

  2. NC Bright says:

    Love this story. Beautiful way of easing Zoe into new experiences.

  3. Aussierules says:

    Well done! I like the pace of the story, it seems realistic and not rushed. A very enjoyable read, can’t wait for the next chapter! Thank you!

  4. drew says:

    very nice!

  5. Euphorsyne, Thalia & Aglia says:

    Excellent chapter, No One! loving the way Shana has deftly awakened young Zoe’s burgeoning lesbian desires..the dialogue is lovely and so ‘laissez faire’ as their secreted freedom from clothes and swimming in the all together,seemed to spur on Zoe to be more comfortable with her idol and Shana to be more,shall we say,forward with her pubescent devotee …Mmm!, so good!

    And as Kim, from Kim & Sue commented: Well done!

    waiting for the next chapter with great anticipation!


  6. Keiko says:

    Love this story… written so lovingly and sensually… happy to know there is another chapter coming (i hope!!)

  7. No One says:

    Thanks everyone. The last part is all done editing and should be up soon–within the week, I would guess.

  8. Jake says:

    Yup, well written and a nice read so far. Looking forward to more, especially mom’s involvement at some point.

  9. David says:

    Wow No One, that was pretty erotic. Little Zoe having her first orgasm with the help of Shana. So loving and gentle to the young girl. Love you writing and attention to detail. Looking forward to the next chapter. Thanks, No One !

  10. Steve w says:

    Outstanding story keep it coming ?

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